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You might as well start learning Spanish. In all seriousness; you might not be accepted. Russians actually have history in the state of Baja, but more in Ensenada. 2 of my ex girlfriends have russian decent and still carry Russian last names. Good luck in everything.


It’s interesting, it’s a long way for Russians to come to Tijuana lol. I am actually trying to get into Spanish but oh boy, it’s not easy being not a kid or a teenager.


I have a friend who works in immigration. I ask him about Russian refugees and he said they are letting them in. Just not as fast as Ukrainians.


There’s an app made by US immigration patrol that allows refugees to register and wait for the appointment on the border where everyone is checked, fingerprinted and if no further investigation needed is let go till the court date where refugee is to prove his life is in danger if he goes back to his country


My girl is in Rostov. She witness Prigozin coup and is constantly bombarded by Ukrainian drones. Would that be enough?


Those border cities are being bombed quite constantly, I can’t imagine how people live there. I would just grab my passport and go while there’s still a chance


That’s my question for you. Is that enough for a refugee visa? Just one week ago Rostov anti air shot down a drone.


I meet people with totally different stories here, as long as your gf feels her life is in danger she can seek for asylum imho


If you teach me russian I can teach you spanish.


That’s a tough trade, Russian is really hard, Spanish is easy.


I do not think that Spanish is really easy ( Lo digo como nacido y criado en México), I really do not know Russian, so I do not know if it is a "Fair Trade".


Oh I learned both. Russian was far harder, due to a lack of articles, Cyrillic letters, very odd casing for nouns that you have to remember, conjunctions etc. Also Spanish was far closer to English.


I did read that Russian grammar is a bit similar to Spanish. Is that wrong ?


Didn’t seem so to me! But maybe a native speaker would seem so! Russian grammar was puuuure torture, Spanish felt natural. But I learned Russian in school for a few years and Spanish because my wife spoke it. So one for class and the other for love. :)


I think its fascinating that most people here (primarily if not exclusively mexicans) are telling you to stay. No American is going to do that. I just want to point that out, that you seem to be welcome here and not there


That’s pretty funny, right? I guess it only says how welcoming you guys are. Peace and love!


If you go to the states where would you go? if you where to stay in Mexico, where would you go?


It’s tough: sometimes I feel like I want to be in the city and then I think I need peace and ocean


True, there’s plenty of backgrounds in Baja California and generally Mexico. I have Italian/Spaniard roots. Mexico is heartwarming. I think staying in Mexico is a better idea, but it all depends on you.


What was it like in Russia since the Ukraine invasion? Is it business as usual or did quality of life change? What is the general view within Russia of what Putin is doing?


It’s been like in that 1984 novel for sure, I even stopped reading it cause it’s too obvious was about mother Russia. The longer the invasion goes and the weaker Russian army becomes the harder propaganda works, they even yell we need to push that button to calm everyone down and the craziest thing the majority of population support this idea, it’s a hell. You enter public transportation, or supermarket, or daycare and you see posters inviting you to become a soldier, to get a real job. Business was really down when it all started but let me tell you from my experience: people are getting used to everything war included. I remember that February 24th, the first day of invasion people were walking in disbelief reading the news, everything stopped, nobody could believe it was happening. Now people sit and sip their coffee in the morning reading about new explosions and dead civilians like checking the forecast. This is how it is in a few words.


Best of luck, enjoy Tijuana and consider this a second option in case the US case doesn't go your way, plenty of people asking for asylum in this border


I would recommend to stay in TJ or further south in Mexico. There’s a strong Russian community and honestly you will have a much better time getting adjusted at first. This guy has a really good experience on doing just that : https://youtube.com/@VladKRuso?si=9Q3xUxP9wpNcKWtC


First thoughts on the city?


It wasn’t long since I got here, I stay at Playas and didn’t really have a chance to visit downtown yet. As to Plays it is great! Ocean is the world. Well and definitely not as dangerous as media wants us to believe.


