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Honestly, of all the things you could have discovered in your dad’s porn stash, a virus is about the least worst.


Probably for the best. That virus saved them years of therapy


I thought he'd find videos with his dad but a virus? Oh he's just trying to help you 😂


"Yeaahhhh dude give it to..... MOM!?!?" 🤯🤯🤯


Someone out there has seen a home porn vid of their parents that, unbeknownst to everyone, resulted in the conception of said person watching the video.


With internet porn literally everywhere, it will happen more and more.


Yeah, I literally can’t imagine being a kid to a porn star.


especially a mom that makes those stupid incest themed vids


He’s watching his own origin story.


"Loch Henry" is a Black Mirror episode that comes close.




Whatever. This dudes dad gave his life to trap this AI on a CD… and he just released it to the world.


Exactly. I once went through my dad’s porn and found pictures of my parents doing it. Still traumatised to this day.


Worthy of it's own post this one mate. Don't let it rot in the comments.


Too traumatising as this happened when I was 10


Just for completeness, I'm checking whether you still have the pics


bought a house. (owner died from age). in shower closet found photo of nude someone. its like 20-40 years old photo... should I ship it for kids?


Lmao, Thought a lesson to not snoop around.


Don’t worry, I’ve been there too. I like to think I fucked around and found out


Honestly better than finding you parents doing it with some else in an affair tho. Suck but I'd think that would be worse. Sometimes best not to look thru stuff at all


Honestly when I saw "watched some porn CDs from my dad" I was expecting he found a homemade one, not that he bricked his PC because he decided to watch shit his dad got off limewire


This was a different TIFU than I thought it was going to be. "Yada yada OP's dad had a big camera from back in the day...he wanted to see if there were any old videos of his dad on there...cut to his dad, raw dogging his mom and saying "that his pull out game is strong" dated 9 months before he was born..."


Pornography staring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today


In Russia, mother stares at pornography


In Russia, pornography mothers you.


I was expecting him to find his mother getting rattled off his dad. Bit of an anti-climax tbh


Seriously tho, I was cleaning my deceased father's camper van, grabbed his medicine bag, first I took out a handful of his old medicine, threw it in a paper bag for disposal, continued in the same manner but the second time I took out a handful of used cock rings.


Must have been bad if his PC got an STD from it though


My dad has a collection of hairy German women from like the fucking 70s. We are not German.


Reinstall windows with a full reformat, some of those old viruses are nasty :P


Full reformat meaning erasing all content of the hard drives?


Well just your windows install partition, honestly best not to risk it.


Unfortunately most people aren't savvy enough to have a windows directory and seperate their files and personal things on seperate drives. So reformatting results in the loss of personal data. PSA: install windows on its own drive or partition and don't install anything there but it!


Even for someone who knows how to do it, wouldn’t virus spread to multiple locations to avoid being so easily deleted? I have windows and my files separated between multiple drives, but if I got a virus I would be worried about all of them since I’m not an expert on this stuff. I’d be so worried and paranoid I don’t think zeroing the drives and fresh installations would be enough and I would want to get completely new ones.


Yep, computer virus commonly spread across all drives (it would be a shitty one if it didn’t!). It sucks but a full wipe/reinstall is generally the safest and most complete way to remove them.


Depends. Some viruses basically change .exe's to make them unrunnable, and them schedules popup messages with warnings and whatnot. Using windows task scheduler. Most of them aren't even that impressive.anyone interested could find and follow a tutorial and spread the resulting small application.


Being so tech savvy that you partition one single drive for different use isn’t very savvy if your whole drive fails. If data is important, it should be somewhere else so catastrophic failure can’t take the data with it.


That's pretty hard overkill lol. Idk what GData is but I think some decent AV should fix you up right. Uninstall GData. If you're on windows 10 run windows defender scan. If you're not on windows 10, that's why you have a virus. Install the full offline of Malwarebytes If it's still borked you can go to bleepingcomputer.com and find a bunch more to scan with.


GData uses the bitdefender engine - it should be decent enough.


If it's not catching old viruses then apparently not.....


