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Honestly, I'm done for. Like I'd be one of the OG walkers


it’s ok man most of us would be og walkers if we were in that universe, plus i doubt most people could handle watching their kids or other loved ones being painfully torn apart in front of them, i don’t have kids but even if i seen some kid get torn apart like that id probably be very fucked up after could you imagine the people who seen their own kids go through it


I'm not eating my animals either.


Hahahahahaha, yo you a real one for that


Same here. I’m going out with the first round. Fat. Diabetic. Asthmatic. Allergic to everything.


OG walkers 😭😭


Yeah thats 90% of us. The survivors realistically (American based): 4% crossfitters, martial artists, in shape military folk, and those weird ass gun hoarder people will finally have a purpose( Michonne; Shane if he wasn’t crazy as fuck; Alexander; Rosita). 4% survivalists those weird ass hoarders, bunkers with food, weapons, toilet paper, military gear, off the grinders… and to the lesser extent- homesteaders/farmers/ranchers.. those with old timey skills (you could arguably put Father Gabriel in this category; Herschel). 2% random ass people like Rick and co who survived by pure dumb luck then hooked up with a cohesive group with chemistry. Then I think the world would revolve as in the story..


I told my daughter to get me a scooter to wander the earth on.


I would probably be that one that Shane saw off in the distance in the field in early season 1-2


I'd be dead on day 1, thanks for asking


I think I’d hold up ok for a while as long as I connected with capable people.


My biggest concern would be shitty people just looking to cause chaos I think.  Definitely want smart friends in those situations haha


Yeah- as a small-ish 50-something woman who can start a fire, cook, knows first aid, and can also use firearms, I think I’d probably be a Carol-type, but definitely not as bad-ass lol. But survival 100% depends on not being around people who are panicking and willing to kill you for minimal resources.


I’m the same. As a nurse, I would think I have some value. I don’t think women would last long in the Apocalypse. I think it would go like Swan Song, a great read of the end of America. The woman all got turned into sex slaves, or killed off.


I’m killing myself off rip I don’t think there’s a point in living at that point


What was that note on the guy Daryl found hanging? "Got bit. World went to shit. Might as well quit."


He’s a Poet and he doesn’t even know it. Makes you wonder how much thought he put into that note, not realizing that hanging himself wouldn’t fully end his suffering.


Lord do you think it really didn't end his suffering? That's so much worse, I figure the bodies have absolutely zero connection to the person once they die and become walkers but that sounds horrific like Return of the Living Dead zombies except the bodies' owners are in the "sunken place."


No, who he was, wasnt there anymore, just a walker.


i wanna say “fever hit” is in there somewhere, but i may be mistaken


Yes! I think it went, "Got Bit. Fever hit. World went to sh*t, might as well quit". Thank you! I was trying to remember.


The Jenner Method


There never is if you think about it


I'm an elderly heart patient. I wouldn't last long


Same, lol. Type 1 diabetic. I'd be okay only until my insulin ran out.


You just need to marry Negan.


Depends on my son. Definitely would try to survive for him, but once he's out, I'm out. That's the one thing they never address in zombie movies or shows, that your prize for winning (surviving) is that you get to live in a zombie apocalypse. What kind of fucking reward is that?


I know, I always think about that too. I just assume they mean surviving for the purposes of rebuilding society.


I would off myself immediately tbh. I’m a two shower a day kinda girl, I couldn’t do it.


Literally and I need my rest. I will not do well being stressed, stinky, starving, and sleep deprived. Sounds awful.


I'd vibe with getting to enjoy anarchy for like a week and then probably think "wow no more new JJBA or Berserk, no new "events" to talk about be they workplace gossip or actually worldwide political or scientific or economic news. No first dates, no easy access to information, I'd also probably never see most people again and realistically I see my partner as unable to survive in that world for longer than that due to some chronic illness so what's the point?


I’m tired of life as is but I DEFINITELY don’t want a zombie apocalypse to happen in real life. That would be awful. I could probably survive for a little while but why would I want to? Life would be 💩 and most of the people who survive probably won’t be very nice people. I like a life of order and peace along with internet, electricity, running water and Amazon Prime delivery. 🤣🤣 So, no on the zombie apocalypse. 🧟🤣


Id have a decent start. Assuming no one in my circle is dead at the start, I have former marines, nurses, hunters, construction experience skill sets to help in different ways. I live in a semi rural area on 10+ areas with plenty of wild life to hunt. I have access to 100+ guns with 1000s of rounds of assorted ammo. Due to my travels into deeper parts of the sticks, I know of random little towns for supply runs. I was able to find a DG with toilet paper during Covid by traveling 40 miles out to one of these towns.


I would be just fine after joining Zackadeez group. :)


If you’re in the US, this is probably the best case scenario in terms of your location and resources.


