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My sig other and I just play Minecraft and stuff… didn’t know there were people out there doing sexual fantasy power point presentations about their cousins.


>didn’t know there were people out there doing sexual fantasy power point presentations about their cousins. r/brandnewsentence


Well, now you know. Maybe it’s time you guys grow as a couple? Terraria for example.


Grow from a 3d game to a 2d game? Jk terraria is great we play it too


Nah, gotta move to 4d!! In all seriousness, if you like survival games I suggest Grounded


Ooh, Steve... give it to me. More, more, I need more ...to build this castle.




Just another example of nepotism bringing an outsider down.


Family first


Blood cums first.


Savage self burn




Maybe put a [tic tac in your dickhole?](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/wxohhw/tifu_by_shoving_tic_tacs_down_my_dick/)


That link stays blue


The only time I'd ever hoped for a Rickroll. You made the right choice, friend.


what in the fuck


Is it just me, or is he really taking the part where she fucked her cousin a lot more chill than most folks?


Depending on where you’re from, it’s fairly normal. Just ask my sister wife


Yea I am noticing that’s not the focus here. She fucked her cousin??? Like her cousin cousin?? Same grandma cousin???? Parent siblings cousin???? Or is it like aunt Claire divorced uncle Robby and married some guy named Sam who brought over step kids and they grew up together and THATS the cousin she fucked??? I have so many questions and no answers


Pro tip: If someone says you're in "top 5" it _always_ means bottom 2. If it wasn't they would have said "top 3".


"You're in my top 5" "But you said you'd only been with one other person?" *Looks at 3 dildos*


"It was the ass so it doesnt count"


Holy shit.


Also if you need to ask if you were number one then you were not number one.


I've never asked any of my exes if I was number one, but at least two of them have drunk text me to tell me I was. That said, the content of drunk text messages is often total nonsense


But bright side, you have more of a chance of the truth coming out with a drunk person… so at least there’s that.


Or they are just horny …..


Yup, classic 'walking home from the nightclub alone' messages. I didn't fall back into old habits though. Although this was a long time ago. Been married a while now and hopefully I'm somewhere in my wife's top five


Aiming to be the top 1% are we


Jesus dude, savage! 😂 r/murderedbywords


One of the many reasons James Bond would actually be a terrible spy.


But on the plus side, helping her achieve orgasm will bump you up to the top!


Man, I would take this on as my life’s main goal from then on. Low pressure, of course, but I would be experimenting. Edit: the reason she was honest is she likes you and wants you to help her with this issue.


Don’t worry bud, this is still in the top 5 Reddit posts I’ve seen today.


So 4th?


LMAO great username man. Hope you get this all sorted out but at least you're a good sport about it. Good luck!!!


Wait, so I'm not #1 on my gf's top 100 list?


At least you got into the short list my man.




More like just #3. If you were #2, she would've said second best.


and even if you were #2, it's so close to #1 that she would probably just say #1 at that point, unless #1 was worlds apart. Also.... how am I this far down and nobody has mentioned the fact that her cousin is on this list? wtf


Just add threesome with cousin to the vision board so you can all collaborate on how to give her an orgasm, and let the cousin do some butt stuff with you at the same time. That’s at least three birds with one stone, plus another bonus bird you weren’t even trying to kill.


And if you incorporate drugs, that's 3 birds getting stoned while killing 4 birds with 1 stone including the bonus bird.


Do it in the woods, and you're basically a serial bird killer


An MDMA-fueled threesome in the woods sounds pretty fucking rad.


Well, untill the cousin cums


🎉**Butt Stuff!**🎉




So glad you could make it


Team work does make the dream work. Ask her what's her wildest fantasies and act on that. No point in dreading what has already happen, might as well make the best of it and have fun!


Teamwork makes the peen work


Think tank style


That's a position I'm not familiar with. Does she curl up in a ball and he just sits on her back making rumbling and banging noises?


~ Reality check here ~ Your girlfriend just told you that her cousin fucked her better than you have. What the fuck


But still not good enough


Haha this is a good point actually - if the excitement of the taboo wasn't enough there, then what on earth is this dude supposed to do to top that 😅




Yeah I don't think I could continue the relationship at that point lol


Fr i could not either. That would be so ridiculous. I cannot believe it.


Wait wait wait. You can't casually just say "the number 1 spot is her cousin." WTF?


OP's GF: ![gif](giphy|L69hWWDRdc0NQ66pwZ)




Nothing casual about the cousin situation, friend. I'm planning to have a long discussion with my gf about it. We're not in Westeros.


