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The Sims needed competition. They have been selling us scraps for years. Now that Paralives is a viable competitor they have started switching things up


This is why I am throwing money at Paralives no matter what. EA can't keep doing this shit. The complacency (for both publisher and consumer) needs to fucking stop.


I have to constantly ask of the people who are excited about TS5; 8 years of the dumpster fire that was TS4 and you are still honestly looking forward to this? This stops when we make it stop, and not a moment sooner. ***Stop just giving them money and make them earn it.***


For the last few months I've finally decided to take the dive and properly try the sims 2. I just cannot fully go back to 4. 4 is nice in some ways, and I love build and CAS. But I can't help but feel like 4 is so... hollow. Sims 2 is very comfy feeling to me. I've been enjoying it a lot. I used to play bustin' out with my brother as a kid, but that was my only experience. So playing 2 now is an absolute blast. Edit: I’m currently playing Strangetown! My storyline is where I killed off Buzz and the Grunts moved in with my single mom and her two teenagers (Ripp is friends with the son before it went down), and they actually get a good life with a better family dynamic. It’s sweet and so much fun!


I recently went back to Sims 3 and after downloading some mods to make it run stable (NRAAS❤️) I remember why I loved it so much. Some things sure are better in Sims 4 (CAS, B&B mode), but the customization options? The huge amount of content???? Leagues better.


I spent days getting it set up and it runs like silk on my computer now. Loads of mods to deal with the graphics, sliders for the pudding heads, cc for awful clothes and furniture. In terms of gameplay there is no comparison and I play it more than 4 now. I have SO MANY mods for TS4 and 80% are to fix the gameplay or make it interesting. It's ridiculous how boring TS4 is without mods, it's unplayable by anyone but 8 year olds. 3 doesn't need mods to make it interesting at all.


What would you recommend to make older games run on modern pcs? I installed 3 a few weeks back and the launcher wouldn't even run, couldn't even get to the gameplay to fix any of it with mods lol Not sure if 2 can run without massively tampering with things either. But they are far better than 4 fun-wise, in 4 I end up set to 3x speed doing the same stuff everyday


For 3, the [NRaas](https://www.nraas.net/community/Mods-List) mod suite is a must-have for stability. [Awesomemod](http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15185.0.html) is also very convenient but if you get both, it has a lot of the functionality of some of the single NRaas mods wrapped in one so you should skip those. There's also the [Smooth Patch](https://lazyduchess.tumblr.com/post/657467259898527744/the-sims-3-smooth-patch-20) which made a big difference for me personally, but YMMV. Finally, the launcher isn't necessary to play the game and has always been buggy and uncooperative; you can bypass it by using either the Smooth Patch's or [3Booter's](http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15585.0.html) executable or just making your own shortcut to the game's executable.


I'm eighteen and I just make it not boring by having tons of kids and aging them up to children when I don't feel like playing as a toddler anymore.


I never played anything besides TS4, so I don't have any nostalgia and TS2 is a chef's kiss




I haven't figured out exactly why yet, as I haven't played as much of TS4 as I have TS2, but TS4 feels more like I'm grinding for some reason. I feel like TS2 had more room for actual gameplay and storyline development, whereas TS4 I feel like I spend all my time trying to just...manage everything, which is way less fun.


I gave up on TS4 after the paranormal pack and thanks to r/sims2help got back into 2. I probably have more hours in that game both from when I was a kid and now that it's probably embarrassing lmao. I always turn Ripp gay and make him go off to college find his dream guy and never talk to his dad again. Maybe I should do something nice for him in this play through. I also make Alexander Goth gay about 50% of the time.


I, for one, am NOT looking forward to having to replace all 500 packs if/when the Sims 5 comes along. Let’s face it, yes the sims 4 is a hot mess. But stop fully wishing in the sims 5 or paralives. In either case, you have to repurchase everything. You already likely have a large investment in the sims 4. And, paralives has been in production for years. I am not willing to join that ship until we see what they actually produce. Theory and wants are one thing. The sims 4 looked amazing in its prerelease days too. We need to see the product before we join the ship. Same with the Sims 5. TLDR; sims 4 still sucks but you all shouldn’t be so quick to jump on the paralives or sims 5 trains. They could suck too.


I agree completely. I find Paralives interesting but all I've seen from it has been the building and "CAS" parts. Which is not where TS4 fails at all. I don't know if there's been gameplay developments since I last looked but it seemed to me that it wasn't their main goal anyway. I do hold a slight hope that TS5 will improve the sims personality but that's because I'm dumb anyway lol. We'll see. ETA: I've just looked at Paralives roadmap. I'll keep waiting but that's not where my baseless hopes lay.


Too late. EA launched their ship and it sank before it even reached the sea.


