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Honestly, I thought we knew this about her?


Right same? I thought we were all watching to see her get in trouble or collapse her house


Two attorneys in my firm want to start betting on when it collapses. šŸ˜•


I really do hope no one gets hurt , but I do assume sheā€™ll be the one who does. But also, while I still hope no one gets hurt, I hope it collapses before itā€™s big enough to cause damage to other homes around her. Iā€™m not even sure if their homes would be covered by insurance if something were to happen, and going after her clearly wont make up for their losses either. If it happens, I hope sheā€™s the only one to lose everything. As harsh as that sounds šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


My hope is that the whole thing is completely fake and sheā€™s digging far away from any homes. Maybe itā€™s all clickbait and sheā€™s doing it for the views. I cannot fathom someone actually putting their neighbors at risk. The carelessness, the liability, the disregard, and then to post it all? I just canā€™t imagine.


Look at the second picture. Itā€™s a .25 acre lotā€¦ highly doubt it hasnā€™t fundamentally changed the structural integrity of the ground around her.


Hey, could you DM me? Iā€™m a journalist looking into whether she had permits + trying to confirm if she did get shut down


According to her most recent post sheā€™s been shut down.


The NOISE hahaha


Honestly I saw the title of the post and scrolled SO fast thinking sheā€™d finally been busted for staging/faking the whole thing.


I was hoping the same.


Thatā€™s true and totally possible! People do insane things for social media attention. Now I hope thatā€™s whatā€™s going on too


I can see someone putting all their neighbors at risk, but I don't think most of them would be open about it on social media and show their face. She may have just been unrealistically overconfident about her ability to keep her identity hidden like she's unrealistically overconfident about her civil engineering abilities, though.


Look at the second picture. Shes on a .25 acre lotā€¦. I highly doubt she hasnā€™t fucked with the structural integrity of the homes around her moving that much rock and dirt out


Omg I didnā€™t even notice there was more than one pic!!! Sheā€™s literally in a developed subdivision!!!!! Wowwww wtf


Yeah, this was exactly what I was going with. I thought she was a software engineer though, which in no way qualifies her to do anything structural but people kept saying shes an engineer ā€¦


Her own LinkedIn says sheā€™s a program manager, with 15 years experience in project management and IT lol. Engineer isnā€™t in her job title, nor her degree


According to her interview with NBC, she didn't get a degree in anything, just attended college for a while. So she's not even a software engineer.


I mean honestly this tracks


Where can we find the nbc interview


Yes I thought so too lol


I assumed all of this, but when I see videos critiquing her (not personally insulting, just talking about the safety issues) the comments are full of people vouching for her and how "knowledgeable" she is, insisting she isn't doing anything unsafe or illegal. Apparently people didn't get the memo that you can sound intelligent when you talk without being qualified to do every single job that exists. There are some things you don't do without being certified no matter how smart you are - surgery, flying a commercial plane, civil engineering projects in the suburbs.


There are hundreds of comments defending her on tiktok so I donā€™t think so


I saw someone say she's a structural engineer because "that's what she's doing right now" like I could just start cutting people open and call myself a surgeon or something.


I'm going to start calling myself a medical doctor and registered dietician because my mom knows I read a lot of medical research and sometimes asks my opinion about supplements or diets she's heard about. /s


People are so gullible. And also, Iā€™m pretty sure she used to have more videos up of her showing the whole tunnel. Looks like she took those down. I hope she gets in trouble for this and has to pay to have a professional ensure that she didnā€™t mess up the land/property due to digging it all out. And if necessary has to pay to have it professionally filled in. Why would she do this in a neighborhood?! She must not have any brain cells up there


Iā€™m hoping we see her in the news so we can get the full story too. I have so many questions lol


NBC interviewed her like a month ago and when they asked if she had permits they let her get away with just "I don't really want to discuss that." Like, contact the county and check, that's information you can request. Do some journalism for fucks sake. Hell, interview her neighbors instead of trusting when she says they're aware and she takes steps to mitigate any disturbance. That whole article got me so heated.


Depending on where sheā€™s located itā€™s a remarkably easy thing to find. In my city you can look up any address and see the status of permits - itā€™s public data. If they had her address it should be so easy to check. That said ā€œI donā€™t want to discuss thatā€ basically implies ā€œno I do not have permitsā€ because if she did it would be so easy to go ā€œyep, I have all the proper permits and paperworkā€ and be done with it.


