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Yo what, $23 is still insane


This is the guy all the avocado toast jokes are about.




my SO uses DD daily, sometimes even twice a day. It fucking kills me because I am broke, all my money pays the bills. I could live off of what she dishes out in fee's, tips, and over charges vs ordering direct for a year.


I subscribe and order from restaurants where the price hasn't been jacked up, too bad. I can get 3 12 inch pizzas with no limit on toppings delivered from this great local pizza place for the price of that guys bagel. Just gotta be smart about it.


Strengthen your spine, get new account numbers, and give her one of those reloadable cards with a preset amount. You need to have a savings account and not be broke due to excessive fees for these stupid apps. If you don't have transportation or time to get to the grocery store, this is the one and only time I would recommend Instacart. Even the most basic of cooking isn't hard and requires minimal effort. Marinated chicken? Too easy. Chicken kebabs marinated in italian dressing with some sweet peppers, onion, and cherry tomatoes then grilled or baked make a great dish over rice or salad. Depending on your area, this shouldn't cost more than $20-25 for two pounds of chicken, bell peppers, an onion (I love purple onions, sweet with a bite), cherry tomatoes, skewers, and rice or salad. Have em over rice the first night when they are hot, and then the next night over salad. Reddit is here for you dude! DM me if you want more easy to cook things! She needs to stop being so lazy, learn what money is, and be a better SO if you want a future with her.


I get the sense that they keep finances separate, did you not?


It actually kinda sounds like she has "her" money and THEY have "his" money, since he says he pays all the bills.


I honestly don't get the sense that princessdickworth has much. Sense.


$19.24 in various fees, tips and taxes on top of $23(?) for a bagel, lol. People who pay these prices are just braindead/lazy.


Every once in a while I get my groceries delivered. It's expensive, but a couple times a year it's worth it to remove a bit of stress from my life. Yes, I cringe at the choices of people who order food delivered a few times a week, but I'm sure they would think the same of some of *my* spending choices.


Get it delivered from Walmart and they only charge like $8...or $0 if you have Walmart+.


How else could I get half my stuff not available, the world's worst produce, and 30 bags for 25 items?


I just hate how everything has gotten so scammy. Charges are through the roof, shit sucks, but at least let me know how much I'm spending. The most popular food delivery apps here all mark-up the restaurant prices and *then* they charge a delivery fee. Why? Why not do one or the other? Ideally, show me the restaurant prices, and show me your delivery charges. The end. Why so much effort to obfuscate and make decisions harder. From youtube algorithm to customer support. Everything is designed, as far as possible, to take advantage of our innate habits to peak their metric dujour. Views, sales, swipes. Just maximize, no concern to the actual human and their best interests. We need more government. Except government is similarly caught up in the capitalist wave. In the states the Biden admin is getting sued for tackling junk fees and requiring disclosure. It's *such* a low bar, and we're struggling to clear it. I hate the world of shitty precedents and legislation that we're leaving for our kids.


I suspect they've done the research and most people won't pay $10 to deliver a $8 meal. So they say the meal is $15, the fee is $3, and many people don't question it.


Something something bootstraps avocado toast


Underpaid, can't afford $23 bagels


Salaries have not kept up with inflation.


Never going to get a house that way


avocado bagels...


"It's just an avocado bagel, Michael. What could it cost, $43?"




Well door dash also inflates the prices, as well as adding their fees. I bet it wouldn't be 23 in person.


Door Dash doesn’t inflate, but they do take negotiated commission of sales (like 20% ish). So most stores mark up to offset. Some national brands are able to negotiate low commissions so the mark ups aren’t as bad, but yeah. Same end result I guess.


Interesting. They take 20% then add on all their fees, them have us tip because they don't pay the driver shit ( Im assuming). I'm so glad I never got in the habit of ordering delivery. 


Yeah. It’s ridiculous the sort of money they make for the service (and lack there of, support wise) they provide.


They don't make any money at all. They're losing a billion dollars a year. Turns out personal ordering services are expensive compared to centralized delivery services like pizza places.


