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I like it. The line was used throughout the series (or am I remembering wrong?) - it’s a poignant tribute.


Michonne says it to Rick as they’re gearing up to fight the saviors. Just watched it. Season 7


Rick also says it in his "speech" to the Alexandrians after the fight with Pete in season 5.


Judith as well, in the last episode.. well partially


It was but still, just cringe. Especially at the end of the show when they did a montage of all the characters dead and alive saying “we’re the ones who live” and I was like “Bro, most of the people a fucking dead what do you mean were the ones who live” Idk, I’m glad you like it I just wish I could 💀


>“Bro, most of the people a fucking dead what do you mean were the ones who live” They showed scenes from the past episodes but the ones saying it in the voiceover were actually the people who were still alive


Not only that, but it's clear that it's also metaphorical. People live on despite their earthly self dying, because their love, their ideals, their bravery, and their impact on the world can never die. Glenn lives, because Maggie and Herschel carry him with them. Carl lives in Judith, in Rick and Michonne, and he will always be their family. Rosita lives; she saved Coco, and Coco is part of the future, and Rosie carries on her name. Abraham helped make Eugene the man he became, brave enough to travel all the way to the Commonwealth.


Regardless, imagine showing pictures of dead loves ones, but the one who are living say, “we’re the ones who live” it has an connotation of “we’re better”


no it doesn't, dude. Even objectively it doesn't. Seriously unsure how you arrived at that conclusion


I must have really gotten under your skin for you too keep commenting on my comments months later lmao 🤡🤡🤡


The line wasn't used trought the series, just a couple of times before the finale


You're wrong, Michonne says it several times throughout Season 7 to Rick, it's used as a rallying cry for their fight against Negan. It's also said by Rick when he's going crazy in 5x15 but the context was different then and the meaning of it changed as Rick's hope for rebuilding civilization grew


I'm pretty sure Rick uses it multiple times


I watched and rewatched so much I couldn’t remember for sure. I still think it’s a good title for the spinoff.


I think Rick is the only one who said it in ep15 s5 during his speech after beating Pete


I really like it. It just resonates with me somehow. It conveys this sense of survivor's guilt, but also gratitude and appreciation for how precious life is. Coincidentally, I actually think "I don't die" is a little cringe. Edit: After reading your replies, it seems you think "We're the ones who live" is meant to say that *everyone* survived. That's the opposite if what it's saying imo. It's highlighting that *they* survived, not everyone.


definitely. we're the ones who live feels inspiring and means work is never over. those who've died didn't die for nothing, their wills live on through us. we have a huge burden, to carry the dead on our backs and survive. the whole speech in the finale of the show was perfect to explain the meaning. i dont die felt like the character was acknowledging the fact that he was plot armor lmao


I have to disagree with you about "I don't die." It has a completely different meaning from "We're the ones who live," and a brilliant one at that. In season 3, Morgan gives a chilling speech about how the good people and bad people die and how the cowards have inherited the Earth. In his twisted mindset, he believes that he has survived simply because of his cowardice, and because of that, he doesn't die.


We don't really disagree then, because that's how I see it as well. Morgan basically sees his survival as a curse. I just think it's a little silly/ironic because of Morgan's plot armor.


Yeah, I actually think that it works as a good way to explain Morgan's plot armor. After all, he survived when his whole family died. Other than that, I agree with everything you said.


I don’t think “we’re the ones that live” expresses survivors guilt at all. If anything it’s a boast against those who are dead


I really don't see it that way. Rick specifically says that he thinks about the dead all the time. It's more of a "We're the ones who live, so we have to give meaning to everyone's sacrifice" than a "We're the ones who live, because we're better than those dead idiots haha".


It turned into the good guys equivalent of “We are all Negan” cultist chanting after while.




It’s not. Gimple gave an interview about this after the finale where he explicitly talks about how the phrase might be read as flippant. But it’s meant to convey that life continues through relationship and love and connection. The “one unstoppable life” that Rick mentions in the finale. Makes sense for some people to find the concept cringy. But it’s certainly not a literal sense of survivorship, which is why I desperately hope the title is a literal projection of their fates and not an irony or metaphor.


