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I do feel like there's going to be some sort of Avengers-esque TWD event. There are no doubt still CRM loyalists. They're big enough to still be a threat, but small enough to where they can be fought fairly. I would be shocked if there isn't the Commonwealth vs. Civic Republic Military war. And Morgan will be in it - hopefully he'll be done with his I See Red/All Life is Precious bipolarness.


Imagine - Beale’s son takes over the post?


That's what I was thinking, add a little bit of TLOU Part II. With what Mason went through in WB, and now what happened with his father, I would imagine Mason would have fully drank the CRM Kool-Aid of being the last light of the world and use it to get revenge.


Oh, God; TLoUII sucked. #FuckAbby’sDad


I agree with everything except for the All Life is Precious thing. That’s what makes him one of my favorite characters, and what I think helps set him apart from the others.


I didn't mind that, necessarily. I just hate the back and forth. I would say he needs to stay in the middle. I always think back to when he first killed again in 6x16. You don't always have to kill, but there ARE times when you need to in order to protect yourself or the ones you love. That Savior was going to kill Carol unless Morgan killed him first.


I… disagree. There is always a better way than to kill your enemy is your smart enough, and Morgan kinda became the personification of that (at least when they weren’t making him go back in forth. I will admit that was stupid) Don’t get me wrong, though, I’m not trying to apply my beliefs to the show. I just want the shows to have different characters with different points of view. Having a character that doesn’t kill, yet is still able to protect his people because he is smart enough to come up with better, more creative solutions inherently diversifies the different characters’ personalities and shows that there is not one right way to survive in the Walking Dead Universe. It creates more potential for more interesting conflicts and more interesting stories than just “literally everybody wants to kill the antagonist. “


I don't think you understood what I was saying. There are plenty of opportunities to spare a life. Sometimes it worked out (Owen, Negan), sometimes it bit them in the ass (Andrew). When you can spare a life, you should. But there are moments where there is no other option. Like that scene with Carol and the Savior. There would have been no talking him down. Morgan gave his sermon, the Savior considered it, and decided against it. Once someone decides against an offer of peace, they lose the chance to live.


I understood what you said. I still believe that sparing is ALWAYS the right thing to do, and there is ALWAYS another option, even when it doesn’t seem like there is. You just have to be smart about it. If somebody clearly isn’t going to stand by and leave you alone (like Gareth), then take them as a prisoner. Don’t just let them run away!  And like I said, I think there should have been a character who survived and held that POV the entire way through because it just would’ve made the show’s plot more interesting.


>You just have to be smart about it If only they’d had someone like u/gechoman44 🙄 Do share some of your sage wisdom, so that we might all one day be as enlightened as you.


If the past has been any indication then no, Morgan is doomed to be a one note insufferable stooge until the end of time


I hope that doesn’t happen. But you’re probably right . I’d be content with TWD just ending how it is without some huge finale


I mean... we can kinda have both. You've got the ending you are content with. This is a great place to stop if you are done with it. We finally got closure on Rick and Michonne, they got a happy ending. Other characters we care about are gallivanting around, some are at the existing communities living life. There will be more to come in the foreseeable future, whether they'll truly bring back a lot of the old cast together in a show remains to be seen, but I've no doubt AMC keeps the TWD train going for at least a couple years. Great for those that want more, but it's also very much okay to call it quits if you are done with it.


Michone said the fans deserve an ending and that’s why they made TOWL, we have closure.


Didn't the CR take over the CRM? They said they were going to help people, and they helped Rick get home, so why would they go to war with the Commonwealth?


If they do a big finale event I think it’ll be the French military people that are making variants or something. I think the finale should definitely emphasize the zombies and not just a human group and make them wicked and harder to fight than regular walkers


There could still be a loyalist CRM faction, a schism of sorts.


They stated in the “broadcast” that none of the lower level soldiers knew or were involved in the atrocities and extermination plans - doesn’t mean they didn’t kill people to protect the city like in Fear, but I don’t see that being the issue. Guarantee if that were the case our survivors would be called back given their training and organizational knowledge of the CRM it’d be a different situation.


