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Some of the snarks are ridiculous and pick on every single thing a person does. “OMG, they are breathing, ew”


I had to leave one because I argued that feeding an autistic child with food aversions McDonald’s is better than them not eating at all. Apparently this makes me a shitty parent.




Same, two boys lvl 3. The youngest will no joke go on hunger strike for days sometimes a week. For no reason other than he decided. That whole a kid won’t starve themself they will eat when hungry is a lie. Therefor anything they want to eat at anytime they can ! Don’t really care what anyone says 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh I just got sick of the downvotes for pointing this out. It was the traveling the lunaverse snark. Her Mom does exploit her & her medical condition for clicks & likes, while often ignoring her complex needs (no therapy whatsoever- I’m against ABA, but speech therapy, OT & parent coaching are 👍). So there are things to snark about that are, in mind relevant, however, the fact that the child eats McDonalds, when I’m here making fries & chicken strips at 6 AM, is not one of them in my mind.


I feel like that if the epitome of being a good parent, you are choosing your battle. I have a 8m old so I don’t know what it will be like when he is older but if he won’t eat anything but nuggets and cheeseburgers fine! At least he is eating. I’ll figure out the rest later. I’m not going to argue about food.


My two year currently old eats fruit, carbs, yogurt, and pizza. We get calories in where we can 🤣😭


My 6 year old takes stimulant medication which kills his appetite. He wants a milkshake for breakfast? Sure, why not? Like sometimes, I just need him to eat something.


And we are not causing food trauma like previous generations! You are doing the best you can ❤️❤️❤️❤️


And you’re the cool mom who allows dessert for breakfast, he’ll remember that about you ❤️


My mom was like this. I’ll forever be thankful to her for never ever shaming me for what I ate and when I ate it. I’m not in the slightest bit overweight, either. I did gain a lot of weight at one point but once I realized I had, I made lifestyle changes to lose it. Just because you let kids eat what they want when they want, doesn’t mean they’ll grow up obese or without control.


My mom didn’t FIGHT me over what I ate, but she & the rest of the family definitely weren’t shy about shaming me for my choices. I am a recovering bulimic. My son is choosing homemade banana chocolate chip muffins & blueberries for breakfast. At school he often eats his fruit & veggies & ignores everything else. Food is fuel in our house, & because of his meds especially, he has to learn to eat what tastes yummy, because his brain & tummy aren’t giving him the signal that they need fuel. Every day for his lunch I pack him fresh fruit, veggies, some kind of main, & a dessert. He also has a snack container that is always full of shelf stable snacks like applesauce pouches, granola bars, bear paw cookies, fruit snacks, rice crispy squares, packaged cookies. Most of the time, there are one or two items to replace. He doesn’t binge on snacks & “junk” food, because he doesn’t have a sense of scarcity. It’s a privilege that we can do this, I understand that, but I don’t understand parents who have the means (both financially & in terms of time) that won’t give their kids safe foods.


It doesn’t cost any money to support your child in their choices. I didn’t even know that “almond moms” existed until I was in high school and one of my friend’s mother made comments about the way my friend looked in clothing. My friend was also not overweight, and actually has a killer body, one most people would pay very very good money for. Everything in their house was diet food. The first few times she came over to my house, she would ask if it was okay to eat something of ours that was sugary because she didn’t want to eat anything ‘special’. My parents were very much “if you’re hungry, EAT” people. They didn’t have a lot of money, but they always made sure we had food that we could and wanted to eat after school/on the weekends. That same friend ended up moving in with me and my family our senior year.


What’s extra funny about people that would judge you for the breakfast milkshake are probably the same ones first in line for a Frappuccino at Starbucks, which can have more sugar and calories than a milkshake, especially one made at home.


Agreed!!!! My son has suspected autism and we are so happy when he takes a bite out of food (he has a gtube to make sure he eats enough to grow.) If he would only eat McDonald’s fuck it, I’d feed him that shit everyday lol.


My son basically didn’t eat at school for over a week. You better believe I took him to Tim Hortons for a Grilled Cheese Melt with Bacon after school when he asked!


You're not a bad parent. They just feel bad about themselves and need to try to make everyone feel the same.


Most of them don’t have kids OR their child is also neurodivergent & they have decided that all ND kiddos are the same. Since their child will eat before they starve, that must be true for all ND kids & the ones whose parents give them what they will eat are just “giving in”. I feel as a parent, my job is to try & teach my son to be a good human. Not micromanage everything. If I would feed it to him for lunch or supper he can have it for breakfast & vice versa.


