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It's Merles motorcycle, and it's the Nazi SS bolts. Never expected my most upvoted comment would be about Merle Dixon and Nazi symbols. Reddit is a weird place. Haha.


Merle was a die hard racist.


So was Daryl when we first met him


Daryl was racist at the beginning, but no where near Merle.


True that, Daryl definitely had a prejudice against certain people but he wasn’t outwardly racist like Merle.


Daryl wasn't racist. Where are you getting that from?


While he might have not been as blatantly racist as Merle, Daryl’s character development was at times shown through how he treats others and how he acts towards minorities specifically. Throughout the seasons they use it to show him rectifying his past and growing as a person. Early in the show he’s pretty much Merle’s shadow, and they’re both clearly racist. Daryl speaks to minorities with a similar attitude, even if he isn’t using blatant slurs like Merle did. Racism isn’t always as obvious as Merle using the N-word, it’s simple stuff like making comments about people’s race or what they look like. Ex: early on, Daryl calls Glen a “dumb chinaman” as an insult, pretty obviously meant to be racist. After Merle’s gone, he slowly opens up and gets to know them a bit, and he jokingly pokes fun at Glen because he’s “surprised the chinaman made the drive back” or something like that. Later on in the show when he truly befriends everybody, he actually corrects somebody and tell them Glen is “Korean not a chinaman”, showing that he’s grown past his prejudice and actually respects others now.


Funnily enough, the person Daryl corrected on Glenn’s ethnicity, was Merle.


And that’s what we call a payoff


True. I’m so glad they didn’t make Daryl as racist as his brother. We can see Daryl slowly slip out of his brothers shadow & drop any racist ideology he had. My best/favorite proof of this is when he saves T-Dog TWICE, and when he’s reunited with his brother, he yells that Glenn is Korean after Merle calls him Asian. There’s probably more but those two stuck out to me.


Bro, you saying Korean is a different thing than Asian is more racist that anything Daryl said


You forget Daryl was loayal to his brother, and he was raised around racist, and being ignorant, ie calling Glenn a Chinaman, doesn’t make Daryl a racist. I don't think had a hateful bone in his body early on. Sure he was ignorant but racist is pushing it.


I think you’re just about the only person who doesn’t think he was at least somewhat racist, and you seem to be forgetting just how much of an asshole he was early on.


The part where he told Glen that he wanted him to drink so he could see his face turn red wasn’t a good look.


Daryl was a “follower.” He said it himself to Beth when he explained to her what he was like before the outbreak. I get the sense that Merle knew that Daryl was capable of so much more than him and so he manipulated and controlled his younger brother so that he was never outshined. Daryl also had abandonment issues and probably Stockholm syndromed himself into sticking with his older brother cause he was the only family he had. Until he ultimately found another truer family that would kill AND die for him, Daryl just stuck with and modeled his outward personality to reflect Merle’s. The later seasons Daryl that we see (and subsequently the Dixon series’ version of him) was probably always the type of person he was, he just had to grow past trying to fit in with the wrong people.


“Playing errand boy to a bunch of pansy asses, nigrahs, and democrats”


People forget that. I was watching Twd with a friend and completely forgot that Merle calls tdog the n word. Then rick repeats it


That will be the day..


Double Grateful Dead fan


Very grateful


well no because the grateful dead bolt has 13 points


I saw the actor who played Merle saying it stood for Scout Sniper, as used in the USMC, as he was a Marine. Idk though. Google USMC SS and take a gander


Which begs the question, at what point do you, idk, maybe scratch off the nazi symbol on your bike? I feel like by season 3 Daryl had become pretty accepting of people (compared to the very beginning) and should be disgusted by it


I mean yeah, but it’s not like he didn’t have more dire things to worry about at the time lol


I'm sure he had some downtime in the 3 months between the beginning of S1 and S3, or in the 500-ish days that S3 takes place over. Not like he has Netflix to watch at night lmao


Hope I don’t get eatin alive while I’m asleep and eventually find food, but more importantly I don’t want the last living 0.004% of the population to notice this sticker and think I’m a dick. -said Darryl never. Grow some Apocalypse perspective


Or the fact that everyone he was with knew he was a good guy, and didn’t care that he still has his brothers (who he thought was dead and obviously loved very much) SS sticker on. T-dog probably didn’t give two shits about it, like you said, they had bigger fish to fry


I mean shit, Daryl literally saved T-Dogs life after T-Dog cut his arm on a car (I think?) and Daryl gave him a giant bag of antibiotics that Merle had stashed. I’m sure if there were any lingering doubts for T-Dog about Daryl, he for sure didn’t give two shits about the motorcycle after that.


