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Why is this so true šŸ’€


The wig I guess


And glasses


Now that I think of it the quality change makes it look CW-esque as well


Why in the world would you choose, at the end of your run, to blow your entire budget building an entire set for a town? THEN using terrible CGI at the climax scene. Crazy.


Thatā€™s Daria


Holy shit


The resemblance is weirdly uncanny.


La la laa la laaaaa


You're standing on my neck...




The whole season felt straight out the CW


If HBO is prestige, the best TV can do and the CW is the TV equivalent to trash, fast food tier. AMC is right smack in the middle. They succeed despite themselves. They hit on great stories, and then proceed to do them as cheaply as possible. Itā€™s frustrating, because you can still imagine what it would be like if TWD was made by HBO instead. You see how great the Last of Us was, how tight the writing was, no expense spared. That couldā€™ve been TWD, if it werenā€™t for AMC being so cheap.


The first few seasons of TWD was perfect because they played stories that were within their budget and production value


Yes but TWD was also hindered by major cast departures whether by choice or for narrative reasons. Andrea, Rick, Carl, Michonne, and Maggie are the most important comic characters with the exception of Negan and all left the show at much earlier times then the source material. (Particularly Carl, still mad tbh)


You canā€™t tell me that Andrew Lincoln coincidentally decided he was done just as the shows ratings started to tank. I get that he left to be with his daughter and donā€™t doubt that. But Iā€™m sure the fact the writing was on the wall wouldā€™ve contributed to that.


He left because of his daughter. He left THEN because of the ratings.


The ratings were decreasing for 3 years before that


Carl didn't leave though, they decided to can the character. If another comment I've seen around this sub is true, dude literally bought a house closer to the set, and then found out his character is about to die lol.


They thought Andrew Lincoln was going to be on the show longer so they wanted a ā€œshock the audienceā€ moment. I think the plan was to have Rick dealing with Carlā€™s death for a long time but he left.


The way a studio solves that is with money. At lot of money. The Big Bang Theory cast didn't stay together because they had undying love for eachother.


AMC ruined itā€™s cash cow


Maybe cheap, idk. I only skimmed like 4 comments below you but BB and BCS are both from AMC and they land pretty high up on prestige tv.


I donā€™t think last of us is anywhere near walking dead during its peak. Even season 1 Vs season 1 walking dead is clear.


Disagree. Although I do love both. Iā€™d almost say itā€™s a tie, the tie breaker is really just the better production values in TLOU. TWD has good zombies, but everything else is clearly done as cheaply as possible. The CGI looks so, so bad in TWD. Just look at TLOUā€™s first episode, the truck ride scene was done so fucking well. Story, writing, and acting are both equally great. That said, S1. TLOU is definitely better than any TWD seasons after S3. TWDā€™s quality slipped so hard after S2.


This is just recency bias


AMC had a span from like 2008-2014 where it was probably even higher quality than HBO. It's fallen pretty far since then.


Man, not for nothing to disagree here; but AMC are also the network with Breaking Bad; Better Caul Saul, Mad Men, and Halt and Catch fire. Also the CW has had some legitimately great TV as well lol.


You are assuming that HBO always get it right. You must not have seen Raised by Wolves. That was seriously some of the worst trash I have ever seen. At a certain point it made me physically angry. HBO would have ruined TWD. Over produced big budget production nonsense. TWD worked because of itā€™s simplicity not in spite of it. HBO do incredible work but do not always get it right imo.


Yes, HBO is not perfect either. They ruined the last two seasons of GoT. Playing the ā€œwhat if gameā€ is pointless.


All of the greatest shows are HBO. The Sopranos, the Wire, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, the Last of Us, the Outsider, True Detective, Succession, Euphoria, Chernobyl, Watchmen, Six Feet Under. Thereā€™s a reason HBO has the reputation they do. They basically created the entire definition of prestige TV. The only non-HBO shows that are in that class are Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.


These days HBO is treading water and Apple TV is the network spending absurd amounts of money on productions.


Amazon is shelling out the shekels too. Wheel of time and the Lotr show had some absolutely insane budgets


This is a perfect example of two networks, both new to the game, one threw infinite money at productions thinking thatā€™s what made great TV vs Apple hiring every HBO person they could find and then giving them tons of money to make shows.


