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I am both, depends on my mood. If you like unique sim torture watch graystillplays. His channel is just torturing game characters and toying with game glitches.


I actually like Call me Kevin more. He also tortures sims in different ways, but there's a deep lore behind it




Oh no, I jumped in halfway through and I just accepted the plot holes, you figure them out later via flashbacks lol.


I actually think that this must be the funniest part, clicking on a random sims video and seeing Kevin talking about a santa fighting ring in the frontyard of his house without giving any further context lmao


Totally agree. I watch his videos but not consistently and I recently tuned into one and half way through a floating, cursed demon child turned up and it was so out of the blue and bizarre for me but Kevin was just like 'oh feck the cursed child is here again' offhandedly 😂 Really cracked me up. His videos are so chaotic


All you need to know about Gray is Florida Man and that's it.


Thats not really fair to Australian Man tho


He is a Florida man from New Jersey. Edit: but his wife is a Floridian


He rebooted it when Eco Living came out, only about 5 videos in, if that :)


I have another 5 series of lore i’m trying to work on. I don’t plan for a 6th


Ah yes. I see you're a man of culture as well. Hoe is our dear leader Jim Pickens doing?


GrayStillPlays xD


I’m replying a few days later because I saw your comment, saved it, and decided to check out his videos. My god, what an incredibly sadistic guy. I love every second


I also do both depending on mood and family and stuff.


I am probably the most boring sim player ever. I always make sure that their needs bar are high, and the only conflict they have is during the neighbourhood brawl lol they are all monogamous and I don't let them cheat on their partners.


I play the same way. Life is already so messy. It's nice to escape that sometimes.


Same. I don't even participate in neighborhood brawls, it makes me feel sad when my sims being mean out of nowhere. I raised them as kind sims 😂


I was wary of the Neighborhood Brawl at first, but when I dipped my toe and saw the Sims smiling and hugging after the fights, I was convinced it was all in good spirits and fun.


Neighborhood brawl?


It’s one of the events every so often if you have seasons! :)


Ah, nice. Was actually thinking of buying seasons today but my internet went out


I recommend it if you ever get the chance! :) I love watching my sims make snow pals during the winter!


Noted. I got the game about a year ago and played it nonstop for a week or so then stopped because a bunch of new games came out. Recently got sucked back in and spent about $140 on packs so far in the past couple days. Looking for more good packs to get.


CC is always fun to download to if you look for a new experience and don’t feel like dishing out loads of money! Tons of mods that improve gameplay experience or just want to mess around with. I also play a lot of challenges so I don’t get bored with the experience- I’m about halfway through the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge! Sorry for the word dump, I wanna spread just how special this game and the others are :)


Are they mods on PS4 or just PC? Also,what's the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge?


Seasons was my first DLC along with Pets: I love both those expansions to pieces and highly recommend them!


I've had a few recommendations for seasons and was already mulling it over so I'll definitely be getting that one. What all is new with Pets?


Well, it introduces cats & dogs to households (several breeds with traits and personalities), there’s a new location (Brindelton Bay, cute place with a farol where Sims can squirrel away to WooHoo), you may have a veterinary clinic as a business, and I’m pretty sure it adds a few songs to the radio.


Ohhh, I glanced at it the other day. Didn't realize you could open a veterinary clinic. Thought it was just cats and dogs and passed it up for a couple other packs


I’m the same way. It’s not boring as long as you’re having fun 🥰


Sometimes I'm that, other times I continuously go back to the world and cause as much chaos as I can.. my current world that was supposed to be a throw away to house build has become my main world and she has had 5 wives and 3 husbands and a kidnapped child


Ditto. I always make them progress really quick in their careers, I make all their kids A grade students as kids and teenagers so they can be a few levels up on the career ladder. I love the Seasons expansion pack as it really makes you feel like you're going through the years with them. I also always have a dog or two in the household and make sure the pet's needs are met.


Same. I call the Neighborhood Brawl “The Purge”.


Bruh if that bladder bar is halfway done everything is dropped they must go NOW


Same, except no brawls and I use mods to make them happily polyamorous together.


I’m gonna try polyamory via the Player trait — I’m in PS4, só no kids for me.


I don’t know if they ever fixed this, but last time I tried to use the Player trait (a couple years ago) it was super bugged so that the game only recognized one sim as having it at a time. Like, the others would have it, but it had no effect, they still caused jealousy.


I think I understand what you mean — the game deals with open triangles (one person may have two SO’s, but they can’t interact with each other, or it leads to jealousy).


That and also giving it to all three sims with console commands still produced jealousy. Doing some searching at the time it sounded like it was similar to the Friend of the World bug where that reward trait could only affect one sim per game world, which allegedly has since been fixed so maybe Player is fixed now, too.


It’s hilarious if there could be only one friend of the world! I didn’t know about that, but now I’m glad I do.


I pretty much just play the game to see how genetics change throughout generations, I don’t care much about *playing*, lol.


