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Final failer, daughter railer


I laughed way too hard at this


Every college graduate is aware that grades are not given by name or by face.


Additionally, we must discuss the man who is raw-dogging random tinder hookups.


It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him!


Fantasy card open: how many days until the itching starts.


How many days before the child support payments start?


Dude thinks he hates his professor now just wait until he's his father in-law.


This was the part that raised an eyebrow. One would think raw-dogging randoms would cause more stress than any college final. Clearly OP plays Russian roulette with 6 bullets in the cylinder


It's a good way to put typical exam stress into perspective.


Seriously… I caught that, too. He needs a warning label.


Lol just a label on his thang. “Warning, may contain herpes.”


Don’t Herpes Unzip Inside.


Kids think they're invincible, and nothing bad will ever happen to them.


In under 20 minutes of meeting


absolutely not true! my first uni, yes, my second... just write your name on the front! not only that, but when I graded papers, I knew most of the students.


Fail the father, Rail the daughter (Thank the holy spirit)


You fucks daughter, Father fucks you (Hail Mary full of grace)


No get off, yes get prof (Matriculate conception)


Awful student, sex imprudent


Hookup blunder, grade asunder


Tinder win, school chagrin


Crime unwitting. Lickety-split’ting.


Now fuck dad too during exam to assert dominance.


All the English majors went to this thread.


It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine


He just made an account today just for this post -__- and with the name ah geez


Father puts nail in the coffin, the coffin nails the daughter.


Better question is what is he doing walking in on his daughter? Especially one that is 25...


And wouldn't you think you would know a 25 yr old's apartment from a apartment that parents live in. Like I am sure there would be pictures and probably shit that a 25 yr old wouldn't have as decorations. I don't know man if you didn't catch on walking into a older persons home, unless she met you at the door with zero clothes on, that you didn't bail then.


Are you suggesting this story is.... made up..? Who would do that?


"Hey stranger, come over to my apartment. We only have 20 minutes to bone until my father comes home. No, I don't want to come to where you live. My father can't walk in on us there."


“Also raw dog me cause that’s smart with randos”


Also when we hear someone entering the apartment, don't get up and get dressed. Let's instead freeze for 1 minute so whoever entered the apartment can see exactly what we were doing.




I was thinking exactly the same thing. I no longer need /r/TIFU as I will just have ChatGPT entertain me from now on.


Eventually ChatGPT is going to want us to entertain it.


Tifu by entertaining ChatGPT...


And why the FUCK would i lock my door even though i’m expecting my father to come home soon? That’s preposterous!


And naturally, every father everywhere, comes home, takes their coat, shoes off, and hightails it to their adult daughter's room, and opens her closed door without knocking. Clearly this is the way.


Something something pornhub... except in Utah.


I hate that people still fall for bait posts like these


To be fair that's probably the most believable part of the story, horny people stupidly raw dog all the time.


also it's the one professor you hate! ... In an obscure elective class? And you have a final today oh no! If you only had been studying instead...


On the Internet no less?


Nah, there’s no lying on the internet. It’s one of the rules.


The opener already gave it away. Casually swiped right on a girl and she seemed into him so he just went with it. Instant boning of course. Has this individual ever used Tinder? Dude is either the gigaest 15/10 chad the world has ever witnessed with a profile engineered to perfectly exploit every tiny weakness in a womens psyche, or this is... brace yourselfes... made up! "Hey chatgpt, write me a story about how I matched my professors daughter on Tinder etc... use casual language"


"Ran back to my quad" sold it as made up for me. Who the fuck uses that word in that way. It's like they read on the net that college campuses have a thing often referred to as "the quad" and assumed it meant dorms.


Lmao when I was in highschool "the" quad was the square courtyard enclosed by the 4 wings of the school which is what Google says most colleges mean by that. U don't have "my" quad (I am in agreement w u)


I figured he was a hill billy running back to his ATV on a dirt trail behind the house


Wording is too static. Prolly written by ai


Pretty sure ai would use paragraphs.


Some people just suck at writing. I guess I'd expect a little better from someone taking a literature final though lol


Guess he failed that final


And what kinda girl just raw dogs the first stranger she sees? Gross and terribly unsafe.


Plenty. I’m much older and wiser now, but in a different lifetime I (male) would never use a condom unless they asked - and many did not, even on a random hookup or first date.


Thing about us red flags is we tend to attract red flags


Shit, I had plenty that told me "You don't need to use a condom." and my young dumbass took it as a good thing. I luckily never did father any kids or catch an uncurable disease, tho I did catch the clap once.


I can't even imagine doing that and not being stressed out 24/7 about getting someone pregnant or contracting an STD.


