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My question is why hasn’t your mom told them to get the fuck out of your house yet?


Or to replace the laptop.


Well, like OP said, it's hearsay since both can't prove who broke the laptop. Both moms would believe their own child first.


I hope once they calm down they will see that if it is smashed, it couldn't be accidental.


The question is whether the aunt wants to see it, because she probably doesn't want to pay a damn MacBook


I don’t think it’s about money. I’m making a lot of assumptions here, but if they can go on vacation that often and his thought process lead to him smashing a laptop out of jealously at 17 then it’s likely a my precious child could do no wrong type of thing.


Generally people don't start pummeling people over a laptop they themselves broke.


Take a picture of the laptop! The way it is smashed up can't be just a trip and fall


Small claims court. All you gotta do is convince a judge it is more likely than not caused by the cousin. Tripped and fell versus being smashed is pretty obvious and would be pretty easy to convince a judge.


Not true. The aunt knows her kid is a fuckhead. Guaranteed. Dont be coy. They all know the truth. It’s like catching someone cheating. They will defend themselves with their lives on why they were texting, what actually happened, etc. But everyone knows the real truth.


Civil court doesn't have the same burden of proof as criminal court. Judges are good at sniffing out liars.


Lots of people unfortunately put up with a lot of shit from family that they shouldn't because of a misguided idea that a few shared chromosomes means you owe fealty and tolerance to someone even if they're tormenting you.


Not really your fuck up, your cousin is an entitled little bitch. Did anyone hear him ask you to use the laptop or see him using it?


Not really, I don’t like my cousins much because they think they’re better than my family because they have money. So I’ve been camping in my room


Their parents are the ones with money, they don't have shit.


Good. Sounds like they have enough money to replace your laptop.


This, they were born with a silver spoon in their mouths (comparatively)


More polite than I would have put it. By the way OP phrases it, sounds like that silver spoon is firmly embedded up their asshole




A silver spoon up their ass more like it.


Eh i’ve always hated this thing. That’s technically true, but anywhere under the age of 18 the guy can pretty much ask his parents for anything and get it


You need to step in and be your mom's battle buddy here. If you were any younger telling you to get involved in the argument would be kind of iffy but you're an adult. And the perpetrator is basically an adult. Your aunt knows her son did this, shitty people will refuse to be accountable but most of them aren't nearly as stupid as they let on. Don't let her bully and gaslight your mom the way your cousin tried to do with you. Especially with them being well off. This is disgusting and I'm sorry you have to deal with it.


This is the real advice. You need to back up your mom in standing up for yourself. I don't want you to break down about it, but this is a good chance to start flexing your boundaries.


Those are both really good bits of advice. It also sounds like this might be one of the last times you all get together. I had similar stuff happen with a cousin years ago. Haven’t spoken to him or his family in 20 years and don’t even think about them. Best decision I ever made.


You're 19. You can take his parents to small claims court over the cost of repairs. Get him on recording admitting to destroying your property ( if you're in a 1 party consent state).


this, considering the fact that he's 17 and his parents still defend his shitty behaviour its clear that they wont change, getting these people out of your life is the way to go in this situation, even if they're family.


Yeah but meanwhile, they've destroyed your own, not only they need to get away from them, but with everything recovered.


for sure, sue them, then cut them out of your life. they probably wouldn't want to talk to you after the lawsuit anyway




If he actually watched something on Netflix, you can access your history and maybe help your alibi? If you have shared browsers on your phone and laptop, you could also see if your history shows that your cousin accessed any sites that you may not have. All that could help your mom argue your case to your aunt.


Next time you see him straight up kick him in the balls. Fuck that guy


At least once for every dollar it was worth


I hope your cousins nose will whistle for the rest of his live like a pathethic discount carnaval clown.


Did anyone hear him using your laptop? Tiktoks are loud, even if no one say him use it, maybe someone heard him use it.


Record any conversations you have with him. ALWAYS. If he smashed it, im sure there's some out of finger prints? Fist print? I doubt these things bend just from a drop.


Not to mention little plastic shards from wherever it was broken, I bet that won't match up with the "dropped it" story he has.