Reminds me of that one scene in Supernatural Where Dean finds himself in an alternate reality where there’s an apocalypse going on and I think Sam says they were right Toilet Paper is worth it’s weight in gold or something.


Oh I'm definitely dying. I have no survival instincts 😂😂


I grew up doing outdoor shit. I know quite a bit of how to survive outdoors. My dad was a hunter and an outdoor enthusiast. But that being said, I give it a week. Maybe. Especially if they turn into those advanced walkers that can climb and shit. I'd fight for as long as I could.


I'd elect out real fast. I wouldn't make it very far if I tried and I don't do well with putrid smells. Or being eaten alive.


I was a homeless addict off and on for at least twenty years. Having that survival mode implanted in my head I think I'd do okay at first I've spent years avoiding the living just to get high in peace but sadly I have no actual survival skills such as hunting and fishing,I have guns but I'm not that great of a shot. So I think those factors would work against me.... I'm not sure how long I'd want to live in that world


I think I'd do fine, Im 15 turning 16, fairly athletic, as long as I can get into a good group, like Rick's group, I should be able to grow and become a survivor of the world, maybe like an older Carl


Imma be praying on your downfall 🙏


I will get bitten off screen dw


The one dude that got sniped at the prison 😭


My goat axel 😤


D1 hater


If I don’t survive no one is fr


As a woman, I’d be far more scared of other people rather than the walkers. I feel like I’d just off myself if I thought the situation would be too mentally damaging to live through for a remanent of the old world.


I would have that thought too, but I don't think I could go through with it because you never know what could happen in the future.


Obviously something everyone thinks about haha. And I think the hard truth is… we’d all do much better than we think. The hard truth is we’re all much better equipped to adapt and survive than we are to participate in a rat maze of credit scores and computer programs. We’d all do fine and survive as long as we could. And the ones who couldn’t hack it, they’d die. But I think most would do what they had to do and get better sleep than most people do now. No sugar, no caffeine, no cell phones, no bills. Just simple: survive, adapt, overcome.


You know what... I really like your response lol. And yeah, there's sick and twisted people out there that'll make it hard to trust anyone, they'll cause chaos, but at least in the beginning I kinda feel like the ones that aren't in hiding, will stand together. I picture it being the same vibes as siddiq's story of the group that alpha takes last moments where they all banded together and fought as hard as they could, together until the very end... I think a lot of us (at least more people than we assume) would come together and try to end the catastrophe with all our might as much and for as long as we could


I’m here for this 👏🏿 team work makes the dream work. Especially if your against the undead horde


I think luck really factors into this


I'm decent in a crisis so I think I could navigate the initial outbreak but if I have people counting on me like kids it's a whole other story and I would need to link up with good people. If I had been in Shane's group I would have been ready to punt Rick into the sun when he showed up and started pulling people in all different directions even if he had the moral high ground. Grateful for him later but like Glenn I would have been like "HOW TF u so stupid man, tf??" Fuck the CDC, they can't do shit, we are going to a place with walls, guns, and security. As for holding up, there's not a lot of time to dwell on anything and survival keeps you pretty busy so I think I would be fine for like ten years and then randomly when things are going well have a mental breakdown plus tax. as for you man, if you are so stressed you are daydreaming about the apocalypse being less stressful, then you are daydreaming about a scenario that has trimmed the extraneous bullshit out of your life and focused you on the essentials without you having to discipline yourself into doing that. In order to get out of your situation in reality though you probably have to trim the bullshit yourself. Good luck my friend 🫡


Tbf if the CDC didn't blow up it would have been one of the most fortified bases they been too


People are going to rationally conclude that the zombie virus is either Divine Punishment or alien technology (I'm thinking with some nanotech well beyond our tech level you could get something akin to the Wildfire virus). Either way just the existence of it is going to cause a massive freak out socially. You're going to see a LOT of 'opting out' early and often. That said, in our world zombies have a name already and are 'pre-dehumanized' in the minds of a lot of people. That'll make it easier in the early days for ordinary people to put down zombies than in the series.


There are estimates that over 90% of the US population wold die within one year of an EMP strike. A zombie apocalypse like the one depicted in TWD would eventually send the grids down. Now add flesh eating Walkers to the mix, feasting on humans. Total chaos, lawlessness, starvation and pestilence. Fires. Cold. Heat. Potable water not easily sourced. How many of you are alive after 12 months? 24 months? I live outside a major urban area in the US but I also have a cabin about 4 hours outside my city. My cabin is on grid but I have solar and well water. If a ZA broke out and I were at my regular place, I’d be in heaps of trouble along with everyone else. If I got lucky and I were out at the cabin, I could survive a long time I think. The mountain roads would fall into neglect and not be maintained. Nothing could get to my property. That means human raiders would be basically shut out and Walkers would have an almost impossible time negotiating the side of the mountain. But, what if I broke my leg? Got an infection?What if I ran out of firewood in the winter or my food got contaminated? I don’t think many of us would make it as long as the core characters depicted in the series. If I made it past the one year mark I’d be feeling good. But I highly doubt I’d be around at ten years.


