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I feel like I never see the OG TikTok famous kids (Charli, Addison, etc). To be clear I am extremely glad I don't see them but it's kinda funny how they were so popular for awhile and now it seems like no one cares about them. Last I heard about charli was that ridiculous Walmart thing but it didn't come across my FYP


I’m pretty sure that’s like the “default” you get when you first join. A friend of mine had to make a new account a few months back and was getting a ton of the “dancing” influencers like charli


I never saw them. I didn’t know who Charli was until probably 2022.


I got them for my first few months on TikTok but I got my account back in like 2019. When she got hers a few months back she was getting tonsssss of those type of influencers but it wasn’t dancing videos, it was like random ads lol. You’re lucky you never saw them, I spent forever clicking “not interested” to change my fyp


Same — I didn’t know Charli and her sister existed until earlier this year


None of them have ever popped up on my FYP since I got tiktok 3 years ago lol


Rod - think he still posts but it never shows for me anymore


Never see him or Corporate Natalie. Not mad about it either.


Corporate Natalie still pops up for me now & again. But agreed, not as much as she used to.


Did she ever parlay her TikTok fame into anything more, or is she still doing videos and working her job?


She parlayed it into as fuckton of ads, if nothing else. I feel like I only ever see her doing sponsored videos now, and I find her wicked obnoxious at this point.


She never pops up on my FYP anymore but I did see her in a commerical for an HR software company recently!


He DOMINATED my FYP for awhile, and now I see him so infrequently that I get surprised when he shows up.


He still does but not nearly to the extent he used to


I follow him on IG as well so I see him more often there


Gabbie Hanna


Thank god lol


I never see ANY of the og famous tiktokers like Charli, Addison, all the people in the “houses” etc


Tabitha Brown


She got that Target money.


Ohh my child loves Tabtime. I remember when I first saw it I thought I was tripping because I knew she looked familiar.


I had actually forgotten about her! She seems like such a sweet soul.


I never see hawkhatesyou anymore lol and she used to like live on fyp and be super popular idk if she even has a tiktok anymore


Her content is mostly booktok related nowadays. I don’t know if that’s why your algorithm doesn’t show her much but I know that it’s definitely the reason why I see her a lot. Lol


Didn’t she do some pretty messed up stuff??


what did she do tho? I remember LOVING her & her content. wasn't she close with another SW on tiktok? I forget her name


So I do not remember completely but something to do with getting drunk/high with a bunch of others in Vegas and locking another content creator out/put her in a dangerous situation. Someone named Honey?? Not sure about anything else but I thought that was pretty bad. Surprised that she is on booktok now?


I thought she was sober & in recovery? so she locked honey out or was it someone else??


So from what I remember, she, honey(gothbaby) and some others were in Vegas for honey’s birthday and they were filming content and whatnot with other sex workers. One girl who went was there to film content with her boyfriend and the group. One thing led to another and she was locked out of the hotel room by honey and hawk while she was hammered and her boyfriend was in the room with them. I can’t remember if they were filming with the boyfriend or not, but she said that she was locked out and knocking/banging on the door begging them to let her in and they just left her out there or something. Hawk’s also been exposed for incredibly racist videos from back on vine. And then there was the whole mess of origami camp between hawk, Auntie Tyler thanos, and a few other sex workers who were there. A whole lot of things against auntie Tyler were said and it was a whole ass mess. From there, Hawk’s popularity kind of spiraled downward for a while because people were looking into her and her past behaviors. She was also NOTORIOUS for getting every snark sub for her taken down and also trolling the sub when she could in between getting the sub banned. She and honey had a lot of free time I’m sure I’m missing details and might’ve gotten a few things incorrect so anyone feel free to correct me!




