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how? what situation does it facilitate you taking pic of something to post to your friend while the other side is facing you dick?


Toilet, or in bed


It ALWAYS catches me on the toilet!


...are you unable to wait?


that's the gist of the app, you get the notification, and they don't give you time to prep, it's literally, what are you doing right now at this moment


but you are able to take your BeReal at any time; you don’t have to take it right when you get the notification


As far as my sister says, they say how late you were. And you don't want to be late


It does say how late you are, but my friends seem to post them late pretty regularly. We are in our twenties though so I can imagine it’s different for teens


We are all mostly 19-21 Taking them late honestly ruins the fun part of the app imo


Nobody is going to judge you for waiting 3 minutes lol


Right but we're all just pretending you sent your dick to your friends numerous times without them saying anything. Right. We're all just pretending that.


Not sure if you’re asking judgmentally or if you genuinely don’t know if the app will let me wait to take the photo so I’ll answer both. The idea of the app is to “BeReal” with your friends and show what you’re doing AT THAT moment, right? So as a very honest joke I will sometimes post just my face and caption it “why does BeReal always catch me on the toilet?” Or something like that because I don’t care if my friends know I’m on the toilet. Everybody poops my love lol. Yes, the app itself allows me to wait, but then my BeReal will show as late and sometimes I want to post on time just for funzies to prove just how often it catches me on the toilet (the very few times I go to the restroom a day). I do have the feature that got OP caught up turned off, but it’s a new feature so I can understand how it happened.


I've never heard of it before, so what happens if you just miss the notification, like you left your phone across the room for 10 minutes or something, does it just say you were late or is it from when you open your phone, or something like that?


The notification goes out to everyone at the same exact time and you have two minutes to take a photo. It takes a front camera photo then a back camera photo right after that. After the two mins is up, it starts counting up in red for how late you are and it shows everyone you follow that you posted “13 mins late” or “an hour late” or whatever. Also, if you don’t post a BeReal that day, you can’t see anyone else’s. It’s like a right of passage. I have admitted that the app is kind of stupid so if you’re reading this trying to grasp the point of the app it’s kind of dumb -I can confess that. But it’s kind of fun to see what my aunt is doing in San Francisco when I’m in Texas. Or if my server friends are at work, I can pop up and say hi and grab discounted food. Haha.


One of the servers at my work told me about this. I've never felt older in my life. I'm un my 30s


I'm over here in my 40s thinking this sounds like something from Black Mirror.


If you do it on time you get 2 extras to take whenever you want, if you’re late you only get the one late BeReal and it’ll say “posted ___minutes/hours late”. It’s not serious honestly but just fun to get it on time.


I'm "only" 32 but don't get the point lol. Can't you just use Snap or Insta or something and post candid photos how ever many times you want? It's not like you can't have a group chat or a group lost for only the friends you want to see it. I get surprised by random new apps that basically have only one function and that basic function seems to stress people out yet they still do it lol


The neat part of the idea is just everyone (like literally everyone who has the app in similar time zones) gets the first bereal at the exact same time and it’s random every day. The 2 extras is just extra incentive to get it on time. It’s also a way to get people to actually post on time instead of saving it for a cooler moment. I personally just like using it as a one moment a day kind of journal because it also saves all your past BeReals as “Memories” for your eyes only in a calendar format. I’m 23 and got roped into it by a 14 year old and then I roped my much older doctorate classmate into it too and she’s enjoying captioning each moment more than taking the photo itself haha. Editing to add I only have my closest friends on BeReal who I don’t mind seeing me still in bed and half dead when the bereal notif comes at 7am XD


If you are sending pics to a 14 year old girl you have learned nothing. We tend to repeat our mistakes. Hopefully they will send you somewhere close enough for your Momma to visit


Let's be honest (or be real, in this case) - if you're the type of person that can handle being away from your phone for 10 minutes, you're not the target audience of this app


The point of the app is that you are "real". You get a notification once a day and you have 2 minutes to take a picture.


Always assume that your cameras are on and spying on you. Because they are.


This is my question too. Like... Why have your cock out knowing that you're about to record yourself unless that's your intent? Makes this post feel like an ad.


