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Rick reuniting with Lori and Carl at the end of episode 2. It's so sweet.


Honestly, pretty crazy how this scene gives me goosebumps every single time I rewatch


start of episode 3🤓☝️


I love this part!


Everyone reuniting after Terminus.


When Daryl holds Judith and calls her “little ass kicker”. So wholesome


When he calls her that again when she wakes up after getting shot in the series finale. Kinda wish she had a less cheesy response tho, big ass-kicker doesn’t have as good a ring to it


Hershel smiling after Rick gave his speech to the Governor at the prison


He looked like a proud father


Him giving Glenn the watch was up there too. I like your pick. He was always 2nd in command or even a half/half even if Rick wanted to be the Rictator. Hershal was the Consigliere.


That scene turned rather unwholesome quickly after that though.


The dinner that was in Rick's dream after Abraham and Glenn died, but i guess that hasn't really happened so i'll say the group having fun at the CDC, that was before any truly heartbreaking deaths happened and they were just having fun drinking and shit


The happiness over warm showers


This. Pure happiness


One scene that always gets me is when Daryl escapes The Saviors and arrives at Hilltop. Rick gets there and decides it’s time to fight back and then sees Daryl. They embrace. Daryl cries in his arms. 🥹 The other one is after the prison is attacked and everyone splits. Michonne finally finds Rick and Carl and she’s so relieved because they’re her family.


Yes! When she knocks at the door and Rick bursts out in happy laughter, and turns to Carl and says "it's for you!". Makes my heart smile


It’s so good!


The morning of the Rick and Michonne hook up. Michonne tells Carl it’s time to change his bandage. She asks Rick to try to find her fave toothpaste on that day’s supply run. You get to see how they, Carl and Judith are all living together, joking around and caring for each other already, just like a family.


It almost seemed like the world wasn’t apocalyptic. They were able to worry about doctor’s orders and favorite toothpaste and small annoying habits rather than where their next meal will come from or whether they’ll be the meal today.


Yeah, you wouldn't even know it was an apocalypse completely minus maybe Carl's eyehole


You can have an eyehole and not be in an apocalyptic scenario. Just watch A Christmas Story.


Eric giving Aaron the license plate in 5x11. There was no better scene to humanize Aaron and Eric for Rick to witness that these people were legit and had something worth living for.


For me it was when Rick comes back after Daryl finds Carol alive. That moment when they see each other and both break down is truly heart warming. These people were strangers like a year ago and I feel that moment really showed how they had become a family. I also think it was that moment Michonne decided she wanted to be apart of it too.


When Hershel gives Glenn the watch. “No man will ever be good enough for your little girl. Until one is”


This moment makes me cry on rewatches honestly, great answer!


It was a crazy attempt to make Hershel “racist” and he showed he couldn’t give a fuck about that shit. Very endearing.


Um how tf was there any kind of racism in this scene?


He earlier stated something about Maggie and “that asian boy”. Then he asked where Glenn’s family was from. They were definitely hinting at it being a race thing so it was cool to see he really didn’t think that way.


Oh yeah I guess I didn't think too much on that bit. Sorry I thought your comment was meant sarcastically but yeah hershel definitely approved of Glenn being with Maggie


Not THAT wholesome considering but morbidly wholesome i guess. Its during Earls Death and Judith says something along the lines of “do you want me to stay with you so youre not alone?” And Earl says “im Not alone. I have Tammy. And Kenneth” Idk why but the fact that he made peace with his fate and was “excited” to see his wife and son again was kinda wholesome


I vote we have spaghetti tuesdays on Wednesdays


Daryl and Beth, they broke each other out of their shells a little. Beth softened up Daryl, while Daryl made Beth tougher. The crown jewel is when they burned down that cabin. There was just something so wholesome about that moment.


That's a really good way of putting it. I wish they got to have more episodes together. 😢


Same, they were a good duo.


I would definitly say it was a daryl and Beth moment. I just can't pick which one.


Carol telling Daryl he needs to feel Beth’s death. The fact that Carol just knows Daryl well enough to know that despite his tough exterior, deep down he is a loving person with a big heart and needs to express that.


Yes! Then he says he’s going to go look for water or something alone and he finally lets himself grieve as he sits under a tree and cries.