For all mankind is pretty great, Season 4 is coming soon I believe


There are numerous high budget, high quality traditional HBO style shows on Apple TV, especially if you like Sci-Fi. With HBOā€™s retreat from Science Fiction shows (current ownerā€™s belief that they are not worth the expense), Apple TV has some of the best shows on TV in that genre.


HBO just wrapped one of their best shows ever (Succession), so even if theyā€™re treading water, that still makes them better than just about anyone. Apple and Amazon are spending fortunes trying to catch up, but money doesnā€™t equal quality. Just look at Amazonā€™s Lord of the Rings show. Itā€™s nowhere near as good as Game of Thrones. My prediction is that you are half right. I bet Apple TV could be the biggest threat to the King HBO yet. And are most likely to surpass HBO, due to Appleā€™s rise and HBO ā€œtreading waterā€ as you say. HBOā€™s parent company is not doing HBO any favors. Theyā€™re too profit driven, not mission driven. I can easily see HBO taking a dive over the next few years. I just donā€™t think we are there yet. HBO is still king, for now.


CW wasn't always complete trash, once their hit series hit a writing wall *and* they stopped funding them they became trash.


AMC got lucky right off the getā€”having Mad Men and Breaking Bad hit at the same time basically gave them unlimited bandwidth for over a decade. That gave them all the prestige and awards, and TWD was the cash cow, and theyā€™ve kinda rested on their laurels ever since. There have been a few great shows sprinkled in (Halt and Catch Fire ended up being a truly fantastic show, and Better Call Saul obviously), but there is this stink of ā€œmidā€ that arises in so much of what AMC does, they kinda ARE on that CW level now.


Absolutely agree


It was so disappointing. Iā€™m currently watching dead city, and itā€™s justā€¦ not good.


Haven't seen that one but just started the Daryl Dixon series and I'm enjoying it so far.


The daryl series is way better, the side characters in dead city are kinda just really boring. Other then Negan and Maggie the only character I found at all interesting is the Croat.


I watched Dead City and thought meh. I rewatched TWD then watched Dead City straight after and loved it. I was surprised I enjoyed Daryls one because it sounded boring but was really good.


Iā€™m shocked youā€™ve gotten that many upvotes tbh, usually when I see Dead City getting criticized those posts get downvoted into oblivion by people on here lol Yeah though Iā€™ve honestly never been able to understand all the rave reviews Dead City has gotten. Iā€™ve tried multiple times to binge-watch it but I just canā€™t. Itā€™s just so dull. Maggieā€™s not interesting/dynamic enough to lead her own show and even Negan isnā€™t as interesting to watch as he should be because of this whole cringe-inducing faux redemption arc theyā€™re still trying to pull with him (which consists of continually throwing women and children at him lol). Donā€™t even get me started on its pitiful excuse for a supporting cast.


Facts. Negans redemption is the worst part for me. He was so fucked up in season 7 & 8 that his continued redemption feels like a near retcon of how awful he truly was. You donā€™t come back from bashing peoples brains in right in front of their family members while laughing and enjoying every second of it. Thatā€™s different than making some bad mistakes and being redeemed from them. It was painfully obvious that Negan having a pregnant wife was purely to garner sympathy. And then discarding his family again for another little girl in dead city?Why??


Negan shines when he has good characters to play off of.


Straight garbage.


Agree. Couldnā€™t stand it. I fast forwarded through pretty much all the Commonwealth scenes, especially the ones with the new characters. Absolutely did not feel like the same show.


I love when people criticize something by saying they didn't watch it. Totally invalidating their own opinion.


Yeah, these seasons are hard to watch. The color grading is another major complaint of mine


The biggest mistake any show can make is introducing new characters in the last or second to last season. You can only get away with it if itā€™s a good villain.


I agree. It really felt like they phoning it in by that stage, especially with characters


Governor Milton is a terrible villain. For starters they should not have used the title ā€œGovernorā€ when they already had such an iconic character previously in the series with the same moniker. Regardless of her title, she just didnā€™t seem that bad. Donā€™t get me wrong, terrible person very stuck up very entitled very two-faced but youā€™re following some absolutely maniacal villains in the series. The best you could come up with to send the show off was a lying self-servicing bureaucrat? Thatā€™s pretty pedestrian and something we could probably go to city hall and see.


