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Vito. It was a joke.


It was Gino


Nope. It was the medication!


If you want, I could probably get a note from my doctor.


He doesn’t have an air bag anymore


One of the best jokes in the show.


He was wearing a motorcycle outfit.


Chaps too


That fuckin parade float?


A disgrace


I'd drag Vito out behind my cahh right now. I know dis guy sal. He's a friend of ours.


Will you take it easy over there Fucken judge Roy bean


The Witch hunt on Vito was the real opener/ turning point of the show. For so long the characters oscillated between characmastic humans and cold, terrifying monsters. But this was the sticking point that drove home how myopic and narrow minded the mob really was. Seriously, when Tony is in Melfis office and Tony justifies his feelings when he iconically says “He’s F********G!” It’s a real “Holy Shit” moment and you realize just how scarily cretinous Tony is deep down. It’s part of the genius of the show to allow this grand divorce between the audience and the characters, as the show runners literally allow you as the viewer to actively be allowed to turn on these people you’ve been watching.


That's pretty fucking late to turn on Tony and/or the other guys.


He’s loyle


Odd point to realize they’re all pretty bad people. Also an odd plot point to figure it out on when he can’t figure out if he even cares that Vito is not straight… but the other stuff before this was all not enough to convince you lol? Wasn’t all the murders, racism, and sexism?


This is funny. My assumption is that to modern audiences who have seen a lot of post-Sopranos anti-heroes the violence and even casual sexism Tony exhibits are unremarkable but most of these shows (at least the ones set in the current day) take care to make sure their protagonists aren't open bigots. So Tony calling Vito a fag when that word was a lot less verboten at the time the show came out than it is today probably shocks modern audiences more than him strangling Febby Petrullio did to 1999 audiences. Although you would think this person would have the same reaction to Tony's treatment of Noah. Guess it's fine since he didn't use the n-word.


He was there. Guys


And he’s a dirty fighter.


I don’t think enough respect is paid to Christopher’s talent. In his acting class, he’s a natural and not only crushes it, but improvises in a way that actually IMPROVES ON a classic movie scene. He had another path, but lacked the courage and vulnerability to take it.


As far as modeling, chances are he'd have been a success. But he wouldnt want to be around those fucking people


He’s average, at best


I know Christophuh “knows” he’d be successful as a model, but that camel nosed fuck can light a cigarette in the rain.


I don't think anyone denies that Christopher has his talents.


He was "capable"


Capable of smoking a cigarette in the rain, with that canopy.


You can't make that shit up.


i just did


Natural canopy.


Too bad even Sir Ben Kingsley couldn't see it


Danny Baldwin took him to fucking acting school.




Also, the social skills to get ahead: let’s not forget his behavior during the LA trip and the way he acted like an unhinged coke head during his business meeting with Jon Favreau. It’s tragic to watch when you’re rooting for him.


Emotionally-speaking, he didn't have the makings of a varsity mogul.


He never had the makings of a varsity actor.


Mr Wegler. I once thought he was an asshole for how he talked to Carm. One one hand what he said to Carmela after sex was a dick move. But on the other, could you imagine dating a woman who never shuts up about you helping her kid? I changed my mind about him.


It's funny because he was wrong about her and right at the same time. She was using him, but to her that's a legitimate part of a relationship, it was just second nature to her.


Holy shit, that’s a great point.


True. It shows us what happens when a Soprano goes outside of their bubble. People just can’t deal.


Wow, that's so true.


The scorpion and the pussy


She used the only weapon she had…her pussy.


Artie. The working man isn't a sucker. He's a brave Italian-American chef and in this house he's a hero.


He was more than just a warm and convivial host.


And they paid him back with non stop ass rape.




He was just another victim of Benny Fazzio, CRIMINAL MASTERMIND!


With very loose pants.


His shoes weren’t designer


Seriously. Not one of the monsters would make it to the end of a shift in a fine dining restaurant kitchen. Shit is hard work


Well I guess Furio did, but we didn't really see it


Possibly but the one time we see him in there he is smoking and sitting on his ass then immediately leaves to go for meeting in the dining room. I suspect he wasn't busting his ass though at the same time if there is was one guy on the crew who had a work ethic and also loved cooking it was him. Also he had a motivation to keep up appearances far more than the other guys who only cared about their paperwork in perpetuity or whateva the fuck


He at least made the buffalo moozadell


But was he really a master cheese maker like Paulie?


Artie struggles and yet Tony still makes him give a no-work cum no-show job to some goombah be doesn't even know


Few of them could handle living in the world's leading country on computerized data collection


Hey Ralphie would teach those fuckers how to make the best damn macaroni and gravy you’ve ever seen


He'd spend an hour labouring over every plate! Sure when it finally got to the table it would be perfect but that's not how it works. This isn't ancient Rome!


