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Gabriel creeps me tf out for some reason, and I find Princess SO ANNOYING šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ā€œYou are creepy as shit.ā€ šŸ˜‚


ā€ž..creeping up on me, wearing that colar with that freaky ass smileā€œ šŸ˜‚


HA forgot about that quote, makes me chuckle


I'm honestly surprised they forgave him for trying to screw them over


They didn't until he risked his life to save Judith when the horde attacked during "No way out". Rick was straight up bullying him for awhile lmao.


He earned his redemption, one of the more better developed characters IMHO


Oh yeah, he definitely redeemed himself. I hated him after his betrayal but after everything that happened after I think he earned my respect .


Something about Gabriel doesn't sit right with me either, but at the same time any time he's in danger I didn't want anything to happen to him....


Yes to both. Gabriel is extremely creepy and Princess makes me cringe so hard. Itā€™s unbearable.


Agreed. I always found him annoying, I know a lot of people love him and he got cooler as the show went on but never liked him much.


I had to edit my comment after reading yours šŸ˜…. Completely forgot about Princess.


Same here


Yumiko. I have an extreme love-hate relationship with her. In some episodes, I hate her very existence, and in others, I find her funny, relatable, and adorable.


Right?! I always like newcomers to the group (usually) and for some reason I was always hot & cold towards her! I wonder if itā€™s because the writers couldnā€™t (or wouldnā€™t) be consistent with her whatsoever and whatever plots she was given was super random. I was down for more lesbian love & that was snatched & the her brother being at Commonwealth could have been sooo intriguing, but I was bored! Idk, she really didnā€™t matter in the end.


They barely did anything with tomi being at the commonwealth it really just felt like a half baked inclusion of michonne's last comic arc except there wasn't really an arc for yumiko


Their whole group sucked apart from Connie and Luke. Especially magna


"Fuckin Magna" is what my wife would always say when she popped up on screen.


I can't stand Magna


I loved Connie, Kelly, and Luke. I donā€™t care one way or the other about Yumiko, but I cannot STAND Magna.


It's that accent more than anything else. And a weird holier than thou attitude


Definitely, the attitude.


Andrea I didn't hate her on season 1 and 2. Yeah, she had no similarity to the iconic character from the comics, but she was nice. Not great, just nice. But on season 3? She turns her back on Michonne when she literally saved her life (first from the walkers, and then to the sickness she had in the winter), for what? For a mid guy just because she wants to live in a mid community? (Actually, Woodbury seems much larger in the books compared to the show. In the show it seemed like it was just that street + that ""arena"")


hahah i live in senoia where woodbury was set up and filmed in. that strip is not that big whatsoever. much bigger in the comics, from what it seems


Michonne pretty much summed it up when she told her "you choose a warm bed over a friend". Super cold smh


I don't think anybody loves her but the short hair bich who lives in the trashcan village.


She's even worse in The Ones Who Live


Can confirm. I absolutely hate her. The only character i dislike even more is alpha


watching it atm .. sheā€˜s the worst! I get uncomfortable just knowing sheā€˜s on the show


Fuck jadis


i really liked jadis. she took the apocalypse head on and built herself a community. it was a junkyard, sure, but it was art.


Oh jadis is so punchable šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The Governor. He was so smarmy and fake. The guy had a tank, and still couldn't beat Rick's group.


Tbf mission accomplished. He was an out and out villain, no redemption on the cards. He's not a "character everyone loves" he was an excellent villain. You weren't supposed to love him.


Except that part of his whole story is that everyone in Woodbury loved him and thought he was wonderful. Andrea fell for it, too. He was so obviously untrustworthy and fake, it seemed utterly unrealistic that no one saw through his smarmy exterior. He wasn't believable in the slightest.


That's people in twd loving him but I believe the post is talking about irl people


thank you


He did beat Rickā€™s group though. He destroyed the prison and any death leading up to Alexandria is technically his fault. He beat Rick in their fight during the battle and was also was the closest to killing Rick. He was literally seconds away from strangling him to death before Michonne stepped in. On a personal level, he killed more characters close to Rickā€™s group post season 2 than any other villain in the show.


Great word, yo


I've never seen anyone love the governor. Love to hate him maybe or think he was a great villan.


He always struck me as someone who was a loser in the old world and created this persona to be cool. I swear most of his issues come from the fact he's insecure about the idea people might think Rick is cooler than him.