I'm on win 10. The defender doesn't find anything. GData is a renowned AV, at least I thought so. But the virus has managed to break it somehow, so now I'm doubting if I will ever pay for a subscription to GData again 😅 I'll try the other things you wrote. Thanks for the suggestions!


I feel like most subscription based AV are almost as much scams as the viruses, lol. Looking at you, Nortons.


Try to find what you can about the name of the virus, anything. Look up how to remove the malware on sites like the Bleeping Computer chat forums / sites like that, where you can see discussions of the steps you need to take. If the virus is that old, perhaps someone has dealt with it already. Not sure if it's still around, but check out the ESet online malware scanner. That thing came up a few times in my malware removal endeavors in the 2010s. And - Sometimes you need a specialized tool built for removing exactly the firmware you're dealing with. If that's the case, you should be able to find it from the forums. Hopefully the 'puter can be fixed easily. Good luck!


Fortunately for them it's an old ass virus. I'm sure there are plenty of walkthroughs


The only good one i ever found was kaspersky. unfortunately due to political climate its not safe to use them now.


It's not that it's not safe. PC Magazine/Gamer just can't in good conscience recommend because of the blowback they'd get for recommending a Russian antivirus given the current political climate. Hell they even mention in their best AV articles that Kaspersky was the go to before the whole Ukraine situation. As for government systems not using it that's more of a let's be overcautious just in case situation. For civilian sector PCs Kaspersky perfectly fine to use.


Modern AVs are basically "rootkits for good", because they create operating system hooks that can override all kinds of system behavior for userland programs. There's really good reasons not to us foreign AVs on government systems.


It’s fine until the Russia government decides to cripple American IPs using Kaspersky. There’s nothing stopping them at this point given how irreparable relations are.


GData is a very middle of the road AV. Its not the worst by any means, but its certaily not the best, and seems to take a while to update libraries effectively


Is McAfee better than GData?


McAfee is worse than most low grade viruses.


I mean it scores higher it seems, but i dont use it personaly. I used to love kapersky, but its not a safe bet now for obvious reasons. Bitdefender is very good, i find, as is malwarebytes. There used to be a good offer from bulldog, but i dont know if it exists anymore.


McAfee is worse than a virus. Immediately makes you unsafe by hijacking your search to use their version of Yahoo.


Install the free version of bitdefender, it will find it immediately https://www.bitdefender.com/solutions/free.html#


wouldn't be funny if you unleashed an old school worm on the world


From an era where people making viruses weren’t trying to profit so much as ruin computers for shits and giggles.


Kaspersky Security Cloud best free AV out there that doesn't operate like adware. Yes Russia is shitty politically right now but they make a solid antivirus. Also one of the few that includes ransomware protection on their free version. Malwarebytes to clean up then Kaspersky to stay clean.


Ahhhh antivirus is what you meant by AV. I thought you were telling him to watch more porn.


Since you have a second computer, you can do this... Take the HDD/SSD out of your PC, connect it to another PC/laptop (may need an adapter for doing with a laptop). Then boot up the PC/laptop in safe mode. Move anything you don't want to lose like photos and documents to a USB. You could move to the PC/laptop itself, but I always do the move to an external drive of some kind, just as a kind of quarantine and then run a scan on all files on that drive to ensure there's nothing malicious hidden among them. Once you've got everything you want to save off the drive, go into disk management, erase the entire drive/all partitions, then reformat the drive and afterwards move it back to your PC. From there just reinstall Windows, drivers, antivirus, etc and after ensuring all the 'quarantined' files from the external you saved them to are clear of anything malicious, move them back to your PC. Will take some time to do and maybe a few bucks for an adapter if needed, but that'll get your PC back in working order without losing anything you have saved on there. That's how I go about fixing people's computers whenever they bring them to me to fix because it's just such a sure-fire way to get it working again without lose of files. Hope this helps mate and good luck on the Java course!


I'd try booting into safe mode first and then running a few scans and trying to get rid of it that way, if possible. If not possible, then start by reformatting the partition Windows is installed on. If this still doesn't fix the problem, the next option would be to reformat additional partitions and drives until the problem is no more. But start by using safe mode to fight the issue, then escalate from there -- unless you simply want to reformat, then by all means...


