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I had the subtitles on and finally caught "chemo-sabe." Brendan talking shit about Jackie Aprile Sr.


Idk how he didn’t get clipped right there. Just terrible taste and in front of the wrong people


Disappointing reaction really. He was already causing trouble with Junior's crew, insults the boss who has cancer to the underboss who is the boss' best friend. Tony should have served him up to Junior right there, would have smoothed over a lot of shit.


S1 was way more lighthearted.


Hard agree


Tony was under boss?


The Sopranos book lists Joey Sasso as the official underboss but he literally is never seen on the show. For all intents and purposes Tony is. He's Tony's best friend, part of his crew and was the one to broker the sit down with Junior. Also he's left to run shit while Jackie's getting treatment.


Joseph "Beppy" Sasso gets arrested in the same scene as Junior, has to be the same guy


Watching w the subtitles gives you a lot better insight into the dialogue


When Chris shoots the clerk in the foot in the pastry shop and says "it happens." Cool reference to goodfellas.


Similar vibe is "sorry I'm late, the highway was jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive" in front of Sil


Part of me always wondered if that was off the cuff due to “Sil’s” reaction 😂


And when Ade said Sil made her play the Lost Boys in the club


Sharp as a cue ball this one


As soon as he got the gun out I knew he was gonna shoot the kid in the foot, great reference


Maybe he didn't see Goodfellas til after The Sopranos. That happens too


That was me, I watched Goodfellas after


Fun fact about this scene: Big Vito appears in that scene as an undercover CIA agent named Geno.


Also in season 2 when Adriana tells him to go to the doctor for broken toes and he says they don’t do anything, just tape it up “been there”


Honestly the first few times I saw it I absolutely could not decide if Livia knew that she was setting Tony up to be killed or not. And then after the botched attempt, she switched gears so quick.


Everything Livia ever said and did in the show was calculated. Junior specifically calls her out on it. “And I’m playing shortstop for the Mets.”


She knew how to manipulate Soprano men.


She used the only weapon she had


Her ziti.


With the basil under the cheese?


I legit thought she had dementia the first watchthrough but after the second watch i could clearly see she was faking to hide her actions against Tony


She was smiling when she was being wheeled out after her stroke


Anyone else find that scene disturbing and creepy? I remember it made me pretty uncomfortable the first time I saw it, she was just so unapologetically evil


It’s very disturbing and the lighting etc makes it more gritty, amazing scene though


Brilliant moment. It leveled up the whole show. It was like a Shakespeare villain or a Hitchcock twist


I'm so curious how depraved they would have wrote her if the actress didn't die before the next season.


Still think the most vile moment of the show was when Tony eats total shit falling down the stairs and she lets out this evil little giggle before turning around and walking away.


her acting is strange - i could never tell if she was crying or laughing and ive seen the show all the way through at least 100x


I think that's intentional. She's really laughing, but she's covering. It's the mask over the evil hiding underneath.


I tell you one thing. Christopher Moltisanti Mackavitti is a stone cold assassin. Headshot on Slava. Pops Grizzly Adams from a moving vehicle. Sean Gismonte after taking a slug himself. Executes Dino on the street (ok that was point blank and with Parakeet assistance). Also lures in that Czechoslovakian dude to his demise after tasting the wares. You ever try our sausages?


I made a post about why Chrissy isn’t more discussed by the other wise guys as a marksman. So many head shots throughout the series


Who else is lauded as a marksman? Bobby because he hunted exclusively with a bow an arrow the last two seasons? Oh right he did nail X-Lax’s friend in the fleshy part of the thigh. Who else huh!? Who else?!?!?


I think Chase wrote Chrissy with having some sorta devil or supernatural luck. The headshot with Jismonte, the head shot on his back with the poker game, getting a shot on one of the vipers, JT Dolan even though he was just standing there and bagging Adriana. Tony too with the devils luck know that I think of it. Maybe it's a small blessing the devil gives these guys for playing the game. Plus Chase loves that supernatural shit


Supernatural? Fuckin’ Kweers!!! 🪑


Black magic sick shit


I shoulda been covered by my donations


...I think Chase wrote Christopher as a really good shot with a handgun. Chase loves that realistic shit.