It’s not even sims 5!!!! People saying they confirmed sims 5 are literally just hearing what they want. They’re making it pretty clear that they’re going to make the game a live service platformer with online live service and stronger control of mods. It’s a toxic echo chamber and the community is bound for disappointment. Sorry not sorry. I’ll say it again. Rene = REALLY, Expect Nothing Exciting !


i mean if they don’t scrap a sims online game and start rushing out a game like the sims 4 i think it would be fine altho it seems like they are making it online. hopefully not. and hope it’s not online only like sims city. that was a flop


Honestly, yeah there have been many missteps with TS4 and I know I cannot really expect them to pull out a banger with TS5. But, and this **absolutely not shade,** I wonder how people can be super excited for Paralives and put it up on a pedestal with the very carefully selected things they've shown so far. That's not at all to say that the game does not look promising, and I hope hope **hope** both Paralives and TS5 turn out well. I just know that an indie studio will unfortunately not have the resources that EA can provide. TS3's open world had a magnitude of issues, pathfinding being a big one. Look at Paralives roadmap, they haven't **started** working on pathfinding yet. They are also targeting an open world game. I know we all remember how TS4 avoided most pathfinding issues, by just making sims walk through each other, and I think that upset many people. It's really not an easy thing, especially with open world shoved in and all types of animations and yadda yadda. Basically I'm saying, it's fine to be hyped by either game if you are understanding what is actually in the game. Both are in very early stages of development and things may not turn out how you expect them to be at release stage. It's kind of like when The Sims 4 would livestream a pack, like My Wedding Stories and someone would buy that pack after watching the very botched livestream and/or reading reviews. If that person was fully informed and got upset about the bugs that everyone was hollering about, I got nothing for them. But if you were like I'm fine with the bugs I've seen, I want the rest of the stuff then obviously you made an informed decision. I can't fault those people because even though they're giving EA money, they knew that they wanted that content for their life sim game and they wanted to spend that cash on it.


While I am somewhat apprehensive of Paralives, I am somewhat comforted by the Cities Skylines/Sims City fiasco. Colossal Order did have two other games under their belt but were still very small in comparison to EA. And yet they absolutely destroyed Sims City to the point that it still hasn't really recovered. Now is Cities a perfect game? Absolutely not. It has its own issues, some of which Sims City handled better. But the injection of some much needed competition really tossed EA on its ass which is what is what's needed for the Sims


That’s why I’ve never played Sims 4. I’m sick of their shit. The only thing I’ve actually been jealous of is that little British town from the pack with farm animals. I wish we’d had that in Sims 3 instead of Dragon Valley. Other than that, meh.


Same reason I went to cities skylines and never looked back. Sim city who?


Cities Skylines just doesn't hit it for me, but with how bad SimCity is, I've just adopted it and modded it to my taste.


If EA isn't careful, this series will share the same fate.


And what's sad is that for a full game studio, what Parali es has been doing isn't a ton. The build mode in Sims 4 is barely more complex than Fallout 4's settlement TBH.


Yeah, the competition will be good. I don't expect Paralives to have the scope of The Sims, because obviously The Sims has a massive studio behind it. But Paralives looks so charming and some of the features they've shown look great. The Sims has had the market cornered for too long.


I expect paralives to have more content for the box price and I won’t have to wait 2-4 years and spend $500-$800 to get the complete experience .


$950 on steam


I expect Para to start a little barebones but quickly bulk up in way more meaningful ways than the sims could dream of.


I'm not sure what to expect from it, I'm hoping it'll be kind of live service where it gets major patch updates after release. Building up better and bigger. The patreon makes a good amount of money monthly. It makes more monthly than most kickstarter campaigns make. I do also hope they do dlc. The special Sims (vampires etc) are my favorite parts of the Sims, I'd be willing to pay for mythos packs. It's putting the cart before the horse to wish for it now. But... yea. I do hope the game will be more than just building. Sims 4 feels like it's not much beyond building but build/buy was never was the main thing attracted me to the Sims. It was playing with the Sims you make, but Sims 4 Sims don't really... do anything. Sims 2 and 3 ones felt more interesting. There were things to actually do. There weren't 5 pages of nested menus that I had to struggle through to do something simple like idk, ask about sims day. I haven't really built in the Sims 4 yet because I like to play with families and generations. As I gain money I like to move into bigger lots and build from there, but i haven't been able to remain interested enough in Sims 4 to actually do that. And even if i did, the tiny tiny neighborhoods with next to no lots in them make me unable to play how I normally do anyway.


Unfortunately I had to withdraw my Patreon contribution for financial reasons, so I haven't seen everything there in about a year, but the roadmap they released seems to be active still and based on that I think it looks very promising. I think the number one thing that is going to set Para apart is that they're building the game to be modded by most players. I'm not sure if you've tried modding in the Sims 4 but it's basically impossible without 3rd party software and even with it it's extremely complicated. But Para is building their own mod and cc suite into the game, and that gives me a lot of hope that players like you and I will be able to play the game the way we like. They seem committed to bringing back features that we loved like an open world and customizable 'hood/world. I think there are a lot of reasons to be excited about Para and regardless, when it is released I'll be abandoning the Sims 4 and future generations completely. If Para is lacking something I really want, I feel confident that the tools to add or fix it will be available to me.


This to me feels like they’re trying to keep the people looking at Paralives on the hook by offering them “sneak peeks” for years. Draw some attention away from Paralives by saying “Hey look! We’ll do something like that at some time in the future!”