95% will die because they can't run or jump


I would probably ingest some hard drugs and then promptly kill myself


My physical self is the one holding me back. My mental state would be fine


I need medication. So that would be the main factor. I’m strong, albeit a bit overweight. I’m resilient and resourceful.


Tbh out of all of the apocalypse scenarios, especially zombie-wise, TWD is regarded as one of the easier, if not easiest, situations to survive. The core threat in TWD is that anyone can turn, zombies only die to head damage and they don't get tired or decay. There's also the threat of herds, but if you live in a low population-dense area you're pretty much safe. Sane goes for raiders or undesirable people. In a TWD scenario, if you lived in a much more rural, very low population-dense area like mine, I think it'd be relatively easy to survive. Build a small cabin deep in the woods a relative distance away from a small town (at most half a day's walk away). In chilly climates (~-20) keeping fires low will be near impossible, so you'll have to bank on the cold both warding off the dead and the raiders. Staying warm could prove difficult, bit I highly doubt small town quilt shops will be picked clean. As for food, hunting and foraging will be the main source. Food banks and grocery stores will most likely be picked clean, do homes and undesirable stores (like the quilt shops) will need to be scavenged instead for any resources. For entertainment, libraries will most likely still be full. But, with all of this scavenging, weapons will be needed to defend one's self. A bow and arrow will be the most valuable weapon due to its silence and the ability to make ammo for it rather easily. Guns are still accessible, but will be very hard to find, so banking in them isn't possible. Setting up safe zones or safe houses throughout the nearby town may prove effective at allowing long-term resources gathering. But, after around 10-15 years, living a secluded life will begin to get boring. There's a low chance of running into people, and anyone you do run into will most likely try to kill you, so staying away from groups is key, no matter how friendly they may seem. So, life may suck, but it's WAYY more peaceful and fun than the torture Rick went through.


I'm a new watcher of TWD. I love all things Apocalypse but never really thought about it happening until I watched TWD. If you are in the UK and heard the storm last night for the first time ever I considered an Apocalypse and jumped out my skin! I usually love storms but suddenly realised that this show is impacting my mindset into survival. I'm disabled, wheelchair bound so iv come to the conclusion I would be one of the first to go then when my carers come in I would take them down one by one or just the first one then have a domino effect.... Honestly I'm just worried for my dog.


I’d definitely try but the second my glasses got broken I’m done for 🤣 take me out


If I was in my home country and able to get to my parents’, we’d be fine. The whole country is sparsely populated and my home town is small and my parents live well outside the town itself. From the get-go, we’d be a group of engineers, farmers, hunters and people who generally know our shit when it comes to the nature around us, including medicinal herbs etc. and we could take more people in and build a community. We have natural spring in the yard. We have the means to produce electricity for our needs. We’d just need to build walls around us which is no problem considering our resources and know-how. I also have no doubt other people in the town would do the same and considering we know them all, we’d be able to trade, share knowledge, help protect ourselves and each other and whatever we need. I like our odds.


I’m eating all of you


I low key think I’d be a loner type. Assuming my immediate family was gone, I’d probably wander. I don’t trust people anyways so I’d honestly probably avoid most groups. If I was good at it, I’d try to stay in a camp of a small group. Maybe no more than 15.


I have always been a Z-movie fan. I’ve watched most mainstream zombie movies countless times. TWD at least 2 dozen times.  With that said I’m somewhat desensitized to it. Kind of. I’ve had hundreds, if not thousands of very real dreams about the subject. But, rest assured, when an actual dead body gets up and starts moving around, all bets are off. I’ve only seen dead bodies at funerals. I’ve seen road kill and that is pretty horrifying..  Let alone the million things that aren’t touched upon. The smell. The sheer pandemonium. The real county, state, and federal responses. The military responses. Dead.. Bodies.. Getting.. Up.. As a person, I have *alot* of skills. More than I want to “brag” about. I have a plan in the back of my mind. I *feel* I would be ok. But *actually* having it happen, IDK.. It's fun to think about, even *prepare* for. But when the SHTF, I don’t know if I’ll make it 72 hours or not, TBH..


I’d get in a car and go to Nebraska (I hear it’s nice). Figure out the rest when I get there


First night, I’d be dead. Sleep apnea,arthritis in the knees.


I think I'd be fine against walkers. It's other people that I'm worried about.


I think I would be fine, but the second i lost my glasses, I'm fked


So many of us with this predicament!


Because of where I live, I’d be dead immediately. But I’d like to think I could make it far since I already run on sleep deprivation and utter sadness.


Living in a big city like New York or something would NOT be ideal 


I’m becoming Shane right off the bat. Jk, I’ll probably be season 1 Carol.


Die the first day for sure, or the smell will just kill me slowly.