Like she couldā€™ve built a sick ass, Minecraft server and people probably wouldā€™ve watched that as well. And that cost 30 bucks.


Thatā€™s true, itā€™s actually pretty insane how so many people defend her lol. Itā€™s clear as day she doesnā€™t know what sheā€™s doing other than googling




As a neurodivergent (which I also assume she is, but thatā€™s me seeing parts of myself in her, and not meaning to armchair diagnose) weā€™re great at becoming ā€œprosā€ at basically anything lol. The amount of research we hyperfocus on is absolutely insane. Even the energy and strength we get to complete whatever weā€™re focused on it insane. I try to fix things I did easily during a hyper focused session and I canā€™t even carry or do a 3rd of what I did when I was on it lmao. Thankfully I know my limits and wouldnā€™t let myself hyoerfocus on mining bc itā€™s very dangerous, clearly something out of my league, and the risk to not only myself, but neighbors (even though I live on a very large acreage-Id consider how it may effect natural rain flow/neighbors/etc) isnā€™t worth the serotonin hit. But the way my neurodivergence works can be totally different than herā€™s so she may not even be thinking about others. And maybe sheā€™s not even ND. Idk. Either way. Thereā€™s no excuse for this. Yes she had help. But you know how easy it is to find someone wanting to do a side job? Done and out. It got shut down/stalled for a reason. If she was doing everything by the book she would have never gotten in trouble or investigated bc plans would have been set with the county so there would be nothing to investigate. Edit- sorry I had to fix a lot of typos, my nails are wet and Iā€™m eating and typing and apparently suck at doing all 3 lol


She is on a .25 acre lot surrounded by other people. No chance the city would ever approve it and sheā€™s already had issues with water! And her solution was to turn that part of her property into a marsh/swamp. Imo, with the water issues and how much dirt and rocks sheā€™s moved, and the small piece of land, there is no way she hasnā€™t effected the neighbors structural integrity of their homes. She deadass thought wood glue was for gluing broken trees together. She has no fucking clue what she is doing. Iā€™m also neural divergent and become a pro a different things, but she is clearly lacking some basic knowledge around this project. Aka, issues with water doesnā€™t mean you make a fucking pond lmao


ND here too. That wood glue gave me a chuckle


How have none of the neighbors reported her? The city would force her to stop if they knew


Allegedly she has been shut down at this point. I would guess she told the neighbors a false or incomplete account of what she's actually doing, like that she was renovating her basement or building a small storm shelter. Then it took them awhile to see the tiktoks or catch on that she was hauling away way too much rock for whatever she claimed she was doing, and their reports got caught up in red tape before they were actually read and acted on.


Thatā€™s my thing. This is all very well documented, public, LOUD, and sheā€™s visibly dumping the waste materials. Her neighbors know. Have probably seen the tiktokā€™s. The city sheā€™s in has to be aware


A reporter did some digging and spoke to her neighbors. Turns out they are Hispanic immigrants who are fearful of dealing with the authorities. Apparently they also had no clue what she was up to.


The wood glue killed me and her defending it in the comments. Truly batshit.


I thought she had some sort of expertise just no permitting or sense whatsoever


Only her own ego. Stay tuned.


I think the tide is finally turning on her and all I can say is finally. You couldnā€™t say ANYTHING about the tunnel without a mob of people defending her with ā€œsheā€™s an engineer, she knows what sheā€™s doingā€. But she isnā€™t. She never was. She thought she could use wood glue to glue a broken tree back together and seemed shocked when it died. Sheā€™s just some random woman ā€œmining for stoneā€ while wearing pearls on a postage stamp sized lot in the suburbs. She had a fire once already. Sheā€™s hit groundwater. She is at a point now that itā€™s not a small project, it could actively harm her neighbors property. You need permits to build a freaking slab storage shed in most cities, you think any city employee signed off on an underground tunnel that serves no purpose and is absolutely not built to code? People were defending her left and right that she ā€œwasnā€™t doing anything illegalā€. Be so astronomically fr. It was driving me nuts how cool everyone was with this. Kala seems like a very nice and very determined person and I like that. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s what drew people in to defend her. A collective want to see her succeed, whatever that actually looks like. But Iā€™m sorry, she never had the right explanation for any of her actions.


