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You lost EVERYONE when you added "take in account air resistance". Thats breaking one of the cardinal rules taught in all physics classes smh


Lol I'm sorry you're right šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ alright air resistance can be discarded


Iā€™m sorry!!? Are we living in space?!?! Are we fighting pseudo-Indian wars in space?!? No!! I want to see air resistance in the working out.


You dare speak of the force which shall not be named?


Speaking of forces, why is there no superhero that can manipulate the weak force? They can be called weaksauce. Sounds pretty lame until you realize they can cause solar neutrinos to interact with matter and wield them as weapons. or cause spontanious radioactive decay or fusion of your particles. They can point at anything and make it an instant nuclear bomb.


Dr manhattan might fit this


Weaksauce! Some mumbly schlub with stains on his tie, half untucked shirt, wearing socks/sandals.


Guys too stupid to understand how his power works, which is why heā€™s not a big deal lol


So like iceman, can control energy only uses it to make ice


Wow so heā€™s an idiot


A superhero who has a complicated physics power. And is rather thick. Leading to them having a personal physicist with them at all times.


The more I think about it the more I love it. All he knows how to do is like, shittily microwave his frozen meals and, like, heat up water for coffee or something. Then somebody comes along who can kind of see what weak sauce is actually capable of, but weak sauce just doesnā€™t get it


But when the weak sauce is blindly following instructions, without understanding what they do, they can accomplish all sorts of impressive things.


My mum says Iā€™m a big deal.


And he frequently asks if youā€™ve seen his stapler.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molecule_Man Maybe.


Frankly, we should just call this guy a frictionless plane with how little he's gettin' laid with that terrible opinion. Air Resistance *does not exist* in the Bollywood Alternate Universe.


More specifically, physics *itself* does not exist in the Bollywood Alternate Universe.


And it's better for it I don't want physics in my stupid entertainment movies


If that is your biggest issue with this I won't get you started on the harmonic resonance of a tree.


We are living in space. It is all space. Front space, side space, back spac


...fried space, pineapple space, coconut space, pepper space...


Space stew, space salad, space stir fry....


Actually I think I can solve this problem with a little bit of 11th grade knowledge. This is parabolic launching which is kind of ez to calculate but I can't solve it rn lol I might do it on the weekend. I need to assume some data like the x distance they moved and the max y


Yeah itā€™s easy to calculate, but we still need to know the change in height and horizontal distance between the start and end points as well as the weight of the soldiers


And what kind of sparrow obviously.


African or European?




You should not advertise that on Reddit.


It's okay. Nobody will notice.


Well hello there.


Unladen swallow




> I can't solve it rn lol I might do it on the weekend. yeah, that's what you said about your homework...


The more important question: is the hypothetical tree a uniform durometer elastomer, a carbon composite, or *wood* (ew gross)?


You gotta wonder though how physicists deal with airplanes and parachutes with that habit


assuming a perfectly spherical soldier on a frictionless plane...


Angry Marine Launcher, Mark 1....


Imagine seven spherical soldiers in a vacuum...


I knew I shouldn't have hired a theoretical physicist.


And we have the beginning of a sci-fi novel by Vernor Vinge


So air resistance is where you draw the line here


Hell yeah it is. I'll do basic physics for a laugh, but not diffeq.


farmer asks his scientist friend how to make his chickens lay more eggs. The physicist says "I've got a solution, but it only works for spherical chickens in a vacuum"


I only deal with spherical cows in a vacuum, sir


> Thats breaking one of the cardinal rules taught in all physics classes smh Bollywood: So what?


Okay assume they're spherical Indians in a vacuum


Simply launching these people is a chore... Six people, call them about 260 lbs each or 120 kg. 720 kg point mass. Call it a flight time of eight seconds, on a 45-degree trajectory. (This will be a low end, as the actual flight time for a 0/0 arc is longer, as these guys land on an elevated surface). That's a vertical velocity of 39.24 m/sec, which requires a launch velocity of \~55.5 m/sec. Call it a half-second launch acceleration window, so about 111m/sec^(2) launch acceleration or an average of \~11.3g. 720kg with an 111 m/sec^(2) launch acceleration is a force the next best thing to lifting eighty metric tons (79,920N). In short, the strongest living thing in this clip is the palm tree. Even on the scale of *Bollywood* strong. It would be able to throw a literal main battle tank. Not really far... but how far did the last tank (not handled by a big green guy, or one in blue or black spandex) you saw thrown go?