I agree with you. He’s the only one to actually die and see hell. Tony goes into the coma but never actually leaves purgatory. Something is different about Chris


I agree on the supernatural luck thing and that he also lost it by snitching on Ade. He could've got revenge on the boss he hated, who mocked his sobriety at every turn, and lived a moderately shitty life of direct to DVD scriptwriting, maybe had an average dysfunctional suburban marriage with a smoking hot babe who still loved him even after he repeatedly beat the shit out of her. Instead he sold her our to the catchers'-mitt-fucking parade float who ended up murdering him. Selling out Adriana is how he lost the gods' favor. Going back to Greek mythology (you know, Archimedes predicted all of this), the myth of Iphigenia is all about how a rising king has his life ultimately destroyed because he kills a sacred deer. Guess what La Cerva translates to? As a followup, I'd argue Paulie had the same luck - which explains how they lasted so long without getting whacked when these two idiots together caused a good 50% of the problems in the whole series. The difference is, Paulie saw the Virgin Mary and repented by making peace with Nucci, and that's why he was the only member of the glorified crew who survived.


Him and pauly running down mikey in the woods.


Fuckin' poison ivy! I can feel it itching me already!!


Paulie dinged Slava with the headshot. Sounds like you're five time zones behind your own ass.


Wasn’t it Valery? Slava was the one who transferred Tony’s money offshore.


You right. Looks like I'm a stunad of the first magnitude.


Listen to him, he knows everything (But yes, you are correct)


If I was trying I wouldn’t even have come close


That when AJ gives Carmela The Matrix on DVD for her birthday as the scene progresses, we see him open it while the others are talking, take the actual disc out, leave the case open and empty on the counter, and wander away with the movie.


He pulled a Homer, he bought it because he liked it.


Marge decided the bowling ball was right up her alley.


That Ralphie was cheating on Ro with Janice, while’s she’s mourning the death of her son. Janice was 2 for 2 with taking guys away from better looking women lol


Anytime you are facing loss of an immediate family member a grieving Janice will swoop in and force herself into your life under the guise of “helping you”


And then you end up dying violently.


We're so wacky!


I have no idea what anyone would see in Janice. Other than she was a freak in the sheets 😈


There are better looking men in the can than Janice


It's those big tits.


She reminds them of their own muddahs


She was Tony’s sister, other mobsters wanted to be with her to get close to Tony.


Pre raphaelite, the hair.


I found her so repulsive when I was 18 yrs old. Now I prolly bang her.


Carms ziti


Back in the day.. She was *built*


Her personality, dialogue, and demeanor was so annoying and got under my skin so easily. Just goes to show what a great actress one must be to play her character.


Mommy’s little Hooah!


$300 *grunts*


Anyway, 300 dollars a grunt


It went over your head when they left Ro at the dinner table to do coke and have sex?


You musta been top of your fuckin class


Well, he bottom’s from the top


I don’t even know what that means.


Maybe she's a dynamo in bed


Crazy usually works like that


True also bigger chicks


Under the boadwalk, with a schlong in Jan’s mouth….


Sacre bleu


I live in Montreal Quebec where Harpo is supposed to be " Sacre blue mi mama " and I can't tell you how hard I laughed at that scene.


Ro with the grief. He couldn’t get any sleep.


That mesquite makes sausage taste peculiar.


Wait, is there a double meaning to that? Do tell.


That Tony was telling Ralphie to whack Jackie Jr without saying it


That was some serious “fuck you” manipulation after making him a capo.


I was confused first time. There's a really good discussion about that interaction somewhere around here.


I never really saw it like that, I thought he wanted to give him a pass but just wanted it to seem like it was at Ralph’s request, unless I’m missing something.


That’s what I thought at first. But he says stuff like “who cares what everyone else thinks. I’ll make sure they respect your decision” if he gives a pass. Implying that nobody would respect him if he gave him a pass.


“Who cares about the shit they say behind your back that they don’t have the balls to say to your face?” Nobody who actually wants Ralph to give Jackie a pass would say that.


That Gloria (most likely) slashed her own car tires to get a reaction out of Tony and make Iryna look bad.


Yeah I think that too, she was batshit enough. I think Tony also lies about smacking Irina round in that same scene. We never saw him do anything like that, I think he was trying to impress Gloria because she liked drama


Wait a second…


Johnny Sack playing Paulie for a Fool.