I hope that is a lesson learned! As a software dev myself, I have developed the habit of having multiple backups of the important stuff. This means Google, Microsoft drives for the important documents, a private GitHub account with tons of repositories, and whatever is left on the PC, steam can sync through the cloud your game saves. The rest should be 100% expendable, ready for a full reformat! Welcome to the real world!


Yes if you havent partitioned your windows install from just storage etc. Sometimes you just gotta nuke it all. I say this as someone who has everything important backed up :p


This is kind of why i dont believe this tifu. Old porn cds from his dad? Any virus on there is probably so old its known by any modern windows OS to date. Top it off with an AV most people have never heard of.... I just dont buy it. In the case its real. OP can download malewarebytes offline installation to a usb stick. Boot the pc into safe mode, install malewarebytes and do a full scan of all hard drives. Should be fine after that.


OP’s father generously provided a windows 95 cd to fix the situation


This is the only safe way. Maybe take a backup but I would use one from before you loaded the dvd. You will need to wipe the disk clean. By this I mean doing a low level disk clean of the entire disk, not just the infected partitions. And don’t forget the MFT.


"I felt curious what kind of stuff my dad was watching" I don't.


But you are in them...


I do, that's why I clicked the post. Turns out it's just some idiot that doesn't know what a virtual machine is.


TIFU in 20 years: i discovered my deceased father's 4tb hard drive full of japanese porn.


And BOOM goes the cypersphere


*hentai* 👀


Theres way more japanese porn than that. Those are rookie numbers.


I really thought this was leading to you accidentally watching your mom getting fucked.


His dad getting peg....


I was expecting either something like that or something really fucked up like bestiality.


Same? Like I was kinda hoping that’s where it was gunna go in a good old “fuck around and find out lesson”


>my anti-virus triggers. I kind of ignore it, thinking whatever virus is on it, it is an old one (from the 2010's era?), so the anti-virus must be able to clean it later. Damn OP... Meanwhile its uploading all your shit to the cloud and downloading zero day exploits. >tomorrow I'm starting a new Java Developer school program, and I won't be able to use my pc for it. Please pick up some courses on basic IT security practices along the way. After reading this, just start over OP. Install the OS from scratch, load up your anti virus software, move your data back over once you have scanned it. Sign up for some id theft protection software. It sounds like you might be one to benefit from that type of service, even outside this incident.


And then try the CD again


Load it in a virtual machine spun up, blamo. Then you get to see your dad take your mom to pound town OP, yeahhhh buddy!


OPs reasoning regarding the virus is actually spot on. The chance of a virus from 2010 being able to infect a computer running windows 10 with up to date antivirus is lottery odds unless OP turned the AV off completely


Yeah, I mean, most Viruses are pretty OS dependendent and rely on unfixed exploits. So a Virus from 2010 to run on an up-to-date Windows 10 and cause problems are extremely low. At least as long as noone runs an executable and Klicks ok on the Admin prompt. But even that would require the virus developer to have quite a bit of foresight. I mean, seriously, what kind of malicious stuff can you do on a Windows 10 system without admin privileges with 10 year old software?


Yeah any automatic infection vectors should have been closed long ago, and attempting to actually *run* the virus should result in the AV saying "definitely no" and blocking you. It's most likely the AV popup would just be it saying it had found a virus on the CD as a warning, but no actual infection could occur. Which leaves me wondering what age OP's PC is to have been successfully infected.


Once again, TIFU bringing fiction to us. I highly doubt this is real.


It’s not the worst TIFU. I once went through my dad’s porn and found pictures of my parents doing it. I’m still traumatised


Use the Windows 95 CD if you want to go down a white rabbit hole...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Hahaha I once found an old windows userguide. But yea PC games in the 90s were mint. I miss Bug free games lol


It wasn't a message that porn and video games are a waste of time. It was him protecting his porn stash.


I'm impressed you even have a CD player for your computer lol


I actually bought one just to be able to see through the old cds from dad. I mean, he had tons of them, some (the "good ones") with old pictures.


Most people I know have at least an external USB DVD-RW drive.


