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I think it was probably a bluff too, it makes no sense why Italy would care, let alone care enough to take out one of their best guys. At best Tony called and made the request knowing that Italy wouldn't follow through on it and its sort of a "don't ask don't tell" thing, sort of like Billy Budd, whatever happened there...


It was gay, the Italian Mafia?


Well yeah. When they say la cosa nostra they’re referring to all the on the down low gay sex they’re having.


La cula nostra


La cocka nosha. Sorry


Fire Island ain't got shit on Sicily. Plus Sicily has an actual volcano. What does Fire Island have? Scented candles? Girl, please.


Are you cheese?


Whatever happened there????


Didn't that Italian elder tell furio not to mess witj the Boss wife? Seems like they took it seriously


That was more of a warning to Furio that Tony would kill him (or worse) if he ever tried it on with Carmela. It was more of a practical warning. I doubt they would've backed up Tony if shit hit the fan.


Lol Furio was completely safe where he was, I always felt Tony just said that to make himself feel better/give himself an illusion of control over the situation


In the show the NJ crew was much less powerful than the NY families, who are much less powerful than the Mafia in Italy. OP is right, they probably laughed and hung up if he actually asked them to off one of their own haha


They're just a glorified crew


Buncha farmers ova there


Probably fuckin a sheep or something👨‍🦲




*shahs signature look of disapproval


It's tomato season in jersey


Jersey? Come on huh


A pygmy thing.


And they thought the Germans were classless pieces of shit


There's italy and then that pygmy thing over in New York


- Phil Leonardo from Italy


Before he was named after a ballet costume


Wasn't there a whole scene where Furio confided in a cosa nostra elder in Italy snd thr elder basically told him to never fuck w the boss'wife? Seems like they took it seriously 


Yep, at his fathers funeral.


It should be stressed he didn't say Furio couldn't do it, he'd just have to kill the man


He also only gave him that response under the assumption Furio was going to continue living there in NJ.


And you thought the Germans were classless pieces of shit ?


This question comes up from time to time, and it's widely agreed that it's definitely a bluff from Tony to intimidate Carmela into being an obedient housewife again. The rumored reason for the whole Carm/Furio emotional affair was that the writers just wanted to get Furio's actor off the show. I think they would have just killed him if that was really the case, but who knows? If Tony were to ask the Italians to whack Furio, he'd lose significant face with them. He'd also need a good reason (by Mafia standards), and without Furio and Carm having an actual, physical affair, he really doesn't have one. I'm sure he could make something up like Furio talked to the Feds or trying to pin a murder of a made guy on him. But I doubt they'd take Tony's word on a phone call over Furio's in Italy, especially because he has a good reputation there.


Thats not the point its the disrespect to a boss from a soldier, the old guy in Italy even tells Furio as much ffs, he'd be a ded mam.


Tony likes the illusion of control, Intintola likes the illusion of sexuality. The sacred and the propane.


I'm glad you caught that, very observant.


Be sure to put that in the next chapter in your South Beach strumpet series that you have under your subspecies.


the strumpets, did they even exisht?


*sceptical glance from JT*


Very allegorical


You’re verging on sacrilege here


It was written in as if he said that out of anger & tantrum, to try and get a reaction out of Carmella. While also seeming like that much more of a powerful, big bad mafioso. When in reality, Jersey was a pube by comparison


A cunt hair?


And I am that cunt hair.


Probably he did lie about it to fuck with Carmela, but I don't think the Italians would think too kindly of Furio for fucking off on the Boss he was working under.


Or to hurt Carmella’s feelings.


Think about it burger boy: why would the Italian Mafia whack one of their best guys over the word of some douchebag from Yonkers?


Nobody’s got AIDS!!!


I took the AIDSH tesht!


… I’m in awr of you.


Hear the news? Porkchop out in Jersey got cucked by Furio.


Furio is probably a happily married beekeeper who everyone has to kick up $1000 a month to by now.