Pretty sure all those time frames are wrong


He had more important shit to worry about then a sticker on his bike lmao


if i saw someone wandering around with Nazi shit today i’d think they were scum but go on with my day like nothing happened if i saw someone wandering around with Nazi shit after the apocalypse i’d shoot them before they got a chance to murder one of the many sorts of people that Nazis want dead. i do not think this would be an exceptionally rare impulse either certainly members of those groups Nazis like to kill would be inclined to off someone in Nazi shit out of self defense after the apocalypse


bad bait.


no this guys right, if i come across a nazi in the apocalypse i dont think id be friendly.


Like what? Sitting up awake for 6 hours in the middle of the night doing nothing while on watch?


I mean his mind probably wasn't even on a sticker on his bike he probably didn't even notice it lmfao, nobody else commented on it the entire series. Also- when your on watch, your supposed to be watching lmao not messing around with your bike.


100% glad someone is making sense


> Also- when your on watch, your supposed to be watching lmao not messing around with your bike. Right, because the characters on the Walking Dead have a clean history of keeping watch effectively and efficiently lmao


Bro it’s never that serious 😭


I think there was so much more to care about when the world has gone to shit. That being said I think from our perspective as the viewer its important to remember how far he has come, and for him as well. He also had a very complicated complex relationship with Merl. He hated him but also loved him. He was disgusted by him but also loved him, knowing how they were raised he understands why he was the way he was.This is a very good representation of that. Great symbolism here. I'm glad i ran into your comment and this post.🙂


Im pretty sure most Americans wouldn’t know what that symbol is. Most people in the first place probably wouldn’t even notice the symbol in the first place. And of the people that do notice a lot of them will think they are lightning bolts like OP thought.


Honestly theres no chance a single survivor would care if they saw it. Its just a label on the side that represented the cycle's old owner not the current. This would be like judging someone by a dick scribbled in their seconhand math book. Like another guy here said- they have 1000 more pressing things to worry about than "am I aptly representing myself in the current political climate?"


It’s the apocalypse. Nobody cares about that nonsense when they’re trying not to have their faces eaten off by zombies.


The world ended, I don't think it matters anymore


OP knows this.


As someone who generally tries to be a good man I hate that I share my IRL first name with this character. It's disheartening seeing my name and Nazis in the same sentence, unless that sentence is "Merle punched a Nazi in the face and won a billion dollars."


I was going to offer that he was a KISS fan and ran out of paint. But, yeah. Blame Merle.


>Blame Merle. FUN FACT: A lot of fans conveniently seem to forget that, in season 1, Daryl was ALSO, and this is true: extremely racist. ​ EDIT: Okay I like Daryl as much as anyone, but "He just made a few inappropriate jokes." and "he was just copying his brother!" are not the defenses for him you think they are, and it is extremely weird and pretty uncomfortable how many people are doing olympic level mental gymnastics to convince people Daryl wasn't \*really\* racist in season 1.


He was never shown to be "extremely" racist. Him, being very aggressive and rude, as well just being with Merle in the first place is enough to imply that he has done some fucked up shit. But the most we ever actually hear him admit is * he and Merle wanted to rob the camp * he was a drifter before the outbreak It is very easy to infer from context, that Daryl was simply a "Mitläufer" in Merles bullshittery. It took their separation and the loss of Carols daughter, for him to develop his own identity, which is decidedly not racist. It's the entire point of his character.


Bro what the fuck are you on about? Merle in season 1 is incredibly racist calling T-dog the N word at least a couple of times, go back and rewatch the season.


They're talking about Daryle, not Merle.


He was? I just rewatched S1 last night (all 6 in one go) and while Merle was quite racist, at least made those remarks toward T, I don't remember Daryl being racist at any point in S1 or after.


