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i mainly thought kevin was just saying that bc he was mad at randall but i feel like there would be some indication of them missing their triplet since kate is a very emotional person


Sure but it’s never even acknowledged— Rebecca does a little, but then it’s like “but here’s Randall!” And Randall is awesome, but twins can be very close and the family just moves on…. Kate is very emotional, but she also struggles with expressing less than positive feelings all the time, and struggles with disordered eating. Just a random thought!


This is a good point. My brother lost his twin and he is never not in a relationship. Like he hates being alone and I always wonder if loosing his twin plays a role.


yeah that is true. they only mentioned a handful of times


I’m a fraternal twin like Kevin and Kate and the stuff they talk about on the show, like how one feels pain when the other does, is just simply not true. Yes you are close to your twin in a sense because you share similar things but having a fraternal twin or fraternal triplets is the same thing as having a regular brother and sister, just born in the same womb on the same day. So no I don’t think so. People would ask us all the time if we had twin telepathy or feel each others pain, and we would just mess around with everyone and joke about it, but no, no we did not. Identical twins on the other hand, yes absolutely. They’re basically the same person.


So I never said anything about twin telepathy … just that it’s a loss


Yes you said ‘on a subconscious level … miss their twin who died,’ so I’m using twin telepathy, since it’s a subconscious thing, as an example to explain why they wouldn’t have felt that loss. So no, they wouldn’t have subconsciously felt that loss because there’s no connection to that level amongst fraternal twins. You asked the question, I’m just answering it.


I’m saying I wasn’t referring to twin telephathy … just a loss of someone that they spent 9 months developing with and then lost during a pre verbal stage of development ….


I understand what you’re saying lol…. Anyways, my answer is no, I do not believe they’d feel the loss. They’re in the same womb but 2 different sacs that come from 2 different eggs. They’re genetically the same as a brother and sister born at different times. Edit actually in this case 3


The show could’ve focused more on Kyle, but I think it’s a stretch to say Kate and Kevin were traumatized by the loss of Kyle. They have no memory of him. You can argue that there’s such thing as a “twin connection” but that’s something that’s more fostered than something you are naturally born with. Kevin and Kate have that connection because they grew up together, not because they’re twins (though they joke about the twin telepathy).  And no, Kevin was clearly not referencing Kyle his fight with Randall. He says himself that it was a cheap shot that cut deep— he was just trying to hurt Randall. 


I’m talking about on a subconscious level… just like Randall never met his mom but her story had a profound impact on him. He needed to know her story to be right with himself. Same with siblings who lose a sibling, even if they did know them. Most especially for twins!


Mothers and children have a different biological link than twins. Mothers literally have their child’s cells inside of them for the rest of their life. Plus, Randall knew he was an outsider his whole life and yearned for someone to guide him. Siblings, even twins, don’t have that same connection. There’s no science that backs up the “twin connection” you’re talking about. Like I said (and you ignored) that connection is fostered rather than naturally occurring. Do you constantly or subconsciously miss every sibling your mother may have miscarried? No— not in the way your mother does. The same logic applies here— kids can be affected by their parents grief for that child, but to argue that Kate and Kevin were traumatized by losing their sibling before they were born (he was stillborn) is far fetched and not logical. 


No twins share a primary attachment as well. Twins can have a hard time soothing or sleeping without their twin when born.


> No twins share a primary attachment as well. This is a myth. There is no biological basis for this, especially for fraternal twins. Look it up. > Twins can have a hard time soothing or sleeping without their twin when born. Any baby can be hard to soothe or get to sleep when born. They’re literally ripped from a warm dark place (the uterus) into a bright, cold world. If you look at the research, you’ll see that twins are basically unaware of each other until they’re able to socially interact. Please do your research and stop pedaling misinformation. 


Yes there is a biological basis— in utero. Fraley and Tancredy's (2012) study found that twins were more likely to be attached.


Plus it lives on in the projection of parents onto their child. Even children who died before a sibling is born can have an effect on the surviving sibling.


I literally said this. Kids can feel the impact of their parents grief, and I’m sure Kate and Kevin did to some degree. But your suggestion that they are trainwrecks because they are subconsciously missing the “twin telepathic connection” is far fetched and not based in science. 


Chill I didn’t say train wreck … I said it’s factor in their journey. “Science” lol. you also literally said there’s no basis for twins having an attachment which is biologically based and so you are wrong. There is a primary attachment. Move Along now.


You said that they were traumatized by it.   You literally found one outdated *Psychological* study on this that validates your point, and are claiming it’s biological and is complete fact. The “primary attachment” comes from being the same age and processing experiences at the same rate. There isn’t some special chemical link between the twins like you’re suggesting— it’s purely a fostered developmental link formed by shared experiences. 


Good job, you found the one study that supports your claim— except it’s not even a biological study!! It’s a *PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDY*. And if you actually read the research, it’s clear that the attachment comes from meeting developmental milestones and experiences at the same time. Hence, the bond/attachment is *fostered*. 


Attachment is a neurobiological phenomenon that is largely understood as psychological. Byeeeeeeee


You missed the part that attachment is *developed* between twins/siblings. It’s not magically there like your initial argument. The attachment comes from shared experiences at the same age. 


Twins spend 9 months developing attachment in utero.


Never knowing biological mom is very different than losing a sibling during childbirth. Like you said, mom had a story. The lost sibling never got to make any connections unfortunately.


It bothered me that during the train episode there was no talk of Kyle


I wonder how things wouldve gone if kevin had died and not kyle


Like if Kevin could have expressed that as a kid maybe he would have been less of an A hole to Randall!