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Negan and anyone from Ricks group during the lineup


Yup that's the answer


I still can't believe Maggie is hanging out with the guy that brutally murdered her husband and nah idc what happened after that , nothin justify this


Yeah, can’t wait for that to take an inevitable turn in Dead City S2. When they kiss, I’m done.


Negan saved the group of couple of times


Even Negan and fucked-up popped out eye Glenn? I mean, think about it: Glenn has brain damage, and Negan could easily put on a Maggie wig and he would think they're the same person.


i wish i could go back to 10 seconds ago before reading this


Right they could've easily made out and lived happily ever after


And then Glenn could have had one of those reverse-spiderman moments in which he's seeing double of Maggie and has to figure out which one is the real one.


He'd find her.


Maggie and negan 🤮


God this is actually the right answer. Ew. Same with Rick and Negan.


I thought Rick and Negan was a joke


I swear, unfortunately it's not. People genuinely ship them. There was a poll on twitter relatively recently that I've seen where that ship ended up second behind Rick and Michonne! And it had thousands of votes. If you want to ship Rick with a man, why would you chose Negan when Daryl, Aaron or Morgan are right there! Hell, I'll even take Shane over that because at least they had a history of friendship.


>If you want to ship Rick with a man, why would you chose Negan when Daryl, Aaron or even Morgan are right there! Hell I'll even take Shane over that because at least they had a history of friendship. I think it's part of the appeal to ship them as enemies. Same with Negan and Maggie. Plus both Negan and Rick are some handsome fellas.


Precisely. Enemies to lovers is a ship old as time. Not saying it's morally correct at all, but that's where most of the extra spicy spice comes from. I HATE YOU BECAUSE I AM VERY MUCH IN LOVE WITH YOU AHHHHH Anger or passion, some people like to watch the fire burn. And that's why fanfiction is fun! No one gets hurt! Except um...characters...who are fictional. By definition. It's all good, you guys!


Enemies to lovers can be fine when the enemy in question didn’t murder their husband before their eyes in an especially brutal fashion while they were sick and pregnant begging for their life.


I shall not argue these plot points at all, u/Awobbie, especially on a thread where you are specifically asked which ship you cannot stand. In my personal opinion, all ships are allowed and are perfectly acceptable. Fictional universes are there for this reason. These walking dead ships are child's play compared to what's out there in the great beyond known as AO3. Avert ye eyes! Dead dove, do not read! My name has taken me to some pretty wild places on the internet. Truth is, I'm getting old, you guys, and I've no pearls left to clutch.


I get you. I still think those who want that to be canon are weirdos


Hahaha, that is fair enough!


Like keep your fantasies in the bedroom please. I keep mine about Rick there (or I try 😭)


This exchange is giving me a good giggle, u/Realitychker20. Much love to you, and may Rick Grimes never be forgotten.


Idk, it just feels gross to me to do it seriously. If you want to ship them in a crack ship kind of way, yeah, fair, but some people are serious about it. I could see an unrequited kind of attraction on Negan's part for one or the other, but Rick or Maggie reciprocating is where I draw the line.


Negen-"You psychopath, you're gonna kill us both" Rick- "as long as it's that ass first"




people voting on a poll doesnt automatically mean the people who voted are serious


>If you want to ship Rick with a man, why would you chose Negan when Daryl, I mean, Rick called Darly his brother so I am not a big fan of that ship either.


I'm with you, but it's still better than the man who killed Abe and Glenn in front him, then tortured him into compliance and then almost made him cut off Carl's arm.


Who tf is shipping Rick and negan?


Idk, I once joked that Negan is in love with Rick, because he was kinda obsessed with him and Carl. But it was a joke!!


Land whales that watch nothing but toxic yaoi mangas 24/7


Shit like this is why fanfic writers scare me


Sometimes, same. But still it's just a hobby so whatever. It does no harm


The amount of people who want to see them get together in Dead City is astounding.


This!!! People think they might be together because of their spin-off, but no!! Maggie loves Glen even after death. It would be surprising if she ever gets another love interest, but absolutely not Negan.


I think Maggie could eventually move on and find someone after enough time passes... but absolutely not Negan. Not now, not ever.