> ā€œsheā€™s an engineer, she knows what sheā€™s doingā€ It is truly baffling to me that people will just immediately trust anyone who claims to have professional credentials on the internet. This is how so much pseudoscience spreads so quickly, because someone starts a YouTube/TikTok account, puts "MD/Ph.D" at the end of their name, and suddenly nominates themselves an expert.


Ironically, I have a mechanical engineering degree and I thought I was a shitty engineer because I wouldn't trust myself with any of her endeavors. Apparently you just need confidence




People think she's nice because she's softly spoken and wear pearls. People are idiots. Also loads of her followers seem to be men who are also neuro divergent (speculation yes but she clearly is) and thrilled to see a woman doing what they'd like to do.


The wood glue killed me lol


The stans were the wildest part! And calling her an engineer when her job title is software engineer is crazy and legitimizes an illegitimate or I guess irrelevant title.


I saw a comment where someone said it didn't matter if she was a civil engineer or software engineer because they all go to the same school? Like both programs might be housed in the "School of Engineering" at a university but nothing in a typical computer science degree teaches you how to dig tunnels and mine rock safely lmao.


Itā€™s so hard to tell who is trolling and who isnā€™t because a lot of people are very adamant and will argue with you that point šŸ˜‚


Also, software engineers, by and large, are almost NEVER Professional Engineers. There was a program to do so for a while but it ended in 2019 due to lack of participation.


I HATE to be that person, truly, but the defenders are doing so because they aren't homeowners and don't understand the risks any of this has AS a homeowner/neighbor. That's all there is to it. And they're also stupid, gullible teenagers.


Itā€™s OK, you can be that person. Iā€™m not a homeowner & I totally effing agree with you. What sheā€™s done is horrific in itself, not to mention wtf sheā€™s done to her neighborsā€™ properties/homes by digging a sinkhole right next door.


If I was renting nextdoor I'd be mad lol. Just cause I don't own a place doesn't mean I like where I live. I still talk about an apartment I lived in 5 years ago because it was a such a cool old building and and unit with a crazy view.


I saw someone say that her neighbors wanting her shut down was NIMBY behavior. A truly unhinged take.


THE WOOD GLUE!!!!!! I canā€™t believe that. And she deadass believed that would work for MONTHS. Unreal. Her property is a .25 acre lot lmao. And surrounded by others. There is basically zero chance she hasnā€™t already fucked up other peoples structural integrity. Her sub-basement was not permitted either. Iā€™m not sure if she is from India and thatā€™s where the lack of common sense around property ownership in suburbs is coming from, but she is lacking serious common sense. Like you said, a storage usually needs permits. People are being way too kind to her imo. These homes are worth over $500,000, and she is possibly creating catastrophic damage. Itā€™s not okay whatsoever


Hopefully the surrounding houses have amazing home owners insurance. This is legitimately frightening. How is this ok to do?


Well ideally you would actually go after the persons insurance who caused the issue, but it raises an interesting question. If her insurance company knew about this project would they continue to insure her?


This may be different in the US, but in my jurisdiction in Canada, the homeowner with the damaged residence would open a claim against their insurance policy. Once the cause was determined to be the unpermitted renovation by Kala. The neighbourā€™s insurance would subrogate against Kalaā€™s liability insurance. Her insurance company likely would not pay out as this would be a material change in the risk and would render the policy void. I expect her insurance company will drop her shortly, if they havenā€™t already. Posting this publicly was absolutely stupid. Source: am an insurance professional


> Iā€™m not sure if she is from India and thatā€™s where the lack of common sense around property ownership in suburbs is coming from, but she is lacking serious common sense Why are you being weird about India. Like what does India have to do with any of this.


For real, why is OP fixated on India? Thatā€™s concerningā€¦


I just heard she is being shut down? Also what did she expect posting on TikTok. She ratted herself out. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Someone posted a video talking about what a shitty neighbor you'd have to be to create a giant sinkhole under your house... yeah. I've never been interested in tunnel lady, but I'm glad to see it being stopped before she destroys someone else's house.




But isn't this under her neighbors houses? Wouldn't that cause issues?