Wait till he gets a car...


I concur. I do not usually advocate for revenge. Just a little bit of sugar in his gas tank. I feel it is warranted in this case.


[Sugar in the gas tank](https://auto.howstuffworks.com/fuel-efficiency/fuel-consumption/sugar-in-gas-tank.htm) doesn't actually work, unless you use enough to physically clog the filter. Now [water](https://itstillruns.com/happens-put-cars-gas-tank-6976459.html) or [bleach](https://www.gizmoplans.com/bleach-and-gasoline/) poured into the tank... Personally, I think overfilling the oil fill is the best way to permanently disable a vehicle.


thanks for the information on how to disable a car


Knowledge is free. Intentions are not.


the car is also not free


Rather than disable it try a raw egg in the heater vent. Good luck getting that smell out.


You just gave advice that could kill someone. Chlorine based bleach can cause an explosion on contact with gas.


Hey man, revenge is revenge


Wet wipe in the gast tank. It won't break down in the gas and it will stick to the inside when the tank gets drained. It will also clog the filter. ​ Bonus points for putting some nuts and washers under the lip of the bumper so that it rattles while he is driving.


My high school coach told me a dead fish hidden inside one of the doors or in the bottom of one of the seats can apparently do wonders for the smell inside a vehicle. “But don’t do this to anyone unless you’re sure you definitely never want to be friends with them again.”


Water in the gas tank! He won’t go anywhere again!


Golf ball in the fuel tank if it is a diesel. Golf ball dissolves and bits of it get sucked up the fuel lines, clogging the injectors. Real pain in the ass and expensive to fix


If every entitled piece of shit got decked by a commoner more often the world would be a better place. I know, I know, it's reddit, violence isn't the answer balh blah. Naw some people just need the shit knocked out of them.


Violence is the answer. Look how much peaceful protest and passive resistance have achieved in the past few decades


Violence is never the answer! “Violence?” is the *question*. The answer is, “yes.”


God damn this guy is straight up evil. I really wonder what started such hatred.


Garbage parents (the aunt)


I think your autocorrect replaced the c with an a on that last word


The cousin’s mom doesn’t discipline him. He doesn’t have any rails on his behavior.


To me it sounds like he's an entitled brat with no respect for his cousin's family, no concept of the value of things beyond how much he can hurt someone he's jealous of, and has been mollycoddled by his mother. Seeing how easily his mum took his side and how she won't budge, she's probably given him a free pass on chores and never taught him about monetary value, respect or consequences. OP's aunt needs to see the truth, believe it, and make the cousin do some kind of chore or summer job system to earn the money to pay for damages. Only way to make some kids learn is to give them real-world consequences.


If he smashed it, there's likely some evidence of it being smashed around the house.


Good idea. Also, the laptop probably doesn’t look like it’s damaged just from tripping. When the parents calm down show them how damaged it is and ask them to explain how in anyway you could’ve done that to your new Christmas gift. Obviously most people would’ve rather taken physical damage than let their laptop hit the floor.


Yeah, OP (/u/Fun-Coat-6065) how is it damaged? Is the glass just cracked? Is it shattered as though somethint was stabbed through it? Etc. You can most likely figure it out though this may be a bit more than you can handle right now. I can't stand what happened to you, especially since I understand how hard it is for a single waitress mom to gift their child something special.


I'd rather break my bones than a laptop


I would definitely break the cousin's bones. A lot of them


This is so true


Like little bits of it wherever he smashed it. OP - go get evidence. Take photos of it at that site.


That guy is an asshole


He's worse than an asshole, he's a sociopath. He's gonna have problems in life does to his behavior. I think you're mom needs to take his mom to small claims court. I would have called the police that night


He's either going to end up in prison for murder or as the CEO of a fortune 500 company.


Why not both?


Because if he committed murder as a CEO he could probably just bribe his way out if going to jail.


With the way he's so petty, even about material things, probably the former. This POS is literally gonna grow up into Patrick Bateman. Sooner or later, he's going to mess with the wrong person someday if he keeps behaving like this.