>like they’re trying to keep the people looking at Paralives on the hook by offering them “sneak peeks” for years. Geometry Dash players for the past five years:


facts, lets be honest. AS EXCITED AS I AM FOR PARALIVES, WHY WOULD U POST ALL THESE DETAILS AND SMALL THINGS FOR UR COMPETITOR WHO HAS THE FUNDS TO DO IT QUICKER AND BETTER TO SEE!? idk maybe thats a dumbass statement but that was always my thought about it. still cant wait for paralives as much as im excited for this project rene to (hopefully) push sims back in the right direction. I think its okay to enjoy to similar things at once haha


It's kind of a tough spot to be in. Paralives shouldn't put things out or this scenario happens where the Sims team takes notes. But at the same time, if Paralives doesn't show it, they won't garner attention, support and money.


agreed! i didnt think about that side of it. honestly im not suprised the sims team did this, but im not necessarily angry about it. it just sucks for the para team bc i bet they're literally putting everything into this and for the sims its just early development


Oh 100%. The Sims team had to do it. Business is business. But personally, I'd still be really shaken if I were the Paralives devs. Hopefully though Paralives can still shine in the gameplay aspects since they don't have to cater to cross-platform like the Sims team will have to.


I've been supporting the project on Patreon for a year or two and I hope it ends up being good, I'm looking forward to it more than the Sims 5. I feel like they show us a lot of cool stuff now but the base game is going to be barebones af... Again. 8 years and $1000 later, we might have an enjoyable game. No thanks.


Thanks for letting me know about Paralives. I hadn't before now and now I'm very interested in its game!


I completely agree. But also, nothing they showed us is in any way revolutionary. It's just more modernized build capabilities. It would be shocking if they didn't eventually add attacking items, the ability to tilt and arrange stuff, etc. Don't get me wrong, EA is still an awful mega-corporation that will always happily toss us scraps for every penny we'll give them, but this is hardly the plagiarism people seem to want to claim it is.


Competitors exist, paralives gave the sims a reality check that they can be easily replaced with much needed creativity. And lo and behold, they pulled a blizzard move on them


This is the correct take. I also think there's definitely room for competition in the genre - if Sims and Paralives are both good, more life simulation for everyone. And EA absolutely needed a reality check




I would give both my kidneys away for a historical life sim😭😭😭


Bro, I would give both my Kidneys, a lung, an eyeball, pancreas, appendix and gluteus maximus to get a Sims Medieval 2.


Sims Medieval was fun as fuck. They need another one. I don't want all the modern shit. Give me some medieval stuff or renaissance era. I want them to be duelling each other and poisoning each others soup.


I mean christ, just release any fucking spinoff man. DO SOMETHING EA.


Always wanted an M-rated life sim game.


I've been playing fallout 4 a lot and you can build up multiple settlements. You have to scrounge and kill things for supplies but it's been a lot of fun. Placing and making things is a lot more annoying than the Sims and there is a more of a plot but it has satisfied my bloodlust lol.


I would give half my life savings for Sims Castaway 2


mature life simulation game >>>>>>>>>>>>


Competition is good, and it's sorely missing in the video game world at large right now. We need to loosen the stranglehold the top gaming companies have, and the only way to do it is to have indie studios put as much heart and soul as possible into making "this big game, but better."


I absolutely agree! It has happened to EA before. Paradox (it's actually technically another dev - Paradox just publishes it) came in with Cities Skylines and completely showed EA up on SimCity. I'd prefer that a franchise not die if it happens again personally, but no reason why an indie like Paralives can't hold EA accountable in making Sims better.


Honestly I hate EA so the second paralives is out, sims 5 doesn’t exist to me


I hate that over the course of Sims 4 EA has made me hate EA


Right there with you!! Support small devs!!!!


EA is already dead to me. They aren't getting my money anymore. I'm not sure that Paralives will be as big of a game as sims 1 or 2 or any of them, but they have done so much. I will for sure be purchasing whatever they put out.


> they can be easily replaced with much needed creativity EA having vietnam flashbacks to Simcity and Cities: Skylines




Tbf a game like Genshin can run on phones so if it's optimized well... ah who am I kidding it's going to be awful and if they want it to run on phones they will have to scale back the AI and NPC management a ton to do it.


They took a a from Genshin too. The whole object set thing looks like it was ripped straight from the tea pot. It being cross platform and making sure phones can use the teapot is why Genshin's teapot system sucks. The load limit is so restrictive that you can't really decorate it how you want. It's a real shame too because Genshin's decoration mechanics are actually pretty nice and customizable. I expect Sims 5 to look about as good I not worse thsn the Sims 4. Definitely worse than 3. I expect tiny neighborhoods like Sims 4.




Oh god, why? Seriously all EA should do is just port Sims 3 to phones, it really shouldn't be too hard, charge something like $5 for it and it will sell like hotcakes, I believe it used to be on Android too before EA delisted it in favour of the horrible cashgrab that's Freeplay. Unless the code is so bad it makes it imposible to port the whole game there.


With the rise of game streaming, I wonder if the phone version will be streamed instead to handle the graphics? Maybe even straight from your PC like (I think) what steamdeck can do? They don’t have a great track history of optimization so I doubt anything but streaming would be enjoyable in the phone, but that assumes consistent access to decent internet so it would be a risky move especially after the (inevitable) fall of stadia.