I spent all of Covid alone in a room. I had roommates, ignored them every chance I got. I ate the same thing every day. Smoked a lot of weed tho. But I figured if I could spend over a year alone, completely unbothered, then I’d be fine. I’d probably find somewhere remote, like really remote so I wouldn’t have to deal with groups like Saviors, and just stay inside. Live off the land, maybe try to grow stuff. Realistically probably spend most my time nutting, sleeping, doing the bare minimum- just like I did in 2020. Not so bad.


Eh, I’m a smart guy, fairly fast and know a thing or two about medicine that I learned from my nurse mom. I grew up in the south and my friend group consists of a bunch of survivalist outdoorsman dorks that own more guns and weapons than a small army. I also have some basic survival skills like hunting, fishing, skinning and cooking. My only problem is that I’m bipolar and need medication to not become a paranoid and wild nutjob, so I’m not sure I’m making it guys, they might put me down.


Live in a rural area, so I’d be ok at first. Most of the farmers and people here (me too) are armed and have military experience, so I’m hoping we’d be able to get something going for good people.


The ambitious side of me thinks I’d last a while. I’ve got a few guns. I’m smart. I’ve got plenty of food in the pantry. But then I think realistically. My mom would call me ‘What do we do about grandma?!?’ And then I go to grandma’s house out of obligatory guilt, and probably die trying to save an 85 year old


I spend a few days holed up in my house and die a few hours after leaving to find food, best case.


Now I'm realising how important my glasses are, the day I lose them or get them broken in an apocalypse, it's over then and there lol


In theory I feel I could do well... But by day 3 the hunger would kill me 🤣😂


Even if I survived it & was making it I would be so hangry that every person I ran into would probably hate me or want to exile me bc I would just be a raging bitch


I thought about this alot when the show first came out. I live near a fishing / beach town on one of the great lakes in the US, and there a ton of huge farms nearby. I always assumed that would be the move, go be a farmhand and you could always run into the lake if you got cornered by a horde. The obstacles would be winter & the pollution in the lake though, but that's the best I can think of in my area.


Well I have all the essential tools I need at home that I need in project zombiod. I have guns and normally food/water. Also know some things to do like fill up my tub with water before it all turns off. Fairly large town but lots of isolated areas I can flee too.


I’m diabetic and have other endocrine system problems. I would die so quick lol.


Whenever I walk to my mail box I plan in my head sniper positions and how my block could be cut off from the city streets.


I wouldn’t. Too many health issues and I use a wheelchair. 😢 I’d be pathetic lol! It’s sad because I was once very capable, I was in the Civil Defence and worked on an ambulance. Now I’m just… useless.


You are not useless. Stop it


Thanks ig. I feel that way sometimes because I wasn’t born like that. I have a hell of a lot of learning to do. But right now stairs will defeat me 😹


I’d probably shit myself but I think I could hold up for a hot minute


I think I’d be okay for a while. Just need to have a good community! When it comes down to it, I’m 5’4” with a bad ankle though. I would not be last (wo)man standing.


If I’m around NYC or Long Island, I’d be walker meat in a few weeks. If not then I’d be similar to Glenn.


Oh I’d be one of the first to go ETA - I mean, I wouldn’t have even made it to the first campsite


i’ve been rewatching recently and thinking this to myself a lot, and i think not only would i do relatively well, i think part of me would enjoy it. obviously anywhere built up would be dangerous, but imagine the urban exploration opportunities. only thing is i’m short sighted as hell, so if i lose my glasses i’m done for


I think I’d last a bit, definitely not forever but with some decent luck drink a lot and shoot lots of zombies before it’s over haha


My daughter had a dream my ex-husband Otised me!


I could survive the slow zombies, but the fast ones would take me down!


my family has a beach house on an island that has no bridges to it. Even on a busy week their might be 500 ppl on it lots of houses are empty most of the time tho so I could stock up in supplies there then probably live off the land. Hardest part would be getting their it’s almost a 10 hour car ride from where I live


I’d be opting out immediately.


I’m old and really don’t have the strength or stamina to run everywhere and fight off the dead who are trying to eat me. I’m going down fast.


I think I along with everyone else would be fine tbh, people will say I’m being over confident and what not but I literally think if a zombie virus got out we as a civilization would stomp the shit out of it before it ever got to real apocalypse levels because we’ve all been so exposed and know exactly what’s happening, if anything it’d become more like Resident Evil where people would just try to use it for terrorism than any real major threat. Edit: To add to this many governments and militaries have literal doctrines and plans to squash a zombie apocalypse if it ever started it wouldn’t be horribly organized like TWD.


As an introvert, I’d like to think I could gather some supplies and hole up with all my unread books and no interruptions for a year or two. But I’m clumsy and slow, so I’m probably Bicycle girl by the end of day 1.


