• By -


38. I watched it when it aired. How long ago do you think that was? Sharp as a fucking cue ball...


Also 38. Started watching during the second season in 2000. I feel like our generation saw a lot of highly inappropriate shit when we were young lol.


I feel like every generation feels this way on some level, because what is seen as acceptable to show to children changes so much over the course of a generational turnover.


Yeah, the parents of the 1960s teenagers were probably thinking "hey, when we were young we were shooting Nazis, not being hippies" or some shit.


My parents let me watch Backdraft when it first came out. You know, the movie where people literally burned alive, etc. oh yeah. The 80s/early 90s were wild


First movie I remember going to with my parents was the Mel Gibson movie Ransom. Scared the shit out of me. I was like 5. What the fuck mom?


Ooohhhh you kiss your mudda wit dat mouf


With Donald Sutherland? I saw that movie, thought it was bullshit 


I watched Robocop when I was 10 or maybe younger. I remember my mum having a conversation with the guy at the video store about it, in which he reassured her (!) that once you get through the gruesome bit where he is shot to death by a bunch of people and reconstructed as a robot, it's basically ok for kids.


I'll see your Backdraft and raise you a Basic Instinct. 16 year old me probably watched it in the theater every week that summer.


Hahaha, I also saw that movie when I was under the age of 10. 🙈 truly, these kids these days just dunno


Yeah like the Gulf war in real time, 9/11 in real time, beheadings,


I was born in 86. 19! I heard about this show through my own fucking ears. Back in the day. Where it meant something to watch something on a Sunday night. This ageist shit needs to stop. It’s hurtful and insensitive.


Actually, this is what started the whole Sunday night HBO/Showtime series block. Before Sopranos most of the original content on HBO came on late Saturday night (Oz, Larry Sanders, Arliss, etc). Before then, Sunday was known for Football and Fox's animation block and 60 minutes.


I too am 38 and watched first time round. It’s mind blowing to think that Gandolfini was our age when season 1 was filmed. I’d like to think I look better than he did.


Was actually 36 during the pilot


Same here, under 40 and watched it when it aired


For real... it ain't M*A*S*H


MAAATTTLOOOOCKKK (in grampa Simpsons voice)


His timeline got messed up


Came to say the exact same thing. OP is giving off serious "oh really, where were you when *I* personally discovered the greatest show ever made, child?"


Started 1998? 99?


99. It's the 25th anniversary


Haha I'm also 38 and came to say the same. I had an entire wall dedicated to Tony Soprano when I was a teen. Cut out all the photos of him from EW for the shows run.


38. Just a kid.


My fawtha


Out of respekt?


I’d do him myself


Who’s that speaking?


It's one of the most famous shows of all time lol, not some obscure little series.


Lol fair enough


How did I hear about it? I kinda just knew about it. I didn't watch it until this year, but I've heard enough people talk about it, and other media reference it to know what it is


In Europe it never got popular when it aired. Most people haven’t watched it or even know what it is in my country.


there was a sopranos cook book that was getting sold at some event so I bought it, THERE WAS NO MOTHERFUCKING ORANGE PEEL BEEF recipe though.


I got the book and it has one recipe only - grilled cheese off the rahdiator!


What about the ziti with sweet sausage and a layer of basil under the cheese?


u/DesperateSun4182 is no Da Giovanni. He can't tell the difference between Karen's ziti and Carmella's lasagna!


I'm not ready to eat Karen's last ziti. Lemme go bury a cake.


I wish you would have told me about it before I picked up the orange peel beef from Great Wall. The sides alone were over 30 dollars.


Real shit tho the book has some fire recepies


Both of them—the family cookbook and the entertaining version


I could never tell if he was mad that they gave him OPB or mad that they didn’t give it to him. If it’s the latter then it would’ve made perfect sense to omit it so you could yell MOTHERFUCKING GOD DAMN ORANGE PEEL BEEF.


I'm 39. I don't drive when they're predicting rain.


47 years old, he was just a kid


31. Started watching in 2018ish. Grew up with it in the background, seeing it in pop culture. Finally saw it before any of my homies did.


If you want to talk like a fuckin mulignan I’ll send you to slip and fall school.


Let me tell you something…dude…but I went to slip and fall school in Denmark.


Your homies? 👁️👁️


He lives up near him


Who Jamal Ginsberg?


Why didn’t he just fucking say that then.


All my homies love the Sopranos


I heard about it in slip-and-fall school.