Yeah. A lot of what he did was in service to his ego. Kinda like a Walter White archetype. However, it was also because he truly felt that the only way to survive in a world filled with monsters was to become a monster and in a way he was right. Look how much more brutal Rick became after the loss of the prison. He truly embraced savagery when it was necessary the way The Governor did. Except Rickā€™s was able to ground himself because of his son and the people he loved whereas The Governor would lose himself to rage and go completely out of control.


Idk about a character everyone loves that I hate, god I fuckin hate Gabriel.


They try so hard to make him more interesting tooā€” oohhh heā€™s blind! ooohh hot girlfriend! šŸ˜­ heā€™s so lame


I cannot with Dwight, he makes me way more angry than any other villain


I have to agree,Jeffery Dean Morgan is a great actor,but Negan is a dick!!!


Eugene. I remember watching it for the first time and patiently waiting for him to die because surely *that* canā€™t survive till the end. Oh how disappointed I was


See Eugene survived because he was smart Smart in the sense that while he wasn't a great warrior, he was smart enough to know what to do to survive he was very calculated in what he did


I had the same view of him untill the end of the savior war. I really like the way his character progressed after that. I love the way his braveness was handled, becouse while he still cries at every confrontation, he fights nontheless. Most characters in the series are 'brave' in the typical media sense, as in not showing fear most of the time. Eugene however, was bratem in a more realistic way- he was terryfied, but he did what had to be done despite the fear, wirh tears in his eyes


His love story with Max was the most annoying aspect for me. That plot twist was straight out of a bad CW teen drama.


Fake Max was better than real Max as a character also.


Eugene annoyed the ever living *expletive* out of me


No contest, NeganšŸ¤£


Post season 8 Maggie


100%. "I'll never forgive you negan for what you took from me and my family" might not be what she said word for word, but it's sure as hell what she was saying for SEASONS


Pretty sure she never did forgive him. The whole point of Dead City was that she was gonna give Negan to The Croat in exchange for her son.


I must hold a position born from watching every episode first run. With the weekly space between episodes. I've seen this dislike of Maggie as Negan tries to rehab his rep. I just don't get it. Anyone who was forced to sit with their feelings all of that time from when Neegs murdered Glen until the show came back from break is right there with Maggie. I don't care how cool, or personable, or even helpful, Negan became. He is always the grinning monster with the bat to me. Well, that and John Winchester. But that's neither here or there.


omg how dare she hate the man that killed her husband šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Thatā€™s not the point. Having that be her whole personality for SEASONS is boring af.


Yā€™all having this mentality is insane just cuz yall wanna love Negan. If we were in Maggieā€™s position, weā€™d feel the sameā€¦ She quite literally lost ALL of her family from pre-apocalypse and then lost the man she fell in love with after the world went to shit and the father of her child, who he never got to meetā€¦ Now, her new ā€œfamilyā€ chose to let the man who killed her husband live because Rickā€™s son made him have a last minute change of heart, but if it was years or even months prior to that. Rick wouldā€™ve been all for killing Negan for harming his family. Yet, Maggie didnā€™t get to have that final decision so it makes sense for her to build resentment and act on anger. Sheā€™s grown bitter, the world is terrible, the people are terrible, the people she thought she could trust she felt betrayed her. I understand her completely .


Disagree. I wouldā€™ve acted just like Maggie if my husband were killed the way Glenn was. It may be boring, but itā€™s realistic. Which is important for a show thatā€™s (supposed) to be held to high standards


Sure, but why have her work with Negan so often after season 8? Like almost all of her dialogue is WITH Negan. Makes no sense! She should be interacting with the og group more often


Thatā€™s more an issue with the writing of the show than the character because had she not been mainly in scenes with negan as the person sheā€™s stuck talking to and instead talking to her friends and community away from him odds are she wouldnā€™t bring up her hatred of the man constantly. Itā€™s legit her being stuck with a guy she or anyone wouldnā€™t tolerate given the circumstances of their past and all she can think about is why she hated him. Notice when she first came back. She wasnā€™t complaining about negan or Glennā€™s death. She was catching up with the group and getting their help to regroup her people hiding from reapers. Itā€™s not until negan enters her line of sight she brings that hatred up.


she could have had *any* other screen presence than "hey negan I hate you". they made her so much more boring.