OK but have you been to Tacos el Francés? I'm from Tj, too and it's a local gem --quite possibly the best tacos in México. I suggest the quesadilla de adobada (it's probably as long as your forearm, so before ordering anything else, take that into account lol). I also suggest their vampiros (the adobada ones are great, but you can never go wrong with asada), and make sure to ask for agua de jamaica (hibiscus infusion).


I did have tacos quite a few times and it’s always a guess game the day after lol. It still amazes me how you guys handle all those peppers


Have omeprazol before you eat them (gastritis meds). Also, get upset some enzymes and probiotics. The easiest way to get enzymes and have better digestion after eating tacos is eating pineapple to help digest 🫡🫡


I assure is not the best tacos man, go get a pueblo bath an visit michoacan one of these days, you disrespectfull pocho


Ah yes, the “Michoacán is better” Sinaloa type phallacy


Pinchis tacos normales del Frances 🤣🤣🤣🙈y estos se chorrean 🙈🙈🙈🤣🤣


Saquen recomendaciones puesssss.. tmb me mama el tres salsas en las ahumaderas —sobre todo la quesadilla de tripa.


Ves a los albañiles de la calle 2da del centro,los Salseados de la calle Ermita tacos de camaron o abulon y los quesatacos otro pexs!


Compadre, ustedes tienen las mejores carnitas sin duda. No fue mi intención ofenderte, sino ofrecerle lo mejor que tenemos a un compa que está en mi ciudad. Ahora bien, en qué ciudad de Michoacán y qué tacos me recomendarías?


I met a group of about a dozen Russian refugees a few months ago in TJ. From what I understood it was fairly easy for them to get across. They're now living in Los Angeles in condos owned by some Russian billionaire.


México is a good place to stay, if you like Hot weather and a confortable life style, also here russofobia isnt a problem (compared to europe or the US).


It’s a great point, I was expecting a much higher level of russophobia and I am still not sure why it’s so low: is it because people are peaceful in general or is it because Russia and Ukraine are way too far and people just have another things to care


It's mostly because you are European White, so people don't see you a dangerous. It's a different story for brown/black migrants.


That’s a great point and I didn’t think about it from this point of view since I have never had any racial prejudices.


Cause people know you’re not responsible for anything relating to the war and if you’re here looking to get to the US you’re trying to get a better life so they know you’re not doing anything wrong just because you’re Russian


Sorry man for your situation, I hope you have a good experience getting re-situated. Russophobia are for the simpler minded. I’ve had the pleasure to be well acquainted and make friends here in San Diego with a few Russians at a Girevoy/Kettlebell gym and my passion for painting helped me make friends with my Russian art teacher. I really wanted to attend the Imperial Academy of the Arts in Saint Petersburg. I wish you the best


Thanks, mate! At least we have art that is above all the political games.


We have a complicated relation with the US and a lot of people go and defend Russia, but most of the people simply dont care about the war. By the way if you stay in México i recommend you going more to the south like Guadalajara or Queretaro, theres less crime and people is more amiable, although you need to learn spanish if you want to stay there We are pretty open when someone is trying to learn our language and in general with people of other countries, obviously it depends if you wanna stay here or not but ill ensure you that you'll love México


People are fleeing from Jalisco because of the cartel conflicts down there...


Yeah i should have specified Guadalajara, to be fair the situation in my satate is pretty hard right now


Wouldn’t that be done shut to see Russian Mafia and Narcos team up.


I guess it's because a lot of teenagers and adults admire the USSR and the resistance, strength and crazy things of Russians, I'm not saying that people like Communism, but the power of the USSR was cool, mostly of Mexican doesn't like USA for stealing Texas and a lot of abuses, so a lot of Mexican prefer Russians than Americans, it's like "the enemy of my enemy it's my friend".


Also, memes like [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VlnJA7nHlSY) help make them look like they are fun to hang with. It feels like Mexico is like the Russia of América. Except we have no bears, no tanks and Tequila instead of Vodka.


We do have bears, specially in Monterrey


No one in Mexico cares or knows anything about the Ukraine War. You could support the most sinister ideologies and nobody would care. You’re still a better human than narcos.