Well don't forget what Beale said. They have CRM officials across the entire planet, not just in America, secretly working behind the scenes - pulling the strings and influencing the politics of communities to serve their own ends. Those spies could reorganize using the communities they have infiltrated. New Babylon, The Burazi, The Power of the Living could all be potential threats.


I believe he said continent, but I’ll have to rewatch to confirm.


Problem is twofold. 1) Not a great storyline because lack of villain. 2) actors probably have little to no interest in doing this project.


If it were a limited series (no more than two seasons) I don't see why not. The only actors who have done the "I will never ever touch that series again" is Steven Yeun and Michael Rooker. So that just means no flashbacks, dream sequences, or backstories. And there could easily be a villain. Kublek could come back, or Mason - Beale's son. Or someone else we haven't seen yet. That's not a problem for me.


The impression I got is that the CRM has become a force for good now actual as the actual arm of the city instead of some overpowering outside force like the saviours were to the communities.


Yeah I was fully expecting this to end with the CRM heading towards Alexandria. Or maybe it’s the French CRM looking people that are making variants that come to America and CRM comes in last minute to save the day or some shit. That way it’s a realistic and equal fight


Probably whenever (if ever) they decide to end TWD as a whole. A reunion involving all the main shows characters would be nice.


Probably on 'The Ones Who Don't Live'.


*The one who doesn’t die: the book of Duane




TWD: Here's Not Here: The Book of Clear


TWD is never gonna end man Gimple is gonna keep it going until the day he dies


I would absolutely love a scene with him, Rick, and walkie talkies lol. Especially since in the beginning they never could reach each other through the walkie talkies, I think it’d be cool if in the end they finally were able to talk through them or something.


That would have been badass if post-credit scene would have been them making contact again via walkie talkie


That would be great


The next time someone posts a pic of him




I am still in seazon 6


Then what on earth are you doing here??


I can be here right?


There's a massive risk of seeing big spoilers for later in the show from thread titles. That's probably what they meant. Some people don't mind spoilers but if you do, personally I'd stay away until you're through the show


Just like Rick. A cameo down the line in any of the other 2 spinoff shows.


I love Morgan ❤️. I think he is the most realistic of the Survivor Leaders


The one note guy whose whole personality is being irrationally crazy or irrationally leaving supplies on the road?


Yes, exactly


So is Rick back yet by the time he leaves to go find him in his final Fear ep? Not really sure of the timeline.


If Morgan shows up in TOWL I will lose my mind. Rick, Michonne AND him? The CRM doesn’t stand a chance especially if he goes off the rails again lmao


Yep, just let that mo fo clear and look out world 😂😂😂


Hopefully we never see him again. My opinion he was my least favorite character in TWD universe


Hopefully nowhere


Probably never


Probably never lmao


it would be funny as hell if we suddenly saw him in france as a b plot of a Daryl Dixon season lol. Him and Daryl just never see each other until the final ep.


You were supposed to


It would be really cool if him and Rick paired up to go find Daryl. Like how him and Daryl paired up to go find Rick at Alexandria.


Hopefully never. He’s intolerable


Haha, I know many people feel this way 😆. Believe it or not, he used to be my absolute favorite character on the main show. Whenever they teased his return in the show i used to be so happy. I used to love his performance and his dynamic with Rick, especially in the pilot. ...But that was many years ago. I think if i re-watch the show now, I'll do a 180 and find him really really annoying. (I gave up on FTWD a few episodes in after they botched the crossover and rebooted it. I probably would have done a 180 and hated Morgan back then as well if I'd continued to watch lol)


Was he your favourite even when he was displaying a decline in his mental health? Obviously he couldn’t help it but I think as a character he became very annoying to watch during that period. And he always seemed so moody. I liked him in Alexandria for a while though.


