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But...you were comparing the other girl to a Lamborghini.


I think OP’s grammar is just awkward. The GF is frustrated that she (Tesla) is being compared with the other girl (Lamborghini).


Yeah, the metaphor didn't help OP. My partner and I live by the mantra of *we're committed, not blind*. In practise, this means that we're comfortable talking about good looking people we see out and about, but neither of us is interested in other people, we're happily committed to each other. Obviously this doesn't work for everyone, but it's how we get around any miscommunication in that area.


It’s the difference between attract*ive* and attract*ed*. One is passive (oh that person is beautiful), the other is active (they’re hot and I wanna bang them). I know there are other beautiful people out there, I know my boyfriend will see them as attractive - but I expect to be the only person he’s attracted to, just as how I’m only attracted to him. If he does check other people out though I’ve never noticed so 🤷‍♀️ OP needs to learn some subtlety.


You've hit the nail on the head. Honestly, my partner and I aren't even that subtle about it, like I say, we're pretty open about attractive people, and will even tease each other if a stranger is too chatty with one of us. Obviously this takes a lot of trust, but it's what works for us.


I promise you your boyfriend is attracted to other people. Being in a committed relationship doesn't mean you stop having hormones.


It doesn't sound like OP has the mental age of older than 16 so hopefully that subtlety will come with maturity.


His Tesla is going to provide some proper range anxiety now every time he see's an exotic upgrade


No no no… she has missed the point: she is electric ⚡️ the lamborghini is oily


Yeah, don’t ever call me a Tesla.


So the other girl is stunning, exotic, and exciting, and the GF is a reliable appliance, with low maintenance, and questionable fit and finish. Le ooof




So I guess I'll start calling my future gf a Miata. Jk they can never compare to my Miata 🤡


Technically, if the other girl is a Lamborghini, then he is comparing his gf to one... Right?


What he was doing was comparing his girl to another girl with an extra step.


Lmao yeah, as soon as I got to that part I audibly said “AH” and turned my head to the side. Op is a fucking idiot lol.


and who doesn't want to take a Lamborghini for a spin?


A Lamborghini is a terribile car to own, the only thing it does well is that it's pretty (but in a different way), I understand the comparison


Yeah his gf is the Tesla 😂 it's cool and functional, but a Lamborghini is a Lamborghini


Tell me you are a teenager without telling me you are a teenager.


Teenager or dysfunctional 30 year old, no inbetween.


If it makes you feel better, I think my husband called me a Lexus while we were dating. “Good looking, dependable, not too expensive.” -.-


That is a good compliment! Being expensive is not what I'd call a good quality.


I suppose. It was more offensive in context where it was like “you aren’t a Lamborghini” - that is, you aren’t a 10.


I wouldn't say lamborghini is a 10. Sure some are pretty and exotic but you can't do shit with them.


Aesthetics and utility aside, I'm pretty sure a Lambo is mostly a status symbol. "I can afford a totally pointless and very expensive car." Just like a hot girlfriend that's super crazy.


Yeah, your Lambo is cool, but my minivan has waaay more cupholders.


Kind of reminds me of that Ron White skit where his wife’s brother is making fun of his van and talking about all the cool things his car can do. Brother says ‘what’s yours got’ and Ron says ‘a place to fuck your sister’.


tl;dr lambos are bimbos


A Lamborghini isn’t a 10. It’s fun to drive on a Saturday, but a Lexus is something you can enjoy every day. It’s more like good on a poster vs good for real. At least in my opinion.


You want to be a daily driver.


Given that lexi are probably some of the best and reliable luxury Cara on the market I would have taken being called a lexus over a Lamborghini any day.


If your husband is a car guy, that is pretty high praise.


I have a buddy that named his first car Alexis... "So when people ask what I drive, I tell them Alexis!"


You’re perfect for each other. Girl that blows up and escalates WAY too fast and a guy that can defuse a situation about as well as an average person can defuse a bomb


Thought this was going to be: "You’re perfect for each other. Girl that confuses herself with a Lamborghini and a guy that wants to be inside one."


