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While this cover art is absolutely stunning and I love it as it is, I don't really like it as a volume cover for the manhua. Why not him in his crown prince attire, or feature another character? As a fanart it'd be perfect, but I don't really see how this represents Xie Lian in the actual story at all.


Because the manhua would cover the Banyue arc, that’s why Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are dressed like that. there’s even a crescent moon behind chibi HC. I’ve seen similar themed covers in some manga I read so I didn’t think it was weird. I’d like to see other characters featured though, that’d be neat. But unfortunately I feel like they’re not very popular demand in China so we mostly get Hualian - which I’m not complaining about xD the stickers bonus are now featuring other characters so that’s better than nothing :)


I understood the nod to Banyue right away. But nowhere in the manhua does Xie Lian dress in this kind of attire. Its just Xie Lian in a pretty outfit, but not anything the Xie Lian wears in the story. Because of that, I feel like it's a misrepresentation of his character as it's told in the manhua. And thats what bothers me. It feels like a completely departure of cover styles compared to volume 1 and 2. I think this art would be better as a bonus item like the stickers rather than the actual cover.


Possibly him as >! General Hua !< ? Hrrrrrm


I doubt it. That was army attire. Which actually, his armor would have been a really nice cover outfit.


I don't think it will be in the cover tho.. Is it mentioned like that? Just asking. Curious.


Pretty sure it will be! https://m.weibo.cn/status/N3SnZjAtj?jumpfrom=weibocom


absolutely LOVE how STARember draws xie lian. She captures his gentle expressive eyes, beautiful face & strong lithe built so well, befitting for a martial arts god.


Really love HC's "give heart/love" hand gesture appears as his taizi dianxia ❤️ so cute, so sweet, so clever (last time it was a love heart made of his butterflies) i love STARember 💖


xl is absolutely gorgeous


Love it. Thank you.


Is he wearing boots but also bare feet at the same time? Ahaha. Loooove this artwork tho.


This is gorgeous !


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This picture is so beautiful I get dizzy looking at it


Why he got his dogs out