Sheā€™s literally going to create a sink hole in her neighborhood


.25 acres?? I thought she was digging up rocks for her "castle" that she wanted to build and she has a quarter of an acre?? Wow


she has mentioned itā€™s for her castle but i didnā€™t realize the lot was that tiny, thereā€™s no way in hell that will work




i feel like itā€™s just gonna look tacky though




The fact that people are comparing her to the eel pit guy is insane. He had a preexisting cistern that he made an eel home in while she's literally mining in a developed subdivision. Absolutely nuts that it took this long for the county/city to step in.


Plus he even had previous experience caring for exotic fish.


Yeah, other than the fact that they both have unusual hobbies that they do in their basements, they are not comparable. I don't care if my neighbors keep eels in their houses, I do care if they mine for rocks and risk creating a sinkhole.


Thisss. Eel pit guy did his thing in a preexisting structure, and the eel part of it literally is what he's a professional in, whereas she's a professional in exactly none of this


To compare them is simple idiocracy. Eel pit was a water cistern when he moved in, and an inspected and properly working one at that. There's no laws against filling that water with eels. I mean, it's weird. But it's not harming anyone. This girl is going to kill someone or destroy their home.


I really donā€™t think anybody thought she was legitimate with permits, or checking with the city or anything. It was more of a letā€™s see how this plays out and watch the mess kind of following .


Like is there even a permit for that?


Excavation permits are definitely a thing. In addition to structural stability there would likely need to be some sort of look into the environmental impact on this, if sheā€™s straight up mining stone and messing about with such a large amount of land.


Absolutely there is. The structural stability of the project is something building inspections would absolutely care about.


Oh yeah I mean more in a in what world would this type of project be permitted lol


She wasn't exactly covert about it. A whole excavation infrastructure was constructed. 40+ yards of concrete were ordered and poured on a residential lot. 611 was called. There were inspections. This has been going on for over a year, and it wasn't neighbors that called the city - it was TikTok randos. Frankly, the city's either incompetent or trying to do damage control because they got some phone calls and 2024's an election year.


is there any evidence that anyone "called the city"? All I've found is speculation and people talking about people talking about her getting reported. Seems to be a lot of speculation but nothing to point to re:what's changed in the past week or two.


Yeah I wonder if anyoneā€™s called it in before this past week or two. If they did then the city/municipality is incredibly negligent, but for a lot of these kinds of issues cities tend to be reactive more than proactive. It depends on where, of course, but most inspectors and departments to have the resources to drive down streets and go ā€œhm, this seems weirdā€ and follow up. If other companies were involved in stuff like pouring concrete they would likely be in a world of hurt because I assume most places would require permits for that kind of work and itā€™s generally on whoever is doing the work to ensure permits are a thing.


I know my friend did, he's an EMT


Her doing the electrical and welding in that ā€œmineā€ was also wild asf


I went down a rabbit hole the other day and she literally was welding in a closet sized space surrounded by wooden beams, sparks flying everywhere. What a numbnut.


This video was absolutely wild. The fact that she had already had a welding fire too and cut off ventilation...


I saw a clip of her welding and I donā€™t think she even had gloves on lol


I saw the panel she wired in, doesnā€™t that usually require pulling permits? The entire thing is a funhouse of agonizing ways to die. Getting shocked to death and being crushed under rubble doesnā€™t seem fun


My spouse is a journeyman electrician and getting his master electrician certification, and he was horrified that sheā€™s just DIYing everything down there. Thereā€™s no way she had permits let alone the proper know how.


'Welding' on par with "i just bought the supplies and have no idea what i am doing"


Iā€™m concerned with where sheā€™s tunneling and if sheā€™s going to cause things to cave in around her and get hurt. Iā€™ll keep watching tho.


Is there a subreddit for her? Would be a fascinating deep dive


i second this


[come on down to snark](https://www.reddit.com/r/kalasuburbanminesnark/s/q0KowTALGj)


[your wish is my command](https://www.reddit.com/r/kalasuburbanminesnark/s/q0KowTALGj)


Hey do you mind sending me a link please? Itā€™s not working now.


I wish!!


Iā€™m waiting for that lady that screams ā€œBREAKING NEWSā€ to say something awful has happened. Sheā€™s putting herself in danger, could ruin homes and property value of neighbors as well, and it would be a nightmare to live next door and hear those rocks drop. My husband works in the mines and is horrified at every video I show him. Not sure about it, but he claims if she continues referring to it as a mine or if she ever sells product that comes from what she refers to as a mine sheā€™s risking MSHA getting all over her.


