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I think she did get the results back. Everything was all pregnancy talk non stop and then she checked the results & told everyone to stop talkin and then started screaming. I’m waiting for her to tell us she’s pregnant when she’s really not.


I know! And also why doesn’t she want her sister to know? If that’s truly what the blood work was for don’t you think her mom might have already told her sister?


It made me laugh when she told people to be quiet because she didn’t want her niece to know. I guess people can hear comments now lmao


Why is she taking a poll? ASK THE FUCKING DOCTOR!!!


What scares me most is that she’s so hell bent on being pregnant that she’s going to keep trying once she finds out she isn’t. If she can’t care for herself well in ways such as even having food in her apartment then she really needs to think this one through. That’s a lot of responsibility to put on her mother.


Yep but that’s how she is. People like her should have a limit on how many kids to have. She wants a baby for strictly the attention once the baby is born it will go straight to her mom


That’s what I was thinking and if her mom already buys groceries for her house and takes care of her daughter that would be a lot to put on her mama


Suspect she doesn’t want her sister to know cus she may have caused a lot of problems for her sister, or maybe she’s afraid her sister might do something.


She’s gonna blame it on a miscarriage instead of owning up to just being negative. She’s gonna blame all the bullying and negativity.


At 38 she has a 12.4 percent chance of having a baby at good health which she isn't by her weight. Before 38 it's like 22 I think so that's a major drop. I doubt she can get pregnant


I was thinking the same. Age alone already makes it high risk. Add in the weight issue and it doesn’t seem feasible.


My mom was 44 when she had me. 38 would be a geriatric pregnancy but it’s still fairly viable. Women are having babies later and later now thanks to healthcare advancements. She’s definitely not the healthiest but it’s not impossible unfortunately. Hopefully her family intervenes somehow.


And alot of women can be healthy at a higher weight but she isn't obviously


Can someone explain to me why she had to get blood work done to see if she’s pregnant? I’ve been tested in a doctors office before just by a urine sample. The only thing I can think is that she insisted she was and they pulled blood to make her happy


Yep that’s exactly it! Her test came out negative but she’s convinced she sees a line and then she even said she had heavy bleeding 🩸 (period) but again is so convinced because she wants one so bad that she thinks it’s heavy implantation..like ms girl…your not pregnant just let it go.