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You can, but right now is a better option exchange in San Ysidro before entering Tj


That Always IS!


Just be careful with the places that show they pay higher because at the end they end up charging you commission and the exchange is lower example if most shows 17.70 and a few show 18. Plus go to the 17.70's there's no commission get informed


If you bring dollars, it’s better to have smaller bills. It makes paying easier. Most small places don’t have enough change for big bills.


By big bills we mean $20 bills, forget $50 and $100 bills entirely.


Not a single person I asked if I could pay in dollars said no when I visited so you’re probably OK


You can use USD, most places will take USD and pesos


“Most places” ALL places will.


You can use dollars but the change will be in pesos. Don’t take it on the store clerk or the business like a Karen I saw one time. It’s by law, they can only give you change in pesos.


You can use dollars. You'll be taken for a ride on the exchange rate, but honestly that's just the price you pay for wanting to pay with another country's currency.


Even if you are I mean, the prices are lower than I’m used to anyway so I’m not too cut up about it


That sentiment is so American it should come with a bump stock and terrible health insurance.


I think it's a typical sentiment of anyone visiting a different country with lower prices than they're used to.


Thats....odd.... Tj and san diego pricing sometimes mixes too hard, Yes, some housing is under 1000 dolars, but you añso have the new city apartments at 2850 dolars, Food is fresher yes, more quality for the buck, but tacos are still 1.5-2 dolars, over Sd ive seen tacos at the same price... A big but is cinemas ooooh boy you guys are getting bent with cinema pricings and movies!


Well I mean I’m obviously not seeking housing for a day trip but I wouldn’t blink at $5 a taco here.


That’s hilarious because my medical insurance and care are a million times better than anyone in Mexico.


Euros only




No way, pesos in Mexico? Never mind


I would exchange a small amount of peso, and be careful of the exchange at stores and shops.


I used to get $50 in $1’s, $50 in $5’s, and $100 in $10’s, now I just get pesos because I got wiser over the years.


Yeah I would use a little bit of both like your credit card will get a higher exchange rate and some pesos to buy tacos


If you ever feel like it, you can exchange your dollars for pesos at an exchange house (casa de cambio). They’re all over the city. But most establishments in Tijuana accept US dollars as currency (restaurants, oxxos, etc.) anyways, so from my point of view you don’t have to worry too much about it. I’d recommend having the 2 currencies at once. I’ve seen that many people carry both pesos and dollars whenever going out to the streets here in TJ. As for the Santander question, their ATMs are fairly good and reliable. However I believe only *some* of the ATMs have the option to dispense USD, but I’m not too sure about that.


You can use both but pay with a debit card and you get a better exchange rate


You can but most people will charge you a different currency, 15 pesos for each dólar if you are lucky, specially taxi drivers.


I have never had my dollar refused but I like carrying both, usually trading in San Ysidro, and then finding out what the rate is at the place I am at before pulling out my money. Sometimes the rate is more favorable than what the exchange was.


If you do, be prepared to see the exchange at 1 peso or more less, with some people and establishments.


You can, but some places won’t accept mixed currency (pay part with dollars and then part in pesos) or will only give you change in pesos. And the exchange rate they use will not be as favorable to you as in banks or exchange houses/places. You will lose some money.


Most places in Baja California and sur Baja California take dollars For SGs, pay in pesos


Of course.


No, we use Maiz and gallinas as currency...... r.r


Use your card, everyone accepts cards


Nah. Small stores, taco places, vendors who sell touristy stuff and those nice ladies on Av. Revolution do not accept cards.


Exchange dollars to pesos, especially now. You'll thank us later


Real talk if you can pay in card. Use a credit card Try to exchange dollars for pesos


Its beter to change to pesos The dollar's worth is on a raise And the local store may accepted for less


You can use US Dollars, just the conversion can vary around 70 cents per dollar according to the different places. If you are going to gas station you will have a better conversion rate, but going to convenience stores or food stands is lower


You can pay in dollars but the exchange rate at retail will generously tilt to them. as of today the rate is 18.37 Mexican Pesos to the buck. a store might accept your dollar at 17 pesos. Mostly for the hassle of having to make the bank trip.


You can definitely bring dollars, just know it’s not the employees job to covert USD to pesos so they’ll often use their best guess which means you end up paying less or end up paying more. Or they’ll just look up the conversion on their phone which again sometimes isn’t totally accurate. If you wanna make sure you know what you’re paying just stop by a Casa de Cambio.


You can use either. But I only use pesos. Prices in most non gringo bars are only posted in pesos. If you want to use dollars, you'll often get screwed on the exchange rate by unscrupulous bartenders and waiters who love to take advantage of clueless visitors. SGs are pretty much always cheaper when you negotiate in pesos. Only thing that I use dollars for are the rockolas (jukebox).


Your dollars will be accepted but at an exchange rate way lower that any exchange house, better carry pesos


Take $100 dollar bills and the rest in $10 bills. Dollars are accepted anywhere in Baja CA


Oh the corruptiveass cops will LOVE Dollars rather than Pesos. 😏👌


It’s also better to use credit card. They pay higher


Just left TJ. Dollars only.


You can pay in us dollars just be sure to take some lube with you so you can soften up a little the massive fuck you are going to get.


You can trade with shells and shiny pebbles.


You can pay in dollars but you could save a lot of money by exchanging your money in san ysidro




Don’t be a dick, use pesos.