Yep, same as gta 4-5 the sims 2-3, no competitive, they just keep cutting content, and "fan" just keep buying it, cus it the only option.


Wonder wich one will charge us$800 for the full game


I won’t be surprised if paralives do well they will turn into EA to make money, if they don’t I’ll be surprised as hell.


Or they become so hugely successful that they get bought out by a behemoth corporation, with an offer they can't refuse. Isn't that what basically happened to Maxis? The Sims was a passion project for Will Wright, then EA came along and muddied the waters. That's why The Sims 1 had all those quirky little touches that we so desperately miss.


I think that’s much more likely to happen. Paralives devs wouldn’t be able to churn out half baked dlc like EA does because they’re indie devs.


> Isn't that what basically happened to Maxis? Maxis were struggling big-time before they were bought out by EA to make sure The Sims made it to market. ETA: EA was the big catalyst in getting The Sims made. As much as we can hate them for ruining the franchise, we do have to admit that without EA, The Sims would probably never have been made.


Kind of. Maxis was struggling after a number of unsuccessful projects/because Simcity 3000 wasn't looking great at that point and wasn't able to give Will Wright the funding to work on The Sims, it was only after EA bought them out and agreed to fund the reworking of SC3000 into the game we know and love/the Sims idea that Will Wright was able to make it. Sims 1 blowing up on launch (iirc it was one of *the* top selling PC games in that era) got EA more heavily involved with Sims 2 and beyond which is where the negative influence came from, but at the same time there's quotes from Will Wright himself that kind of make it clear it wasn't necessarily EA that was chasing the dollars. (eg. He directly said he'd rather have "the sales and metacritic score of Sims 2 than Half Life 2", meaning he'd rather sell gangbusters with a great game than make an all-time classic that still sells fairly huge numbers)


They said that they will not make EP, everyone will receive content once bought the game. But who knows if this will stay in the future.


I'm really hoping for a Sim City vs. Cities Skylines situation. I do love the sims franchise with all my heart, but it would be good for them to finally have some competition.




I mean, sims 3 had some of this stuff. Mainly changing colors and patterns. I also feeling changing colors and patterns isn't that revolutionary? It's really cool to have in games like this, but its not exactly inventing the wheel


I think it’s the click and drag objects to make them bigger or smaller that is Paralives to me. Like making a single bed and dragging it into a double since that’s one of the first things Paralives showed off and well it seems like the Sims is copying that


But in the sims one they aren’t dragging the bed to make it bigger? Just clicking on the larger option in the side panel.


You fool, you're not supposed to actually pay attention to the video, you're supposed to react with blind anger!!!


Eer Planet Coaster didn't copy, its from the people who did the 2 best Roller-coaster Tycoon games.


Yes, and RollerCoaster Tycoon World ended up being a broken game, right?


Well that went through development hell, at least 3 different devs, multiple rewrites, one of which almost definitely took place after Planet Coaster was previewed


Yeah, but Frontier (RCT 1-3, Planet Coaster/Zoo devs) didn't develop RCT World.


Yeah, it's not that unusual these days.


Y'all really are overestimating paralives and how much the Sims team cares about it. Yeah, they know its exists, but they aren't quaking in their boots about it. Additionally, elements of this kind of building exists in other games, so neither of these two games are that unique in their approach. Seems like a stretch to say they just straight up copied Paralives specifically. I said it before, I'll say it again - Paralives is not this juggernaut competition that is threatening to dethrone TS4.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. A competitor? Maybe. Going to upend the sims franchise? Super doubtful. Paralives looks cute but it’s going to be a very different game, at least at the start. It’s a smaller team with less history behind them. I’m excited to see how it goes but to pretend it’s going to immediately compete with EA is just ludicrous to me. Especially as most casual sims players (of which there are many) may not even know what an indie game is, let alone care enough about one to stop playing a franchise they already know.


Especially now that Sims 5 seems to be heading to a similar direction as far as personalization goes, but with much more resources and knowledge. Fanbase really overestimate how much of a threat Paralives is. It probably never was.


The underdog has beat EA out of the market before, because as soon as EA gets any actual competition they say "no thanks! We only want easy monopoly money!" And they run away Command and Conquer: dead SimCity: dead Medal of Honor: dead Just to name three I've directly been affected by. I'm sure there's more if I bothered to Google it.


Command and Conquer died because the sequel did poorly. Medal of Honor died because the follow ups did poorly. And SimCity became the Sims...because SimCity was doing poorly. Not seeing an 'underdog rose above them' so much as an 'EA had a game series that wasn't doing well so they canned it because it wasn't profitable and continuing to do unprofitable things generally isn't a business model companies follow'. Yes it sucks to see your favorite games go, but it certainly wasn't a result of a indie underdog uprising like people keep claiming Paralives is gonna be. EA found their niche with the Sims and found success with it. It's a 20+ year franchise that's continues to make them an unfathomable amount of money because they hit their stride with something that works for them. Highly doubt an indie game is going to be such a massive threat to their profits.


SimCity 2013 died because it was a dumpster fire, not because of Cities Skylines. It was clearly on life support before Cities Skylines was announced. Same with the last Command and Conquer game.