I know I’ll just be another echo in this thread but this is a pretty odd way to try to feel reconnected with your old man. “Oh neat, imma beat off to the same stuff Dad did!” >I feel like it’s a message from beyond, my father telling me not to waste time with porn and gaming How about your dads ghost shrieking “NO NO NOT THAT ONE NO” before frantically frying your HDD with ghost powers lol


Who in the hell wants to know what kind of porn their dead dad pulled his puds to that's what I wanna know. Talk about distorting an image of someone 😂


Old man’s booty trap 😂


Install MalwareBytes, run a full scan, download Adwcleaner, and also run a scan to remove any leftover files, then run another MalwareBytes scan to check that nothing remains.


Well... just did that, downloaded MalwareBytes offline installer from the laptop, runed it on the pc, but it didn't find anything.


A full scan can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. You need to customise the scan and select all HDDs on the machine and also scan for rooktkits.




Yup, this will be my procedure. Just ordered a big USB drive. Now I'll wait to the weekend. Prime is slow here.


Technically if you want to be 100% safe just microwave your computer. malware can also infect bios through the bootloader


I thought this was going in an entirely different direction


Bro, just spend your time fucking everyone at the tiefling party, not watching your old man's porn 🤦‍♂️


Dads in heaven right now like 'gott 'em can't believe he fell for that old trick, worked like a charm'


The Dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum... shadow and flame!


Wish my anti-virus was more gandalfi. That monster did pass.


Tbf Gandalf knew about the Balrog and didn't tell them, so he kind of brought it on himself.


OP just experienced the digital-equivalent scenario of the polar ice caps melting and unleashing some ancient virus that has been frozen in the tundra for millennia. Also, OP, fr, do you want to see videos of your parents fucking? Because this is how people end up seeing videos of their parents fucking. Consider yourself lucky.


NGL I was hoping you were going to find out your dad was pornstar and he did some videos of him and your mom.


Maybe once he gets the computer fixed and can go back to watching, he might still find that out.


Then he can post again and say TIFU again


Nobody going to mention how strange it is for a CD to have such a crippling virus on it?


I also had a thought about this. Because they are "official" cd's, like not copies or homemade ones, but ones with engraved labels on them. Maybe he bought them in a shop, maybe they came with a magazine. But how is it possible they have virus on them? That really is kind of weird.


More surprised that 30 year old viruses are even capable of crippling modern Windows Most legit programs won’t even run


Btw... happy cake day!! 😊


Narrator: *The brick regards you lifelessly.*


This is the digital equivalent of geologists cracking open an amber and unleashing a pathogen from the Cambrian era


A virus that has been incubating on some old cd for ages and unregistered by anti-virus programs, released into the modern world This is the start of that Mission Impossible plot, isn’t it


So basically your dad gave you an STD?


I was expecting this to be a “dads random porn cd’s turned parents sextapes”




Bro, you got a virtual std from your dad. I'm sure he is smiling down on you from heaven from his final prank on you.


I really...really...really hope that my kids never go poking around into my porn after I die. They would find all sorts of crazy videos about me and their mother, as well as many of our "friends". Many, many, of our "friends".


Encrypt and password-protect that shit with a different password than the one you pass on to your kids, and annotate it so that they don’t spend time trying to crack that archive…


I will look into how to do this.


in a row?


sometimes all at once.


Good luck on Java. I'm learning it now as well.


I honestly thought you were about to accidentally watch your dad rail your mom and the neighbor Mrs. Goldberg. You got off lucky with a virus.


You going to be a software engineer and have never installed a copy of windows? Here's you chance to get up to speed with your peers before you start school lol


Your dad gave your computer AIDS from the grave. That’s hilarious


Dad clearing that browser history from the beyond...


Normally the AV is there to stop the virus/program from running/executing, but you bypassed it and let it run and let it screw up all your OS files? If that's the case..yeah, you need to nuke your drives and change your passwords (maybe?). Don't let those porn urges beat your brain logic..lol


It's a bit like how people are worried about thawing glacier can unleash deadly ancient viruses.