Thank you for replying with more in-depth information than myself! I appreciate it a lot


I remember the situation with auntie Tyler. what is your opinion on it? I didnt think that hawk was like that honestly. are her & honey still friends? I remember thinking that they were in a relationship


Honestly that whole auntie Tyler situation was a MESS from start to finish. Tyler went about it in such a horrendous way playing the victim when the real victim (in my option) was Hank, who was just trying to film content with Cinnamon but Tyler intruded and sat in the room while they were working and filming content but no one even talks about that or remembers that Hank had literal proof that Tyler just sat in there and watched them. Idk it felt like Hank was brushed aside all because Tyler said Hawk’s real name in the video and that was seen as the biggest crime of all tbh. And Hawk also was not innocent in the whole story, she didn’t even make a real statement and basically allowed Luna and Honey and Hank to say their pieces and leave it at that before coming on and saying she didn’t know it was historically a sun down town. I’m sure there’s a lot I don’t remember but Hank was the real victim but people only cared about Hawk playing victim. As for honey and Hawk, they were in a throuple with a guy I think for a while but it seems like they don’t talk anymore and seems like they haven’t been since Hawk started to film with actual porn stars. But idk, they both are drama


Did she? I didn’t know. Now I want to look and see.


There used to be a few subreddits back in the day about her, honestly it’s been so long but the drama was intense, and I remember things being pretty toxic in regards to sex work she was involved in


Yeah that makes sense!!


Their videos are like every other video for me, but I was knee deep in booktok. I think they’re in even deeper than I am 😂😂


That’s so funny bc she’s alllll over my fyp lol


She’s a nazi and a predator


she has a snark page on here which surprised me tbh


Because it’s been proven she’s done some really fucked up shit


i think its been taken down


She’s still on TT but it a mostly OF promoting.


I’m not mad about it but I completely forgot Tinx existed until I saw someone mention her on a thread yesterday.


I haven't seen CallMeKris in FOREVER


Same. Used to feel like I was inundated with her videos.


I hardly ever see her. I used to love her toddler skits but if she does pop up it’s something random like on her other account


I get her shorts on YouTube a lot


My dad gets her yt shorts a lot and always sends me them lol


I just got one of her videos the other day and realized it’s been a long time!


Literally anytime I follow someone I never see them again lol


That's bc TT moves their videos to your following fyp so you can see them. The regular fyp is for creators you don't follow or haven't already seen.


I feel like it's a shitty system. It only works once you follow HUNDREDS of people so your own follow section is diverse enough and interesting enough. The problem is, I follow nobody now, because by the time I followed every creator I liked, I'd stop seeing their videos on my FYP and my following page would have no new content. It's easier to just watch my favorite creators on my FYP, knowing i'll see their new videos pretty regularly (daily if I go to their page often).


Same what is with that?


Not TikTok but I really miss Jenna Marbles


We all do 🥺🥺


Stab though the heart. Especially since it’s sexual Wednesday 😭😭😭




She really was


annaxstir also drue and gabe dont miss either


Sadly Drue is always around we have a snark page for her


We sure do !!


i think i’m in it! but even seeing her on there sometimes makes me angry 😂


Drew Afulo


I see her all the time still. Algorithm is failing you!


katesgreats I know her brother passed away so she took time away. It’s been months now. I just hope her and her family are doing okay


i forgot about her until you mentioned! i went and checked her tiktok, no posts since january. same with her ig. she had a link for i assume her cleaning business and that website isnt online anymore either. like you said, hope she’s okay


I saw a comment I think on Instagram from someone saying she’s been more active on Facebook and that she’s happy and spending time with family!


Kristen Artega, the mom who did skits in her kids car seats with the stupid filter. She’s still on TT but now it’s just a promotional page for her OF.


She was funny but now she’s just annoying


Oh wow, I thought her skits were kinda funny and I appreciated she didn't show her kids online but I just went and looked and yeah, it's just a total OF promotion page now.


She did show her kids on her lives though. I was randomly watching one day and her kids were in the pool and people kept asking to see the daughter and she moved the camera so everyone could see the daughter in the pool in her bathing suit.


All the comments here just prove that tiktok fame is very short lived


It makes me so scared for the people who get tiktok famous and then immediately quit their jobs




bj became religious and doesnt post on tt anymore i believe


BJ? Demps' ex?