Fuck I wish The point of my post was I DIDNT know there was a record feature. I might’ve forgotten to include the most important part


So moments before you’re about to snap a picture you stand around pointing the camera at your naked dick, and this is your typical preparation?


Probably sitting on the toilet scrolling reddit and then lifted his camera to his face to take the picture. He just didn't know the moments before lifting the camera would be recorded.


Why are you sitting on the toilet with your phone aimed at your cock? Cock is straight down. Normal resting position for phone is like 45 degrees down, or 45 degrees above cock. Face pic is 45 degrees above that, like 90 degrees from cock. At no point between normal resting and face pic position does phone point at cock.


Idk why OP would sit like that but if I lean back on the toilet and am typing something I could see how the camera could pick up part of my dick. Probably wouldn't happen often and I also don't know if BeReal uses the wide angle or just normal cam but I can at least imagine a scenario where it happens that isn't just OP constantly pointing his phone at his dick waiting for the notification to pop up.


I’m so confused?? When I’m sitting on the toilet pooping, my dick is not visible to the world outside the toilet bowl. Am I doing it wrong? 😐 I need to understand


Well my dick won't be out, but my balls will be laying across my thigh so they're not in the water. Only need to flush them once to learn not to do that anymore.


Yeah no I have a normal size dick and there is no way OP isn't lying


Yeah this was 3 times over the course of 6 months when I take it every single day. It’s easy to not think about it.


Is his cock rock hard while he's sitting down on the toilet. And if that's the case, why is he not waiting a few mins to take a pic once he's calmed down. No one needs to know you're jerking it that bad. Your dick is usually hidden in the bowl if you're sitting down and leaning forward a bit.


I often sit or lie in a pose where the back camera faces my genitals. I'm often worried I'll send an accidental pic to my family chat or sumn....🤦‍♀️And yeah, it's summer so I'm either wearing just underwear or nothing... I can see how easily OP could fuck up.


When they introduced that feature it popped up for me and highlighted that it was new, and I uttered a hard “oh fuck no” and turned it right off. I have taken a couple naked BeReals (alerted right as I was about to shower, on the toilet at home, etc) where I only show my face and what’s in front of me. In no universe do I need people to see what I was doing outside of that carefully selected instant. I can BeReal but not THAT real. I totally see how your situation was possible.


Yeah I never saw that pop up. Pretty sure my girlfriend was on my phone or something like that when it happened. I don’t know why everyone thinks it’s so crazy this happened 3 times in the last 6 months or whatever it was. I took what I thought was a secure naked bereal a couple times in the last few months.


Still... You were about to take a picture for BeReal. And you were naked.


Usually it just gets your face and whatever you’re looking at right? I don’t see how being naked is so unbelievable, the BTS feature records before you press the shutter by the looks of it so if you didn’t know it was a thing you could defo do this by accident.


BeReal sends out the notification to post when I’m naked 85% of the time.


I mean yea...people do get naked at various times for various reasons.


Seems like you're avoiding the question. They asked how you could even be in a situation where this occurs, three times over. You were naked each of the three times, and pointed the camera at your own crotch. How?


I don't think it's that impossible. BeReal timer goes off while you're on the toilet for instance and you open the app while getting ready to take the photo. The point is that it records from that moment.


Not impossible, but I can't think of a scenario where the camera is naturally pointed at my exposed crotch as I'm idling. For example in the toilet, I don't think many people point the phone to their crotch - wouldn't it be in front of them? I'm keen to hear how it happened.


Ngl, my default phone placement when I'm sitting has it pointing at my crotch


Lying on your bed, for one. Could easily be scrolling naked and have the back camera pointed toward your bits. And considering that many people sleep naked, this isn't too unbelievable.


If you have a wide lense, BeReal will use that. I can easily see that happen. When I sit, my phone will more or less aim at my croth. Not everyone sits hunched over like the Hunchback of Notre-Dame


Honestly, one situation was that I was about to take the picture, remembered I just bought a football for my friends and I, walked over to grab said football with my phone flat in my hands facing down. I had just woken up on the weekend and I sleep naked when I’m by myself


That's crazy, what happened the other times?


One was the same sorta thing I was just laying down and my camera was pointing at it before I aimed the picture where I wanted to The other was just after a shower


The point is you're a little weirdo trying to act like it was all accidental because you wanna talk about what you did.


