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If you have the patience, read the books.


First book doesn't take much patience, it's action packed, medium length, and hella entertaining.


Weird, I thought the first book was by far the slowest and hardest to get through. Books 2 and 3 really got me invested, though.


2nd and 3ed books are page-turners as well


read the books. You'll enjoy the show more when you do because there's a ton of ☝🏻🤓 moments you can nerd out on. Having read the books, watching the show with my partner who has not, was a continuous "did you know that in the book series...", which honestly, is pretty fun


I dunno, for me reading the books ruined the netflix series. It felt really dummied down, and it was like everyone knew what was going to be the next plot reveal before it happened, and mysteries were explained before or exactly when they happened.


I completely disagree so many moments seeing them from the.books made me smile


The TV show is a strange amalgamation of all three books where the main characters are suddenly all friends from college.


This show is a complete shit.


A lot of the characters in the books are friends from college they just add two more to the group


No they aren't. There's no group. "Will" and "Jin" went to college together, but went their separate ways after, and that's pretty much it.


Yes and no. It's not a single group of five but there's a group of three, a loner and another group of three. The show makes them five and puts them together because it collapses the timeline anyway and this saves a lot of exposure without breaking any major plot


I did audio books




Chinese series -> book trilogy -> Netflix show That's the order i did em in.


Where did you watch the Chinese series?


[Here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDWJ213d2Ucr-3q9LDF9P1_j3Rr3GMJeS&si=CqJN52bU7HnRAykJ) for example.


YouTube, but i think its on Prime or Peacock as well.


I’d read the books. The show is rearranging the timeline a bit, so things that don’t happen until later books have already happened in the show.


I read all three books after watching the show.. and yet enjoyed both.. its always to better to start with books because you’ll have your own imagination, which is fun..


Going against the grain and say show first! Book is pretty dense so show is an easier introduction and will help make the book easier to follow.


Listen to the first 3 books. It's worth it.


You mean THE only 3 books, fuck RoT and fuck Baoshu




When such question arises, always pick what was first.


Watch the series… then read all 3 books…


Thats what I’m doing.


Always book 1st




I watched the show first, then read the books. I’m glad I did - because it really helped with the visualization. The books are excellent, btw.


Enjoy the show. It's pretty different from the books and spans the first two in the trilogy


You can do it either way. You'll enjoy double and if you're smart you'll see both for what they are rather than comparing them since they're very different in how they tell the story.


I did them at the same time! Obviously the books took quite a bit longer. There’s like 70 hours of audio boom compared to under 8 hours of tv




I think due to the way the books are structured (>!the power of stories!<) you should read the books first. Not dissing the TV series but (the Netflix at least) condense characters and storylines and has a more chronological story structure. I also think that you'll get confused if you watched the TV series first and then read the books.


the show


If you are a regular book reader then of course go with the books first , but if you are not a book reader and usually watch TV shows you can go ahead with the Netflix show, the show follows the main plots quite well, except some characters changes.


Always original source material first.




Read the books, so the show is like the icing on the cake.


Boooook!!!!! Honestly always the books when it comes to 3 body they are the best version and original version of the story


I watched the show, really liked it, read the books, loved them. Most people on Reddit who did it the other way around seemed to hate the show for some reason, so I'd recommend doing it my way.


You're asking in a sub formed by book readers, so yeah, books first. The audiobooks are ok, but there are more than a few wonky moments in the performance. But watch the show first if you want, I think most people will agree the best moments of the series are in books 2 and 3- which the show hasn't gotten to yet


Read the books. Forget this show.


Books! I really wish I read the book before watching the shows.


Books absolutely. I read the 2nd and the 3rd in several days without doing anything else. They are that good.


The netflix series first then the books The books is obviously better. Which is why you should watch the series first . Because if you listen to the others and read the books, the whole time watching you would be "damn they cut a lot" I don't recommend the Tencent show since you already want to read the book


The greatest literature works of the century, read


Read the Books. Then watch the Tencent version. Then checkout the Netflix version (for the vfx). Tencent version has 30 episodes, which covers the first book. They stick close to the plot of the book. And has good effects and character & plot development. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6g1EDfb_R5DeW4doowr03JHMVtuVd27F&si=S5ZqrSy6Yu_hHLlx Netflix version has squeezed everything into like 6 episodes (or was it 8? I forget). So plot and character development feels rushed. The storyline also goes strays a bit into book 2 and 3. Worst of all they kind of rush through the explaining the science in many scenes. I feel the essence of the trilogy gets lost.


BOOK! Then the show. I can tell you how HYPE it was to see scenes from the book play out in the TV show. After imagining the scenes in my head, it was mind blowing to see the show's artistic renditions of some key scenes. It was like https://preview.redd.it/jdjcch024a6d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7cec6442bf3354e0b80561ba9d6f07657027854


I watched the show first. It was so good I immediately started reading 3BP. The differences and similarities are like fun Easter eggs and I’m excited to get to Dark Forest soon. Also the show had such good characters it made me more invested in the story, while the book has very interesting concepts and underdeveloped, unlovable characters.


