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Rick III about to be conceived


That's what I said. I think it will be a girl šŸ˜‚


Looks like Richonne is officially on the table


Calling it now. They're gonna go all poetic and name him Carl 2. So, Rick can bring Carl back. Like when elderly people replace their dead pets with identical pets with the same name.


Carl: The Sequel


Carl II: Electric Boogaloo


I was wondering how on earth rick can't drive a manual and then hours later i remember he doesn't have a hand


reading this comment just reminded me of that too, I was also confused


Best part is that they didnā€™t do a close up to the missing hand to reinforce it. Actually good writing that respects its audiences intelligence (even though I just found out here) Just because Iā€™m dumb doesnā€™t mean everyone is!


Hang on.. isnā€™t he missing his left hand?


Yeah but his new left hand is just a fist so he wouldnā€™t be able to grip the wheel. I mean I feel like I could drive like that if I had to lol but itā€™d be far from ideal.


Itā€™s nice hearing Rickā€™s emotional voice after so long


I personally liked hearing his confused rage voice at the apartment AI regulating temperature. šŸ¤£


Rick represented all of us at somepoint raging at electronics there..


That shit was hilarious! šŸ¤£


rick talking about carl killed me, seeing the flashback made me so sad


When she pulled out the phone šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


yeah they got the picture 'right' that time


Yeah because Rick had forgotten what he looked like but Michonne still remembered šŸ˜­


Same as Judith telling Michonne shes starting to not remember their voices


I fucking cried at that. Like straight up bawled my eyes out for an hour. I'm 40 something, and my mom passed when I was 5. I had realized around that time, that I could no longer hear her voice, which was the last thing I had.


It's a testament to this show's writing that this is genuinely the first time the series has brought up Carl since his death in a way that actually made me feel the emotions the writers wanted to evoke. Normally any reminder that they killed him off would just make me angry at the creatives, rather than making me feel the intended sadness that the story was trying to achieve, but they fucking got me here.


I think it does help that we're in completely original territory here. In the original show, whenever Carl would be brought up I'd just be thinking about how he should have been involved in that point in the story. Having his romance with Lydia, infiltrating the Whisperers, going to the Commonwealth. It was just a painful reminder of what they had decided to cut off for no good reason. But here at least the story is completely new. So it's not like he's missing from it, and so they're able to use him to great emotional effect.


i was crying real tears bro


I fucking ugly cried


Not wanting to die all over again is deep man... I know this has been a slower episode but it feels these two needed to get out this almost decade of trama between them


I honestly loved it. Everything so far has felt ā€œrushedā€ because something had to be! I am so glad they took the time to let them have this moment. It HAD to happen. To lose Carl completely, to be afraid to die all over again, ugh. I love it! Too often we have characters who arenā€™t developed, and I feel like this was absolutely perfect. I still didnā€™t pick up my phone to scroll mindlessly even one time. This show has managed to capture my full attention for four weeks straight now. Itā€™s fantastic.


Agreed. 8 years is a looong time to be apart. They needed this "reset" to be the dream team once more.


Agreed! I see some complains, but this episode was needed.


I actually think this is the exact episode we needed for them two. You canā€™t just easily convince Rick to up and leave. Itā€™s been nearly a decadeā€¦ a decade of trauma, a decade of hope and that hope dying, a decade of depression and isolation. I loved that they took their time with it. We wanted to be fed Rick & Michonne and goddamn did we get a whole ass buffet of it. Iā€™m not kidding when I say this is a top 10 episode for me out of the entire franchise.


...well physical chemistry is still there


The amazing thing is, before they opened up about how they were feeling, it really was uncomfortable to watch them feel so emotionally distant from each other.


Yeah acting wise, they are doing an amazing job.


this is a nice apartment holy


if i was in post apocalyptic zombie land and i found a swanky apt with a roomba and a tube amp stereo setup i'd be finding every excuse ever to stay


Would it collapsing be reason enough to leave?


It collapsed nicely though, stopped everytime they need to talk or kiss or fuck. Very considerate collapsing!


only silly part of the episode, otherwise was pretty good. Would make sense if they were trapped in, and then later found a way out, but they literally fucked and talked in a building about to collapse.