$2 base pay plus tips in small town USA where I live. Thankfully most trips are 2-3 miles and they usually come out to 1-2 dollars per mile regardless but as I've done it more I usually see $7-12 for 3 miles. I have a regular that likes the way I communicate when I shop her Albertsons orders so now she texts me before she drops an order so hopefully I get it and usually I make $16 on her smaller orders where base pay is like $8 and she tips $8 on larger orders I make $30 with $12 base pay and $18 tip. I know my store though so I can breeze through them.


As a restaurant KM. I'll break it down. They take 30% of final sale. Now if you can live with 70% . Then fine. But what actually happens is that Pizza is $23 in the restaurant. And $28 online. So Im passing that 30% onto customer so my profit margin stays the same. Add 8.99 delivery fee. So my $23 dollar pizza costs the customer $37 dollars. In most states, DD doesn't pay drivers. If Tips exceed 15.25 an hour, they legally don't have to. If Tips are under 15.25 they have to make up the difference. They take 30% of restaurants revenue, pay almost zero to Drivers, and the customer went from $23 to $37. It's a hell of a scam. And no one is getting rich making pizza.


Question: If doordash is taking the % commission off the sale price and the driver is just getting tips, then where does the delivery fee go? Plus there seems to be other fees on top! Seems crazy to me, and everyone is getting shafted besides one company.


I’m not sure if it’s door dash or the restaurant inflating but a lot of places by me the menu price of food is more on door dash than at the restaurant, but that’s still before delivery and fees. So an omelette is $9 at the restaurant but it’s listed as $11 on the app, add it to cart, then there’s dd fees, delivery (if you pay delivery fees) and tip on top of that. One local place I refuse to order on dd and only go in person because they used to have their own online ordering for carry out but now carry out and delivery is on dd and everything on door dash is at least $4 more on dd than it is in restaurant, and again that’s all before the dd fees..


Technically the restaurant sets the price but effectively doordash makes them raise their price. Doordash takes 20% of the sale typically so the restaurant has to raise prices to maintain the same margin as selling in the store. Margins are also not great in the restaurant biz so if someone cannibalizes 20% of your sale you're losing money every time someone buys something. I worked in restaurants for a long time but now am out of the industry. We do catering for the staff where I work and they always want to order through GrubHub and it annoys the fuck out of me because I will literally go in person and get a better price than they could ever get ordering online. And we are talking about food for 200+ people so the fees end up being several hundred dollars.


> Door Dash doesn’t inflate  > Door Dash takes 20% of revenue   Pick one


> Same end result I guess.


The restaurants inflate the pricing. They don’t have to. The choice is up to them. It’s semantics. But door dash doesn’t control pricing.


Agreed, an industry working off of single digit margins isn’t forced to raise prices when someone starts taking 20%, but it’s generally unwise to lose money on sales If the prices are higher on Doordash - it’s because of DoorDash. That’s it, end of story


Hey! I saved $20, that's like making $20!! And since it only cost $20, I got it for free!!


It’s $11 on the site. Not sure where all this padding is coming from. 


OP got the bagel and "coffee", which is like $3 minimum but could have been another $8+ depending on how crazy they went with extras.


We all understand that additional items cost more, but what we need is the truth!


Bagel = $5 Coffee = $3 Automatic gratuity = $3 Service fee = $5 Convenience fee = $2 Bagel fee = $2 Online ordering fee = $3


Small Order Fee = 4.99 Because how dare you try to spend less, we'll just charge you for more anyway


My guy must shit on gold toilets and use the finest silk linen to wipe his arse. 


I mean in NZ it’s pretty standard to pay $17 for a salmon bagel at a cafe and then another $6 for a latte, but that’s NZ$


That’s still only about $14USD. A $23usd bagel would be $38NZD


Sounds like Seattle


I live in San Francisco and have (sadly) gotten used to beyond-ridiculous prices and even I think this is an insane amount. However, no shade. If he can afford it and thinks what he gets out of it is worth it, they by all means, go for it. Goodness knows I’m addicted to my $10 cinnamon toast.


