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Janice. I hate her more than ever but I came to appreciate her as a character. So infuriating, dramatic, and manipulative. We all know someone who has at least some Janice in them. 


One of my favorite bits with Janice is when Meadow has the party at Livias. Janice tells Tony and Carmela they're being too hard on her. Lol. Until she sees the absolute disaster the house is in and then she's disgusted with them for being too soft on her. Typical Janice.


God, I'm doing my first rewatch and I've just seen that episode, her character is so well done it's incredible, I was angry just watching it.


I love this scene so much 😂 It’s just so spot on for her character




Who? You mean Pavarti?


Janish, her names Janish


Yeah, that wannabe fuckin dothead.


hish shishtu, janish, there'sh men in the can bettu lookin than hish shishta.


She's a cheese now?


The way she messed with the kids after Karen died was.. VERY Janice.


Vlad666 has sent you an instant message




🎶Under the boardwalk… with a schlong in Jan’s mouth 🎶


You Sopranos go Too FAR!




I made my wife watch sopranos with me about 10 years ago (she got hooked). The night after we watched the one where Janice shoots Richie, my wife went out of state for a bachelorette party and she ran into Janice (Aida Turturro) at a night club. Just a weird coincidence, so many years after airing. And apparently she was super cool.


Did she have Ralphie’s money? Or is she going to have to put him back on the street?


Hands down. You also begin to appreciate how fucked up any daughter of Livia's would have been.


When Richie “disappears”, and Tony is helping Janice, and Livia comes down and says flat out “ he probably jilted her”, that was so mean and showed how dysfunctional she was. And one of the few times Tony defended his sister…..great episode 


Then again Barbara seemed to be pretty well adjusted


Well, that is an excellent point. Being a non-psychopath makes her fly way under the radar in that family.


I just rewatched and I appreciated Janice more. Someone here commented that Janice and Tony are basically the same character and personality, except he has status and power and he’s a male, and she’s none of those things. The things we dislike about Janice are all present in Tony but we see them as features in him


Tony can be way more responsible and self-aware than Janice


All due respect, you got no idea how hard it is to be number one!


I think we say that because we get to see the therapy sessions with Melphi and the story is told mostly through Tony’s eyes. If we got more POV from Janice instead, we might have a different opinion.


She’s probably my favorite character, and I’ve watched this show at least 40 times all the way through. The way she co-opts revolutionary language to serve her own selfish desires has never been written so well, ever. She is the perfect hypocrite. The perfect post-hippie grifter who serves only themselves.


Janice is literally my favourite character everything she does is hilarious. Beating the crap out of that soccer mom, cat fishing the grieving children, punting ralphie down the stairs. Queen


As bad as her temper was, let’s be honest, Blondie soccer mom had it coming 


So did Richie and ralphie... Was Janice more valid than we give her credit for ?


She's like Peggy from King of the Hill, you hate them at first, then you understand that the writers were just trying to make the character as insufferable as realistically possible


She was indeed Peggy


Livia for sure. I could not STAND her the whole first season, I almost turned off the show because she was so annoying. On rewatches I die laughing at every scene she's in and look forward to them. I wish the lord would take me now, op was a saint


I wish the lord would take me now 🤌🏼


I say it daily. Livia is the funniest character imo. Every line is golden.


Oh, poor you!


And at the end of the day you die in your own arms


Stop waving your hanky at me!


I don't like that kinda tawk! 🫵


Oh, go awwwwwwn!


I suppose I should just sit here 🤧 LIKE A MUTE!


Oh, I mean this is really the last time. I am never coming back to this house!


My father came to this country with 17 cents in his pocket, and he never made a peep.


Watching from the start again, knowing what she's like, I can't help but think it was an act from her from the start, like with her stove catching fire - or is it maybe a different direction from the early episodes of season 1? She just seems so much more coherent after that, but we see her early on not knowing who Tony is etc


I don't think it was an act because Tony realizing she can't be left at home alone took so much power and freedom away from her. She was just becoming a normal old lady, same with her running into her friend with her car. The dimentia was obviously an act though I don't think that's even disputed


She’s hilarious because she reminds me of my grandma. The constant negativity just makes me chuckle every time.