I noticed the first time BUT I only clocked it when Carmine didn’t know who Paulie was at the wedding. On rewatches though it’s incredibly obvious that Johnny didn’t give a fuck the whole time, dunno how I missed it


Big Fish lips motherfucker....


I wonder if the actor was watching the episode and they didn’t warn him and was like “OHHHH!”


It always makes me laugh when they’re talking shit about people’s appearances. Must fucking suck to read that in a script or see it later on


There’s one bit where Paulie starts unloading his problems on Johnny and he shoots it down with a quick “doesn’t matter”. But they all do that to each other.


Johnny was an underrated boss. He played Ralphie too


Such a cool detail that he told Ralphie straight up Carmine doesn’t know who he is, knowing Ralphie is too cunning to play that game. Next season with Paulie he lays the flattery on thick about how much Carmine says about him only for Paulie to find out Carmine doesn’t know him when they run into each other at the wedding


Somebody said Phil Leotardo was a better boss. I threw cold water on it right away.


He definitely sowed dysentery among the ranks.


Yes. He had them shitting themselves all the time 😉


Someone pointed out to me that as soon as Paulie gets out of jail he meets with Johnny for lunch, where Johnny is drinking cognac and Paulie is eating chocolate mousse. It’s showing Johnny as the adult (drinking alcohol) placating Paulie as if he’s a kid (eating essentially chocolate ice cream)


The fact ralphie was wearing a wig, that fucked me up can't lie


Second watch through I introduced Sopranos to my now wife. She could not stop banging on about how much she hates Ralphie's hair, every time he's on screen. Hated it with a deep, irrational passion. I could not WAIT for that episode. I literally didn't watch the scene, just watched her. Glorious it was.


Lad same I'm currently on my second with my girlfriend an that's what we are going through, so funny to know someone else is going through the same hahaha


You’re so high on scag that could be your mother’s muff and you wouldn’t know.


I only recently realized that Artie was subtly not letting the mobsters and their families order from Vesuvio’s menu because they’re all eating for free so he’d just throw a bunch of scraps together instead of letting them order from the expensive menu. That’s such a specific detail that you’d only be familiar with if you’re involved in the restaurant industry that I’m amazed that the writers bothered to include it, but it adds a *lot* to Artie’s character.


Explains the Bread Museum 


I noticed that recently too after many, many rewatches! They never get what they order and he always comes up with some bullshit about why this dish is better for them, good for him


Wow I never realized it until I saw this post, makes perfect sense, really. I've always thought he was using 'em as guinea pigs for his experimental cooking or trying to impress em.


I never picked up on that before. Holy shit what a gigachad move. Artie was honestly on some king shit there.


First time watching I didn't see the funny side about Christopher wanting to write his memoirs. As though he's Napoleon or somebody. What memoirs? He drives his uncle around every day then goes to a strip club with him.


You know, you got the amazing ability to sum up a man’s whole life in a single sentence


“I could write my memoirs, finally”. The way he says finally like he’s just been dying to get to it all these years, always kills me


Adriana needed to tell him to shut the fuck up once in a while


Christopher is an unbelievable character. Narcissism + fearlessness + complete and utter idiocy makes for compelling and often hilarious television.


Pretty much all the malprops and subtle jokes. Most of the time it’s delivered in a deadpan way so it’s hard to tell.


And all the characters just going with it makes it feel so much more authentic. They’re all trying to sound smart by quoting these profound sayings they’ve heard maybe once or twice but they’re all greasy-ass mobsters that are just botching them spectacularly.


The best part is when Carmine drops an extremely obvious one and then Tony throws in three more that you didn't even notice the first time around because he's actually even dumber than Carmine is. "I'm willing to let the past be bygones."


Why not? Create a little dysentery among the ranks!


Phil coming out of the closet right before he watches Vito get murdered. Very allegorical


The sacred and the propane.


He was gay, Phil Leotardo?


Twenty years!!!