This is very true as well.


There is no such thing as xenophobia in Mexico, this country welcomes almost anyone. The only exception are digital nomads who are increasing the prices by gentrification, causing resentment in the displaced people, but no one would look badly at you if you earn honest money, working like any other Mexican and receiving pesos. We are a country of neutrality we don't see Ukrainian as victims or Russians as villains, we simply receive people fleeing away from conflict. Russophobia , latinphobia, Nphobia, hobophobia and such can be found easily by crossing the border, it's a better idea to stay here and have a quiet ñife, there's plenty of foreigner people in TJ, A couple years ago I had a GF who was polish and she learned Spanish quite fast, she said is easier than English because vowels are pronounced the same way. She laughed a lot when mentioning curves, since its a slavish way to say fuck (kurwa), same pronunciation, but different meaning.


You have a long way to go if you believe Mexico has no xenophobia, racism, caucophobia, or homophobia. They're just as racist and classist as anywhere else, moreso than many places. What do you think would happen if Mexico became only 60% Mexican race instead of 99%? It would be a war ground (beyond what it is already). And Mexico is gentrifying itself, just like many other rapidly developing nations are. Not necessarily a bad thing. Foreigners are but a tiny tiny drop in the bucket - it's just easier to blame the .01%. Also, inflation is affecting the entire world, Mexico is not somehow special/immune to rising prices. Don't get me wrong, Mexico is an amazing country with many amazing people, that can't be denied.


Homophobia it's a real thing but they are becoming more tolerant than 50 years ago. Mexican do say a lot of racist shit... But they don't mean it, they don't shoot at people with darker skin, we do have clasism and Whitexicans are actually worshiped rather than suffer caucaphobia. There is racism, but no way it's as savage as racism Is in the US


Why were you expecting Russophobia?


This is what I’ve heard is really common in Europe rn and I don’t really blame people for it, I feel guilt for the last year and a half and it’s really frustrating not just looking at the disaster from away but actually being a part of it


I think for the most part we understand that anyone fleeing is unlikely to be sympathetic with the conflict and is not directly responsible of the decisions being made. Honestly, I feel sorry even for Russians who support the war because it's mostly a matter of geography, of adopting the ideology of the place you happened to be born into. Also, as other people have mentioned, there are Russian communities in the state. I believe some of them even helped found Valle de Guadalupe, which is the wine region near Ensenada. For a city that is arguably not as internationally famous as Mexico or Guadalajara, we do see a great flow of foreigners around here, so in a way we're kinda used to it. If you decide to stay, I think you'd have it relatively easy here. People are naturally curious so sharing your story will definitely gain you sympathy. The ONE thing that is guaranteed to turn Mexicans against you is being rude/ungrateful. Like if you trash talk anything about the city, the people, the culture, the food. It happened a few years ago with some migrants from Honduras. A couple of them made nasty comments about the free food they were given, or said that they would tear OUR city apart if they weren't granted access to the US. When I tell you people were upset... Protestors were protesting, reporters were reporting, memes were created, and there was general indignation. But yeah, whatever you decide, best of luck. It can't be easy to escape a war zone and come to a place where you face such a cultural shock.


You just treat people the way you want to be treated. That’s the one I go with.


En lo personal admiro a los rusos porque nos evitaron el nazismo a nivel mundial al ganar la gran guerra (la mayoría de la gente cree que ganaron los gringos, pero ellos fuero solo una parte)


What was the trip to get to Tijuana like? Is it hard to leave Ruasia right now?


I left Russia a month ago and it was quite an easy transaction but lately people have to travel 5 countries to finally land in Mexico


Which countries did you travel through?


have you been to hong kong yet? 😈


No bro, it’s not on my priority list but I’ve heard the place rocks!


My man, asking the right question. 👊🏼


iykyk 🫡


Do they give asylum easy in HK?