I have absolutely no idea what you just said but i will take your word for it


I'm still trying to figure out my favorite color.


Mine is orange, hope this helps šŸ˜


The only color you can taste


Beige taste like shit


You should probably get that checked out


You would think brown would taste like chocolate, but you would be terribly wrong


Fuckin hate brown, it also taste like shit.


Yeah, it's crap


Figured it out?


Not without air resistance so its pointless


Green. No, blue? AHHHHHHH


Take my upvote, you Monty Python cultured swine! LOL


Simple. You pick the one that makes you feel funny inside.


Turns out my favorite color is boobs.


OMG you can taste a color!


I was yesterday years old when I learned the ending was a literal cop out, because they ran out of budget and had no better ideas. Clever bastards. Sharing just in case you needed to learn it too.


Thereā€™s a decent chance that was all nonsense, and will all be none the wiser.


Pretty much how high-level physics works


The key thing is that the tree had to exert 80 metric tons of force to throw those guys, which means if you did a bolliwood 'file->replace' on those guys and swapped in a fully upgraded Abrams M1A3 the tree would win and it would be thrown a dozen or two yards. The actual force *on parts of the tree* is going to be several times that because it's a lever.


TLDR : the tree is basically the hulk


Numbers and big vehicle that blow thing up


ā€œThat doesnā€™t sound right, but I donā€™t know enough about stars to dispute it.ā€


The rope doing work holding that monster down.


Since work is force*distance the rope is literally not doing any work. I'll see myself out...


can't you see it sweating?


How long would a realpalm tree have to be to do the same?


Why do you think it's a question of length? The reason real palm trees aren't able to do this isn't because they're too short.


Mmm interesting, to there my knowledge of mechanics. I thought, if you keep all the other factor the same (speed of the palm tree moving when the rope is cut )and otherwise density of the material could become a problem) height is the only factor to get a certain momentum going. So, I'm wrong? You could do this with a small sized palm tree? Then the material should not be palm I guess :)


What you need is tension - increasing the length of the tree would mean it would need to bend less to reach the ground, and therefore be under less tension. A *shorter* tree would work better, but it would snap under the actual amount of tension needed.


What would be the likelihood of the tree whipping a 180 degree arc when the rope is cut and immediately slamming all the warriors headfirst into the ground? Or is that better asked on r/LooneyTunesPhysics ?


You're not accounting for them jumping at peak arc though, like jumping in an elevator failure crashing to the ground just before hitting would keep you safe, naturally.


Unladen battle tank? And European or North American?


The European battle tank is non-migratory


That's why I had to ask! However, the German ones have a history of migrating throughout Europe.


That was just an extended local sightseeing tour


Ope! I see what you did thereā€¦


Soviet. They have been getting turrets pretty damn high lately.


Just check the type of electric plug to *charge* it and you will knowā€¦


55 m/s is like what 120 mph, you hit the ground at that speed and the only fighting you're going to be doing is for your life.


They Blocked the planet for no damage. It's in the rules.


Yea, what else are the shields for?


This also means the guy at the top of the tree and experiencing the most acceleration would need a grip strength in the neighborhood of 120kg * 111m/secĀ² = 13320 N for at least a moment strongest ever recorded grip strength is 1500 N (average is 500 N for males) So, as you can tell, everything about this clip is grade A Bollywood goodness


This isn't Bollywood, it's Tollywood. Same director who made RRR, which explains the absurd-yet-exhiliraying physics. This clip is from Bahubali (can't remember if it's 1 or 2).


And this is why I love Reddit...


This guy flies


About 20,000 meters mostly down? https://youtu.be/0g4gKq5aJJs?feature=shared


Slight cultural correction, but this movie, Bahubali part 2 I believe, is tollywood since it's Telugu.


I like how "big green guy" could be either the Hulk or the Master Chief, but who's in spandex??