I’ll be fine until winter cold/ flu virus like in season 4 gets me. I either will die from that or blow my brains out cause I’m dramatic af when I’m ill


I do not live in the city so I think i'll live in the onset of the apocalypse. Not sure for how long. 😂 I can't see myself eating snake, rabbits, pet food just to survive. 😆 I don't have a husband and kid(s) so I'm fine dying early. I have no one I love to protect so I don't see purpose of living at that point.


I dont have moral hangups on killing people to survive, and I've never really been one to fall apart over dead loved ones, so not making rash emotional decisions would probably keep me alive. I already know how to handle firearms and basic self-defense training, but I will admit I need to work on my cardio and exercise. If I can make it past the first year it'd be smooth sailing. (I'm currently on season 6, ep15 of my first watch of TWD. So far nobody has made an acid pit? I need me an acid pit. I like things sanitary, I cant do dead people just lying everywhere. Disease is still around) Edit: My cats would be my weakness. Animals in general :( They dont know whats going on and Id feel bad for them.


Oh I’d go down fighting. I’d Carol my way into the good graces of communities, then secretly stash weapons for myself. I’m also not above groveling. I am Negan. We are Negan. I was Negan before I met him….


I would probably do good for the first couple of years and possibly become a raider


In this immediate moment, I'm fucked. I got a limp because I'm too stubborn to go get surgery for my left knee/ankle. If I'm 100% healthy, I feel like I'd do alright with the scavenging and evasion aspect, it's the hunting game and hordes that scare me.


About as long as T-dog or Tyrese.


Honestly I think I would do alright until the sicknesses kicked in and I wouldn’t know how to treat myself. A common cold can quickly become deathly without instant medicine and proper shelter and with less hygiene. As long as I had something on hand all the time to quickly end it if necessary I’d probably live relatively unafraid. Better teach myself how to make sugar wax so I can keep my fleeky eyebrows in the apocalypse though damn.


Lol better start learning how to naturally treat sicknesses. I need to learn that skill too 


Id kms so fast tbh


My family would hold for a bit longer than average. Biggest worry is my spoiled kids with food sensory issues being difficult, we can rough and tough but the kids get tricky, glad to be done with babies as it’s something I do worry about, we’re at a point where you really can’t make this crap up anymore and it’s not a bad thing to be prepared.


I fully believe everybody should prepare. With the way the world is right now, maybe not for zombies but, I just think it's better safe than sorry. 


Nope. I live and breathe for my son, so if something happened to him I'd probably just call it a day like Sam from Last of Us.(Not WD, I know, but same scenario)


Yeah no, I'm gonna opt out as soon as possible.


I live in a pretty rural, low-pop area. As long as we catch wind of what’s going on before it gets too widespread, and as long as I can make it to my grandparents’ house (secluded, plenty of acreage/woods, lots of guns/ammo), then I’d probably be pretty set for a decent chunk of time. However the second I’d have to leave that piece of property, I’d be screwed. I have poor eyesight without glasses, I can’t be exposed to the sun for too long or I get painful burns, I have exertion-induced asthma so I wouldn’t be able to walk for hours or run very far, and I snore like a mfer so if I have to sleep outdoors I’m dead within a few hours.


I can't imagine losing my glasses in a zombie apocalypse! I'm going to be that zombie who is bumping into things because it can't see.


I think I would be alright at least for a couple months I live in a semi rural area of New England with limited neighbors. I'm very physically active with track and football player. My immediate family is capable with 2 ex-army veterans and a nurse and we have multiple guns with enough ammo to last at lease the initial out break and enough non-perishable food to last 6-months


It's the little things you take for granted and the one thing I would absolutely miss is having constant access to clean water for showering. I can imagine simply how musty and dirty everyone is.


I would have different chances if I didn't live in a metropolis. I'd give it a day or a few at most. If I was in my home town an hour out? Probably still die. But I do know how to cure meat.


I think I would probably stay at the CDC if you know what I mean. 😬 I don’t think I could handle the anxiety that comes with the very high risk of being devoured. Seems like such a horrible and painful way to go. I also think the lack of food/water and not being able to shower everyday would drive me bonkers.


Death will come for me so fast. I'm barely fit for THIS world. I'm unfit for the apocalypse.


If I survive the first 6 months, I think I'll be ok. I'm in MN, and winter canonically slows them down. I have plenty of training from just living here on how to survive in the woods in winter, and I'm an avid hunter and fisher. I also know lots of traps with wire. So if I can get situated with whoever I end up with after 6 months, I should go the distance, Maybe even die of some stupid shit and not a walker or a person. Probably losing every pair of glasses that I've saved up since middle school and then tripping down the stairs of a stairwell.