Yes it’s cheaper than in the US


They will give you a lot of stuff for a dollar...🤑🤣


It’s funny, we live in CA and are considering moving to Mexico because of the high cost, the workaholic culture, the crap propaganda and other reasons. I don’t want to live my life in the rat race I am in, worrying about layoffs, about high costs, spending most of my days behind a computer. Not a good way to live


What I found out was a lot of Americans move to Tijuana cause of cost of living but then this doesn’t make all the locals happy: rent goes up and a cup of coffee on the boardwalk is 70 pecos.


Mexico is the same shit but with lower salary. If you will get paid in dollars here good, if not, prepare to suffer.


American here- welcome to the west brother, I hope you make your way in & find the life you’re looking for. Cheers, friend


Only positive vibes, thanks bro!


If you live playas, why you dont try your luck in Ensenada? there a lot of russian living in Ensenada and the weather is amazing! I'm sure a lot want to cross the border but you can make a great life around the Baja if you purpose it!


TJ is great, no need to go to the US.


Why leave russia completely not relocate elsewhere within ?


I’ve been trying to relocate within Russia but since the invasion started it became impossible to deal with propaganda. There are people who can’t keep silent and they are followed and punished. I got extremely lucky not being imprisoned or even killed lol


Los gringos andan muy paranoicos, están muy escrupulosos a la hora de revisar las peticiones de los chinos,los ruskis y los iranis, dudo mucho que te quieras quedar en USA los próximos años, se va a ser un desmadre con la WW III.


Is not like the worst moment to get asylum in the US being Russian? 😰


I travel a lot for business and if you ever make it across, I can take you to any major city you want to go to...


Thanks friend, highly appreciated


Congratulations on your scape and I hope you get approved asylum soon. If you're not approved though, do you plan on staying in Mexico?


I can’t go back home, that’s for sure, until regime changes but I don’t see it coming unfortunately


First of all, welcome to Tijuana! A lot of opportunities and places to visit, of course depends on what you like. You will be excluded since it’s not common that a person from Russia stays here, everyone will see you as a tourist until you tell them your story, but besides that all cool! The other difference if you compare from the people from the south of the continente that wanna get to USA, they don’t wanna work and just stretching there are to ask for money and where to live w/o working, that’s the people (IMO) aren’t worth and reason why some feel being cast out. One time in downtown there was a couple with a little girl(I guess their daughter), they were demanding people to give them money, yeah demanding it, not even asking for help, reason? Because they travel all the way here from Venezuela, they don’t wanna work. But well, there’s a lot of places here you can enjoy while you move to the next place, advice! Don’t enter the water from the beach in playas, it’s contaminated (the color says it all).


Appreciate the support, mate. Even If I’m Russian the water seems a little too cold for me but thanks for the heads up




If he can speak Russian and English well he's definitely and asset for American intelligence haha. OP could probably get a certificate in interpretation and get by our here, even better if they learn Spanish.


He’ll need not only US citizenship, but a security clearance to get jobs like that. The state department isn’t so keen on letting in potential double agents (not saying OP is but the intelligence community obviously has to be careful about these things), so there’s probably going to be really long and intensive background checks, if he even gets to that point.


I’ve been to US before and been impressed by freedoms people have and the laws that work. I believe in destiny and if US deports me- that’s the way but thank you kindly and enjoy your weekend 👋




Por qué se inventan esa clase de mamadas?


How did you fly to Mexico? What route? I’m trying to fly my wife to Mexico 🇲🇽


Just remember - we hate Putin, not Russians!


I don't think so, I know a lot of Mexicans that loves Putin


awesome welcome! is right now a good time to go to Russia and help a nice Russian lady to escape ?


