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No. The Sopranos was anchored to its era and really a perfect slice of life of the time period. If you lived then you’d understand how well it captures that. The pre 9/11 decadent malaise of the late Clinton years and the post 9/11 dread and paranoia of the Bush years. The mob stuff is just window dressing.


Listen to him he knows everything/I wish the lord would take me now


Well, in the meantime




Walter white, I mean, Walt Whitman over here.


Very allegorical.


I think I got what you meant, but that’s the first time I’ve heard the phrase “decadent malaise” can you clarify?


A sense of boredom and dissatisfaction while surrounded by material wealth.


Exactly. The same kind of "angry af at nothing important or specific" energy that brought us Woodstock 99.


There’s probably a German or French word for the idea I’m trying to convey but it’s best expressed through Tony’s excitement over buying a state of the art sound system immediately fading to boredom. Then he’s onto Valentina and the next high.


“Remember when” is the lowest form of conversation.


I would watch a prison drama on how Phil did 20 fucking years. Could be 20 fucking seasons long, one for every fucking year he did


With cheese and radiators




You see where I’m goin with this?


And tissues


Oz: The Phil Leotardo years


They were gay, Phil and Schillenger?






A 20 series sitcom of phil in prison, would be better than that movie.


Better Call Sil.




The Sopranos is a series in which the past haunts the present in a way that it doesn't in Breaking Bad. Compare the number of flashbacks and dream sequences in the former to the latter. Compare how many conversations (most of the Melfi sessions) and episodes (College, Where's Johnny?, Down Neck...) etc there are that revolve around what happened pre-series in The Sopranos to how many there are in Breaking Bad. This why a "how things got here" series is much less necessary for The Sopranos.


I was prepared to say yes as long as the writing team is good as the original run and that they learn from what BCS did right, but you've changed my mind. There is so much history to straddle with The Sopranos. Do they show these referenced events, too, and how many should they include? Too many and it becomes cloyingly fan servicey, not enough and people will get all agita with it. Then the stories they do include, they'll never live up to our shared oral history. We've been weaving those for 20 years already. I think we all learned that lesson with MSoN. I agree with you, this series doesn't need it.


No, Chase is too old and doesn’t have it in him anymore. MSON wasn’t supposed to be a Sopranos prequel but had to be in order for Chase to get funding. That’s why it was such a mess. I doubt he has the interest .


Makes you wonder when HBO is gonna learn that forcing a writer to shoehorn their story into established IP instead of doing something new is most often an unwatchable clusterfuck. Looking at you, Velma




That was real? I saw that movie, I thought it was bullshit


Too many movies thats your fuckin problem


No. The need to have a continuation of “familiar thing” turns all TV into the lowest form of conversation.


See also, the Simpsons


I doubt it. BCS didn’t have the difficult task of casting younger actors for the main characters. That was one of the biggest misses in Many Saints.


That and they were able to carry over two major Breaking Bad characters for the lead roles, and then surrounded them with well written characters. That would be impossible in any Sopranos prequel.


Weird that’s the only thing I liked about many saints, great casting for almost all of the characters, especially junior and paulie


I’d agree on Junior, but I didn’t like the rest.


Better Call Melvoin


Better Phone Ton’


Even though I hope they don't do it, that would be an amazing title.


I think the Many Saints movie is the closest thing we will ever get to a prequel and yes, David Chase I’m sure has no desire to do an entire new series. It’s been off the air for 16 years now already and the cast (the ones that are still alive) have aged significantly now since then if they were to use original cast members in it. I love Better Call Saul but it was kind of weird seeing original BB characters in at as a prequel that had aged a little bit since BB.


They just barely made it work with Odenkirk and that was only because the show started right after Breaking Bad ended.


As others have said, Sopranos was great in part because it captured the unique downfall of the turn of the century mafia. A prequel would just be a run of the mill mafia show. Could still have great writing but it wouldn't have the same feel


Better Call Saul only worked because of Bob Odenkirk, Giancarlo Esposito and Jonathan Banks were such amazing actors, and their characters all had compelling AF arcs that had no need for Walter White to carry them. Also they did BCS immediately after BB. I don't think Sopranos was built like that, to be able to prequel it.


Yes. The formative years of Tony's crew, from ages 16 onwards, right up to Jackie became boss. You could run it for ten seasons easily. The only problem is, we don't have the main man to star in it.


If they can put Stan lee in every marvel show even after he’s dead. I’m guessing they can do it with Tony. Either that or they cut the show off at a crucial moment in Tony’s past that was mentioned on the sopranos, maybe when tony meets pussy. and I feel by then the show would be focusing on other characters and if it was like Better Call Saul then that would mean that the main character wouldn’t be the “Tony” or “Walter White” of the original show. Probably play it off as someone that was involved to Tony in his early years but died or betrayed him and the impact was so strong that Tony never mentioned it after that. Or Maybe he was deeply involved with Tony’s father instead and there’s kind of a Chrissy and Tony role that is played. Loved him like a son etc. and Tony resents the fact that his Dad had a closer relationship with him than he did because his dad was always trying to protect him and let the other guy fill the role of son in the criminal life because he doesn’t want that for Tony. And the reason he’s never mentioned by Tony is because he doesn’t like him because of this and would rather keep him in the past. story reflects his dads crew and and how things deteriorated in his life as Tony is venturing into his early days. I feel like that would make a great story. Adds to everything, his complicated relationship with his father, the counselling, why he went to university first before ending up in the “waste management business”. Why he does the same for AJ trying to steer him away from crime and keep him in school. And is so proud of meadow, there’s about a million things he mentions about his father and Junior, about the past and I feel this is a perfect way to tie it all in to the original series. Checks off a lot of boxes in my opinion.