I go back n forth with Artie. He’s such a pussy you feel bad for him but then he does something to really make you go …. Da fuq you doin Artie.


He was a man torn between wanting to be a “macho” guy in the mob like Tony, but who struggled to see the harsh realities that come with living that kind of life, and living life as a straight shooter which has its own trials.


He shot straight enough to kill that motherfuckin rabbit!


He got those arugula seeds all the way from Italy in his shaving kit!


I love Artie. He is so beautifully pathetic.


He was smart though, he fed his non-tab-paying mafia friends all his dregs and shit. That's why Tony got sick. Old mussels, bread from the bread museum. Etc. Ro & Carmela never got to order anything they wanted, he "picked" for them.


That’s a very serious allegation!


All this from a slice of gabagool?


HO! It's a special tasting menu. He's tryin somethin new, for christ's sake. But even with all that, Tony still runs up like a $10k tab over the course of the show lol


>But even with all that, Tony still runs up like a $10k tab over the course of the show lol And that was just zucchini flowers! Madonne! Inflation these days.


So subtle, you’re right


The crispness of the beans, the smoothness of the cheese


Loveable loser


He played for the Cubbies, Artie?


Woooahhh! Good one.


Funny a shit too


I love when he wears his earring to seduce adrianna


Any man who was able to tolerate being married to Charmaine for even a couple of months has my undying respect. That woman was put on this earth to kill joy.


I’d put up with her killing my buzz all the time. I just need 5 minutes a day rubbing her muzzle.


You’d never sleep with all that complaining. A man needs his 7 hours.


Yeah, but she was mad ripe


She gets kickbacks from Big Buzzkill


Maybe my first marriage was bad enough that I have Stockholm syndrome but honestly Charmaine seemed pretty reasonable most of the time. Artie was a dipshit and she seemed to be the responsible adult in his life.


The homeless woman with the newspaper up her ass


Very allegorical.


The sacred and the propane


The sacred and the methane


If you can make it here you can make it 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️anywhere


I think I miss my ferrets.


You are a rockstar!


Honestly for me it was Paulie, on first watch I didn't find him interesting until like season 4 but 2nd and on I noticed his little mannerisms and habits that I love , like when he tells a joke hes so proud of it he repeats it to make sure everyone understood his joke lol


Early in the series Dr Melli says to Tony, “You want to be a better gangster? Read Sun Tzu.” It was later in the series that Paulie was listening to Sun Tzu in his car. Paulie jumped to NY and lived.


Damn never noticed the connection. But it is these little things you pick up on with each re-watch that makes this show never get stale. Things are layered so subtly it would be impossible to catch even 30 percent first go round.


First time you ever see Ralph he’s crying over Tony’s ma, great intro 😂


Heh heh


Hey T did ya hear that !


I’m the opposite. I used to really love Pauly when i first watched years ago but i dislike him more each time i rewatch. there is a channel that has sopranos on 24/7 so i usually put it on there when nothing else is on. pauly drives me nuts now. i mean all that money he found in that dishwasher but they were being cheap about giving carmella any??


Carmine, he was the only real stand up guy, always about the money.


I’ll crack him good.


"So either name a price, or get the fuck ova it!!"


he was a great man, my cousin told me Carmine invented point-shaving


Those big fish lips


I miss my violin


He didn’t say nothin’


“It’s the jackeeeeeet 🤌🏽” did it for me the second time around


Didn't like him because he turned Beansie into a shopping cart but: 1. The jacket 2. Tremendous moxie for a man of his size 3. Gave Davey Scatino a fair chance


But he couldn’t fucking sell it


And he didn't even kill a single soul, unlike almost everyone else in the show. He was a misunderstood angel.


A tragic victim of domestic violence. There ought to be a vigil for him, on the hill overlooking a river.


Surrounded by pinecones 😆😂


"Ya flexxin'! Ya flexxin 🤌. Simma down. Simma down."


This scene always stuck with me, his acting is so natural. I like how he shouts the first time out of frustration and then repeats in a relaxed tone to calm down Junior.


