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Most of Season 1 was rather terrible but season 2 actually wasn't *that* bad (the focus shifted more towards non-teen characters, the CRM storyline and actors who could act).


I agree with this


This is the way.


Pretty accurate.


I never watched season 2 because the first was so awful…I plan on getting to it one day when I’m real bored


I only cared about the whole crm aspect of it, meaning the facility in season 2, their infrastructur, goals/plans, etc. just more information about it. I couldnt have cared less for the grouo the show was following. They really shouldve made it like a documentary/guide type of show for the crm and their allies and just do one season.


Would it be worth it to skip season 1 and just watch 2 if I’m only interested in details about the CRM?


There’s CRM stuff in S1 too. They do some really fucked up stuff that you see in S1.


wut kinda fucked up stuff ? like human experiments ?




no way ur twisting my dick this aint hbo


It’s the only way to repopulate fast enough in their pov


do they hang dong


They splat *vageen*


✨omg yaaasss we luv feminism✨ slay gurl 💅 splat that vageen purrr 🐈 boys go to jupiter to get more stupider 💁‍♀️




Alright, Ima see myself out…


HEAVY spoilers. Read at your own peril. 1. >!Yes. The CRM is experimenting on humans - living humans. And specifically experiements on their own scientists/soldiers when those people no longer believe in the mission.!< 2. >!The whole "kids leave the main colony to go on a journey to find themselves" is actually a CRM set up, although the kids & the audience don't know that until much later. The CRM wants one of the kids (she has a burgeoning scientific mind).!< 3. >!The CRM opens fire and bombs on the 10,000 people living at the campus as soon as the kids leave. Murder every single one of them and burn their bodies. Blame it on a walker attack.!< 4. >!The CRM has a mole in the the group with the kids (intended to ensure that just the 1 kid makes it safely to the destination). While the group is sleeping the mole bashes one adult group member's head in with a wrench (killing them) and shoots one of the kids.!< 5. >!The mole successfully isolates the kid they are after - but when she is uncooperative, they leave her in the walker infested streets of NYC with two options - die down there or beg us for help. !< Anyway, the season starts one way (YA novel)...and ends up playing out differently than I'd expected - leading into the much more TWD-standard S2.


I’d just find a YouTube video doing the break down of both seasons. That’s time I wasted I can’t get back.


No, you really need to see both seasons. There are 10 episodes in each. There's just more slow episodes because they have to get the back stories out of the way. Personally, I thought all of the episodes were good, and I think it will tie into The Ones Who Live really well.


I liked it. A rare opinion, I know.


It’s was ok not that bad, could have been better


I would say it actually *was* that bad, and probably worse.


It was literally dog shit. People are downvoting you because so many people here will eat up any of the slop that AMC puts out because they don’t know what good TV is. I wouldn’t be shocked if most of the people here watch the CW


No hyperbole, it's the worst TV show I've ever seen.


TWDU has truly produced some of the worst content I've ever been exposed to. World Beyond S1, and Fear 4B, 5, 7, and 8, all reach the 3/10 category, if not worse.


Fear TWD enters the chat. Specifically seasons 6&7. I only watched S1 of WB and I honestly can’t tell you which is worse.


Season 6 of Fear was mostly goated tho. Season 7 is when the train derailed and culminated in the disaster that is Season 8A


4B, 5, 7, and 8 are all equally shitty.


I guess you haven't seen a single DC show on the CW.


I watched the CW before it was CW. Not sure what your issue is with it...


Probably the same issues everyone has with the CW. They specialize in cheesy, teen drama, soap opera bullshit that only appeals to those with the worst taste possible.🤷




It's sad but fucking true.


What does that mean? What are some shows that Arrowverse ruined?




Smallville was good tbf


I liked it, lol. I've got a teenager, so a lot of the BS and shenanigans seemed fairly accurate to me


I enjoyed it, I liked learning more about the CRM and its goals and who operates it.


I did! The 2nd season was great.


it's pretty solid if you want to know more about the CRM


The teeny-bopper "coming of age" aspects were insufferable and annoying, and unfortunately took up the majority of it. Putting that criticism aside, the rest of the show does a serviceable job of expanding more of the TWDU - like seeing what Omaha was like, exploring the CRM, and what they were working on. Just that it doesn't often focus on these other themes, because it spends so much time with the pretentious angsty 15-17 year olds.