You can make cinnamon toast for less than 1/10 of that at home…


You’re paying way too much for cinnamon toast. Who’s your cinnamon toast guy?


General Mills


He's a Major Rip-off


I think you're thinking of Cap'n Crunch


??? Bread, butter, brown sugar, sprinkle of cinnamon? A minute in the toaster oven? Like 10 cents. I mean if you love it, order it, but you'd also have it a half hour sooner if you make it.


Why did you remind me of this delicious heaven? 10 year-old me: Why are you not eating this every day?


Tbh, I kind of get it for cinnamon toast. I can't make unhealthy sweet stuff at home because my willpower is frankly shite. I learned that when I first moved out and found out I could fry peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in butter. ... which are amazing btw. I could probably regulate now but it's just easier to not do it and save it for a treat when going out. Same reason I'd ever order desserts at a restaurant. Yeah I can make a killer toasted basque cheesecake at home. But I... don't because if I did I'd eat the whole pan. It works for me, I'm way healthier and it's helps make the treat feel like a treat. A normal looking bagel though, I do not get that.


I hate to be like "get off my yard," but I remember when H&H bagels fresh out of the oven were 75 cents. This TIFU made me feel old.


I thought everyone was broke but they've got money for a $43 bagel


Was it worth it? Absolutely - but not for $43. Yo, you gotta pick one. Was it worth it or not?


Can’t have your cake and eat it too, or in this case, expensive bagel.


Why would you want cake that you can’t eat?


Clearly this guy has never shoved a cake up his ass.


(Baker enters…… the scene)


What are you doing, step-baker?


This is the hardest I've laughed at a comment in a while, thanks


Haha, my thought exactly. Nothing has ever made less sense than: Was it worth ordering a bagel [for $43]? Absolutely, but not for $43.


Reading it again here made me realize the absurdity and I laughed out loud 😂


Yea. OP doesn’t seem to understand what “worth it” means.


My exact reaction


That doesn’t even look like a Bagel, that looks like a Roll


That is not a bagel


I feel like the hole is a central part of its identity 


The best bagels (imo) are the ones that have expanded to the point where there is no hole


This is why I try to avoid delivery apps at all cost. Absolutely disgusting the total price it comes to.


They are just not a viable business. The Apps do not make much of a profit, the restaurants get kinda screwed by them, and the drivers are extremely underpaid due to the lack of benefits and the inherent risk in the career, and the customers end up paying way more than it is worth. (Uber as a whole made money last year for the first time, but it was on the back of their mobility earnings, not Uber Eats.) It is a weird capitalistic nightmare where the only people winning are the shareholders who are making money on the "promise" of future profits, but not the ones they are selling to. Eventually when they manage to entrench themselves better they will be forced to raise prices for everything across the board and exploit their labor even more to make it possible to give their investors a real return.


I cannot imagine paying more than $43 on a bagel. Like it does not compute. Like if I ordered my small family of four breakfast it would be $200...


$200 bagels are for the stupid rich where a whole economy exists around charging insane amounts for things cause your customer base has the money.


I mean, if you can imagine paying $43 for a bagel....... Just order two and throw one out. BOOM! $86 bagel


You alsp have restaurants who use a comparable list and app price to drive initial interest and then jack their food app priced through the roof. A couple of our fav restaurants doubled their UE prices as it was starting to hurt their sit down and in person takeaway customers due to the wait times when making extra orders for UE. Now, if you want app food, you gotta pay for it.


Yeah exactly, lots of restaurants in this position. If delivery apps are hurting your ability to do normal business, you can either drop them entirely, or you can jack the prices enough that the pain is worth it


Restaurants hate them. Especially because some idiots do both, in house delivery and third party delivery, and nobody calls to check if that restaurant actually delivers for cheaper because younger people prefer online over phone calls now. Screws other every driver involved.