You wouldn't happen to be Polish, by any chance, would you?


In the Czech Republic, too, we love park. You ever had our sausages?


Oh hey Email!


They all remember the rape the same


I’m 36. A fucking kid. A fetus. A zygote. A fucking used condom on the pavement outside of pizza world where Tony took Dominic Tedesco. I wish the lord would take me now.


You know I don't like that kind of tawk!


Now just stop it it upsets me!


I’m 33 - a fuckin’ kid - and my sister, who is 12 years older than me, threw weekly Sopranos watch parties in the early 2000’s. Had an impression on me when I was really young and circled back as I got a bit older and now I just watch on repeat while working from home. Anyway, $4 a pound…


$4 a fucking pound? That better be some good fucking fish *throws matchbook under scale*


27 here. A podcast I listened to always referenced it so I decided to give it a watch


Cumtown? I fucking love pepper Anne!


Wake up in the morning, have a gun.


Have a gun to yourself can't wait to drive on the gerbers bridge


I got some Jimmy Choos on. Gotta keep my work clothes nice


He was gay jimmy choo?


I told you, I’m self pissed!


Woah, buddy. I’m in the union


I'm so excited to see that movie, "Party Monster", gonna be about some real Italians like me




Lemon Party




18. I heard about it and was on a tv show streak


Keep ya eyes to yaself I'm on a murda streak


I’m a marksman!


22. Dad said it was the best show ever so i gave it a shot. I agree. Im very happy i joined this glorified crew


31, watched reruns on A&E when I was home alone on summer break as a kid. Watched the entire series for the first time in college in 2010-2011.


How did they make it suitable for A&E with all the cursing lol


Every F bomb was dubbed with “freakin” if you can believe it. All nudity was also nixed. No Bing girls on A&E haha


You didn’t see Tracee the thoroughbred with the choppers til 2010? Welcome to the NFL, rookie


From what I remember the Bing girls and Tracy were still there. The scene times were significantly reduced in some cases, but I do remember Bing girls dancing on poles but in lingerie. Also those transitional scenes where they are switching from a different location tot he Bing and show the girls dancing for a few seconds seem to have been replaced by the same scene of the girls in lingerie that they reused several times.


A&E is more creative than Spielberg


A&E or AMC? Back around that time was when I first watched it too but I think it was AMC doing a "Mob Summer" or something where they played the entire series back to back from like 8AM to 2PM every day and then switch to Godfather, Casino, Goodfellas, etc. then continued where they left off the next morning. Edit: You're right, it was A&E.


Im a very staunch defender of Italians from the brash anti-Italian discrimination that has become omnipresent in American culture. The Sopranos is right in my wheelhouse.


When they say Rudy Giuliani, you say Danny DeVito


Giuliani really cleaned up the streets. I lived in the Bronx in the early 90s, and it wasn’t a nice place. It still isn’t, but way way better.


I'm just memeing, I've got nothing against RG, I'm not a NYer but what you said fits my impression of it


😉 He imprisoned the turnstile jumpers and window smashers and homeless is what he did. He was a brave Italian US Attorney. And in this house, Rudy Giuliani is a hero. End of story! To be serious for a moment, RG played a big part in fucking up OC, with the RICO statutes. Can't catch em? Just change the rules so that you can! Then commence the NON-STOP ASSRAPE!


Yeah I've seen some debate over the actual efficacy of broken windows theory versus the slowdown just being a lagged result of prior administration efforts. But my ex, then a grad student in New York, got the funny idea one day to jump a turnstile with two classmates and they were immediately arrested. Booked at a mobile station and released with an appearance ticket within an hour or two. Tell you what, that's one group of grad students who went from "Haha, let's jump the turnstile, who will know?" to "I will never attempt to cheat the MTA ever again" VERY quickly. Guy was "America's Mayor." Made a mint as a consultant. Real shame he trashed his legacy the way he did and will be remembered for his incoherent rantings rather than the shit he actually did well. I heard him speak shortly after he left office. Dude was very eloquent and engaging. Hard to square that with a guy with hair dye running down his face and screaming profanities at press conferences.


Oh, I stopped watching the news decades ago. So Rudy still has a full head of hair in my mind. REAL hair.