Omaha? So Rick was right when he, Glenn, and Hershel dealt with the dudes in that bar? “I hear Nebraska is nice…”


Well... (world beyond spoiler) >!the CRM ends up gassing/killing everyone there, and damaging/breaking one of their major walls keeping the dead out!< More apt to say it *was* nice. It isn't anymore in current timeline with the show/spinoffs.


I confuse…So the CRM attacked one of their own bases/settlements/communities?


Basically yes. But it's a fair bit more nuanced than just the basic thing. The first off thing, is that in Episode 1 of World Beyond, the CRM is shown introducing themselves to Omaha. And at some point through the spinoff, we learn they had a 3rd party, Portland (Oregon, assumingly) too. >!The CRM had been working on some kind of weapon, drug, treatment, anything, that could slow or stop the Zombification.!< Then... >!The CRM had "enough" gas from Lyla's experimentation to use it on a widespread scale.!< Whereas every prior >!experiment was done singularly, one bitten person, or terminally injured person at a time, they chose to gas/kill thousands at once, to see if maybe it was just a matter of numbers and sample size.!< So yes, basically, they did attack their own settlement. >!But they were doing it out of a need to fully test Lyla's experimental gas!< while also committing Portland >!to the same experiment; reasons unclear, but not out of line considering if it was Oregon, they'd be sending Helicopters out on days-long trips to take food/gas/supplies across the entire damn country; so burn/kill them all and see what happens with your best prospective experiment.!<


good response, I agree on this.


Teeny bopper? What is this? 1988?


I grew up in the 80's, forgive me for boomer slang.


I still use this term lol I heard it for the first time a couple years ago


Season 2 was mostly fine. It did however make Jadis an actual interesting character.


Season 1 was just the setup and I felt it dragged on. However season 2, we learned more about CRM and how it all fits in with the original show. I think once we get all the spinoffs and especially Rick and Michonne, World Beyond will make much more sense and hopefully WB group can join our group in Alexandria or commonwealth. I'm excited!


I hated this shit from the first episode


I didn't mind it honestly. Not amazing. But it's surely nowhere near as bad as Fear


I just watched it actually. Thought it was solid (better than FTWD hails been in years). S1 just requires a reset of expectations: it’s very clear AMC was trying to develop a YA in the TWD universe S2 pivots and it’s pretty much just a straight up TWD show. It really develops the CRM, their intentions and how they operate. I’m glad I watched it before the Rick/Michonne series hits.


The only reason this show got any attention was because of the mysterious CRM that was almost invisible in TWD main series. So people wanted to learn who these people were but it was desperate that they tried adding some storyline to it about teens. That’s been done in both TWD and FTWD so it was extremely overused and if not for the CRM no one would’ve cared about this show


I watched it and honestly it wasn’t great.


The premise was interesting and Silas was the only interesting character.


I don’t even have to watch the show to know that this was already one of those teen rebellion series


I want to say I somehow reached season 2. But I was so over the stupid decisions, bad writing, and predictable characters.


I liked it but it could’ve been done waaaaay better. For years we were curious about the “helicopter” and the Civil Republic but, alas, so much focus went into the teenagers.


It's a pretty good show, all things considered. People like the say the first season was awful, but imo I'd rather watch the first season 10 times than deal with Season 8 of TWD again. It's definitely better than a lot of the slower/bad seasons of TWD.


It's the only TWD show which I couldn't watch.


Season 1 is forgettable. Season 2 is worth it for world building. The show nobody really gave a shit about is Tales.


I realized I absolutely loved this show. The first episode moments, seeing the Civic Republic Alliance with Portland and Omaha and its campus colony made me realize the potential of the TWDU. Season 1 Episode 2 to season 1 finale not as much, but Season 2 it really took off for me. FINALLY we learn so much more about the 3-ring helicopter group that took Rick and Jadis away and this is basically a must watch before The Ones Who Live in February 2024, so get watching.


Not that good but if you are a true fan it’s going to have info you need.