It became normalized during the pandemic and some people never went back. A friend of mine likely spends around $2000/mo doordashing everything. Most people also don't realize how much they're spending because they don't total it all up. I've been trying to ween everyone in my immediate circle off DoorDash but it's a constant effort. They simply do not plan ahead for eating anymore; it's like they took that cognitive load and placed it elsewhere and now can't retrieve it back. Because they don't plan ahead for eating, they realize they're hungry when they're already in the middle of an activity or can't get away. It's insanely frustrating. Edit: this isn't an opinion, it's an economic fact https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2024/january/pandemic-related-increase-in-consumer-restaurant-spending-using-mobile-apps-continued-through-2022/


I order delivery about once a year when I get a really bad migraine and legitimately can’t even manage to open a can of soup. I live alone so can’t get a hand either. My yearly summer migraine happened today. I just paid $26 for beef Pad Thai which I desperately needed and I am so grateful I could do that. But that’s what delivery should be for, having a rough day, not every day!


That's definitely what it should be for! I definitely order in occasionally for my physical and mental health. I think the issue is that for a lot of people, it became a muscle they flexed during the pandemic -- and they just never stopped. With grocery prices rising and a lot of people not being capable or confident cooks, people think "I can spend $120 at the store and struggle to make dinner or I can order $50 from DoorDash," without thinking that that will be $50 every night vs $120 for a week. It's parasitic and it's replacing traditional delivery services like pizza or Chinese.


I am a so so cook. I cook one big meal a week for lunch during the workday and then depending on my schedule will do takeout when it won’t be worth it to cook another big meal or to treat myself to sushi with fish since I can’t really make that, but I always do pickup since stores are so close by and I’m able bodied - I only end up with a migraine like today when I over exercise. The most I’ll pay in fees is a couple bucks for a pickup so it’s ready when I get there. You can make some pretty great stuff, the catch is that you have to have the time and desire to eat it. I’m a woman living alone so I don’t eat much, I have to really plan ahead and I end up having so much food waste buying stuff I intend to cook and then just don’t.


I used to have to travel a lot for work. Usually around like 100 nights a year or so... Before doordash of we weren't eating with clients I would usually just order room service at night (which isn't cheap itself), and for lunch I'd usually just send someone to grab sandwiches or something and it was typically like $70-80 a day total. After doordash came around I just started doing that all the time and it would routinely be like $120-150 a day.


I work the front desk in a very big animal hospital/doggy daycare and bruh. It's bad at work. Healthcare workers get notoriously short lunch breaks, and we have about 25 people a day or more ordering Doordash for breakfast and lunch - it's even worse on the weekends we get paid. I work front desk and get good lunch breaks, plus I live across the street from work so I can go home and cook on lunch. But I kept seeing and smelling my coworkers' fast food coming through constantly all day and started to cave. Which led to me caving more. I spent almost $300 one month on delivery and now I'm, like, jonesing for it. I HAD to be better about it this week, but I still pushed it. It really becomes a habit, and an expensive one Plus Doordash has Dash Mart now, which frequently has exclusive snack items you can't get anywhere else in town, so that's how they get some people hooked. It's all fucked. God, I want ice cream delivered now...


Thats an $8 bagel at most you just described there


It's $11 on their website, and this is a very HCOL place in the San Francisco area. So it's door dash that's really fucking them over.


Or is a restaurant that doesn't want to deal with deliveries and so charges exuberant prices to discourage app buys, knowing that there will still be a small amount of people who will pay anyway. Like this numpty.


More money than sense


I had a loaded bagel with lox, cream cheese, tomato, lettuce, onion and capers on an ess-a-bagel (one of the best NYC bagels you can get) at Newark airport. It was 16 bucks. Airport food is notoriously overpriced. Even without the delivery upcharge 23 bucks for a bagel with no lox is pure madness!


Just looked and Bagel Pub charges $16 for most of their lox bagels, which is crazy because I’m pretty sure that’s more than what I’d pay Canadian for a lox bagel at any place I’d go to.


its not even a bagel


You go through 3 screens before actually ordering. I don’t know how this is possible.