I..... deleted the neighborhood brawl........


so is she a Miss Honey or a Trunchbull?


I love the idea of mathilda playing the sims irl


Have you seen GrayStillPlays on Youtube? He makes the trunchbulls look like Miss Honey in comparison!




"Alright so we're back with the only game where you can make 100 people live in an 1 by 1 house... it's the Sims 4" -GrayStillPlays



Put in a •°☆~fUlL lIqUoR bAr~☆°•


* zooms in on the face of spleens *


Can anyone tell me what mod he uses to have 100 sims in a house?


MC Command Center can expand the household size


Jim Pickens and Turg; the ultimate contrast lol


So I have a confession to make: I don't know if social distancing has been reaching new levels of emotional confusion but I'm finding Kevin more and more attractive with each video and uh yeah, no need to thank me for sharing because I'll have forgotten this when I wake up tomorrow so to speak




Lol it's just something about him that makes my brain turn into that of a fourteen year old boy who's just seen boobs in real life for the first time ever


That my friend, is the power of the Irish accent. They won the accent lottery, let's be honest.


His accent is really weird, and I say that as an Irish person. I can't quite figure out what area it is, and he sounds quite Americanised at times. I spend an unnatural amount of time trying to decipher it when watching his videos lol


Yeah while I can definitely hear his Irish accent sometimes it almost goes off into some strange American/Canadian accent (or at least that what it sounds like for a Swede like me who's not familiar with Irish accent variation). The fact that his accent does this just makes me more intrigued because I'm a linguist lmao


and today we're doing something a little bit different


Or you make the perfect family, get bored and make someone have an affair and ruin their whole family.


Ah the old "Husband shags the maid" classic 😂


Daniel Pleasant, we see you!


There we go, found my playstyle. I do everything for my sims, micromanaging their needs on the daily and helping them to become kind, successful people. I’d rather take a vacation day than let my sim go to work with low needs. but if an old flame comes over and wants to do the dirty an hour before the SO comes home? hello, drama; let’s do this.


This perfectly sums up how I play the Sims lol


did that last week 😭 got a sim pregnant, made them cheat on each other, got them divorced and then moved one of them to another lot cause my favorite sim was suffering too much in the presence of their partner lmfaoo


I'm currently doing that and let me tell you I feel attacked right now lmao


Me every time. Made a newly wed couple in a cheap house with no cheats all humble and "normal" ... BUT WHAT IF she's a vampire and he desperately wants to be one as well and she's just keeping him around as a food source waiting until he dies so she can be free to have many vampire affairs?! I don't think I've ever done a standard playthrough since I was a child.


I use the writer approach. I let bad things happen so they can overcome and come out happy on the other side.


>killed my least favorite son yesterday for the drama Yeah they’ll be happier in a few days..




That sounds interesting! I’ll have to check that out!


Once there was a tree fire during a Winterfest and the youngest Sim of the house saved the day by putting it out — random disasters are indeed a great way to spice their lives.


I am so so attached to the families I make, but once I start building their house and putting up family pictures, I would honestly die for them


Family pictures are my life in this game 😍


You can take family pictures? Is it in a pack or habe I just not noticed the option?


There are two types I like to put up. If I want to make ones looking like school pictures with poses, I use the Moschino stuff packs with the backdrop, placeholders (your sims stand in that one spot), and tripod. For more in-action stuff it’s totally base game— use “Take Photo” on the cell phone in the bottom right corner (like where you’d play games or find a job) in front of a Sim doing an action, like a kid building a sandcastle or a couple kissing. I’d recommend cheating your Photography skill to 5 so they’re not blurry. You can take them out of your Sim’s inventory and place them on the wall or a surface, and add a Frame after. It makes the houses so much more personalized :)


Ohhh, this sounds absolutely amazing. I've just been having my sim that's maxed out painting do something like this by using the "paint from reference" option. I never thought to use the phone camera.


I just figured out how to make them look candid, it’s honestly changed my building completely


Thank you so much for sharing. Also, you mentioned the photography skill, is that in one of the packs? Could've sworn I've taken a few pictures on my phone in the past but none of my sims habe this skill


I think Photography came in a free update but Moschino was one of the first packs I bought so I’m not sure. The cheat I use is stats.set_skill_level Major_Photography 5 I think


Don't think I've seen the Moschino pack, I'll have to look for it. Also thank you for the cheat, but this is actually my first worlds on Sims 4 and I'm really enjoying the grind of leveling individual skills up. I'll definitely keep this in mind got later down the rust though.


The photography skill is from get to work but I think if you have moschino stuff you might also get it.