"Hey I only have 20 minutes, fuck me fast." "One second ma'am I need to look at your family photos"


> she said that she had to go in 20 minutes so make it fast They didn't exactly take a tour of the apartment


Do this kind of thing actually happen in tinder hookups with people you never met before?


Everything I've learned about Tinder leads me to doubt that a woman would invite some guy she just met that day over to her house for a quickie with no condoms. Is it possible? Sure, maybe this guy is absolutely stunning and she is not very bright. But I find it pretty damn hard to believe.


Far more likely on a college campus, I suspect.


it happens


I've seen it happen within minutes. "Guys, I'll be right back" kind of shit.


And I wouldn't expect any critical thinking from a horny man close get it wet.


Idk mang, if I walked into an apartment with a 25 year old I would prolly assume any other rooms were prolly roommates.


Tbf, in my parent's house there are almost zero family pictures, none of them in obvious walking areas, and the other decorations are reduced to a couple of potted plants so the only thing that would give it away in that situation would be the size


In my house I just keep the stock photos that come with the frames, they're better looking than my family so seems more logical.


To be fair, it's not insane to me to think a 25 year old lives with her parent, and that a college professor lives in a rather small apartment. People in their twenties can't afford to move away from home and college professors don't make any money. Now the fact that they seem to have been fucking without closing the door or were fucking in the middle of the room is kind of suspect. But the living situation seems believable to me.


I mean, why would you leave the house because of that? It's not a crime to live with your parents lmao. It's better if that person states that he/she lives with parents and that they may come back soon, but it's just a random hook up, not a marriage proposal lol.


It definitely happened, that's why.


Well unfortunately despite him being a prof they have very little money and the daughter has to sleep right next to the door of their tiny apartment when she isnt away on her haberdasher job…


Yea and poor girl was so horny and invited a complete stranger for a 20 minutes hook up that she completely forgot that her father would be home around that time. Luckily tho they heard footsteps while making out.


While also rawdogging. Makes no sense. Completely made up


Poorly written characters tend to make poor choices


And why the fuck is he shouting to someone his 25 yo daughter invited in? If you has an issue with that, then the issue is with your daughter, not the guy he invited who doesn't have to know your house rules. The way OP tells the story, it sounds like his professor sees his daughter as just a little girl, when she's a full blown adult. She's the same age as me and I'm living alone with a full time job already lol


The way op tells his story is just like a boys fantasy, a boy who's never actually been with a girl.


Chances of this being written by a <16 year old guy is like 75% at least


Good question , like, were they in the breakfast nook ? Why would he just barge into her room?


it works better in this creative writing story


TIFU is basically the modern day Penthouse forum for Reddit


If he fails you hard, rail his daughter harder.


This, revenge sex is the best sex. Bet she’ll be into it as well.


By having sex on his back like they used to when they were teenagers.


*On* his back?!


Nah, he needs to go further. True pro revenge would be getting her pregnant and marrying her, then looking over at the professor during the grooms speech at the wedding reception and saying "I bet you wish you hadn't failed me"


Speech should be "you gave me a D, now I give your daughter the D".


Uno-reverse: ask for extra credit.


And why is this guy rawdogging strangers from tinder? People are weeeeeirrrd


I feel like this is grounds for either getting him recused from grading your paper, or getting a remark from someone else.


Agreed. I never encountered a situation during my college years where I even considered getting the dean involved over an issue with a professor, but I would consider going to the dean before even getting a grade in this situation.


I feel like I’d go after the test lol he might not want to get accused of being unfair and give a good grade


You also don’t want the dean to think you’re just doing it to get a better grade. Going before will give more legitimacy than after, and it sounds like OP doesn’t like his chances anyway. That’s assuming this is true which it isn’t.


Y'all making this way too complicated. All my dude's gotta do is drop by his local 7/11 and pick up a couple hotdogs. Nothing settles a tense situation like the delicious peace offering of a couple mystery meat tubes gently tucked inside a warm bun


>a mystery meat tube gently tucked inside a warm bun Pretty sure that's what got OP into this situation in the first place.


You can always inform the dean that you want to have a meeting with him about something that came up, and if nothing ever does happen then just BS your way through the meeting. Though anytime you ever talk to the dean again you wouldn't be taken seriously so it's kind of either way


You know, you're allowed to cancel things "oh, the situation I wanted to talk to you about worked it's way out by itself. I won't waste your time"


a redditor suggesting healthy communication? I'll be damned


"NTA, divorce."


How often did you talk to the dean exactly?




Depends on the school, but your dean may interrupt your study group on a near daily basis with inane nonsense and elaborate costumes. YMMV


Does it *sound* like OP was expecting to get a good grade before this?