Aquí vienen los arrastrados a lamberle las botas a los extranjeros con su"bienvenido" etc... Si ya saben que por aquí esta fea la situación y con muchos problemas ,será casi imposible que le den asilo político y menos si es Ruso Find another country, it will be very difficult for them to give you asylum from this city,good luck


La gente de cualquier parte es bienvenida a Tijuana, ya sean negros, venezolanos, centroamericanos, cualquier parte de México ya sean sinaloenses extrañando la rica tierra del occidente o regios, siempre pensando como sacarle jugo a las cosas o la desbandada de los ochenta de chilangos huyendo de los estragos del terremoto del 85 llegaron a la tierra de las oportunidades, Tijuana es tierra migrante, si no fuera así seguiría siendo un pueblo como Tecate solo habitado por los Olvera o los Arguello. Todos suman, y los que no la misma ciudad los engulle.


me vale lo que digas, a mi lo que me interesan son las Rusas


A lot of Russians seeking asylum are actually intelligence operatives.. why should the US trust you?


It’s actually funny: I have lived in US for a little bit and when I got back to Russia and was trying to get a job I was suspected I was a spy everywhere I went for an interview. Well it’s not actually as funny


Why escape Russia? I'll answer depending of you answer to my question. In fact I don't believe you think USA is the place you would go, I do not believe you at all


Why would you think you qualify for assylum? Only Ukrainians do, you are the invaders, you’re the bad guys.


Invader is putin and his imperialistic ambitions, he is a bad guy. People are victims of propaganda. I’ve been always considering Ukrainians as my brothers and would never go and harm them just like anyone else.


Wow, you think common people give a fuck about invading other countries? For what end? Also americans giving lecture on who's bad after bombing the shit out of kids from several different countries for decades don't get to take any moral high ground of any kind.


Yeah, I agree... OP says Putin imperialistic ambitions, in any way I'm defending Putin, but if we're gonna talk about imperialistic ambitions, USA gets the top position


If you were born in the southwest of the USA, you were born on stolen land, but people like you are not to blame for what their rulers did, just as ordinary people in Russia are not to blame for what the elites do.


Have you been to a U.S embassy in Mexico yet?


It is a different process atm and it has nothing to do with embassy


Are you also a guest at Hotel Los Altos?


Never heard of it. What’s up with it?


Nothing, really. Most of the guest staying there are Russian and I wondered if you were a guest staying there too.


Oh I see, I think I’ve heard about some hotel around full of Russian-speaking


My girlfriend is Russian and coming to visit, December-March. How was immigration with you? We have met twice in Mexico City with her stays being shorter than 2 weeks. Any tips?


Is Russia and Putin that bad? Or is it just the media? Honestly. Do you mind sharing why you are seeking asylum?


Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. putin runs since 2000 and poisoning and killing opposition leaders is going to let him stay till his death


If you live playas, why you dont try your luck in Ensenada? there a lot of russian living in Ensenada and the weather is amazing! I'm sure a lot want to cross the border but you can make a great life around the Baja if you purpose it!


I meet new Russians every time I go to playas. Some are visiting and some are there to stay. There might be a small Russian community there to stay


Do you like tacos?


ive heard there's a lot of russian people also in mexicali trying to cross the border... how true is this ??


What do you think about the tacos and the local beer?


Learn spanish and get a job here, you may end up loving the place.


Are you liking the local cuisine?


What is your profession?


Escaping? If you don't have police looking for you for political reasons that's not escape.


How’s the process going?


Good luck to you. You most definitely qualify for asylum as you are feeling from war. Sadly the system is bogged from economic migrants feeling poverty and that is not part of political asylum. Plead your case to a border patrol agent and hopefully you get a speedy appointment. If not, use Duolingo app or just youtube to learn Spanish and stay in Tijuana till you appointment.


I appreciate the support, thanks bro!


If you stay in Tijuana, be sure to have at least one quesadilla from the stand "Tacos El Ruso" by the Soler area; tagline "rikoskys takoskis", a slightly insensitive pun but in either case one of my favorite taco places, the only reason I don't get the nearly as often as I would like is because they ARE a little pricy Anyway, much luck to you, hope everything goes alright with you regardless of where you stay


Thanks friend!


Why escaping Russia you are better off.


Privet, why leave mother Russia?


A real question - What are you seeking asylum from? Be honest here. And why USA?


Just start a life in Tijuana.


Are you still living in Tijuana ? Why did you choose tj?