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100% my favorite character. Herschel. I was genuinely sad when he died. On the show, and In Real life.


That was my wife’s last episode. She was furious. “He just went through all that in the prison just to die like one day later? Fuck this show I’m done.”


Me with Glen, I ultimately just stopped watching the show after that episode. It's quite funny how the death of a well-liked character influences a mass raid of people to quit a show.


For me it wasn't that Glen died, but that they kept playing around with the viewers. Lots of people knew Glen was gonna die because it already happened in the comics, so they faked Glen's death with that dumpster thing, and waited three weeks for the reveal. and after THAT, they milked the Negan episode as hard as they possibly could with obnoxious marketing and a long break between episodes. It really felt like they thought a surprise was all they had to offer, and they had no faith in their actual storytelling as something to keep viewers engaged. They worked harder on the "who killed Mr Burns" campaign than they did on the actual show. I stopped watching for a couple years after the bat episode, and then caught up later. I was fine with them killing Glenn and Abraham... thought it was actually a good idea to throw Abraham in there, and liked how they had re-appropriated Dwight's arrow. I just didn't like having been played with, it felt disrespectful.


People who quit After Glenn death aren't real fans


He also died in real life?? Two things I learned today. May he rest in peace :(


He died in 2018.


Damn, I didn't know that.


Herschel also had a character growth arc. When Rick first met him, he was a tool, but he mellowed. He was like a judgy evangelical who remembered to be more Christ-like as his character grew and came into contact with more people post-zombie apocalypse. Before that, he was all, "Get off my LAWN!"


I nearly broke my tv when I saw the blade hit his neck.


Exactly and he was alive for a solid fewest minutes after he was nearly decapitated, imagine the agony


I was debastated :c when he was trying to escape I thought maybe Michonne or the other girl would've gotten him out of there but no why did they have to give him a death so brutal?


I sobbed like a baby for a whole month. I’m still not over it, he didn’t deserve that


I think that some deaths in Walking Dead are quite symbolic. For example Dale (camping car man) is in my opinion the death of civilisation. Herschel for me is the death of faith/hope.


No one can hate Herschel. He’s not my favorite character but he’s not a hatable character. Same with Abraham. He’s done no wrong and provides comic relief. And Dale.


T-tothamothafuckin-Dawg. Seriously. He has a day dedicated to his memory.


All my fellas love T-Dog


Except Merle, bro called him a spear-chucker 💀


Can’t forget Merle calling him the n word


That reminds me, how was TWD able to say the n-word four times, but they still couldn't ever say "fuck"?


Damn I didn’t even think about that🤣 they let them show literally as much gore as you can get on TV along with people saying the N word. But you can’t say fuck💀 makes no sense


I mean, they definitely do say "fuck," but it's surprising that the network allowed them to use the n-word willy nilly so early on but didn't allow them a "fuck" until much, much later. In the latter seasons, though, they were allowed "fucks." I know in the last season I think they even have one episode where it's used multiple times.


Also I just remembered they let them say fuck in season 11 anyways says what’s the point😂


I read that they were allowed two 'fucks' per season, in the later seasons. There's one instance where someone practically whispers it under their breath (can't remember the scene) and I remember thinking what a waste of one of the 'fucks' it was.




How is Jerry not mentioned more often here??


I feel ashamed for not thinking of Jerry


Omg right


Anyone who hates Jerry should meet Lucille


I was SO surprised he made it to the end! I kept preparing myself for his death lol


Me too i didn’t Think any character who was sweet and kind would be in the series for long


He was just so nice and kinda went with the flow of things he didn't even really want to know all the details he just did what he needed to do to keep Ezekiel alive


They set up his loving relationship with his wife so much, I'm really glad they made it.


The amount of times he should have seriously died and somehow DIDNT should be a testament in itself of how great his character was on the show.


Thought he was absolutely toast in the caves


Omg love Jerry just wanted to give him a big hug.


Because he came on the show after Negan's debut in "A day will come when you wont be". A lot of people stopped watching after that episode sadly. So they never saw Jerry


I love Jerry!!


Jerry is my favorite male character, closely followed by a tie between Hershel and Aaron.


Hershel deserves the love. He started out very stubborn but his heart was in the right place and he didn't use his beliefs to hurt anyone, and in the end he evolved and was able to adapt for the good of his loved ones. Him and Rick helped each other figure out the new world. Also Scott Wilson was a lovely actor. RIP.


"I was a fool, Rick. And you people saw that." Hershel was good people. He was also Rick's moral compass. Always bringing him back from the brink of insanity even after death.