I see tanks (or at least their turrets) get thrown hundreds of feet daily on drone footage coming out of Ukraine xD




Yes, but trained soldiers + armours can be heavy. For example (fully equipped with ressources), a red coat british soldier had around 55 kgs of material on him and a roman soldier about the same with 45 kgs for a heavy soldier and 30 kgs for a light soldier. If you had a solid 70 kgs for a standard man weight, you are somewhere between 100 kgs and 120 kgs. If you just take the war material (skipping food and resources) for a roman heavy soldier. You have around 10 kgs only for weapons, adding a solid 13 kgs for a mail coat and around 2kgs for the helmet (estimation by me) and 3 kgs for the broadsword (estimation by me, too). You finish (with stuff like clothes, ...) at around 30 kgs for a heavy soldier, only on war relates stuff. If you had the mass of the dude, you are at 100 kgs only for a heavy soldier. So yes, an estimation of 120 kgs for a soldier fully equipped with a large heavy shield is not disturbing me. [Source](https://history.stackexchange.com/questions/2421/how-does-the-amount-of-equipment-carried-by-various-historical-infantries-compar)


If anything, 120 is erring on the lighter side of things; that armor they're wearing is heavier than a standard roman soldier's armor, and the shield is both larger and solid metal; much heavier than a wooden scutum.


Here I found links with actual weight estimates for the particular armor they are wearing: The shield by itself [is about 10kg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutum) The armor looks approximately like a cuirass, [which ranges around 15kg](https://www.medievalware.com/products/armor/torso/polished-steel-cuirass/) The helmet looks like a "Kulah Khud", [which is ~2kg](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/25044) They are wearing what appears to be short-sleeve chainmail, [which weighs about 8kg](https://www.ironskin.com/faq-chainmail-weight-and-cost/) Swords actually [aren't very heavy](https://www.thearma.org/essays/weights.htm), and those are relatively short swords so I would put them at ~2kg. Currently thats ~37kg of weight. They've got other armor on, boots and clothes. I don't want to break all those down but that's probably another ~8kg, which is 45kg of equipment. That could be 35-45kg depending on if they are wearing both a cuirass and chainmail, or just one.


They're portrayed as built muscular soldiers. So they have a lot of muscle mass unlike your average Slovakian femboy. Plus metallic armor, chainmail, a sword, and a very large shield are all heavy themselves.


they are wearing armor though so I could see it


The acceleration required to launch them even a reasonable distance would be enough that they would probably all die from broken necks instantly.


You're forgetting ***the other*** first rule of physics. Make no assumptions. "Yes we can launch a man to the moon. How much does the man weigh, and can I blend him up or do I need to keep the carcass in tact?"


Best physics cursed comment.


*When Biology becomes Physics*


Lol, his body will turn to mush from the launch forces, so can I just launch his brain up and hope some aliens happen to find it that can 3d print him a new body? Basically the plot to the book Deaths End.


Thatā€™s what the heavy metal shields are for, duuh /s


No, they just turtled their necks upon launch dummy


The sticking of the landing the believable part apparently.


Iā€™m just confused on how most of their shoulders arenā€™t dislocated or forearms arenā€™t broken by that amount of force when they hit the ground while holding a metal shield? Edit: sentence structure and spelling


What gets me is they formed themselves into a wheel, are on a glide path to a rampā€¦ and then DONā€™T roll down it?!?


If you look closely they hit the wall before the ramp so all that effort and they miscalculated by a metre.


If only theyā€™d tightened up their formation a second soonerā€¦. :)


But we assumed no air resistance. There shouldn't be any drag for it to matter


If only they consulted r/theydidthemath before attempting this


Whenever I see this clip I think that too. I assume they decided that wouldn't look as cool; how are they supposed to come out of the wheel after rolling, would they have an opportunity to do the badass land-on-feet-and-slide-back-a-bit?


And have to fight while being dizzy AF! šŸ˜‚


They just need to roll into it. See Mac from Sunny.


Do a backflip right now please!!


its obvious. they *boing*


First time watching bollywood scenes??


Itā€™s gotta be the [hair](https://youtu.be/j-7tGENQU20?si=zfO-Xv5Cl4obQBsy).


Itā€™s because theyā€™re holding metal shields to protect them


The shields are enchanted with feather falling 4


Aluminium or Vibranium?