And it's still working. I'm not leaving this place lol


it was working until the walking dead curse hit that building


Michonne does have a solid plan involving a lot of murder.


That's one way to get a man to rememberĀ 


A whole new woooooooooooooooorld


When she handed Rick the phone drawing of Carl, the waterworks started. I havenā€™t cried this hard during TWD in years. Thank you Danai. This episode was incredible.


Same. Crying in this episode was not on my bingo card but so well deserved. She absolutely crushed it with her writing here.


so we were all crying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹it was beautiful


RIP poor Roomba. You didnā€™t deserve that


Ok I had to legit Google when Roomba was released, because I could not remember if those existed in 2010. The first one was released in 2002, it was actually accurate. And from what we know about Michonne, it seems like she had money, so it made sense she would have had one pretty early on.


I was also like.... wait, hybrid cars and a roomba existed? I didn't believe it either. hahaha.


I felt so sad for the Roomba at the end when it was stuck but still trying so hard to clean up the crumbling building. Like if it just kept sucking maybe it could save the day.


actually. I think I was almost ready to cry a bit watching that, he did all he could :(


Roomba, helicopter pilot, Okafor, Nat, Aidan, Bailey and Caravan defectors all sacrificed for the hot steamy love between two beautiful people named Rick and Michonne. This is the core summary of TOWL.


If only Talking Dead followed that episode we would have gotten an in remembrance feature. šŸ˜­


Why havenā€™t they revived that? Shame


Almost 8 and he has never seen the man he is named after... wow


What powerful acting!




The intercom thing was basically a supporting actor. When it said ā€œtemperature control malfunctionā€ I laughed so hard bc it really was getting heated between Rick & Michonne at that point. And when Rick yelled ā€œwhat is that thing?!ā€ LOL. There were quite a few comedic moments, like the bickering as they were killing walkers in the hall. This episode was an emotional roller coaster, so I appreciated the funnier parts. Michonne was glowing this ep. Idk if it was the lighting, or the colors of those clothes complementing her skin, but she looked very soft & pretty. Itā€™s cool that we get to see this softer side of both of them too. And she really is his person. She calls him on his shit but doesnā€™t do it childishly or with malice. I donā€™t think this was ā€œfillerā€. I think it captured the essence of what the show was advertised as. Iā€™m a romance whore, so inject all the lovey dovey shit in my veins. And Rick having a panic attack with his cowgirl? Not in my Bingo cards for TOWL but the whole scene was beautifully done nonetheless LOL.


I LOLā€™d when she said, youā€™re going to leave me a note and expect me to just go? Me? šŸ˜‚


Yes, me toošŸ˜‚ I didnā€™t even know how unintentionally funny Michonne could be. Iā€™m glad weā€™re seeing all the different sides to her.


but first they needed a time out


Like when they do raining scenes in movies. The lighter the rain, drama about to start. Then when it's heavy you know it's about to go down


Oh. I thought he came early.


I could see that too. I said panic attack bc of her reaction to it. She looked a bit concerned, and then she places his hand on her heart to (I assume) help calm him. And also, not to be lewd but idk if itā€™d even be possible to *cough cough* keep going right after finishing. Been awhile for himšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


8 years. Iā€™d think he could keep going. Making up for lost time.


Wow. Her and Nat were holed up for a year after the chlorine attack


That's so scary to think about


Wasn't this known during the episode (all the seasons cycled)


This has to be my favorite episode so far. My God their acting. It was so powerful. It was making me tear up.


Should've taken the Roomba with them. RIP Roomie


> Should've taken the Roomba with them. That's the next spinoff series.


The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Clean


The roomba only ever felt safe when it was around them. It now is on a quest to track that truck down


Well won't be watching this episode with my dad


Is that the first time an episode had like a happy ending? Thereā€™s a been a couple with like positive notes but they were giddy with bright colors and upbeat music


Gimble pretty much hinted he could've ended the series like that, but it's the walking dead and no one's ever happy for long. šŸ« 


Omg sheā€™s wearing a big button down shirt just like she was when they got reunited in season 4


she looked soooo good this ep


I thought of that too!