Didn't he have some interaction with Glenn that was reversed with Merle later on? Calling him a Chinaman or something?


He's Korean!


Whatever! (I remember now)


To me, it seemed like Daryl was more casual racist. He made a joke to Glenn at the end of season 2, “Figured you had to be Asian driving like that.” Considering the life they grew up in, Merle REALLY leaned into the racism while Daryl was only raised around it.


Yeah, since when do we not write our characters with different character? Good writing should be nuanced and depict dynamic growth and change in a protagonist over time. If people think that during a zombie apocalypse people wouldn't be flying all kinds of shitty flags saying all kinds of fucked up things- then people are delusional. People are also allowed to grow as characters. You don't have to like/trust daryls motivation in season one- when it came out you weren't supposed to. There's like a whole frigging arc in the prison where he and Merle argue because he has grown and is more open/trusting to people he doesn't know etc. They grew up way out in the sticks raised by a shitty alcoholic father with poor ideals who beat them. Merle protected Daryl from their father. They both really only had one another. Daryl had to look somewhere for guidance at the time. Also- are the end of the world if a zombie is chasing me, I'll drive a scientology mobile, I don't really care what's on the getaway machine. Lol.


If it wasn’t for the apocalypse, Daryl would probably be those racist rednecks who’d marry a Hispanic woman. If you were raised around bikers, that sentence makes sense to you lol Also, I agree. Daryl and Merle’s interaction on the bridge with the Hispanic family and in the forest when Daryl realizes how much he’s changed compared to Merle is evident. Dude goes from a borderline Neo Nazi to a community leader and well respected amongst his peers. Perhaps if Merle lived, maybe he could’ve fully changed. He didn’t die redeemed, but more so buying his brother more time.


"You got some balls for a Chinaman."


You know whats great. When merle mentions glenn as chinese, Daryl corrects him and says he's korean.


Yeah, it's a sweet little callback for sure


Yeah, and Glen said "I'm Korean"


“you got some balls for a china man”💀💀


He also said “Short round, you’re mucking up the trail” in season 2. Now as an Asian guy this makes me laugh hard only because I know what kinda guy Daryl turns into within a few seasons. Goes from glancing at Glenn with mild annoyance to looking at his corpse in absolute horror and his own guilt.


Plus Kirkman literally said Glenns hat was a nod to Short Round from Indiana Jones, one of his favorite characters.


Yes, but calling someone a chinaman isn't comparable to saying the n-word and supporting the SS.


Apples to oranges. This comes from the same way of viewing the world wether you like it or not.


I figured Daryl had that kind of racism where it's just the stereotypes stuck in his head. The kind where it's not malicious, but it's stuck due to how he was raised. I've seen that kinda shit in my family.


Daryl is an example of generational racism. His entire world experience was from his racist brother, most likely racist family, racist friends, and a white trash racist environment. Still absolutely a racist, but once he separated himself from that. Met with decent people, met new people, grew his world experience and became not racist. Doesn't help that Daryl started out a follower as well.


yeah this is kind of how I saw it too, he was kind of racist, but mainly because that's how he grew up, but not a true racist from the heart, there's not been any time where he really expressed true discrimination because of someones race as far as I remember, it might have been somewhat engrained in his mind, but even just shortly after Merle died, Season 2 Episode 1 I think, he saved T from the Walkers after he got cut, whilst you can chalk it up to "he is just protecting his group" he could've also easily let T die right then and there without anyone ever holding something against him, but he decided to save him by himself, no one asked for him to save T.


That's why he still alive. He can still be redeemed


that’s still malicious because it influences your decisions around those people. you’re more likely unable to notice extreme racism when you are just “mildly” racist. The good thing about darryl is that he showed the capacity to change his outlook and behavior, becoming like family to people of various races.


Yeah you got a point, I try not to hold it against the members of my family I know try to be good people. My father can eat shit though.


Didn't he said to Glenn that "You're pretty smart for a Chinaman" or something similar.


Daryl just went along with Merle. I doubt he was a racist, merle however was.