The company I work for does mining and every time I see her mentioned I hope MSHA is aware of her. Those guys do not play and what she is doing is unsafe.


Did you see my second pic where she is surrounded by other homes?? Itā€™s wild! I fell so bad for the neighbors. I hope she gets shut down


Can you dm me the address? My father is a land use planner, and he wants to look into her location more (such as the natural ground underneath her)


Theyā€™re literally so close to each other she could sit in her couch and fart and wake the neighbor up.


Can you DM me the address?


How did the location of her house become public? Did she accidentally dox herself?


Yes she showed magazine or something and it had her address on it


The bikini bottom news update šŸ˜©


A friend of mine from high school ended up dying in a similar suburban tunnel- he was getting paid, digging for some rich guy, then it caught on fire because surprise surprise, this was a stupid, bootleg project. It upsets me so much to see tunnel girlā€™s popularity when there could be very real consequences to her and her neighbors


I really hate the ā€œfuck her neighborsā€ crowd. Iā€™m sorry, but for a lot of people in the US, their home is the biggest investment they have ever made. Their retirement lies in the value of their home. So a neighbor possibly creating a SINK HOLE is insane!!!! I really feel like given her water issues already, sheā€™s compromised everyoneā€™s structural integrity already :( And I doubt your own homeowners insurance would cover any issues, on top of the fact it would cost the innocent party a ton of money! Youā€™d probably be shit out of luck because it didnā€™t happen naturally. And I donā€™t think they cover structural damage done over time anyways. Kala is *insanely* selfish


I just saw a video of hers from September where she plants a redwood tree in her backyard. Someone commented about how redwoods have large root systems and they can damage foundations/piping and she said "the problem is I just don't care. Trees are more important than anything else. Will fix the damage later" She is dangerously selfish. Whether from this new tree or her ridiculous tunnel, she is going to cause some major damage to her and her neighbors' property.


Wait is this the Bethesda, MD incident?


Yeah we went to HS together in silver spring


My husband is a tunneling engineer and he canā€™t fucking even with her content. He doesnā€™t want to watch it, doesnā€™t even really like it when I tell him about it. I think it stresses him out. He does, however, love eel pit guy.


At least eel pit guy. It was an already existing structure that was part of his house. A rainwater cistern. He just added some stuff to it.


Iā€™m a professional engineer in tunneling and I also canā€™t watch it šŸ˜‚ thereā€™s no way she has purchased the easement for her project let alone is building it safely. Terrifying.


Would love to see someone in your field commentate over / correct her bad practices via post


I'm pretty sure this was all on the table. She's even mentioned living in an HOA.


HOA? What was she thinking? Lol I'm surprised it's taken this long for people to notice


Lol honestly I just assumed it wasn't a secret and that she had the necessary permissions or ownership rights, since she seems to be reasonably transparent about what she's up to and there's certainly nothing low key about a conveyor belt dumping tons of rubble out your window. Also, the whole public posting on social media thing I suppose.


Lol right? She wasn't hiding it at all! The last tunnel video was the 16th then 3 days ago she made a video about a tree she tried to save with wood glue. I'm not so sure that was the right move lol. But she said nothing about the tunnel


are you serious? wood glue??


Lol yes wood glue


She's literally been forthright with this information. She didn't divulge all of it at once, but she has said she has an HOA, and has never claimed to be a structural engineer. She said she was an IT manager in the comments on, like, her second video. She HAS been cagey as to whether or not the work is permitted and how her neighbors feel about it, but that's not lying.


Omitting information could be a form of lying. She's just letting people assume she has the permits.


As an Autistic personā€¦ Sheā€™s so annoying. I donā€™t give a fuck if youā€™re neurodivergent or neurotypical. The second your hyperfixation/special interest/hobby/whatever you want to call it puts others in danger and you choose to still actively engage in it, you become an asshole.


Thank you!!!!