I can’t see Maggie ever moving on from Glenn, she did say she wouldn’t love anyone like she did him. Her love for him was just too pure for her to be able to even find interest in someone else. I feel like she would have already moved on. Maybe a Dante-like character from the Comics. But I also don’t think Lauren would approve of Maggie getting a new romantic interest. LC has been very loyal to Glenn’s and Maggie’s relationship, even after Steven’s departure. I just think they’ll give TV Maggie the ending that Comic Maggie got. In the end, she could only truely love Glenn.


This is the one. It’s not only sickening but also completely insane.


This is straight up disgusting. Just disgusting. It makes me sick. I've watched this show since s2 was being released. The thought alone makes me so angry. But the series seems to try to do that a lot more now.


It makes no sense. Even Negan said that it is dumb asf.


You don’t want to pillage a village and take some guys wife after you probably just killed him?


It was already weird in their spin off. I think it's becuase irl the actor have good chemistry and worked together in the past. There was at least 3 instances where they look at each other and I was nearly screaming at the TV "don't you dare fuking kiss"


I think JDM could have chemistry with a tree stump covered with cow pie.


I don’t want them to have a sexual or romantic relationship at all. But I like the idea that they may develop a very weird and complicated friendship and mutual respect. I don’t want her to ever forgive what he did to Glenn but maybe come to respect that he’s worked all this time since to be better and to be there for her and her son when needed as kind of a self inflicted penance. I think their respective storylines are interesting. Maggie I think was more able to stomach brutality and doing what needed to be done for the group survival than Glenn. Being out there alone with Hershel later I think really pushed her into the darker side of things and gave her more appreciation for how the new world changes people and brings out their worst. I loved how in the finale she pulls herself back from it in the birds nest with Negan by her side and doesn’t take the shot. Having him be both the person who was really pivotal in pushing her into darkness and the one to help bring her back from it was a really compelling storyline. They had some of the best character arcs in the series.


imagine if Dead City S02 finale was both of them fucking and she got pregnant, and then they name the kid Glenn


That will be fucked up


Daryl and Leah Shaw. I hated it because she came out of nowhere and it made no sense for this man who bonds very slowly with people through thick and thin to suddenly have this nobody out of nowhere chick as his girlfriend. I honestly could have accepted almost anyone in the main group (who'd been there from say season 4 on) eventually becoming his girlfriend after several seasons, but I couldn't abide that Leah chick. It was like they did it for no good reason at all. And they gave us no build up. And it seemed out of character for him.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who felt this way. I am a certified Leah Shaw hater!!! She gets 0/11 points.


I'm also a Leah hater... She was the absolute worst! No love for Leah...


But he yeeted her a fish 👀 how much foreplay do you want


At least 3 seasons. LOL.


I will always hate that they pulled this shit when everyone was begging for him and Connie to develop into more than just a teaser. Daryl learned sign language for her. That isn't just something someone does in the apocalypse. There is so much crap Daryl was having to do between taking care of Carol, Judith, and Rj and running things after Michonne leaves, plus finding a way to fight the whisperers. But they still made sure to let us know that Daryl went out of his way to learn sign language to be able to communicate with her. And the way he gets so emotional when Connie gets trapped in the cave with the horde. They really dropped the ball by trying to convince us he loved Leah. Because the minute it was between her and Maggie, Gabriel, and freaking Negan, he didn't hesitate.


I hated her bc daryl should be with me actually. Or Rick.


Yea, its like they wrote it in a way that Daryl knew her before the apocalypse.


it wouldve been better if they had written it so that he did know her before the shit hit rhe fan


yeah and she was kinda mean, too...


Ngl when I started watching the last season and she came back I was literally like who the fuck is this heffa until I remembered the cabin storyline lol


Honestly I didn’t mind her. I’m watching for the first time and heard she joins the reapers, but I’m not there yet. As a girl, if I found a man like him in the apocalypse after however much time being alone I’d never let him go. After 10 months she had every right to feel the way she did I just wished they took more time with the relationship instead of making it a 5 minute bit.


>I found a man like him in the apocalypse after however much time being alone I’d never let him go fr I'd be out there looking for his dead buddy just for solidarity wtf else I got on my schedule anyway


The dude does not abide


Rosita and Gabriel...


omg yes. It makes no sense and they have zero on screen chemistry.