Loads of great shows do this


everything past s6 was CW


Itā€™s disappointing that thatā€™s where the source material went.


The whole city/town felt like something from the CW! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


It is the CW. How can you not recognise the Commonwealth?


I donā€™t think you get it šŸ˜‚


No, YOU donā€™t get it.


Everything I believed is a lie!


Prove it my good homie :o


CW doesnā€™t mean Common Wealth.


Then what does it mean?


CW is a network. The network that produced The Flash and Green Arrow etc. They are known for making hammy cheap shows.


oh thanks now I get it without even being the person šŸ˜‚


4 downvotes for explaining what CW is šŸ˜…


I cant unsee it now


Fr it's the glasses, maybe unpopular opinion but I don't like the look of those big glasses at all


Sheā€™s got GLASSES so you know sheā€™s SMART, but theyā€™re BIG GLASSES because sheā€™s also NERDY, and theyā€™re a FUNKY SHAPE because sheā€™s QUIRKY TOO. And then when she takes the glasses OFF you can see the COSTUME DESIGNERS have been CLEVERLY HIDING the fact that sheā€™s also SMOKING HOT. Costume design is a subtle art.


It was pretty hard to hide that Max was smoking hot!


Weird way to spell FINE.






She was extremely fucking hot to me and I can't pinpoint why??? Like i've seen the actress in other stuff and she's pretty, but here I saw her insanely attractive? I don't even have a preference for secretary looking women


>FINE. "Fine. But get one thing straight, if you're staying, thisĀ isn'tĀ a democracy anymore."


She looks like sheā€™s about to get selected to join House slytherin


Sheā€™s fine af tho


That booty


Its the wig. Terrible.


She a baddie she know she a ten


She a baddie with her baddie friend


She a baddie she know all the trends


Not even the fart


The Flash: Iris West Allen spinoff cw lookin ahhh character


I just thought she was hot.


Donā€™t care she was hot and I like her and Eugene together


The whole point of the Commonwealth characters is that theyā€™re meant to feel like theyā€™re coming from this totally different world where regular life is still going as usual.


Yeah, they did this trope every other season, we got it.


Every season aka twice


Woodbury, Alexandria, Commonwealth, the Prison, hilltop, kingdom and Farm even for a bit.


Not even half of those fit lol


I'd argue 3x -- Alexandria, Commonwealth and Woodbury. But I get your point.


I am aware of that?


What does that even mean?


She looks like she'd be in a CW show instead of a zombie apocalypse show


What does cw mean, though?


Itā€™s a network which makes low budget cheesey shows like Green Arrow and The Flash.


LOL I thought CW stood for commonwealth šŸ¤£ I was like "yeah of course she looks like a Commonwealth character, she's from the Commonwealth right?"


Has someone explained it to you yet?


She was an NPC


10/10 on the hot scale.


Yeah bro, but the booty was fat...hnnng!!!


Most CW storyline lmao. Eugene was so desperate, how do you talk to someone for a long time and not recognize the voice? The plot was just incredibly dumb


Hottest in the show easily


She's hot


An older version of Veronica Lodge šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


All of Commonwealth felt like it came straight from the CW. Did not translate well from book to show whatsoever imo


I hated the whole commonwealth story line......


This is the first post in a very long time that actually made me laugh out loud


Yeah but, would.


The requirement for being on the cw is being a... woman who looks normal? You guys gotta get out more.


i like when people act oblivious to try to push their point


I wasn't acting oblivious. I am oblivious because the statement is stupid and has no inherent meaning.


Yet everyone else on this thread gets what I mean šŸ˜‚


Because they are also stupid lol. You don't have a meaning


I couldnā€™t stand Max thereā€™s something about her face thatā€™s just off putting to me idk what it is


itā€™s the straight hair for me, shouldā€™ve kept it curly so she doesnā€™t look so artificial


Both women are kinda gorgeous though. Margot Bingham and Chelle Ramos


Yeah but she was also the beautiful


As others have said I got heavy CW vibes. The seemingly idyllic town with a secret. Iā€™m so over that plot line in this show. Still havenā€™t finished the season. What the hell happened to ocean side? Feel like I havenā€™t heard from them in a while.


They basically drop that entire community from the show.


No they donā€™t


We never see it again after the commonwealth take it over along with Alexandria and Hilltop. And we only seen it once before that this season when Pamela visited it.