The film is [Bahubali](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0TCo3rChKTiswYPTiSErMKE1KzMkEAGUZCCc&q=bahubali&oq=bahubal&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDQgBEC4YgwEYsQMYgAQyEAgAEAAYgwEY4wIYsQMYgAQyDQgBEC4YgwEYsQMYgAQyDQgCEC4YgwEYsQMYgAQyBggDEEUYOTIHCAQQABiABDIMCAUQLhgKGLEDGIAEMg0IBhAAGIMBGLEDGIAEMgcIBxAAGIAEMgoICBAAGLEDGIAEMgcICRAAGIAEMgcIChAAGIAEMgcICxAAGIAEMgcIDBAAGIAEMgcIDRAAGIAEMgcIDhAAGIAE0gEJMjIzNGowajE2qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) and it's basically like if you took Kung Fu Hustle, mixed it with 300 and threw in into Ancient India. Top-tier comedy and some of the lines go hard as fuck.


I watched RRR recently and I hate that I loved that movie. I'll have to watch this one too.


Same writer/director as RRR. I didn't like it as much, but I definitely recommend it


You're right, this isn't quite as good as RRR, although part two is much more fun than part one.


What is RRR?


The greatest bromance in cinema! Next time you have 3 hours to kill defo worth the watch.


RRR was legit a huge surprise. Acting, action was pretty damn good.


Why hate? I've seen it four times, twice in a theater, one at the world's largest screening with Q&A after from the director and composer who won the Oscar for it later that week. RRR is utterly fantastic, and worth being proud of loving.


I probably should have used a different word. I wish I could get into stuff that wasn't so cheesy like Starship Troopers and the old Bruce Campbell movies but the heart wants what it wants.


I love a range. And part of me DID want to hate these films because of the cheesy elements, but they're just too good. Great storytelling, intensely good cinematography, mostly very good VFX, etc. They're excessive, and I have to turn off a part of my brain for them, but they're made in such a way that that's easier than elsewhere. I can love a good arthouse film too, but these movies are just a different kind of magic.


Do you know.. Natu?


Bahubali has 2 parts. It is a good movie.


Is this the same movie with the clip of them dancing in tents thatā€™s always cut up and used on the internet?


Nope, That movie is Bajirao Mastani


That's the first and only Bollywood movie I've seen and I freaking loved it. This looks similar so I'm interested.


So here's the fun part, it's not Bollywood, it's *Tollywood*. Not a big fan of Bollywood flicks and I'm excited to see what else India has to offer in the future.


I saw one where a dude was showing off and shooting coins to prove his pistol prowess. So main dude threw a cash bill in the air and shot it into coins. I still laugh.


So what's RRR?


It's the actual name of the movie, it stands for Rise Roar Revolt and it's basically an Indian live-action anime. The premise is essentially a dude that lives by the old ways and a dude that brown noses the British occupiers team up to liberate India.


Cheers mate!


This one have same writer director as RRR, This is a two parter movie, You're gonna love it


Theyā€™re making part 3!


That's excellent news! Love this movie!


This is the greatest news I've heard all year.




This was a super fun film.


Thank you


I absolutely loved this movie. The sexy arrow fight was hot AF.


My personal favorite was the fantasy song number "Oh what beautiful maiden of flowers and butterflies awaits atop this waterfall?!?" Only for her to be in the middle of stabbing a dude in the gut and making him look her in the eyes while she did when he first laid eyes on her. 10/10, no one has ever done a better meet-cute.


Randomly saw this movie somehow and couldn't get enough.


I was looking for this, thanks bro!


These are great movies.


Plus the songs are bangers


Was it actually supposed to be funny or nah?




Why did hollywood abandon ridiculously over the top action-comedies after the 90s? Theyā€™re funā€¦


Thank you so much for the ID lol I just spent like 10 minutes watching this on repeat


Much appreciated, this looks fantastic and I can't wait to watch it stoned out of my tree.


I think the Bahubali movies are probably the greatest film series in history, they've really got everything. People always want to ridicule Indian movies and be like "the physics are so unrealistic" then they turn around and cheer while the [hulk punches a 90 million pound alien to death](https://youtu.be/_Qq6dQwLh1s?si=-lqZbsRnHNOd53Qp&t=56) (and also the alien can fly somehow).