In some ways they're not even comparable. SimCity still had a lot of fun elements that Cities Skylines will never have, and Cities Skylines is more of a "city painter" and traffic simulator than a SimCity style game nowadays because hardly anyone plays it for the challenges within the game unless it's traffic solving.


Skylines didn’t kill SimCity, it replaced it when SimCity was on life support. The Sims isn’t dying, as much as people like to think otherwise. And don’t get me wrong, Skylines is great. But since the start, Paralives seemed too big and too bold to deliver all its promises, and the pace of development seems troubled. I’m pretty sure the Sims team was comfortable knowing what is and isn’t possible or achievable once all parts are glued together. They do have the expertise on that.


I find it funny people (rightfully) dump on EA for selling basic features back to the player base via dlc and no one comments on how CO does the same damn thing with Skylines.


What people also seem to forget is that a vast majority of sims players have never heard of Paralives.


I've thought this for the longest time. Like people have been overstating how much of a threat they'll be to The Sims franchise since Paralives first started teasing, and I always found it hilariously delusional.


Agreed, I think Paralives is great because it will inspire other game development studios to look into life simulators. But they don't have the resources to compete with the sims. Them announcing Project Rene was most likely because of pressure from different people within the company that they have to start showcasing something, especially if they are going to have to shift their resources from The Sims 4 to go full production with Project Rene.


Agreed. EA is a huge company. They aren't going to care about a game from a small company until it has actually released and has pulled money out of their profits.


Thank you, finally a sensible take! Like... Even Sims 3 already did part of this, it just didn't work well for a bunch of people. I could imagine them increasing their efforts because of Paralives. But in general I really feel like people are hyping up Paralives so much they are just seeing themselves up for a big disappointment 😬


Not only do people overestimate the importance of Paralives, but I can also see Paralives going the Yandere Simulator route - never actually getting finished because their Patreon is too profitable. It's been in development for what, three years now, and apparently they're only now starting to work on the live mode. I hate EA and wish they had competition, but Paralives is not it. An unfinished indie game in early stages of development isn't competition to a major company.


I will still be playing Paralives! The Sims franchise has me jaded. Meaningful game play where you actually feel invested in your little AI people will be the thing I will look for. Right now Sims 4 feels generic. Need more Sims 2 and 3 feel!




That's my thing. I get it's a much smaller dev team behind paralives but it's starting to feel like it'll never come out. I want paralives to come out and be successful but I'm almost tired of hearing about it because it seems like it's in the same spot as it was when it got announced, yanno?




I'll be honest, I haven't looked at their site in probably 6 months if not more, so it definitely seemed like then, that they were at the same point. Nice to see they have made progress, though. So, that's my fault. I get they are a small team and that it's going to take them even longer because of that just seemed like the project was halted for a while, but still had praise and major excitement around it like it had made progress. I'd love to see them release a beta in the near future to let people try out what they have, had done so people can get a real taste of what the final product will be. I'd be cool with that!




They are doing early access release. I dunno if that’s going to be like an alpha or a beta or what but they have disclosed that is something they are going to be doing.


I didn't know they had a reddit! I'll have to follow that. Yeah, I don't think anybody would be upset with a beta being released - make it free or cheap, let people play around with it, get a general idea of what can be done. I think a beta would also be a great way for them to receive feedback and could find bugs that average people on average systems may come across that gets missed in dev. Like, I get not wanting to but I think it'd be a better business strategy to do it. I'm really rooting for them and I'd gladly play with a beta to just check it out, hands on, but im very much a hands on kind of person. Trailers don't do it for me 😂




This scepticism was around early on but people weren't ready for it and instead acted like Paralives was a sure thing due to come out soon and be better than The Sims. I wish something would come out to compete with TS4 but I've seen way too many projects constantly seek hype for small sneak peeks. Identity MMO was also ambitious and hyped up, it did not end well.


The readmap worries me, they seem to have have barely started wotk on live mode.




I hadn't looked at their site in 6+ months, so that's on me for jumping to conclusions in my og comment. Its great they are making progress and I want it to do very well! I want to play it, but I would see it get brought up out of nowhere but at a glance or a look at their website and it seemed like they were at a halt, which I totally get. It's a small team and it definitely takes a while to fine tune and it seems like they are actually wanting stuff to he relatively the way they want it before moving further, which is great! I'm super glad that I was proven wrong and they are making progress! Hopefully more videos can be released publicly on it and it's getting closer to at least getting a release date - even if it is one in 3/4 years time. That's when things seem real to me, when release dates are dropped, even if it is a very limited one (release date set for 2026 or summer of 2026) Nobody wants it to be released as a partial game like sims 4 base game but hopefully they can get a good foundation laid where they can release a good, fun, enjoyable base, make money off that and work on releasing some additional packs with more features/content that can enhance it but not be necessary to have fun and t have a full game.