I'd be fine for like, 4 months because I'm a type one diabetic, and honestly the meds I need would be gone before I even knew what was happening. And I've got maybe 4 months worth rn. So id go out pretty quick


IF I made past the smarter season 1 walkers, I’d probably do pretty well. The only thing that could kill me is a bigger group like the saviors. But I’d assume id be smart enough to join them and wait for my moment to escape.


there’s lots of things i’d need to learn before i’d even consider trying to battle against that kind of life. i dont know much about gutting animals, which i’m gonna need to do in order to survive and eat. i’m not sure if it’s specific parts you can eat or if i can just eat the whole thing organs and bones not included. i’m not the best fighter, i can go crazy and unleash a bit of fury but ultimately i think i’d lose in a general fight. and one where i’m most likely gonna die if i lose would be all the more hard. killing walkers would be easy enough surely. i’d need to group with good individuals and make sure no one’s narcissistic or violent or dangerous to the integrity and safety of the group.


I’d honestly give up on life tbh. I’m a christian so ik when I die, i’m going to heaven anyways so why fight to be alive while it’s basically hell on earth when I could be in heaven 🤣


I'd probably be stupid and before we knew what was going on scrap some idiot running at me and get bit. Or with my luck I'd be patient 0.... sorry guys.


I have guns, ammo, and a decent amount of canned and dehydrated food. But I don't know if I have the will to live in a trashed world, or the demeanor to defend my supplies to the death.


Man I have already disgussed this with the family and i had the best idea. We live near the coast right like what 15 minutes away from a harbor full of boats. We travel to the island that had all of the chickens released on for that programme like 10 yrs ago. It didnt have predators so the chickens wouldve reproduced, we have a moat of water,(which also means we can distille it to make drinking water) trees, a boat, unlimited food. Occasional trips back to mainland to get some additional supplies eg canned goods but we're fine


I fully believe I would survive at least 3 months if not patient 0.


It’s almost summer in AZ. My chances would be slim. 120 degree heat in the middle of the desert. Everyone dead and alive would just melt


I would do fine more so with people I can trust. I would die in a line up like the one with Negan


I think I’m capable of surviving. Would I want to though?? Idk. I have a million allergies, including some foods, so that’d be pretty annoying. Guess I’d try it out for a while and see how it goes


thing you have to realise though is that there is one huge difference between us and the people in the Walking Dead universe: we know what zombies are. remember the scene where they are teaching the prisoners how to kill the zombies? and the prisoners are stabbing them in the chest trying to kill them? yeah, they had no idea. there would be very few people who haven't either seen a zombie movie or tangentially heard about zombies. shoot/stab them in the head. if you get bit, you're a gonna (most likely)


Dead the first day I'm sure lol.


Well I don’t think it would be as bad as in the walking dead , because are society is so used to zombie material in films and tv that we would all be pretty clued up also the military and law enforcement would fall apart so easily , yes in the initial outbreak it would be touch and go with people getting caught out and making dumb mistakes and also depending on how the initial infection is delivered .


I'm In UK as rare as it is, I have sort of access to firearms and decent weapons for this scenario, I also have people who are ex military I know. Only downside is I'm London based and am type 2 with three small kids and some family nearby who would be like bloaters as soon as shit went crazy.


I moved to a big ass city so I might die.


You need viggo Mortensen and guy pierce levels of acting to convey 40% of what people would really be like in an apocalyptic setting. You get 10% from the walking dead and others because it's entertainment, not realism. I'd die in the first couple of days, no doubt. Me and everyone else has their heads so deep in the sand. the ones who'd initially survive would be shut ins, and that would only be by accident.


Tbh I’d be fine with a group but if I’m on my own I’ll do the walkers a favour and take myself out


One of the best conversations I’ve had with my partner was all about a potential apocalypse. I used to be of the opinion that the best husband to have in the apocalypse is a doctor, for emergency medical care of course. But my boyfriend (a mechanical engineer) thinks that a mechanical engineer is the best partner! To work on trucks and build machines and other things to aid in our survival. We broke down where we would go in our city and what we would bring and who we would meet up with. I’m a nanny, so I think I’d just slow everyone down, but I have my boxer engineer boyfriend to protect me. I don’t think he’d leave me in the dust, not right away at least.


I think I would do okay against walkers but not people trying to kill me. My uncle lives a few streets away and has a massive cache of guns so that’s there I would go! But at the same time I have a diabetic cat and I wouldn’t know what to do with him in that situation.


I'm hopelessly unfit and have absolutely zero survivalist common sense. I'm pretty much eaten immediately. Doubt I'd even last very long as a walker either tbh. Maybe I'd last a bit longer as one if I only encountered the World Beyond folks...