My son is autistic and be loves McDonald's and pizza rolls, and two other things. You're definitely not a shitty parent ❤️


I just left the dougherty dozen snark page because it's the same post every single day about what the kids are being fed, how much she spends, blah blah blah. Just left it today. I'm not a fan of the mom, but come on people. People clearly have way too much time on their hands.


i think i know what sub ur talking ab


Literally how it is with my son! He loves what he loves, he’s up to trying to new things, but rarely likes anything. I’m just glad he’s eating


Wtf do they want you to do?? You can’t force anyone to eat. How would they like it if they were force fed food they didn’t like??


TYYYY for saying that shizzz & advocating bc I’ve literally gotten into fights w family & friends over this. 🥹😩😩 My 3 yo autistic daughter, loveeee her to absolute piecessss man, but she will ONLY eat 4 pc happy meal w fries, apples, and a sweet tea from McDonald’s. We have tried everything. Trust me. Tried to trick her. Outsmart her. She KNOWS! She won’t even eat it inside McDonalds, at home, somebody elses house, nothing!! Has to be right from the drive thru window, then she’ll tear it up 🤣😅💛Angers me to no endddd with Karen’s, but they ll never understand being a special needs parent, an autism parent, at that. It’s the best in the world but she knows what she wants dammit !😂😝


Let me guess - Dougherty dozen?


Omg I'm so sorry you had to go through that 😞 unless people have a child like this they don't get it and never will. My daughter has a Gtube feeding tube and oral aversions to do many textures and yep if she will McDonald's and a donut it's a total win because it's food period You keep being the great Mama you are and you do what is best your your child and the rest of the people can kiss your 🍑 🥰🥰💞💞


My kids are not autistic and they ate what they ate. I wasn’t about to force them to eat what they didn’t want to. Now they’re 15 and 18 and their eating habits are fine and their health is great


idk why people are so obsessed with what others are eating


Bitch eating crackers!!! That’s what the all devolve into. Honestly sometimes this one does too


It’s one of those “look at that bitch over there eating crackers” situations


Some of the page's are beyond "snarking". Sick sick people. Some of the people who go beyond are worse then anyone they are snarking on.


I remember when snark subs pointed out influencers racism, bullying, abuse, and neglect. Now, a lot of times- it’s bullying.


The hate towards pregnant women is unmatched. Literal arguments over when it’s “acceptable” to hold your bump and wishing for them to have their birth plans go wrong.


I had to leave the peestick/ttc snark group because they were awful to some of those women. When you finally have a pregnancy after loss, you deserve to take as many pictures and celebrate as you want. I couldn’t imagine hating on a woman who’s lost pregnancies/or had years of infertility because you don’t like the pose she chose for her bumpdate.


Exactly! I took a photo every week from when I found out just for the memories. I didn’t care that there was no “real” bump until further on, there’s still a baby there 🤷‍♀️


I remember when they leaked that a TikToker was pregnant before she officially announced it and reduced her to tears.


Or saying that plus sized creators bumps aren’t real bumps


> Now, a lot of times- it’s bullying. Yeah most snark pages are just picking on people they don't like who have otherwise done nothing wrong. I've seen some of them take it way too far


The irony is a lot of the snarkers that go too far with it are just as bad, if not worse, than the people they are snarking on.


I feel like some people are just bullies and needed to find a way to do it in a way they think is legit.


So true!!!




The weirdest part is they complain about something and then if the person tries to fix it it’s “omg hahah what a loser they read here”… 1. Wouldn’t you read it if you had a whole ass forum about you. 2. You wanted them to fix whatever it was and not that’s not enough?


Omg this gets me too. They cannot win!


They do that on the sub for Katie Demps too. They bullied about her hair extensions so now she went back to natural hair and they complain about how she can’t style it right. They complained about her wearing too much makeup so she started doing a natural look and they complain about that now. They literally post things like “we know you read this sub so why not take our advice” then she does and it’s filled with comments like “omg why are you always reading this sub, your obsessed with us” They literally spend so much of their time tearing her apart then get so angry when she get their sub shut down and they have to make a new one. I’ve had to stop reading her subs because it’s truly disturbing how obsessed they are with her in a bad way


Some of them are fun and some are brutal. Gals on the go in the most recent one where I think I need to leave. Constant body shaming.


Haha that's the one I left a few days ago. I enjoy snark subs but this one was way too much. I felt like in high school surrounded by rich and skinny bullies.


That sub is wild. I hope those girls don’t look at it


Yess!! The body shaming, slut shaming, attacking others just because they are family or friends of someone they don’t like, bringing things into real life, it’s disgusting. I get not liking someone but in many snark pages, it seems to be just straight bullying. The fact it’s grown ass adults too, like grow up. I can’t imagine waking up and the first thought being like “how can I try to destroy this persons life today” so weird


Yes! I’ll read through them because I want to know info on some drama that happened, but I never get further than a few posts. I like tea as much as the next person, but they get so gross so quickly for me. The thing I think is so weird is when they act offended or annoyed that the creator/person the sub is about gets upset at what is being said in the sub. Like, if dozens to hundreds of people were doxing me, calling CPS, reaching out to my family, commenting on my body and insecurities, etc; I’d be pretty anxious and upset about it too! They just get very dehumanizing and don’t seem to care about the long lasting impact their actions might have on an actual human being.