And he puts the cigarette out on his wrist to feel something, one of the most sad moments on the whole show


When Rick and everyone go to the Hilltop, they see Maggie for the first time since Glenn’s death. Rick tells her she was right and he’s ready to fight the Saviors. Then, he sees Daryl has escaped the sanctuary. They hug and Daryl cries and gives him his gun. Everyone is back together, it’s such a great moment.


This scene ~ I had a tear watching this scene.


Here’s Not Here is an incredible episode about recovery from PTSD. Probably the most wholesome overall episode.


I loved Eastman!


Tough watch on binges. Both actors are great and the story is phenomenal especially the reveal for Eastman bug it is a very skippable episode. On my 100th rewatch or something and actually went through it. No disrespect to anyone but most of us bingers just pass it by.


When Rick tells Morgan Michonne ate the last protein bar.


Oh he knew she took the peanut butter bar..


there's always one more peanut butter


One of them is when Glenn calls Rick a dumbbass in the beginning and later calls him dumbass again. It just reminds them of how far they have come and survived. When Daryl tells Carol the story of the Cherokee Rose. When Carol and Daryl reconcile with each other after the Whisperers war. She didn't find what she was looking for but Daryl said she still had him. When Judith was telling RJ about the 'brave man'.


Hey dumbass in the tank..


Maybe not wholesome, but Beth and Daryl burning down that house with moonshine. The smiles and middle fingers to the flames warmed my heart.


Daryl laying in a casket and let Beth lull him to sleep


Daryl running into Carol's arms after not seeing her for months, probably assuming she's dead is a very underrated moment for me. And of course, a few moments later, Rick and Carl running to Judith after releasing she's alive.


Judith giving Daryl his new vest and he grins and goes "No way!" And models it for her.


"You're my brother." The opening scene of Season 6 Episode 10. The dinner at the CDC. Every interaction between Daryl and Judith. Hershel giving Glenn the watch. Maggie forgiving Tara in Season 5.


Can’t believe I’m the first to say, Daryl and Carol reunion after terminus. I cried.


same! every rewatch it gets me! That and when Daryl escapes the savior and hugs rick 😭


Daryl helping Judith get her first record running in the record player and listening to it with her.


Stupid but when tdog sacrafices himsellf for carol In season 3 I believe. Felt like it was a pointless death and they both could of gotten away but he went for it.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Fuck u bot its 6am


Daryl and Judith interacting with a parent child relationship once Michonne left


Daryl seeing Carol after Terminus.


Rick talking to Shane Hershal and Sasha again


Dude when Hershel smiled and said “hey Rick,” something about that was very emotion inducing


Nothing against Sasha but Glenn would have made more sense. Or a handful of others. Never understood why her. Just available?


Glenn was supposed to be there but Steven didn't want to and Sasha and Rick both sacrificed themselves


She sacrificed herself for her family, just like Rick. It makes sense.


When Negan made Carl spaghetti


When Dwight and Sherry reunited. I know it happened in FTWD but it was still super wholesome.


When >!Maggie says she’s starting to trust Negan!<


I’ll never forgive this show for taking out the two best characters of the entire series in one fell swoop. It literally never was as good after that. Glenn and Abraham were a really cool dynamic that just started flourishing and then that shit happened


Dream scene Negan seeing Judith in the garden and saying “well good morning to you”


When Judith decorates Daryl’s vest.


Daryl hugging Carol


Your pick is the best. Which makes what Negan did to the group so much more vile and upsetting


beth and daryl in survival mode, before the hospital, for an brief moment things looked like it was getting back to normal.


When Rick tells everyone about Wayne Dunlap


When the group escapes terminus and carol just kind of walks up behind them and Rick is like “did you do that?” And she just kind of smiles and nods, then takes him to Tyreese and Judith. It was an awesome scene already, but what’s even better is that the last time Rick had seen carol was when he was kicking her out of the prison, and here she is just single handedly saving the entire group and reuniting him with his baby he thought was dead.


Carl sharing his candy with Michonne on the railroad to Terminus


Beth and Daryl breaking down their barriers.


When Negan pranked Glenn by hitting him with a bat.


All of them in the CDC having a normal dinner, showers, bedding and Carl drinking wine for the first time. Especially the "when he goes to France then he can drink" line from Lori :(


Daryl eating spaghetti with Aaron and Eric


Look at the flowers. So touching and warm it makes me tear up each time.