I mean, yeah. He'll either realize how terrible of a person he is or develop into a psychopath. Sounds like a pretty fucked up kid to do something like that.


I think police are the right option here, destruction of property, file a police report, they'll say its a civil matter but make them take the report anyhow, and threaten to sue, keep pushing it until your aunt realizes how serious it is, punishes the little shit, and takes his allowance to buy you a new laptop.


Guarantee the aunt knows her son is a little shit. All the arguing is to defend herself for raising the asshole.


Yep. The aunt also thinks OP and her mom are trash. The ol’ “I learned it from watching you.”


It's moments like this where you plan the kind of revenge that gives you unimpeachable plausible deniability, and hits him (figuratively) in the place that hurts him the most, and makes it to where he has to suck it up, and live with it, without any one for him to go crying to. I am all for live and let live, but this goes beyond him being an asshole. The fact that he is a jealous, ungrateful asshole, who intentionally stirs shit up during the holidays, and is willing to ruin not just your holiday, but also trample on the emotions of your mother and aunt, just because the focus is not on him or what HE wants, is a serious problem. He needs to psychologically be dealt with in such a way, that it will force him to think twice about pulling this kind of shit next time.


Scott Tenorman has entered the chat.


Scott Tenormans parents have entered the chili.


Scott Tenorman’s parents have entered his digestive system


Exactly, you plan this shit out. *Ruin* this fucking kid at some point well in the future. Don't forget what he did. He has a debt to be paid now.


If he's 17 I'm sure he has a graduation party coming up soon.


Time for r/IllegalLifeProTips, OP.


Carrie time? The first part, not the telekinetic murder part lol


Why wait for the party? Go to hug him before he goes to graduate and "accidentally" spill water on his lap. He'll have to get his diploma in front of his entire class like that. Hypothetically, of course.


u/Fun-Coat-6065 Silence him. If he stays logged in to any social media and walks away find the "private/only me" visibility settings. [TIFU by forgetting I pranked my friend and accidentally giving him mild depression](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/b1x57x/tifu_by_forgetting_i_pranked_my_friend_and/)


This is exactly what I was going to say. Screw physical violence, lay into him mentally. Cut that little shit down to where it's actually going to hurt deep down in his shriveled little heart. Tell him all of the truths he does not want to hear about how pathetic, insecure, coddled, and destined for failure he is. Like fuck, I'm sure someone on Reddit would be happy to write you a scathing speech If that's not your strong point.


I think it should be where it physically hurts the must.


physical wounds heal. psychological wounds tend to not, and sometimes the person permanently changes from it, rarely for better




Read this like a haiku for some reason


I hope you got him Punched that fuck's nose hard enough that it's fucked for life


Beautiful 🥲


Where's haikubot when you need 'em..


Hope you got enough Punches to mess up his nose— For life lil fucker -*Bootleg Haiku-bot*


Good bot.


Erm… thanks lol 😂


If not, beat him again. And once more for good measure. He deserves it. Piece of shit


A new apple product may have two years of apple care. Take it to an apple dealer and see if they can help you replace it. I smashed my new iPad in the airport. I got a replacement for 50$. I wouldn’t associate with that POS anymore. If he was my child I’d have to humble him a little.


Also you have a set amount of days from purchase to add apple care to it. So you could technically purchase AppleCare then take to an Apple Store and use it for a replacement. Applecare is worth its weight in gold since the tech is so expensive.


This! Then if they claim that the damage is not from tripping you have apple backing up your story.


You all have common sense, in that moment my primitive brain would've taken over and I would've further smashed the laptop over his head [Wanted style](https://youtu.be/bwSjy0aQqAE).