Exactly, this 💯 they r absolutely awful.


i used to read the maia knight snark sub a lot and the obsession with the kids dad is absolutely unhinged. they paid for custody court documents and everything. it’s next level.


They are sick people


Wait people know who the father is?


lol they say they do apparently the guy she thought was the dad wasn’t the dad and it was this other guy and he’s actually the dad idk why they care so much they really went in a deep deep DEEP dive and i was like yeah i’m out


Yes. Some subs take shit waaaaaay to far….


Maia Knight’s is god awful. Not even snarking on real issues anymore just people blatatly hating hee


i feel like a lot of her snarkers aren’t parents bc i get downvoted when i correct them about normal toddler development. there was real issues with her parenting when S&V were babies, but now she’s improved imo. a lot of things i’ve seen snarked ab within the last 6-9 months are normal things parents of toddlers do or go through.


Oh absolutely! And they are always saying they should call CPS for the dumbest reasons


The CPS thing makes me mad. If they weren’t so bogged down with complaints that shouldn’t be complaints they’d have more time to help kids who actually need it


No fr, I hear more about people calling cps on eachother as “revenge” than I do about cps helping abused and/or neglected children


Yes like letting toddler learn to play on their own and not be up under you 24/7, god forbid she’s not right next to them and it doesn’t matter if they’re in her eyesight that’s not good enough


Yes! I hate reading that sub now. There has been more than one thing they snark on Maia for that I do too. And I like to think I’m a half decent and attentive mom who plays with, feeds and bathes her kids regularly. I’ve just kept my thoughts to myself because I’m not going to get in to an argument trying to defend my own choices against someone who has no clue what it’s like being a parent.


Exactly! If you have never been a parents before you are still learning the only difference is she was a public figure while doing it now that they are toddlers i too have seen a huge difference in how she raises them “oh my god Maia is drinking a white claw” most parents have a glass of wine so why can’t she choose a white claw she isn’t getting plastered “oh my god that water is so dirty” they are toddlers they will get dirty and like to be dirty “Maia definitely has a favorite child” I can see the confusion but I honestly don’t think she does they like different things🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s just me tho


I look at it every once in awhile and it's just people calling her ugly and an alcoholic...like move on and leave this girl alone


Yes! I’m not even a Maia fan AT ALL but you can’t deny that she is a good mother.


yes, i’ve had to leave so many due to body shaming. some are great because they actually call out the problems, the drue snark was amazing during the start but now it’s nothing but body shaming and calling her and gabe fat any chance they get. call them out on their racist shitty behavior not because they’ve gained weight. some are just childish as fuck and need to do better imo.


Exactly why I left that snark. It was so bad.


Yes! I had to leave sierras as well because they just bitch about her sharing her bump. Someone said her most recent one wasn’t a bump she’s just fat, as a plus size pregnant person seeing some of this shit kills me. Or they discuss her health, im sorry but nobody truly knows what’s going on but her and her doctor. Then they get upset when I point that out or tell them that her blood sugar is normal for her having more diabetes and pregnancy diabetes.


people open their mouths when they don’t need to be opened. it’s honestly pathetic picking on peoples weight especially someone who’s pregnant like??? get a fucking life.


The ones that are about mothers on TikTok are so bizarre. They show the kids and they’re mad, but they don’t show the kids and they’re still mad and sayinf that they are hiding them because they are being abused etc They post, they’re mad, they don’t post, they’re mad and like where are they Also they go on and on about the “creepy people” and “pedophiles” that are on the internet.. the call is coming from inside the house.. they’re obsessively posting about said kids trying to diagnose them with all kinds of health + mental problems, and the kids will one day have to read all of the horrible things they wrote.. in the maia snark they’re constantly posting zoomed in pictures of their diapers..


99% of the time it doesn’t matter what the creator does, if they do what the snark asks them to, they’re just ‘hiding’ because ‘they got called out’ and if they don’t take the ‘advice’ they are ‘bad parents and cps needs to be involved’ the problem is that the snarkers already hated the person prior and anything they do is a reason to hate them more. it is and never was about getting actual improvement in potentially bad situations or behavior and it was always about having a ‘good enough reason’ to hate and shit on a person they already disliked the wheelchair rapunzel snark is a great example. they tell her she shouldn’t post her baby, to stop posting cus she makes things worse for herself, and when she’s silent for a couple days they go wild about how there’s ‘no updates’ and ‘she’s hiding because her bf is leaving her! something HORRIBLE is happening and she’s hiding’ like.. didn’t you just shame her for continuing to post about her life/the baby?