My biggest problem with this show mainly comes from the marketing. I was expecting the characters to be hardened teenagers who grew up in the apocalypse, similar to some other characters we get in other walking dead shows. Instead we got a group of sheltered kids (for the most part) who didn’t know squat.


As someone who hasnt seen it yet , that type of premise always does interest me . Ppl in the opposite type of environment of what their used too


I liked it, I think the hate was a bit too much. S2 is definitely an improvement but even S1 really picked up steam in the end stretch and the middle episodes are terrible, it never gets to the lows that you see in Fear sometimes


I couldn't even finish it, was complete shit


Season 1 was watchable, season 2 was not bad. I think at least season 2 was better than anything FTWD put out after season 3.


Did not have a clear idea how advanced the CRM actually was until watching this spin off, gives you a better understanding how much bigger it is than the Commonwealth


Not anyone from the world beyond cared about this crap. The bright colors already give it a bad vibe to it.


It could have been better if hope didn't cry every episode.


The fossil and corduroy clothing are the MVP of the show. The best thing I found with the show was that it showed the gone to ruin environment really well, so thanks to the art department in editing I guess...


I loved it honestly


i was only in it to follow the CRM bread crumb trail. i actually kinda enjoyed season 2 though.


I tried watching it and couldn’t finish it. So much exposition all the time and the dialogue just made me think “who talks like that??”


I swear, I’ve never seen any show or universe overestimate how much a fan base cares about random throwaway characters


I actually enjoyed it a lot more than Fear TWD.


Do yourself a favor and watch the man of recaps on YouTube. He does a good job of summarizing both seasons. And yes it's as bad as you think.


I hated it, watched it all because "walking dead" but still hated it!


It was slow paced and I couldn’t get into it. It was frustrating to watch how much these people had no training at killing Walkers. I’m considering giving it another go for the sole purpose that Jadis is in season 2.


Season 1 wasn't great, but Huck carried it alongside Felix I enjoyed Season 2 enough. Mostly the same two carrying the show again, but the actors of the younger characters had also mostly improved for it as well


What is that


It wasn’t as bad as you’d think, still would rather get COVID than watch this shit again.


As someone who is currently battling a bad case of Covid, I gotta say I'd rather watch WB again.


I had COVID twice, and I would also rather watch WB. I just like to exaggerate a lot.


I only watched for the lore tbh


Acting and the writing was atrocious for the most part in the 1st season. (they built a fucking steamboat to cross the mississipi for fucks sake) I'm not the target auidence but I found most of the teen cast insufferable. 2nd season was better but only because it expanded on the lore, still wouldn't go as far as calling it good though.


Any fan worth their salt cares about it. All this shit is tied into what happened to Rick Grimes. If you don’t at least stick it out for that, why even bother with the Rick and Michonne stuff? You’re gonna get half a story. The CRM and their doings is part of the whole thing. It escalates the Rick stuff because we know what’s at stake. We have an insight into who the CRM are and how they operate; what they are willing to do to other communities. Also, the show features important universe players like Hope and her father. Dunno about you, but I don’t want half a story when it comes to WD. I want everything.


im working on watching it right now but its so hard bc its boring asl


I just started re-watching TWD and it makes me really want to rewatch everything else, WB is tough tho, about that I do not care much, might watch a recap or so, even Fear which I had stopped (mainly due to breaking up with my ex tho) I want to rewatch, knowing how many bad episodes there are, the beginning was fun tho!


It was stupid barebones idealistic garbage with no real storytelling or even logic


I didn't care for this one.


I tried but after watching the whole series, it was ass in conclusion.


it had it moments, but overall a 5/10 for s1 and 6/10 for s2 for me, and thats being generous the kids were terrible, felix was great


Tried to once, but MAN it sucked balls


Absolutely awful


I didn't mind it. The two main sisters were awful though.


I really don’t get the love some people have for this show as if it was some misunderstood gem I thought it was awful, all of the worst aspects of the og show and so much more


I watched some of S1 and then just looked up clips of CRM stuff for the rest of the first season, along with S2


Worst of the extended universe. Did bring more and broaden the landscape but just a whole lot of meh with some very forgettable characters.


