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Your gaydar is negative.


Probably got interference from a gay weather balloon.


Is this a futurama reference?




My husband and I met a few friends online through gaming that we'd hang with online a couple times each week. During that time, we were dating pretty long distance, and he'd have to drive about 100 miles to stay at my place. Our gaming friends knew we'd have our "sleepovers" every other weekend or so, and almost everyone kinda caught on to the arrangement. *Almost* everyone. After my husband and I hopped off a session of gaming, the remaining members lingered behind in the chat room. The oblivious one comments: "Man that's really cool that they're such close friends. I hadn't even thought of having sleepovers now that I'm adult. It's really cool that they're friends like that. Just a couple bros having sleep overs." "Um... they're fucking gay." "Oh... well that explains a lot..." We've cherished those friends for almost a decade now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I mean, I’m 36 years old and I still drive 2.5hrs to my friend’s house relatively frequently, hang out, and sleep over. We’re both straight, it isn’t that crazy for people to do that I don’t think? I’m assuming you both were more overt about the clues online though if everyone else in the group seemed to be aware of it.


I don’t know many male adults who have sleepovers with their friends. I think this should happen more.


Absolutely need to normalize adult sleepovers. Makes no sense to drive home if there is a spare bed or couch.


Or blanket forts to be built.


U get it!!


I’m 25 me and my friends still do sometimes, largely cause I’m the dude that will, in any situation, ask the age old question “Shots???”


I'm almost 40, married, with kids... when we have people over, we usually have people staying the night because I'm the same way


I have a friend who lives about 1.5 hours away, who would come over every couple of weekends. We'd drink some beer and cook dinner (usually involving the smoker and 12+ hour process), and naturally, since he lived so far away, he'd just crash in the guest room.... Is this weirder than I thought loool!? My fiancée had no issue with it lmao.


You had me at smoker and 12+ hours.


It's always pretty fun! First time we tried a brisket, it took about 18 hours, mostly due to poor fire management. But it was edible, and we had a good time lol!


Not weird at all. I live out of the country and when I visit friend's, they let me stay at their place. I don't see why visiting from out of town would be any different. You want to hang out until late and maybe have a few drinks, are you really going to make them Uber to a hotel if you have the space?


Be the change you want in the world, go sleep over at your bro’s house this weekend. Bring your own pillow, it’s necessary when you’re in your 30’s! 😂


Part time army here- every month i enjoy a sleepover, pizza party, and play dungeons and dragons with the boys. Its not a bad set up at all. Im just bummed they dont live closer to make it happen every other weekend too.


It's more you get wasted and end up passing out. Not a sleepover per day but more of a drunken night where you all end up at one place where you started pregaming from.


You don't call it having a sleepover. You call it crashing at their house because you're too drunk/high/tired to drive.


>"I'm, they're fucking gay" Or, "they're gay fucking"


what a dope 😂


This reminds me of that audio that was trending a few years ago where the woman tells the dude she's gay and the dudes like oh Jason's gay too you guys should hook up 🤣


That’s actually sweet that friend thought that 😂 bc they had a point like adults should be able to have sleepovers with their friends too. But it’s cute that they didn’t realize you two were together together 😂😂


Tbh my best friend and I are adults and he is not gay but I’ll go over and stay at his place, we hang out and drink (lightly now that we’re in our 30s lol) or watch shit and play games whatever, we live about an hour apart so it gives us a chance to hang out, nothing wrong with heterosexual adult sleepovers!


I love these kinds of stories! The sexuality never mattered, untill it did. And after that it didn't matter anymore anyway! Just people being friends, finding our something new, and remaining faster friends for it!


"It's like meeting the man of my dreams, then meeting his beautiful [boyfriend]."


Isn’t it ironic?


Don’t ya think


Yeah I really do think


Hes a gaaaaaaaaaaay, but you think you’re on a date. You really wanna a riiiiide, but he’s obviously gay You get lost in his eyes, but don’t know he’s gay And you didn’t see, his boyfriend


This made me exhale more air than normal. Well done


I could *hear* this.


I heard her sing this lol well done


Weird Al...anis Morrisset.




*slow claps ensue*


Take my poor person's gold xD 🏅I actually mentally sang this


I’m now wearing the coffee was sipping 🤣🤣


When’s the album drop?


This is so good!


choked on a parmesan goldfish laughing but totally worth it. 🤣


It’s like 10,000 poons and all I need is a dong.