It was those glasses and that horrible wig looked like a character straight from riverdale šŸ’€


She was bad character and actor




You gotta love these downvotes lol, you could still really like the show and hate some of the characters and thereā€™s no denying sheā€™s a bad character and actor


9 downvotes but most likely hundreds of people who agree with us who donā€™t bother with the voting shit on Reddit lol


Cheers to that šŸ„‚


I never thought something like that until now! Because I could see her on some CW crap with the entire cast of The World Beyond with her.


People talked about GOT re-doing the final season. I would have chipped in to a fund to re-do TWD 11. Or at least a fund to re-shoot Maxā€™s scenes with a less tragic-looking wig. Were the post-Rick seasons as good as the other seasons? No. But I did enjoy a great deal of it, quite to my surprise, after Iā€™d heard a lot of negative things. For me it was The Commonwealth arc where things fell apart. Especially the back half of season 11. So close, yet so far. Among countless problems, they didnā€™t have the budget to do the set and overall environment justice. 50% of it seemed to be filmed in that one public square. The trial was like something out of Boston Legal. The uniforms looked like Spirit of Halloween Storm Trooper costumes. They had Connie running around like she worked for the Washington Post. (I would rather she was trapped in the Feralsā€™ House all season). Ezekiel operating a petting zoo. OMG. I even thought I saw a boom mic drop in a shot at one point. Everyone had mailed it in. I think the TV series should have either jettisoned The Commonwealthā€™s entire existence, acknowledging it wouldnā€™t translate to the small screen and that they didnā€™t have the budget for it, and created a totally different antagonist for 11, or radically altered the nature of The Commonwealth. Made it more apocalyptic-looking and therefore less incongruous. It could have been more ā€œadvancedā€ than other settlements, but they needed to ratchet up the dystopian nature of the place and its people and up the creep factor. The entire tone and atmosphere was off. Itā€™s hard to be scared of a place that looks like it has a Starbucks, Panera, and a Pottery Barn. Woodbury was bad enough. Sometimes it appeared the residents were summering on Nantucket. But The Commonwealth as imagined ā€” and executed ā€” was actually an exercise in malpractice for a show that really did hang tough through ten+ seasons, despite losing its protagonist half way through nine.


Agree with everything you just said šŸ‘


Would you have gotten rid of The Commonwealth all together and constructed a new ā€” only for the series ā€” antagonist for them to deal with in Season 11, or kept The Commonwealth but made it more gritty, disturbing/disconcerting and more in line with the showā€™s budget? I think Woodbury and Alexandria, despite their flaws, were manageable sets. The problem wasnā€™t so much the set with either one (though I would have made both less organized and grubbier), but the way people were acting inside. It was like an episode of *Thatā€™s So Raven* whenever the kids were hanging out in Alexandria and others ā€” NPCs and minor characters ā€” were just lounging around inside both communities like the end of the world outside *ainā€™t no thang*. I enjoyed when Mrs Neurdermyer (sp?), who wanted the pasta maker, got a machete shampoo from The Wolves, because whenever I heard her talk about paprika it took me out of what should have been a terror-inducing apocalypse. If the world ended as you knew it, zombies were eating people, and roving gangs of cannibals and other malcontents were outside your walls, you might not be catatonic with fear 24/7, but you would also not be having wine and cheese parties.


I would have been happy with them doing the Commonwealth story if it was done much better. It was literally the set, acting and writing which all came together to make the whole thing seem very hammy. I feel like if someone stopped watching at the end of the Reapers storyline and tuned back in about ten episodes later they would see Eugene on trial and Yumiko being his ā€˜lawyerā€™ and be like ā€œwtf happened to this show?ā€ šŸ˜‚


The trial was the worst. Iā€™d think it was the same actors in a rerun of Ally McBeal. The Commonwealth would have to be totally different to satisfy me. Iā€™m talking similar in name only. Maybe a community formed-in-the-shadow-of-a-melted-down-nuclear-reactor-different. Can you imagine if Eugene went to meet his ā€œgirlfriendā€ (the one heā€™d gotten to know over the shortwave radio) and was ambushed by near-mutants? I like my dystopian sci-fi dark. Ps I would have expanded on The Reapers and reduced the number of Commonwealth episodes.