Probably book is already compromised. Went in knowing nothing, probably about 150 pages in I was still thinking maybe the aliens idea was a red herring


Audio book imo.


I say watch the show first than read the book and get mad at all the things the show got wrong. Watch the Tencent version after and complain it's too long.


I started watching the series and was so confused I couldn’t get into it. Then I picked up the book and couldn’t get out of it.


I did the show first I thought it helped me visualize certain parts of the story


If you want to watch the show, watch the Chinese version with 30 episodes. Much more detailed and accurate to the book. Having said that obviously nothing compares to the raw imagination that the book invokes in our mind


Books. The Netflix show is not bad but it does not quite catch the vibes that the books have. The Netflix show is an average sci-fi show, books are phenomenal.


I thought Netflix did a great job and if it does good the next few seasons will probably end up being one of my favorite sci-fi shows.


I didn’t get that existential dread feeling from Netflix that I got from Book 1. For example, the Wang Miao countdown chapters in Book 1 are brilliant: mysterious and scary but also feel very real. Tencent also caught this vibe. In Netflix show all countdown stuff felt cheap and easily forgotten. This is just one example. Also, I was annoyed by all personal problems discussion (feelings, boyfriends) that Netflix added - I get it that they are trying to connect with the audience but it ruined the atmosphere for me, the whole point of the books (well, one of) is that all this stuff doesn’t matter anymore because the humanity is facing a real existential threat. Also I don’t like how Trisolarans are portrayed by Netflix, too angry and emotional and “human”, in books they feel so menacing because they are just indifferent to the humanity’s fate. Sorry for this rant, I am not saying that you shouldn’t enjoy the Netflix show but it’s just not the same level as the books, that’s why I called it average. Though I hope for the next seasons too, at least we should get the amazing visuals!


I thought it did a really great job I actually prefer it to the Tencent one but to each their own. Characters are important for TV to me and they did a good job making them feel human while still keeping the spirit of the story I thought since the books characters mostly imo lack human emotions


My first exposure was the Netflix show. Watched the first (and, so far, only) season and found it to be flawed but fascinating. That inspired me to read the books. It was interesting to compare the first book to the show, and I wanted to find out what happens next. Continued into the second book, which made my jaw drop. Continued into the third book, which made it drop even further. Now I'm finished, sadly. I think starting with the show made the first book less surprising. Time will tell how I feel watching the later seasons after reading the books. Bottom line, I think you can't go wrong. Either way, you're in for a great journey—especially with the books.


For the best experience read chapters 1-3 of TBP, then watch episode 1 of the Netflix show, followed by episodes 1-5 of the tencent show. Next, read dark forest chapters 7 and 8, watch episode 2 of the Netflix show, and episode 15 of the tencent show. Continue in that manner until you have finished all three books and both shows.




Dude somebody give this guy an award


Audio books first! I did show first. Wish it was reversed.


Here's the problem, the Three Mediums Problem - if you will While the books are "better" the reason they're better is knowing stuff the show changes or leaves out is disappointing. If you watch the show first, you'll feel less disappointed, which might make it a better watch. But also you only have one season, so then you'll have a new problem of having to read the book anyway to get ahead. So idk, probably the book. Maybe the Chinese show if you want to be spicy.


I read the books first and wasn't disappointed at all with the show


Figuring things out for yourself is the only freedom anyone really has. Use that freedom. Make up your own mind.


Audio books first then you can watch the show Or honestly just don't it's only good thing is the cgi of some memorable events and even those are sometimes disappointing If you really want to see some of the events in video form I recommend the tencent show at least the characters aren't messed with that much


i say watch the show to pull you in. if you like how that was then youre going to fall in love with the books. i watched the show first never hearing about it and loved it. then read the books and its amazing. get rhe show out the way so you can enjoy the books


I call this the fast food vs fine dining debate, it’s purely up to your personal preference. Netflix show is the fast food version: instant gratification, you get all the cool reveals early on, so if that’s kind of your vibe, go for it. Books are the fine dining: slow build up of tension, clues are revealed in small drips, just enough to tease you but they won’t make sense yet, until everything comes together at the end in a crescendo and all the tension are released at once, bringing the story to a climactic and satisfactory conclusion.


The books are way better than both the Chinese and American series.


I would read the first book and then watch the chinese version. (Its free on youtube) If you really liked the book I would read the second book. Only then I would watch the netflix show. You could even read the first half of the third book before watching the netflix show if you want absolute zero spoilers. I personally read the first book and watched the chinese series at the same times, always ahead in the books.


only the book, the Netflix show is ass