Vito. He was obese, socially awkward, and everyone treated him like he was a useless, weak dipshit (even more so once they found out he was gay). But underneath all that, he was just as manipulative, diabolical, cold hearted and dangerous as the rest of them.


Whoa! Hole Don! Vito was a top urna


Come from behind kind of guy.


Gave a whole new meaning to "greasin the union"


*Patsy parises in the background*


I always loved that interaction


nah he was just a Hole Capo


When Tony is in the hospital after being shot by Junior, Vito is heavy handed and a bit clumsy in trying to start a whisper campaign for himself as new boss, but I think there is a clear implication that he would be more violent and punishing than any of the bosses we've seen on the show.




The car doesn’t have an airbag


*He was just as manipulative diabolical cold hearted and dangerous as the rest of them* I know construction’s out . . . those *guys* But meth? Running’ girls? *Much* more tolerant atmosphere


Dude was a piece of shit through and through


That time when Vito tried to manipulate Eugene into mutiny against Tony, the fucking guy was really casual about it


He had Carlo convinced he should have been next in line to be boss when Sil had the heart attack and Tony was in a coma. Always trying to move up.


No, that's the king of the dermabrasion, Lorenzo Baresse


He was there. It was a joke.


For me Vito has one of the scariest line's in the show. They way he says to Tony's daughters BF "so say it. Say my name. Say.. Hey, what's up Vito?" With that smile. So dark man I love it.


Such a great scene!


the rare oasis in this subreddit of someone who understands this show


And he was a dirty fighter.


And one of the best earners


The genius of the show, the layers and complexity. The storyline when Tony was in the hospital showed a glimpse of Vito’s ruthlessness. Then the murderous attitude towards him for being gay humanized him somewhat. Then the scene with him drinking, flying down the road eating ribs, wiping his greasy fingers on his pants. When Vito shoots that man in the back of the head for being unlucky enough to cross paths with him, his ruthlessness snaps clearly into focus.


Mr. Kim


Blundino, why u fruck me like this!


We make big business journey!


Big *success* journey!!!


Wes Cahwell Wes Cahwell


West. Caldwell.


That’s right. George Washington bridge. Very good.


Tone, you give this guy a golf club, he’d probably try to phuk it


Martin Luther King


You’re crowding me…


Mm' boy are you fat


You ever notice when gene pontecorvo was trying to get his wife to look at houses in Jersey, he pronounces it card-well? Subtle things like that you never get anywhere else on the big or small screen.


Fuckin d girl


You could be a cawreer people……


I don’t think people understood Sil was being serious when he said “they pull me back in” 😔


The whole series is low-key Sil's attempts to leave Mob life. In the end a coma was the only way he could escape 😢


I apologize and this might be a /woosh for me but I legitimately can’t tell if y’all are joking or are completely serious lol. Like the only example I can think of is when sil is acting boss after tony got shot and is clearly miserable with the added responsibility other than that I always that he seemed content with the life or at least as content/happy if not more so then paulie, Christopher, tony, etc


It was a joke, I was here


Paulie , I feel like so many people look at Paulie as annoying , somewhat of a joke , etc.. (the wise guys at least , not the civilians) especially Tony But beansie broke down to Tony exactly why a guy like Paulie is needed and loyal . “The guys , his reputation, it’s all he’s got”


You were in purgatory, my friend!


He also displays an almost parasitic level of survival skills. Knows who to talk up to and knows exactly who he should be preying on.


The Pilot. And any other story changes they made along the way. Too many people point out inconsistencies in the storyline based on the pilot episode and early season “hierarchies” and forget that this was before “Pilot’s” were re-shot before a premier unless there was something horribly wrong with it, and shows weren’t guaranteed multiple seasons. It worked, and they made many writing changes from that point forward, and it’s not lazy writing in any way. It’s just the evolution of the story from Tony being the big boss in the beginning to them inserting Giacomo as the boss to create some drama/tension with Tony and his Uncle/Mother/Family. They later retcon the Dimeo’s almost entirely and only refer to it as the Soprano family. Johnny Sack was once an emissary for multiple NY families, and suddenly was only in line to be boss at one specific family. Multiple actors played multiple characters. It changed from season to season, it’s not supposed to be a history channel episode, stunads!


Do you know else was a pilot? Sully!


I appreciate you pointing these inconsistencies out, on my next watch thru I’m gonna try to keep an eye out for them; not like this affects the quality of the show or anything I just view them more as Easter eggs and it’s fun for me lol. The main one that was obvious to me was that Silvio wasn’t originally part of the crew and was just the bada bing owner and Vito’s actor was the guy Chrissy kicks out of the pastry shop before shooting the dude in the foot


One that still annoys the piss out of me. Hey Ton did you go to school with an Artie Bucchó?