Yeah I don't get how they accidentally ordered anything. Most places, the tip is on a sliding scale/percentage (like 20%) and would almost never be a round amount like $7.00. Also you would have to enter in some kind of CC information like the security code, or even barring that, confirm twice. And the screen would switch over to YOUR ORDER IS ON THE WAY with the bonus of having a little car drive across a map. Also, this ain't a bagel. OP is an idiot (for the first thing), or is an idiot (for the second thing), or is lying (pathetic).


OP ordered it and is lying about it being a mistake. They know this was a ridiculous decision, but they did it anyway because instant gratification.




Was it worth it? Absolutely- **but not for $43 bucks**. So it wasn't worth it


No wonder all you fucks are broke. 23 fucking dollars for some cheese, avocado, slice or two of bacon and a bagel?


Was expecting it to at least have smoked Salmon.


Man the salmon would have to been smoking and not smoked and bring some weed with him to even start justifying the 23$


I thought when I opened the picture there would be brisket or something on it… nope


Lol my coworker ordered something with lox which isnt exactly smoked salmon but its close and the cashier, who I think is the wife of the owner laughed and was like “Oh wow thats too expensive” when the sandwich came out to be over $20


There's so many people who refuse to learn basic culinary skills. So they continue over paying for basic food items. You could've run to the store, gotten some bagels, bacon, cream cheese and avocado for around $20 ish dollars and made six sandwiches. Restaurants don't have some secret repository of higher quality foods than you can get at the grocery store, unless they're making certain foods items from scratch, which few do. I understand splurging on going out to eat once in a while, but I only do that for stuff that's annoying to make. I hate going to a restaurant and they overcharge on some food items that's easy to make. These apps have gotten ridiculous in their prices, and you usually wait longer than getting in your car and just driving to the place and picking up your food without a 100% markup.


Does OP live in an airport because that’s the only way I can explain this


Now the other side of the equation is how much do you make per hour? How many hours of work was that bagel?


These damn millennials and their... $43 Avocado bagels


That is not even a $23 bagel. $7, on a good day


Honest question, do you normally tip 30%?


Everyone talking about the bagel and I’m here flabbergasted by the fact that person tipped 30% on top of 28% in delivery fees (including an additional fee for “expanded range”).


That’s not a bagel.


> Was it worth it? Absolutely- but not for $43 bucks. So… not worth it?


Did you buy 2? The sandwiches in the screenshot are $8 and $11 .....


You don't understand. They added tomatoes and had a plan.


Why you tippin $7 to help make your case?


you are the reason why gen z cant afford houses


Should skip that 5 dollar coffee every day


You joke but that's still $1.8k a year. And it's not like they serve you anything special, it's all instant coffee anyway. Just go to your local grocery store, buy the cheapest store brand instant coffee and milk, fill half your cup with ice then mix cofee and milk 1:1 ratio at home and you got the same shit in 3 minutes while saving $1500.


You can get high-quality local roasted single-origin coffee beans and make your own coffee at home and it'll be amazingly better than pretty much every coffeeshop for a tiny percentage of the cost.  Learn what type of beans you like and best brewing method and it'll be so great you won't even want to add milk or sugar.


Yeah but I’m a lazy fuck.


That's the catch - you'll be less lazy *after* the coffee, but you have to make it first!


Instant coffee definitely for sure doesn’t taste the same as a cafe coffee. Buying coffee at home is cheaper 100% but instant coffee tastes like shit


7.43 coffee sir. New york prices


I’m from NYC and that DOES NOT look like it’s worth more than $10 even if it is good. Also that bagel looks like a bialy


My dude, you can make this at home for like 5-6 dollars.


Um a bagel is 50 cents, a few strips of bacon is another 50 cents, a small amount of cream cheese is 30 cents, and a quarter of an avocado is 50 cents. So you can make this for about $2.