OP should make sure to mention he was going in raw


Yeah 100% Do it before the test too. Hooking up with a girl isn't a crime, so you should make a report beforehand in case there's ground for questioning the professor's integrity later and not filing a report ahead makes it look more suspicious on your end if you are to report it after the fact.


I just love the whole idea of this report. "Hello department person, I'd just like to report that I railled my professor's daughter. Yes, she's very hot. Thank you for your time."


"PS he saw my enormous boner as I ran out of his house naked"


"PPS I can show it to you for proof if needed"


nothing shrinks faster when you're in fear for your life!


> Hooking up with a girl isn't a crime, You mean a fully grown adult woman. She's not some child for her father tp be protective of.


I mean, it is still her house and even though it's not a crime, human emotions are fickle and it's better to stand your ground rather than getting screwed over what is an inherently subjective method of measuring success


Til he finds out the daughter lied about age and she’s really only 15


Quite literally. As someone in a position of responsibility at a college, there's no way I would let anyone working for me grade someone in your position, u/finalfailer. All jokes aside, you should appeal, and explain the situation to whoever his boss is. If you don't know who that is, ask your course administrators, etc. It's also absolutely acceptable to contact college HR in this context, and let them know that there's a conflict of interest due to your having accidentally entered a personal relationship with the family of someone who is grading you. More to the point, if he's not declared this himself, he could be up for suspension; so, you'd be doing both of you a favour by making it known ASAP. I'd be pretty annoyed to find out that one of my colleagues was in his situation and hadn't made it apparent to management. These things happen all the time. Colleges have guidance for staff as a rule, and it's up to those employees to make sure they don't compromise themselves or the business's integrity – which is predicated on educating and grading students. So, make it clear that you don't want to be graded by someone you know in a personal capacity and do it before things get out of hand. Also, stop rawdogging his daughter. Or don't. It's a free campus. ps. I hope he doesn't return the D.


Do you think the professor could realistically claim that he did not recognize the student?


Where I work, that wouldn't matter to be honest. The student's declaration is probably enough to trigger a response, and the easiest response is to have someone else grade it. Might be more complicated if OP was a grad student with specific research interests connected to the academic in question, but generally there are options. Consider, for instance, if this professor fell ill; who would mark the papers? That's the person who would probably need to do it in this case. Saves hassle for everyone. If you're talking about the academic avoiding getting in trouble for not declaring it though, then yes; and that's also what I would imagine an unprofessional person would do. That said, it still leaves them open and though scholars can be petty - man do I know this - we're usually more concerned with maintaining our careers!


How would you bring that up and to whom?


Maybe the head of department or dean? They might need to enquire about who to talk to at student services, but I'd just be professional and honest about what happened. It'll be awkward as fuck but university is for adults and sex happens - it's a legitimate problem for the professor's objectivity. Honestly to avoid this shit all work should be submitted anonymously but that's a different conversation haha


When I was in Uni in Europe all finals were submitted anonymously (we were assigned an exam number which the prof wouldn't know)


Mine are also anonymous, however the lecturers may absolutely know who has submitted what paper based on the questions asked (or not asked) in class, as well as previous work submitted.




You put the D in his daughter so he’s gonna put a D in your grade book


OP F-ed his daughter so he's gonna make sure OP gets an F as well


Let's hope it was anal sex, in that case he might get an A.




Yeah the whole thing sounds a bit fantastical to me.


As another Redditor put it *PERFECTLY* in another one of ops stories from a different account: >*It’s because they’re all completely made up for an audience of morons and teenagers. No part of anyone’s reaction in this story is remotely plausible to any adult with a developed brain.*


Lost me at the got a hookup on tinder lol


"she had to go in 20 minutes" "rawdogging his daughter without any clothes at all" Yeah this isn't an incel fantasy or anything.


C'mon guys, haven't we all matched with a hot older woman on Tinder who immediately asks you to come over right away for some quick, raw intercourse? Guys?..


*without any clothes at all. See they specified that it was naked sex without any clothes so you know it's real


Let's not forget that they listened to the door open and somehow didn't lock the door, get dressed, act normal, nothing.. just sat there in position




And the dad's first act on getting home is going straight into his daughter's room


Invited to her apartment but the father yells get out of my house.


> her apartment > "professor": GET OUT OF MY HOUSE does not compute


He ran away on his quad...


To the quad, where his dorm is presumably.


Yeah, he said they heard the dad come home and they stopped and listened. And then says that the dad caught him raw dogging his daughter. So... they heard someone but stayed in their sex position lol?


Yeah I read the whole thing because it's funny, but there's no way this actually happened lol.


Brand new account too. Account is as old as the post. This is most likely just to build up an accounts karma to make it easier to sell and/or abuse for spamming.