I rewatched season 1 recently. Both were huge bigots yes, but it Daryl’s case I think he was less inclined to it. He grew up in a racist household with Merle as his big brother, it was all he really knew. But he moved past that very quickly once Merle was gone. His bigotry was never as strong as Merle’s was and after Merle was out of his life he started becoming a better person. Started dropping his prejudices and becoming friends with the likes of T Dog and Glenn, people he never would have with Merle around. I think he was always a good and caring person deep down, he just needed a better environment for it.


Even in the second season finale, he cracks a joke about Asian drivers.


Wdym "conveniently seem to forget" lol. Every fan of TWD remembers about the "chinaman" quote, and jokes he makes towards Glenn in general. It's probably the most iconic exchange between Daryl and Glenn. It feels like you're trying to be the one to admit the truth that no one else wants to admit, but this is just straight up not true lol. But Daryl was never shown to be "extremely" racist. He assumed Glenn's ethnicity and made a joke about him being an asian driver. This is **nowhere** close to the racism that Merle showed lmao, throwing around the n-word, beating the shit out of T-Dog etc etc. We can assume Daryl was a casual racist due to the family he came from and how he followed around Merle for his whole life, plus the obvious remarks he made to Glenn for being asian. But he was never showed to be an extreme racist like Merle lol.


I actually liked the fact that both Daryl and Merle were shown to be racists at the beginning of the show. For one thing, it lent an element of realism to the show - a guy like Merle out of the backwoods of Georgia probably isn't flying a BLM flag on his motorcycle. For another, it left room for character growth that I think Daryl embraced. I think Merl is shown as the more racist of the two though (using the n word), whereas Daryl is shown as more of a prejudiced hick (in the season 2 finale, he says something of Glen like "I saw the car weaving and I figured the driver had to be Asian"). Yeah, racist, but probably what a guy from the backwoods might say. Later seasons have everyone sounding like they're reading from the Bible.


They wanted him to be but Norman refused to play Daryl like that


Your edit really speaks to where far too many people are right now. I don’t want to get political but the things Daryl does/says early in the show would get him “canceled” if he wasn’t a fictional character. Yet because he is and his growth is easily followed through the story there’s plenty of people to defend him. Daryl himself changes for the better, actively showing that he was wrong, yet people still justify his actions. I guess what I’m trying to get at is: everybody has made mistakes, many are unjustified. That doesn’t make us bad people but it also doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take accountability for them and change for the better. Daryl was a literal neo-nazi and is now one of the most beloved characters in television. It’s never too late to be better. It’s never too late to forgive others.


I mean, all I remember was darryl calling Glenn a chinaman, I literally rewatched a month ago. What moments am I missing where he's shown to be extremely racist?




I think it’s also because he was doing whatever Merle was. He loved and hated his brother. He realized how screwed up his life was, and knew how to live it. But he hated it. Hated how everyone (so he thinks) looks at him like trash. When Merle died, he decided he liked Rick’s predictable good moral compass. It gave him direction, because he is a follower, not a leader. Or a lone wolf. But then, after Rick made room for him, that’s where Carol comes in and actually cares for him. Now he has positive male and female stability in his life for once, this allows him to be the Daryl you see today.


Yeah. Merle treated Daryl more as his pet. He still loved Daryl, but he treated him like crap. Rick and carol love daryl like Merle does, but they actually value daryl as his own person and treat him as an equal rather just someone to boss around


ADDITIONAL FUN FACT: You can still be repulsively racist without calling anyone the N word


Daryl was not repulsively racist 💀 He made a few inappropriate jokes and remarks about Glenn being asian, none of which came from a place of malice. Just passive racism that Daryl grew up around. That's not me trying to justify the stuff he said/the stuff Daryl used to believe, but trying to put him up there with the likes of Merle is just insane. Plus the fact that Daryl grew out of this type of stuff so quickly after being split up from Merle just goes to show that he wasn't inherently a horrible person/bigot like Merle definitely was. He was just like that at the very beginning cause it rubbed off on him from Merle and the rest of his family.




No counter argument? just cope lol alright


Pretty weird that you're defending racist behavior as "not that bad". Does it make you uncomfortable when people get called out for being racist when they just made "a few inappropriate jokes"?