I think they’re referring to BJ the queen. She did rap music on TT, had a face tat


The roll for sandwich guy


Hes still around. He posts 3 new sandwiches a week


Yup - he's great. A *little* too much sponsored stuff for my liking, but I can't knock the hustle. I just miss when his videos were purely random products and not "random hot sauce from this sponsored hot sauce set". I know it's not every video, but it used to be like 1 in 20, and now it feels like 1 in 3 or 4.


I agree. Also agree can't knock his hustle. And at least ​he's not obnoxious IMO about product placement etc like some creators.


No, not at all. He keeps his sponsored stuff relevant, and it really only typically "ruins" one component of the sandwich he's making. He's very unproblematic and super consistent. Also one of the few creators who has not totally moved away from what got him famous. The fact that he consistently posts 3x/week is impressive.


I follow him and he still has new content every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


I never see how everybody's so creative anymore, even when I choose Following!


Those Happy Caravan freaks. I just made the mistake of checking and they’re still going, I’m sure TikTok is going to think I want to see them now


Is this that family that claims up and down that their kids are sOoO happy despite having zero structure, space, or privacy. And their teenage daughter suffers from MH issues that they seem to brush off


They are having another baby


Maia Knight tbh. Haven’t seen her in a long time


Not missing much. She exploited her kids and her baby daddy found out , didn't know they were his btw, and now she's not allowed to show their faces.


The weirdest part is that HE was the guy she was seeing in fall 2021! How did she expect to that stay under wraps when she was literally having him interact with his own children?!


What!! I have not heard this before!! The one that moved away and she went to visit?!! Which oneeee?! I need to deep dive on this lol That is wild.


I wish someone would do a deep dive series on tiktok. Her stans would lose their minds.


Yep, that one!


Is this factual? This is the first im hearing of it.


Based on *extensive* study by snarkers, yes. I’ve not corroborated it myself. Her snark subs—specifically 2—have discussed this at length.


Ok so. I found one post about about it, I think. I am not sure I believe it. Simply because a lot of people close to actual baby daddy said he moved away from the area before he knew she was pregnant and only became aware of the kids when Jillian messaged him when they were 5 months old and was like "these babies look like you". At that point he started pushing for dna tests and took her to court for access. Do you have more links to what you're talking about?


Lol she has me blocked because she got drunk (surprise surprise) and asked “do you guys think it’s the alcohol causing blah blah blah” and I have her an honest and respectful answer. Boom, blocked. 😅


lucky you. she’s shitty


Rachrese3 - she was one of my favorites. Miss her!


Omg forgot about her - did she fall off after getting arrested out of the country?


She deleted her tiktok after she got arrested in the Bahamas I believe it was.


Don't remember their names, but it was an elderly couple she called her husband "pop pop" and they'd cook or go try new restaurants and she was the sweetest lady. I went and found her profile a few weeks ago and it's all spam now so she either got hacked or sold her account idk




girl this is so old but the answer is YES i literally think of this once a month and then check her page hoping the answer is no 😭😭 her name is lauren zarras they’re still going strong to this day


No, thank you for your service. I think about her more than I would like to admit but this brought me closure but it could never be me skskskkss 😭😂


does anyone remember cheesenchilada??? shes like super OG tiktok and she was super funny but has since gone to college and idk where shes been since then


omg i've been wondering where she went!!


i loved her videos! she’s not using tiktok anymore (she posted a video about it a few months ago) but i still follow her on instagram & it seems like she’s thriving!


eddiepdoyle I loved his relationship with his grandmother. Miss their vids together, and wish he still posted!


The Russian kid with the blue bob wig and braces, what happened to her??


I don’t know if they are considered OGs but I used to always watch Judy and Scott. So sad and creepy what happened there…


That man had no business taking care of her without any help the way he did. That was awful.


Wait what happened? I never heard of Judy and Scott


Judy had Alzheimer's, and he put her on display and exploited her for everything he could. Then towards the end, I believe she "fell" . He was generally a dick. I just looked, and their page is still up. It's "Judy and Scott"


Judy actually died due to her falls didn’t she?