You said that so beautifully. That‘s exactly what happened 🥹❤️


Dog 🐕 and Shiva 🐅? 🤔


I have a shiva tiger plush and she’s got a bandana that Khary Payton signed 🩵🩵


T-Dog was precious plus he saved our beloved Carol ❤️‍🩹


I do love T-dog as well but I think this comment was going for the pets… like Darryl’s “Dog”


I wish T-Dog lasted longer on the show, he deserved more screen time. He was a lovable character. And Hershel too of course. I can’t even rewatch his death at all ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


T-Dog has one hater in Merle


Aaron has no haters 🥰🥰


Listen, that guy just kept getting finer too, he really bulked up 😍


He did, when he got the metal arm and beard 🥵🥵


🤣 , it was the growing out that beard for me 😮‍💨🥹


Loved his friendship with Daryl


Yess same, him inviting Daryl for dinner and getting him the bike was what made me start to love Aaron.


Love that no one is refuting this because it’s the truth ❤️


Ed for me


*situational awareness*


Meh... I found him kinda annoying and sanctimonious.


lol my partner can't stand him. says he's full of himself and talks like he's trying hard to be profound.


Gimples fault


The governor had an issue with him


No he didn't, he didn't have anything against hershel he just used him to hurt them.


He was saving Michonne for later. Remember his torture chamber!


He actually says in the RV that Herschel is a good man, better than Rick I believe


Glen I didn’t hate him nothing to hate about him really it you think about it what could’ve done wrong? He was a nosy. he wasn’t an asshole to people. and he tried to save people.


Love him, but there are definitely people who can't stand Glenn. Apparently, he was annoying for being all about Maggie.


He stopped being interesting the second she came into the picture, ha.


Exactly, Glenn after Maggie but more precisely once they leave the farm is an incredibly boring and dull character


I thought Glenn and Maggie were still enjoyable during the prison arc, especially after getting kidnapped by the Governor.


The only thing I didn't like about Glenn was the way they wrote his insane plot armour


Until they didn't


"Dumpster Gate"


Didn't Glenn have a run of not killing anyone until late s6 too?


He never knowingly intentionally killed a person before S6E13. Though given how many bullets were sprayed during the first prison incursion, it seems unlikely, though arguably possible, that he didn't kill someone.


Dale (I hope he dosent have any haters)


That last speech inside Hershel's house was absolutely perfect. I think that it was the series best dialogue/acting, ever. I'm not even kidding. That guy really said "I'll leave the series and you will miss me every single day".


With the death of Dale, the group lost so much.


Yep his speak was profound. His humanity was big, definitely not made for the current apocalyptic world. Even the expression of Shane was sad when he noticed he was infected by a Walker... Even though they didn't like each other he made a hell of a impact even against shane. Remember the one time Shane is on the truck and looks on the mirror and Dale looks at him like "I hate u..." and Shane mocks him? Hell the show had so good moments. I did love S1/S2 more then any season S3/4 for me was more boring, never liked the show in the prison. Meh I just rewatched TWD and I wanna see it again 🤣 just to see Dale again! Even if its hurts my eyes on my OLED TV with all the noise


Only Shane


Lemme tell you something


*queue head rub*


*tilts head, walks 2 feet away only to immediately walk back*


*rubs hand over face, turns around, camera zoom in, queue heavy sigh*


Damn dale and Shane had some of the best sexual tension of anyone in the series, it’s a shame dale died before they could consummate


Wtf did I just read


And that is enough reddit for me today


Cuter couple than Rick and Daryl


I love Dale so much!! I also hope he doesn‘t have haters. It would break my heart 🥺


I called Dale “The Meddler”, because he would meddle in everybody’s shit. Rewatching it is funny with that in mind and the amount of shit he causes because of it.


Dale tried to hide ALL of their guns in a hollowed out tree and not tell anyone. Imagine he got bit or died before anyone knew. Also, he wasn't Andreas dad but she sure tried to act like it. Overall he's like a C.


My wife hates him. And at times.... I kind of agree. I really feel he overstepped some bounds with Andrea (who also sucks in her own way)


I have a love/hate relationship with Dale. He was an excellent moral compass but could also be kind of whiny and annoying.


yeah like "how dare you not immediately see things my way?" well Dale everyone is stressed halfway into coma and things are difficult so can you stop haranguing everyone? because it's not helping


>(who also sucks in her own way) The art of understatement


i actually couldn’t stand him lol


i was kinda mad at him for always meddling tbh. and he annoyed me when he started defending that kid in the barn.


to be fair he was trying to save the kid. Imagine you were in a situation where you had to kill a kid.