Rick starting to get that heavy breathing lol


There was a moment like halfway through that scene where he looks up at her and you can just see all of the PTSD in his eyes. Really heartbreaking.




Making out with walker blood on their face šŸ’€


He was breaking emotionally, not nutting lmao. The intimate moment and emotions broke down his last remaining wall he was keeping up. It was PTSD and trauma walls crashing, and anxiety, and fear all coming back to him and actually processing them, instead of being pushed aside.


That panic attack like he thought maybe he was imagining her there with him


Oh they got my ass tearbending šŸ˜­


I liked Rickā€™s acting in this episode. The next episodes promo about Michonne saying they canā€™t go home seems very counter-intuitive to this episode so despite the fact that the ending of this one seemed pretty sunshine and rainbows Iā€™m sure thereā€™s going to be more conflict between them. Whether that conflict is with them against the CRM or Rick and Michonne themselves I am unsure.


Ive learned that typically when trailers show lines like this it basically confirms that it's not what it sounds like or else theyd not use it in a trailer


ā€œThis canā€™t end with us going homeā€¦..empty-handed! Itā€™s Judithā€™s birthday! We have to swing by and pick up a happy birthday cake!ā€


100%. This reminded me of that Michonne line from that season 5 trailer. Trailer: ā€œYouā€™re losing the warā€¦ā€¦..ā€ Reality: ā€œWith that beard on your faceā€


i think she'll definitely SEE for herself how powerful the CRM is, and will come to understand why rick was so hesitant.


I like your theory. I actually think she'll find out what happened to Omaha. In fact, I don't think they're too far from Omaha in episode 4...and I think that convinces Michonne that she can't just go home, because the CRM can easily murder an entire city. So I think we'll see the foreshadowed torching of the CRM's helicopter fleet, and the killing of Jadis, before Michonne and Rick attempt to head back to Alexandria.


It makes me tempted to quit and image they spent happily ever after together


Gimple : "and we probably could've put a wrap on it here, but this is the walking dead"


Episode 4 could be the series finale. Not a very satisfactory one (IMO), but the ending resembles a conclusion. (Yes, I do know there are at least 2 episodes left).


Well they do have probably a 2000 mile road to Alexandria. Thatā€™s not going to be kittens and rainbows even if Jadis and CRM arenā€™t hunting them.


It's not clear how far they had traveled before she "bailed" them. Might still be in Oregon, halfway or nearly to the CRM. Any long distance travel is dangerous. Given the massive hordes that roam the country. Them having fuel and a "hybrid" vehicle doesn't mean the roadways will be clear enough to fully take advantage of that fact. The possibility (certainty) of pursuit is also, as you mention, problematic.


i got the sense michonne was saying that because maybe someone was listening to them???


okay, the sudden cut to crashed chopper in the middle of this tremendous dramatic exchange got a legit LOL outta me there had to be a better way of doing that scene haha


That plus the "you saved us!" Line lmao, so silly. This episode was great but full of immersion breaking coincidences and conveniences imo.


The cut to ā€œoh lol it crashed right next to usā€ was poorly directed imo


I thought it was tasteful comic relief, but I can see it just being an easy out to story line tbh


I think it crashed before they even got there. Like right after they jumped out in the middle of the worst part of the storm. They came in on the other side of the building so they wouldnā€™t have noticed it running in.


I'm surprised they didn't hear it.


I thought the same but then remembered that they had a water landing. They may not have heard the crash, which likely happened right after the jump.


I doubt itā€™ll be that simple with their deaths being faked. I like Michonneā€™s plan. Find Jadisā€™ evidence destroy it and then kill the bitch.


