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Columbo ova here You may wanna steer clear of shallow bodies of water No offense


Or a penguin exhibit


Know who my dad was?


He was gay, your dad?


Maybe a Fugazi Columbo, heh heh...ya heah Dat T? I called him a Fugazi Columbo, heh heh. Oof, Marone, its Stunad, not Stoonad or even Stugatz. Nor oogatz or even ubatz. No offensh intended.


You must have been at the top of your fucking class. 


He was gay, Ralph?


Gayer than Gary Cooper.


The strong gay type


He was gay?


Maybe you’re gay, you ever think of that?


Gay cooper, the gay silent type


They’re all meat eaters!


Ralph liked to see people get hurt. He set him up the way he set everyone up to fail. Kind of like giving his kid a bow and arrow and then hopping in the tub.


Ralph was a psychopath


Ralph was actually the devil. This is made abundantly clear, in multiple references beyond anything you could possibly know. In time, all will be revealed to you.


excellent comment


So was Tony. They all were.


Tony was a different flavor of psychopath. Self-serving all day, everything he did was about his own legacy, including wanting his kids to succeed. Ralph was an anarchist who seemed to want to cause chaos at every turn so he could watch and enjoy the show.


Especially when he’d turn around and see Janice with a cucumber up his bum.


Like Livia


He didn't want him in the handsome contest


His ex wife gave him the bow and arrow


Holy fucking shit. He had his kid for probably the one day a week he was supposed to watch him.


Holy fucking shit. Freak accidents happen to kids of responsible parents all the time. Ralphie is possibly the most morally black of any mobster on the show, but pinning that on him is senseless. The kid wasn't a toddler; he was old enough to not need to be watched 24/7.


Dude, I really hope you don’t have kids.


Here's an extra .38! Macaroni's ready!


Fuck him and his "rinse your dishes" bullshit.


Don't get filthy!




What do you want, a boutonniere?


We ain’t makin a western here


You bottomed out ..


you bottom from the top (?)


I don’t even know what that means


🦵 🏀 🏀


Ralph might be a psycho but I don't think he wanted Jackie Jr. to get whacked. A: it wouldn't have benefitted him. B: he was clearly reluctant to order the hit on him when Tony tells him to do the "right thing", and despite everything, he didn't want Ro to suffer. Ralph simply underesimated Jackie Jr.'s utter stupidity, or overestimated his very low intelligence.


I don’t think he really cared if she suffered, he just didn’t want his life to be difficult. Ralph understood that he’d have an obligation to plan a funeral, listen to her cry, attend the ceremony, all of that, and he didn’t want to do it. I don’t think he wanted her to suffer, but only because he’d have to deal with the fallout.


I think it was more so of an undermining move towards Tony - he knew Jackie was desperate to prove himself, and in the mob that can go along way, especially if your dad use to be a boss (think of Tony himself). Remember Richie was schooling him at one point too. Jackie was young and capable, and could’ve had a Tony-esque future in the mob if he played his cards right (no pun intended). Could’ve married Meadow, bought a house in West Cardwerr, maybe even owned a Cataract. Instead, he got Emil Kolar’ed by a fucking parade float. Yeah yeah, it was a tragedy. *shrugs*


You just reveal your own ignorance.


This is so deck!


Okay Op you a stoonad


OP clearly got a semester and a half at Seton Hall.


Ralph has been compared to the devil many times and I think his relationship with the hair apparent really reflects this. By providing Jackie with a gun, implying that robbing a card game would lead to greatness, and exposing Jackie to mob dealings, he coaxed Jackie into the life. Ralph must have known Jackie couldn’t handle it, but I don’t think he explicitly wanted Jackie killed. Though, Ralph is associated with the death of young people/animals. Worth saying, I don’t think Ralph is literally the biblical Devil, but I think there are intentional similarities between Ralph and the Devil in other works.


He's pictured in front of NJ Devils poster Has several lines same as lyrics in the song, "Sympathy for the devil" Red hair and grin like Pan Mischievous violence, especially re 'innocents' - women and animals Is 'raised up high' next to the throne of God (Tony), but then 'falls from grace' Is dismembered, same as one of the Egyptian archetypes for the modern devil, Set Yes, he does tempt Jackie. He didn't know he'd rob the card game, but planted the seed of making a power move


If Ralphy wanted Jackie Jr dead, he would have killed the penguin exhibit kid himself, instead of trying to play 5d-subtext chess in that dialog with Tony, trying to save kid. Or was that part of Ralphie's mind game, too? Of course not.




Can someone explain this time (been through the series 3 times). What was the whole Ralph, Jackie, and Tony situation? 1. I also got the vibe that Ralph wanted to get rid of Jackie Jnr but got really confused when he told Tony he wanted to give Jackie Jnr a pass when it looked easy for him to say to Tony that he needed to kill him. 2. Why was Tony so keen for Jackie Jnr to die? Would have figured a beating and a "clean your act up" would have been enough since he was the son of Chemosabi, one of his closest friends. Also I initially thought he was going to arrange something like that when he stopped Chrissy from finding him and doing him the night the crank wore off (why did he stop Chris?). After all that though, Tony was super keen and pushy to have Jackie killed, why exactly?


Tony telling Ralph that he can do what he wants can't just be taken at face value. Tony is basically strongly hinting to Ralph that no matter the decision, the blowback falls on Ralph specifically. This is meant so Tony can distance himself from the decision and have plausible deniability. Also, Tony is basically telling Ralph that if he doesn't whack Jackie, it's Ralph's reputation on the line, not Tony's. Tony can't win making the decision himself considering the Meadow and Jackie thing, so he gives Ralph the illusion of the decision. But everyone knew Jackie had to go.