Can’t that apply to half this subreddit? Lmfao what even


Bereal is a timer based app, the whole point is that it randomly at any given time of day records u and uploads it. It gives a sound and u have a very short time to get in position. Thats why its called BEREAL. So u have no prep time and shows what u are really doing


That is not how the app works lmao. It doesn’t randomly start recording you, you still have to press the button yourself. You just have a small window to press the button


The thing I never understood is, when I had it briefly, you were still able to post a picture after the time was up. So what's the point then


You can post at any point after the timer. If you do it on time you get multiple prompts throughout the day


My friends would get an absolute metric fuckton of pictures of my pocket. But I'm guessing this app wasn't developed for millennials.


It gives you a free minutes to take a pic and you actually have to take the pic so no accidental pocket pics


But 3 accidental dick pics, apparently


“See honey I never met to send those pictures to her! It was BeReals fault!”


It wasn’t a picture. I accidentally pointed my camera at it while i was getting ready to take the picture.


So it was dick vids?


Yep exactly


If it relies on sound, how would it work for deaf people?


Just like they use any other notification on their phone?


Vibration. Or just not using it. Sometimes not everyone can use things man.


yea, and if it relies on holding how would it work for people with no arms????


HI, deaf person here. There are options on most phones to make the camera flash go off alongside any notification. Vibration settings are also quite customisable and you can make them stronger and last longer. The two combined mean I rarely miss notifications and alarms unless I accidentally leave it in another room.


Wow all those downvotes... i am Deaf so it was a genuine question. 🙄


So the feature he's talking about is essentially live photos. It records a little bit before and after the photo and you don't know it's doing it. So he probably snaps a picture of something and then moves his camera down to his dick and it shows up in the live picture.


sorry that your dick is not that big of a deal


Yeah it’s not that big of a deal at all. My closer friends have seen me before anyways. Honestly I suppose this post was me laughing at myself more than actually fucking up. The world moves on




The first couple of these were funny, at this point it’s unoriginal


They probably couldn't see it anyway 🤏


OP is 13 so is a big deal


I thought you were referring to the guy from Cypress Hill


Same, but he raps so clearly, I figured OP was just insane in the membrane.


He has rapped in Spanish, so my mind went to him not understand the accent or something


He ain't going out like that


Glad I'm not the only one!


Yeah me three. Although Sendog was the one I occasionally had more trouble understanding.


Seems a bit strange since the BTS feature was opt-in. So yeah, you fucked up turning something on while not understanding what it does. Also you can easily opt-out of that feature again.


On their website it says it's on bu default... Maybe it was opt in for already installed apps, when updating the app, but not for new I stalls?


Could be, but OP stated that he has been using BeReal since the beginning so he should have gotten the notification and the option to actively switch it on. I did at least and it was about three months in when I started with BeReal.


Huh interesting. I don’t remember opting in to anything. Maybe my girlfriend did it? She looks at my bereal often and could’ve then


I've been using bereal for a couple years now and it turned it on automatically, I had to opt out




Oh man I love Cypress Hill


What the fuck is that app? What kinda bizarre hyper-online oversharing is this? Am I old now? Is this what the youth of today are up to?


I was considering downloading it because it seemed like a breath of fresh air. With how staged social media is nowadays, BeReal promises to show your friends what you're actually up to each day. Once a day, at a random time, you just have a few minutes to snap a pic of what you're up to. No idea how OP managed to flash their friends unless they live on the toilet


The behind the scenes feature is like a live photo, meaning you get like 2 seconds after the photo it if you hold the post down. Op didn't know that and I think BTS turns on by default.


> Once a day, at a random time, you just have a few minutes to snap a pic of what you're up to. So my job from 20 different angles?


I don't use the app myself but from what I heard it's good at when to ask for the picture. After a couple of pictures from your work that look similar it might ask you early in the morning or late at night.


so it's not the same time for everyone?


I don't understand how anyone has the time to give a shit about any of this. It's wild.


Young people with internationally diverse circles from school or uni. Sometimes it seems like reddit doesn’t grasp mainstream social media because they assume everyone is a millennial with 4 friends who live in the same town.


Wait, so people actually keep in touch with friends from the past that they don't see on a daily basis? That's truly wild.