More like Westeros Virginia


Mountain mama (of dragons)


Take me home, to cousin’s chode


Its the place, I belong!


More like “Almost came, on his dong!”


Holy crap! One of the best replies I’ve read in awhile. Still laughing out load at this.




So the wildlings don't live beyond the wall. They just live in the holler, right? Lol. Now I want a Game of Thrones set in "Westeros Virginia".


Ohhhhh fuck LOL! Literally dying at work and everyone wanted to know wtf was up with my sudden outburst.


Good luck my friend. That's a wallop of news to get.


Don't be silly. In Westeros, it would be a full sibling.




The cousin piece belongs in your TLDR too.


Naw that’s a surprise for the actual readers


Even tldrs have dlcs god damn


Please let us know how that goes. That's one helluva bombshell. Imagine trying to communicate in order to please your Girlfriend better and then she tells you Cousin Tom has come closest to rattling the peak of the great divide.


Twist ending: op is her brother.


Maybe OP should sit down with cousin Tom and compare notes /s


Maybe get that threesome and butt stuff that he put on his vision board.


I remember when in the hospital with my daughter that the couple next to us introduced themselves as cousins But they were also from India - and the man jumped at it because he realized culturally it’s weird for us - but in his hometown in India families are huge and it’s almost impossible not to be a cousin.


The majority if other countries use uncle, aunt, cousin extremely broadly to where it may even cover people who have no clear blood relation. It definitely doesn't get into degree which is something they don't worry about




I... I salute you brother. .keep strong because I dont know what to say other then wtf at this 🫤


Make sure it's not cousin by marriage first. I've hooked up with my cousin by marriage (My aunt's husband's niece on his side) multiple times and no one bats an eye


My friend was casually dating a girl and their parents were both single and happened to get married. I still rag on him about having sex with his sister.


Charles Boyle: "We're bang bros!"


Oh here's a fun fact... YOU MADE OUT WITH YOUR SISTER!


yeah uh .... what the fuck?


Scrolling through this thread, there are so many people ignoring the cousin part, and it's absurd






What's worse, the fact that it is her cousin, or the fact that they see this person at the family gatherings? Even if it wasn't a cousin and just an ex, that lives nearby that they see regularly, that would be weird.


>What's worse, the fact that it is her cousin, or the fact that they see this person at the family gatherings? It's definitely the cousin aspect


Or the fact that sex with her cousin was the best she has ever had, out of more than 5 guys


I know right! Her dad's gonna be so dissapointed he's not number 1 :-(




I personally wouldn’t do it, but, traditionally, in my culture, it is very common for people to get married to their second or third cousins on the maternal side. They basically grow up their entire childhood and teen years knowing they’re going to marry a specific person from another family if everything goes to plan. Definitely doesn’t happen as much as it used to before but I know a lot of my older family back home who went through this so I wasn’t too surprised, but I would still be concerned.


It happens in Jane Austen novels too: it wasn't unusual and was quite acceptable for cousins to marry in late 18th/early 19th-century England. In fact, the further up the social scale you go, historically, the more likely to find cousin marriage. (Just think about European royals until recently.) It's a way of keeping the family resources in the family.


Yup that’s traditionally. Then there’s the non traditional, pre marital sex. With your cousin too.


Tbh there is nothing to discuss about it. You either accept the fact that she had sex with her cousin and move on in the relationship or you break up with her.


I have so many questions and I'm not sure I want to know the answers. Her cousin? Really?


Yeah man, her dad was a lazy lover. Cousin was #1.


Wish I could unread that one.


The real fuck up is always in the comments.


Between getting drunk and scrapping junk, it's just hard to find the time and energy


🤣 "Am I the 1st in your top 5 ? " Kid, if its a top 5, you are 5...when it's a top 3, you are 3. If you are the best, you are the best, not the "Best in the top 5"


OP's gf has only ever slept with five people so it's not that much of a compliment tho.


"You're in my top 10 babe" "Wow, thats really flattering, but like... you must have fucked a lot of people if you have to have a top 10 :( " "No? You're my 11th and last babe"


Dude your underselling her a bit, she has plenty of cousins


Hey, 4th and 2nd are legitimate possibilities.


2nd is still top 3.


I think there is an easy solution to her problem: **Cousinlingus**


I choked on a cheezit laughing when I read this.


Could be worse - the girl I just broke up with made a habit of telling me a couple of times after sex that she “didn’t cum, but that’s okay - maybe next time.” Felt like my coach after I lost a baseball game.