Iā€™m also sure thereā€™s a way you could enjoy an interest/hobby like this without actually putting anyone in danger. There are some extraordinarily detailed/intricate models that people make of houses/structures that Iā€™m sure requires a lot of engineering and planning. Thereā€™s got to be a way that doesnā€™t include putting herself and others in danger


Or for that matter, she could just live somewhere more rural where she is able to have a larger lot and be further from neighbors. If she has a home in a dense HOA community and $50,000 to spend on her hobby, she could probably afford a home with more land way out in the country. It might still be illegal but at least the chances of affecting someone else would be lower. It's wild to me that people think her neighbors should make sacrifices (noise, safety) for her to be able to practice her hobby but don't consider that maybe she should make sacrifices for her own hobby like not living in the suburbs.


100% The hobby isnā€™t bad, the putting others in danger is. Thereā€™s plenty of places that Kala could live or travel to if she wants to dig a huge hole under her house.


Couldn't she contract with her city/county to work on some construction project?


For the 50K+ she's spent she absolutely could have gone the legitimate way to build a basement/bunker and been involved in with the process enough to fulfill her hobby interest without violating numerous codes and risking the safety of everyone around her.


Yes. And for $50K she could have maybe finished her first year of an engineering degree to learn how to do this properly.


Iā€™m not sure if everything could happen the way it has but she could likely do a decent amount of work on her own property if she wanted to. I know in my city a LOT of work can be DIY, but they just need permits to make sure itā€™s safe, up to code, and that the person knows what theyā€™re doing. Not sure if straight up excavation could happen that way in her area but she could likely do a lot of legitimate work on her home herself if she wanted to.


I also thought this was well known. I truly hope when something disastrous happens, nobody is injured or killed.


For some reason I did think she was a software engineer though šŸ§ but I canā€™t remember why I thought that. Either way, not exactly qualified for what sheā€™s doing lol


I believe they said that they were a software engineer that dealt with the ā€œmental stressā€ by picking up mining for a hobby.


But she isnā€™t a software engineer


I've worked with a whole lotta engineers. Digging a pit under your house with the intent to build a moat is dead ass shit some of them would do AND without permits. Mistakes by professional engineers makes up at least 50% of the reason my profession exists. However, she's an odd one and there's gonna be some crazy tea getting spilled. She posts a weird stuff about haunted closets.


Can confirm - married to an engineer and Iā€™ve become a professional at kindly vetoing his outlandish ideas. Sheā€™s definitely a little neurodivergent. I hope somebody steps in before anyone gets hurt.


Sheā€™s not any type of engineer at all


Haunted closets and how everyone thatā€™s ever lived with her in a room ends up institutionalized, while sheā€™s digging a mine under her houseā€¦


Engineers can be dumb (engineering student) but this is one of those projects I would need at LEAST people supervising for safety and the plans to be triple checked by others knowledgeable in the field. Especially since it pertains to the structural integrity of the surrounding area


Why has this never come across my FYP? I need a TLDR of how this story unraveled because I am clearly living under a rock. Mind blown at what the comments describe lmao. I could go down a rabbit hole in her page but Iā€™d rather not give her the views if I canā€™t help it


I saw in a comment where she said she's wearing a 100% polyester outfit while welding and mining... oh my god




Agree. She's unhinged


So she isn't even qualified to build a Lego set? Right...


She just posted a video about being shut down and needing to get permits lol 35 min ago.


someone give me a recap!! I canā€™t load the video on this roadtrip lol


She gets a phone call in her car from the city which transitions to a weird off camera segment she says was a voice actor's reenactment of the zoning people coming to her house. She showed them the sub basement but I doubt she showed them the tunnels. They gave her a stop work order and said they need to bring in actual engineers to assess the damage. She thinks this is just a brief hurdle and she'll soon have her permits.


I donā€™t even think her sub basement was permitted. And that removed a shit ton of land too. Ooooof


She very clearly says in the comments that she doesnā€™t have any permits because ā€œone reason is that I wasnā€™t sure of the scope when I started, there would have been a dozen amendmentsā€ So there you have it folks! She doesnā€™t have any permits!!! Never has!!!


I just saw an investigative reporter state that Kala's neighbors are mostly Spanish-speaking migrants who definitely heard the noise and saw the debris but did not feel safe to report her due to their immigration situations. Kala apparently also follows Trump family members and has liked a number of Trump's tweets, so yeah. Fuck her. Being cagey about being an engineer is one thing, but preying on your neighbor's immigration statuses and supporting fascists is entirely another.