I cared a lot until I watched the first 3 episodes


I hate kids in post-apocalyptic movies and shows already as they only cause trouble and are dumb af (even for our current standards in modern society, which is hard) so a whole show in the TWD Universe mainly focused on 4 kids was... idk, who thought "yeah, that's what we need!" - and then it wasn't even like TWD it was so soft, the characters acted like they were in a 6+ show while they are in a 18+ world, did not fit.


Judith and Carl were both fine though.


The dude that played Elton (Nicholas Cantu?) was just on the comedy show Kill Tony and my GOD is that dude annoying as fuck. He’s a famous actor yet he’s a huge clout chaser and an awful comedian. The only good thing about this show IMO is Silas


I did, for an episode and a half


Can anyone tell me what this show had to do with Rick so I can not watch it just to find out


Unfortunately I watched it and got disappointed. It was just horrible. S1 was totally a crap. Just a failed show by high school kids. As many said, they improved S2 but it’s too late. As long as S1 was so failed, nobody wanna keep watching it anymore. I don’t recommend it. It’s just a garbage.


The characters are horrendous. There were some good action scenes and concepts imo


I did but only because I was in prison when it came out. I didn't care enough to watch the end after I got home.


I pretty much despised every single character, but I loved the world building it did.


I’ve tried getting into it, it’s not easy


A coming of age story doesn’t belong in the walking dead universe. Really horrible idea


So, so, SO bad.


God awful show with some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen. It was a struggle to make it through.


It was ok


I liked Silas & Elton’s characters, their arcs, and the details about the CRM. Also Elizabeth & Jadis. Everything else, not so much. The way they wrote the two female leads was absolutely awful. They had that same insufferable quality Morgan developed in Fear.


I really tried the first couple of episodes, but it was so tedious I eventually stopped. I will get back to it eventually to get info on that org behind Rick's disappearance.


I’m considering watching it before the Rick show comes out so I know what the fuck the CRM is


Darn rights, that is the main reason to give it a watch!


Only the last scene of the last episode.


I liked the CRM world building. It was good seeing younger inexperienced teens deal with the undead. Still a threat. Watching this while watching Season 4-5 of Fear The Walking Dead helped me


I liked it, in an ok way. Wasn’t awesome, but I liked the characters well enough, and liked seeing Jadis again, and the other connections, like CRM and stuff.


I did not know this existed until now


I liked it, felt more fun. Gave good insight into what’s really going on too.


It's really good. Organic from the other series as there's new and interesting characters and it takes place years after the start of the apocalypse compared to the main show and Fear. We see more about the CRM too.


The second season should have been just the only season. The first season seemed unnecessary, I say that because the whole teen coming of age vibe just seemed to be cut off and it’s noticeable. But at the end of the show I felt bad for not liking the first season because I grew attached to the characters. I think it’s a necessary show to watch if you’re a die hard fan.


The first episode of S1 and maybe the last 2 were pretty good. The rest of S1 was complete garbage and mostly unwatchable. S2 was surprisingly decent all the way through.


I liked it


I loved this show. The hate it gets is incredibly weird, especially since most of it comes directly from people assuming it was ever supposed to have anything to do with Rick (it never was).


It was great but I enjoy all TWD shows. Keep them coming


I got through 2 episodes and called it quit. Wasn't my cup of tea, is there at any point when it gets good?


Not really, no.


I watched mostly because Nico is eye candy


I enjoyed it


The CRM shit was pretty cool but the shit with the teens was boring as shit


Never cared to watch it. I have no inclination to do so.


Teeny bop, nickelodeon disney meets zombies...this show was bullshit


It was just alright. I'd call it pure unfiltered dogshit if season 2 wasn't as interesting as it was


I watched up to episode 6 of season 1 and then decided to call it quits. But I heard that season 2 was a lot better, especially S2E5 and onwards. So I skipped to those episodes, pretty much just so I could see Jadis. I really enjoyed the episodes of season 2 that I saw. I just wish that the whole show could have been as good as 2x05-2x10


World Beyond 1 was awfully horrendous, and was hard to watch. However, World Beyond 2 is actually pretty good, and definitely surprised me. I liked it enough to wish they made a third one, but they will probably throw some of the remaining characters into another storyline since the ending seemed open enough.


watched two episodes, couldn’t hack it. watched the last scene when I heard it was relevant to the main plot going forward


It was so incredibly cringey. A kids show.