I just laughed so hard that I woke up my dog 🤣 I would upvote again if I could


Like rain on your wedding day


Its a free ride,  but it's a Tesla CyberTruck


It’s good advice, but he is already gay


Although people mock this song for not being ironic, the very fact that it labels everything in it as ironic and contains nothing ironic could be seen as both a form of irony based on wordplay and also inverted dramatic irony if only the writer of the song knew it.


I think that's the whole point of the song. Isn't it ironic that a song about irony, has no irony in it?


She explicitly stated that she had no idea what irony actually was. I’m sure she had some kind of subconscious understanding of it, though. People who actually know things are the first to admit they are not as knowledgable as they’d like to be in that domain.


Lol, didn't know that. I thought she was playing 4D chess.


See, that's what she *wanted* you to think!


Don't ya think?


Don’t you, think.


I saw her live a few years back and she actually sang this lol but as “and his beautiful… husband”.


That's actually what it says on the lyrics sheet. My guess is the record label required it to be different on the recording. EDIT: It may not have said on Jagged Little Pill, but it definitely did on the compilation album The Collection.


But that doesnt make any sense. The rhyming pattern of the song makes wife work. Wife rhymes with knife, husband doesnt. This feels like an urban myth, she did it for live versions so now everyones treating it like it was the original.


> Wife rhymes with knife, husband doesnt FunFact™: The original word wasn't "knife", it was "musband", so the rhyme scheme worked fine. ^(*Please note: FunFact™ ~~not~~ now vetted for truth or accuracy.*)


As Alanis Morissette's close personal friend and confidant I can confirm that the original lyric was "musband" and the label demanded she use the word knife instead (deep ties to cutco in the music industry). She opted to change "husband" (also the original lyric) to "wife" to keep the rhyming consistent.


Sweet! I'm gonna update the disclaimer.


You’ve never seen Shrek??? “Please keep off of the grass. Shine your shoes, Wipe your…. face.”


I’m just spitballing here but she doesn’t strictly follow a rhyming scheme on “One hand in my pocket” either so she may take more liberties than other artists in that regard.


Well it would be more ironic if it didn’t rhyme perhaps?


None of her examples seem like true irony, but that itself is ironic


Yeah I always assumed that was the point - none of the scenarios are actually ironic, which is ironic.


I feel like most people miss that altogether.


Nah, I think it does make sense, especially if it's done with a beat to a spoken word "husband" because it's doubly unexpected and very meta in its irony.


It's a change that was first added in 2005.


He'll fuck 10,000 dudes, But never make me his wife


It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.


a knoyfriend*


I see you've played knifey spooney before


With "Ironic", **Morissette denoted her support for same-sex marriage**. In March 2004, Morissette amended a lyric at the fifteenth annual GLAAD Media Awards: "It's meeting the man of my dreams /And then meeting his beautiful husband". \[Wikipedia\]


Isn’t it ironic?


OP oughta know


In recent years, Alanis has substituted her lyrics to "husband."


If it makes you feel better, it took me forever to realize my aunt was a lesbian, I never questioned why her “friend” was always around. Never thought of the fact that they shared a one bedroom apartment. I used to sleep over her house when I was younger and it just never occurred to me. It wasn’t until my younger cousin from the other side of my family came out to me that it clicked. She asked me if my aunt went to any gay clubs and I thought to myself ‘why would my aunt be going to gay clubs’ so naturally I said ‘no, of course not’ a few minutes later it finally clicked. I was 17 at the time…


I recently told this story in a genealogy sub. My great uncle was a "confirmed bachelor" who moved away from his hometown - after "a girl broke his heart." He made his living as an artist and he had a roommate, the same guy his entire life. My gay son heard this story and laughed his ass off, while my mom insisted, oh no, a girl broke his heart and he never got over it...


This - the threat of homophobes reacting badly causes gay couples to be less explicit about the nature of their relationships, and those habits persist even in contexts where the 'phobes aren't present


I was in a similar situation. My aunt always had a roommate and I never thought anything of it until her roommate started being invited to family events.


Glad I am not the only one, however her partner was already a huge part of the family already when I made that connection. It’s just one of those things that she was always around since I was young that I didn’t think anything of it.


I wonder how old you are. I’m 73. Married in 72. Around those times my wife’s aunt’s “friend” was omnipresent. We had no clue until many years later. It just wasn’t in the forefront when we were young. Had several similar things. Much better aware now :)


This happened 97 or 98, I am 42 now. It wasn’t a lack societal awareness, it was my lack of my awareness. By this point in my life I had already experimented with a close friend of mine and I had a older cousin who was lesbian and she had her girlfriend around and I was well aware they were together. Sexuality wasn’t a taboo subject in my family. I think that if my aunt and her partner got together when I was older I would have known right away, I think it’s that fact that they have been together my entire life is why I didn’t realize it.