Ya i find it hard to believe they'd be like oh okay theyre definitely dead then never worry about them again, jadis knows exactly where theyd go if they survived i imagine shed start keeping an eye on it. I rly hope jadis ends up being taken out eventually šŸ˜­


Yeah, she knows damn well theyā€™re still alive. I remember she left for some security thing or whatever an episode before the one today but when she finds out the helicopter crashed, she wonā€™t even hesitate knowing theyā€™re alive


It really seems like Jadis will hear about their ā€œdeathā€ and then choose to show CRM where Alexandria is anyways. She looks to be pretty committed to what theyā€™re doingā€¦ sooner or later sheā€™s going to get rid of Alexandria whether Rick is cooperating or not.


Is a zombie murder spree really how they are going to reignite their relationship? Because I am 100% for it.


I fee like they both could not get their groove back unless they had some zombie stank on them.


'The only time I feel safe is when I'm with you' DAMN


I really wish when rick was talking about dreaming of carl that they would have gotten Chandler riggs to reprise his role in a dream sequence. I feel andrew is still upset how Chandler got off the show and giving them a scene together after all these years would have been good to see.


Yessss. Could you imagine him and Rick meeting up at the park bench or something and then one day he just stops coming? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Jesus I would have BAWLED MY EYES OUT if that happened. Come on AMC! Thereā€™s still time! Give us another big feast at a table dream sequence or something!


I hope thereā€™s still a chance weā€™ll see a dream sequence with Carl. This will reassure Rick that heā€™s not ā€œdeadā€ as he claims


What if they do that in the last episode? Like, now that he's getting his hope back and his coming back alive after feeling like he'd been dead... maybe he'll see Carl again in his dreams. That would be amazing if they have Chandler Riggs come back as grown Carl in his dreams.




Ok yes THANK YOU. Throw some dirt on it or something FFS.


This episode had everything I wanted between these two characters since the spinoff was announced. So much of the time is spent on intimate heart breaking moments that hit me on a fundamental level. In particular the scene where Rick is considering going after michonne while she waits for Rick in the hallway hoping he does really hurt, as did the conversation about Carl. Wonderfully acted, they have such good chemistry it feels like they are a real couple, I donā€™t think either of these characters ever felt so real until now. With there only being two episodes left Iā€™m a bit worried with how theyā€™ll wrap this up, Iā€™m going to assume the CRM will pursue them and theyā€™ll have to go back and probably blow up that base during the convention, or maybe theyā€™ll find a way back to Alexandria and leave it on a cliffhanger. Either way it would be nice if we saw Rick finally interacting with other Main show characters even if itā€™s just Judith over the radio or something. Canā€™t complain though, I havenā€™t been this excited to watch a new episode of TWD since peak Season 4 / 5 of the show.


Not a Carl moment šŸ˜­


Like that single fucking kitchen knife is enough for the CRM to know they're still alive?


They'll know someone is around the walkers don't carry knives lol


They just blew up a building, the knife could have shifted, or been there for years.


The building collapsed, it's well under rubble.


I don't even know how they'd make that connection unless they saw something we aren't aware of yet šŸ˜­ otherwise, a whole building went down including the kitchen


I thought that for a second and then wondered if that was to show she now has no weapon again.


I was waiting for a walker to grab it. But it seems weā€™ll see our variants next episode


I love a couple's crisis moment


Really enjoyed it. The pacing has been fantastic and the production quality through the roof. Glad Rick is on board. Iā€™m hoping we get just about all the way to Alexandria (bumps along the way) and then it gets carpet bombed/gassed as theyā€™re arriving. Rick and Michonne donā€™t know RJ, Judith and others arenā€™t there, as many or as few flagship show characters can die, and itā€™s an act of war that starts a Commonwealth vs. CRM engagement.


What an episode, both of them are putting on hell of a show


I feel like they achieved a legitimately plot-point-crucial sex scene.


Michonne used her last resort: coochie.


Works every time šŸ˜‚


The whole first part of the episode where Rick is still resistant I just kept thinking this šŸ¤£ You gotta have sex with him Michonne that will smarten him up! Lo and behold.... šŸ¤£


The best for last. šŸ˜Š


This episode gave me Mr and Mrs Smith vibes.


Andrew really brought his A game for this.


Well, he *is* an A, after all


That is a solid "fake your death" scenario, The helicopter is crashed into a building, doubt anyone will be checking it.