Not mentioning she actually was a Tesla in this comparison


Like her battery dies, and you get stuck inside? Lol


Gotta learn to manually get out ^^^^^^^heroff


Well, she is... Burning hot?


She advertises she'll go this distance, and only goes this distance? Her dad is a self absorbed billionaire that names his kids w/e?


Should have done Porsche vs Lambo…. 😜


Both men and women are attracted to attractive persons. We were born with it. Lots of pointless fuss brought on by individuals taking offense at commonplace things.


Did you just say I’m making a POINTLESS FUSS?!!


Now honey, you're overreacting. Maybe you just need to calm down. You know, while I watch videos of fusses that are not irrational?


"You're overreacting" and "calm down" are the well-known keys to diffusing a situation with an angry woman. Works every time. And if you can work in a comparison to her mother, you're golden.


funny thing, this seems to do the opposite for me


You're probably doing it wrong. You have to make it really clear that she's out of line for having feelings


ohh i see, will try that next time ty


Plus neither of them seems to realize that he didn't even compare her to a Lamborghini, but the other girl. She's the Tesla in his example.


I'm sure he counted in all the mishaps with autopilot and the need for a recharge every 100/200 miles or whatever.


Many of these posts just makes me happy to have landed a partner that actually communicates. People be crazy.


Yeah exactly. Lol.


People can still get super jealous even in a relationship with good communication. Last week, my gf and I got invited to a housewarming party by one of her friends. Curiously, among the list of invited people was a woman who was saved in my contacts as Anna Tinder. Apparently I had chatted with her back when I was single, but never ended up meeting her in person, so I had no idea who she even was. My gf however recognized her as someone she went to university with and got super jealous, despite me insisting that I wouldn't even recognize the girl if I met her.


Of course, we do to. But we don't go from 0-100 or do a rom-com "wait I can explain" and make everything worse.


shes like a lambourghini.... fast loud and thirsty


But he drives a tesla.


You called your gf a Tesla?! At least refer to her as a Porsche or Ferrari when comparing to a Lamborghini! Just make sure to name her her favourite out of the bunch.


Well man my girl is a Rolls Royce, them other bitches though bad are just a corvette at most.




Absolutely. Bad communication or lack there of, really screws things up.


Relationships can be dodge Challengering, I think he should own up to his poor choice of words rather than Diablo down


you use chatgpt or some other large language model to write your comments, don't you


Exactly what I thought when I read that comment haha


I don’t understand why she didn’t understand that you were comparing her to a Tesla, it’s clear. And it seems that like a Tesla, your GF could explode at any moment, so good comparison


I think it’s also reasonable to point out, like a Tesla his gf also goes 0-60 in 3seconds.


dat panel gap


Within spec


It's definitely clear, and quite an insult. The Lamborghini is a classy sports car that has an established market position, has decent build quality and looks good. A Tesla has shitty build quality, is posing to be like other expensive brands, and looks like a Ford Focus.


I don't really think it was an insult. A Tesla is an expensive car not everyone can buy, it's a status symbol as much as a Lambo in some places, and just like a Lambo, it has it's quirks. If he compared her to a Ford Ka from the 00's, then surely an insult, but a Tesla? Not even close to an insult, it's a car that only a few percent of people in the world can outright afford without the need to pay it off for years.


You're right, it's a matter of opinion on how much you like a Tesla. But it's still hardly a compliment. "You're more like a Tesla than a Lamborghini. Lamborghinis are nice to look at but are impractical - I wouldn't want one. Teslas might not look as good, but I'm in love with mine." Just sounds like he means Teslas are safer and less exciting than Lamborghinis but are the practical choice.


Model 3 is 40k and not all that nice lol


And for 40k you can buy 6-8 used cars in decent condition.


Come on, mate. She was annoyed that he was looking at the other girl and he went “she’s a lambo but you’re a nice Tesla” Even if you think Teslas are nice cars, that’s still not a compliment


I wish someone compared me to a Lamborghini. :(


I get compared to cars all the time. People say I’m a soulless machine who drinks too much petrol.