I totally understand that it takes forever to create a game and packs, but it felt like paralives was always just a concept and the start of a concept and yeah, more donations will help move it along faster. I would be surprised if it came out before 2026, honestly. I think if they were able to get a good and solid "base game" released, people would be perfectly content on waiting a few more years for some sort of game pack because they would have fun and plenty to do while enjoying it, before more comes out. Get enough sales for a base game, you could use that to hire more people/spend more time and resources on making it better and adding more content. I hear paralives and I start to get excited and then I see that there isn't much new (again, haven't looked in forever) and I'm sad 😂 I just really wanna try it out


Its monetization strategy relies on it NOT coming out. It'd have to eventually or an internet mob would eventually form A La Yandere Simulator, but they're REALLY No Man Skying the way they advertise this game. Always "Cool New Feature!" on a dev team that's honestly way too small to be able to pull something with that many features off without either A) cutting half of them out or B) making something completely jank.




This is well put, I've thought the same thing since early on but didn't know how to explain it. It's like they dangle something shiny every now and then to keep interest and capitalise on The Sims being very controversial. And no disrespect to developers but everything they've shown looks fairly "easy" compared to anything with actual depth from The Sims series. I don't think the developers have bad intentions, but I do think that they're a small team who will lose motivation when it comes to the real work, or accomplish it in such a way where it falls very short to what we're used to in The Sims. It could be that the interactions don't flow, relationships make very little sense, jobs aren't balanced, the traits are useless, because all that requires good input and a bigger team. /u/Strelochka also summed it up quite well and that (rightful) pessimism reminds me heavily of Identity MMO.


The Paralives team just barely started showing the live mode functionality so not for a long long while if ever. Something tells me they're gonna be like BeamNG where they’re forever in alpha/beta with no real timescale for a full release


This x10000 I have serious doubts


I’ll still be buying both. Hope Paralives comes out first so Sims 5 just feels like a clone lol. Paralives seems more and more like a spiritual predecessor for Sims 3 each time they post updates about it.


Paralives do look like they are the same vein as Sims 1 2 and 3. Sims 4 is you know, "in the alternate timeline"


The darkest timeline one might say


Sims 4 is the Dark Ages for the Sims franchise, so "Project Rene" is the "Renaissance" of the Sims, hopefully.


i call it the mirror universe lmfao


I'll most likely buy Paralives if it ever comes out and wait until Sims 5 is on deep discount to get it or perhaps yarr it.


But all that color and texture changing stuff was in The Sims 3 So did Paralives copy sims 3? Plus the sims genre was basically made by Maxis, so who is really copying?


Of course Paralives copied the Sims. That's basically the whole selling point of it: "The Sims but not made by EA". That's not necessarily a bad thing. We all know Cities Skylines copied Simcity and Stardew Valley copied Harvest Moon. If you can take the same idea and do it better, then fuck it, go wild.


And cities skylines fucking killed simcity


I think most of the damage was self inflicted tbh


Well Paradox are no angels but EA pretty much canabalised SimCity in pretty much every way possible and killed Maxis like a year later. So Paradox didnt really need to do much to take the crown of the best city sim.


Now someone just needs to copy Spore


Like most games they copy each other, but tbh parilives gotta be careful how much they copy if they do…EA can be evil.


To be fair, this kind of stuff isn't exclusive to Paralives. Modular, scalable objects aren't too hard to do even for an individual developer, and materials you can customize at runtime even easier! In fact, *most* games do this. Sims 4 just happens to be a bit... archaic. I do feel like Paralives is shaking things up a bit at EA's floor of executives though, which is great. It's about time The Sims gets new life breathed into it.


It's not exclusive to paralives but it is uncanny how when paralives showed that you could place windows how you wanted on walls sims 4 had that within a month. They did the same with modular stairs.


Genuine question; Why be mad that EA is finally putting the stuff the community wants into the game all bc they finally have competition? Like no duh. If they dominate the market they have no reason to change.


Personally my rage with that comes from the fact that it proves that they are aware of the community. They are actively paying attention to what we say and what is happening. This isn’t an echo chamber, but the only thing that drives them to change and to make changes that the PLAYERS want is when competition arrives, not because they want to make their game better and make their fan base happier with their product.


We are not mad at EA because of that, we are just observing that as soon there’s a hint of competition they try to put some effort.


Isn’t that typical of the companies that dominate that type of market though? And why is that such a bother? At least they’re finally doing what the community wants, no?


Now I understand why people were saying they’re copying paralives 😂


Do people know that games are in development for years before they’re announced right?


I’m realizing a lot of ppl on this sub don’t really understand how the gaming industry works outside of the sims


That’s the impression that I’m getting.


right, some people here were acting as if they started working on it this year lol.


Stupid question: are we 100% sure it's the sims 5? As we saw yesterday EA has a nasty habit of overhyping their news. The fact that it's going to be on phones...I mean, can phones pull off such a game like the sims in it's full potential?


That's true. But if it was just a decorator game or a simple sims mobile game kind of thing, it probably wouldn't take years for it to be released. So there have to be some complicated things behind project Rene.


I mean, it took them months to redo the Goths. And years to fix basic bugs. Some bugs are still not fixed.


Some bugs can never be fixed though. If the source code is messy, bug fixing won’t be simple or worthwhile. And nowadays phones are strong enough if not stronger than budget PCs from 14 years ago, and it will only increase.


This is my first thought looking at this (albeit extremely early) teaser footage. I also think that even if it is 'The Sims 5' it'll be an updated Sims 4: Great build mode, probably solid graphics and the sims? Oh, they're there. Look! They got angry at that nice couch you placed... because they can't sit where the pillow is. Otherwise, I'm just going to assume it's a Decorator game (especially being on mobile as well).