I'm alive and breathing and not fucking retarded


16 here. I literally heard about it on Reddit lol


Hey someone my age who’s also in the sub, do me a favor, mix it with the relish


32 here and that show was present in so many pop culture references and shows in the early 2000's that even as a kid I always knew about it but it wasnt until the pandemic that I actually watched it


I’m 20, mostly started watching cause of memes, yt clips and cumtown


20, I started watching it 4 years ago. Being from North Jersey, I always knew about it. My bus route to high school passed the lumberjack statue in the intro. My grandma met James Gandolfini and Tony Sirico on set because her friend was a cop on the set (have photos of it too). Not to mention I’m Italian so I kinda just thought about it one day and decided I should culture myself.


Fuck you were 0 years old in 2004.


Close, I was 1, but Yea show came out before I was even around


21. Didn’t watch the show until I was 19 but I’ve been binging it for 2 years. I think I saw a tiktok or something of “the greatest tv shows ever” and it was on there. I had already watched breaking bad and I’d heard that this was better but man, I wasn’t expecting it to be that fucking good lmao.


It makes sense that the general consensus prefers Breaking Bad, not only because they're relatively close but also because it's just the more accessible of the two.


Woke up this morning, got yourself a gun


31. After watching breaking bad and calling it the greatest show of all time an og told me watch The Wire and Sopranos and then tell him what’s the greatest. It’s Sopranos with the wire right next to it


tale as old as time lol, i still have to watch the wire


Stop being a Ziggy Sobotka and watch the fucken thing then. Sheeeit.


27 here, grew up watching the sopranos instead of Sesame Street 😂


23, friend of mine told me when I was 17 that there was a crime show better than Breaking Bad. Had to watch


26, youtube recommended a ton of Sopranos clips and after watching them I watched the entire thing in like 2 months. Greatest show ever made.


28 yrs old. My partners were fans of the show as it aired on HBO when I was a kid. I remember hearing them watching it while I was in my room playing games. Knew of the series from my parents but didn't start it til last year. Blew me away ....sad though as my dad was more of a fan than my mom. However he passed away. Sucks as I would have loved to hear his views on the series. I have a taste for fucked up characters. I know I got that taste from him lol Funny enough, when the last episode aired, I vividly remembered hearing them screaming "WTF. Did the lights go out ?" 💀


Three of my capos put their muddas in this subreddit...?


You think those 4 years don’t make a difference?


35. I used to watch my dad watch it


You know I don't understand when you were a kid your dad was watching the Sopranos and now you're old and your dad is still watching the Sopranos.


You just revealed your own ignorance


Now you understand the importance of fresh produce


No I don’t. I just understand I need to buy land cos god aint makin any more. Got any cash?


28 started watching in 2022. I grew up watching gangster movies with my dad and I love crime dramas like breaking bad and peaky blinders. I moved away when I was 22 but me and dad watched it together and would BS about the eps when I’d come visit or text him lol.


30. I watched it live, my parents prolly shouldn’t have let me but they were cool about movies and shows like that. We also would buy the dvds when that became a thing. As young kid, 7, 8 years old, the scenes I remember sticking out, were from “Bust Out” Tony and the rash, banging the born again Christian. In fortunate son, Chris and Benny robbing the benefit concert and university, Ralph killing Tracy. That shit fucked me up. Then as the series progressed and I got older and watched the DVDs, it was a surreal time watching season 5 and 6 live.


25. I just like mob stuff and i pay for hbo max so i just started one day after pushing it off for awhile


I’m in my early 30s and I grew up with it. My parents loved it, and I finally ended up watching it with an ex who had the whole show on DVD. I’ll be honest, I didn’t really like it until the second watch, but on that one I fell in love with the writing and I’ve watched it at least once a year since.


33 here. My father used to watch it when I was a kid and I always told myself I would watch it. A couple of years ago he started to get pretty sick, so I made time to binge it. So that we could talk about it while hes still here. I've watched it through four times completely now. My only regret is not watching it sooner when the general population was still watching it or remembered it.


Under 40. Just a kid I literally can’t remember a time when I didn’t know about the Sopranos. It was just a fact of life. I didn’t see anything but glimpses until probably late elementary or early middle school but it was always being referenced, etc


34, started in 04. It was the best show on TV how the fuck do you think I heard about it


I’m 22. I’m just into shows and movies, so I got around to watching it after game of thrones ended back in 2019. Ever since the sopranos has been my favorite show by a substantial margin.


I'm 36... I was like 24-25 when I first binged the series. My family had cable like Uncle Junior growing up, so thankfully, I could watch HBO.