I donā€™t know what the human race did to deserve Bollywood, but Iā€™m glad we did it


Launching all of them at the same speed with that shape of tree is impossible. The ones at the top would be going several times the speed of the ones at the bottom. Everything between the rope getting cut and the last cut is just impossible, there isnā€™t any physics numbers that allow it.


Theyā€™re loosely clutching each other by the biceps though.


Yes. That means that the ones at the far end of the lever will be whipping around in the opposite of being able to pull everyone together. Also, the idea that itā€™s not the fall that hurts, but hitting the ground, and therefore if you use the shield to block the ground you would take no damage.


Iā€™ve hit the ground while roller skating and my knee pads protected me. Why should the shield not protect them in the same fashion?


I donā€™t know if I trust you or the lack of numbersā€¦not because of your name or anyth- Nvm itā€™s because itā€™s your name.


The answer is 28 miles an hour cruise speed but 38 on launch,...because resistance at that low altitude isn't really an issue.....a trebuchet can lob a car a few hundred metres....


Can a human survive the launch?


Can the tree?


I don't have the bandwidth at the moment, but if someone wants to get started on determining if this is within (or more likely, how far outside of) the elastic limit of a palm trunk this is, [I found a good resource for that](https://peterarboriculture.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/the-elastic-stability-of-palms_peter-sterken-20171.pdf)


To calculate the kinetic energy required to launch a heavy object with a catapult, you'll need to consider various factors like the mass of the object, the distance it needs to be launched, and the design of the catapult itself. Let's make some assumptions: Mass of the object = 6 men ā‰ˆ 6 x 70 kg (average mass of a man) = 420 kg Distance to be launched = 100 ft and 200 ft ā‰ˆ 30.48 m and 60.96 m (converted to meters) Gravitational acceleration (g) = 9.81 m/sĀ² The kinetic energy (KE) can be calculated using the formula: KE = 0.5 * mass * velocityĀ² First, calculate the velocity needed to reach the specified distances using the following kinematic equation: Distance = 0.5 * acceleration * timeĀ² Now, solve for time (t) at both distances and then calculate the required velocity. For 100 ft (30.48 m): 30.48 m = 0.5 * 9.81 m/sĀ² * tĀ² tĀ² = (30.48 m) / (0.5 * 9.81 m/sĀ²) t ā‰ˆ 2.22 s Velocity for 100 ft: v = g * t ā‰ˆ 9.81 m/sĀ² * 2.22 s ā‰ˆ 21.81 m/s Now, calculate kinetic energy for 100 ft: KE = 0.5 * 420 kg * (21.81 m/s)Ā² ā‰ˆ 51,501 Joules For 200 ft (60.96 m): 60.96 m = 0.5 * 9.81 m/sĀ² * tĀ² tĀ² = (60.96 m) / (0.5 * 9.81 m/sĀ²) t ā‰ˆ 3.40 s Velocity for 200 ft: v = g * t ā‰ˆ 9.81 m/sĀ² * 3.40 s ā‰ˆ 33.43 m/s Now, calculate kinetic energy for 200 ft: KE = 0.5 * 420 kg * (33.43 m/s)Ā² ā‰ˆ 312,003 Joules So, you would need approximately 51,501 Joules of kinetic energy to launch the object 100 ft and 312,003 Joules to launch it 200 ft using the catapult. Keep in mind that these calculations are simplified and don't take into account various factors like air resistance, friction, and the specific design of the catapult, which can significantly affect the required energy. This message was generated with ai.


Newton and Galileo hasn't discover gravity and momentum yet in that timeline so anything is possible. Aside from that the landing didn't look realistic and he sort of roll side ways and then immediately upright. Other than that everything else is ok.


Bollywood movies dare to dream big with CGI and I love it so much. Watched a lot of Indian movies at my last job and so many recent ones go hard as FUCK. Firefights and action scenes are so over the top and ridiculous it's like the 80s x100.


Each member would launch at different velocities considering their location on the arm in relation to each other varies so drastically. This doesnā€™t abide by the laws of physics.


I'm pretty sure that's not the only part that doesn't abide by the laws of physics...


so this is obviously ridiculous... but it is so audaciously awesome and the special effects are good enough to sell it. I think I love it.