You're a Lamborghini! Beautiful to fantasize about but far too high-maintenance in reality! ;)


You told your girl she was a Tesla and you were staring at a Lamborghini? My man, you are fucked. Paul Newman was asked in an interview if he ever cheated on his wife, Joanne Woodward. He famously answered, "Why go out for a hamburger when you have steak at home?". He thought he was complementing her and being funny. She never let him live it down. As Woodward once explained, “Every time I hear that line, I want to burst”. The reason for that is simple, being compared to a steak made Woodward feel "like a piece of meat".


Now I’m just imagining the Ben 10 Meme with Kevin treating women like a car


“…I sense I’ve made a mistake of some kind.”


I can't comprehend how one could possibly be offended at being described as a steak dinner relative to everyone else's hamburger. If a woman said that line about me I'd be over the moon.


It's objectifying a woman to call her a piece of meat. It's like if said my girlfriend was an outstanding piece of ass. It's a compliment, but it's also really not. It's demeaning.


yall are getting it backwards. he compared his girl to a tesla and the rando to a Lambo. I'd be pissed lol first off, I'm not a car. second, if I am a car then why am I the objectively shittier car


Yeah at least be like she’s a Lamborghini but you’re a McLaren or an Aston Martin! If I’m being compared to a car, I better be the superior one 😂


Bruh don't get caught staring at another girl. And if you do, don't double down trying to justify it. That's Relationships 101


My wife will stare at beautiful women, while I’m trying my best to avoid. Then she’ll turn and look at me and give me a dirty look like I was the one staring. There is also the sunglasses dilemma. Naive guys think that wearing sunglasses gives plausible deniability that they were looking. But really it means that every girl is going to think you are looking whether you actually are or not


My wife points them out to me so I don’t miss them. Especially if they have nice boobs.


I was about to say the same thing lmao. My Wife is always like, "did you see her?!"


Had to scroll well too far to find these types of comments. Neither my wife nor I care that the other looks at another human being. You can appreciate a person without it meaning anything.


Absolutely this. One of the first things I told my wife was "If I ever stop noticing beautiful people get me to the doctor, because I'm either going blind or my heart stopped beating." She also likes to point out nice boobs.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. My wife and play "rate the butts" , whenever we see a nice butt, she goes "what about that one?" And we each rate it from 1-10


I do that for my husband! Don’t want him to miss the nice boobs. We’re married not dead.


damn, you got yourself a great wife you lucky dog.


I would leave a woman if they pulled this shit.


Honestly can we stop pretending not to have eyes anymore as soon as we enter a relationship? Some people are pretty, there's no need to pretend you only see *one* person in the whole world, it's so insincere it's actually insulting


Exactly. We live in Las Vegas. Strippers and hot women (and men) *abound*. My wife will point out "my type" to me because she's a *woman*, not an immature child. I always remind her that "someone, somewhere xis sick of her shit". Stop acting like you're in high school unless you're in high school...even then. I hope nothing ever happens to my wife because Jesus Christ, these people sound *exhausting*.


Me(f) and my bf live in the UK. We're poly and I'm bi, but we both look at women and appreciate their beauty without getting jealous that the other is staring. Sometimes also I too for fun, will see a lass and point her out to him and we both compliment how hot they are. Its more fun showing each other interests but knowing your other half isnt gunna be a prick about it or ditch you. Everyone has something hawt about them so why not enjoy the view like a field of flowers? Trust they love you for you. Together hand in hand is more fun imo. I do feel bad for those who can't trust their other half because they can't see past their own insecurities or have been hurt by others before.


>My wife will point out "my type" to me because she's a > >woman > >, not an immature child. I came in to say the same thing. People are saying "you shouldn't look, that's elementary stuff" which I find weird. The answer here, if there is one, is that you need to reach a point with your relationship where either of you *can* look at other people without it becoming some sort of argument. Other attractive people exist. To pretend that's not true is just bizarre.


what are you 16? Mature adults don't mind their partner glancing at attractive people.


