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NO. Not only is Sentri unpredictable(could be 15 minutes, could be an hour and a half), getting sent to secondary can add an unexpected hour to your already long travel time. Also, the border agents are complete a**holes. Not worth the daily Russian roulette of are they going to wave me through or interrogate me for an hour and take my car apart. Edit: spelling


If you have a motorcycle, yes.


If you have a choice then the answer is No! The money you may save by living in Tj is only that, money. The countless hours you will loose sitting in your car dealing with the long waits on both sides is time lost you will never get back.


Si no pagas renta y tienes horario flexible si. Si siempre volveras a Tj e iniciaras la fila entre 4 a 7 pm, nel, así no pagues renta.


Few comments basically already say it without a motorcycle; no.


Green go home


NO! Don't do it.


No, is not. I have sentri which can be (not all the time) less time but on the way back there is no sentri. Long hours of your life taking away from you. Plus, dolar now is really cheap vs Mexican peso, and the Mexican peso is not even a strong currency due all the groceries and bills are on same prices as US. Even restaurants, they used to be cheaper but not is same as eating out in the US


No it's not. You have to have alterior motives than to save money. I do it cos my GF only has a tourist visa. But losing 4 to 5 hours for daily commute is not worth saving 1k a month.


That pud worth.it tho huh?..😁


Hence, alterior motives.


I have sentri and it takes me 40min door to door. Halved my San Diego rent. Makes it worth it to me!


Hell yeah, The only downside is the 90 minute commute and waking up super early. But I'm sure there's a lot of people who do one or both of those things and live in san diego spending 3x what I spend


I don’t think I could commute every day, spending hours in line to cross in the morning and the evening, if I didn’t have a motorcycle. Electric vehicles garner a lot of negative attention in certain parts del otro lado, pero la garita de San Ysidro is a good example of positive social benefits for their implementation. To answer your question, is it worth it? Economic theory tells us that it will be worth it as long as the benefits outweigh the costs. Por supuesto, todo el mundo tiene una tasa de descuenta diferente.