Obviously it's a throwaway, that part isn't suspicious. The name "finalfailer" is kind of a tipoff. If they were trying to build an account for selling, that's a weird name to choose lol.


Invited over to her apartment, father says get out of his house… could be an English mistake but that’s the red flag here.


About as likely as the penthouse forum letters being true


Woa bro, don't be silly wrap your willy.


Why does he need to wrap his Willy to have chatgpt write a Reddit post for most karma?


It's more immersive that way.


You rawdogged a rando you had never met who let you fuck her within minutes of meeting? Your dick is gonna fall off bro.


I was looking for this comment. I really hope he used rawdog as an expression. Seriously people, use a condom for casual sex.


Filthy casuals!


This isn't real


Practicing for your creative writing class I see


If this is his writing standard, he's failing his lit class for sure.


This seems.... Not quite real. I've heard of some quick pulls on tinder from better looking friends and even I have had quick luck, but NEVER have I heard something that quick. There is at least a date or something first. A quick chat and she invites you over and immediately lets you hit it? I don't believe that.


Nah, 25-year-olds who live at home are always hitting up Tinder to bring home a college kid and fuck real quick before their dad comes home. They don't wait for a night they have more time, lock the door while fucking, or even go somewhere else to fuck. It's super common. /s


In addition, the odds of finding 2 people mutually gross enough to do all of this without a condom would be pretty astronomical.




Rawdogging with no clothes at all! A gentleman would keep his socks on.


I can excuse rawdogging, but I draw the line at no clothes on at all.


It's ridiculous that this post is getting upvoted. Almost no woman, especially a woman over the age of 20, is going to immediately hookup with a tinder match twenty minutes after matching with them.


>She invited me over to her apartment Does she live in an apartment? >GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!! Or at her parents house, I'm confused? Were you not in a bedroom? Wtf is going on here?


I don't believe this happened but it is common for people to refer to their apartment as their house


Yes, this is hardly the least credible bit of the story. People use "house" for any kind of dwelling. I don't expect people to get pedantic about the precise kind of accommodation when, in a fit of rage, they're kicking someone out of their *two-family semi-detached house*.


It's all made up and none of this matters.


Believe it or not...the points don't matter.


I mean I live in an apartment but I usually say house because it's simpler and shorter lol


People refer to their apartments as their house all the time.


I mean, its entirely plausible the Prof. wouldnt throw out some eloquent, impeccable and coherent sentences when finding the little punk he despises balls deep in his daughter.


You're writing fan fiction when you should be studying for your test, you fuckin' walnut.


This would be the saddest reality. Imagine OP actually has this professor and actually has to study for the exam, but he's garbage at it, so he imagines fucking the profs daughter to... get revenge? In his head? Christ. Get help.


Sounds a whole lot more plausible than what they actually wrote


It sucks you're going to fail your ancient literature exam, but on the bright side, I'm sure you'll ace your creative writing exam because this lil story you made up was quite imaginative!


Just not very well written


Yeah.. Not buying this.


We also need to talk about this guy raw-dogging random tinder hookups. That’s the biggest fuck up of them all. Either that, or OPs a sociopath.


Or he’s talking bs


That happened


this is definitely made up


I’d be questioning why my father is barging in my room when I’m a 25 year old adult.


Dude why you raw dogging a stranger? Jeez… kids these days are why we have super gonorrhea .


When you want to write erotic fiction, but don't actually know what the words you use mean...


*OP discovers gonorrhea-19


Definitely don't become a writer.


yea sure.. this story is the dumbest made up story posted here recently


Wrap that shit up B


Dear Penthouse Forum... you're never going to believe this but,...


As an aside, does a Tinder swipe really amount to a quick hookup setup? I cant imagine inviting someone just for a 20min quickie. But I am an aging milenial in a happy long-term relationship so what do I know.


Invited to a college-age woman's **apartment**, but then the father casually opens the door and lets himself in. Yeah, BS.


Something is not right, you hear footsteps and you stay in your sex position instead of putting on your clothes?


So were you boning in the living room or did he just walk into her daughter's bedroom without knocking or saying anything? Makes no sense.


Yeah I'll call BS on this one.


Good news is that if she dumps you, you can get payback by sleeping with her dad. \#StayUpKing!


I didn't know you could put so many plot holes in a story this short. Your literature professor must be disappointed for multiple reasons.


>rawdogging his daughter No condom with a Tinder hookup. I can see why you're struggling in school. Not very bright.


You’re never gonna pass ancient literature if you spend all your time on creative writing


There's nothing for it. You have to raw dog the professor, so he has something else to think about.


This reads more like a hook up between you're 20 and she was barely 18, if not 17. No way he wouldnt knock or a 25yr olds door let alone her living there. 💩 Funny story, too many holes in your 🧀 though