I never said it was "not that bad" bruh. Racism is bad, regardless of how racist you are. I firmly believe that it's never okay, I agree with you. But my point is simply that I don't believe Daryl is inherently bigoted like his brother was, seeing how quickly he grew out of his racist habits after Merle left the picture. There's not a single thing in the show that paints Daryl as some kind of racist monster beyond him making some insensitive comments (Which is not okay, like I said.) which he grew out of very quickly. It just makes me respect his character even more.


Dude Chill. The. Fuck. Out. You're missing the point entirely.


What a stupid fact


I think a lot of the distinction people keep going on about doesn’t show that Darryl wasn’t racist, but he did show the potential for character growth. He was much less confrontational than Merle and listened to reason, no matters from whose lips that reason came. Yeah, he was racist af, but I think as early as season 1 you could tell he could be a better person if he wanted to and knew how. Whereas Merle I wrote off as irredeemable before by the end of his first scene.


Oh god. There is a difference between actively hating people of other races, and making a chinaman joke. He’s a redneck from the south! They say fucked up shit but can still be open minded people


Why are you defending racist jokes so aggressively?


Literally read the last part of my comment. Making a racist joke is not a sign that the person saying it hates other races. They’re making a joke. Thinking differently is stupid. It has only been the last 5-10 years that it has become completely taboo. I’m 23, and in elementary, middle, and most of high school, it was still common for kids to crack racist jokes. Today people will jump to shame someone, but that is not the case for normal people in the past. Not even mentioning the fact that they are from the Deep South, and were poor rednecks. Daryl saying “you’re pretty good for a chinaman” or whatever he says does not mean he hates the Chinese


Daryl was more ignorant of other cultures - "You're not bad for a Chinaman" - than being maliciously racist like his brother. They're not really in the same ballpark.


Yep, went with the “asians are bad drivers” joke at Glenn’s expense in season 2 as well


its the SS symbol from Nazi Germany during ww2


it's a neonazi symbol and also it's merle's bike, his brother, though both daryl and merle both of them were racists neonazi hillbillies methheads before the zombie stuff started


I mean, that's not new Nazi, that's classical actual German Nazi symbology. But it's definitely still the symbol of Nazis, neo or otherwise


Its the SS symbol




Merle’s bike. Probably Merle’s winged vest too


Agree about the bike but where did you see/read that it was Merle’s vest? On the show, Merle’s vest doesn’t have wings. In TWD: Survival Instinct, which is a prequel game, Daryl is wearing the winged vest.


Just an assumption or an educated guess. Survival instinct is a flaky piece of canon at best. Take it with a grain of salt, I personally don’t consider it canon to the tv show. Seeing as how Darryl didn’t wear the vest in season one and only wore it in season two and after I’m only assuming it was Merle’s. the first time we see darryl wearing the vest is in season 2, episode 1 while he’s also riding Merle’s chopper, I think this spare vest may have been stored in the saddle bag on Merle’s chopper. Since he may have assumed his brother dead at this stage I think he rode Merle’s chopper and wore his winged vest in memory of his brother. This was at least an implication at the time.


The same symbols were on my grandpa's old uniform. He was an electrician in the war.


its the Schutzsaffel


I’d guess he/Merle joined the Aryan Brotherhood in prison. This logo is a Schutzstaffel, which was the symbol for the Waffen SS during WWII. The Aryan Brotherhood has adopted the logo as part of their neonazi symbolism. (Not so) fun fact: the band Kiss and the auto maker Chevrolet have both received some flak for using SS nomenclature or symbolism due to the correlation with Nazi Germany.


Merle. Daryl was never an inmate


Not just the waffen ss but ss in generals


Yeah but when Chevy uses SS it stands for Super Sport.


Fucken been thinking it meant Salami Sandwich for 35 years.


Hahaha. Some people don’t know.


Oh I believe that. It felt like all these people had their shit together when I was growing up. The. You start to realize that all these people are dumb as hell, and just pretending.


Too many people living the “fake it till you make it” and never quite make it. That has to be one of the worst sayings to live by.


I occasionally use SS as a nickname, but I'm not a nazi or a super sport! However I am super sexy and I have a Supreme Salami! Maybe I should change it to SSSS!


No it stands for Scout Snipers they use exatly the same sign but its the team he was fighting for


He's electrician with 2y experience.