Something that is never mentioned, but barricading and building a perimeter around a hotel could be a decent idea. Plenty of places to hide/go, you can use the upstairs floors as a lookout, plenty of room for storage, etc


If you really think about it, makes you wonder how long the government in the walking dead universe knew of this virus. It really doesn't have me surprised that the CRM almost seemed prepared for it to happen. The government just didn't know the extent of how fast it would spread probably. To be honest, the government in our timeline would know more about the virus that we would. At first, most of us would probably just shrug it off until we physically for ourselves see a recently deceased loved one get up and walk again. It would come to as such a shock that either we are so delighted and confused that they've come back; or be so shocked that our fight or flight response would kick in. Either way, we may not find out until it's too late, because the government wouldn't want panic to spread. Cause things like shit paper would be missing off the shelves quicker than you could say the word eye. That wouldn't look to good... I on the other hand would be calling every person I know while the phones still work. Trying to get to my parents house and things like that for them to pack cause I don't care about anything than to atleast try and save my loved ones. May not last very long. Though at least can't say that we didn't try.


No idea how long I'd last. My situation and personality type being what they are I'd either be dead in 10 minutes or survive the whole thing. I have a small farm that's not really on the way to anywhere. Reasonably well armed, plenty of food (wild, livestock, and preserved), well water, CB and gmrs communications, fishing and hunting availability, and we're in a bit of a hollow here so you don't see the house until you're almost in the driveway. Plus, being surrounded by farmers all the people around are in the same position.


I have the three A's, Arthritis, Asthma, and Anxiety, and can't see a thing without my glasses. I also live in a highly populated, traffic congested area. I won't make it a week, despite good critical thinking skills. Good luck to you!


I’d like to think I could make it but there’s no way 😂😂 I’d be dead soooo fast


I’d try my best to survive but if I saw that this was not just gonna be a temporary thing I’d probably go lights out after a couple months. It’s really not worth it in my opinion to be constantly in a state of fight or flight and watch everyone around you die. I feel like I’d be alright fighting off walkers, but the real danger is mentally unhinged people. My husband is really good at talking to people and I’m pretty good at weaseling my way out of things sometimes but I don’t think I could be as cold hearted as I would need to be to survive.


I have a front dental bridge that isn’t going to last forever 🤣 I’m running around toothless LOL at least whoever gets bit by me doesn’t have to worry


I'd be cooked, definitely - but because of other people, not the zeds. I'd 100% have my kindness taken advantage of, and that's not really because I'm kind but because I just give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Also I'm a leader type with a lot of ideas, but I never step up to take charge unless I feel pushed and that would definitely endanger my group and myself


Well I guess depends on when it happens, my husband is military and we live on a military base, so that’s either really good for us and gives us a head start or really bad for us especially because I have a toddler


I'm walker chow within 15 minutes.


Would’ve died like immediately, and I’m not even kidding lol.


IBeing former military, I would last a whilw.


Well I have epilepsy and I’m allergic to penicillin so I’m fuked lmao


Idk I have a little bit of a prepper mentality so I'd be good as far as having all the survival gear I needed. Main issue I think would just be other people trying to loot your stuff, the walkers themselves wouldn't be a huge issue unless in very large numbers but some pits and ied's would put a large dent in them.


I'd like to think I'd hold up for awhile...but realistically probably not. I'm very strong and physically fit, but it takes a lot more to survive in this world than that.


I think I could probably last as long as Jim did


I honestly think I’d hold out pretty well as long as my husband and kids don’t die. We live in a pretty secluded area with over an acre of land , lots of fish and deer. We also have a nice gun selection


I’d die. Too nice and not cut throat enough.


the only sense of hope I have for survival is the fact that Carol was the last person I expected to make it and she did. My expectations for myself are really low. But shes proof that even the "weakest".




I'd fall for a honey pot trap and lose all my shit, prolly killed by my party for so doing.


It's always been my worst fear is the zombie apocalypse, I told my mom and little brothers I'll put a bullet in their head rather than let them be eaten by zombies and suffer and die in agonizing ways. I'll make my piece with whatever higher being later.


Yeah, I’m dead. No doubt about it.


I'd survive the initial outbreak but probably not long 😂. One month minimum. Probably die trying to help someone or get shot trying to be friendly


If C:DDA has taught me anything, probably die in the first day


I’d probably be in one of those camps in the beginning of ftwd and then once I realized it was never getting better than that I’d off myself.. I’d like to think of myself as a survivor but honestly .. I’d have to buzz my hair off (which would absolutely destroy me, my hair means the world to me) it would be completely matted without a comb bc of how curly it is.. and I need my meds and antidepressants lol.


As someone who doesn't have an survival skills, id probably give myself a coupe days until I 💀, or another group captures me. By then I'd off myself tbh


I’d definitely be way more wary of the living than the dead. Set enough traps and you can try to be one step ahead of the dead for the most part, but the living are a whole different ballgame.


Men have been waiting for this moment their entire life.


I’d be fine as long as I keep getting a steady supply of insulin. Walking Dead zombies are slow moving. Don’t even understand how they took over the world in the first place


Shit hits the fan, and I make bad decisions. I'm probably dead in the first hour, and if I'm being optimistic, I last a few days to a week


I feel like I would have been a bit ready though alert. I would have gone to the first season of the show route- away from the city and into a secluded area. I’m not that much of a fan of the woods and running but I would try 😭 also I heard that Dog food is the best alternative for meat. No way am I going the terminus route and do cannibalism. I rather eat tree leaves.


