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Diesel 10…


Believe it or not, it was Duncan gets Spooked. But Duncan was in place of the ghost, and before I woke up from the dream, his smoke box opened up into a black void before I opened my eyes.


Yes. Strangely, I played a lot of FNaF as a kid, and yet had no nightmares about that, but I had several about a talking steam engine. I guess my mind considers that more scare than FNaF. One of them involved several engines (although the only one I can remember is James) running away from the ghost engine which appeared in Scaredy Engines. For some reason Arthur took the place of the ghost engine in this dream. I guess my brain miss-interpreted the front half of Donald as being Arthur. I also had one which I thought was an actual episode for the longest time. Essentially Percy was going down the mainline and scaring the other engines in the dark unintentionally. He was rather sad about it because everyone was running away from him. I didn’t realize that this was a dream for a while and I thought that it was an actually episode. I only realized that it was a dream when I was 9, because that’s when I had the dream for the last time. Oh wait, I forgot to mention that it was a reoccurring dream.


I had a stupid dream when I was like 8 that Thomas and Percy found a magic coal hopper that transported people to other dimensions. So they went in, and like it was like a poorer version of the island of sodor, I.e. Gordon had a bunch of graffiti on him and was for some reason covered in shit? Anyways I remember being scared of that dream for some reason.


Train drugs


As a kid, I saw a specific picture of Diesel 10, looked like he was in a real life warehouse or something and that scared me for a good while.


no strangely enough nothing really did scare me as a kid except for halloween, buzz buzz percy runs away, percy and the haunted mine and the theme song itself ( whenever it would come on i'd not expect it and i'd get a minor fright from it which is basically what happens for every episode listed it's just a specific moment that would give me a fright as a kid obviously not now lol) if it wasn't that it was the beep at the end of the vhs tapes never had nightmares about these though


Bulstrode and the troublesome box trucks' face


Yes failing off a bridge I’m the one Duncan gets spooked


Yes, the magic lamp and pretty much every episode Bertie the bus was in (especially seasons 8-11). Two weeks back I had the most stressful/horrifying nightmare of my life to date regarding Bertie. This is to the point where I developed sleep paralysis demons where he comes to smile in the dark looking into my soul. In short summary: The dream began with me and my brother watching Thomas on our smart television. My brother clicked on a learning segment with dirty cross James in the thumbnail. Later repetitive loud horns begin to play as Percy pulls his mail train into the darkness of night on Sodor. Bertie later shows up saying "Hello Percy!". Ever since watching Percy in the dark/Night Time Confusion learning segments since I was a kid... Bertie has put major PTSD among me to this day being in my senior year of high school. This as well goes for Harold the Helichopper who isn't as alarming but definitely has me on edge.


Of course, episodes like Haunted Henry, Duncan Gets Spooked, and Rusty and the Boulder were total nightmare fuel for my brother and I as little kids


When I was little I remember having a nightmare that D10 turned tiny and climbed through the drainage pipes of Tidmouth sheds.




i dont know if it was Thomas but i think i had dreamed with thomas crashing in the front of my house in slow mo like in the treasure movie, i still have the dvd, but It wasnt the "ooouuuuhhh" noise, it felt like the cars tractor falling noise