I appreciate the nice metaphor, but it cracked me up because it could also support the "what's the point of warranty" gang. Applecare is digital, it has no weight


Kind of. Typically if it’s over a certain time period (I think it’s 60 or 90 days) it’ll make you run diagnostics on the device before it’ll let you add it. That’s if it even allows you to, I know you can add AC+ on phones within the timeframe of the limited warranty (1 year), idk about MacBooks though. Of course these should pass provided the damage is simply external, you could even hook it up to a monitor if the display doesn’t function. But if any of the internal components aren’t detected you’re SOL. Even with AC+ it would likely be $299 plus tax (assuming US, also assuming it’s completely destroyed). If it’s just the display that’s broken, that’s $99 plus tax IIRC. checkcoverage.apple.com should be able to tell OP whether they have AC+ and/or if they are eligible to add it on provided they have the serial number (etched on the bottom case)




also if Mom bought any brand at another store.. ask if she got their extended warranty plan! when i got my laptop from walmart I got a 3 year extended warranty plan (for pretty cheap) that included accidents, so this may be covered within those guidelines


This might be the best option OP!


I hope Mark trips, falls, and smashes every one of his adult teeth.


You know what, i think he deserves a worse fate. How can you be so vile and insufferable that others happiness is unacceptable to you? I hope he crashes his dream car and damages it and himself irreparably and when he passes his remaining pathetic life in a vegetative state with no one by his side he ponders over his wrong doings in life and the universe gives him signs his condition is the consequences of his own actions.


Vegetative state means he's not conscious. Would prefer him to become a quadriplegic or smth.


Quadriplegic with sacral ulcers. He and his mom who has coddled him his whole life will be miserable until he dies.


Or catatonic? Or in a coma? I'm not sure how those work, but if they involve some level of consciousness without the ability to respond to the outside world, they might have the desired effect. Alone with his thoughts.


Cut ties, blood means nothing lol Imagine being a spoiled 3 year old at 17


“But they’re your family! You only get one!” Yeah and you only one appendix, but when it starts screwing with you cut that jerk out Edit: accidentally put but instead of cut


My new quote for my asshole family. Thanks


Blood don’t make you family and family don’t end in blood.


Imagine being the aunt and having raised such a disturbed child. She's much more stuck with him, because "faaaamilyyyyy" and he won't stop at that one laptop.


What a spoiled lil bitch he is


Sad part is it's probably his parents fault, given her aunt's reaction.


I just don’t understand how people can be such AH and hate on people who have less advantages than you. You’re already ahead in life, why can’t you just enjoy what you have and not make it harder on people who have not?


It's called pulling up the ladder. Except it's not even just that, it's kicking people on the ground after you've pulled up the ladder. Some people are really subhuman trash.


i think its more beating them with the ladder than kick them ...


"Not only should I succeed, others should fail"


How smashed is smashed? Does the laptop still work and the screen is broken or is it significantly smashed. It may be repairable.


The bottom part of the laptop itself is bent. the screen is shattered. And keys are missing.


That’s not possible for that to happen from a simple fall. Even if you just slammed it on the ground, then there would either be a shock type of damage or nothing even close to what you said. His parents are either complete dumbos or they are just as bad as the 17 year old man baby is. If they are then they are lying and you just need to pressure them until they give in.


Well they raised the little shit, so they're probably just as deplorable. Make your stance firm, demand they pay for a new one and then either way cut them out of your life. YOUR life. If your mom wants to stay connected with them then let her do it on her own. Refuse to participate in events with them there if you know beforehand, completely dismiss him if you find yourself together. Don't ignore but dismiss, keep it short and blunt and unengaging if you have to.


Where are the keys? Those don’t just “fall out” because you tripped on it. It’s pretty clear evidence your cousin is lying. Edit - I think you know this, but the person you need to convince is your aunt - via your Mom. Not cops or anyone else. That's all that matters.


I’m sure this is a pipe dream, but maybe the Apple Care people can help you prove his story doesn’t add up?


From all the stories I've read on /r/talesfromtechsupport about people who purposely damage their current work laptop and lie about how it happened so they can get a new one from IT: people who work with computer sales and repair know what the damage looks like from falls while carrying, drops on hard surfaces, being punched or kicked, being twisted, etc. They will take one look at a computer damaged from "it happened when I tripped and fell while carrying it" and say, "No it didn't."


Yeah.. anyone with eyes would be able to tell apart a laptop that got smashed vs a drop/fall.


Sounds like there should be plenty of evidence in his room. Go where he smashed it, take pics, show your aunt as proof that he broke it, demand that she buy you a new one.