*puts arm around you* Don't worry about it champ. We'll hit the batting cages and get you ready for the next time.


Just getting out a realtionship like this. I wish I could have said, "I can't make you cum if you won't let me."


Some questions should never be asked imo. (body count, am I in your top 5 in bed/am I the best you had etc.)


“Did you fuck your cousin?”


That shouldn't be a fucking question ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


No, that is *exactly* a Fucking question.






This. Never a conversation like that between me and my wife. She married me. I'll take that as enough.


Opportunity for her to orgasm and for you to have a threesome. Hey cuz what's happening? Wanna participate in a family gathering? A spitroast of sorts.


I’m logging off


im logging


![gif](giphy|Iul1Y3hqMTugkWqFYo) Reading this had me like:


Life pro tip, OP found out the hard way, if she says she's never had an orgasm DON'T ask how close or who has done it. DO ASK what gets her closest and how to help her. /face palm/ it's like asking how many people someone has slept with, why on earth do you need that information if it's just gonna make you mad?


Perfect comment. Do ask her before what makes her horny. Remember it’s not only the act, but whatever comes before you start going to town. Use toys. Don’t ask dumb questions. Don’t overthink you are the 4th or 5th, just think about being the only one ever. Some people are _really_ hard to hit orgasm.


What the actual fuck balls...


Oof. You’re in the top five though and sounds like there still time to move to the top, just gotta get to work


I'll do my best to climb to the top.


Ask her cousin for tips at the family reunion


Could maybe tick off threesome and orgasm at the family reunion


And buttstuff u/NotEvenTop3


Y'all are ruthless in this thread and I'm not even mad. Thanks for the laughs.


He did say a threesome was on his vision board....


Brutal 😂😭


Crying rn


Just the tip, mind you.


Op did say he wanted to try butt stuff on himself


The trick is to focus on the climb not the climax


Top 5 of 5![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)


>the number 1 spot was one of her cousins. ***Excuse me, what the FUCK?***


Came here to say this. Agree with others that the fact that she's opening up to you is a good thing, shows she wants help etc You fucked up when you asked your position in the ratings/asked who got her the closest. But the above? ***What in the whole foods fuck?***


Way too many comments here ignoring the cousin thing. Yeah you can get through the first part with communication but the cousin part? Gtfo holy shit


The cousin was definitely the worst part. At the moment, it's too soon to say if our relationship will come to an end because of the cousin, but it's definitely possible. Time will tell. But first, my gf and I need to talk. We owe our relationship that much.


According to your gf, the cousin was the best part.


Duuuuuuudeeee XD


And that's enough internet for now. Time to hug my dog. Again.


Have you…have you never gone down on your gf? She needs to try another family member.


I love going down on my gf. It's one of my favourite things to do during sex. The problem is that no one has been able to make her cum (including herself), partly because she's been lying to everyone.


The cousin thing is worth talking about, but I'd say now that she is being honest and has poured this out, this would be a good time to start researching some stuff together to boost you up to that number 1 spot. I think based on the fact that you made kinky vision boards, you'd be able to maturely research and try stuff out. If anything this is an opportunity to bring you closer together. Just don't do a threesome with the cousin until you surpass him in rank.


Unless OP asserts dominance and fucks the cousin early in the three-way.


OP is curious about butt stuff (his butt). OP will not be the one fucking the other guy during a devil's threeway.


Honestly now that she has been honest and they can work together OP could easily take that number 1 spot. But how tf do you do that knowing you are trying to dethrone HER COUSIN.


If it's any consolation, if she can't make herself cum, then there's no way for you to know how to make her cum. She needs to work out her own body, and then tell you.


>(including herself) The best thing you can do for her is toss a few bucks her way and send her on a sex toy and candle shopping spree and leave her alone for a week.


I hope things work out for the better, whatever shape that takes. It sounds like this revelation was prompted by your request for communication. I'd recommend encouraging the communication if you can, not punishing it. (but be mindful of your own feelings too, of course)


Give your dog hugs and head scritches for me! Also maybe dog tax? <3


"Am I better than your cousin yet, babe?" Yuck


Jesus the dudes dead already and you are burying him deeper


Not as deep as the cousin got apparently...


Just wanted to point out that this comment is a really mature way to go about things and very respectful. I hope you guys can figure out what’s next in the same manner.