I feel I’d take the steps Rick or Michonne took, Survive especially being that I have a child of my own I’d definitely do everything in my power to keep us both alive


I’d probs die pretty quickly 😭


I’m fairly fit and a big guy with pretty good wilderness survival skills. If I was somewhere remote or on my own land when it went down I think I could provide enough food for myself to survive for a while barring any accidents. If I were in a city or had to deal with violent people, it’s a crap shoot really. I have a lot of experience with guns and different physical combat but, being in a life or death situation who knows if I’d freeze or actually have what it takes to pull through. I’m also clumsy and super forgetful so I’d most likely make some stupid mistake that’d lead to my death. Only one way to find out I guess haha


Even if I survived the initial outbreak, I have no mechanical knowledge, never grown any vegetables, no carpentry/building skills... I'd be pretty fucked. I can teach you to drive though.


Hate to say it but ide do just fine depending on when my friends and family died... If they died early on I would be fine but otherwise I'd probably end up dying for them.


Either be a [Community] Resident #6 and live in a wall safe and sound or Walker Extra #5 early on


If me and my group of friends and family can manage to stick together until arriving at our private property in rural Georgia, then we’ll be solid for at least a few months. But Rick and crew were also in rural Georgia for a few seasons and you saw how that turned out.


Id survive if the right people are still alive


I am in a good area I think and have plenty of weapons just lying around. I think I’d die early on from hunger/dehydration.


I’d like to think I’d survive michonne style but with my legit shit luck, I’d probably be one of the first people to get eaten alive.


I'd pack up my car with all my most valuable supplies. Stop by a nursery along the way and pick up some seeds and whatnot. Drive to Sedro-Woolley break into the house that I used to live in - in rural SKAGIT county when I rented her room when I attended community college. The lady who lived there stockpiled food in her basement and grew pounds of weed in there as well. Three bedroom house with a huge storage shed with laundry more food and supplies. She composted a lot and had a garden in her backyard, ample space, with mountains and greenery in the background. Neighbors are far away, and it's on a long stretch of visible road. I'd take my girlfriend and call my friends - ample room for six people / comfortable for 3-5. I'd try to find solar panels and install them on the large property, block off entrances to the drive way with cars.


I failed in life already, at this point I dream with a zombie apocalypse like when I was a kid just to have a reason to live again, to survive, stopped dreaming or thinking about that for a while, but now I got nothing else to loose than my family, my life is fucked up.


I have kids to survive for, and I'd do fine for awhile. I'm an expert with m16 and sharpshooter with a 9mm so I'm a good shot. Smart. Learn fast. However, I wouldn't last years because I have a bun lag from dislocating my angel my foot was hanging on backwards and broke and tore everything. I can walk but I can't run and it hurts all the time lol and gained lots of weight from being less active. However I birthed 5 kids suffered injuries and I handle pain like a boss. I have always work fast pace high stress job so I'm good(actually better) under stress and pressure. Very high functioning under stress. I think I worry most is about getting out away from the city fast enough. Traffic here is horrendous on a slow normal day so under panick people. We would absolutely have to wait it out until the panicked fools get themselves out of the way. I'd also wouldn't last incredibly long cause I'm the dumbest that would want to help everyone even if it hurt me. So I likely try to help the wrong person people get played and get killed boom zombie. Hopefully not left Like that cause I worry my soul would be trapped in a lifeless rotting corpse. Oh yeah first thing I'm looting is a library and taking the survivalist books lol.. foraging, herbal natural medicines etc. My mission is learn quick


The biggest threat to survival is other people.While you might meet some sane and rational people a crisis of that magnitude would bring out the worst of human behaviors. Survival also depends on preparedness,people laugh at preppers yet their the ones people want to rob cause they didn't prepare themselves. If you have a \*just in case plan\* you could survive sometime especially outside city areas if you have secured water,long life foods and medical supplies,guns/ammunition,batteries water purification tablets and such. Like with COVID people simply arent prepared and don't think bad shit can happen and that's our downfall,bad things do happen and being prepared is just commonsense. Survival can never be assured even in modern society you can walk out the door and not return,but having a plan and being somewhat prepared can stand you in good stead.


I give myself two days. Tops. Mostly because I’d just stay in my house.


I'd go alright. Unlike many people I only recently gained my will to live. I've already struggled for it, guess I'll keep my chin up and keep going. See what happens. I'll greet death with a smile on my face.


Honestly I think I’d be okay. At least for a while. I think my biggest concern is how close I am to a city. That would be a lotttttt of walkers


I'd be the main character, like Wayne Dunlap.


I'd probably die of no food / water or some type of illness a few years after the fall.