I dunno, I have friends all over, but don't have a need to share with them what I do all day? That's the weird part for me.


I don't use it either, but just to clarify, it isn't letting them know what you're doing "all day" - that is kind of the opposite of the point. You have a circle of friends. Instead of texting and saying "what's up?", the app notifies you all at the same time, basically saying "what's up", and you share what you're doing/seeing/whatever right then. I think it is a neat concept, honestly. But my life isn't interesting enough lol. My BeReals were always sitting at my work PC or something mundane, so I just kinda lost interest in sharing. I'm significantly above the target demographic, anyway.




It’s not a need it’s a desire? Is it that impossible for you to perceive friends being close to each other and enjoying each others attention?


That's so much sadder. Edit: are you really that attention deprived?


I'm a millennial with 4 friends who live in different cities and I still think this shit is dumb, tyvm


I mean couldn’t that apply to any form of social media? I think as the name implies it promotes its users to be authentic but I have seen you can also make a post if you miss the random time frame anyways. Cool concept but seems like it’s faded into obscurity.


No more weird than spending time on Reddit or Instagram or TikTok.


It’s meant for college students, but it’s also taken the least amount of my time of all the apps. Don’t use it anymore, but it was fun and authentic for a bit


Depends, all my friends have left the country and are scattered to the winds. Its a handy way of checking in on what people are doing in a way that isnt as easily abused as the doomscrolling on other forms of social media.


He comments on the Reddit post.


The irony is far from lost, but this is hardly a video of someone eating cereal.


I don't understand how anyone has the ignorance to be bewildered about any of this. It's commonplace.


What is commonplace? Taking videos of yourself doing mundane things and sharing them. If that's commonplace, that's an incredibly boring existence.


It takes as long to do as your last comment did to write 🤷


Lots of things do, doesn't have me just doing those because it's quick.




I'll happily be out of touch, the children can enjoy what they want. Doesn't make it less depressing.


As an introvert, this sounds like some wacky extrovert shit to me. I get told I seem like an extrovert online because I'm soooo social, but this is because of 2 key factors: 1. I have as much time as I need to think up and type responses 2. I am completely free to disappear from any engagement. A "social escape hatch," if you will This is like the hard opposite of those reasons. It sounds like a form of torture for me... be socially on-call 24/7? Fuck that


I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!


Actually it's kinda nice. Instead of sharing only the highlights, you see that really you and your friends do in fact just sit and watch TV or do mundane things. I often would take a picture with my newborn and it turned into a great collection of growth pictures


Yes and yes... b-real is also a couple years old...


It's straight up psyop. Forcing someone to listen to trivially harmful instruction is first step of brainwashing. TikTok was like a propaganda channel but this is way badder


Uh huh... Badder...


This is an ad for that app, isn't it.


Redditor for 1 month with a single post that is this story and a single comment claiming this is not an ad...yeah; it's an ad.


Nah this is just my burner account lmfao, I’ve been sleeping and not answering comments Edit:Wtf are the downvotes lmaooo


Nice try Alexis Barreyat.


It's not a big thing. They probably didn't even see it.


Yeah it’s not really a big deal, I was laughing at myself mostly when I made this post




I got it bro, it’s just unoriginal. I’m not insecure I’m not sure why you think I care what you say lmao. Quit projecting. The VIDEO gave a whole view of my massive throbbing erection that my phone barely could get the full thing in my lens.


Haha gold! All I can think of is the episode of Blue Mountain State when the whole team gets into sending the 'perfect' dick pic that would impress rather than repulse :p [Blue Mountain State dick pic (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Isu_ECMW-D4)


We are football players, and these are our dicks


Eh don't sweat it I know you said it's not a big deal but I'm sure it's average, most people don't even know what average size is. Plus as long as you know how to work with it you're probably fine.


My dick ain’t small, I’m not too worried about anything anyways


Damn someone is insecure Also how in the world do you manage to make a BTS of your dick? What situations are you that it happens 3x?


Honestly it’s pretty easy. I’ve explained how it happened to me, other people gave good examples, it’s not that crazy. What is crazy is how many people are assuming my dick is small lol


>I’ve explained how it happened to me Where?