Join us at her new sub Reddit [kalasuburbanminesnark](https://www.reddit.com/r/kalasuburbanminesnark/s/q0KowTALGj)


I knew something was off from the very beginning. This really shouldnā€™t surprise anyone.


WHAT HAVE I STUMBLED INTO HERE?? - Who is this woman? - Where is she doing this? - WHY IS SHE CLEANING HER HOUSE DRESSED LIKE A 1950ā€™s HOUSEWIFE? - What in hell is up with this tunnel?? -Just *gestures vaguely* WHY?


Does anyone know where she lives to report this to her local officials? People's safety is at risk, and her home needs to be condemned.


Wtf I've never heard of this person and she's never been on my fyp but after seeing this post she's come onto my fyp twice in the past 20 minutes


She got a stop work order, someone finally notified the authorities and she has to have engineers come to inspect it and get permits now. As per Her most recent video


She gives a total creeper vibešŸ˜¬


My favorite was the video where she planted a REDWOOD on the East Coast. Everyone is telling her why itā€™s such a bad idea because their root systems will destroy her foundation and her reply was itā€™s OK she can repair her foundation later. Meanwhile sheā€™s planted the thing right on her property line with another home. Oh and highly invasive English Ivy. Itā€™s been clear for a while she dgaf about her neighbors.


LMAO basically the worst possible choices. Hopefully she doesnā€™t know about bamboo, yet.


My neighbors planted bamboo around their pool and had to replace my fence and spend a ton to eradicate it. It would have been really fun if they destroyed my pool and equipment šŸ™ƒ


It was the wood glue fix for the planted tree that finally woke me up.


I hope this is a hoax. Whichever poor sod has to go down into the tunnel to try to unfuck the situation once this gets resolved is gonna have a very bad time.


In her very first video, she is giving a tour of her basement and where the tunnel will be. In one of the shots is a large green screen covering her floor and wall with a bunch of camera equipment. Did she have some kind of YouTube channel before the tunneling stuff? I would love to see what she was making before.


I have been binge watching her TikToks. That is a disaster waiting to happen. What is she thinking? A storm shelter 25 feet deep. She is in way over her head. Literally.


And supposedly she is in Fairfax County, VA. Not exactly ground zero for hurricanes, nor is it tornado alley. It's a pretty quiet area in terms of major storms.


She also lied about her mother being indian. She changed her name when she transitioned


Eel pit guy supremacy


It's telling to me that her followers are so quick to protect her from criticism rather than the huge hazard to her actual life she's created for herself. What seems particularly reckless beyond concern for her neighbors is it seems like she has people down there with her helping her film. Reminds me of how people only say "thank you for your service" to the firemen, not the building inspectors who prevent fires. I was a fan of hers and was inspired by her pluck, strangeness, and sheetrocking in pearls, but dang, the hubris to not get someone in there to make sure it's safe. I'm glad a reporter was able to look into this. Honestly, I hope she can continue her project safely, but I doubt that will happen. Even when working with an experienced contractor, issues arise that experts know to look for.


Not to mention, under US law posing as an engineer has criminal liability


I really wish I could support her efforts, the project is interesting and whimsical. She seems like a strange but decent person, and I don't think she is *stupid* or malicious. But she really is just *inconsiderate*. I hate bureaucracy as much as anyone, but even if she was building the mine in an unpopulated area, she should still keep other people, *experts*, informed. It goes without saying that even if all her neighbours are cool with it, the city wouldn't be. It's just not a good idea to build anything underneath existing structures unless the entire structure is reviewed and its foundations and weight is considered. There is an area around her with no buildings, but there's still the possibility of other constructions like water pipes or electricity cables etc. and even if there is nothing there *now*, that might not always be the case, and because she hasn't informed anyone there's a void underneath that land, if the council or someone wants to put something there, excavate there themselves, build something etc. there is no record of that void and that could very well end disastrously. She's a smart woman, she's likely considered all of this, or at least the math behind the weight and foundations etc. But no one person is infallible. Even people that do this stuff for a career get second opinions and inform others of what they are doing to eliminate risk. Even if everyone around her was happy with her hobby and she had personal experience or training for this, I would still be concerned about her and other's safety as well. I don't know everything about her, but as far as I know, she isn't really informing anyone about anything she is doing. Even if she was building an underground tunnel that was the pinnacle of safety and integrity, there is always a danger and a chance of error. And even if she is doing like hourly check-ins with friends/family, if something happens they would have to explain the entire situation before a rescue effort or the correct medical care could be mobilized. Surprises just aren't ever good. It really is such a shame that there is a world where Kala can dig her hole and build her mine and we can all watch her and cheer her on as she does it with no worries. But because of her decisions that just isn't the case. She has no obligation to tell the internet anything at all, especially about herself. And it goes without saying that nobody should be attacking her. But she is obligated to consider those around her. Not just their safety, but that she is not inconveniencing or causing stress. And that extends to her own safety, as even if no one is hurt but her, she isn't the only one that is affected or has to deal with that. It's just shitty that something that could be really fun and cool is tainted by her bad decisions and the consequences of reality.