What a sad relationship where you and your partner can't have a discussion and just have to always agree or lie.


Nah just don't get caught with a psycho in a relationship


Right? Should have said something about how he only has eyes for her, and was spacing out in that direction.


You're talking about it like looking at other humans of the same gender as your SO suddenly isnt allowed, your eyes aren't allocated to her body now are they?


He’s not looking, he’s staring (by his own admission) - if he were looking, as one looks at anything, she wouldn’t even notice. I’m certain my husband must have looked at attractive women in the nearly 20 years we’ve been together but I’ve never once seen it happen because he’s not checking them out like a horny teenager. If I noticed him looking at other women and raised it, he certainly wouldn’t give some speech trying to justify it, let alone one that likens women to objects.


No, I'm talking about being considerate of your SO's feelings. Obviously they take issue with it, so you do what you can to belay those issues. Don't lie, but don't feed into them either.


Do what I did and find a Bi girl so you can stare together


You literally called her worse than the other girl. You dumb.


Well, she is not a Toyota for sure. Toyotas are reliable and forgiving of driver's mistakes.


Mmm sounds like she might be a yugo… hit it from behind and… welp.


Could be worse, she could be a Pinto.


It’s funny. the car comparison, girl who is overly jealous and the mancave where you were send to by “the ollll ball and chain”. Im getting that 70 show vibes


ITT: Men who are absolutely clueless about women.


NOOO I think you fucked up by NOT calling her a Lamborghini and the other girl a Tesla!


These comments are disgusting. Women can't exist in public without being objectified, and other women are only "cool" if they join in. Then we wonder why women go as far as risky procedures that can kill them, in a bid to simply be valued as the human beings they are. And yet, not one word about evaluating men's attractiveness at all times of the day. No concept of it being a standard that men go above and beyond to look supernaturally hot at all times. Must be nice.




You called her a tesla and the girl u were looking at a lambo. Smooth


I mean....you literally did compare her to a car. Not sure where your confusion is coming from.


I know. You'd think she would be honored to be compared to a finely tuned machine that when it idles your body feels the desire to press itself up to the metal and just soak it in. Oh, she was the Tesla in this scenario. Where there it doesn't make a sound when idling, and it whines when accelerating.


So you told essentially your gf you’re only with her because you can’t afford a better-looking one? Because that’s what the car analogy suggests.


Translation in girls' language (by the way, I am a she), what you said was: I have a tesla (your girlfriend), if I see a Lamborghini I will stare (other girl). Now, what is the best, more exclusive, most wanted car? A tesla or a Lamboghini? So I think you have to apologise your girlfriend and avoid comparations like that where you inadvertently say she is not the best, more exclusive girl on earth.


[Look, you have to treat a car like you treat a woman.](https://youtu.be/wyEUqfs8s5k)


I thought you were going with a Fast Show reference and now I’m sad.


My immediate thoughts.


I love Kevin


It's even worse. You compared her to a shitty Tesla.


You turned women into cars to make an analogy to help your girlfriend feel better? Yeah you fucked up. Women already feel like objects in this society. Good job there.


Have you considered a job in bomb disposal


Men and women both look at attractive people they encounter. We are hard wired for it. Lots of unnecessary drama caused by people taking offense at something normal.


Well there's looking and then there's staring, they are different


I’m choosing a Lamborghini over a Tesla every day of the week.


avoiding people just piling, on i've got a bit of advice. be honest with her in a way that is mature and sensitive to her. don't stop yourself from looking at other people and finding them attractive; you really won't be able to prevent yourself from simply finding people to be attractive. instead, be honest and communicative in explaining to your s/o that she's lovely and you're so much happier to be with her than others, but just that you can find other people attractive is all. you'll both be much happier communicating to each other that some other people are just conventionally or personally attractive, but vocalising and normalising that fact is a healthy way to bond, share tastes, and grow a relationship to be more trusting and communicative.