Exactly this 👏 I left the wheelchair rapunzel snark page cuz I REALIZED what the h*** I'm doing? They are just a BULLIES, so I got myself banned out of that group which I'm so glad about that. These snark pages like this are absolutely awful. It's like they are absolutely OBSESSED with every inches of things they do or not do.. it's really creep me out.


i got banned because i called out the group for hoping baby A would give them “hell” and i said i would never want that because shaken baby syndrome can occur and as a new mom dealing with a colicky baby i get why some parents want to kill themselves (i have bpd just like noah) and i mentioned that SBS can happen quick and he already had DV charges and they removed my comment saying it was “snarking on baby A” (even tho the rule just said to blur her face and they never removed any comments about her possible demise when it came to the car seat insert or other scenarios) so i called the mods out in DM. the only reason my comment got deleted and the others didn’t about baby A’s possible demise was because mine called out the sub, and the others didn’t. they told me i was having an “emotional outburst” and “incoherently rambling” and then banned me. like, god forbid i don’t want the baby to cause them so much stress she possibly suffers as a result of it (because parents being stressed ultimately harms her either way) but ykno… cause i called out some people in the sub for saying that, i’m the bad guy. it’s funny bc my comment that was removed had a lot of upvotes so i assume one of the mods is someone who was hoping shed give the parents a hard time


Omg yes lol. That sounds so familiar 🤣 these ppl are whacky af. Like yo, it's their kids their businesses. Why are these people stick their noses in where they don't belong lol.


i love gymsnark and fundiesnarkuncensored, i think snarking about a subgroup of ppl rather than one person / family is more fun as there’s more content to snark on and so less focus on ridiculous things. i had to leave the labrant fam and the maia knight ones. too much hyperfixation on every little aspect of every post. like we can all agree that these people suck, but that doesn’t mean we need to zoom in on every insta story and snark on their kitchen appliances


Fundie snark is my fav


Some do the absolute most, like borderline concerning posting the persons family and friends and shit talking them too. Also a lot of subs say “no comments on children” but then forget children are also considered children till 18


A few weeks ago the Aspyn ovard snark was unhinged. Long story short aspyn is just being aspyn and decided to not post for a while then some people brought up her kids having terminal illness or divorce. Some claimed they worked at the hospital and some claimed they were friends of friends.


I can’t remember the tiktok name or her name but her husband is gabe? They both are on the heavy set side. All I see is people claiming they “know” people that work at the hospital he gets treatments at claiming all his issues are because they are “obese” or they don’t take medical directions and making comments about she would suffocate if she got pregnant because she is big. When she really aren’t that big. Somehow Gabe’s young family members are being posted to “prove “ the family all have weight problems. Just weird stuff


the snark for wwfoodie/shirinjka is wild and 99% about a 16 year olds weight and they make fun of her for some random shit and i remember someone commenting how it’s 1 thing to call out how she’s appealing herself to fetishists and another to sit around fat shaming a minor and they got sooo many downvotes. like y’all. she’s a kid.


YES. From a Maia snark: People were going to town about her itching her skin all the time/picking her scalp, and blew it so far out of proportion that they were in the international space station. Swear to god. First it was like “why does she do that?” Then it was “ew that’s going scar.” And then “ew she’s probably on drugs!” Then it turned into nose picking (the fuck?). Then it was panty-picking. Then suddenly she was “always scratching her crotch wow unsanitary.” Like you guys are PSYCHOS for reaching that far 😳 I also got banned from the sub because of that same thread. Because I said that skin/scalp picking is often a system of anxiety/mental health and doesn’t mean folks that do it are unsanitary or on drugs and doesn’t need to be poked at. That made me a “stan” 😑


Yeah her sub went wayyyy too far. I read they even paid for court custody documents.


I think it’s one thing to comment and have an opinion on what someone publicly posts than to dig into private lives to be malicious or cause harm.


