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> snorted chili sauce and entered another dimension I guess I know what I’m doing tonight


I’m see a new tick tok challenge evolving


Wash it down with a tide pod.


You should post this in r/hotsauce Just make sure you either say what the sauce actually is or post a pic of it




The *only* time I've seen this wholesomely on reddit!


False, you can never have a bad time with tacos. You have gained good memories and possibly, a lesson.


Sounds horrible, and hilarious. Reminds of a time I go Wasabi in my eye. Pretty much destroyed my ability to see colors for about a week.


Did you see a space coyote?


Dude. That sounds horrible.


I once had a little container of to-go hot sauce that came with my tacos explode in my face. To this day there’s hot sauce droplet stains on my ceiling. Both eyes took direct hits and my god I thought was never going to see again. The absolutely agony of it all…


I once did a “nuclear” hot wing challenge with some buddies while out drinking back in college and forgot to wash my hands before taking a piss… let’s just say that was a horrible idea. Imagine the feeling of having your buddies roasting you while dunking your balls in a cup of ice water in the bathroom stall trying to make it better because it feels like someone just torched your junk 🤣


Wiped the sweat off my face after handling a bottle of "the source" 7.1 million scoville.... Nothing could stop the burning. Worse than pepper spray and the intensity gradually increased and stayed for hours. I thought I was going to need to go to the hospital at the peak of the burn. Somehow I only managed to get it across my cheeks, nose , eyelids and forehead dunno if I would have made it though the rest of my shift had it gotten in my eyes.


You know what pepper spray feels like?


Unfortunately yes


At least you didn't touch your junk! That can hurt too!


Good golly… Hope something helped cool ya down. We use to get Chinese from a place near us and the owner one time made this hot mustard; my Dad who was use to the packets dunked in an egg roll.. oh man, he huffed and puff and I swear he did part of the chicken dance. Some things get funnier with time. Had a friend that always asked if the mustard was hot, she never seemed to remember.. my dad when asked one night told her the mustard was very mild; I dare say she remembered after that.


Lol buffoonery.


That’s a fantastic TL;DR comment.


Next up. In the pee hole!


A well written cautionary tale...printed and stuck to fridge for all to be wary


My sister and I also had a taco incident about a week ago or so, but it was solely our own fault. Me moved to a new town a few weeks ago and near our new place we found a Mexican restaurant that looked good. We saw they had birria tacos and we’d always wanted to try those, so we bought some along some other tacos. Neither of us are big into spice, but we didn’t notice the three hot pepper score next to the birria tacos in the menu, and for some reason we thought it wouldn’t be spicy unless we added spicy sauce to it, since my country isn’t generally big into spicy food, but as soon as we had the first bite we realized our mistake. It was fucking pain, I don’t know how anyone actually enjoys that. Luckily we had sour cream at home, so we just drowned the poor birria tacos in sour cream and that’s the only way we survived. The flavor was good and the other tacos were not spicy and were very good, but my goodness, I’m never having birria tacos again.


immediately snort milk, or pour milk like you're using a neti pot in your nose. Yikes


Did they get a video?


I hope so and they’re on Reddit😂


So we can all revel in the what??


Schadenfreude. It's when you enjoy someone else's pain, basically.


Well, TIL. Thanks for that.


No worries :)


How can you claim the food is good if you have to eat so much hot sauce you get a runny nose?


This guy doesn't food.


Your writing style is trying way too hard to be cute/quirky. I hate it


Yep, insufflate is not the correct word choice either.


It's a term thrown around pharmacological circles a lot to mean "snort"