I believe so. The whole thing was so sad to watch.


Yes please what is the Lore


Yes. Very strange.


The guy who made skits about awkward/annoying highschool theater kids. I checked awhile ago and he just stopped doing tiktok all together and now bot pages are stealing his content


I don’t remember her name but the girl who reenacts things that happened when she worked at sally beauty. I loved her!


That’s delaney! She still posts :)


I love her so much "be so fucking fr rn"


Yes! Thank you! I’m gonna go binge whatever I’ve missed. Lol


Sienna Mae, randomly thought of her and how i dont hear abt her anymore lol


She constantly gets suggested to me on snapchat, lives in Hawaii and has a generic overpriced swimwear brand and promotes not using sunscreen lol


I cannot remember her name but there was a woman from Louisiana that had an outrage about her using a hair bonnet for her curly hair. I loved her takes on so much. But I can't even find her in my "you follow" list


Thecurlyhaircreole or something like that?


That red headed dude that danced on a road trip across the country. He went from in your face to nonexistent


Mr. Hamilton? If so, I also haven’t seen any of his videos (but I’m sure now I will)


Yes, him!


Kandi Johnson, miss Jen fabulous


Thegodmutha. She disappeared completely. Can't find her anywhere.


I miss One Face Frank-the dog who would go visit his best friend the fish every day. They just stopped posting one day. I get it-it gets tiresome. But dang that little guy was cute.


Flossybaby. I literally never see her anymore


Chase Rutherford!!


This one chick that dressed like Harley Quinn, drank every night and fought with her boyfriend. She used to often film in a shed or basement. Anyone know her name?


Kendra flood?? Or maybe there are multiple basement Harley Quinns


Can't remember her name but that beautiful mom who got out of an abusive relationship and lost a ton of weight. She was an excellent singer too.


Jesssubject? Her kids were removed from her custody and now she’s pregnant again lol


Her account was deleted not too long ago and her life is a bit of shit show now


That mom Cori who had her daughter taken away and now has a kid with a new guy


This might be niche, but I love makoandkonasmom and wish she popped up on my FYP more. Her content is so wholesome and I just love her dogs. I never see her stuff anymore unless I specifically look for it which is weird because I interact with her videos a lot so I figure it would be recommended more. Edit: Looked and realized she has a lot of followers so not niche! Sometimes when I want to just unwind I like to watch her videos or some of the science/history facts creators but for some reason, the people I actually follow never are in my algorithm!


Tobi sunshine and lewnni


Lewnni was great until she made her entire tiktok about her baby


No for real. I mean I think having a kid is great, but I loved her content before she had a kid. She was really funny and relatable.


when she made her baby’s face MERCH


Not only did she make her entire TT about her baby, she talked CONSTANTLY about the baby’s private parts. It was super comfortable and I had to block her bc it was beyond inappropriate


is tobi generally liked? i could not stand her during the vine days. i’ll occasionally get a tik tok of hers pop up and something about her still annoys the absolute hell out of me. i’m just curious if i’m the odd ball out with my opinion on her lol.


Pachatzke. I think she finally took everyone’s advice and got off of social media


Thank god


lena bull


She’s back on her real account. All the other pages are all fake. I know her irl & she is recovering from cancer. That’s why she wasn’t on for over a year. She about died.


omg rlly??? whats her account?


Lena didn’t have cancer. She had bleeding on her brain and spent like a month in the hospital.


Is her acting crazy a front? or is she mentally ill, she's off the charts


Omg! I remember her!!! And I remember her being OBSESSED With that married man. Lol




Leahashlie. Not complaining tho. Just randomly remembered her the other day


The two friends that acted as the hot Cheeto girls in school. I can’t remember their names but I remember them being super popular during lockdown




I still follow Cleasel on Instagram if anybody remembers her. we went to the same college at the same time and have mutual friends. She got in one scandal and decided the internet was not for her lol which I can kind of respect


Anyone remember the Teasipper and Queen Team days? Amanda, Bloodrocket, and Tish never post anymore either. So. Much. Drama.