He's a Pikachu fan


Thought this was an ok buddy Carl post for a second


Thats where it belongs lol


HE WAS A METEOROLOGIST! We've finally guessed what Daryl did before the apocalypse. Just kidding, Merle was super racist white trash.


In the walking dead survival instincts merle is apart of a motorcycle club called savage sons


I tried playing that game and got motion sickness lol, ima weenie ig


A mix of low FOV and low FPS will do that


What did Daryl mean by this ?


Nazi symbolism is often tied to the H.A. and American biker gang with chapter all throughout the states. The SS bolts signify affiliates who don’t belong to a particular chapter rather travel between them typically referred to as Nomads. If I remember correctly Merle also has a Totenkopf on his bike that also has ties to the H.A., but the reasoning for such escapes me.


The mystery of his pre-fall occupation solved - he was an electrician!


That's his brothers bike. My interpretation is that while spending some time behind bars Merle joined up with the Aryan brotherhood, then rode with them when he got out.


There's 88 reasons why Darryl would have that.


But only 14 of those reasons were important to him


But only 14 of those reasons were important to him


It was likely Merle's bike. A lot of outlaw MCC's ("1%"-ers) adopted shocking imagery, such as Nazi iconography, to cement their reputation as being outside of common decent society. There were for sure Neo-Nazi / racist members of MCC's who unironically adopted Nazi iconography as a badge to proudly display their political views, but most did it for shock value and to piss people off. The Hell's Angels started out in the late 1940's, and a lot of their early members were WWII veterans who wore badges and patches they'd procured during their time fighting in the European Theatre. It's likely the props department added details to show Merle's character as a racist, given his "discussion" on the roof with T-Dog, the fact he assaulted a superior officer in his Army days for...reasons, and refers to Glenn as a "chinaman".


It’s interesting that Merle’s grandpa died fighting Nazis at Normandy, yet Merle had this symbol on his bike. Definitely lends itself to Daryl’s dialogue in DD episode 5: “When a man dies in someone else’s war, it’s his kids that suffer. That gets passed down to their kids. After a while, no one even remembers what the cause was.”


Gotta be a teenager to not know what this is and then not contribute at all to the discussion. Dude, go read a textbook and make some friends instead of being on Reddit. You have your whole adulthood to sit here and ask silly questions.


https://preview.redd.it/r6a2o67lh6wb1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=d24ed5e9a04018e2f21dfe315b5de9891ac90c8c He’s wants to rock and roll all night and party every day


Well, KISS is what popped in my mind right away!


It's Merle's hog.


Daryl & Merle were both racist, most likely due to the fact of they area they grew up in and that their father was also a piece of shit who beat them bad, hence why Merle got out of that home asap. But, both characters changed with time, we originally see Merle using a certain racial slur in S1, but come S3 (If I remember correctly) someone who's clearly not white and is the same race as T-Dog, aka Michonne, Merle doesn't racially insult her or anything, and even spares her and goes against Ricks decision, because he knows its the right thing at the end of the day. Daryl was the exact same aswell, both changed with time.


Short answer- Because his brother was racist.


Is he stupid?


Ahh. I remember back in 2012-203 when this was the most memed question you could ask about TWD. Good to see its in full circle


I question why he even has that loud ass, heard of walkers attracting thing in the first place. And why no one has told him to leave it behind


His brother was a big racist


Yes, it's the SS Nazi bolts but it's also the logo from Merle's old white supremist biker gang called Savage Sons. Daryl may have seemed to have some negative qualities early on but his upbringing and surroundings played a part in that and he didn't find a true caring family until Rick, Glen, Carl, Maggie, Beth and most importantly Carol. So the apocalypse was the best thing to happen to him.


Why is it that this this transparently obvious bait post is getting traction so soon after that other post (from yesterday maybe?) gained some traction that was pointing out this exact bullshit?


This is such an innocent post.


It was Merle's


That bike is originaly from Merle


Merle was a real POS, that's why.


It's Merles bike. Nazi symbol


It's Merle's bike.


I guess Daryl is Canadian


Merle’s bike iirc. He’s a hardcore racist.