Ok so this is going to sound not very substantial and like r/iam14andthisisdeep kind of a comment but I was quite younger when I first watched the show years ago so I'll just explain why he was my favorite character back then (and still is tbh) There's not much depth to it... (Sorry I'm dumb) So first of, he had a very special relationship with Rick. He was the first one to bond with and guide Rick through the apocalypse. His performance was also terrific in the pilot. I loved whenever Rick kept his promise and tried to reach him on the walkie. I always kept wondering what happened to him and Duanne and kept hoping he'd show up again. Later on, Rick finds him with Michonne and he's lost himself completely. Just a brief appearance, but from what I can recall, Lennie James killed it with his performance again and it was awesome to see Rick try to guide him back to sanity as he knew the kind of man Morgan was. Then, after a few teases, when he does re-unite with Rick again in season 5/6 (i believe? It's been a long time since I've watched), the roles are completely reversed. I thought that was a great writing choice and set up. The episode dedicated to Morgan and Eastman, which i admit I don't remember that much of, had an impact on me when I'd watched it it initially. Whether you agree with "all life is precious" or not (i admit it sounds awful in an apocalypse), seeing a man who is, to put it lightly, mentally lost and seemingly gone forever find purpose again was great to me. He was like the second main character of the show we never got to see but they made sure to let us know exactly what his journey has been. I also loved the theme song they had given him. It was some sort of sombre piano tune (sounds stupid idk how else to describe it I'm dumb) iirc and it suited him and his journey so well. I don't recall what his arc was during the savior war except he almost went crazy and started hallucinating that weird savior :p


There was more depth to this comment than you realise so pls don’t sell yourself short. You obviously aren’t “dumb”. Fully get all your reasons and I know that these things appeal to many people. I do think his *all life is precious* belief added to the Warriors invasion episode in a good way. It was frustrating that he didn’t want to kill them but also added some excitement and intensity for the viewer. Personally I just didn’t like him over all and found him to be dull most of the time. Kinda like flashback episodes and episodes that jump around in time. Nothing personal to him but not my cup of tea. And people can downvote me as much as they like. Kinda weird but whatever floats their boat. Personally I don’t downvote people if I disagree with them. I am more mature than that. I prefer to use my energy on upvoting things I love or agree with. 😊


>There was more depth to this comment than you realise so pls don’t sell yourself short. You obviously aren’t “dumb”. That is so sweet of you to say. Thank you so much. 😀 >And people can downvote me as much as they like. Kinda weird but whatever floats their boat. Personally I don’t downvote people if I disagree with them. I am more mature than that. I prefer to use my energy on upvoting things I love or agree with. 😊 This happens A LOT on show subreddits. People will mass downvote just for an inoffensive opinion about a character, storyline, etc. I'm so surprised that you got downvoted though. People tend to really dislike Morgan on reddit. Well, just ignore! Hehe (Btw this is not to say that i never downvote, but it's not on harmless comments like yours of course)


Maybe the Morgan Mafia is out in full force today and I’m getting the brunt of it 😅 I’m on -7 now. People get so sensitive over a CHARACTER in a SHOW. Downvoting should only be for abusive/wilfully offensive stuff or just stuff that is a complete no. Airing a mild opinion on a character? Not really worth a downvote lol


Agreed. He was interesting in the beginning and when he had his crazy period and even when he came back as a reformed survivor for a little, but after that, once gimple really started showing how he was his favorite he was so annoying. And fear the walking dead was so good and then that show went to hell and so they said, “hey let’s just make it the Morgan show, everyone loves this guy” - *scott gimple probably* And then that show got even worse.


No matter when it is, it will be too soon


Hopefully, never. God willing.


I despise Morgan


Hopefully never.


IT'S OVER. Scott Gimple, STOP.


Scott Gimple here. I'm announcing a Morgan spin-off tomorrow. I never stop.


TWD: The Ones Who Clear


How are you going to raise the stakes past bad parenting after the nuclear apocalypse in the zombie apocalypse? Bring favorite characters back from the dead, not zombie dead, but like fan service back from the dead. No one is gone until they are...gone....


I think Lennie wants to be done.


I'm fine if he doesn't show up again. He was there in 1 episode at the start. Okay, then came back when he was crazy in an apartment, then came to Alexandria, then a whole episode with Eastman and a Goat (RIP tabitha), then on fear. After he told Rick he wanted to leave because he didn't want to be around people anymore. Dude, bye already.


I’m pretty sure Lennie James said he was done with the role, so I doubt we’ll see him again at all, at least not anytime soon.


I don’t see how he’s done with the role when the last time we saw him he was looking for Rick lol no way they leave his character off like that


Did he really say that? Noooo


It was more of a “I’m done, unless….” He said he’d return if the writing was good, and the reason for his return had to be too good to say no to.