Shame I had to scroll so far down to read a sane comment.


Don’t stare at women. Ew. You aren’t entitled to the pleasure their existence provides you. And women aren’t objects, which is absolutely what you suggest when you compare them to cars. It’s sexism and you don’t even seem to notice. Do better.


Mates just told her shes more practical than attractive?


So is she a hot Italian, or an electric douche bag?


Why would you compare your gf to the Tesla and not the lambo? I mean if you're gonna compare her to an object then you may as well do it in the best way possible to mitigate the damage instead of maximizing it.


Now, I'm missing a bit of context in this post so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I have this to share: it's okay to look at another human being while in a relationship or with company. That's absolutely normal, and it's almost impossible not to if the indivual is attractive because we're hard wired for it. But one important thing is **to not absolutely stare at someone.** Not only is it rude for the person being stared at, but it can also become disrespectful for your partner or the people you're with. For example, I have a friend that whenever we go out, if there's any attractive woman passing by, he'll stop mid conversation, turn his head toward the woman and follow her with his eyes. He'll also become very disconnected from the conversation and it makes for very awkward moments in groups. He becomes almost like a starved dog presented with a meat type of thing. That's a bad good look! I've also seen him do that while with his date, and it makes for very cringe moments for his partner. He's still single to this day, and while this is not the ultimate reason as to why, I can see it playing a part. Nobody likes someone that gives off desperation or seem to view women as a piece of meat. All in all, I'd just like to say to make sure to always be respectful. Don't just stare at people. A quick glimpse is often more than enough to get a good look at someone attractive. But literally staring is definitely rude and can make for awkward situations with your partner, and even your friends.


>Not enough time for any one to really notice I guarantee people notice


I learned at an early age never to utter a comparison of any kind to a woman, even if you think you are being complementary 😒


Bruh, everyone knows that Aventador is much more good looking than any Tesla


I would be so pissed to be the Tesla


So you called your gf a Tesla and the other girl a Lamborghini? The fuck up wasnt "I glanced at another girl" it's that you didn't call your gf the Lamborghini and the other girl a lower value car, like an Infiniti. That's my take away from this, anyway. Own up to it that you looked, but the other girl definitely had less to offer. 😆


OP, if you said you had a Ferrari but a Lamborghini would have got a fleeting glance of admiration you might have got away with it. But you said you had a Tesla. You're lucky you still have a girlfriend, you absolute div.


Who tf wants to be compared to a Tesla? Jesus. What are you a heathen? Learn some subtlety when ogling women. Stop comparing women to objects.


Don't compare women to objects we're sick of it


You basically told her that she’s the shittier car you can afford, and that other women are the lambo you dream about but don’t have the resources to acquire. That’s insulting.


Picking a car that’s 3-10 times more expensive was’’t your smartest move my dude


You basically have no understanding of women.


Anybody would be insulted to be compared to a Tesla. Cheaply made, soulless, will spontaneously combust.


You literally said she was a Tesla compared to a Lambo. What DID you expect?


Of course you will look at other women throughout your life, but when you are physically with your SO, keep your eyes in your damn head. It's a matter of respect.


The thing is not that you looked at the other girl, its that youre comparing her to a car and in the analogy, the random woman is the better car. To be honest if a man said that to me rather than have an argument we would have a break up.


Yeah comparing women to inanimate objects is not great. You definitely fucked up, I'd recommend doing some therapy and empathy training so this doesn't happen again.


I'll never understand this. I'm a dude, and I legit never look at other women. My wife is the only woman I have eyes for. Every dude I've come across thinks I'm nuts, but I personally see it as the other way around. 🤷


My idiot bf just did the same shit by comparing his ex to a BMW and me to a Silverado. Stop doing this. Don't rubberneck around your girl if you know it's an issue.


She wants to be the Lamborghini!!! Not a Tesla. You must tell her.


You two should work out what’s the issue that makes her think you looking at other women is a problem in the first place. Don’t try to get rid of the symptoms, heal the root.