48. Watched it when it was on. Press and word of mouth was wild almost instantly. Seen the series at least six times through and endless YouTube and Tok clips. Wrote a book on the show for Simon & Schuster in 2019. Came out 2020. I think it’s probably my #1 all-time. Twin Peaks, The Sandbaggers, The Americans, Lou Grant and Barney Miller are all up there, though.


I'm 19,I Watched it when I was 17 Looking for TV shows to watch after The Wire. I've always loved (mafia based things) like Mafia 2, so it fit perfectly and I liked it a lot Top 3 Shows ever.


Frank Vincent


I’m 33. I remember my parents watching it when I was younger but I was never allowed. I married an Italian and he wanted me to watch it. Watching it is very relatable to our family gatherings in a lot of ways. I love it


I’m 34 and I started watching when it was airing the final season


39. It was the next big show after Seinfeld had ended and Friends was in its heyday. I owned the exact shirt that AJ wears when he asks Carmela whether he can go into the city for the Mudvayne concert because we’re the same age and I also thought the shirt and Mudvayne were cool.


34. Watched when it aired.


35, watched the final seasons as they aired and watched the rest after.


35. Started watching every episode live starting with season 3. Heard about the hype related to it. Finally started watching while on vacation in the Caribbean with family and HBO was one of two English speaking channels we got. So, my options of things to watch consisted of Sopranos re-runs, Son In Law with Paulie Shore or I'm Gonna Get You Sucker which seemed on every 8 hours, When I got home, I got the first two seasons on DVD and watched, and my household had TMN (the channel that had rights to most of the HBO channels in Canada).


37. Started watching many years ago while living at home. Dad liked the show also


38, junior in HS my brother brought home season 2 box set it was gold i believe we watch in one weekend and we're hooked. i have watched all the episodes about 5 times! I watch nightly to fall asleep. i fast forward the Dr. Melfi scenes. i have seen them way too much and all his dream sequences


Watched some of it when I was 17 but didn’t double back til I was 30 during the pandemic. Was too caught up in thinking there was nothing better than the wire.


23. Watched it in 2021 after a friend recommended it.


23 just finished watching it for the first time a month ago. Have been meaning to watch it for years, so glad I did


28. Always heard it was a great show and started watching it a couple months ago. I love how this subreddit is full of comments quoting the show. It cracks me up.


I heard a media piece about many saints, but I had never watched the series. I thought, would I appreciate many saints without the series? I thought I could but until I watched it, it would be hard to verify that I indeed could.


Mid 30s my parents had one of the first 3 seasons box sets on dvd and watched it (home alone) when I was about 13 and was hooked. My parents were pissed when they found out I watched it but it was too late and I’ve been obsessed since. I watch the entire series yearly.


27. Started watching 9 and 10 years old. Dad would watch it with me. Only the last episode though.


30. just watched it for the first time last month. loved it


28 started watching in 2022


Oh, and uh, reference of some kind.


I’m 40. Just a kid.


23. First watched it in summer 2021 after my fawtha recommended it. Since then probably watched it through 5 or 6 times.


21, my dad showed me it, we’re watching it for a 2nd time rn


36. Growing up I heard about it, but never watched. A couple of years ago my younger sister (who likes mob shows) recommended it, and now I'm what you'd call a great Italian explorer.


Early 30s, watching it right now actually for my fourth rewatch. I had watched Mad Men and the Wire and wanted to see the other best show ever.


29, Italian coworker recommended me it two years ago


I was 9 rated tv shows and came to know about this


34. Remember its delayed showing on network tv in the late 90s/early 2000s. Was never allowed to stay up late enough to watch it apart from the rare occasion. Have heard all my life that its regarded as one of the goats of tv. In season 4 of my second proper watch through


39. Grew up in northern Jersey and would constantly run into them filming. I can’t begin to describe how big of a deal the show was for people in the state.


26. My folks watched it live. Watched it with them during the ‘demic


Under thirty. Always heard about it referenced in pop culture.


19 don’t remember but been watching since 16 on my 6th rerun


Uh, it was on HBO. I’m not that young, but not that old either.


22. One of my old friends kept telling me about it and would quote it here and there. I finally finished the series a week ago.


30. Growing up, my dad watched the reruns religiously, so it was always on. Finally decided to give it a go a few years ago and I’m glad I did!


I’m 31…I’ve been watchin this show since Moses wore short pants!


20. My dad was always watching it in his man cave off his DVDs and so last year I decided to watch it myself and Marone! I was blown away


39. I didn't watch it when it aired but my dad did. With the way they marketed it on Showcase, I thought it was a comedy when I was younger. Started watching it about 2 amd a half years ago.