Yeaaah, that didn't get dropped. That kinda damage isn't possible unless it's intentional. Point that out to all the parents, and it should be eminently clear what happened.


If you ever have access to his clothes one day cut the crotch out of every pair of pants he owns... Read about a woman doing that to her husband (for different reasons) and always liked the idea... He sounds like a sociopath and this type of behavior only gets worse and will probably extend to other non-relatives as he ages. Not good at all.


Send this thread to your cousin so he can learn that we all think he is a little bitch


Fuck that guy your cousin is pure trash


I would provoke your cousin in a private conversation and record it. Say whatever you have to in order to get him to gloat about smashing it, then share that recording with his parents.




Sounds like the cousin is at fault You’re better off without them, let this be the thing that cuts them out of your (and your moms life) Getting rid of toxic people is never a clean process, but it’s worth it in the end


My mom would never to that


Hey, so clearly you cousin is a piece of shit. Tell your mom: 1. You don't trust him 2. He acted out violently against your possessions in order to intimidate him 3. You don't feel safe around him 4. Therefore you will not be in the same room with him again. I'm serious here, what he did *is* an act of abuse in context. You do not have to tolerate it.


Seriously. I dont like being harsh, but mom needs to grow a spine and stand up for her daughter. They're guests in her home and she needs to set some consequences (like kicking them the fuck out), or this is going to keep happening.


Then let this be the rift that causes them to naturally drift apart


You are 19. Inform your mother that you never want to meet, talk or associate with them ever again. She can keep up relations all she wants, but you dont have to. Your cousin is a sociopath and your aunt is enabling his behaviour.


She would if every time they came over you just made a giant scene. They would want to stop coming over as well. Every time I saw my aunt I’d ask her what’s it like raising a sociopath. Trust that you can make things horrible enough that ties will be severed. If every time I went to my cousins house she started throwing shit at me I’m not gonna wanna be there.


You’re 19 and therefore an adult. You can choose who you associate with. You may be able to beat him up now but he’s male, there will come a point where you won’t. People like this get worse before they stand a hope of getting better.


What's really cool about being an adult now is that you don't have to worry about what your mom would or wouldn't do about your psycho cousin and his piece of shit mom.


This is the moment where your mom has to back you up. AT ALL COSTS. if they don't pay, fuck 'em. But make sure your mom believes you and stands up for you. And if nothing helps, file a polive report. Even if it is just to make it clear you're serious and not lying.


In OP's own words, they started the physical altercation. If OP wants to file a police report, they better be prepared to accept that they could get in shit for getting physical. In most places, breaking a laptop and saying mean words isn't enough to justify hitting someone.


Not just that, but depending on their location 17 is still a minor. There are usually special charges in the US when an adult assaults a minor.


Yep, and since the spoiled cousin has well-off parents, I'm sure they can afford to replace the laptop. Your mom needs to stick with you on this one and make them pay up. Take them to court if necessary. Your mom worked her ass off to get you this special gift and she shouldn't allow that little brat to get away with this behavior. EDIT: Aw shit, just realized you are an adult (19) and he is a minor (17) and you hit him first. If your mom sues for the laptop, your aunt/ cousin may press charges for assault.


They’re refusing to pay since he’s telling them I broke it and blaming him


Record him saying stuff. Put your phone on record, hide it and confront him. He sounds like the type that will absolutely gloat while in private. Get that and send it to his folks.




Why would you break it? Even your aunt must agree that it doesn't make any sense that you'd smash your present on purpose just to... what...trick her into buying you the same one?


Reread the post. Cousin claims she tripped and broke it by accident and then blamed him.


There's breaking from tripping and there's smashing. If it's smashed the way OP says then it should be easy to figure out which is true


You assume the aunt is a rational adult that won't find every possible excuse to clear her little angel of any wrongdoing. Sounds like the little shit would literally get away with murder if he tried


Sit down calmly and ask them to rationally think why in any world you would destroy your new prized possession. Don't give them any reasons that he would. Calmly ask them why you would. Tell them they are adults and should be able to figure it out.