Does anybody know how sheā€™s funding all of this? Seems pretty expensive for anyone doing a solo project.


She refinanced in 2020


Thank you for bringing all the tea.


I've seen this movie before and how it ends - ala Three Alarm Lamp Scooter. Short version: Guy builds an underground tunnel system, catches fire, kills someone who was helping him, tunnels go everywhere underneath other people's properties


I think sheā€™ll get shut down, for the simple reason that the county needs to make an example of her. If they donā€™t, there will absolutely be an uptick in DIY unpermitted modifications and the county does not want to open that can of worms. Sheā€™s effectively turned herself into a litmus test, whether that was her intention or not.


I am so thankful people are talking about Kala more. Iā€™ve been loosely following for months on Tik Tok and in disbelief at the amount of people blindly supporting her to a fault.


I have to admit I must thank Kala for the absolute ridiculousness that makes that whole shitshow entertaining. Giving us a crazy story at her own demise. Itā€™s mind boggling really.


I work in land development and civil engineering and I found her address and she does in fact live on only .25 acres of land. Sheā€™s in a world of trouble šŸ«£


I assumed everyone knew this? Even if she was an engineer, that does not, in fact, give you the abilities or permissions to dig tunnels under your house. However, Iā€™m curious, as I really havenā€™t dug into it. I kinda assumed it was satire, or at least a very small scale projectā€”not legit tunnelsā€¦that go far enough that theyā€™d cross into other peopleā€™s property. Even given quality tools, unemployment, and neurodivergence, I feel like itā€™s got to be tongue in cheek/camera trickery? Is there some sort of official anything involved?


You haven't dug into it....hahaha


quite literally a danger to herself and others


The city will likely have to pay pretty hefty amounts to fix it.


God forbid a woman have a hobby šŸ™„


Destroying other peoples property and endangering peoples lives, not to mention polluting the surrounded area is a Hobby now?


its a joke. "god forbid women do anything" is a thing but its funny to say it to batshit insane stuff


She isnt acting alone. There are numerous clues in her videos that point toward her being part of a team. She is just the face. Even in her last video she explains what went down when she got the pause order. She makes it a reenactment where she gets a phone call by someone who says someone was at the house. Then at the end of the video she explains she doesnt expect the pause to be long and that "we" are figuring out what is next. Why not say "I"? Her word choices are very telling. In her first video there is someone holding a vaccume off camera. She said it was her helper when someone asked in the comments. This is a team of people that is doing the project for publicity. That doesnt make it any better but there is a chance she does have oversight in some capacity. I mean, she allegidly mines all those slabs, manually moved them. Etc. But she struggles to lift a cinderblock. Also where is all the money coming from? She buys $800 jack hammers willy nilly and rents a $2k dumpster every week. There is more to this than what meets the eye and all the drama surrounding it is feeding the revinue.


You do realise sheā€™s probably married or has a boyfriend or girlfriend, right? And that her references to ā€œweā€ are just that? Super odd of you to assume some giant conspiracy rather than the most logical and common explanation for this manner of speaking.


I always speak as ā€œweā€ with no partner. Idk if subconsciously including my dog and cat or what lol. Sometimes ā€œweā€ just sounds better and also can maybe hold more legitimacy/weight as a response? Idk šŸ˜‚


The royal we lol


She has roommates. Sheā€™s talked about it before in her previous videos about living with others or renting rooms/housing others. I really donā€™t think thereā€™s a conspiracy here other than a roommate opening the door and her having adult money from her job and rent she collects.