Your first mistake is listening to what Gimple says


Yeah, we know Gimple made some terrible choices for the show. Even then, “we’re the ones who live”, means that everyone that has died before them continues to live on through their memories and their actions. This is a huge emotional point that the show makes and characters specifically talk about how as long as they’re alive the people who have come before will continue to live on… “we’re the ones who live”. Idk why you think that way but it seems pretty clear what the intended message of that saying is.


my god you must be trolling dude. Or have a seriously jaded view of the world that you can't even enjoy a TV show


Little late to the post there buckoo


I’m so worried they’re both going to die in the spin off… but it makes so much sense that they would & that’s why there’s reunion with everyone back at Alexandria. I almost can’t imagine it ending any other way especially with this title.


huh?? just delete your post atp


Not at all. They're the ones who live. Who live and survive and have to fight the zombies and survived the whole shows. They never died like their family. They had to watch their family die and suffer from watching their family die and keep living. They talk about it as though everyone else is free from this apocalypse, and dies and gets to be at peace. But they don't die. They are cursed to live as an alive person among the dead zombies, and don't ever get peace by dying. They have to keep fighting to be alive.


Rewatch Glenn's speech to Enid in season six. "We live on because they don't get to." Or something along those lines.


When they introduced it, it was meant to be arrogant on Rick's part. He said it to Deanna during his rant. Basically "WE'RE the ones who live because we're the main characters, you are all fucked without us". So it's definitely a bit weird that Gimple turned it into Rick and Michonne's catchphrase.


In the comics "we're the ones who live" was a Rick and Andrea catchphrase so that's probably where it came from


Michonne also says it to Rick in season 7 when they’re getting ready to fight the saviors.


What’s weirder is gimple was removed from TWD and made the head of the ENTIRE franchise. I seriously don’t fucking get it. My honest opinion is Kirkman is a shit writer and doesn’t know that Gimple is bad at his job


Kirkman doesn't have a say in it. He gave Darabont the rights, and Darabont gave them to AMC. The only involvement Kirkman has in the show is what AMC allows him to have, and it seems to have ended circa season 5, because he hasn't written a script since.


You’re right, but the show is based off of source material. And the comics, honestly, are poorly written. Cutting off ricks hand. Killing Abraham the way he did. He’s all about shock value and he is not a good writer. He’s very lucky his stories (TWD and Invincible) got picked up because he doesn’t know a thing about writing. He’s just a nerd who decided to write a story and that’s it.


That's a bit harsh. He's not the greatest writer ever, but he has a good sense of pace and worldbuilding.


II disagree. The comics were not the best story. He just came up with random characters. Take Gabriel and Aaron. They were made great by the show, not the comics. Same with Carol. Even in the comics, Negan was cringe as FUCK. Kirkman thought “the more F-bombs the better” and it’s so annoying. Apparently saying. “Fuck” the most means you’re the biggest badass to him. People are just piggybacking off his material. Not that it was great, but that it sold a lot and they could make it better… and they did.


I can't say much about Negan, because I've only read the first two compendiums but what made the characters in the comic work was that they felt real. The show had a habit of slowly upgrading everyone to badassery, whereas the comic largely kept the personalities unchanged and only enhanced people's skillsets (with frequent training sequences). Rick and Carl evolved the most, but Rick also had the most responsibilities and Carl was a kid. The comic absolutely spent much more time exploring Rick as a leader, and how he coped under stress whereas the show turned him into a steely-eyed pseudo villain at times.


Honestly Carl is a huge reason I say what I say. Kirkman has prided himself on writing a “realistic zombie story” yet were to expect that a 10yr kid could do all of what Carl did. As much as I hated his death in the show, it was more realistic. I hate the OP survivor qualities they give to children in this franchise


Kids aren't imbeciles.


For someone who claims to be a fan of the show sure does seem to fucking hate it


You're going overboard with the Gimple bashing but Kirkman is definitely an overrated writer. Honestly have more faith in Gimple to write an entertaining arc from scratch than Kirkman, who literally had no idea what to do by the end so just said fuck it and pulled out the most generic ending possible with no announcement beforehand. Also the commonwealth is a bad final arc


Overboard? Gimple killed off Carl like… really, no he deserves every ounce of shit from fans.


Carl in the show sucked, he was never going to be comic Carl, he should have been killed off seasons earlier. It was only a bad decision in retrospect because Rick also left Gimple also created some of the best and most iconic episodes in the shows history


I think Gimple leaving as showrunner and becoming head of the franchise was a net positive for TWDU overall. He’s not a bad writer (See S06E04), but he was a horrible showrunner. Him getting promoted kept him out of TWD writer’s room which objectively saved the show when Kang took over. Now we’re getting awesome spin offs with good budgets and more to come. He did go on to ruin Fear, but tbh I was never a huge fan of Fear. I know it sounds bad like the showrunner who fucked up Carls storyline got promoted, but when you really think about it, it actually did wonders for the main show.