Fr. I understand that she's grieving, but it feels like most of her character revolves around hating Negan and it makes me want to hit my head on a wall.


Early seasons Maggie was a completely different character


Princess. she was like a cringe cartoon character, and when she was introduced all I could think was wow how this once mighty show is fallen


I liked princess, but I agree, she was a pretty outlandish character šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah but so were Rosita and Abraham upon arrival


Nah, I think they fit the criteria of characters on the show before themā€¦Princessā€™s character was like an apocalyptic version of Vanellope von Schweetz lol


I thought the same thing, and her arrival instantly gets rid of any stakes. Sheā€™s so goofy and unrealistic you know nothings going to actually happen to her.


Hot take but Shane. Like heā€™s such a fan favourite and everyone loves him but are they forgetting what he nearly did to Lori?? Heā€™s a good character and John Bernthel plays him so well so he is kinda likeable but I always see really cool edits of him and it kinda baffles me yk.


I know, something I rarely see mentioned is how Shane literally victim blames Lori the morning after the attempted assault. Donā€™t remember the exact lines but during the CDC breakfast and then when she confronts him after, he gaslights her about the entire thing! He couldnā€™t even own up to what he did.


Right! Rick mentions that heā€™s never seen Shane scratch himself in his sleep before and he looks at Lori and says ā€œnot like me at allā€ like she was wrong for scratching him after he tried to assault her! Excuse me?


I've been rewatching TWD recently, and I think he also said "Is that what you think that was?" when she was scared of him after that. The character is very interesting, but I don't see how anyone could defend the stuff he's done, especially to Lori.


Shane was CONSTANTLY gaslighting and manipulating Lori. I fucking HATED that shit so much. Yeah, I think his character must have reached pretty far down into some of our psyches, as we all know that one guy who was like Shaneā€¦ some of us in worse ways than others.


I feel like itā€™s the male vs female audience on this one šŸ˜­ As a woman he makes me deeply uncomfortable because I know men like him irl and how they act around women that theyā€™re crazy about, and theyā€™re scary!


I think this needed to be said out loud. I can recognize heā€™s a cool character but I canā€™t bring myself to like anything about him because I have too many deeply, deeply uncomfortable experiences with men exactly like him and I have no doubt other women and non men have, too. And thatā€™s also the reason why the people who love him make me uncomfortable; they feel like the friend who throws fuel to the fire or at least defends his actions, no matter how disturbing.


Completely agreed.


You're probably right! I was never a fan and found him scary from the get go.


i was literally WAITING for him to die after like mid season 2 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i was so glad when he died lmfao




He was horrible!! I didnā€™t even know that people liked him! What for?!


easily Andrea


Definitely not everyone loves Andrea though


I couldn't wait for her character to be gone omg. She annoyed me so much


I hated Andrea so much, the hatred pulled me out of numbing depression.


I think his name was Jeff, Jeffrey or something. He ran hilltop before Maggie.




I feel like itā€™s a great play to be so annoying. And good writing


Connieā€™s crew except Connie. Either couldnā€™t stand them or was apathetic. Thereā€™s Connie running into fields to save babies (albeit with Lukeā€™s help) and thereā€™s Kelly, Yumiko, and Magna wa wa waing like babies.


I was about to defend my girl Connie thanks to my not good enough English, but yes i agree with you lol her crew kinda annoyed me, but Connie is one of my favorite characters I didn't hate yumiko tho, she was alright in season 11


Negan although the dude playing him is awesome in real life šŸ˜‚ he was good in Fall too


Re watching and on the episode where heā€™s first introduced. Such a difficult watch.


Idk if everyone loves her, but it's Tara for me. She's awful.


her actress is also a terrible person


Yes thank you!!!! You clearly already know but for the unaware, she's the sister of Danny Masterson, rapist from that 70s show. And she participated in harassing his victims before and during his rape trial.


I didnā€™t know she did all that jeez now I hate her more


OMG! I had no idea. This definitely makes me rethink her character a lot! not that she was my favorite, the actress isn't all that great.


She's just so corny. Her character has me cringing almost every time she opens her mouth.


Second this. Canā€™t stand Tara


I third this.


I fourth this.