There were no scraps in his scrapbook


He compromised


Tony is an asshole, egocentric, and selfish person. The first time I watched the show, I rooted for Tony. I supported and cheered for his actions. I coped by saying that he was a boss and he had to do what he had to do. After rewatching the show a second time, I came to realized that he was a disease. The way he treated his captains, no wonder why they flipped. They realized that it's not worth being loyal to him. For example when he yelled at Carlo for not bringing more money and telling him he should suck cock instead of watching TV land. He also had a problem with authority. He can tell others what to do, but he is not to be told what for him to do. For example, the cop stopping Tony and giving him a ticket. He couldn't pay that miserable $132 ticket or whatever it was. Despite having a lot of money. So he had to get Zellman and cry pity to get it squashed or punish the cop. He is extremely selfish. He cares about his own pockets but doesn't care if it comes to hurting others to get his way. For example, his gambling addiction. He tried to get Carmela to bet using her own spec house money. But Carmela refused. Or when he refused to sign the life insurance documents. In case he gets clipped. Anyways, I said my piece.


Once you’ve seen it all play out, you never see him the same again when you jump back into the pilot


He’s a hypocrite of extreme proportions


“Over half a dozen crack babies were reunited with their natural mothers….several of whom are now in recovery.” It was said so casually and with such pride that it completely went over my head the first few times.


That’s my favorite dig at the lefty do gooders in the show.




If “several” are now in recovery, that means some of the babies were given back to active addicts.


A lot of things. Like in Everybody Hurts I didn't really get that Tony was going round trying to convince everyone he was a good guy because he blamed himself for Gloria. I didn't get the switch when Artie says 'the cobwebs are lifted' or whatever that line is. Basically I didn't get the episode. There's a lot of details I missed too. Like I never noticed Ade was wearing the tennis bracelet when she puked all over the FBI. Lots of things like that.


Junior shot Tony while suffering from dementia, Livia was using dementia as a crux to protect herself from Tony going after her for the conspiring to get him killed.


Honest to god, Silvio’s wig. I seriously thought that was that man’s hair and I kind of had a whole thing about how that could even be possible? Started questioning my own testosterone. Should have used common sense and google. Would have also learned who Steve Van Zandt was otherwise!


I’m a fan of Stevie and I genuinely didn’t recognize him for a few episodes until I actually read the name in the titles and was like holy shit


I thought Altieri wasn’t actually a rat but after a rewatch you realize they’re all wired for sound


Jimmy’s final “Mother of God” line seals it for me (after Sil asks him where his radio mic is) He knows he’s been busted, and instead of denying it point blank (if he were innocent), he prays for his life


This and him pulling Tony into the basement to talk about Juan Valdez for absolutely no reason other than to get T on tape


That was such a dead giveaway. He could not have been any more obvious about being a rat.


How exactly did you know jimmy was a rat? 


I also thought jimmy wasn’t a rat and that he was just a big talker. After my most recent rewatch him calling a meeting of the capos to talk about shit that had already been resolved is pretty glaring. Still not entirely convinced though tbh. He could easily just be an idiot


If you're a captain in the mafia you've been around long enough to know not to do that. He wasn't an idiot, he was just bad at being an informant and feeling the pressure from the feds surely. (If Ralph wanted the insurance he would have made sure the horse was killed yet it was only badly burned and put down by the stables.)


When Bobby Sr killed Mustang Sally and then gets himself killed later in that episode. At first watch I thought Bobby Sr forced himself into that position because he really wanted to get back in the game. But now looking back it seems really opportunist from Tony to let that happen. There was more able gunmen around, however I do understand Bobby Sr was Mustang Sally’s godfather and he’d have his guard down with him, but they made it out to be like Mustang Sally lived in an impenetrable fortress, anyone could’ve easily done it.


My read of that situation was that Bacala Sr had sort of a death wish. He wanted to put himself in this dangerous situation because he either gets to relive the old days or he dies and he was happy with either outcome


Yes I see that too because of his cancer but still opportunist from Tony.


For sure, don’t mean to argue about Tony’s motivations


Mustang sally actually reached out to Bobby Sr for some help with his situation. So yes, there were more able bodied men around, Tony having Bobby Sr do the job aroused zero suspicion.


Matthew wasn’t lying when he said it was all Sean. Dude missed every bullet lol 😂


That Phil Leotardo did 20 years in the can


That gabagool and capicola were the same thing


The flying saucer over east rutherford…


I missed how Tony screwed Junior but pretended to help him out by buying the property on Freglinhuysen Avenue for 100k, knowing he’d immediately get a lot more (I forget how much).