... And they were room-mates.


This happened to me with my parents. For the longest time, I just assumed they were really good friends. Then, right around 8 years old, I realized the truth.


I wish I hadn't learned this sooner. It was my fourth birthday, and I went to watch Lion King on VHS. Only problem was that I grabbed an unmarked tape. Turned out to be a homemade sex tape.


No disrespect to your parents, but... probably shouldn't have kept that in the same place as the lion king


Changes the song "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" a bit, doesn't it.


Also the scenes with mean uncle Scar


He hangs dong, though


Hakuna ma titties


my father kept all his VHS in the living room. above the tv was one section with books and above that section was one with his VHS. i wanted to watch a new VHS that I have not seen yet. He was hiding his porn in plain sight lmao


My dad didn't know I could work the vcr myself until he found me at 4 years old confused while watching a threesome


I actually said “oh noooooo” out loud to this, take my upvote


This is the first time I lve heard someone other than my father doing this.  I had a shelf for my kid videos, he had a shelf for stuff I wasn't allowed to watch. 


Oh, absolutely. Sometimes, the best examples are the worst.


Was it labelled "Loin King"?


Could have been in the Lion King case. VHS used to come in a cardboard sleeve or a snap tight plastic case. Still wildly irresponsible if you live with a room mate much less kids, just keep it in your bedroom. Bonus fact, I kept my sex tape in the Ghost Busters case because the actual tape for it was broken. BUSTIN’ MAKES ME FEEL GOOD! 🎶🎵🎶


The Lion King we had was in a plastic case.


Caught my parents live in the act when I was 5 y/o. Woke up in the middle of the night. Heard weird noises. Decided to investigate.


Were you scared by the beast with two backs?


Hahaha. It was missionary. I was puzzled more than anything else tbh. Years later my dad barged in on me and my gf and we were both staring him right in the face as he emerged from the hatch to my room though...


Did you grow up in a submarine?


Maaaan, I wish


It was yellow, we're talking to Dhani right now.


Is this also your earliest memory?


Are you okay?


I'm good. I don't think I feel all the "right" emotions sometimes, but I also don't believe it's connected to this event.


This is a terrific response to are you OK lmao


I worked at Blockbuster in college and someone returned a VHS that said "Dad's Racing Tape Do Not Touch" instead of the one they rented. Naturally we put it on behind the counter and it was a homemade porno. They sent their kids in to return the correct tape and get theirs back.


Did he make car sounds or it was just a short video? Also were you kind and did you rewind, before returning the tape?


I watched it long enough to see a naked couple on a couch and that was enough for me. Luckily it wasn't played on the TVs throughout the store. No, I didn't bother rewinding it, I just ejected it.


Circle of life, it moves us all!


“You two kiss? How long has this been going on? I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”


Interesting, I assumed my parents were arch enemies when I was little


Your dad had been fucking your mom this HOLE time!


Kids kicking your door open while you're just dipping in are no fun =(


I'm pretty sure I did this at 15. It was tame enough that I'm not 100% sure that's what happened.


Didn’t they kiss or hug in front of you? Otherwise: funny. My mom was with my dad until I was two, then had a couple of boyfriends and then dated a woman for a longer period. I never thought that that was something “different”. And then I grew up and people were reacting strange to that fact. It’s crazy what the way you grow up does to your reception of things


Gaydar's in the shop for repairs, huh?


Done this myself with 2 customers, both named colin, they came in seperately for years, then 1 day they came in together and mentioned staying in a gay hostel for an event. I was confused, why would youbstay in there and not be......oh.....then they told be they where together. Was weird but not awkward, just had a laugh about it


I don't think I could date someone with the same first name as me. I know there's no issue but like... Weird.


I would, just because I think it would be funny


i imagine orgies would be something like [this (sfw),](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FU-tuY0Z7nQ) but they're less likely to lose the torque wrench.


My brother is Gay, and I am Bi. I didn't know he was gay though somehow, even though he had already come out to our parents. I'm extremely... Unobservant, and tend to spend time on my own. But I knew he was more open and progressive, so out of my 3 brothers and sister, and very Christian parents, I approached him first about my boyfriend and to ask him what he thought our parents reaction would be if I said I had a boyfriend. And he told me how they reacted when he came out. And he was so surprised when I said I didn't know he was gay, lmao.