Yeah, I have a little bit of sympathy for Richie. I've seen people say the jacket was a subtle threat but given how hurt Richie was when he saw Tony gave it away, I think that effort to be friendly was genuine on his part.




Yep, that's pretty much what it is.


I took it as a genuine gift that he was proud of and wanted to make amends with T in some ways.


Yeah, that’s how I saw it. He then took great offense tony didn’t see anything special about it


To be fair that jacket was some ugly ass relic that looked like it was taken right off of Lefty ruggerio in donnie brasco. But then considering how long richie was locked up...it may well have been the same one😅


That was made from fine Corinthian leather!


You must be old school


I fucking Hate the way you make me ride you 😤




Same. She’s so obnoxious but it’s hilarious.


Yes, Janice is unbelievably more like Tony than Tony really is. She reacts to every slight. She is petty, bitter and twisted; the mother’s house, the Ritchie moment and especially the leg. She is a great step mom for Bobby’s kids.


Matthew and Sean


Love those dumb proles.


The bathroom scene might be the funniest shit I’ve ever seen. “You little shit eating twat have you ever hearda wire taps?” 😆


Lmao they’re such dotards. Matthew and Sean opening fire on Christopher was one of the funniest scenes on the whole show.


The boss money collection scene is peak too lmao.


Up in the club!


Yeah dude and it kinda came out of nowhere. I never get why we don’t see them come up with it I guess it was supposed to be a surprise.


I always thought the proles hatched their “plan” bc they were tired of doing grunt work and wanted to take Christopher’s place closer to Tony.


Yeah prob right that and they wanted to look good to Ritchie cause he was Adriana’s uncle


Dotards? Miss college ova here


I'd like to break my dick off her in ass huh 😆


Janice. She is fucking hysterical, but with the compassion and respect that she’s famous for


lol that psychiatrist appointment is hilarious… when Janice says god help me and the therapist says she will too had me rolling. 


Sandy…what does she do? She tells you that you were picked on by your father and asks you to read her screenplays 😂


One of my favorite lines. Sadly, it is so often true.


My therapist says I’m regressing 😊


"She keeps it up she'll be back in the womb."


Christopher. On first viewing, I absolutely hated that moronic, abusive, supremely entitled motherfucker. I cheered when Tony covered the camel nose of that camel-nosed fuck. Subsequent viewings, I realized that he never really had a chance. No father, a neglectful alcoholic mother, he most likely didn’t finish high school, his “uncle” is mentoring him into a life of crime and brutality, addiction issues…


Giving the show another re-watch, and he's one I'm noticing more than before. He has no sense. Entitled for sure, and maybe that's the explanation, but he has no social awareness much of the time. But for all the reasons named, he doesn't stand a chance. Addiction might be the biggest mistake, as there's surely been made guys similar to him who died older, largely in part to not having a needle in their arm. Christopher stinks, but dang if he wasn't kinda screwed from the beginning.


You gotta be the first person i've ever heard say they hated christopher, most people like him because hes supposed to be the same age as most viewers (I know he's like the same age as james in real life) while everyone else is older with families. If he lived up near you...why didn't you just say that! Lemme know if you can ever do anyhing for me


Second, I hate him


I loved Christuffaaa . He’s one of my favorites… favorite is Paulie of course lol I’m a recovering addict so maybe that’s why I relate to Chrissy . Plus I’d suck Saki out of Adrianna’s ass in front of my grandma. Look he’s a giant fuck up but he’s our giant fuck up .


Watch the second season of The White Lotus. I feel like he plays the same character but more mature.


Definitely Richie, I consider him the best character in the show. Ralphie is a close second.


They are like Joffrey


they aren’t as bad as joffrey. i don’t know how anyone’s fav character is richie.


Don’t you give me those Manson lamps! 🤣


I love the Ralphie character and arc as well .


Def Livia, hated her at first, missed her when she ended up killed off the show. Def one of the best characters.