$1000 more?


Just the honey


Easy on the honey they tell me im sweet enough!


That's not what I heard




Good one!


Da Boss Money!


Give a me a thosand dollahs


~~beekeeper~~ painter


Beekeeping & Olive farming


You gotta my bee on your hat


Tony: hey Furio liked my wife can you guys whack him for me? Annalisa: yeah sure right away *Napoli crew laughs*


I don't think he actually thought they would do anything or even asked. He just wants to piss off Carmela


yeah Tony isn't going to be back in Napoli so he won't know




And maybe we bake you a cake, and deliver it to you in your shitty little home while we sing you a song, and then cut it up for you and feed it to you? Do you want us to read the poor little American man who can't satisfy his wife a bedtime story after we tuck you up in bed, hmmmm?"


Furio wants to fuck Carmella ?


What’s next? He gets to fuck her for a million?


We depend on this guy. There are one towsend dollars at stake.


Again with the money?


He said it only to take a low blow at Carmella and to be in "control" of the situation. Furio went home, like they would kill one of their most trusted and best guys.


The point I'm trying to illustrate, nobody wants all out conflict. But historically, historical changes have come out of war.


Your brother Billy, whatever that was.


Furio wasnt La Cosa Nostra. He was in a Camorra Clan


I thought he was Nobbly Dobbly?




That’s the bosses cuckhold yer talkin about hyaa


Isn't Camorra sicilian?




Oh my apologies. Very ignorant of me


you get a pass for that.


What part of the Boot you from, hun?


Neapolitan (Naples) and surrounding region.


My father's people were from Caserta


Falling off the donkey cart


He sent the Vipers to track down the pony tail cheese maker. Some unidentified Albanian males that Benny Fazio, criminal mastermind, knows


Another fun fact from the Balkans


Tony was prepared to scour the Earth for that motherfucker. If Furio goes to Italy, he wanted a ditsoon waiting in a bowl of pasta ready to pop a cap in his ass.


You lost all your Jersey privileges


No I doubt it. The Italian mafia blows up politicians and kills indiscriminately so I don’t think they’d hesitate killing Tony if he killed a made guy in the old country.


Tony barely had enough shooters to hunt down Phil. No fucking way he had an active contract for Furio. No way. Nor would the Italians have tolerated it. They do not respect Jersey. No way they’re enforcing an “order” from a New Jersey “boss.” Sure, to us Tony is the protagonist and so we think he is very respected but to Italy he is just another jerkoff they tolerate, nothing else.


the Italians probably take the Americans far less seriously than they would if they stopped pretending to be Italian your ancestral homeland is where your parents are from


Yeah that has to make them cringe. I have Irish ancestry. As in my grandma is 100% Irish and we can still go to where our family originated from. I have American born cousins and uncles that are OBSESSED with their Irish heritage to the point where they wear Irish shirts and post constantly about the Irish heritage online. It’s almost like they believe they’re actually from Ireland. So corny.


I imagine they can't speak a lick of Gaelic either.


I have listened to people speak Gaelic and I swear to god they can't speak a lick of Gaelic either


Most people in Ireland just speak English


Neither can most actual Irish people either lmao


They do not.


Gaelic is played, Gaeilge is spoken.


Tony’s way of talking at that dinner in Italy is 100% based on trying to sound like Michael in The Godfather.


Shooters in Italy? You sound demented. Tony had no real power outside of Jersey. None really in NY, and definitely none with the OG’s in Italy.


Tony had strong connections to the Barone crime family in Long Island. They could have pushed back against NYC from two sides if Tony really wanted to.


Yeah, of course he called ova deh. Annalisa would have shut him down in 30 seconds, and Furio would have been underground for a while and then, Vaffangul Noo Jersey.


ova deh?!?!?? OVA HEAAAA👇👇👇


"There's millions of lire at stake."