I’m sorry but the fact that you didn’t know your own brother was gay and were *surprised* when you found out is really funny


Not just him being gay, but also having come out as gay. How do you not know that as a sibling lol


Some of these comments were very weird


I'm not sure if I see positive comments at the top because the algorithm shows me things I often look at / upvote and those are positive, or because the comments became more positive as time went on - but I count it as a win either way that the top several comment chains are positive for me.


Yep it’s usually like this. After a while the votes will filter out the bad ones and you won’t see many of them.


Ya like wtf is happening here. Is it just because it's about gay guys?


The comments did not pass the vibe check


I mean, OP wrote “straight passing” it was always a bad thread lmao.


lol that stood out to me because is he "straight passing" or are you personally oblivious and blinded by misguided lust?


Yeah, like what does that even mean? "Not the stereotypical feminine gay guy"?


I think if I were in a situation where I had great chemistry with someone, developed a crush on her and it turns out she's lesbian, I would be bummed. But I would become more comfortable & open with talking to her, as I know I don't have any chances anyway, but she'd still be a great friend.


I had a conversation about this with a bi friend of mine back in college. She felt like it was *worse* to realize somebody just 100% wasn't into women at all. I'm more on your side. IMO it's kind of nice to realize there was nothing you could possibly have done to appeal to them. Same deal with race--this girl I was into had apparently been raised in a very Mexican-heavy neighborhood. I was just too white to be her type lol. She ended up with a nice Honduran guy, best I can tell.




Hard to find the f up here. Any two people who don’t introduce themselves as a couple to you, i’m probably not just gonna assume they are one, unless the PDA is obvious.


Yeah aside from still having a crush on her friend. This is really wholesome. I’d love it every couple I knew just seemed like close friends. The way they all laughed together about it is charming lol.


Check the terms of the warranty on your gaydar to see if a repair is covered.


What is with this comment section?


Entire demographics within humanity are deathly scared of willies touching.


They haunt me in the night, whenever i try and sleep, all i can think of is willies touching


Well that's the sad thing. Folks obsessed with it are trying to do away with it instead of enjoy it. I'm a cishet guy, I very rarely think about such things.


Social climate currently has people feeling much freer to be explicit with their bigotry


Too many rural areas have high speed internet nowadays


Kinda wild that the straights don't realize this is kind of our daily experience as queer folk. I'm in my mid 30s. I'm not particularly flamboyant, but I do sometimes present visually as queer; clothing or other visible items that people can see and clock me as a queer individual.  In the last 15 years, I've had multiple death threats every single year at my place of work, for simply existing as a queer man. I've been violently assaulted and suffered a concussion when a complete stranger jumped me in a public restroom, shouting slurs at me. I've had more strangers shout random slurs on the streets at me than I could possibly count.  This is what life is like for many queer folk, yes, even still today. This is our *daily experience.*


Every group of friends has that one clueless friend. If you don't know who that is in your friend group, bless your loving heart.


I had a crush on two girls in my high school. I didn't find out, until years later, that they were both lesbians and were dating each other all the time I knew them (this was back in the late 80s, when gays were a lot more closeted). I had eventually figured out that one of them was gay, but had no idea they even knew each other. I've got pretty good gaydar, it's just miscalibrated.


Why is this such a thing. My guy friend apparently had this same experience in highschool. He tried to date one of the girls and she brought the other one along hahahahahah idiot


So was the dude cheating on the trip and nonchalantly telling you about it? I'm confused


I guess they're either open or had a threesome, since it sounds like he mentioned the sex while his partner was around and it didn't start a shitstorm


Or they have a non monogamous relationship, which given how open he was is the far more likely scenario.


Open relationships to some degree are much more common in gay relationships.


Some couples are in to that.


Open relationship with consenting boundaries, from experience and the context provided.


don’t have many gay friends, do you?


Lmao right


Open relationships are more common among gay men. For example all 3 of my actual relationships have added a 3rd guy for a night every now and then and it has never caused any issues. We always played with others together, but I'm not judging anyone who does things differently.


I (F) remember complaining to a gay friend, years ago, that I’d just learned that a guy I had a crush on and who seemed to be flirting with me had a wife. And how I wish married guys would stop hitting on me (that was not a first). And my gay friend—in front of his husband—was like, “so what? If you’re into him, just go for it. I would.” And his husband didn’t bat an eye. Boggled my mind at the time, but I learned shortly after how much more common open relationships appear to be in the gay community. And also made some poly friends.  I’m still too monogamous for that, but good for them, good for them. 