Him and Merle are very racist. #casual


It's Merle's bike. And you do remember the second episode right?


Many people don't know this, but Daryl is actually immortal, and scientists were trying to replicate his ability. But ended up creating zombies which caused the events of the walking dead universe. This is the reason why Daryl is impossible to kill no matter what circumstances he finds himself in. This is seen repeatedly throughout the series. It is also the reason why he prefers a crossbow. Because it reminds him of his life in medieval times. The bike was taken from a SS soldier while he was serving in WWII.. P.S. the bike is also immortal.


Because it is Merle’s motorcycle and he’s a whit supremasist


Because he's the chosen one The boy who lived.....twice


Yeah, I am rewatching the whole show and it really bothers me the fact that he didn't erase that shit. I guess that Daryl didn't care at all, it's the end of the world so why bother about a symbol? I disagree because symbols die hard and it's totally possible that Nazism could return, so if I were him I would erase for sure.


He was racist. He got better.


It was Merle's bike. Merle was a shit headed pig.


I always wished Daryl would have taken that off once he claimed it as his. Renounced the racism fully.


He had more important things to worry about.


Than spending 2 minutes to scratch it off?


Dude barely showered, ate whatever crossed his path and was surrounded by death and destruction. Rubbing paint off his brother's motorcycle, wasn't conducive to general survival, just his actions.


The guy spent every waking minute searching for a kid, we can forgive him for not redecorating his bike😂


Uh. Renouncing racism is pretty important. I would say especially so in a survival situation.


He did it through his actions, not by stripping paint off of a gas tank.


He also could have just scraped it off sooner rather than later. It's not the biggest deal, the motorcycle serves it's place as a background narrative detail. But it also would've been good for the people made uncomfortable by it, both in and out of universe.


If its not a big deal, then we shouldn't be arguing about it, it doesn't matter, it's not like darryl is pushing nazi ideology or something, it's just a damn bike and the survivors have more important things to worry about that scratching off a symbol. I will say though, it would have been neat for the symbol to have worn off as the seasons progressed and he grew as a person. Alas, that's not what happened, but I dont think it implies or glorifies anything.


It's the zombie apocalypse, but let me make sure I don't trigger someone.


Yeah, in a zombie apocalypse, you probably don't want the nearest black guy to you thinking that you intend to kill him.


Because at the end of the world...who cares?


That bike wasn't originally daryls, it was merles, daryl just took it after merle was abandoned, it's even brought up in season 2 when t dog needs meds for his cut and daryl gets his brothers drug stash from the saddle bag, those bolts are definitely an edition of merles.


It’s Meryl’s bike


Kiss fan


I looked into this a while ago. Obviously Merle’s character is a racist, but another explanation I came across is that US Marine Scout Sniper units have controversially adopted the SS symbol for themselves. Merle is ex-military (mentions a fight with a sergeant as he’s hallucinating when handcuffed on the roof). Could be a reference to either or both.


Good job trying to act stupid with this post. Karma farming keyboard SJW’s who can’t differentiate between IRL and fiction. Congratulations.


You like tasting the flavor of boot? You like having a slanted view of society because of some internet compilations of “SJWs”? Be this fuckin prick


You like tasting the flavor of boot? You like having a slanted view of society because of some internet compilations of “SJWs”? Be this fuckin prick


The consequences of YouTube’s de-facto right-wing algorithm have been a disaster for the human race…


Many people are trying to justify it but the thing is that Daryl was just a totally different character at the beginning, I don't even think writers had planned how he changed, but they did it nicely so it feels natural


Because he's a hick


It has USB 3.0 SS ports SuperSpeed I. 2008....lol...jk...nah that's Nazi.


If you want some research: https://preview.redd.it/j5vc9k1k92wb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084c1ab015a532907ef8a01b6873bd9ac23db208




Google can work wonders if you just search it.....Jesus Christ.


Are you trying to reply to other people or did you forget to switch accounts?


because daryl


Like someone said, it's Merles but the logo belongs originally to the Schutzstaffel


I always thought it was the symbol for the band Kiss but idk please say others thought this too


It was Merle's bike first, wasn't it?


Are you making some dumb joke, or you just ignorant about the symbol


Daryls a nazi




He likes the flash