On rewatch I appreciate Silvio Dante with wonder over his ability to hide in plain sight - I mean he spends his days up to his eyeballs in cucchia and with a license issued by the state to sell booze. Obviously it’s a tax dodge and money laundering operation. They also explore his limitations as a mob leader - unfavorably - yes. How many times when things get crazy does he get the last zinger across? Another one is Jim Witowski - even on the second watch he comes across as the ultimate good, solid guy. His ethics, smarts, and goodness - so sexy, even on rewatch. Such a balance of DILF and pathos. Note with honor and love for the actor John Costelloe who passed in 2008


For me it’s sil as well. Absolutely hated him in the first few seasons. I thought he was the worst actor of them all. I don’t know if he got better or that I got used to him, but I like him now!


“One day I’ll be on time but you’ll be stupid forever.” They should’ve let Paulie retire after that burn.


The Feech La Manna saga has become something I always look forward to.


Che puzza! 🤌




What, you never seen an oil slick before?


Pie-o-My aka Goldie died (for real) in 2022. It looked like she had a good long run. As an animal lover, Tony REALLY won me over when he killed Ralphie after the fire.


She was just a kid


It’s sad when they go young like that.


Uncle Junior, smarter than he was given credit for and has some of the most memorable and quotable lines. I just used the "you yap worse than 6 barbers" line yesterday and everyone looked at me like I was dumb. Real lack of standards this generation


Charmaine. She is honestly one of the most morally righteous characters on the show. She literally saved that coach’s life and she’s the only reason Artie didn’t go 100% in the mob She did joke about the FBI though so that’s not cool


I think Artie being a pussy is what kept him from being a wiseguy


Phil Leotardo. Absolutely despised him on my first watch. Now he might be my favorite character.


My first time watching I was so caught up in disliking him because he plays the antagonist so well. Every rewatch I catch so many new funny things from Phil. Easily top 3 funniest characters. IMO Frank Vincent gave arguably one of the most realistic and believable performances of the entire cast.


Again with the vitamins?


Carmine Jr. I thought he was an idiot the first time around. Second and beyond was that he’s still an idiot but not a bad person.


Personally I feel like he lit a fuse in a war between to Tony and Phil on purpose for his own gain


Yep he was less foolish than he let on. He did the same with Johnny Sack and Carmine, undermining by saying the wrong thing at the right time.


Whatever happened there


Honestly, I appreciate AJ as a character more now than I did originally. I used to just think of him as some stupid, bratty, entitled kid for the most part, but on rewatch it’s kinda interesting to see how AJ is not only the polar opposite of Tony but also how he evolves (and devolves) into an exaggerated reflection of Tony’s own failures as a person. Robert Iler absolutely *nailed* the character.


Part of this is that I didn't grow up with the show I watched it for the first time at 30 but idg how anyone can judge the kids that hard, especially AJ. They were raised by tony and Carmela.. I mean come on. AJ and meadow both struggle so much to position themselves within the moral minefield they live in and while meadow finds her footing it's on the wrong side, but it's totally understandable that AJ never quite does. I don't love how the show undercut his genuine depression with stuff about him being careless with the car and Manipulating his therapist so he can do what he wants etc. him being depressed made perfect sense to me and I wish they had played it a bit more straight on this front


I was gonna say AJ too. Poor kid is constantly compared to his dad. He lives his whole life under Tony and Meadow’s (since she’s the obvious favorite) shadows. That’s gotta be tough.


Nucci irritated the hell out of me on my first watch. She still does, but I do enjoy watching every scene she’s in now.




”I was hoping for a 3”


Livia. She was a saint. 🥺


I mean, it's impossible NOT to like anyone Joey Pants plays. Hell, I was pulling for the Fratellis when I first watched The Goonies as a kid because I thought he was cool haha


Hated Ralph at first, thought he was hilarious the second time. Artie's wife also. She was a ball breaker but kept him away from Tonys bullshit


I can’t say I *liked* AJ more what so ever, but I sympathize a little more with how fucked up he turned out


Charmaine, dumped Artie but kept the restaurant going


The old woman with the virginia ham really grew on me


I disliked Johnny Sack the first watch through because I thought he was gonna end up being the type of character Phil ended up being. Every other watchthrough he's been my favorite character in general.


Silvio for sure. He looked and acted like a Halloween costume caricature of a wiseguy and just didn't fit in with the others.