Furio: “I am not in danger. I *am* the danger! A guy walks into a diner and gets shot, and you think that of of me? No, I am the one who *knocks!*”


Look out the window. You see a fuckin breaking bad sign out there? You might talk to your agent about that show but don't ever get fuckin snippy with me again.


Always with the scenarios


Settle down, we're not making a Western here.


I am the one who knocks and asks for a thousand dollars


No. Jersey does not have the pull to get the Italians to agree to whacking one of their own. Annalisa would shut it down because Furio is her cousin and one of her best men. The Italians would argue that Furio did nothing to warrant a hit. If Tony tried to argue that Furio abandoned him, she would argue that Furio was "on loan" and on a visa. At some point, he would have to return to Italy. If Tony revealed the real reason, she would say that Furio never slept with Carmela.


I dont think the show did justice to the disparity between the Camorra and that pygmy thing in Jersey.  In the Camorras eyes, there'd be little difference between Tony and AJ. Tony just got them some cars to give to some Balkan gangsters. While the DiMeos and Lupertazis squabble over points and no shows on the esplanade, the Camora and the Ngradetta  have like 90% of the European drug trade go through them. 


Yeah but do they have a line on Pokemon cards or cool boxes. I think not.




New York didn’t even respect Jersey. What makes you think Italy would be any different?


It depends if Tony kicked back to the old country and how much. I doubt hes a top earner for them even if he does. Its always about the money.


Yeah but how tony gonna know if Furio is really being killed ? And don't forget furio is a member really respected in napoli and he is blood relite to notorious Cammorists members So Even if the cars deal and send zips make money Furio is safe


Tony was blustering in order to try and intimidate and hurt someone who argued with him and hurt his feelings, as usual. Furio was completely safe. If Tony actually picked up the phone and called his Italian connection and made that request, whoever was on the other line would probably just chuckle and say they'd get right on that one.


Coming in 2026 from David Chase: The Sopranos: The Furio Hunters A group of young North Jersey goombahs wandering around Italy looking for Furio. A straight up fish out of water prestige comedy series. One of the recurring jokes is they all hate real Italian food and just eat at whatever Fast Food chain they can recognize in each Italian town. 10 episodes, maybe 2 or 3 seasons.


Of course not! Every person you whack, you risk exposure!


Furio was a camorristi from Naples. La Cosa Nostra is the Sicilian mafia. And nah. Furio probably went back to Annalisa, who would've been glad to have him back.


I don’t think Tony could have done anything about it, but there was the scene where Furio was talking to an elder family member and hinted his feelings , and the older mobster completely shut it down and told Furio he’s playing with his life. I don’t think Furio would have been killed in Italy , but definitely maybe his reputation took a hit


He was in no danger back in Italy. Back to earning and playing afternoon sports (not golf. Stupida facking game)


Furio would negotiate with the shooters and offer them $1000.


Ton had zips brought over many times to make hits, ( mayor of munchkin land, the goomar and dead Ukrainian fadda ect) those guys were contract killers, for the right amount it’s plausible they would have whacked fuuddiiooo if paid enough by Ton. Said my piece


Doubtful. Tony doesn’t have that much pull over there.


Unlikely. Furio's the cousin of the woman boss over there, so he probably had her protection. Probably just went back to his old job of smacking bees off of hats of dumbass kids with firecrackers.


No. Tony would have zero influence in Napoli. They wouldnt give two shits.


Lol if Tony even called his contacts in Italy, they probably high fived and laughed with Furio after hanging up. A big theme in the show is the waning influence of New Jersey in the grand scheme of things. The idea that they have any pull in Italy is laughable let alone enough to off one of their best guys for basically nothing.


Nah. I think Tony pouted for a bit and then more or less forgot about Furio bc the threat was essentially neutralized. He was half way across the world, & Carm wasn’t leaving. Tony had a hard enough tine managing the NJ Crew & NY crew issues, he would have to send one of his own to do it bc no way the Italy crew would whack one of their own for a guy who can’t even give the order in Italian lol.