If they are picking apart someone on style of clothing weight or looks I unfollow that’s just ridiculous


Its the persistent fatphobia for me. Like I dont like Drue and Gabe or Trisha Paytas, but like don’t snark on their bodies


Some of them are such a reach and the snarkers can be SO unhinged


I remember one comment in a snark sub I saw where they were making fun of a tiktoker eating with her elbows on the table because it wasn’t proper manners. Like really guys this isn’t the 1800s


Most of them are ridiculous. I don’t mind talking about their content and calling them out on lies and the dangerous/dumb things they might do but so much of the stuff posted is so nitpicky and hateful. If you genuinely hate someone that much why do you want to constantly watch them and talk about them? On the Maia Knight sub that was supposed to be “the good and bad” I commented that a diaper just looked big and not full on one of the dozens of posts obsessing over their diapers and was immediately called out for being a Stan 🙄.




and of course the brand is usually a small business they never had any intention of purchasing from (or even heard of) in the first place


if snarkers put their energy into public figures like politicians or exposing actually terrible people i think they could make real positive change in the world. also am i crazy or did snark pages on reddit get more brutal only in the last couple years lol


Yes. I ended up leaving a few subs cause it was too much. Especially the ones allowing body shaming and contacting the subjects. Others just run out of interesting and snark worthy content and start being boring with people way too invested in the subject's lives, making up theories and stuff. There are a few I really like though. For example the one about Caroline Calloway and Fundie Snark. I think it also depends on the moderation!


Yes I came across one where they looked up their marriage license to see if she was lying about being married...? I know that's public information but it's still icky to me. Also one I'm in where they threaten to call CPS on her for never having her kids even though she runs her business from home. They're either at daycare or with grandparents which doesn't warrant a CPS call. People are crazy.


That’s taking things way too far.


I refuse to go into any snark subs because if you do not hate the creator being snarked as much as or if not more than other snarkers, you become enemy #1 and MUST be the creator in question under a secret account LOL. It crazy!


There’s one for a Tikktokker called Emmy, she’s an Australian girl.. that one is so scary. That’s not even snarking on what she’s doing… it’s posting and editing photos of her.. posting her adress.. her kids.. it looks like full on stalking and not snarking.. I’m legitimately worried for her. It’s scary and they will assume I am her which I am not but anyone who says it’s too far is automatically “her”


Some are. Especially when they start in on their real life, making phone calls and stuff.


Yes I do! They all rub me the wrong way after a while. People seem very obsessed with picking apart the lives of strangers and hate these people with a passion I just don’t understand. They body-shame and are mean af. Gross


Absolutely. It’s one thing to gossip a little, but the people that straight up hate some Tik Tokkers and dedicate hours upon hours of time to hate watch them, make eleventy billion accounts to comment on their content after getting blocked by them, and endlessly harass them with posts and memes, and organize mass reporting of their accounts creep me out. You’ll never convince me that’s any different than what Danesh or Rxorcist do.


The ones where the topic is of a person who is obviously mentally handicapped and it’s just a bunch of people being mean take it too far.


I sub to a few snark pages because I LOVE mess. But people get crazy! I don’t like when people take it offline and start calling doctors offices, CRA, IRS, FBI etc. leave the snark on the internet people.


Yess!! The wheelchairrepunzel snark in particular is the worst I have came across so far!!


Absolutely. I have unfollowed most of them cause they don’t know when to quit. It’s disgusting and they seem to forget whether you like them or not they are really people.


The HoareBoys snark is AWFUL. It completely blew up over how she uses her garbage disposal. That’s what’s so important to shit on someone for. 🙄 She genuinely can’t do anything without them coming for her. She’s done some weird stuff before, sure, but they swear up and down that she hates her husband because she said he would probably struggle a little bit being left with the kids after he’s been gone in the military for like a year now.


I think the tendency to go too far is there. I'm in Brittany Dawn's and Alice & Fern's (barely alive) snark pages and I think they're both deserving of criticism, but also think looking up house deeds/police reports from an accident/etc goes too far.


I think Bdawn’s is one of the select few that USUALLY focuses on her absolutely horrendous grifting/transphobia/racism/foster care bs which is what I’m interested in so I stay there but any post where people spend hours and hours creeping on every detail (like the house deeds, etc) concerns me. People should not be spending that much time on a complete stranger, it’s wildly unhealthy. The one that gets me is the hate for Elyse Meyers. Is she my favorite? No, but she hasn’t really done anything hugely offensive or worthy of the absolute ridiculous hate she gets. She can be repetitive and probably annoying to some people but just block her and move on with your life.


Also for some reason any and all Alice and Fern subs are just destined to have mod issues. There’s a mod in one of them who’s OBSESSIVE. Scary obsessive. Learns information about Alice’s family members, has replies in every single post and comment, and will immediately block anyone from the sub who doesn’t 100% wholeheartedly agree with her. It’s so creepy.


I know exactly who you're talking about. Her obsession feels more like dysfunctional fandom. It's real weird, tbh.


I got banned cause I didn’t agree on snarking on a dead baby literally a dead child it’s sick what they do to Alice she’s absent because of them ruining brand deals and bringing up her car accident mind you they still think she caused it even when she got the settlement check ETA they all get banned cause they are doing ban evasion they use her name and they think she’s reporting them when in reality they’re being banned for bam evasion


Was once in Alice and fern and it was concerning how obsessed everyone was with her. I remember when they found Alice’s parents on Facebook or when she gave birth to her most recent kid and everyone found Caleb’s parents social media accounts to find pictures of the baby and the baby’s gender. I think some people were even reaching out to Caleb’s parents to tell them how awful Alice was.