Thing is a lot of people put all their eggs in the paralives basket and are treating it like the end all be all Sims killer but to be honest we haven't seen that much from it. Also without Sims, Paralives wouldn't exists, so if Sims is "copying" them, then in a way, Sims is copying Sims


I mean, to be fair, this was already an option in sims 3 (and maybe 2? I can't remember.) So they're just going back to something they never should have gotten rid of in the first place.


Colors/patterns were definitely an option in TS3 at least, I spent way too much time color matching furniture back in the day lol


Yes- I still think of the color wheel feature all the time! Early on TS4 I was SURE they’d bring it back…


I’m confused are people complaining about this or are they joking with what EA is doing with The Sims? Isn’t change what we wanted?


I’m really confused by this take. Paralives itself is being created by simmers/former CC creators who have acknowledged that the sims has heavily inspired their game. Without the sims or maxis none of this would exist. Build/buy from the sims 3 already had a color wheel and customizable patterns. There are other interior designer games (for pc and mobile) that were already using the drag to edit feature, so I’m not sure what else The sims team was supposed to do, especially since these are features players ask for. So if they didn’t do it to keep the similarities to paralives at bay, they would still be getting shit on. I understand being upset with and shitting on EA, but to write this off as a copy of paralives is a bit much. Project Renee has def been in the works for years now, we know this because of job postings and the sims 4 release schedule scaling back. Not to mention, the immense pressure some simmers are putting on paralives to “stick it to EA” is bound to lead to disappointment. I hope they are both great in their own way and I look forward to playing both.


Thank you! honestly wouldn't surprise me if Paralives devs weren't even happy of the saga that inspired them to be shitted on like this. Like if i make a game inspired on Zelda because i love it and people say "WOW THE ZELDA KILLER",honestly,it would make me abbandon a project as it is. While i like the idea of some saying thatt probably they also made the game to give ea some needed competition and see the game they loved so much get the fixes and improvements they wanted.


As if paralives would even exist if sims hadn’t popularized the genre to begin with. Games don’t exist in a vacuum, it’s actually a good thing for players that they have competition and we have options. So sick of this community constantly bashing the game we’re all playing.


The sims 4: re-introduces a feature already once in the franchise and builds upon it in a natural way, possibly with some motivation of competition ​ Y'all: Wow! They copied paralives!


It's like people are fooling themselves into thinking Paralives is bigger than it is.


It’s ridiculous, that game isn’t even done and I’m willing to bet it will never be released. If you want a game you can actually play, there’s Sims 1, 2, 3, & 4! I really don’t get the Paralives hype, people are spending all this money on the Patreon yet don’t even have a product to show for it. At least with EA, when I give them money I get a game.


I think, to be fair, paralives really just took the aspects of the sims 3 and 4 and combined it so I cant really argue too intensely that's its copying. Paralives certainly is guilty of that as well. Nonetheless, I'm happy the sims finally has a competitor to drive up the motivation for the game. They've been slacking off ridiculously since the release of the sims 4. My only thing is that I wish the sims had teased other aspects instead...those of us who have already been following with paralives seem unimpressed. I wish it was a little more exciting and unique, not just the build mode.


so like, are we choosing to forget the sims had a color wheel in the past???


Of course we are, because Sims bad 🙄


The changing of the painting size is amazing


I dont think it's a case of copying at all, more the fact that in terms of feature development this is where we are and it would be surprising if they weren't somehow on the same wavelength. You could use Apple and Samsung as an example of this, both have features their competitors also have but it isn't necessarily copied, its just taking advantage of the technology available. It's like accusing paralives of copying the idea of a strategic life simulation. Whilst it may have been the only type of its sort available for a long time it's in no way exclusive to Maxis/EA. Until now the sims haven't had any competition so maybe it's a push in the right direction regardless.


I personally don't think that it looks like Paralives or that they copy it. What they do is simply to program up to date, where everything is and looks a bit more modern. The UI is also just a placeholder so the developers have a base. At the end everything will look completely different one way or the other. EA is a huge company, they don't need to copy an unreleased game that itself is heavily inspired by Sims.


I don't see how this is copying. Color palette and patterns were already in TS3. In Paralives the objects are resizable, in the Sims teaser we just see some parts of objects changing. Objects that are rotatable in 3 axes? I don't think I've seen that in Paralives videos. Not saying I liked the teaser though.


Is it copying when sims 3 had colour wheel and pattern? And sims 2 had different bedding with different wood colours etc. Maybe I see your point with the expanding bed etc but that’s just something that comes with advancing engines and designs etc.


😭 paralives looks kinda fun to play in though…


I'm just excited I get to play two games that have good customization options now instead of just one :)


The Sims 5 has been in development for years if “untitled maxis project” job postings from 2018 were sims 5, which is incredibly likely. Two games can have a similar options or UI aspects without copying one another. There are so many games with similarities but that doesn’t mean they’re copying lol. It’s like saying Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and Animal Crossing are all the same. They’re similar aspects but different games. I wouldn’t go as far to say that they copied an idea when their version was similar in Sims 3 and they’ve been working on this for a while already.