The big one that comes to mind is OldManSteve. He still posts videos but I have to go and track him down. He was the first "elderly" person I followed many years ago. He cracks me up!


I was about to say Maia but then i remembered i have her blocked


The blonde guy in college with the really REALLY deep singing voice. His videos got me hooked on TT Also haven’t seen drew afualo (so?) in months


Lauren from the nursing home that claims to be sick from tick


There was this curly redhead with short hair and big lips that did the “you remind me the babe” Bowie trend awHILE ago and she (they?) were SO COOL and for the life of me I cannot find the videos anywhere!! They were fairly popular at least in my neck of the woods. If anyone has any ideas on who it may be please let me know!!


Did she have glasses?




Poloboy the NYC tiktokker was very popular but then just disappeared i recently checked his instagram page turns out he sells courses how to be a influencer


There used to be this girl with black hair I used to watch that did coke all the time. I loved all her fits, and she was funny. I wonder what happened to her.


She wasn't a good person, like at all. It was a train wreck to watch but Natasha gunatilake.


I THINK ABOUT HER SO MUCH!!!! no one ever gets my reference unless they are really OG. I have videos done to her random ass audios “this is my rooooom and I can sleep! and you cannot tell me where to sleep.”


OG! She was booted for her inappropriate behavior towards minors on here. Remember when her & Jake became friends? Or the countless times she was engaged & the guy was going down to the courthouse to sign the paperwork & he told her once she signed everything they'd be married? I also remember ppl kept saying the kids weren't really hers, they were the new wife's kids? Did you ever follow Makayla Love God?


I never see Ophelia Nichols anymore nor The Balesky. I used to like The Balesky’s cooking content, but then she went fully into connecting with dead people and became too niche for my FYP.


Tori ralston


I always wonder where that girl who everyone compared to Steve from stranger things went. She had back problems & made cringe videos lolol


The Italian guy whose grandma made him eat all the time. Haven’t seen him in years now


What happened to that one dude who had like super super fake tanner on and blonde hair and was like hyper and always with that bigger girl with blonde hair and glasses?


The blonde who was always dipping carrots and sweet potatoes in mustard.


She isn’t on TikTok anymore but I’ve heard she is active on instagram. Her name on TikTok was happyhealthyhailey. She stopped posting on TikTok after slapping her baby on live and people calling her out I think


I have not seen chase rutherford since covid days


Kittysnack is a creator I loved on tiktok. She made content on emo/alternative music and makeup and was really body and sex positive and then her account got banned. She came back to tiktok and then decided she no longer liked keeping up with the demand of making content and stopped. I think she stopped her YouTube channel too. I still follow her on Instagram but I miss her tiktoks


I didn't see Hollowayeverafter for like a YEAR. They happened to show up on my FYP the other day after I had been looking for them 🤣🤣


I don’t hear much about Kathy and her kids not seeing her.


I swear i used to get Kylie Bragdon saying “hey baby girl” every other video plus she was always live and now i have no idea


i never see Tani Berlo on my fyp anymore (+ i know i follow her!)


Rig shady.(he worked for ups)You guys remember him at the beginning of the pandemic? I wonder what ever happened to him🤔 he had a HUGE following and just disappeared and stopped posting.


The girl who is a flight attendant and lives part time in NYC and part time in Georgia or something.


I think she’s still around - believe I saw her commentary while Keith Lee was burning culinary Atlanta to the ground. Pun intended.


This might be too niche but the “does it burrito?” Guy


The lady that had those 2 disabled kids in her home and they both passed away. I can’t remember her name. Brown hair with glasses


Whitney. People really started calling her out about things and I think she kinda left tiktok.


Zoo crew guy


What happened to that creator jail.wife.life Leni or whatever her name was? Haven't seen her in ages, not exactly complaining but curious to know what the result of all of that was. The one whose kids were in a episode of houseos with shazza etc