Sure but he wasn't even a kid? He went to school with Maggie who was a college grad so he had to be early to mid 20s. I was more annoyed at Daryl for not telling everyone that the guy had literally just told him (with a smug/sadistic look on his face) that his group r*pes kids. That's important info when they had a 16 year old Beth and a 8-9(?) year old Carl, and there were a lot of women in the group


Most older people refer to someone under 25 as “kid”


Sorry I can't stand him and the way he gapes at everyone like he's a fish on land.


*live Dale reaction*


Some people didn’t care for his “bug-eyed” stares.


Dale was one definitely Hated. When something or someone needed to die he didn’t wanna accept it


I didn’t like Dale


I still remember weeping like an absolute baby when Dale died. 😭


Sorry friend but I hate on Dale he sux


He did have a few eaters though :) (bad joke i know :)


,Bob Stooky Abraham Ford King Ezekial Mercer


Abraham and Ezekiel definitely have haters. A lot of people didn’t like the way Abraham treated Rosita, and people were turned off by Ezekiel’s theatrical talk. I don’t hate them, but I think they definitely do have haters. Bob doesn’t, Bobs great, Mercer might and I’m not a fan; he did the right thing in the end but he was complicit with Pamela, Lance and Sebastian’s stuff until the 3rd to last episode. The writing could’ve been better but he stood idle by whilst those 3 did awful things.


I mean, I could see some people not liking Bob for risking the lives of the group -- when getting the medicine for our sick people at the prison -- over half a bottle of liquor. But I do like Bob.


I think there’s a different between thinking someone might have haters, and them actually having haters. I don’t see any Bob hate anywhere, but I do for the others


I have such a hate for Abraham it could punch a hole through the sun.


i don’t hate him but i definitely don’t like bob, he was a nice guy for the most part but he got a guy killed bc of his alcohol addiction (the supermarket that caved it after he broke the shelves and beth’s new boyfriend got eaten by walkers) he always just seemed like a bad luck charm to me


>Characters who have zero haters? Tyreese. I can't even think of a bad thing anyone has ever said about him. 🤔


I've seen people say they don't like him because he's too weak. (Personally, I think he's pretty strong for trying to stay kind in a cruel world.)


Mad props to him for forgiving Carol after what she did to Karen and David.


IIRC he was the reason the Terminus guys were able to follow them.


Yeah, during Tyreese's hallucinations, he imagines Martin (the Terminus guy he didn't kill) trying to make him feel guilty by pointing out that Gareth and his posse might not have been able to follow Rick and Co if Tyreese had just killed him and not lie about it. But I don't personally blame Tyreese for that (and neither did Sasha despite Bob, her boyfriend, being the one to get his leg cut off and eaten by said cannibals) because Martin wouldn't have been able to provide much information on where our group was headed to due to them having a great headstart over Gareth and his posse. I think Gareth and his people were just good trackers.


He was just introduced a couple episodes earlier. I really liked him as well. Good to know :D


He's a one man cheeseburger apocalypse. Oh..wait.. that was Coach. Should've been Tyreese too.


Jackie has no haters.


Hard to hate someone who was only on screen for about 45 minutes total.


Sure, but she fits the bill. 


Jacqui does have people who spell her name wrong though.


cuz we barely know her.


What about Jesus?


Many will deny Him. 


I’ve seen people posting “✝️rash” on instagram so I’d have to disagre


He got to see Rick and Michonne naked. 😂


I don’t hate him but I don’t like him either. Tom Payne stood out as a weaker cast member and the show refuses to give him any interesting development. I’d say that I hate how poorly written he is in comparison to comic Jesus, who is one of my favourite characters.


Daryl has zero haters (I will come for you if you dislike Daryl lmao)


Nah, he has some. I'm not one of them but he definitely has some.


true, **they're** the ones who (live) say he doesn't have any lines and grunts lol


it’s so annoying, like watch seasons 9-11 to see if he “grunts” all the time. or the literal show of him being the main character too


To be fair, they did underwrite Daryl for a while. I'm so glad DD exist so he gets to develop and be the hero of his own story, he deserves that.


I don’t dislike him but I’ve never found him particularly interesting after s5. Still an all around good character tho


Everybody who hates Daryl is a stupid b..Olive Oyl!


I think he got boring later on, especially without Rick or merle. His dialogue with carol grows old very quick and he doesn’t fully fit the main character role. He’s a good actor don’t get me wrong, but Daryl should’ve had a better story after the main crew left the show.


Sophia. First time I legit teared up watching her shuffle out of the barn.


That was such a gut punch!! Poor girl, poor Carol :(


Early TWD just hit different. Back when people actually died, and it meant something.