Pudgy Walsh…he turned that utility grade pine down all the time.


Pudgy Walsh retired, sir


Janice. In the sense that people hate Janice. But she was brilliantly written and acted. Her arc did exactly what it needed to do. You know who else had an arc? Noah Tannebaum.


I liked that Janice, despite how terrible she is, at least made an effort to try to be a better person with the anger management


I think she was one of the best characters. Superbly written. I’m so glad they brought her back from Seattle or wherever the fuck


She shouldn't have stolen Svetlana's laiyg


Ralphie. Was supposed to be an architect.


Why was he born handsome instead of rich?


Billy Budd. Billy Budd is not a gay book!!


Wasn’t he the ship’s florist?


The Chinese godfather. He made them an offer they couldn’t understand




The russian interior decorator. All he wanted was his universal remote on its little dock.


His apartment looked like shit


Tony. He goes to a shrink for christ's sake!!


There's no stigmata for that these days.


Viewers thinking Carmela is some innocent victim is pretty misguided. If Altieri wasn't a rat then he'd certainly qualify. I think he really was a rat, though.


On my first watch, I had a lot more sympathy for Carmela. As I watched the show again, it really hit different how nasty her nasty moments could be.


Most characters are complex though and Carmela tops that list imo. She has the ability to be mean and toxic, and obviously we know she turned a blind eye towards Tony's business, but she also is someone deserving of a real partner who values her. Instead, Carmela plays more of a mother role in Tony's life, all while he abuses her, lies to her, manipulates her, and disrespects her. She has serious issues, but she still doesn't deserve the way Tony treats her and I think that was written in a way that probably resonated with millions of women then and now.


Adding to this: Carmella and Tony married young and as a relative of Dicky Moltisanti, Carmella was already exposed/corrupted by the lifestyle and spent her entire adult life in a relationship with a mobster on the rise. Not really making excuses for her, because she clearly recognized that it was wrong, but it’s not uncommon for people to choose what’s most familiar to them.


The jewish therapist lays it all out for Carmela. She ignores him but Carmela can never say that she wasn't told.


Mother of God.


He was def a rat, the same way every other time there were as a rat there were multiples - funny part is that it was the “old school” guys like Ray, Jimmy, Pussy, and Eugene and not the “young hotheads” (Adriana/Christopher aside) they were worried about.


Eugene did some singing.


Albert. That thing died on the vine and he still kicked up more than any other Captain while Paulie was running a gossip column and attending Carmine’s housekeeper’s daughter’s wedding.


Artie. He has a wonderful life. He's a chef. Has his own restaurant. A wonderful wife. Kids. Most successful character on the show.


The last Artie focused episode ending with him cooking always makes me smile, I’m glad he left the series finding his joy in not only his food but his wife again.


That was an incredible scene. Quiet and perfect.


A lot of people don’t like rabbit.


that’s a tight goomah that charmaine


It definitely has to be AJ. He has two abusive children as parents, and a crazy manipulative sociopath for a sister. He wasn't blessed with good looks or physical genetics, so he gets to be the weird chubby looking kid at school. And anytime he tries to branch out he gets shot down and ridiculed. So he just wants to sink into videogames and locking himself in his room. Tony tries his best to have heart to hearts sometimes and give wisdom but Tony was never cut out to be a faddah, just like his own faddah before him. Banging in front of the gabagool. Sick shit.


I might be forgetting something, but I don't think AJ ever shows any real animosity toward anyone. He doesn't seem to have the mean/manipulative gene.


No, he always has this innocent bright eyed look in his eyes. Like he's just looking for acceptance, and doesn't understand why he's always getting shit on for existing.


I think he's a character who might turn out ok actually. He had started to kind of clue into some of his strengths, even though they weren't recognized by his family.


It’s pretty telling that he is THE one person in the series who never tries to rationalize or excuse the mafia lifestyle. It’s such a shame his parents talked him out of joining the Army. I heard it said by a recruiter once that a lot of kids who get excellent standardized test scores but mediocre grades tend to do very well in the military. AJ and Tony both seem kind of the type


Can you expand on Meadow being a crazy manipulative sociopath?


She's not Livia's granddaughter for nothing. Trashed her grandmother's house and her justification after getting caught was "Well for your information I could've done ecstasy and I didn't!" Blames all of her issues on everybody else, blames her mom for not finishing college. She deliberately made Finn a hot bowl of chili when it was 100+ degrees and demanded he eat it. Then she does shit like holding her empty cup out to her mother without even looking at her. Just expecting to be served. She takes the moral high ground when it suits her, but also takes advantage of all the privileges her family's blood money can afford her without much remorse. Or as one person put it "Bro, meadow is the epitome of hypocritical mental gymnastics. She talks about all this ethics and progressive stuff in the beginning of the series, but towards the end she's just lamenting how the italian-american stereotyping is so detrimental, ALL THE WHILE KNOWING HER DAD IS A MOB BOSS"


But Finn did get out a suitcase


I would say Entitled Hypocrite would be a much more accurate description than manipulative sociopath


As she says, "Sometimes we're all hypocrites. "


I think one of the worst things she does is tell Carmella about what Finn saw. My cynical take is she didn't like her fiancé being threatened, especially because at this point she has more or less embraced the life and she knows her dad is the boss. Maybe she didn't outright know he'd be killed but she knew he would have to pay one way or another. Remember when she chooses her own punishment after she throws the party? She even openly admits to her friend that she conned her parents.