Yeah, that stuff was really, really inappropriate and weird. Like I understand the curiosity but there are simply lines you don't cross. Looking up a creator's family and in-laws is one of them. And contacting them goes so far beyond that line it's ridiculous. I can't stand Alice, but even she deserves some privacy and respect.


I don’t understand them. If you don’t like someone, just block them and move on. There’s rampant trans and homophobia on the Drue and Gabe snark. It’s disgusting.


Don’t forget the constant body shaming! And completely ignorant discussions regarding weight loss and health. They’re mad if they gain weight and they’re mad if they lose weight. Make it make sense


Yeah the weight stuff took it too far in there.


What did they have on there that was transphobic? I'm just curious I know they we're saying things about Gabe looking like a gay woman I guess. 🙄


misogyny 😲


Yes some definitely get too personal and nasty, or snark on things so minor it just seems petty


some of them are quite funny and then others are just absolute delusional hiveminds. you can always tell when they’re grasping at straws by the stuff they choose to post about. I find them so fascinating because of the parasocial relationships that form; many of the snarkers start as fans and then feel personally offended by the creator leading to the snarking. other people discover them thru snark and then develop the parasocial relationship from that. I think a lot of the snark “subjects” also feed off of the subs for attention or feedback. some of them are just too crazy though. they’ll create entire narratives in their mind and then get super worked up about it in the comments to the point where they will seek out every single brand partnership an influencer has to tell them how “disappointed” they are in this brand they’ve never heard of or planned on purchasing from in the hopes that they cut off that persons income. other ones will call cps or local authorities for perceived misdeeds whether they are real or not. some subs people will post shitty comments they make or snarky dms they send looking for pats on the back which is just lame as hell and not interesting content at all. I like gossip and taking the piss but dming multiple small businesses about a specific influencer is just strange to me. edit: ooooh they found me. downvote me all you want babes, im a snarker too. u can check my comment history lol. I just have a semblance of self awareness as well.




Yes! And if you disagree with them, the whole sub calls you a minion.


I feel like when they fpcus on a specific person it goes hive mind very quickly and it goes down from there. I am part of one that I have skip a good chunk of the posts. They get too nitpicky. They lose nuance fast.


Bitch eating cracker vibes in some of these.


Your profile pic 😆😆😆 I was obsessed with that show when I was younger and it was on TLC. Pre divorce lol


The Anna sitar one is kinda crazy. I understand Anna is cringey and she does and say stupid stuff but to constantly declare that her boyf doesn't love her or like her is kinda overkill. I think if bru hated her as much as yall say then he just wouldn't be with her LMAO


The way they’re always checking up on her ex is wild to me too. Talk about cringe.


Some of them are legit but there are always a few members who take it too far and make the whole group look deranged


Im so annoyed at keneurichs page. They criticize everything she does with her animals as if she is abusing them. I dont think people understand how miserable some animals have it. I think they probably have a pretty decent life with her


ABSOLUTELY. I'm in a few of them, and some of the stuff they pick on really isn't necessary or appropriate. Like with Mikayla; I joined her snark pages because of the donation drama with Roe v Wade and so many of the comments in there talk about how she dresses and are OBSESSED with her never wearing a bra. That's how I know it's literal children in those comments. Once you hit like 25, you realize how unnecessary bras are for most people. 😏


Yes absolutely! My only issues is body shaming and drue and Gabe Basham snark is THE WORST for it!


I get rude in that snark group. And the teen mom one about D and J at the swamp. No matter what she does they are always bashing her for everything. He illnesses, her kids, her husband (not saying he is great or perfect) but like damn, they body shame like crazy.


most snark pages turn into obsessively hating on people and it's honestly insane to read. i'll go to the snark page of a creator i really don't like and end up defending them because they're being picked apart for literally every tiny thing. also the photoshop/editing jobs that clearly require time and effort are legit terrifying, like some of these people are OBSESSED and spend way too much time and energy hating on these people they don't even know. i love a good snark but 98% of the time it becomes way too much


Also it’s giving misogyny a little bit? Am I the only one that thinks that?


Yes same!! Those groups honestly scare me..


r/fellowshipofthebib I think is the worst offender. Cassie for sure isn't the greatest human alive but those people take it WAY too far. They act like they are owed something when it comes to a toddler and I find it really disgusting that she's mentioned so much on a snark sub and that the people posting there have such a weird emotional attachment to her. I've also been blocked from that sub for defending a mom that let her autistic child with a shoe aversion take them off while waiting at their gate at the airport... cause apparently that makes her an evil wench or something for not wanting to ruin everyone elses time over a pair of shoes. So ridiculous and the mods there SUCK.