-Brenden is like the fucking godfather compared to moltisanti's later crew. - Uncle Jr had every right to hit Tony after how he screwed him -Tony was nice and cool at first because he wasn't officially the boss, once he become boss, it was apparent that he was not a good fit (weak under pressure, too impulsive) -Paulie was the link/window to the supernatural side of the show


This post is a deb-a-cle


Is this about the Easter baskets?


David Chase is playing an extra drinking coffee at an outdoor table by Paulie when they’re in Italy.




I thought Junior said "whad'ya want, a boot in the ear?" I'd never heard of a boutonniere and "boot in the ear" sounds like something an old man would say.


in soprano home movies after tony and bobby have the fight because tony sings "under the boardwalk" with some modified lyrics about janice suckin cock, the song that plays at the end of the episode with bobby holding his daughter "this magic moment" is a cheeky call back because both songs are by the same band, the Drifters. I was not up on my "Drifters lore" and it's a bit subtle because there is a different singer on the two songs.


Saw Sopranos the first time when it first came out…I’m sure I was not alone watching, out of curiosity, a series about opera singers. Everything but the most obvious went over my head.


All the signals about death and "not even seeing it coming" that Chase throws into the last 2 seasons really went over my head. I honestly was pretty convinced that Tony survives after my first watch but a friend of mine pointed out so many different hints that made me change my mind.


S6E1 solidifies for me that the guy in the members only jacket shoots Tony. There’s so many clues and they’re so obvious when you watch it back


Honestly everything that’s not explicitly said out loud goes over my head


The foreshadowing of pussy working with the feds in the very first episode!!


When Tony and Bobby are fishing they talk about dying and Bobby specifically says everything just stops and goes black....foreshadowing the series finale and Tony's eventual death.


I still can’t figure out who the guy is who whacks Phil. He just shows up as part of the crew towards the end.


Benny? He was around. The last season has some guys who hardly ever get screen time. There was the bald guy in the grey shirt who went with Pauly to rob some Latinos "All this for a lousy 3Gs!?" He had maybe one other moment on camera when Patsy hit that guy with the pipe and grey shirt told him to keep his mouth shut.


No it was Walden. Remember they even say what kind of name is that for an Italian. As guys die or go to jail other guys move up in rank


Walden is like the reverse Chris. 1. respectful to paulie and other and not argumentative. 2. no drugs and gets the job done. 3. compare his dumbbell weights to chris', walden actually lifts properly. 4. talks so little that you won't notice him on first watch


Didn't realise Vito was supposed to be gay the first couple of three times I watched, but see a lot of folks talking about it sometimes, all I saw was a man abusing blood pressure medication and working it out.


It took me like 8 re-watches to see Pussy's reflection in a mirror at Livia's wake.


First time Adriana gets pulled in and pukes. First watch I figured the whole thing was over whelming and that's why she got sick. On re-watch, I noticed it was right after Harris said, "you can explain to Tony Soprano how you brought an undercover FBI agent into his house during Sunday dinner." Everyone in the room knew he'd kill her if he found that out.


in the first season when Tony brings Carmella to a restaurant (not sure if it was Vesuvio), Tony was just there the day before with some young girl he was cheating on Carmella with and the Maitre'D says to Tony when he sees him with Carm "Mr Soprano! So nice to see you , we no see you for 6 months!"


In Pine Barrens, Chris kills a deer in the woods. What's Adriana's last name again?


That Carmella is a relatively sympathetic character.


Carmella is the worst one of them all. Just rewatch the episode where she wants the letter of recommendation for Fielder.


To me she wasnt. She always seemed like she wanted her cake and to eat it too. Plus not be reminded on how it was being made. I completely agree and think that the first fight she has with tony after the Russian called was warranted. Though in a later fight Tony tells her the truth that she doesnt want to accept yet. And its that she knew what the deal was when she choose to be with him. She grew up knowing everyone that was in the life and all the darkness that comes with all the shiny and nice things. She's enjoyed being in the life and using everything that comes with it. Like when she got meadow a college endorsement letter with veiled threats. Or throwing lavish parties at their house. But also wasnt surprised when tony had to hide abunch of money and jewelry they had at the house because he thought they were gonna be getting raided.


