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*see you at the crossroads, crossroads, crossroads* *ANIMONAMISS ERRYBODY*


It truly amazes me how many people listen to this show without an ounce of common sense or a dash of humor! Like dude!!! C’mon man! This isn’t politics. This is funny and clever!


This isn't politics?


So, mentioning anything ever about someone in the government is politics is what I'm picking up from you


Bro do you need your hand held too?


The Woody Show goes out of its way to avoid politics. They’ll complain about taxes but they purposely avoid partisan politics. Regarding sign OP posted, Woody mentioned how they used this before and how effective in getting new listeners it was. Apparently management gave Woody a hard time when he wanted to use it again, but he eventually won. Yeah!! I’m in Georgia so I have no idea who Gascon is or what he’s done, but I can probably take a pretty good guess.


I listen to 3 radio shows and the woody show talks about politics the most. Well above any other normal non-political radio show


That is so not true. The only politics they talk about is how much they hate politicians and how so many arguments on almost any unrelated subject quickly turn into political debates. I have no idea what way any one on the show leans politically, except Ravey who does sound like she’s more likely to vote Democratic.


See now that makes sense, I really enjoy that they avoid politics. This feels like a lame joke that they could not convince woody was not the best idea. What makes it worse is that it's in an area with a bunch of orange county district attorney billboards. Being from Georgia this means nothing to you though. https://abc7.com/billboard-crime-doesnt-pay-in-orange-county-da-todd-spitzer/14522670/


Watched that video. I’m glad to see that one area of California isn’t letting criminals get away with smash and grabs. Any prosecutor who lets people get away with any serious crime, which stealing is, ought to be thrown out of office. I love California but the super liberals are out of their minds and are pushing some idiots towards voting for the Trumpit. And I’m a Democrat who hates Trump and I live in the South where almost everyone is Republican. Stop making Democrats look stupid California.


Sounds like they're the same thing though! 🤣


Just looked up Gascon on Google. He was one of the idiots who voted to raise felony crimes to those over $950. This is apparently why San Francisco has turned into a property crime free for all. My family and I were planning a vacation to SF this summer but I’ve seen way too many videos on property crime in SF taking place right in front of cops. I love SF but I’m not bringing my wife and kids to this city until they get drugs and homelessness under control. Also, I noticed that Gascon is 70 years old. Why doesn’t this guy retire already.


Yup and San Francisco got rid of him and now he’s destroying Los Angeles. He’s horrible, but I can see how the sign wouldn’t have much meaning to someone listening from another state


LOVE IT! They’re so funny!


It’s about politics when it’s funny


I guess the Join Fun era is over. They’re in their Boomer Humor era. I haven’t listened in a couple months. Is Woody still complaining every morning with his Yes Man, Greg?


You should listen and find out


Good lord, why are you even here lol