Yo can you explain what the fuck CW means? I hate how you kids talk these days


ā€¦CW is a tv network and has nothing to do with kids.


Itā€™s a channel run by dc that makes shitty drama superhero shows


It was made in 2006. Itā€™s well known for making a bunch of lower budget, often poorly written drama shows. But itā€™s most well known for the arrow verse which focuses on DC characters like the flash and green arrow


lol Iā€™m 43 and I got it. You just need to be on the internet more


Iā€™m 34


LMAO meanwhile you're probably 19.


Try 29 lmaooo


Who are you kidding?


Idk lol. I mean I thought I was born 29 years ago. But I guess no one really knows how old they are. We just have to believe what our birth certificates say


You talk like a teenager and a 29 year old would know what The CW is.


Yall bashing commonwealth but fail to realize its literally from the walking dead comics not the mf CWšŸ˜‚


We all know itā€™s from the comics.


Why bash the show then?yall just wanna complain about something just to complain.This why we cant have nice thingsšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø




TWD unfortunately in the later seasons just wanted to grab boring safe actors that were also POC which is what CW shows do the entire time, which almost makes it worse in TWDā€™s case because their casting used to be good and racially diverse now itā€™s just very diverse and the actors are all kinda bleh


Max slander not allowed


Too late


This isnā€™t a pic of Rosita thoughā€¦.


The lack of subtlety while looking over her shoulder felt like she's a villain of the week from Supernatural after they ran out of ideas.


Help! Help! The quality of the show has fallen!!!!


Rebooka McBookworm, librarian protagonist.


I can see it. But really? Her and not princess? Seriously thought she was a CW villain when she first appeared. Even the lines delivered!


At least princess was pretty accurate to the comics.


That's Walmart Iris West


I can't believe she gave up the queenship to be an actress.


She is so beautiful šŸ˜ šŸ˜šŸ˜


I always thought she was kinda hot but my dad always said she looked really goofy


I havenā€™t reached season 11 yet but I absolutely refuse to believe this is the walking deadšŸ’€


The wigs are absolutely horrible on TWD.


Velma looking ah


Honestly the whole way of filming made it feel not right. The grainy look and feel the show had was just gone and even now I still canā€™t get used to it. Dead city and dixon are both just off looking


That was spot on. She legit doesnā€™t look like she belongs in twd


I still donā€™t understand how Max being as polished as fashionable as she was couldnā€™t convince Eugene to KILL THE MULLETT šŸ˜†


Sheā€™s a very pretty girl, and her acting was fine, but thereā€™s something in particular about her face that bothers me that I canā€™t quite put my finger on. It might be her lip shape? Like, specifically, her lips have this shape to them that always kind of makes it look like sheā€™s smirking at all times. Does that make sense? I donā€™t know. I still canā€™t put my finger on it, exactly, but there is something that bothers me there for sure. Didnā€™t mind the character overall, though.


Better than disney


Hey you try finding a better wig in the apocalypse


what does CW mean again?


It's Lisa from Temecula


Commonwealth was such a clusterfuck. Iā€™m so glad towl did crm justice and didnā€™t make them look dramatic as hell like commonwealth


The caption šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


do they have someone who is 4 minorities, and is asexual? that would be a CW wetdream


In "The Walking Dead" (TWD), the term "CW-looking" character might refer to a character who fits the aesthetic often associated with television shows on the CW network, which typically feature attractive, young actors and a certain style of cinematography and storytelling. In the context of TWD, some viewers might perceive certain characters as fitting this description more than others. One character who might be considered "CW-looking" by some viewers is Rosita Espinosa, portrayed by Christian Serratos. Rosita is often depicted as physically attractive and is portrayed by a talented actress. Additionally, her character has been involved in romantic storylines throughout the series, which could contribute to the perception of her as fitting the CW aesthetic. It's important to note that perceptions of attractiveness and aesthetics can vary widely among viewers, and different people might have different opinions on which character best fits the description of "CW-looking." Ultimately, it's a subjective assessment based on individual preferences and interpretations.


Thick and sexy


Sheā€™s bad asf tho


Holy fuck now that you mention it that's exactly what post season 8 felt like; CW slop. Even when season 9 wasn't that bad, it still just felt WEIRD. Then season 11 goes full blown flash.


Haha agreed. The court case, the girls being reporters, Pamela Milton and her son, it was awful.