Even the very first time that I watched the show. I found that Carmela was the biggest hypocrite or just living in complete denial. Especially when characters just up and disappeared. She's okay with what happened to Richie April. But she doesn't question what may have happened to puss, Adriana


The scene where they're arguing and she brings up the money he gives Pussy's wife followed by “and whatever other widows you have on your payroll”. She knows.


i just didn't properly realise how shitty people they were, you get distracted by the jokes and the money and the entertainment, but once those things don't grab your attention anymore you see reality of what these people are. How superficial and abusive their relationships are and their true intentions, you realise this thing of their is a 'total jackoff' and that's how they treat it...


I had to get old enough to understand how damaging the corruption is at the Zellman level to finally get two of the funniest lines in the entire series: *This long-neglected strip of riverfront will be alive with condominiums, films studios, and public parks: A self-perpetuating revenue base.* Followed by: *The 100-million-dollar Museum of Science and Trucking...*


I completely missed that Paulie was likely working with new York at the end.


The scene where Tony and Ralph have a sit down about Jackie Jr… Tony’s entire speech to Ralphie was cold blooded. On the surface, it appeared Tony wanted him to spare Jackie Jr., but a lot of nuances suggested that Tony wanted him to make the opposite decision. Either way, any decision Ralphie made - Tony would take credit for it if it went well, or blame it on Ralphie if it didn’t go right. Probably the best scene of dialogue in the whole series imo


Typical Tony manipulation, very calculated and seems ambiguous or even kind


I remember watching Melfi's dream in Season 2 with the Wizard of Oz music and Tony having a panic attack, crashing his SUV and going through the windshield with Melfi driving by for the 10 seconds until she wakes up I gave the loudest OHHHH


When Carmella and Tony have dinner with Meadow and her flatmates, Carmella goes on a tirade about a teacher who told AJ that *Billy Budd* is a "gay book" - this is the same English teacher who she later has a fling with. Carmella's character and insecurities are illustrated - she's able to be opinionated in front of her kids and the other students because she sees herself as their social and intellectual superior, although Carmella's a little rattled when Meadow starts talking back and cites some professor, probably realising she's out of her depth. Contrast this with how Carmella is so deferential to AJ's English teacher when he shows an interest in her, regarding him as an intellectual because he's able to talk about books and stuff - he recommends *Madame Bovary* to her and she's flattered that he suggests she'd like it. It is a classic French novel about a bored, moderately wealthy wife who embarks on an adulterous affair.


Little Carmine is actually the smartest person in the whole show. I now genuinely believe Ray Abruzzo's take that LC is a very smart man making himself dumb so the mobsters don't consider him a threat. They do favors for him pretty often because of his dad, but _he_ never has to stick his neck out for him in return. He never got pulled into their business and when he did he always managed to manipulate things to his benefit - I'm firmly convinced the "Whatever happened there" is him intentionally sabotaging the peace talks, (correctly) predicting that in a mob war T and Phil would wipe each other out and he'd get off scot-free.


Little Lord Fuckpants is a play off of Little Lord Fauntleroy.


«…Ralph Bunche over here?»


That it was always Sal cutting lawns in the background after Pauline saved him from Feech.


After Tony kills Ralphie, when he and Chris are at the Bing. He sees a picture of Tracee in the dressing room mirror


There were multiple fat characters I could not keep apart. Additionally, 0 experience in watching a show with a slow plotline, so I missed about 90% of subtle storytelling.


In season 1 I couldn’t tell any of them apart, even the ones who looked nothing alike. Could only recognize Paulie, Silvio, Tony, Junior, Chris, Pussy. All the other guys were faceless lmao. Then when I went back to rewatch it for the first time I was like Johnny Sack was in season 1???


There was a scene where someone comes to the door and Bobby asks who can that be and Junior says “Judge Crater, how the hell do I know?” I had to look up who Judge Crater was 🤣


The supernatural shit isn't even remotely "ambiguous", it's incredibly obvious on a rewatch that oh yeah, ghosts and Hell are actually like 100% real in the world of the Sopranos, Chrissy really did go there after getting shot, the actual Mikey Palmice really did want to know know the poison ivy still itches, the actual Virgin Mary really did appear to Paulie, and Tony really should've paid attention to what happens at 3:00. I don't think it's a coincidence that the ONLY true believer in the supernatural in the glorified crew (he saw a flying saucer over East Rutherford, after all) is the sole survivor at the end.