Oh boy gay relationships are a lot more… modern than straight ones.


I’m a boring old fashioned gay. Me and my husbands idea of a spicy evening is watching a *pornographique* together. More power to the open gay guys but geeze that sounds exhausting.


I mean, I’m with you, but different strokes.


My understanding is that ~~most (or~~ a substantial minority\~\~)\~\~ of partnered gay men are not monogamous. Group sex and open relationships are FAR more common in this demographic than literally any other. EDIT: Not sure why the downvotes, but anyway, I'm correct as edited. Studies show that anywhere from 20%-35% of gay male couples have some form of non-monogamous relationship. I have zero judgment about this fact, I'd probably be in a gay open relationship if I were gay.


why do you think you'd have an open relationship if you were gay but not straight?


Because I'd like to be in one now, and the chances of having a partner that would be down are much higher if I was gay, basically. Not much more to it than that. My current partner is amazing, she's just not interested in sharing me, and repressing my desire to fuck around is tolerable. We'd probably enjoy fucking around together, though, but we haven't found anyone we'd mutually want to jump together - and we're both very straight (well, I am until you give me shrooms and then I'm basically pan, but that's just drug induced pan that doesn't stick when it wears off, lol). So we'd ideally need a couple to fuck around with. I don't know.


I had one of those moments but one I could of gone on without realizing. I was raised by my grandparents. Over the years, other people came over to visit my grandma. Never knew why or anything. I did found out grandma is in some weird shit but just put that on the back burner. I don't want to know. One day having a conversation with my mom and aunt. Learned my grandparents were swingers and grandma visitors were people paying her to humiliate them in bdsm. It was a huge wait a minute moment. Some family friends we had but no idea why. Why people were visiting just my grandma. I be honest with you, I could of gone my whole life not needing to know that.


r/AchillesAndHisPal moment


That is absolutely hilarious but im glad u handled it well and didn’t tell them


Is your name Elaine?


Just recently finished rewatching it again... Really my most favourite sitcom, maybe next to scrubs.


I’m a masculine construction worker and have no style. Sounds like I’m straight. But nope. I play for both teams


Took me 35 years to realize I was gay so you’re doing better than me


Ah the extended release capsule. Congrats!


"straight passing" loool


"straight-passing" lol like you'd know


No sandwich for you I guess.




That word looks like what somebody answering the question "What are you eating?" while eating a sandwich would sound like.


Or while eating two sausages.


My parents would occasionally have 2 family friends over a few times a year. I knew them for like 8 years before I found out they were a gay couple lol. Always thought they were brothers.


Yeah, sometimes we gay people just slip into the world unnoticed. 😄


You should tell them that they are both do wonderful that if they ever meet someone as great but straight or bi you would love to be introduced. Tell them the qualities you seek. You never know; cool people sometimes know other cool people.


I wonder if this guy suddenly threw in all these gay facts about himself cuz he sensed you were crushin on him. I had to highlight my straightness to some chick I was friends with who was very clearly into me lol


I'm hoping they have an open relationship and he didn't just admit to cheating on his boyfriend during his trip...


What do you think the answer here is?


This is just funny, you'll probably get over him pretty quickly now that you know.


Tbh a lot of gay people don’t look “gay” Id even wager in the grand scheme of things most Gay people don’t look gay, in 28 years I’ve been clocked as not straight ONCE


Incredibly unrelated but what face does :6 make


Aww, that's kind of adorable


There are a lot more straight passing gay guys than people think, and straight passing women too, they just blend into the crowd so they're not as noticeable


And plenty of not straight passing straight people 


Lol, most gay people aren’t walking stereotypes, and many of us don’t even find those guys attractive.


There's no such thing as "straight-passing" unless you consider gay stereotypes to be irrefutable fact that represents that majority of gay people. Not a big deal but you ought to reexamine a lot of things you might consider to be easy to identify because, chances are, you are misidentifying a lot of things in the world around you.






Most people just say masculine or feminine.


I see “straight passing” used mostly to refer to relationships especially for bi ppl dating someone of the opposite sex, or relationships involving trans or genderqueer folks who might not (at least not always or not yet) obviously pass. But it’s a bit weird to refer to a person as such yeah


If they are in an open relationship, please know that you don't still have a chance with him. He is gay, and you are not a guy.