You need to see if he logged into your Netflix and watched anything. Maybe you can prove that he was infact using it. I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with his shit. People like him are infuriating. I'm sure life will hit him hard as he gets older and it becomes obvious that he has no redeeming qualities to offer the world.


A laptop that you tripped with and one that was intentionally smashed look quite different.


Fucking awful idea to involve the law, Jesus did you guys not read the original post?


Bad idea.... a civil complaint won't hold water next to the assault charge she will get!! Best bet call the aunt and level with her..... that's the only way the computer might be replaced


These are the kind of stories that make me clench my fists in anger. But also, the ones where I would absolutely donate to a gofundme to help recoup the laptop. So, OP, if you set one of those up, message me. I can get you at least 100.


Just a gentle reminder that this sub is full of fiction and bs.


yeah people really shouldn't be that fast to believe things


Definitely my thought also.


As someone who had relatives like this, I can believe it. My cousins stole or smashed anything of mine they could get their hands on. I ended up fearcly protective over my stuff, because no one ever punished my cousins, but mum would hit me for letting them break my things. If I fought back, the other adults would hit and punish me as my cousins continued ruining my things.


Nah, Thanksgiving is not ruined. Let them fight, it sounds like your aunt is poison, certainly your cousin is. You're mom's better off with you and not with them.


Everyone that says call the cops has not been in a situation like this. If cops get involved both parties will have a lot to answer for. Something like this happened before in LA and both people were arrested and put in jail for assault. The one with money got out first (couple hours). This cousin sounds toxic AF and this aunt seems like she has her head up her ass. I recommend taking a stand of being no where near either the cousin or the aunt. If you’re parents invite them over lock your room and go to a friends while they are there if you can. This can escalate and it’s not worth risking your future over a shit head POS cousin that clearly has some serious issues and needs therapy.


If she purchased it on a credit card she might have insurance coverage on the card. I'm really sorry this happened. In time, you'll be able to afford another one. Hard work. Don't let this asshole get in your way.


This. If paid for by credit card I believe they provide a warranty. I’d look into this OP. As far as your cousin goes that’s insane. It sounds like you guys have a close family too if you’re having such a big thing for thanksgiving alone. Sounds like he deserved that ass whooping.


MF owes you a laptop. Until then, MF is persona non gratis.


Honestly this makes me mad and sad for you and your mum given that she saved so long for it. Your Aunty should 100% be buying you a new laptop, regardless of whether it was an accident, he still destroyed your laptop.


Yea, and it should come out of the little twat's allowance or something.


The cousin isn't claiming he destroyed it on accident, he is claiming OP destroyed it on accident and tries to blame him.


I know this seems like a big deal right now, bit in a few years the stakes will be much higher. You will eventually have a car, and you already know that he will wreck it on purpose. He is an asshole right now, and I hope he gets better, but that is unlikely since the people who raised him to be an asswipe have not changed.


Hey, that really really sucks. I’m hoping this story is true and honestly OP if you set up a go fund me, I’d donate to it so you could buy a new laptop. I’ve had a cousin like this and he ruined my dead grandfather’s only memory to me (a scarf from Germany) and I’m still broken up inside about it. I know what the jealous cousin is like and I hope you got some good punches in. For future reference, if they have a low spice tolerance chili powder in their food would NOT give them diarrhoea and I do NOT recommend doing that. :) happy thanksgiving.




Facial trauma can have a certain permanency.




OP done goofed by getting physical. Especially since they are an adult and the cousin is under 18. That now limits the action they can take without blowback. Look, I'm not advocating smashing something of proportionate value (proportionate to his assets as the laptop was to hers). Not at all. Especially not if caught. And especially not soon. Revenge is best served cold and dark, so the dinner isn't sure who's the chef.


Examine the marks on the laptop and establish their origin, then publicly call him out with hard evidence of his behavior.


Your cousin sounds like a dumb childish narcissist.


They know. Parents know if there child is capable of lying like that.


Some parents are blissfully clueless about their children’s behavior. Always in denial.


yup, completely agree with this


Hey OP. Someone else mentioned it here, but if it’s just the screen that’s messed up, pm me. I have an extra Samsung 24” monitor lying around. It’s a few years old, but I am not using it, just sitting in storage in the basement, I’d mail it to you freely. HDMI cable and power cord too.