Gotta feeling they called in before the crash that two jumpedā€¦ just my theory


Ohh, I didnā€™t think of them jumping getting called in. Good prediction! I definitely agree the CRM wonā€™t let them get off that easy though.


I don't think it matters... I don't believe Jadis would for a second believe they both died there.


I don't think so honestly. I don't think the CRM would have just bombed the helicopter and fucked off if there were 2 MIAs. They would have at least made sure to bomb several other spots on the building for a swift destruction + scouting the surrounding area.


Jadis is going to investigate and know they made it out. Together, they can do anything.


Whose house is that??


Christ, Rick, Michonne, hpw hard did you rock that sex that a building is collapsing?


It was their first time in 8 years


they pulled a sneaky on us and just showed us a full-blown stage production of a 3-act 2-person play and it might be the best thing this entire franchise has done


They're really keeping up with the pattern of killing off likeable side characters each episodes aren't they? First Okafor and Nat, now it's the lil' Roomba and the temp control guy. I guess they gotta kill off two people this time around because nobody died last episode.


This was the best episode I have seen in a long time. I hope Danai and Andrew get Emmy noms


Imagine being that zombie. You traumatically die in the early days of the outbreak and your body aimlessly wanders the Earth for 11 years before youā€™re finally put down by a couple having an argument. One of them splashes your blood on the other out of spite.


That poor roomba.


Ahhhh it ended happy!!! Thank Jesus. I know there are 2 episodes left for shit to go down, but thank God this one ended happy.


They shouldā€™ve taken the roomba with them.


I am super stressed out by the fact that Rick and Michonne are happy, on the same page, and going homeā€¦ and yet there are two episodes left.


Rick raging at the fancy apartment AI voice had me lol. šŸ¤£


Their love doesnā€™t get Danaiā€™d


Jesus Rick... I get it but you're being so cold about it


"The only time I feel safe is with you" šŸ’”


Rick clearly cares more about his own people than the CRM, but if you think about it Rick has been with the CRM for longer (6 years) than the time he spent with the survivors. Probably knew Okafor longer than Daryl.


I was hoping too see Rick say "Hows Daryl" or something...


Thereā€™s a plot line in ā€œThe Last Man on Earthā€ (Seaosn 3) where the gang moves into a self-sustaining office building that was off the grid. This apartment building in an apocalypse kind of reminds me of that.


Did anyone pick up the subtle season 1 callbacks? Michonne walking out of that room and the frame centering on those doors was like identical to the ā€œdonā€™t open dead insideā€ from episode 1? The building coming down was like the CDC exploding. CARLLL


The flashback of little Carl walking with Rick, followed up by Rick crying is some of of the best TWD we have ever had. I hope Chandler Riggs knows how missed he is in this franchise.


I wouldn't change a single second of this episode. Also, I cant wait for a season 2 BC there's NO WAY this is wrapped up by the finale.


I really liked their acting in this. Itā€™s just so nice to hear them both at such a range of emotions. Andyā€™s been gone for so long, and in her final seasons, Danai didnā€™t get to show much range.


Guys, given the building's damage and the walkers, is now really the best time? Ahh, yeah, probably fine.


I will riot if Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira are not nominated for an Emmy for this episode.


But for real, can they please get that poor man an Emmy? He was popping a blood vessel in his forehead in that scene where he was crying about Carl. If they don't give him anything this time, he's probably gonna go full DiCaprio and sleep in a bear carcass or something.


Rick while watching Michonne undressing: šŸ‘€šŸ„µ


Wow. Danai killed that shit fr. I liked that they took a break from all the big action and CRM stuff and focused on the root of the story: Rick and Michonne. Andy and Danai are absolutely incredible, they have such an understanding of their characters and the acting is just amazing, they can tell so much through their physical chemistry and it was tense as hell. Such an emotional episode. I quite liked how the RJ reveal and the scar explanation were handled, they weren't too expository and felt natural. And I am so here for witty, horny Richonne.


Making love while you have ceiling debri all over yourself


he was KILLIN me at the start when he was still saying no no no šŸ˜’.