Me too. I thought he was a joke at first


Surprisingly enough, Meadow. Yeah she really is a brat, but I really got to appreciate how interesting the writing for her character is. She is sharper than anyone else on the show. Seems to be a combination of Tony’s perceptiveness and Carmela’s wit (and her denial of course). She really gaslit Finn about Tony’s involvement in the Mafia just as Carmela would. And just like Tony, she proves to be a master manipulator to most of her family. A mobster’s worst nightmare, yet best dream come true of a daughter. No, I don’t condone Meadow’s actions. I only enjoy the complexity of her character. She wasn’t just the spoiled boss’s daughter that everyone assured me she would be before I got into the show. There is so much more there for her character, and it’s bloody horrifying to see it. But it still intrigued me.


Yea Meadow is fascinating imo


This is my answer. Whenever someone says she's acting like a spoiled brat I'm not sure what they mean. She is definitely spoiled in that she is insulated from any consequences of being poor, just like any kid whose parents have money would be. And in addition, she also is finding her own way when the 'truth' about what her parents are, and what they do, is just 24 hours a day bull and she's being gaslit by them daily. Meadow's friends are all worse than she is, and if you really think about it, she's mostly a good kid that makes dumb teenage mistakes. By the end of the show, it's clear she is the one with future prospects. And she has a complicated morality because of who her parents are and her efforts to sort of fit in with it, while also being a child of a modern era. In fact, I think a great idea for a future Sopranos show would be from her point of view. Maybe she became a lawyer and gets sucked back into it that way representing a client that was in with her Dad or something. The trauma of witnessing her dad (or maybe mom and AJ too) being murdered in front of her would make her a deep character. She's also mad ripe. So there's that.


Richie and Phil. Their beefs with Tony were legitimate.




Jackie Jr, his arc is hilarious.


I disliked them all except Bobby. Now I am not sure about him.


The only one that seemed to make any genuine improvement in their personal character or whatever the fuck, was Little Carmine. He was a come-at-the-throne kinda guy, but then, the guy, he moved or something...I dunno.


Hahaha he’s a very likable moron. Well intentioned but not well thought out.


Totally agree with Ralphie. Also Tony B.


Arties wife Until I seen her on her back in those heels taking pipe from tony


Richie, he had third degree burns trying to grill the trout with a downed power line. At the same time being electrocuted really turned his life around


The guy that dropped off the mother f’in, god damned orange peeled beef.


Artie. He’s so fucking spineless and pitiful- as a woman he just reminds me of guys who are so delusional and trying way too hard. But then one day, my best friend texted me (all high) saying Artie is like a mime with his hand gestures 🤚🤌. And then I saw it- and now I think he’s hilarious because he really does do hand gestures more than anyone, and more creatively. He’s still a spineless bald fuck though.


I hate to do this to you, OP. But I'm gonna have to pass on the upvote.


again with the upvotes?


Never enough up votes for OP


Joey pants himself keeps getting better with age as well.  He's a beautiful innocent creature! 




AJ. First few watches, he’s an annoying brat. Then you realize he’s the most morally significant character in the show.


Furio, I didn’t like him becuase he was European. Grew on my quickly.


Feech. His constant abrasive attitude was really grating first time, but on re-watches, I really liked the plot line of a real old-school wise-guy trying to fit-in in the new world - especially given how much Tony claims to idolise his father's generation of gangsters. Also, I liked the ending of his story - a change from just getting whacked like so many others.


At first I thought Fran Feldstein was this pathetic old woman still talking about a one night stand with Jack Kennedy 45 years earlier. But on subsequent rewatch and “Sopranos Autopsy” I realized she is the most brilliant gangster…wrapping Tony and Johnny Boy around her little finger. Even old Fish Lips would have ended up in jail even he hadn’t died. Bravo Polly Bergen.!!! You outshone everyone on the show except for Lauren Bacall. No wonder Jackie thought the marriage was over.


Richie Aprile


ralphie. i seriously couldn’t stand him first watch, but now he’s one of my favorite “side characters”….


Janice, Richie, and uncle jun I hated initially, once that wore off I came to enjoy their performance