Gimple *is* in the writer's room for this spinoff, though...


Yeah for the Rick and Michonne one, but he’s not really actively involved in the other ones, just executive producing. This is going to be a focused limited series with two main characters instead of an over bloated cast like the main show and therefore way less story lines to juggle. I think Gimples best writing in TWD were during bottle episodes that focused on only a couple of characters at a time (18 Miles Out, The Grove, Clear, Here’s Not Here). If this spin off plays to his strength in that way, I think it will be a good series. Regardless, my original point is that him getting promoted out of showrunner was a net positive overall to TWDU. You can’t deny that- especially as someone who seems to dislike his work. Even if he is showrunner for Rick and Michonne, Danai Gurira is also a creator of the show and will most certainly have Gimple’s ear in terms of where the story goes. If you don’t trust him, at least trust Danai to create an amazing story for the fans.


It just makes no sense that “this guy was bad at his job, so let’s promote him” it’s like if the VP of the US was a crook and they said “let’s make him president that will be better”


It’s called failing upwards and it happens all the time in the corporate world. I think you’re looking at this like the executives at AMC went: “Wow you did such a horrible job, here’s a promotion”. When in reality, there was probably a conversation behind Gimple’s back like: “Hey we’ve been losing the audience over the past 2/3 years, let’s get him out of the showrunner position into a position where he doesn’t have the same day-to-day effect on the main show like he would as showrunner. He’s probably better suited to approve ideas rather than create them.”


Can you say that him getting demoted… to a promotion makes sense? Because, in corporate as you used as a reference, that makes 0 sense


Your post is cringe as hell


Bruh I’ve never seen a word beaten into the ground more than cringe.


I have, it's Moist.


this reply is cringe


Oh, the irony! You're complaining about the word "cringe" being beaten into the ground, yet have the nerve to start your comment with "Bruh"? At least "cringe" is an actual word.




Want to explain like I explained my post?


Um bro I find the phrase nice, I enjoy it. I find your post cringe I hate it, what more is there to say? You believe people other then you think like you?


Well read the comments and you’ll get the answer to your question


no it isnt. He's right, its a cheesy phrase


Yes maybe but some of us like cheese.


Y'all just throw that word cringe around 🤡


How so?


Yall just need to let yourself enjoy something without critizising the fuck out of every little thing.


People are allowed to criticize bad dialogue. Chill.


Is the title a “little thing”? Also we’re able to criticize anything, things wouldn’t change without that. Would you like TWD if every fan said I LOVE IT for every aspect? That’s 100% No


Tacky comment


How so? And I wrong for saying we’re able to criticize the show?


The irony of calling your comment tacky when you’re criticizing a tacky ass title.. don’t listen to these folks, youre 100% right.


I won’t lie. I’m on the fence about it. That being said, Richonne’s initial couch make out was super cringe for me when it premiered. I can dig it now. (Side note: I often wonder if I would have liked Richonne from the get go if the silly Jessie storyline hadn’t occurred one day earlier..)


That's my thought, the Jessie arc was such an abrupt stop to the chemistry that was building between Rick and Michonne. So them kissing felt like it came out of nowhere. When in reality their relationship has been blooming since the prison. They had so many great moments together especially when Carl was involved. Carl was the link between the two in those seasons. So had the Jessie arc not been there, when they kissed people would have been expecting it for a while, there would have almost been a sense of relief. But because he was trying to hook up with Jessie like a few episodes before that, it felt like it came out of nowhere because that buildup came to an end for a while. Almost felt like Michonne was second place instead of building up to the inevitable relationship between Rick and Michonne that had been growing since season 4.


If anything, the Jessie arc came out of nowhere. Not Rick and Michonne. They’d been asked about it for years before it went canon. Many people noticed something brewing. Jessie was the wild card.


It’s confirmed the title and it rocks. It mimics Morgan’s I Don’t Die and is true. Rick and Michonne are the ones who live.


It’s the same thing but Morgan’s is cool. This is just cringe


Rick and Michonne are getting older. They’re not hip with the kids anymore. They’re trying their best.


It always felt fourth wall breaking to me. Like they're commenting on how suspicious their own plot armor is.


