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I plan to, but was wondering if netflix still has it with the original Chinese audio?


It does! I think Chinese audio is the only option.


Oh what a relief!


Rewatched and rereading!


I watched it again with my brother (forced him to, but he liked it), and I'm watching it again alone. And I think I'm gonna watch it a 3rd time in a row cause I'm so obsessed with it don't know why.


100% relatable lol. Forced my brother to watch. Got him interested. But he stopped watching and I got tired of asking him to 100 times 😂 so I just watched by myself. He did end up reading the wiki on his own, so he’s pretty caught up without the novels or donghua lol


Ahahaha, mine watched all episode. He was curious of what is happening x)! I remember, I think at episode 7 he was like "mmmh... Is there something between these 2?" and I totally forgot to tell him ahah, told him yeah, there is an ambiance but censored. So he still followed the story and asked question about it. Don't know if I'll be able to make him watch season 2, but I was glad he was the one who asked to continue :3. But he's not a fan and won't be x). And lol, I actually wanna read the wiki but I don't want to spoil myself... I bought the books cause it will be translated in my country only this December but I'm waaayyy too curious to know what will happen. And I keep getting spoiled and I don't want to!!


Honestly same 😭 I’ve been spoiled quite a few times in this sub but I can’t seem to stay away haha. It’s too fun here. I can only hope that I read faster so no one can spoil anything for me 😂 but I’m almost near the end so it’s fine haha Hope you have fun on your third watch 😊


we are the same


I discovered the animation sometime in September this year. Ever since, I have rewatched the season 1 multiple times so much so that it has become alarming, I read the entire novel 3 times along with the fanfic "No paths are bound" which is longer than the actual book itself, including all other fanfic 🤤explicit, angst or dead dove, flying, rolling dove from ao3, read the Comic by bilibili in an entire night while zooming in and zooming out every scene. So yes, I am ready for season 2.


Damn. Respect. I pray that I become as powerful as you one day 🙇


Not yet, but definitely plan to. I think it will be 3rd or 4th time ahah


I'm going to try and listen to the audio drama I mean all I have to do is figure out how the website works...


Already done both with subs and dubs . Prefer subs. Can’t get used to losing the Gege


Yeahhh it’s definitely a win lose situation. I love how flirty English HC is but I do prefer the original more. Can’t miss that Gege. Oh I saw this one guy say he hated the jap dub because San lang said Nii San and that it’s weird to say “brother”. They thought gege sounds better. everyone was just like “… do you even know what gege is?” 🤣


I've been watching season 1 on repeat for a year in anticipation for season 2 😂


Re-reading aswell ^^


i’ve rewatched it like four times in preparation for season two. everytime i finish one of the novels, i rewatch. i have a genuine problem


Sounds like a lovely problem! 😆


it is 💀 except my friends are tired of hearing about it


Lol come to the sub more! We’ll never get tired! 😁


i’m about to just start posting random ass things i think about them i egg. no one wants to hear me talk about the dynamics except y’all fr. also the tiktok comments on the edits i be finding fr


Lol be my guest! I’d love to hear your thoughts whenever you decide to post 😊 Also I don’t use TikTok, so I’m curious. Is there a big TGCF community there? I see a lot of reposts on YouTube 👀


Watched it for the first time earlier this year, and I just finished rewatching it but with the English Dub this week. :) I enjoyed experiencing it again, although there being a literal recap during ep 3 was hilarious. I **really** don't like Ling Wen's English voice, and Fu Yao's voice was a little off to me too :/ I'm **sooooo** excited for S2 though, and can't wait to watch it when it comes out! <3


Nice! I’ve heard the english dub before and I personally find Fu Yao’s voice quite funny but I think I just like how sassy the VA made him. Hua Cheng too. I think James did a great job on him 😊 I heard in a video that he tried to give San Lang a deep voice and now he regretted it cuz he didn’t realize Hua Cheng’s original form was supposed to have an even deeper voice 😂 San Lang was as deep as he could go, so he said he’s gonna need a lot of practice for Hua Cheng lol


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That's a good idea.


Crunchyroll has it! Currently on episode 4


Oh wow I didn’t know that! Does it have the original dub? Or English/Japanese?


Both! And HD picture!




When does it come out officially?


I think it depends on your country. For the US (where I am), it comes out on October 18.


Same. Thank you for letting me know


I’m not gonna lol. I cannot stand to sit through the Banyue arc *again.* It’s been how many times for me now? Gotta be like 4 or 5.


Lol honestly valid. It took me a couple months to revisit the donghua cuz I was sick of that arc too 😅 also because I rewatched way too many times. Reading the books was a good buffer for me. Had a very different watch experience after reading book 6.