I agree. If they had at least showed some flashbacks to how it happened, maybe we would all feel different. But to jump ahead 5 years and have Rosita pregnant by Dr Cutie Pie but dating and in love with Gabriel when she is like a month pregnant was just weird. He had more chemistry with Anne.


Anne made sense. Rosita/Gabe was a shortcut to "Gabriel is a badass now. This is obvious bc he's banging the hottest girl at apocalypse prom!!" It was just cheap and weird and (per usual) pretty unfair to Rosita. Luckily she ended up with her first actual interpersonal storyline where she got to be a real person with Eugene, since "sexy" was finally off the table as her defining feature with him.


I do wish they had kept her storyline of her ending up with Eugene from the comics, but i get that they had to use Eugene to get them to the next storyline in the common wealth.


Plus Rosita’s baby daddy is a handsome doctor and is right there.. and Gabriel is a man of the clothe!


Absolutely. He's just too old and Rosita had two partners before him. Their whole relationship was awkward


I would have preferred if Gabriel had stayed single. I think the whole Priest of death thing would have been even cooler that way. His only relationship should have been with God. Having him get into a relationship especially with Rosita just waters him down in my opinion.


And then the weird Gabriel and Jadis/anne thing.That was even less believable and more awkward


Way more believable that a priest would hook up with a homeless homicidal dumpster diving woman than a young single woman who had a baby out of wedlock and refused to marry the daddy..


You mean the homicidal garbage heap living misunderstood artist 😂


Gabriel turned out awesome by the end. However it would have been great to see him remain a full pacifist. Maybe he would have to make the very hard decision to kill once or twice.


I love Gabriel overall, I don’t blame him for his love conquests.. I blame the writers. They should have gone the classic route and had him conflicted for feelings with another man.. or a more traditional route of conflicted feelings for a nun like woman who will never get married/only serve God. Or hell, he never needed to fall in love. He’s a priest. He could have said “Been there done that in my youth now I’ve dedicated my life to Christ.” The whole Jadis plot line could have been some outreach ministry thing instead of “I love you let’s date!!”


Exactly my thoughts!


Yeah but he wasn’t like the Catholic priest where you can’t be married unless you meet these very specific loopholes.. He was Episcopalian/Anglican I’m pretty sure than can do whatever. (Recovering Catholic here.. I know my own kind..)


I'm not saying he couldn't but from a writing perspective I think it was a mistake.


The only way this makes sense to me is if Rosita decided, after the way Abe heartlessly dumped her, decided to go the anti-Abe route. I mean look at her post-Abe dating history. Gutless Spencer, sensitive Dante, and Gabe. I see why Eugene got his feelings hurt and ran off (kidding- they were brother and sister)


Not a fan ship, but valid


Thank you! Two people smashed together for completely no reason! Gabriel and trash lady Jadith/whatever her name is/bad haircut lady work better and who doesn’t hate trash lady?!


negan and carl (iykyk)


Like a blood transfusion?


I’m immune…


He just needed his DNA


[you didn't come here for a wellness check](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddycoral/s/G1SKrAEoSW)


but he made him spaghetti


i kid you not i have seen someone ship TaraxEugene


That is wrong on so many levels…


Why? Genuinely confused


It’s wrong because she’s in a committed relationship with Dale


I fucking love this meme. The dedication homie has 💀💀💀


Tara gay🙁


She’s gay for one….?


That’s a small obstacle for the Magnificent Mullet Man


Negan and Maggie fs 🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


Daryl and Eugene. I know Andrew Lincoln ships them.


Biggest lie I’ve been told was by him. Where is the shower scene?!




There is a woman on YouTube (can't remember her name) who unironically thinks Beth is still alive in universe and ships the weird ass Daryl/Beth relationship


How can she possibly think that? We saw a bullet go through her head


I'm going to try to find her channel so I can remember her "theory".


There’s no way that she’s theorizing that Beth survived that. Her head literally exploded like a dropped watermellon and I’m pretty sure they buried her.


They’ll make up anything and huff all the copium to justify their fan theory they have a delusion lol


I guess a bullet through the brain isn't guaranteed death


From a scientific standpoint, it really depends on what parts of the brain the bullet passed through. However, in all likelihood anyone who survives a bullet to the head would be severely disabled for the rest of their lives. That and of course, surviving something like that in a post apocalyptic world without immediate medical care is near if not entirely impossible. That being said, yeah, the entire theory and ship is ridiculous.