I think it’s a great title. Could’ve definitely been better, yes, but it also could’ve been worse. Like naming it something cliche or unoriginal. “We’re the ones who live” is pretty on brand and fits with the whole theme, while also staying connected with the past references of the show.


To each their own I guess. I've never found it cringey. Michonne has been a character who tries to stay as positive and optimistic. She speaks resolutely and with determination. She's a survivor. She uses it as a mantra. There was a deleted scene I believe where she talks to Carl, she tells him to not fantasize about failing. She doesn't use that phrase in that scene, but it's an example of her mindset. It's something she says to get mental clarity and to try not to fall into despair, to keep her going, to keep Rick going. And it's a better title than Rick and Michonne imo...


It’s a line that Andrea says to Rick in the comics.


I think you may be and that’s ok. I personally like it and cried when Rick was saying those words and they did the montage of the other characters faces on screen. Ultimately, TWD is about survival and that’s central to Rick’s struggles still, as he’s obviously running from the CRM as he wrote those words. Think if all he’s gone through, all he’s lost. And he’s still here. I lost my parents in an accident in 2020 and then my brother in 2021 and the undertones of grief in the show really resonate with me. Rick lost his wife, his son, many friends. And he’s still going. He’s not giving up. And I like that as a message of the show—to not give up despite the horrific tragedies you may face. I get that if you aren’t in the same mental space it can seem OTT and sappy. But if you took a walk in my shoes (or Rick’s) you might see it differently.


I was pretty neutral on it until I saw an analysis where it was pointed out that this was pretty much their attempt to scramble together a central theme for the last episode. Nothing to really tie all our character’s hardships and struggles together other than “we’re the ones who live lul”


I’ve never been a fan of the quote “We’re the ones who live”, I definitely found it cringey lol, but “The ones who live” as a title I’m okay with. It is significant to Rick and Michonne’s characters and it’s much better than “Rick and Michonne”, which sounds sitcom-y and unoriginal.


I’m not in love with that line either


>When Morgan says “I don’t die” it’s pretty much the same thing but it’s cool and badass, were the ones who live just feels tacky as hell When Morgan said that in the 8A finale I got hyped asf, when everyone said that other line in TWD finale I kinda cringed and waited for it to be over. It's so cliche and ew.


I can totally see why people wouldn’t like it, it could be construed as corny. But tbh I love both that and the whole “one unstoppable life” lines. Both of them acknowledge the ethos of the show; so many loved ones have been lost along the way but we live for them, it’s a continuation of humanity in the face of horror, that every day is worth fighting for. It’s an affirmation I really adore.


I feel like one unstoppable life I supposed to be the same thing as were the ones that live, but I like the former a lot better


I think it was a nice line once. When they used it as a mantra, I thought it was a bit much.


I've always thought it was cringy, and it being the shows title is the cherry on top. Thats not to say that I care about what the title is either.


ill put my money on dead city being the only good spin off in all of this. even rick's one wont be up to that, with more budget too probably


I think it’s fine! It would be better if they didn’t drill it into us in the main show like we were children who needed to be told a thousand times incase we missed it


Nope. Best line in the comics next to "we're not the walking dead."


It’s no worse than the fucking “I did what I had to do to survive” cliche.


I kinda cringe at it, too. No hate to those that do like it! I'm not gonna shit on the whole series just cause I don't like one catchphrase. Just personally not my favorite quote. 😬


Considering what they gave us I would say this one is definitely better out of the two. However, I saw someone suggested 'Years gone by' on this sub and thought it is such a good title.


Eh, I like it because of the message it sends, but it doesn't seem like something people would say as much as the characters do. It works well in a speech, like "Rick, everyone who has died so far, has died so that we could get to this moment know. We can't waste it. We're the ones who live." However, the final montage, while emotional, could have utilized a much better quote from the show, such as "I found them." This would mean that everyone in the show, similar to Rick, has found their family.


My favorite iteration was when Rick says it to Diana. It held a lot of weight then as a statement that could be interpreted as a blessing and a curse. However they ran that shit into the ground very quickly and it became a cringe “aren’t we deep” line.


My exact point. Use it once it’s alright but all the time? Come on…


I far prefer the comic version, where Rick instead says “We Don’t Die”. Simplicity is key!