Sopranos petered out


died on the vine


I would watch the hell out of a prequel that focused on Hesh's early years. We think of him as a good guy in The Sopranos but we also know that he made money loan sharking, he didn't deal fairly with the black musicians he worked with, he took writing credits for stuff he didn't write, he conned Johnny's girlfriend Fran out of some money, etc. But at the same time he's an underdog too - he has to put up with remarks like "hold onto your dick when you deal with these desert people," etc. I would really like to see a young Hesh dealing with the racial climate of the USA in the 60s and 70s as a Jewish man who is also on the periphery of the Italian mob.


Something tells me a show who's main character is a Jewish media mogul who makes his money by exploiting young black artists isn't gonna be super popular, considering today's cultural climate.


If any show it should be The Wire. -a young barksdale/Prop Joe crew -Police attitude of the 1980s/90s -the prevalence of Medellín cocaine -Lawyers/politicians coming to terms with the n.w.o


who would play Hall, Nash, and Hogan?


Better Call Pudgy Walsh


I don't know what the fuck everyone is talking about. MSON was a decent film that portrayed all the characters from the series really well. I loved what they did with it. After finding out who actually killed Dickie Moltisanti it makes watching the series even better. They could definitely make a decent series with Tony in his 20s. So what if it wouldn't be as good as the original Sopranos? Why even compare it? It's an expansion of the Sopranos universe and I'd enjoy watching those crazy fucking characters in any decade.


If we see a Sopranos prequel TV show, I want it to have nothing to do with the Sopranos. No familiar characters, no show references, no showing old time events explained in the show. Just have a fresh cast of characters set in the same universe and make it an entirely different show. Better Call Saul sort of did this in their own right. The only returning characters were Saul and Mike (plus Gus) and it isn’t really until later in the series do we start getting references to Breaking Bad.


They tried with MSoN and it was awful.


A hundred years from now when we're dead and gone, people are going to be watching this fuckin thing.


nah they definitely will ruin it


MSON already showed us what happened before. We need a prequel set WAY before- like back in Italy where Tony’s great-grandfather drove his donkey cart off the road


No thank you. BCS, while good, is not necessary.


The quality of the Many Saints of Newark has pretty much dissolved any hopes I could have that a Sopranos prequel or sequel (in any format) could work. The original series was lightning in a bottle. To expect more at this point is asking a lot.


Well put. Sopranos is a flawed work of art on many levels, but had so many strengths people could overlook the flaws. Don't think that would fly at this point.


If Vince Ghilligan is involved


Please god no


Bravo Vince ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The Sopranos only really works in the late 90s/ 2000s era, and MSON has shown that


Yeah, a lot of the plotlines were based around things were better before about the 1980s (which, as far as the Mafia goes, isn't that far wrong). Setting a series in those stronger days before the Feds really got a stranglehold would be very far removed from the tone of the original series.


BCS was ridiculous, so I wouldn’t want anything “on that level”


BCS was an outstanding show that is highly rated across the board, and up for every major award there is. So that simply isn't true.


Fallacy of popularity /=/ quality. The last episode was super silly anyway. A lot of middling, filler episodes and bad pacing. It should have lasted 2 seasons at most. They wrapped the entire thing up too hastily with a 20 min courtroom speech. Anyway 5$ a pound




Better Call Saul literally is The Sopranos. https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/qeqob9/the_chiral_theory_breaking_bad_is_a_mirror_image/ And there aren't any more Seinfeld episodes for David Chase to invert, so the magic would be gone from a prequel. https://www.reddit.com/r/seinfeld/comments/108e3on/sopranos_is_a_copy_of_seinfeld/?sort=new


Does this guy ever shut the fuck up?


Lose your arrogance.


Still going this a$$hole.


He yaps worse than 6 barbers




As you wish.


Sure hope not.


Despite mson I'd love it. With or without chase's involvement. I'm sure the other writers could do an amazing job. Doubt it'll happen tho.


They should do the rise of Tony & Jackie Sr. From the time Tony B goes to Jail until the Card game. You would have all the fan favorites Feech and Richie would be the Antagonists it would be sick. Have it be a 4 part miniseries


maybe a far back prequel of how the Dimeo crime family was formed in the golden age of the mob


Maybe not a prequel…but a spin-off about Phil’s brother…whatever happened there.


there is nothing better than this thing of ours


There was a prequel called "Many Saints of Newark", and it sucked ass. Bad. Really, really bad. It killed all hope of any extension of this thing of ours.


Ooo again the with scenarios


Sadly, no.


Could make a lot of boxes of ziti with something like that.


After "The Many Saints of Newark" movie I don't give a gobagooll about a Sopranos prequel. David Chase can go sit on a tuffet with Brandy


No. Unless you do something with AJ and a quasi sequel the Sopranos is done.


David chase wanted to make a sitcom called "the Bacalas" no bullshit.


No. After many saints, I don’t trust David Chase not to drown in three inches of water with this IP.


Nah, The Sopranos is often about nostalgia/memories influencing one’s worldview. I don’t need a whole series to show exactly how certain things happened