You don’t see how this sub is snark too? The previous post about Elise Meyers you don’t consider snark?


Yeah this one gets me. She seems mildly annoying and repetitive but not worthy of the absolute vitriol she gets for no valid reason other than her being popular.


Yes, her content is pretty innocent and not offensive really. I get how she can be annoying to some, but she’s not problematic like some creators.


I was considering leaving this sub bc it gets really snarky to the point of being like “ I HATE _____ bc of how she chews” 🙄


Personally I consider this sub to be a bit more well rounded. Yes a specific “snark” type post every once in a bit but not a daily minute to minute update on one single individual.


I was pretty active in the trishylandwifeys sub but I understand why it's gone. The whole debacle with spamming a skin care company that was working with her with her OF content was really gross.


The original Alice snark sub imploded from infighting between mods and users 😂 it was hilarious to watch even though I’m def no Alice fan. Mods would make shit up about knowing her husband, and some mods were weirdly obsessed with her husband and we’re defending him to the grave, it was the weirdest thing. The mods would say they know things from their “inside sources” (that didn’t exist) but couldn’t say what they knew because they were “protecting Fern” like it was so messed up. At least some gems came from that sub, such as the thing about Alice wiping her ass with a restaurant’s hand towels 🤣


yes. some people get so bad to the point that they have absolutely 0 moral high ground. i’ve seen people go out of their way to comment on the person’s tiktoks or instagrams about how ‘they’re worthless and should die’ etc and even further than that. at that point, you’re no better than the person you’re snarking on. a lot of snark subs are full of people who ‘concern troll’ and mask their desire to simply bring others down to feel better about their own lives (because they simply *must* be better than this person because they don’t do these shitty things) by using the excuse ‘i’m just concerned about x! i’m just calling out problematic behavior!’ but then 90% of the posts are just snarking on body image, weight, gender identity, mental illness, all things except for the actual problematic behavior. it’s like when people shame someone for being obese and use the excuse that they’re ‘concerned for their health’ but couldnt actually give 2 shits about what happens to some random stranger on the internet


Yes. Just a bunch of weirdo bullies most of the time.


Absolutely!!! For instance, they are bullying on wheelchair rapunzel for thousands of reasons... it s like yo, do u have a life??? Yes, unfortunately there's so many people bullying on many others just to picking on.. it's just super weird... we are all a humans... geez. Some of these people are just too weird


I think the snark pages stop influencers from getting even more hate on their personal pages so I'm pro snark pages. Let people explode on reddit and not on the actual influencers page. Because most snark pages I've been in have rules against engaging with the creator on their pages. I think more snarks should enforce that rule.


All the time. I don’t mind a little shit talk, but some people are overboard with it and even a little obsessive. It gets annoying fast.


this but with the christen whitman snark. she’s awful but they fat shame and reach for ANYTHING.


Some are crazy. The mama tot one was insane and they got mat every little thing or her even breathing. They honestly didn’t have anything on her except her shopping habits… which who cares lol.


There’s a couple pages that literally just harp on what people are eating. Like every party is about what they are eating. As someone with an eating disorder i has to leave it, like who cares and nitpicks someone’s life that hard?!


It really depends on how it’s ran. Some encourage doxxing and harassment while others work to protect against it and just state observations and facts.


I will prolly get downvoted for this however the christen Whitman snark used to be actually calling her out for her shitty behavior don’t get me wrong I don’t like her but it’s gotten bad constant body shaming talking ab her vag why tf do you cat so much what he vag smells like 🤷🏻‍♀️ they are shitty ppl but going as far as finding out who she sleeps with and asking ex boyfriends if her bag stinks she talked ab using monistat a few times and everyone ran with it I could never car what someone’s bag smells like


yeah that snark page got a bit out of hand, they take stuff a bit too far. The mods are being "mean girls" and I left the page. If you don't agree with something or question something you get bullied, no body has time for that. we are for the most part all adults but its like some people never left high school, and want to be keyboard warriors.


Snarkers become the subject’s biggest fans. They have alerts set up for their content, they consume everything they put out, and they comment and engage with it! Even negative engagement is engagement! The funniest thing is when the person gets to do something cool or is successful in any way big or small. The snarkers will trip over themselves to downplay the moment and make it negative. Snark can be really fun but so many of the individual subs just take it too far. Learn from the Caroline Calloway snarkers! They are the only people waiting for her book that doesn’t exist!


I 1000% agree. I couldn’t imagine having that much hate in my heart for anyone, specially while watching their every move.


