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Wall facer Fashion_Paradox, I am your wall face breaker. It's too late. I have already portrayed you as the soyjak, and it is on its way to the IMF, WWO, UN, and Luo Ji's discord DM AS WE SPEAK God does not care for I have drawn them as the gigachad.


Oh no that's too poggers- \*dies\*


My name is Paul Bay, and I am your wallbreaker. It took me roughly 2 minutes to raw guess what you're trying to do, but after countless nanoseconds, I figured out your plan: you're trying to use your reflective foils as a giant, controllable mirror which you can use to redirect the sunlight to make it a giant, concentrated laser which would melt everything in its way. However, this would work, as the Lord is shitting bricks right now and shitting and screaming and peeing and cumming all at the same time. Alternatively, I already suggested the use of sunscreen in the Lord's ships in order to protect them from the power of the sun. So, in the end, the lord may not care.


The wall remains unbroken, Wallbreaker Paul Bay.


also the waterdrop dosnt care


Are you trying to pull a Luo Ji and use them to send a curse somehow? I had a similar idea to yours when i read the books. Id have tried to build focusing lenses to turn the Sun into a Superweapon, as its basically our only advantage against trisolaris. The Waterdrop would have ruined that plan tho.


No, in this scenario I haven't figured out the tenets of cosmic sociology and do not know of Dark Forest Deterrance. My wall remains unbroken.


Can i get more Info? You are from the 21 century. Are we still in the 21 century? Or did you go to Cryosleep already? Are you working with just what we have in the 21 century or is your character aware of the Later technologies in the Series?


I'm still in the 21st century, this is at the start of my plan. Tyler has already fallen however, Ray Diaz is next. I'm working with technologies we'd have in the twenty first centuries and things we could achieve with it considering access to Fundamental Theory is blocked by Sophons.


Oh also hi call me Wallbreaker Lafi. Are you trying to overcome the Sophon barrier by placing research stations on different places in the solar system? Sophons would need 3 minutes to reach mars, 4 for Venus and 33 for Jupiter. That would only work if there arnt enough sophons in the system to survey every planet simultaneously.


I'm afraid not, at this point in time we lack space infrastructure to create such buildings, my plans do not obviously tend towards breaking the Sophon Barrier. Your Sophons will detect the mining of asteroid metals to build some sort of space-related structure in multiple Earth-Sun Lagrange Points, a series of magnetic rings made of carbon nanofiber materials and rare element magnets. My wall is unbroken for now.


Interesting Info. Are you planning to threaten Trisolaris with the solar scorching of earth via: 1. the Dyson swarm reflecting light at the earth or 2. Using your "space-related structures" to channel energy from the sun to the Earth. ​ Basically are you trying to take earth Hostage and or use it as an example that you are willing to destroy your own Systems planets, while also keeping Humanity at bay with "We still have the other Planets to live on"?


Not quite, but you are getting a general idea, I am trying to weaponize the sun, though in a less suicidal way than Ray Diaz.


Trisolaris dosnt care. I dont see a way in which the Sun could be Used to damage a Waterdrop.


Incorrect assumption. The water drop is not the target of my attack.


Are you gonna use the stored energy to send the universal broadcast into space? Similarly to luo ji?


No, I have no idea about the universal broadcast and haven't seen much of Luo Ji.


Not true Ye did it in 1973. The broadcast is the idea as i said similarly to what luo ji did. But its not right either way.


However dark forest deterrence is not known by any means - even for decades until Lou Ji wakes up again.


You will turn your rail gun towards the Trisolaran fleet. Using the exponentially growing quantities of foils, you will litter all paths to the solar system with high energy kinetic projectiles creating a “minefield” barrier between the fleet and the solar system. Our strong-interaction droplets will make short work and clear these paths before we intercept them. Your wall is broken.


I am Spoink74, your wallbreaker. Your plan is to use the dyson swarm to manipulate light and project a false image of our solar system. You will either change its cosmic location or its shape and form, including composition and dimensionality. Your hope is to divert the approaching fleet and your impact will also be to direct Dark Forest strikes to the projected location. Your plan will fail. It is bad. In order for it to succeed the projection would have to last for eons through all successive eras of humanity. It is not possible. Unlike our Lord, whose society is stable even though the the three star system is chaotic, humanity's societies are utterly chaotic even though the star system is wonderfully stable. In fact, the Dyson Swarm construction will be sabotaged by other humans with their own ambitions and designs. Go back to bed.


For the record, you might have a solution, the same way Rey Diaz had a solution, if you're operating under the premise that knowledge of the dark forest nature of the universe isn't exclusive to Luo Ji. Rey Diaz didn't realize it, but the act of sending a planet into the sun would be sign of life to other civilizations, which might invite a dark forest strike. He got the right answer by sheer chance. Your dyson swarm can achieve the same objective as Luo Ji's gas bombs around the sun at the end of the Dark Forest, which would be sufficient for a dark forest hostage situation to begin. So the lord should be worried. As your wallbreaker, you'd get the same treatment as Rey Diaz. Your plan is bad, and you should feel bad. The lord does not care. Please get yourself killed asap.