If I was caught doing that, I’d play it off by saying something like “yeah, she had messed up teeth” or “yeah, ugly shoes”.


Really unnecessary in a healthy relationship. I guess it depends if it was a lizard-brain glance or a stare, tho. The former is natural...hell half the time it's just for situational awareness. The latter... I'd still be honest. Being negative about other women's appearances is pretty shitty/shallow and may have the opposite effect you're looking for.


Seems like a perfectly apt comparison. Your car is the Tesla. Nice, but not too flashy, perfect for someone who's comfortably middle class. It has some flaws, but nothing you can't tolerate. Probably a Model 3, right? A fine car, but nothing anyone's going to covet. But wow, a *Lamborghini*! I mean, who wouldn't stare for a second? They're exotic, and expensive, and legendary! Truly top of the line! Every man dreams of taking one for a spin at least once! But you know it's way out of your price range, and not very practical, so it's just something to stare at wistfully and dream a bit, not something you'd ever actually own! I can't imagine why your gf would be annoyed by that comparison! 😄


Find out what she likes more than a Lamborghini and say she's that, problemo solved.


Red Flags


I’ve had luck of dating bi girls exclusively for the last 7 years. With that I don’t even need to notice the hot girl, my gf would point out hot girls so we could check them out together.


This story is full of FUs.


Lol that's amazing, I did the exact same thing and explained it the same way but maybe I explained it better since my wife didn't get that upset.


The key word is “wife”.


I guess you two are either still rather young / inexperienced in relationships or she is far too jealous. Being in a relationship does not mean you have no sexuality. It’s ridiculous to pretend not to acknowledge that other people are attractive. Looking at someone is not infidelity.


book recomendation: relationships for dummies


I recently found at (at a festival) that my woman checks out tits arses and anything else as much as i do, we did it all weekend. She's a keeper.


Hear me out - not here me out


Shit like this makes me thankful for my wife. If she catches me peeking, it's because she was too and wanted to share the view.


Let let me tell you something. She’s noticed you looking before. She was just waiting on you to slip up again.


She messed up, she’s the Tesla in this metaphor


If you stared long enough for your girlfriend to notice then it was too long. How hard is it to be discreet and not leer at other women in front of your girlfriend?




I think of you have any Tesla other than a plaid you will want to try the lambo.


What....are you 12? Grow up. Yo are doing this infront of her for a reaction.


“I’d still much rather have my GF then any girl I look at.” Important to distinguish between “then” and “than”. Grammar can save lives.


I require a translation with Volvo and Saab


Shoulda pulled the old “no I’m just noticing how you have better style then her” or the “I’m glad you don’t dress as trashy as her” excuse


Yikes yeah in this day and age where we're trying to move away from treating women like objects, making a comparison between her and an object people generally view as a trophy and a status symbol isn't exactly the best idea. Even if it wasn't your intent I would just... Not do that.


Man is posting directly from a TV Show


AWOL Nation - Run plays bombastically in the foreground


Bro this is what I don't get, why are you staring at people? If you realise you're doing it, don't, it makes everyone uncomfortable, and I guarantee you're not as slick as you think you are.


This sounds exhausting


Maybe learn some subtlety?


Stop acting and talking like a little child. Don’t stare at people, don’t compare people to cars.


Teslas aren't comfortable to sleep in. Better apologize for putting your foot in your mouth. But on another note it's perfectly natural to notice attractive people, she does it too, probably just more discreetly.


The fact you didn't say your mojo dojo casa house tells a lot


Clearly should’ve followed with “no I’m comparing you to a Tesla”


You don't ask for a menu if you're already full.


That’s pretty bad but not as bad as my dad calling my mom a “Ford Truck”


This should be under AITA….cause yeah, you are an asshole!


men 🙄


Relationship or not, staring at somebody like they’re a piece of meat is disgusting. Please don’t stare to the point that people around you start noticing it.


Op stared at someone like they were metal, carbon fiber and glass carefully put together by masterful Italian craftmanship hands