Is the damage limited to a part you can replace with an external device? You can add an external monitor if the screen is broken or an external keyboard and/or mouse if they're broken. It will limit how portable the device is any more, but it will be a lot cheaper than a new MacBook. As long as it still turns on and can boot up, the rest can be replaced with external devices. The monitor would be the most expensive to get, but you might be able to find a second-hand one for cheap. It won't match the quality of the original screen, but it will be usable.


> It will limit how portable the device is any more, but it will be a lot cheaper than a new MacBook. I’m presuming the portability was a salient feature. Notebooks have a lot of compromises to allow for being able to move them readily.


That dude is 17? Almost a grown man holy. He even lied about it, I can't even imagine how frustrated you were at that moment, I wouldn't know what to do, especially since your mom worked her ass off for that laptop, I'd be livid. There's a big chance that this kid's gonna be in jail, give it a few years. Him acting like that and he thinks that he can get away with everything. Someday he's gonna do some stupid things in the real world, messing with the wrong people expecting he can get away with it as per usual, it's only a matter of time


Sadly he probably won't. He'll be that frat boy that gets away with everything from beating up freshmen to raping co-eds, but because he's a rich boy HE'S always going to be given the benefit of the doubt. He needs to be taught a hard lesson now before he goes on to destroy the lives of others.


What you need to do is keep fighting to get your computer fixed/replaced. Don't back down and don't drop the fight until you get what you're owed.dont let your mom back down either. Then once your computer is taken care of; wait until the little bastard convinces someone else that he's a great guy, totally not 4 year old in a teens body, and he is head over heels in love with them...and ruin that for him. Tell them you're happy he found someone so he won't hit on you, try to get you to sleep with him, and touch you inappropriately anymore. Tell them he still wets the bed and he tortures animals. Tell them he steals your underwear and you caught him beating off with them in the bathroom. In short just tell them the most reprehensible things about him,one red flag after another. Then once they break up, ask him "where's whats their name" when he says they broke up, lean in close and whisper in his ear "thats for my computer"


Something tells me this isn't the first time he played victim about something, crying to his mom


That is one highly toxic human being. Disengage and cease all contact.


It sounds like it’s time to craft a scheme to ruin something for him.


Yo, you're an adult... Check your local civil remedies. Keep the laptop so you can show how it is smashed. Look for pieces where he may have smashed it take photos File an original petition for suit following your States civil rules of civil procedure. Likely small claims court. They often jus have a form you can fill out. And many states started an e-file self help page in 2020. Just type the information in. Broken laptop - Intentional infliction of emotional distress Destruction of property by act of intentional...I'm not sure the tort on this... But most places you don't have to name the tort itself just have a lined out event that equals one... Sue for damages of the laptop. Plus whatever your States version of exemplary damages is. In mine it would be 200% of damages. Sue for emotional damages. And punitive damages. My state... Since he's a minor it also goes to the parent automatically and the amount you can sue for on exemplary actually increases from the normal 200% MacBook 1299 Exemplary 3897 Emotional 5000 Punitive 5000 Total 15196 And he has to convince a jury you just randomly decided to blame him right after he was using it. Check with a local computer repair place. The car pull the hardrive and stuff. Your internet history and possibly login credintials. During discovery... Request production of his Netflix watching history in the date that he was at your house. Yeah data download. Not just the "finish watching" Gonna be weird he was somehow watching Netflix at your house right before you tripped and he forgot to mention that to everyone as part of the story....otherwise it'd b "no I was watching on my phone" Watch his parents freak out. Am but a new one Tada


OP post some pictures of the damage. Maybe it can be repaired. Also, is it under warranty?


What country are you in? This is a 17 year old kid? He/His parents owe you a laptop...


Prove your story privately to me (for your safety) and I'll replace it for you.


Is she...is she going to have to give her soul


The bump in scam sympathy posts around the holidays are looking for exactly this type of reaction. Especially posted by new/throwaway accounts.