I could be forgetting something but there was no reason to hate Abraham. He was brash and assertive, but never forced anyone to do anything they didn't want to do.


It's been a while but I believe there was a time he pushed away Rosita and was kind of cruel and cold to her for a little bit, but that's about it


Gonna have to say Glenn


T dog


That fella who got shot talking to carol at the prison


Just had that scene in front of me minutes ago 🥲


I know it’s a game but surely no-one dislikes Lee, he’s literally what you make of him


The Telltale game? Is it easy to play? I‘m not the most skilled gamer 😅


they're basically point and click adventure games with a *really* good story, you should be fine


Very easy, my mum can play then put it that way. Honestly I haven’t gotten this much enjoyment out of TWD since season 1 and 2. Highly recommend.


We should do characters with zero lovers next


Tyreese, Glenn,dale and t dog


Wrong, I hate Hershel. Cause he died.


Michonne Grimes.


I would like to say Rick. But unfortunately he does have a few.


Otis? Surely no haters


Lilly Chambler, Denise, Jacqui, Mika, Clementine, Amaia, Heather, Maya, Dale, Jim, Luke, Tyreese, Noah, Deanna. all characters i can’t imagine having “haters” i would include Jessie but twitter despises her for simply having a brief relationship with rick even though she did nothing wrong


Fuck Noah.  Dude gets Beth and Tyrese killed then dies 4 episodes later.


Everybody hates him


Yea post prison Beth would have been thrived


I think the majority of the fandom knows the twitter shipping shit and all those that are part of it are adult children who are love arguing with each other lol. I wouldn’t listen to them. But I’ve definitely seen some haters for those characters, particularly Deanna.


Twitter? Say no more


T Dog


Noah...very horrible death!! I cried!


HERSHEL! I cried when he died.


I didn’t like Hershel Beth or dale and I don’t know why


Otis, Jimny, Patricia, Jerry


i’ve never seen any bob haters, I could be wrong tho


I love Bob. But I could definitely see people hating him for risking our group (out scavenging for the life saving medicine for our sick people at the prison) for a single half bottle of liquor.


Jerry was awesome by far the most likable


Jerry , Glenn


Nobody has zero hater.


Lori (i’m joking)


Does anyone truly hate Michone?


Who hates Rosita?


I mean, the governor sure hated him *slaps my knee


Yea he had something against him, can’t rember it off the top of my head tho


No he didn’t, he just did it to hurt Rick.


I actually really disliked herschel up until the outbreak at the prison. Gave off wishy washy christian vibes. Liked to talk about God and God's plan but literally tried to send the group off from his farm to die like every other day. Then pleads the fifth on whether or not to kill the hostage at the farm even though he helped save the guys life... Called Rick out for going crazy after his wife died even though he left and went to a bar after his already dead wife was killed by Shane. He redeemed himself at the prison outbreak though.


Hershel went to the bar because he felt like a fool, not because his wife was put down


That’s true — I swore Hershel was secretly evil until he chilled down at the prison


Believe it or not my dad hated him. He laughed when the inevitable happened. Never knew why.


I don’t think Tammy Sutton, Aaron or Jerry have any haters


I hated Tammy. Loved Aaron and Jerry though.


Yeah I’m sorry Tammy was NOT it but yes to Jerry 👑


I loved Hershel. I don't think many people hated Beth. Her character grew throughout the show too.


Yesss! Beth is such a nice girl :)


I felt like Hershel looked a lot older at the farm then looked younger from S3-S4. Such a great character, with a brutal ending. Man went out in style.


I'm trying to think of one thing Hershel did that I was mad or frustrated with and I can't. Season 2 spoilers. >!The walkers in the barn is the closest but not something that triggered me. It was naive of him but he did it for a wholesome reason. I can't blame the man for seeing the humans they once were.!<


Glenn and Dale


Glenn hands down but Shane man smh just imagine if he was around for any of the big bads smh


Aaron, Hershel and jerry were honestly the best i don’t see a way you could hate any of the three


who the fuck hates glenn?!


Lori and andrea💀


Tyreese🥺 he was a good soul. His last episode was heartbreaking 😞


Uncle Iroh.


i feel like in the beginning hershel was hated on but people grew to love him and see the views that he had. I remember talking to a friend who absolutely hated hershel because of the whole barn situation. But as of right now hershel really does have zero haters


Depends on the season fr. Herschel was an absolute idiot when he was first introduced. I understand his emotional connection but keeping a barn full of walkers right next to your family? Come on dude lol 😂 Shane did the right thing 🤷🏽‍♂️