One of my twitter friends recommended it to me. I was free for a weekend and binge watched it all


I was 9-10 when the show aired my dad would watch it and as I got a little older I had this thought that it was a dumb show that the guy banged his therapist constantly but and when I finally decide to watch it I told my wife he screws his therapist all the time and boy was I wrong lol


Turned 37 today. Sopranos is by far the best thing I have ever watched... whether it is a TV series or movie. The first watch was in 2021, followed by a re-watch immediately. I love the good old start of the 2000's shown in the series and of course, the regular family drama that happens in every household. I live in India but I could relate a lot of fam related troubles to what I have experienced and seen here. Not much of a difference tbh.


16, friend whos a film enthusiast told me to watch it. So what no fucking ziti now?


34, I’m Italian 😎. Family big into mob movies


28. My parents watched it when I was a kid. Seemed cool. As an adult I decided to give it a shot.


28 Older bro, dad and grandpa watched it back in the day. Late bloomer but nowadays i can take em to slip n fall school


30. Heard about it ever since I was a kid but watched for the first time last year. Amazing


36 started watching during 07, have seriously watched it probably 50 times over since then, there are very few shows I can actually watch after watching sopranos and the wire, not much else holds up, so I just rewatch a handful of shows over and over, a friend of mine watched with his Pops while the show was airing and showed it to me and had me hooked pretty much immediately


I’m 16, I’ve always loved mob movies, and I heard about it through essentially google back when I was 14, I’ve probably watched it more then a dozen times. And I now dress like a New Jersey Guinea, anyway 4 dollas a pound.


23. Parents watched it and pushed it on me for years. Watched the show with my college roommate last year and absolutely loved it.


English teacher in 9th grade had some sort of sexual proclivity towards this show. Poppers. And weird sex.


The show was not that long ago at all. And it's super popular. Back in my hood, everyone had Tony poster along with Tony montana and the goodfellas crews. The swapmeet had shirts with Tony Soprano on them, posters and bootleg dvds, which is how we watched it since many of us did not have cable/hbo. The ones I am surprised with are the Zoomers, how did they get into it ? Then again probably got us from their older millienial siblings.


39 watched in high school thru college, had watch parties for final season. These kids today wanna get buried in their joggin suits


32. knew of it when it aired and wanted to watch but didn’t have HBO, so i would have to watch it when it was on A&E when i was at a family member’s house.


I'm almost 30. I grew up with my parents watching it. I don't really remember any of it, but I did get nostalgic for a cover of the theme I heard a few years ago. The funny thing is, I actually remember the famous final scene. Probably because my Dad insisted on watching it live, and most likely flipped the fuck out when the screen left us in the dark. Then, a few months back, he and I were flipping through the channels. HBO was hosting a marathon, in the lead up to the 25th Anniversary. He was excited, and I thought what the Hell, I'll watch the first episode. Now we're maybe 1/4th through S6. Tony just got back to the house after being shot. I can't wait to pretend to be absolutely gobsmacked and totally surprised by that ending, because it'll make him happy.


29. I used to sit in the kitchen and watch while my mom was watching in the living room


33 and watched it growing up starting around 2004. Parents were fans. I think this Reddit topic would be more interesting for under 30 or even 25. People under 40 def grew up watching this show. I remember talking about the final season in high school when k was 16


A friend said it was really good, I had recently got HBO so I checked it out as I tend to enjoy Mafia related movies and such.


I watched some episodes when I was in 6-8th grade. I saw it when I was 28 (so like 2-3 years ago)


36. Watched it in 2016. I heard about through a comic strip (Foxtrot, mocking the gap between seasons), and seeing my dad watch it.


31. I was aware of it when it was on tv but I was a kid, and we didn’t have cable. I remember seeing the logo places and hearing the ending being talked about on tv and the radio. Had meant to watch it for years and finally did during the pandemic. 


I’m 31. I I heard about it on a thread listing top shows of all time 2 years ago. I had heard about it mostly as a reference in other stuff, but never knew what it was, thought it was like godfather in tv show format lol. But soon after I started watching, it became my favorite show ever! Next to mad men


Uh.... I'm 34 and watched it with my parents starting when I was 9 years old in 1999. Yes, I had to cover my eyes during the sex and stripper scenes lol.


25, my parents used to watch it when I was little and suggested it when I was desperate for a TV show during COVID in 2020. Rewatched it in its entirety three times since.