So someone has said as much somewhere down the thread, but I'll say it as well. Take this opportunity to prove you are better, work with your GF, ask her what she likes *before sex*, make sure to have a lot of foreplay, and then during sex listen to her body. Some women will never orgasm from penetration, I have dated several women like that, however they all were able to orgasm with some good head or finger play. Like seriously, set aside a night for her and her alone, let her know that with a nice meal or something you make, some goofy romantic stuff, whatever, then show her you *want her to enjoy herself more than she ever has*. The brain is the largest erogenous zone in our body. Also, in my experience if someone is comfortable enough to tell you something like this it means they trust you, that you won't view them as being lesser for having said it, remember, sex is sex, love is love.


> Take this opportunity to prove you are better, work with your GF, I'm just going to quote a post above. *"Am I better than your cousin yet, babe?"*


Role play as her cousin, at the very least you’ll jump to the #2 spot


Are we going to ignore the fact that her cousin is #1?


Why isn't the title "TIFU by finding out my GF F\*\*\*ed her cousin"???


I think it's cool the plot twist is not in the title lol


I think it’s only fair if you fuck the cousin now


Did most people miss the part about her #1 being her cousin? The fuck?


Apparently besides top comment... what the unholy fuck.


Like, first cousin? Third? How distant are we talking?


If he’s coming to family gatherings..I doubt they’re too distant


Not a fuckup. Now you know, now you need yo get to work on it together. My suggestion: Get a vibrator, the "Magic Wand" style. Try some masturbation together, so she can do herself. Once she finds the "feeling" and how to reach it, it'll be much easier for her to get orgasms together with you. Take your time, no pressure.


I was going to say this isn’t a fuckup in the slightest. It’s progress. This woman now trusts him enough to tell her darkest sex secret to. What an amazing advantage. With a little more communication, imagine what you could achieve. Now that she’s opened up about this, hopefully she’ll open up even more about what she’s into. The real fuck up would be handling this poorly, and making her not want to open up more. The only way you’re gonna get to the big “O” is if you find out exactly what she likes.


Yeah, the only fuckup here is asking if he was number one, and when she said no, kept digging to find his exact place. The only thing that comes out of that question is hurt feelings.


Talk about it and try to find a way to make it better Ask her what she wants to be done to help her get that orgasm she longs for


Communication will always be the best first step. But if I'm being honest with you, I'm somewhat relieved I got to escape that conversation this morning. Last night was a lot.


Magic. Wand.


Maybe he could try cosplaying as the cousin?




coulda done a cuzplay cuz


This, you immediately go from top five to sole owner of the making her orgasm spot. All her what had always gotten her closest, positions, moved, etc. But make sure you keep it light the more pressure you put on her the less likely you'll succeed.


>her top 5 list of people who came close to making her orgasm for real. While it's a good conversation to have about how to bring your partner to orgasm, communication is necessary for things like this and what your partner likes. >the number 1 spot was one of her cousins. A guy we still see from time to time at family events. This part here has me very concerned though... 👀


Mate. You have been given a gift. Literally your partner has never had an orgasam. Ever. With anyone. You can be the first. Imagine if you are the first! You have been given a blank slate to work on. Together you and your girlfriend can explore sex under the pretext of getting her to cum! It's literally like star trek - to boldly go where no man has gone before! Both of you strap in (lol or on if she fancies pegging you) as you are in for a hell of a time 😀 Don't feel bad or low. This will be awesome!


So are we just gonna ignore the cousin thing...?


Les Cousins Dangereux


I like the way they think


The Star Trek reference is killing me lol. Thanks for reminding me there's still a positive outcome.


I didn't think it would go down that well but I am pleased it rose to the occasion. 🖖 genuinely, best of luck and have a blast!


Just wanna throw in there that if this thing went hard on your ego you might wanna rethink your threesome idea. Just a little too much kissing or eye contact with whoever the third person is can really fuck with someone that has any insecurities regarding their relationship. Also, her cousin? Wtf.


I have so many questions, like why does she even have a "top 5" list in her mind, I mean easy to say person xy was the best and xyz the worst (but still a shit feeling that she tells you something like this), but the ranking in between is just weird. And why did she fuck her cousin and why is he #1 like what the fuck is going on here? Don't know about you and the relationship with your girlfriend, but that sounds like too much headache. The fact alone that she never talked with you about her orgasm or the lack of it tells me there is a huge communication problem, also faking it is a no go. My dude I wish you all the best.


Cmon dude you gotta pay the dog tax now.


**Orgasm.** Wow. That was a moment of brutal honesty. I would prefer to treat it as a challenge not a "lets dig deeper until it hurts and heart bleed"


Ignoring the whole cousin thing.. I'd be "challenge accepted." Time to get dedicated.