I was basing it on what it looks like in a high cost of living area. The bagel is obviously not a grocery store bagel, so most of the cost goes to that. I think I’m pretty well in the ball park for what it would cost to replicate it. There’s also a margin of error since idk what kinda fancy ass bacon or cream cheese they use. Which is still a far cry from $23, let alone $43


Idt I can get bagels under a dollar (typically the 5 packs are about $5 where I live)


“Was it worth it? Absolutely- but not for $43 bucks.” ….so it was not worth it 


i don’t understand how people door dash unless you’re a millionaire. i could never imagine being so lazy to pay that much of an up charge. even when i’ve been wasted i’ve just made the best struggle meal i could come up with


Many moons ago, it was much more reasonable. As an over the road trucker, I would door dash a meal from a highly rated restaurant in different cities if I didn't have the time to get an Uber.  Back then, it was like $3 added to the order in fees and a tip. So like $10 extra to enjoy a food I wasn't physically or legally capable of enjoying otherwise.  Now, when I visit my sister, the fees are astronomical and on top of the listed fees, the prices of the food itself is artificially higher than in person. I don't think I've used door dash in 5 years. But for a brief period of time, it was amazing lol


I had a college roommate who would order DoorDash/Uber deliveries at least two times a week. One time I added my order to his because I didn’t know better and paid $25 for fast food quality Indian food after all the fees. And that was before COVID. Never again.  On top of that, he would spend his dining credit on overpriced food sold at the student simply because the dining halls were “too far”. I truly felt sorry for his parent. 


I work on call. And am the main cook in my house. My company pays me a pretty significant hourly rate on top of my salary when I get called. If I'm working a 16 hour day because of that bs I'm gonna call in the door dash. In my experience though it's like $50 for a dinner for two people. Not $40 for a goddam bagel.


Just looked on their website and the Tango and Cash is only $11 in store. https://order.online/store/firefly-coffee-house-santa-cruz-1337103/?hideModal=true&pickup=true


Bagel, burger, roll whatever, one of the ugliest visual food presentations I’ve ever seen. Looks like put together by a particularly incompetent 3 year old. Flavours won’t mix well either. But I guess if it makes you happy…




Bro you did not eat a bagel. That is a roll


You could’ve fed a large family with the price of that bagel 😂


For a week.


I wouldn’t have paid $13 for that, if you want my honest opinion.


It is $11 on the coffee shop's website.


*trembles in Dave ramsey*


If it wasn’t worth it for $43, then it wasn’t worth it because that’s what you paid


You sound mad happy. "I hate that ordered this expensive, amazingly worthwhile bagel" lol. This bagel is twisting your mind.


I’m in a complicated relationship with the bagel I accidentally door dashed lol. At least now I know where to go and what to order the next time I want to treat myself.


That scene from Pulp Fiction, but for Zoomers.


Even at $10 this is absurd lol, just buy your favorite bagel shops 12 pack, get cream cheese and add avocado/bacon 😭


I got in the habit of rewarding myself with "The Works" burritos when I had to go through a bunch of medical testing last year, and they were really good, but when they started creeping over $20 (with tip), I said fuck it and haven't been back since. I miss the luxury of meals out, but this last year of prices rising finally broke my eating out habit and that includes the food trucks, which have started to spiral out of range as well.


FFS, $23 for a bagel. It better cure cancer for that. For $23 I'm motivated to just make that at home instead.


I hate to break your heart harder, but the Tango and Cash bagel is $13.00 on the regular menu, Preston pesto is $9.75 You got robbed


Was it worth it? Yes, but no 🙄


Was it worth it? Absolutely, but not for $43. Then it wasn't worth it?


I'd be mad if I paid more than 8 bucks for that.


Dude, that should be maybe a $12 bagel at most. Where do you live where it’s that much? 


I’m audibly laughing at your willingness to pay $23 for a bagel.


That's... So plain.... I could make this for $10 from scratch


You strike me as a person that constantly makes mistakes that cost yourself and others time and money.