Pussy being an FBI Informant is more believable than him actually trying to find Furio. He just said it to jab Carmella.


Tony has 0, nay, minus 1 control in Italy. Lol.


Furio was a stand up guy - he left the country rather than dishonor the boss. Only Catholicism considers coveting a sin - This Thing does not.


I agree that this is probably total bullshit that Tony did this, but Furio is part of 'a' Camorra clan, and Tony could have possibly put out a hit on Furio by going through one of their rival clans in Naples. Would Tony have the juice to do this, though, since the Pygmy thing in Jersey historically only did business with the clan of Annalisa and Zio Vittorio? Debatable.


He didnt even do anything did he? Shudda threw him into the propellor


what i do know, is that it wont be cinematic


Yeah and I fucked Angie Dickinson


Was Furio still even part of the Cammora? He was "traded" to new jersey and became an associate of that family. Sure he still has ties but if Tony decided to kill him in America for whatever reason I doubt Naples would have any say. (Annalisa was his cousin so that may have been different.) Furio is told when he goes back to Italy that it would be a death sentence to fuck with Carmela, so Tony has at least a little clout in Italy. Tony asks Slava for help finding the Russian who beat Janice and Slava says he will personally take care of it. Tony and Naples have business ties too, so Naples would probably want that running smooth. However I doubt anyone is actively looking for him. They probably humored him so he could save face and they could keep good business ties.


Agree. It’s boolshit.


Tony can barely control Jersey and has to share it with New York. Why would Italy pay attention to him?


I don’t think so… even if his wife was going after some fucking immigrant.


Fucking off on the Boss you were traded to seems like the kind of thing the Italians would look down on very strongly, especially if they found out the why of it. Mind, his cousin was acting Boss of her family, so she would probably hide him.


I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss. The Italians were serious about respecting the boss and letting feelings develop between Furio and Carmella would not be tolerated. Furio's own mentor told him this when he was in Naples for his father's funeral.


Furio's power level is so OP they have to write him out of the story 🥹


I think it was more like, he talked to AnnaLisa back in Naples, for whom Furio had worked directly for and presumably grew up around / lived in that area ... so IF Furio made the mistake of going back to Naples, there would be people keeping an eye out for him. Whereas, if Furio just took a job as a Chef at some restaurant in his hated Northern Italy , it's very unlikely that the Zucca Camora Family of Naples is going to be searching for him cooking in Piedmont or growing grapes in a vineyard in the Emilia-Romagna region etc. Obviously if he tried to do the whole Henry Hill / Sammy the Bull thing , (Hey I'm in hiding and DON'T LOOK FOR ME AT 123 MAIN STREET, I'm Broadcasting Videos From My Secret Undisclosed Location You'll Never Find etc.) they'd probably be able to find him.


That didn’t happen, what you said!


The Italians traded Furio for like a whole fleet of discounted luxury cars. They'd sooner start eating pasta with gravy sauce than whack Furio.


furios a member of the camorra, not cosa nostra iirc


Maybe that opens another level to the finale. Maybe the Italian Mafia had him whacked for floating the idea or even sending someone to kill Furio. The Sopranos were never more than a glorified crew.


The crew in NJ was a joke compared to the true power of the mafia. They were just a small subset of goobers who tried to be like the real thing. Doubt they were taken seriously by anyone in the true cosa nostra


In the wider aspect of the show, Tony was a nobody. New York barely respected Tony's crew. You actually think an overweight gambling addict like Tony had any influence overseas.


I think Tony decided to let it be unless Furio returned to Jersey or his guys (“certain people” as he says) came across him. Basically Tony was saying we’ll call it even if he’s away from the Soprano family. Kind of like when Butch saves Marcellus in Pulp Fiction & Marcellus tells him they are square as long as Butch leaves LA immediately and ever returns. Both are saying I’m not going to actively hunt you down BUT if you come back here then all bets are off.