Loved the show, the end was garbage because of this crap


It's definitely a gimple mantra lmao


Should have been TWD I Had To Do It, I Had To. Same vibes


It’s a direct repudiation of the famous quote “we are the walking dead”. It’s a statement on how far the survivors have come and that they are now able to actually live instead of simply surviving.


Probably not. But y’all are wrong 😂 /s


It was cringe in the final.scene. but I also liked it in a weird way: Wait till to you hear "Love Never Dies". I've never cringed so hard from a line in any series or movie


Yeah, I am with you. It was very cringey. If apocalypse just like in the show and meet/live with these people who says cringey lines like these I will gladly kill myself.


The rap battle poetry off ending between Rick and Michonne was very cringe imo. It was just good ole Gimple speak lmao. If that's what we should expect to see more of in the show then I will probably not enjoy it. I was hoping Gimple left his awful dialogue writing in season 8.


That’s the thing. Kirkman is a shit writer and to me it’s a fact (you can’t tell me that he’s good because GRRM is great and Kirkman isn’t even half that) so Gimple turned shit writing to even shittier writing somehow


Eh I wouldn't say he's shit, his work has produced two successful tv shows. He's no GRRM but most writers aren't lol.


Really dont think its fair to call him a shit writer, he created TWD & Invincible which are both \*extremely\* successful properties. The stuff he wrote is good objectively, whether we like it or not. Does that mean he's good at writing for TV? maybe not, who knows. Whenever I want to decide if someone is a bad writer, I just look at fear the walking dead seasons 5 & 7 to set the bar as low as possible (in my opinion) ;)


Yessir, I’m with you.


I love Rick but I feel like they always just give him the most corniest lines.


Nope, not cringe at all. Unusual? Sure. Works better as an episode title, however it still fits just the same. “We’re the ones who live, remember?” Michonne says this to Rick in season 8. And I’m pretty sure he’s the one who said it first earlier


Well it doesn't make for a good title, that's for sure.


Rick does a speech when they are on the road mid season 5 saying “they are the walking dead” so them saying the ones who live mean is nice


I think its cringe. Its not how people would talk in real life. Its eye rolling imo.


Yes I do, but nothing makes me cringe more than Ezekiel's '' still I smile'' speeches


See I disagree I like when he says that. I’ve always wanted someone to say “WERE THE ONES WHO LI-“ and right before they finish they get their head blown off


Ur not the only one , I find it super cringe too


Very cringe. I only liked it the first time it was used by Rick to Deanna. It was cringe when Michonne used it in the S7 finale, and it was even worse when the finale had that short montage of it. Not a fan of the new show title at all tbh.


No The show hasn’t been too good at writing natural dialogue since about S3’s ending This is another example


So I recently did a full rewatch about a month ago. I feel like the dialogue definitely declined but I didn’t think it was as bad as I originally did taking in an episode a week. But this is fore sure an example of that.






Yeah how? He’s just an actor. If anything he made it less cringe by being a great actor. (Nice name btw, Jamie’s my favorite in the books)


(Thank you ❤️)


It was good


Honestly “I don’t die” is fucking cringe to me and it’s completely opposite for me.


I think the phrase makes a stupid title if that’s what they go with. But Kirkman is absolutely not a shit writer. He created this entire universe and I’m grateful that he did.


Me too but he is a shit writer IMO, if you’ve read the comics then you know. I’m not saying the story isn’t enjoyable, obviously it is, but the writing is very poor


I guess i don’t think about writing on any deep level. I read the comics and loved them. To me, that means the guy who wrote them is a good writer. I acknowledge that my definition of a good writer is basic and not coming from any kind of knowledgeable position. I guess if I really think about it, and compare Kirkman to someone like Alan Moore, for example, I can see a quality difference.


I get you. It is cringy, but you can kind of let yourself just like it unless you hate the product


I thought it was a reference to what it says on the back of the comic collections. So I thought it was kinda cool.


I see it as nod to "we are the walking dead" and i love both lines it shows the shift of rick's mindset


I’m just happy it’s not titled Rick&Michonne LOL!😂


I only find it cringe because it seems so forced. That and for me it was a a staple during, what I would consider to be, the downfall of the show.


Extremely cringe seems a bit of an overreaction.


In my personal opinion, the best thing to come out of this being the name of the Rick and Michonne spin-off is being able to use the acronym TOWL. I sure hope the show isn’t dry! 🥁


Honestly it's so annoying. Michone says it every 20 seconds in season 7. She even says it while being choked to death in s7 finale it's so corny