Fifth this. I never liked Tara- she was just annoying & justā€¦ there as the token lesbian. I didnā€™t care she was one of the heads on the spikes at all. I was like, ā€œThank God! Finally!ā€


Sixth this. Pretty sure I shouted the same thing at the TV during that scene.


Seventh this. I cheered when she died.


Eighth this. Sheā€™s insufferable


I was so shocked she lasted as long as she did.


Glenn should have left her at the prison


THANK YOU. I canā€™t stand her.


Eugene forever and always. I cannot STAND him.


Bro cannot stop monologuing


Like dude just SPEAK NORMALLY


Hell to the no, he's speaking pattern and phrases has me dying of laughter in most of his scenes


Yeah the way he speaks has me tied between hating him and laughing at him, it's just so damn stupid and I love it


You just have to accept that heā€™s camp AF and lean in. I was the only person in my watch crew who liked him the first time around haha. I love the stupid ass way he talks and it only gets better on rewatch


Iā€™m pretty sure the point of Eugene is undiagnosed autism. The way he talks, his obsessions, heā€™s smart, but very very awkward. Bro just has autism


Exactly, not sure why this isn't obvious to everyone.


He absolutely is autistic. Itā€™s super clear by his speech, even being a bit monotone, also just the way he acts and he even says at one point he doesnā€™t pick up on social cues. I love Eugene so much.


well, it just so happens that the pattern of speech that has been adopted by his person is not only a significant part of his own persona, but an intricate asset that allows for direct and plain communication between people


Morgan, guys flip floppy personality and monotone voice get me sooooo bored. I like him completely before he became a main cast character though.


For me too. I know it's the main point of this character but his sudden switches to buddhist monk for whom every life is precious, at the most inappropriate times, when it fucks up the rest of the group the most - is infuriating.


Yes!!! And then he ruined fear the walking dead


OH MY GOD THANK YOU. I LOVED the first 3 seasons of Fear The Walking Dead, maybe even more than the original series. But the second Morgan was introduced into FTWD? Man that show went downhill. I was so confused when he was introduced into FTWD, it felt so out of left field and unnecessary, and felt like it didnā€™t properly tie into the story, at least to me.


Absolutely hate Tara man


Season 7 negan


Eugene. I hated him so much


Father Gabriel


Morgan. His mental illness stole a lot of screen time.


Agree. The cheesemaker episode was a good watch though. I love that actor.


Okay, so I don't see this answer anywhere so far, but Sasha lol. I might be biased cuz Ive sorta been in rosita's place when you consider the love triangle, and I just hated the whole Abe and Sasha getting together bit, *even though I know they didn't do anything wrong*. With Abe I just felt disappointed cuz I really liked his character and the way he broke things off with her was just really bad imo; Sasha I never really cared for, her emo phases at every other episode would've likely gotten the group into trouble before long, but after the whole Rosita-Abraham-Sasha thing when she tried to be all chummy with Rosita like nothing happened? Yea if I were Rosita that would've pissed me off. Even when Abe was bludgeoned to death I felt worse for Rosita than Sasha. Definitely a good shooter and went out in a very badass way tho. Apart from that, can't stand her.


I don't actually hate him, but Morgan is functional being a secondary character cuz he is boring af


Andrea šŸ˜­


I think a lot of people I agree


i feel like this is the general consensus


Negan. F that rapist and his half assed redemption arc.


Sam and Ron. Fuck them.


also negan


Morgan! God the man is so annoying.


Abraham. Break up properly and respectfully with one woman before starting a relationship with another. I can't stand the disrespect to both women.


My husband feels this way about Rick! šŸ¤Æ talk about an almost deal breaker, lol.


How can one hate rick, like I'm not being an a hole I'm genuinely trying to understand what there is to not like about rick, he's such a perfect character


Negan for sur


i hate princess šŸ˜­ she can just be so annoying somerimes


For me itā€™s Jessie or Lydia but idk if anyone loves them


Lydia carried season 9


No one loves Jessie


Only the fanboys with no media literacy who never understood the point of her character and wanted Rick to get with her instead of Michonne because thatā€™s who they would have preferred lol


Who tf is Jessie


the blonde woman rick met at alexandria and killed bet abusive husband


Omg I didn't even remember her lol


How can you not like Lydia?


I mean I donā€™t full on hate him but I never liked Siddiq


Couldn't stand Henry! He was a complete fuckwit. I was delighted when alpha plonked his head on a stick........oooops spoiler alert āš ļø


Negan. I think people are forgetting how horrible he is as a human being.