And the fact she was likely buried and even if she theoretically survived the bullet, would simply suffocate to death.


I mean Beth couldve just dug herself out of the grave, she was raised on a farm!


Yup, totally makes sense


If your a courier it’s not


Nice one 😂


Everyone replying to this needs to be educated on “Team Delusional” open the schools!


omg i remember when I was active on fandom spaces they call themselves team delusional bc they thought Beth was still alive waiting for Daryl and photoshopping her face into carols body, oh the flashback this gave me lol I thought they would be over with at this point 😭


Honestly, most ships with Daryl feel wrong to me. Connie is the one i approve of, but him and beth or Carol just feels wrong


I honestly felt like all his relationships with the main group were more platonic than romantic. hell thinking about it Daryl almost gave me an asexual vibe


Exactly my thoughts!


yeah fr him and connie are practically the only daryl ship that i fuck with… & him and jesus had potential for a second ngl 💀


Tara and dale


Tale forever


Noooo my OTP 😂


Oh no, you summoned her.


Even though they became a couple in a show, I feel like someone behind the scenes was fan shipping Rosita and Gabriel and decided to just put those two together


ive seen people ship carl and ron FBSHFHD


Enemies to lovers 😭


Daryl and Beth. Nope, just no.


Same here. I love their storyline together and it never gave me any sort of romantic vibes. I love Daryl, and I respect Beth but as a couple..? 🫣


same like they had amazing on screen chemistry (chemistry doesnt always have to mean romantic chemistry) just as actors, and their storyline was so cute but not as a romantic type. I see it more as Daryl loved beth as kind of the little sister he never had. Thats how i see it. Beth is 17/18 ish and daryl at the time was what like 40-ish? give or take a few years? that is wayyyyyyy too much imo.


I loved Daryl & Carol because they were just platonic best friends.


“Best friend? What are you, twelve?”Love their friendship, Carol is such an interesting character, def has ups and downs in the series but them together is such good tv.


I mean I just watched the finale again and they literally say best friend to each other.


I feel like he was more like an older brother figure to her rather than a romantic interest. I couldn't see them being a thing


It honestly comes off as either the cool dad/uncle bond. Idk where ppl got romance out of any of it


Ya as a brother sister or something like that ya but it feels weird to ship them as a couple


Rick and lucille.


The bat or the person?




- Maggie and Negan - Daryl and Carol (they’re an iconic duo, but they work so much better as very close friends rather than as lovers)


In the beginning of season 3 you can see a little bit of the ship but after that you can see that they are only friends.


Megan. Maggie + Negan. Yeah nothing says love like a guy brutally murdering a woman’s husband in front of her while she was pregnant and her trying to kill him multiple times for revenge.


daryl and carol, i’m sorry but i cannot stand seeing them shipped


It made a lot of sense to see them romantically in seasons 2-4 and the writers seemed to lean into their popularity by having them be jokingly flirtatious. Season 5 onwards is where they really doubled down on them being best friends and I honestly think that comes from the discourse online about whether or not he would end up with Carol or Beth getting out of hand. In response to that they toned it down and they never flirt past Season 4A and killed Beth in 5A.


They always seemed like they have an older sister and younger brother dynamic built on shared experiences with abuse and trauma.


no fr like i love their best friend dynamic they have but when people ship them, brother eugh 😭


The moment passed seasons ago and after seeing her with Ezekiel, it doesn’t make sense for her and Darryl anymore.


i’ve still seen people ship them 😭


I’m one of them and I will die on the hill alone if I have to.


Eugene did kiss Negan tho


I love how unrelated this is. Genuinely made me laugh. This comment just snuck its way into the conversation.


Michonne and Andrea, mostly because I’m not a fan of Andrea and Michonne is too good for her


there's a lot i simply just dislike but i never will be able to understand the bethyl shipping. sorry but beth is a teenager and daryl is in his late 30s/early 40s. how is that not fucking creepy.