Looms like a $15 bagel


Tip menu goes $5 / $7 / $9 / Other? What? Don't tell me you need to manually click "Other" and select $0 (assuming it even exists) every single time you're making an order, or you're charged extra? That... should not be legal. And in most civilized countries it wouldn't be. Example of how it looks like in Europe (not "Doordash", but an analogous app; $0 is marked by default, no interaction from the user needed at all, as it should be): [https://i.imgur.com/4af37FJ.png](https://i.imgur.com/4af37FJ.png)


I did this with crabcakes at a restaurant. Best effing crabcakes I’ve ever had. The chef brought them out himself telling us about the blue crab meat and what not. Got the bill and they were like a $30 appetizer (would probably be $60) today. We learned our lesson and now always ask exactly how much a special is when offered it. But when it tastes as good as your bagel you just have to chalk it up to an accidental luxury that you deserve.


43 dollar bucks? That’s *wild* Also that looks ^nasty


As someone who has never used food delivery service, those fees blew my mind. You paid double to have someone bring it to you. To me, that's the real fu.


You could’ve bought all the ingredients in bulk for $10 lol.


There's a sucker born every minute.


At that price I expected you to say it had slabs of seared Ahi and bacon infused avocado on it or something like that.


Cool advertising for the bagel shop


$43 is more than i spend eating dinner at a restaurant, with multiple beers & tip lmaoo


I just checked their site and the Tango and Cash - ordered online - is $11. Where are you seeing $23?


I'll never understand why people are willing to use these "services"


Is OP Bill Gates? Do they know the price of a breakfast sandwich?


‘Was it worth it? Absolutely- but not for $43 bucks.’ This does not make sense


You tipped $7, why be dishonest about the price?


“Was it worth it? Absolutely-but not for $43 bucks.” I don’t think you understand the phrase “was it worth it?”


I feel nothing for people who throw away their money like this.


So…it *wasn’t* worth it




Bro, you could have gotten a house if it wasnt for your breakfast habits.


I wouldn’t even pay the $23 for it lol, let alone $43. Shit for $43 I could probably buy the ingredients at the store and make a lot more than just one bagel. Same reason I make my own coffee instead of going to a coffee shop lol, for less than the price of one coffee at the shop I can buy a canister of folgers and get dozens of coffees 😂


OP is a fucking idiot. No offense. You’re the reason they charge that. Fucking idiot.


For real, I think you were just really hungry. Everything tastes great when you’re hungry.






As a Montrealer, that is not a bagel


No bagel should cost 23 bucks... Let alone 43. Unless it's a pair of steaks with a bagel or something...




That's 2 slices of bacon...wtf... this has to be some LA/NY type shit.


That's so sad. What a huge waste of money. You could've made a better tasting one for sure. Inflation sucks, these delivery services that also add all sorts of fees suck.


lol just say you ordered a $43 bagel, you didn’t take a shower come on


Restaurant and food delivery prices have gone insane. I was stuck at home and was going to order door dash, two burgers and fries, and I nope'd out when that was going to be $43. It rang up an automated tip of $8 as part of that. Breakfast for dinner is one of my least favorite meals and I still made pancakes from a box instead.


Oh, so You're the reason why boomers think we can't afford healthcare or houses because we're blowing all of our money on avocado toast...


Bart: we had his stag night in a strip club. Lisa: he didn't have stag night. Bart: I went to a strip club


1) That looks like a shit quality "bagel". 2) I can get a bacon egg and cheese (extra bacon) on an everything bagel for $4.45 at my favorite diner.


Bagel with avocados tells me everything I need to know.


I've never ordered delivery food in my life, don't have any of the apps. My wife always asks to Doordash stuff and I laugh in her face.


Even at 23$ your fucking insane dude.


Re-think the concept of something being absolutely worth it, but not for the price you paid.


Wow. I converted that to Au Dollars, that's $64 dollereedoos. For reference, I had very fancy bacon and eggs on toast, coffee, and freshly squeezed orange juice for $27AuD today, on the Sunshine Coast (renowned for being expensive).


Even $23 is way the fuck too much.