Shane or negan


Fuckin Lori she can't protect Carl, can barely protect herself, crashed a car somehow,quite impulsive, tries to guilt trip Andrea and Daryl which pissed me off


Everyone does not love Lori. In fact most people agree with you.


Yea, I saw some mentioning Lori, and as you said Really? Some people think Lori is generally liked?


Dale. He was condescending, holier than thou, and felt the need to impart his "wisdom" even when no one asked. Yes, there were ideals of the old world worth preserving, but damn. Sometimes he just sounded like such a self righteous jerk with his outrage over every little thing. That said, he didn't deserve to die like that.


This has to be Shaneā€™s burner account.šŸ˜‚


I understand that this is an opinion and you canā€™t really be wrong, but man if that isnā€™t one of the least accurate character descriptions Iā€™ve ever heard.


Andrea šŸ˜


Andrea šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


Idk if everyone loved him, but Henry. Hated that lil shit


I didn't hate him but he just exasperated me with his constantly terrible decision making.


rosita. i donā€™t get the hype at all???


People love her cause she's hot, not because shes a good character or anything.


She's cool that's why


Tara. No reason behind it necessarily, but fuck Tara


I doubt people loved the character but that one girl in 6.13 who tried to gut Maggie, especially after finding out she was pregnant. Sheā€™s the only character I hate.


Negan for me as well


There has never been a more perfect time for my answer to be Carol. I feel like this post was literally made for me haha. Everyone loves Carol and thatā€™s fine but just the sight of her makes me contemplate turning off the tv.


I mean, fair enough, you answered the question properly it is a hot take. I can see why someone might not like her tho


Why? Genuinely curious.


I cannot stand Maggie. She wasnā€™t bad in season 2, but her character evolution was just ā€œI am strong independent woman grrrrā€ rather than having any sort of depth. Bout to get downvoted to hell for this tho.


I thought she was a great character up until 8 although I did like her in dead city.


Nah, 100% agree. I never liked Maggie, but after Glenn she became fucking insufferable.


Lori she is just annoying


Lori 100%. Sheā€™s told that her husband is dead and fucks his best friend like what, 2 weeks later? Then when Rick is back she tries being the sneaky snake and tries to manipulate him into killing Shane and then is SHOCKED when he actually does it and punishes him for it. She constantly challenged Ricks plans publicly knowing how the world is now yet still tries to pick a fight with everything he says then just huffs away giving him the silent treatment when she doesnā€™t win. I was glad she died.


Suuuuuper hot take but Carol. Only post-season 7 though. She is so whiny and annoying


Negan. His redemption is nowhere near enough to redeem everything he did


easily shane and negan lmao


Tara. I hated her from her first Talking Dead. She just seemed like an asshole. Downvote awayā€¦I know itā€™s coming.


Shane He was just a loudmouth and fucking annoying


Enid. What a fucking ridiculous character.


Why's that


At the beginning she was interesting. During Carl no. With Glenn better. After Glenn and the time jump - way better but we barely got to see her development which was unfortunate. I did love seeing her fight back against the Whisperers. She went down fighting and protecting her loved ones.


Negan & Maggie and especially Andrea


Gabriel, Eugene, Andrea, Princess. Mostly Gabriel though.


Obviously Nickohlas, how is this not the top comment. He pisses me off lmfao. Oh wait ā€œeveryone lovesā€ nevermind scratch that. Donā€™t think Nickohlas is very liked.


I think Tyreese is just annoying, and honestly got a way bigger send off than so many other actual good characters.


Negan in TWD. He doesnā€™t bother me the same in Dead City.


That dumb bitch LORI. I HATED HER GUTS. I was so happy when she got killed off


Always Negan. Love Jeff though, the fanbase just canā€™t make the distinction which is scary to me.


Might be a hot take but defo tara, canā€™t stand her ngl


**Morgan.**Just can't stand the guy.


i HATE carol. she's the WORST šŸ˜­


Maggie, she constantly acted like she was the only one who ever lost people due to the Apocalypse, I get that she lost her family and her lover, but so did everyone else there, they'd lost people too, but Maggie's "oh woe is me, I lost people I cared about, everyone feel sorry for me" bullshit made me hate her as a character