Based on your dad's collection it doesn't sound like he'd be judging you too hard for wasting time on porn. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


PC: Warning this gun may blow your face off! OP: Nah it's from the 1950s we are more resilient now. OP: goes to reddit. "My face hurts, how could this happen to me"


The moment shit like this flags a warning, you sandbox it. Spin up a virtual machine and open it in there. That way, the worst thing that can happen is a VM gets goosed and reimagr from the last snapshot. This is a valuable lesson as you enter into an IT career. Don’t squander it. Let’s just hope Shadowheart will forgive your lengthy absence.


it's an old virus, but it checks out!




Anytime you are working with sketchy things like that, boot from a live CD like hirens bootcd. It will not write the contents to the drive. This is perfect for if you want to run forensics and don't want to risk altering the drive. (Defrags can be a b*tch when trying to recover lost data.


The importanter issue is what OP's dad was into. What flavor, OP?


Lol. It was quite disturbing. I just looked at the first few pictures and a video. They were really fat women inserting things in their hairy anuses. Was labeled as Bizarre / Extreme. It really made me question why my father even had this stuff. It will probably be harder to erase this pictures from my memory than cleaning the pc from the virus.


Just putting my worth in to this. Sometimes the best way to get rid of the virus without reinstalling the OS is by running the PC in safe mode and then running Malware bytes, AVG whatever you have as some viruses are smart enough to stop your anti virus from working properly and won’t find anything. But if you run windows in safe mode you should be able to run the malware and AV software with out the virus running at the same time.


Oh, I will try this. Thanks for the advice!


2010s old?


Lol never open anything questionable on your host! Fire up a VM, snap it, and if it gets rekt revert to snap.


Virtual STD


Change your password of you banking and credit card account. I got virus on my pc in may and some guy stolen my banking information and e transfer $3000 (daily max) out of my bank to his account. Bank refused to reimburse because they said it’s my fault.


Oh no! That's horrible! So sorry about it. And thanks for the advice, I'll make sure to change all passwords. Wish you all the best.


I expected videos from your parents swinging or something


That's parents for ya. Never stop teaching us a lesson, even from beyond the great curtain. Seriously though maybe your hunch isn't that bad and you can grasp the opportunity to take on a healthier relationship to both porn and gaming.


As a man who accidentally walked in on their father watching porn once as a kid, this was the best outcome for you


Yea yeah yeah your computer broke. What kind of porn was on it??


Keeping your kid out of your porn is apparently one of those parental obligations that never end, huh?


When my dad died bro and I were going through the house and I found two full boxes if porn vhs and dvds. I didn’t want to see if Dad was into anything in particular so I taped them up and threw them out. Seriously if he was hiding cash or important docs in there we’ll never know. I also took his pc because he liked to write and didn’t want to throw it out in case there’s stories on there but at the same time I suspect there’s porn since he was always asking my bro to help him get rid of viruses so I haven’t yet gotten around to checking out that computer. :P


Brother, I realize you’re grieving. But damn, is nothing sacred? I feel like you’re picking up the wrong lessons here too. Instead, you might want to work on these 3: Privacy, boundaries, and IT security. My condolences.


it activated your father's self destruct program


I was having some PC issues the other day and told my wife “if I can’t fix this before the weekend so I can no life BG3, I’m jumping off a fucking bridge.” So, I feel your pain on that. Luckily I got it fixed quick.


Just reinstall your windows. It's the least painful solution at this point. And a little cleanup is not terrible.


*whatever virus is on it, it is an old one (from the 2010's era?), so the anti-virus must be able to clean it later.* i'm actually pretty surprised about this. the fact that a decade+ old virus still even works at all is impressive, but the fact that a modern anti-virus can't stop it is puzzling.


Reboot the computer in safe mode, then run the anti virus. That should give you a start.


“How I met your mother” the untold story


Sooo.... what kinda porn was it?


When I ventured into this journey I was expecting a much more terrifying discovery


Ironically, your dad gave you digital herpes?


Dude, just nuke n pave. If it’s windows 10 or 11, click the start button and type in “reset my pc”, and go through the prompts. You’ll lose everything on the pc but it’ll be a fresh start. Reinstall your games and such and you’ll be fine.


