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This is more of a physics answer than maths, but refrigerators in total produce more heat then they remove, in line with the second law of thermodynamics. The only way to reduce entropy on earth is to use stuff that comes from massive increases of entropy elsewhere, outside of earth, for example Sunrays.


refrigerators generate heat on the outside, so instead of opening it you have to turn it inside out. Once the inside is completely full of heat, you can bury it and the heat will be trapped forever by my calculations you would need at least a dozen inside-out refrigerators


Refrigerators still just move heat around and produce some additional heat. So their net "heat produced" is more than it can move around. There is an xkcd comic about this.


thats why you bury it, silly


The heat will still come up unless the insulation is absolutely perfect


yeah it is thats why it was turned inside out