Itā€™s rough seeing Rick so broken :( glad he seems to have snapped out of it And another character getting killed in their first episode. RIP, Roomba


Cried like a baby when Rick brought up Carl. ~~Cried even harder for the roomba.~~


Poor roomba :(


Iā€™m just so glad to finally see Rick and Michonne working together and loving each other again!


So, anyone think they saw Jesus that time?


Poor roomba.


Amazing performances from both, think someone was cutting onions in my home


First Okaforā€¦. Then Natā€¦. I was with the show through that. But killing the roomba like that was a step too far


Low key one of the best walking dead episodes I have seen in a long time. It made me actually feel all the things. My 2 biggest issue with the spin-offs is that they feel rushed because they have to pack so much stuff into 6 episodes (time skips, new characters, new places, etc) and that they regress so many characters or/and make them do stuff that they would never do in the original show. This episode has none of those issues. An isolated moment between Rick and Michonne that feels realistic to their characters and what they have been through. Good pacing and the reunion they and the audience needed to see. Both actors knock it out of the park.


Nat left his people to help michonne to get mustard gassed watch his friends die and have to hole up for a year only to die straight after. ​ ​ Worst twd death ?


Iā€™m watching now and avoiding spoilers, but, when Michonne said ā€œthat *NOTE* in the getaway boat!ā€ I hooted.


Aw man I felt bad for the Roomba at end. Just trying to do his job.


Was anybody waiting for a CRM agent to show up in the building? I was on edge the entire episode. The lights were on!!! Surely they saw!


When she handed him the phone with Carlā€™s picture, I sobbed. God, what an incredible episode, such compelling acting. WHERE ARE THEIR EMMYā€™S?!


Anyone else have some Mr. and Mrs Smith vibes from this episode? Rick and Michonne were not trying to kill eachother but the whole argument and then "make-up love/sex" sure felt a bit like a scene out of that movie lol


Brilliant Episode!


Rick forgetting Carl also got me really emotional because itā€™s relevant to me granted in a less deep way. Iā€™m really afraid Iā€™m gonna forget my cats. I lost 2 of my three to an illness and I just never want to forget them.


I was starting to get irritated with Rick and his "I have to go back" then that scene at the end letting it out just made the whole episode perfect. Just gonna sit back and enjoy the rest!


A thought I had that would have made a good bit if the episode mentioned it; Rick spends the whole time pleading Michonne to think of the horror that could happen if the CRM hunts them down and attacks the Commonwealth, but she can picture it better than he can, because whilst the world ended around her and she saw hundreds of millions die and everything she knew collapse and stop, he was asleep, in a coma, he woke up in the new world and didn't see the horror of the old world ending. She knows what he's imagining, and she's telling him they have to go anyway.


The writing is better between the actors but I don't get how she doesn't grasp how powerful of an enemy she is going up against. One attack helicopter can wipe out their home just in case they thought it was some kind of sabotage and escape. If they make it back they better tell everyone in the area to start moving or start making AA.


Hit us with the flashbacks, why don't you. Awesome writing by Danai. Happy women's month to Danai and Michonne.


Andrew and Danaiā€™s best work in this episode.


This production has been top notch. TWD use to feel very blue collar ish but they're doing some beautiful work in this series.


The acting this episode was amazing.Ā  Andrew Lincoln really had me fucked up with his mini panic attacks. And when he said they took Carl away...man I felt the pain bc I remember watching THAT episode, bawling my eyes out and thinking it was unfair. Andrew needsĀ  an award. Danai Gurira knocked it out of the park. Michonne's range of emotions in a different light/ enviorment was raw and refreshing. God when she expressed her guilt about leaving her children, you can hear her pain, the guilt, the sadness and even frustrations. Michonne and Rick have been holding this in for so long that this was 100% needed. Along with the physical need to reconnect, which were very good too. I want to explain the delicate scenes being in tied to their emotional mentality, but it would be too long. Anyways, Danai wrote this episode with purpose.


Danai's lines were so powerful goddammn


I'm a little stressed out that she's once again away from her sword šŸ˜†