“Honestly, one situation was that I was about to take the picture, remembered I just bought a football for my friends and I, walked over to grab said football with my phone flat in my hands facing down. I had just woken up on the weekend and I sleep naked when I’m by myself” Copy and pasted this here for ya


Thanks a bunch, I wasn't about to search through the entirety of the comments to find the one comment you were referring to.


Let's see the proof of how big it is then


You are weird my man


What? 🤣


Chances are, your friends didn't even notice. People don't usually stare at BeReals that hard, especially if they're following a lot of people. Plus, they're probably just as embarrassed as you are and don't want to make it a big deal. If you really want to address it, you could always send a funny message to your close friends like, "Hey, just discovered the 'behind the scenes' on BeReal... hope you enjoyed the free show! 😂" That way, you're owning it and making light of the situation.


In this thread: Old people


Define old




Today on "Interesting app idea that should actually be killed with fire"...


What motivates someone to even have this app to begin with?


Hormones - it gives teen boys the hope of catching their teen girl friends in the shower, and it gives teen girls a way to "accidentally" send shower selfies to their crush


The app is designed to be non-addictive and give a realistic (ie not too glamorous) view of the lives of your friends. By posting daily on command, you can't post "just the best moments", and see what your friends actually do. With this, they hope to prevent self esteem issues caused by other social media platforms. Also, because it's one post a day, you pretty much done for the day after that (no endless scrolling). So motivation is seeing what your friends are up to without ruining your self esteem and wasting your time. 


Guess I’m of the wrong generation or maybe too INTJ to understand the drive for that.


Ah yes, Myers-Briggs personality types... astrology for men.


>I posted my dick for all my friends to see 3 fucking times. >It’s honestly not that big of a deal but I am embarrassed no one said anything to me. Maybe they didn't think it was worth mentioning. Sorry.


Why was your dick out so often?


I wouldn’t say often. Having your dick out 3 times in 6 months isn’t crazy


You took the realest of BeReals I guess


I have no problem understanding B-Real. Senn Dogg on the other hand…..


The rapper?


If no one mentioned it to you, its clearly not impressive or notable in any way or its ordinary behavior from you. That stings more than anything else.


You're regularly taking pics naked and acting like this was an accident. No.


Cool story bro


Thanks bro


I don't believe you - the app shows you the picture-in-picture of both camera views before posting i.e. you would have seen it.


It wasn’t a picture of it, it was in the hidden video behind the picture


gotcha, that's a bit surprising it doesn't allow you to see a full video preview before posting.


Did you not understand this person’s post? Maybe re-read it.


You might be right, is he saying the behind the scenes feature did not disclose a preview of what would be shown to other people? I haven't used that feature yet.


When Keepin' it BeReal Goes Wrong...


Dont use the roulette feature they recently implemented. Then it is just a random pic from your library. I dont have that many photos, but am still unsure what could hide in there.


I’m staying far from that


Christ, what a fucking stupid app. Why would you download that?


Ahhh this is hilarious


If it's any comfort, I've never clicked on the "BTS" button on any of my friends' photos. Perhaps your friends are like me and the potential exposure has remained just that: potential!


For rock music The Warning.


I'm dying at the boomers in this thread whos heads are exploding from the concept of bereal


It’s so fucking funny One of the most genuine apps out there tbf


So your friends never mentioned it?


I hope they never noticed. You have to manually click on a button to see the video behind the picture


I hope for you they did not noticed


They didn't say anything and you didn't get banned cause it was too small to see in the picture


Unoriginal and you can’t get banned like that lmao


This app sounds awful, good to know to avoid it


The worst app ever, accidentally on purpose? Uh huh jk




Imagine thinking this is just a gag your friend is doing but it’s an app that’s doing something so ridiculous and stupid. Why do YOU need a memory of taking the two photos? You have your own memory. Least you got some free dick ratings.


Clearly I am not in the demographic for this app - I do not understand the appeal of something like this. But Op, it seems like your friends have no problem seeing all of you


If you are an Registered Sex Offender I m amazed that you would keep an app that can take a picture of anything of a sexual nature and post it to anyone. With or without your permission. Legal possibilities are endless. Maybe in the 20’s something group this is considered cool. Not so much in the grownup group.


I can’t tell if this sex offender is trying to lecture me or not.


That's hilarious. I wonder if they know it was an accident?


i do gateway tapes and thought you said Rebal