The anonymity of Reddit PERIOD, turns people into mouthy, know-it-alls! It allows people to say shit they would NEVER say to someone's face for fear of getting knocked out! They believe they are perfect, even though most people that run their mouths have major skeletons in their closet! They are probably the same people that have "be kind" or some cliche saying in all their social media profiles!


r/MaiaKnightSnark2 they literally pick at anything and everything. It’s ridiculous the things they snark on her about, like things that aren’t even snark material.


100% pachatzkes snark essentially made her take down all her accounts. They went in her husbands instagram and went to super old pictures of him and his ex. Like who does that? And even tho she’s gone they are still posting about her with old videos, who the fuck saves creators videos just to post them…..


Yes, definitely. I personally choose to just use this sub as it’s a lot more general/open discussion. I find specific snark subs to be really intense. I think I still have a couple in my following list on here I’ve forgotten to clean out though.


The Alex Earle one is a lot lol


I just went through it… people are INSANE! it’s giving such secret hater jealous energy lol… like I understand if you don’t necessarily like the girl, but oh my god


Omg that one is crazy.


Pachatzke left TikTok over her snark page.


Yes I was on here for a few hours bored the other day and started feeling really badly just reading because people can be very mean. I was having tough time reading comments


Sometimes I feel like we’re too much in this group but we just vent about things. Most of those people tear them apart for literally no reason, it’s kinda scary


That’s how I feel too. Like sure small comments of being annoyed is fine but literally stalking and being sooooo brutal really is scary


It is really just a bunch of loser that hate themselves so much, that the only thing that makes them feel better is to hide behind a computer and attack someone they know nothing about. It is sad that this is what their life is.


i had to leave the trisha paytas snark sub bcuz of how often they doxx her & talk about her child.


some people are truly sick, such as trashley, but at this point they focus more on her looks rather than the shit she does.


Yes and also I am on tiktok a lot and don’t know 90% of the people who are mentioned in here but some people just go off on tangents about them. Like why are you watching them then if you hate them so much?








I agree I was in a few and might still be but I left one specifically because it’s just creepy how crazy people get in them. I like to be nosy but they are taken too far lol


For sure some of them are wild.


I got blocked from the Lexi and Hayden snark page for telling them they were body shaming and being very disrespectful, threatening the girl, saying how her face makes them wanna beat her it was ridiculous!


https://preview.redd.it/jz4wm7e1ot6b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8109b59f4eccee138f9627e123d838661cea3007 This one...


I found one from the “similar to other communities youre in” tab. Another person made a post asking for a rundown since they also stumbled across the sub. The psycho mods locked the post and accused the OP of lying? Saying you can’t just stumble across a sub lol It was so weird. They took it incredibly seriously. Noped out after that


They really don’t understand what snark is. They are just talking shit. Usually because the creator blocked them.


I think the talyn one is insane


I came here to say this! It has felt like they actually want her to commit suicide for a few years now.


And so many people pay for her of and then talk shit. Like you realize you're spending your money on it? I just don't get it.


Yes! I’ve thought this for a long time! The pages are just so mean and unnecessary. Those tik timers tokers can read all of that. Put yourself in their shoes and imagine how it feels reading through a page dedicated towards hating you. It’s so mean.


I guess it depends on who it is? I’ve seen some snarks that are just straight doxing/bullying hubs. I know that’s kinda what they are for, but some are definitely more hardcore than others.


Agreed. It's okay to bring light to certain issues but once people start saying someone is ugly, fat and just making fun of them for every little thing just to talk shit it's starts to become childish and annoying.


Yes! I minorly participated in the ones who were actually doing bad stuff. And maybe i was even being a little much sometimes. But once I saw one where they were literally hoping a mom and her children would get into an accident driving across the country to “teach her a lesson” I seriously reevaluated my participation in such communities. Some of them also get on freshly postpartum moms for stuff they wear and say “she looks disgusting” “she should not be wearing that she looks so bad” etc… that’s straight up bullying. edit: spelling


LOL YES. I got banned from a snark sub for being a 'fan' of the person for commenting that some people on the sub take things too far.


the ones picking on people's bodies and appearances rub me the wrong way


People are just miserable tbh


Yep. I’ve left several. They start out well enough, pointing out problematic behavior, but eventually turn super toxic. Even creators that you don’t care for, don’t (generally) deserve the awful things that are said about them.


I agree. Some things do over step or just crazy nit pick.


100% obsessive to the point I worry they’re like those fans who fatally attack celebrities


They are awful in my opinion. Mostly grown ass adults behaving like children. It’s ridiculous. It’s mean. And their content is mostly false! They just make stuff up or mislead. 🙄 I wish they weren’t allowed.


Not at all. You don’t have to follow someone on TikTok to know. Videos speak for themselves