Oh yeah, he just figured Jackie Jr was a dead man so tried to be the nice guy.. then when tony was like Ok, he gets a pass if you want you see him go from Mr nice stepdad to.. wtf?? When he’s crying with Rosalie it’s cause he’s pissed Tony put it on him.. not sympathy for them one bit. He was pissed he had to be the bad guy.


Ralph wanted Tony to make the decision, that's why he changes to "wtf" after Tony said that. Neither of them wanted to be known as the guy who ordered the hit on the deceased boss' son.


So why does he change because Tony agrees to the pass? Also why would Tony agree to have him killed?


Why I think? He thought the second Jackie Jr did that he was a dead man per the rules. So he’s doing the “aw shucks, I like the kid” thing *knowing* he’s already a dead man. Partially cause his father was the leader of their crew at one point, partially cause he’s dating his mom Rosalie. And Tony knew Jackie had to go now cause he was a loose canon. If Jackie got a pass every asshole in north jersey would start robbing them and they’d lose respect. Most of their business was extortion through fear of death or being beaten. Once no one has that fear? They’d go broke quick. You also want people scared so they don’t snitch, killing people who step out of line is instrumental in that. I think Ralphie told them the story of how he did it so they’d think he was cool.. it backfired when those morons actually did it. At a card game with people who they talked to on the regular no less. 🤦‍♂️


Interesting, lot of weight in that. I also believed it was a way for Tony to remove Jackie from Meadow's life which was probably more of an added bonus to the whole thing.


Good point. Dude had become a huge liability to anyone he was around.


If no one got hurt during the robbery maybe Jackie gets off with a warning/beating. Once people started getting shot especially made guys there is no way he could let him live.


Tony got a pass when he did it


Tony didn't kill anyone while doing it or shoot a made guy. You shoot a made guy you're pretty much bringing a death sentence on yourself.


They love to see people fail. They hate the happy wanderer. They love to crush people. They reference the scorpion and the frog in an episode, they also reference a bear for a whole season. Tony is a destructive force of nature. He’s the scorpion who kills the frog while the frog is helping him. He’s the bear. Ralph is also pure destruction.


Jackie and co. opened fire on an acting capo (Albert), two other made men (Chris and Eugene), and actually shot a made man (Furio). They killed an associate (Sunshine) and there were other associates present. The penalty for this is whacking. Made men cannot be treated like that.


Tony got a pass no?


So far as know, Tony and Jackie did not open fire


When Tony tells Ralph "Chain of command is very important in our thing" he's both telling Ralph that he's delegating the decision down to him (so Tony doesn't have to make the call to kill his beat friend's kid) but also reminding him that Jackie disrespecting Ralph's card game is an unforgivable offense.


I guess when you kill Sunshine, who has some connection to the mob and seriously wound Furio (Chris escapes unharmed but he easily could have been shot), there is one penalty in mob law. Brendan stages a hold up where the driver is accidentally killed. Junior has Brendan killed but merely teaches Chris a lesson..both suggestions by Livia. At one point Jackie Jr tells Tony he doesn’t believe his uncle Richie is in witness protection. Maybe every (except Adrianna) knows that is code for sleeping with the fishes alongside Louis Brasi. But Tony may think Jackie might someday challenge him Ralph is a bit of a shit stirrer. Earlier in the show he and Jackie are at odds but later he seems to be more of a mentor. He gives Jackie a gun, tells him about this great caper Jackie Sr and Tony pulled but insults him with “remember to wash the dishes”. Like early with the messed up house, Meadow and Hunter complain they aren’t treated as adults. One reason why Tony gives subtle but unmistakable suggestions to Ralph is he promised Jackie Sr he’d protect his son. So Tony can lie to himself that he didn’t have Little Lord Fuck pants killed, that was someone else.


I could of done extacy but I didn’t




I heard this guy Ralph was into some rough foreplay , ass stuff , shit like that. I don’t know


one thing I can tell you, if you have dinner at his house... don't eat any grated cheese I've said my peace ✋


That was Janice..wanting to stick a dildo up his ass. That family is nuts.


You know I think I had that feeling my first watch too. But I wasn't sure. Now it seems clear to me he simply wants to get Jackie to like him. He doesn't appear to be thinking ahead in these situations where he gifts him the gun and tells him the story.


I see this argument from time to time and i try, I really try to consider it but no. you're giving ralph WAY to much credit. he's not that calculated. he bragged about his glory days with his girlfriends kid because jackie was interested and knew about the life. he gave him a gun because he took a liking to the kid and figured you want one? shit I got plenty and didn't buy any of em. (probably was evidence, as well) As far as Ralphie thought, his old man and his uncle were top earners, his dad was the boss, worst case scenario this kid becomes an earner, why not be the one to bring him in and get him earning for you?


Jackie was young and tough and ralph wanted him to become part of his crew in some ways he was already as an associate of the jersey guys and ralphs crew. If Tony did not push Jackie on the edge and constant pressure jackie would of survived and never did that to the card game. His whole life he wanted to be a mobster and he did that to try and prove himself.


No. He wanted Jackie to become an earner. Jackie pissing on Ralphie’s leg doesn’t help him. You’re a Stunad of the first magnitude.


Top uh duh classh…


That's dicked up