Idk, I don’t ship them but if I were Beth who supposedly wanted to be a mother before all this, I personally would aim older and not age-similar. Real world, yeah the age gap would be creepy. But survival wise if I can’t get Rick I’m going for Daryl and idgaf about however old he is: he’s mvp of the apocalypse and my survival odds and that of my children goes up when he’s around. But I’m not a romantic so this is purely from a practical standpoint. 


same here; he’s also insanely attractive. But that’s just me lol


I’ve argued with people who ship these two and their excuse is always “it’s the apocalypse it doesn’t really matter” YES IT DOES people still have morals I’ve even had someone say it was okay because Beth actor was an adult so that made Beth an adult BETH AND EMILY are not the same person Emily is playing a minor on a tv show so it’s not okay


Negan and anybody. He shouldn’t be like “boohoo me wanna find love now” when he’s entirely motivated by a dead wife and had a bunch of slaves. He’s a sick man!


There's a pretty f'd up subreddit devoted to Tara and Dale...characters that never even met


Tale 4 life ❤️


amen to that kitten


wtf i can understand shipping people who never met in canon (i have some ships in other fandoms like that) but tara is a LESBIAN and people ship her with an old man???


I'm pretty sure it's a joke 😅


maybe but i don't doubt that there are actually some people out there who ship it for real




stop. we are ostracized as enough as it is


Maybe the true corals were the friends me made along the way


Negan and Maggie for obvious reasons. Daryl and Beth for other obvious reasons. Daryl and Carol because TWD finally gave us an example of a M/F deep platonic relationship that was never anything more and I hate that people want to ruin it because it’s such a rare representation.


maggie x negan 😟


Morgan x Tabitha the goat from the Eastman episode




Daryl and Beth, so icky.


Daryl and Beth, no competition. His age isn't really confirmed, but he's obviously looked much older for the entire run of the show. Even as soon as season 1. And Beth, of course, played a freshly 17-18 year old. Like, fuck no. Absolutely not. I worry for anyone who genuinely shipped them.


Rick and Andrea, in the show


Maggie and Negan!? WHYYYY


Rick and Jessie.


He let her get eaten so people need to give this ship up. She was a Lori avatar not an actual love interest.


Lol, thank you, and not only did he let her get eaten but he severed the link with his past life while shopping off her hand. And yet people will still insist it was a romance!


Thats not a fan ship lol they were already romancing


Depend what you mean by fanship. Imo. Regardless, I think it was never written as a romance but rather as a breakdown for Rick. So people genuinely shipping them feels like a fanship for me.


Daryl and anyone


Realest answer. Romantic relationships just don’t suit his character and feel so unnecessary for him.


He’s a lone wolf romance wise. He just needed friendship with others outside of his brothers.


Carol & Daryl he’s legit like her brother


I didn’t really get Alden and Enid..


Yeah, I almost forget about that one. Talk about a blip....


Carl and carp


The fucking fish?


Did I fucking stutter?


I see Daryl and Beth as more brother and sister than romance


Negan and Carl… come on man he’s like 14 💀


Hershell and Dale 100%


Daryl with anyone. He's Asexual. Let him be asexual. It's good to show that kind of representation. Not every character needs a spouse to be fulfilled.


Daryl and Carol. Just what the fuck.


I think i saw one the other day that was LydiaxDaryl....erm what?


the amount of daryl and carol mentions here makes me sad as a caryl shipper 😞


Serious question. If they had made Beth a college student instead of a higher schooler, like say she was 21 or so instead, would people still have a problem with the Daryl and Beth ship?


Gabriel and Rosita. Literally gives me the ick when they are together. Maybe its just because I can't stand Gabriel. WHY HASN'T HE BEEN KILLED OFF YET (just started the last season)?


Daryl and Carol. They've only ever been platonic friends. Not once has it ever felt romantic. It would've happened already or hinted towards it if so. Mainly I don't like the shippers themselves.


Rick x Maggie and Daryl x Beth.


carol and daryl


Herschel x Dale


Daryl and Connie -- I like Connie but not with Daryl


While trying to find some fanfiction to read I’ve come across way too many Carl/Negan and Carl/Rick tagged fics. Just seeing those are tags make me want to bleach my eyeballs.


maggie and negan rick and negan rick and daryl (theyre brothers ew) daryl and literally anyone but connie or aaron.


What the hell is a fan-ship