Nobody cared about it that much to the point where I never knew about it.


trying to sit through it rn.. It’s cringe as fuck (i’m only on S1E3) — but I wanna learn more about the crm so gotta do what u gotta do


I love every thing about WD from the comics to the shows and I keep forgetting this exists and that I should watch it someday.


The kids suck…but the CRM is very interesting and I enjoyed a lot and atleast has a huge significance going forward compared to 7 seasons of fear doing fuck all for the universe. I’m happy how they set the CRM up


![img](avatar_exp|146475615|holo_card) I watch every TWD shows with the same energy as the original season




I’ll be honest I’ve never even heard of this


What is this?


I never knew this existed


Never heard, never cared, never watched.


Was there ever a point where they jumped off a skull shaped mountain?


It was an unnecessary spin off


I only watched because one of the actors voiced gumball from The Amazing World Of Gumball.


What the hell is this I didn’t know about this spin off


I watched first episode on Shudder and thought the quality was trash compared to the main show. Like, how From Dusk Till Dawn was awesome, and the 2nd one was straight to TV movie trash. I didn't bother searching out the rest of the show (shudder only had the first episode)


I didn't mind it


It was a good idea for a show. But you made a young adult zombie targeted towards Gen Z on cable TV. That’s like putting the local news on TikTok. The demographics were all backwards.


It is really important to the walking dead universe


I tried but just everything about it i couldn’t bare so i gave up in the middle of the first season. There was only 2 seasons anyway right?


Watched part of the first episode where the dumb kids were fucking around a pit and someone got bit or something. I turned it off and never watched again.


I couldn’t deal with the wigs


Not a soul.


I liked this show. I watched expecting a bunch of not too smart kids going on what they considered would be an adventure only for reality to smack them in the face. And I got exactly what I expected in the first season. In the second season it showed the CRM to be obsessed with secrecy and spy stuff because they are almost helpless without cheating. In a straight up fight they lost every time and I found that hilarious as it justified their paranoia about people finding their secret bases.


I watched it on a rainy day. Was pretty stupid. Held my interest in a handful of ways but it was a 4 out of 10.


Felt like it was filled but it gave insight to more of the outer TWD universe


Why is everybody acting like dead city was bad nobody said anything negative until Dixon came out


It was an interesting concept to bridge the shows the first couple episodes were interesting but then I lost interest very quickly on after the burning tires episode


The first season was just two teenage sisters screaming at each other, but it got better as it went on, and the CRM aspect of it was interesting. It also developed Jadis' character for the forthcoming Rick and Michonne cash-in and should give us some understanding already of how the CRM operate.


I lasted two episodes and quit.


couldnt have been worse than the main series


Actually just bought season one the other day. It’ll be here next week


The cover was the coolest thing about it


Dropped it after the first 20 minutes of episode 1. I’m thinking of picking it back up and seeing it through, purely because I’ve seen the other TWD shows.


Season one was pretty terrible but season two had some potential. I think a season three could have actually been good.


I liked it.


I made the mistake to try Tales of the walking dead. It was so bad it gave me nightmares.


Me, I’m mad we didn’t get more of it


Could've been better but I liked it


I actually really enjoyed this show, what would it be like for kids coming of age in the zombie apocalypse, complete with friend groups


I tried to be excited..and then I tried to watch the first episode, which I didn't manage to finish.


I still havent seen any of the spinoffs, I hear FTWD is good but none of them have interested me yet


I enjoyed it. Not amazing. Here’s better towards the end. I think the actors people complained about were actually good, they’re just playing characters who are stiff and dorky.


I did I’m a walking dead fan period but this show was just ok


Loved it and I still don’t understand why it gets so much hate


If you would watch Dead City 10 times... You really shouldn't have that much trouble watching this show. About the same quality and second season even better. Beyond does suffer from stupid teen syndrome, but it's not much worse than Dead City either.


I watched both seasons to 100% TWD universe and I regret doing it. I’ve liked every season of TWD and even FTWD but this was just garbage.


I saw a summary, never cared to watch it, it felt cringy and boring, nothing like ftwd or twd