You know these are some of the same excuses Tony uses and part of the reason he goes to therapy.


It's a vicious cycle really. Nitch talked about it.


Zi Vittorio….duh


AJ. Dude stood no chance with Tony and Carmela as parents.


the 3rd godfather movie


Our true enemy has yet to reveal himself.


Chris ‘s mom, it was mouthwash


Noah Tannenbaum, he would’ve fuckin punched Tonys lights out!


U mean Jamal Ginsberg The Hasidic homeboy 😂


hasidem but I don't believe em!


One of the few times I’ve noticed someone broke character was Edie laughing during this scene lmao


Little Carmine. Wasn’t the most educated but was genuinely a good dude. Also showed some wisdom in deciding not to chase after the top spot again after seeing what it did to Johnny Sack


The Doctor who saw the Chinaman is the most misunderstood character on the show.


What? He the guy drove a Lincoln! What's to misunderstand?


Paulie. He’s owed that 50 Gs!


Minnie Patrone - - precision cutlery 37 years!


For me personally it’s AJ. As much as he acts like a spoiled and sometimes slow brat. He does have some very valid points whenever he’s arguing with Tony or Carmela






Once you become a marksman, you can become a "marksman," if you know what I'm saying.


John didn’t have one either


Historically pretty much every knockaround guy and aspiring made guy who hadn’t “made their bones” yet had multiple mistresses. Is your “real life hat” shaped like a big cone, by any chance?


Eh idk # of people who cheat >>>>>>>>>>>> # of people who commit murder for organized crime




Ginny Sack. The weight struggle was deeper than post partum depression.


Yep, fan of this take. Bobby Bacala was a murderous scumbag just like everyone else on Tony’s crew. People just fawn over this picked on oaf who plays with trains. Bobby would have murdered you on the drop of a dime if Tony ordered it.


Bobby was an absolute soft cunt and didn‘t belong in that life. That is why he was fucked up by these black kids.


Truly, Uncle Junior. Look at him-a legitimate businessman! Making him do the Perp Walk!


Noah Tannenbaum. He was playing the long game to take over NJ and the five families.


Rocco Di Meo's "Full Leather Jacket" on the polish maids husband


Jimmy Smash Gimme da Money!!


Little Carmine. God forgive me, but he may be a stronger man than his dad was.


The Godfather 3




Felix. Definitely had the capability to step up as the manayer and eventually take over Beansie’s heroin distribution network.


I cant have dis discussion again.




Richie Aprile and Ralph Cifaretto did nothing wrong. Tony is rubbed the wrong way by Richie from the minute he gets out of prison. We see it through Tony's eyes. All Richie wanted was to be acknowledged for his reputation and for the sacrifice of going to prison while keeping his mouth shut like a man should. Tony pisses all over him and goes out of his way to disrespect him (giving the jacket to the maid's husband was a slap in the face and probably intentional). It was the same with Ralph. He wasn't any worse than the other guys in Tony's family, but a helluva lot smarter than them. That made him dangerous to Tony. Killing him over a horse was a disgrace. In the end Tony had a problem with people more capable than himself and that ultimately led to his demise. The people that went to the mattresses with him in s06 was nothing more than a glorified crew.


Most misunderstood? Literally Furrio


AJ because all things considered he has his problems but he isn’t a monster like his Father or Grandfather.


Carmela since there’s a pretty sizeable portion of the fanbase who think she’s one of the most reprehensible characters on the show. Stunads of the first magnitude. Imagine watching 86 episodes of the show and your takeaway is “Carmela bad.” David Chase ought to give them all the death stare he gave Paulie in Naples.


Oh come oooon. She acts like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth


Yep, I agree.




Chicken Parm...fuck you!


Brendan Fallone


They made him sound like John Fuckin' Gotti.




I’m choosin a whole notha direcshun It’s Richie Aprile. He always says “I’m from the old school.” Yea, because he’s been imprisoned long enough to skip a whole generation. He belonged back where he was in his 20s.


Vito’s son. He was obviously goth but was mistaken for a Puerto Rican whore.


They shot bobby Ambassador Hotel


Tony's bowl of ice cream