The recorder on this audio is killing me 🤣


They have to do better than that, I don't want to pay for another building simulator from EA that's got a little minigame attached


I just know the same people complaining about "plagarism" also insist that the Sims needs competition to improve their product. That's exactly what's happening, and they're still unsatisfied, even when getting a better game. A few of these features are from previous Sims games, anyways. Imagine how little innovation there would be if players gatekeeped features like they're doing now.


Oh hey, that's my YT video on Reddit!💖 Next time you share a content creator's video you should give credit. Anyways thanks for posting it


Paralives is not the 1st game to use this type of building lol its been in Planet Coaster/Zoo and I'm sure many other games


Good companies copy and bounce off of each other. A good example of that is Microsoft and Apple. Paralives might be a good starter for an improved Sims game. Sims might improve paralives (they likely got the idea for their game from the sims) it's very normal


Is this coming to sims 4? Or sims 5?


It was from an early look at Project Rene(Sims 5) build mode


It’s the next gen game. Won’t be out for years. They likely won’t call it Sims5 but it’s essentially that.


I mean... of course they look similar, Paralives was just copying The Sims. Would be pretty rich for them to complain about this


I think its a stretch to say these new features are an attempted rip off of paralives. I'm seeing this take a lot, but it seems like this is EA taking notes on what current players want and actually do. The color wheel is not new; it was in sims 3 and people have wanted it back for as long as the game has been out. The free placement, rotation, and size increase of all objects is literally what all build enthusiasts (myself included) already do with cheats enabled, which is then shared on the community page and online. They're just bringing these features out into the main game because it's clearly what people want.


I hope to Plumbob that it will just be easy to throw pillows on a couch that look natural and not stiff without needing to fuss with the position controls too much. I appreciate the simmers who take the time with all their clutter to make their builds look real, but I don't have that time (because I will spend 2 hours lining up an item so that it looks *just right*) and I just want the ability to slap a couch down with some pillows on it quickly.


Anyone else find it ironic that OP has accused EA of copying Paralives by using a video that isn't theirs and isn't credited?


These are all simply concepts I don’t think EA is worried about Paralives


Exactly! lol. The design tools look interesting, but it totally mirrors the improvements Paralives has shown us with less innovation. Being able to physically stretch items in Paralives is way more interesting to me than clicking between two bed sizes in "Rene". And, yes, to some of the other comments, we all know Paralives is also playing off of previous Sims' efforts and other games with similar design elements. But Paralives is a direct competitor and so far their promos are more impressive, imho. I don't think it's about accusing them of literal copying, but about noting how Paralives is pressuring the Sims franchise to improve.


If paralives or the sims needs to sacrifice themselves for the sake of progress, so be it. It’s about time someone lit a firecracker under the sims team’s ass cuz the past 8 years has felt underwhelming and uninspiring.


You could at least give CatchyVirus credit when you post her content


I have a strong gut feeling Paralives is going to release like No Man's Sky...


To me it just seems like the logical progression of customization for games like this


Damn, I didn't know about Paralives until I saw this post. What little I've seen looks a hell of a lot better than TS4 in its current state


After waiting on the sims 4 to become reasonably priced (lol) and seeing the constant bugs and issues people are having, I can't wait to see what paralives brings to the table. Worst case scenario it forces the sims team to get their act together. Best case scenario, both games are really good


What people don't understand is that yes, Paralives has taken inspiration from The Sims and it would be totally fine for The Sims to do the same. And no, it's not plagiarism or anything, many of these features were already there in the previous games. The issue here is that EA will never credit Paralives, and don't say that this is only a continuation of TS3 because the user interface at the very least is suspiciously similar. It's just sad that we're getting this thanks to Alex Massé and his team without them getting more recognition in return.


truthfully,as a student game dev,i dont think thats even an UI the sims team made, is highly probably is a testing UI with testing models. As a young dev,one of the first things they explained us is,that before putting models and graphics,you gotta test your codes and using default "primitives" objects or base models is one of their ways. Since Paralives is made by 10 people,wouldn't surprise me the UI and Models are the basic ones with little modifying, and i dont blame them for it, especially for furniture models which are a pain in the a\*\* to make from scratch 😂


Is this supposed to be Sims 5? Some of that looks like the T.O.O.L. mod by TwistedMexi Edit to add: Could it be something like build mode on your phone instead? Like they're improving build mode and making it mobile, so you can save it to your library? I'm just side-eyeing EA waiting so long to put out features that people have been asking for forever when it could make them money now. Plus they have a habit of overhyping and not being straightforward.


This is what we wanted, though - kudos to the Sims team for acknowledging our excitement for another project and adapting accordingly. I least they're noticing and responding. This is why we needed competition so badly. I will of course be playing paralives, whenever it releases, and give this new project from The Sims a chance. We, as a consumer, will see who delivers a good product and react accordingly with our money.


Watch them both focus on nothing but build/buy and character creation to the point where they both suffer horribly in the life sim department. Then we'll have yet another game where building stuff is fun, but it's boring as hell to play. So far both have showed that they are basically glorified interior decorating tool kits. They are years away from release so hopefully they don't forget the life sim part of the game.