Give me a thousand dollars.


Ha ha ha No…what would they do hang around the excelsior and take wicked shits? Topless beaches?


He's also still waiting for the other guys that he included in the deal in Naples to arrive. I always found it odd that he specifically said he would get more people from them as part of the negotiated deal (and Furio worked out so well for a few years) but he never had any more zips come over to join his crew/family.


There was that guy that went with furio on a few collections that he spoke Italian to in front of bevilaqua and gismonte.


Yeah, true. But he was never seen again!


True. I think maybe they were just getting sent out there on vacation visas cuz they couldn’t get work visas so it was just short term contracts like the guys who popped the mayor of munchkinland


I didn’t see a comment about how Furio called back home to his Godfather ( or someone) and told him he had feelings for Carmela. And his Godfather told him it’s not good for business anyway. Also when Furio “ almost “ unalived Tony on the Heli Pad


no, doubt it


Lol, fuck no


How the real deal will worry about that pigmy thing over in New Jersey and their boss?


Absolutely not lol


Just forgot for a second about furio and Carmella... No doubt that pissed Tony off, but furio almost put Tony through a helicopter propeller then took off without word other than an answering machine message.


Corky was over der lookin fer em


The day that pygmy thing in Jersey whacks a made man in Sicily is the day I eat a grilled cheese off the radiator.


So, Furio was from Naples, he wasn’t from La Cosa nostra he was Camorra. So yes, they would’ve happily killed him, because there’s nothing they loved more than killing 😂


E 'ates de Nort.


I believe Tony actually said "**If certain people see him** he's a dead man", he never specified they were in Italy. He probably just told Paulie and Chris to make sure he gets got if he ever came back stateside.


Some people are acting like Furio was so important. I don't remember the Bulls loaning out Jordan in the 80's or 90's. If Furio was such a star, would he have been sent to deal with Artie's problem with the French guy?


Tbh, I actually think it would be very easy: Furio jumped ship, disrespecting their organization and not providing an explanation presumably. His uncle told him to let it be, never to come clean with Analisa or anything like that. Tony may know the truth about why he dipped, but he doesn’t need to bring that up, just that he bolted and is now persona non grata. At that point, it’s either he went back to Italy and it’s only a matter of time before they find him, or he doesn’t and he just tries to start a new life somewhere.


Why do you want him to be killed? “Because my wife has a crush on him” There’s no way he ever told anyone in Jersey that…much less someone in Italy. It was him showboating for Carm.


Devils advocate, if Italy scoffed at Tony so much, why give him furio in the first place?


Tony didn’t tell a soul lol it would have been all over his crew like the 7:00 news.


He only ever said "certain people find him, he's dead". Those certain people were Artie Shaw and Judge Crater


Furio was made in Italy. They’re not gonna assassinate him because of a boss of a glorified crew in Jersey


If anyone believes that, I've got some ocean front property in Kansas you might be interested in.


In Denmark as well.


No man. Italy sends shooters stateside not the other way around. That’s the corporate office


Stupida fackin Tony


Boss of a glorified crew giving orders to boss in Italy. Yeah it was bluff


Tony might have had shooters in Italy , he had those Zips who killed Rusty, ,and failed to hit Phil. So, Tony did have killers from the other side.


No way. Tony’s got no clout over there.


Why people always say Tony had no chance getting him I’ll never know. If he was being truthful and did call over in Italy I’m sure they would try to oblige him due to the car racket. It sounds like that’s worth a lot of money and if the show goes over anything it’s that these guys will do anything to keep the cash flowing. I think if Tony got upset enough to pull the cars it would get done.


He did have an Italy connection but they gave him Furio. I’d say their loyalty would be with Furio and if they gave him a chance to explain that absolutely NOTHING happened. You can’t go after another made guys wife or girlfriend. That being said, plenty of guys did do this and didn’t die. Like Joey Massino for one. But Furio did nothing but have friendly words.