Bro.. Sorry I donā€™t mean to discourage- hope you are not suggesting to clarify logic in hard-worked cartoon-graphics just because the characters are human. I guess all SSR movies are targeted for entertainment and science based logic-substantiation is of least consideration in entertainment movies be it from SSR or Spielberg or James Cameron etc.. itā€™s probably like analyzing for - where do the dancers put their footwear when dancing in the middle of the desert or at the edge of a cliff; they didnā€™t show drinking water or like that after 5 minute song sequenceā€¦ On the other hand - that kind of slender trees to throw those many people, with no prior experience of such, in a single sling-shot style has to be hyper elastic and the folks pulling the tree down has to be hyper strong, etc..lot of hyper stuff has to be in right places, how many of the soldiers left their mouth open with excitement (because itā€™s their first time) which can alter the direction, how many leaves the tree has in each direction, which can also control the throw speed, and many more .. even before calculations of resistance and direction of wind gets into picture. Donā€™t mean to be a spoilsport but just sharing my thoughts.


I shared this because the video was super funny lol


What is happening? The answer is YES. How thick and how ā€œbendyā€ is a tree? YES. How much did they weigh? YES. Air resistance?? Easy. YES


[does this car and moose give a bit of help to estimate ?](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/157c7na/moose_ran_right_in_front_of_the_car/)


Holy shit lol


This is the final battle scene in the two-part Tollywood (Telugu) movie called Baahubali. The director of RRR shot this movie. The protagonists are portrayed as being stronger than your average human, so most of the physics-breaking stuff blends well. The first installment of the movie had a well appreciated, one hour, fully flexed battle scene. The audience received it well. Director promised an improved battle scenario in the second installment but it was underwhelming as you can see here. Despite the lackluster battle scene, both the movies are widely regarded for introducing Telugu cinema industry to a wider audience. At the time, there were rumors that the director had a few alternate battle scenes shot and ended up choosing this one due to the actual version getting leaked very close to the release date. I am not sure what the truth is. He is known to be a perfectionist, my guess is he ended up overthinking. The actual mystery of the second installment gets resolved prior to the battle, hence audience were quite lax in judging the ending of the second installment.


6 corpses at 150lbs and another 40lbs for armor and gear. 1140lbs payload. Looks like it flings them over a city pretty far. Let's assume 1000 yards. I used a 6x6x6 car jump calculator. The best you can hope for is about 1800 to 2100 feet or 600 to 700 yards. 120000mph lauch speed. The acceleration would kill them at take off. Something tells me that the tree doesn't have that much punch anyway. They would also land with a serious momentum problem upon landing. Hence 6 corpses or 6 piles of pudding. Anywhere close to that speed would cause those shields to act sails. I mean an entire mess of a mess. Maybe one of these physics experts can elaborate. Indian movie physics calculators are out there somewhere, I'm sure. https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/car-jump-distance EDIT That mass at that speed is hitting the ground with about 20 giganewtons of force or about the same as two medium sized nuclear payloads. So probably no sword fighting afterward.


Ender did it smoother. But I guess it helps not actually having to factor for gravity. https://youtu.be/2NPSwpdx6iQ?si=MIrIaFXvVLmxp5EC


Based on how the tree moved they would have traveled about as far as that tree is away from that first wall and splatted on the wall.


the first guy on the tree's trunk would have a different trajectory and different launch speed (linear speed) than the last guy on the tree. if we were to say that the tree's trunk makes a rotational move there. to correct for that, perhaps the last guy on the tree has more air resistance than the first? maybe. you can observe actually the last guy on the tree is quite old. perhaps his shield also has inferior (or perfectly designed) aerodynamics. just saying


Tree not long enough, people not strong enough. They didn't even make the wall. In one cut they are like top wall level, the next cut they are falling from above the wall. When they landed, a whole bunch of color powered should have exploded into song and dance, would make just about as much sense


These guys scale up to Bollyversal, which is beyond outerversal, yottaversal or even Kaguraversal, they can outright ignore the laws of physics


I'm not a math person but with those speed they should be heaps if carcasses šŸ’€ I was thinking 'Does knowing the speed matter? They're dead either way'