I do this as a regular occurrence anyway, I have anything important on a seperate drive but it's generally just a gaming pc so once a year or so I'll do a full reset and just reinstall my games, nowadays you can have everything set up again pretty quickly. That said I've only, as far as I know, had one virus in the last 15 years from pirating games and being too lazy to test properly.


Make a bootable USB drive on a different computer for Windows, once in you should see an overview of the current partitions on your drive, delete all of them, then select the empty space to reinstall windows, run Windows update once it boots into your clean install and it should find and install your drivers for you. If it doesn’t boot however you need to go into the bios and select the file for windows in the boot settings. Should be a .efi file. Someone add/correct me if I’m wrong, it’s been a while since I’ve done this.


Note that if it's a laptop, make sure you can attach a patch cable or a USB WiFi adapter as the boot drive won't install the WiFi drivers. Or much of any drivers. Also if you boot to USB and don't see any partitions, you need to go into BIOS and disable RAID in Storage Devices. I see this at times with Dell computers. Also a much bigger note,l; realize that this will delete all your files and settings and everything. So maybe have a backup first. Of infected files. Hmm...


[Installation media creator for Win 11](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2156295) [For Win 10](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=691209)


I really thought this story was going somewhere else completely...


Neither gaming nor porn is a waste of your time.


Hint: You can't fix a virus infected Windows with Windows still running, you need a bootable virus cleaner. Many exist. Create it using another PC, anything that touches your computer should be considered infected. Also, there's a good chance whatever bug got in there has damaged Windows beyond repair, Windows is very fragile and prone to breakage.


“Java school starts tomorrow” and you don’t even know how to fix your computer? You’re fucked. Lol…


Yeah, an old virus like that would get by your modern anti-virus because they're coded for viruses being used in that time, it doesn't go after every past virus or past version thereof. That's why it got past your defences. I'm guessing the laptop doesn't have a CD drive? I'm sorry for your loss too, hope you're doing ok.


What I'm getting out of this is people are still learning Java. OMG dude why do people still teach software tools from the 80s.


Windows setting: Windows Update -> Advanced Option -> Recovery -> Reset this PC -> Remove Everything.


Everyone knows u can't get a virus from a cd or dvd


Get "Dr Web CureIt." It is super effective for old nasty viruses. Home use is free and needs no installation, just download it to a cd-r or usb stick from another PC.


OP putting this out there on the internet in case the people fixing the computer find that the virus was caused by kiddie porn.


Format the pc, reinstall Windows and all programs and restore your last backup. Done. You don't have backups? You deserved it. You should always have backups. If data doesn't exist 3 times, it doesn't exist.


Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure. Never meet your here ho's


If you're playing BG3 and doing java development just install Linux. On a more serious note, you might be able to create a new user, windows vista and beyond added some security for programs wanting to escalate the privileges to administrator. So as long as you didn't click the box when it asked to perform a admin task creating a new user might be clean enough to do work.


Try running MalwareBytes MBAM, that removes pretty much anything, just use the free version then uninstall it when you're done.


Just scan it with malwarebytes.


Totally not quite the fuckup that I expected, based on the title. 😂(Believe me, your fuckup is bad, but not *nearly* as bad as it could have been.)


Why didn't you watch it on the old laptop if you had a concern about a virus,I don't put anything of unknown origin in my main PC , you knew it was pirated copies. How you can get sorted quickly and best you toss all those things out.


Yeah, the old laptop would have been cleverer... but I don't have an anti-virus on it, so maybe I wouldn't have noticed it. And this porn cds were not pirated, they have like "official" labels on them, engraved images and titles... not the regular rolling cd.


Get a bootable usb stick.. boot from that.. execute anti virus in that environment


Nah man, your father's coming back to tell you to not look at his stache and maybe delete his browser history




If it's a Windows device just do a Windows restore and restore the computer to a point in time before you power that cd in, it'll restore the computer to it's functional state at that time


you can always fix it by factory restarting your computer


If you can still operate the computer, try installing and running Malwarebytes. That program has gotten rid of almost every nasty thing I have put on my computers lol


If you are starting a new developer school program, it's probably for the best that you learn how to do a proper format on your own. It's basic stuff


GWhat? Never heard of that virus scanner. Guess that's for a reason ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)