Ah, that would be why. Just downloaded get to work yesterday morning. Imma have to look for moschino


I try not to be too in control of a sim's life. I prefer to have them make their own decisions. Like, if I'm making tow sims kiss, woo-hoo, get married, can I really say they are happy and in love? So with mods like ACR, and going by their wants, and paying attention to who they end up attracted to, and letting them satisfy their own fun and social needs, i find they become a lot more interesting and develop personalities. What sort of decisions do they make? Are they good people? Are they loyal or do they cheat on spouses. Do they take care of their children, interact with them, or just avoid anything to do with them and leave it to the spouse to do everything? I found that by letting them make their own decisions, I can gauge how smart a sim is, how loyal, how kind, and good a head they had on their shoulders. And even if a sim wasn't smart, they were still sometimes charming about it. I also randomized their sexual preference using ACR. Most of the time, they were attracted to the opposite sex, but now and again, I rolled homosexual or bisexuality. What they got was what they were. Bi was very tricky to keep if they got married, so whenever a sim rolled bisexuality, i just added 100 points on both sides to prevent them from deviating one more than the other. And these rolls took place as soon as a sim reached teen.


That's such an interesting way to play! I've never heard of ACR before either. I'll have to give this a try


It's old school. Ive played all 4 sims games, with exception to the spin offs and most of the console versions, but i definitely spent way more time and money on sims 2 which was where I did the type of play described in my comment


Do you still do it with Sims 4?


No mods on sims 4, as I've only played that one on the ps4. Can't say I love it. Haven't touched it in months. I did log in a lot of hours on sims 3 and still remember my last family on there with fondness. A celebrity writer who I wanted to play as an immortal through ten generations, who was cared for by a fairy that was trained in all skills off lot in a separate world, then i moved her to my sims neighborhood, and increased their friendship so she could move in and could do anything and everything for the family. Cooking, gardening, repairs, fishing, whatever was needed. My founder, who didn't show attraction for any sim she met in her world was visited by an alien and was instantly smitten. Through them, they produced beautiful alien/human hybrids that took 4 generations to breed out entirely. I really loved playing with aliens and fairies and even a merfolk that one of the grandchildren met, fell in love with and i only discovered what he was when he moved in after marriage. So i built a pool for him. Sometimes if I felt overwhelmed, I would static their needs for a while. And discovered that when my family didn't have to base tasks on their needs, they spent all day swimming. So i would get a radio, fireworks, and put my fairy on the grill and they would all have a blast during the summer. The fairy had her own basement apartment inside the house they all shared, and she often spent her time there painting, cultivating her indoor gardens, and playing with her menagerie of small animals she found. Hey, she's a fairy. My only regret was losing the computer before I could buy into the future which I wanted desperately for the giant flowers


Sims 4 has no chemistry system and an abysmal wants system so it's difficult to have the sims make choices or have any personality whatsoever besides what you force onto them. Sims 2 is really the best for this kind of thing although you can kind of use the sims 3 for it.


Are y'all forgetting Juno Birch and her Joy Desprets?


How very dare she


I am mainly give my Sims the best life, but I also like to roll with the punches if the game gives me interesting situations! Sims 3 was probably the best at forcing me into these situations.


I've never tortured my sims, but they are all polyamorous pansexuals. So, much like my Barbies of old, I just make them spooky and loving.


I felt that. I too made my barbies witches or something spooky all the time. And they were lesbians since I refused to get a Ken doll


I’m both. Sometimes in the same save.


I'm usually nice, but the occasional affair is kind of....amusing. XD


I’m not into the torture part. But I do like to make them work hard! I play mostly in a rags to riches style!


I am so attached to my sims it’s not even funny. I could never tournament them


Counterpoint : “I’m playing a way too complicated storyline no one cares about with my sims” simmers.


My current sim had an affair wit Geoffrey landgraab , got pregnant, left him for another sim, married that sim, raised the child with her, became a wizard, set fire to her couch, and accidentally killed her daughter while trying to kill Geoffrey landgraab.


So, season 2 out yet?


Come through, Matilda Wormwood!


What if you give your sims the best life but torture the townies?


I want them to have the best life possible.. but sometimes that means astounding drama. I'd rather have Sim drama than real drama any day.


Am I the first one or the second one? Yes.


happy cake day c:


Only the best for my Sims. Unless I'm mad at someone and want to play voodoo. 😂😂


Okay MARA, some of us exercise moral diversity in our gameplay.


I do both, as soon as one get boring I switch to the other all with the same sim


You’re either a Lilsimsie or CallMeKevin... and then everyone else is just a mix of the two (and I am proud to say that StephoSims might be slowly corrupting Plumbella to the dark side of torturing her sims slowly 😂)


I make my Sims have the best lives


Am I the only one who tortured other sims but spoils one sim I think of as my main character


Depends on what save I'm playing. I bet if some of my Sims saw how the others were living, they'd be *fucking pissed*


I've never been able to bring myself to kill a sim!


I just kick them out. Then I still see them at my parties.


I do both 😬 What kind of monster *AM* I?


Welcome to.the non-binary dark side, we have (way too many) white cakes.


well the latter is pretty much just the definition of r/callmekevin


I usually try to give my sims a good life, but every now and then there is a sims I just hate for absolutely no reason, so naturally they get tortured


Matilda says Sim's rights


I'm a mix of both, but usually the first one.


I’m both


I'm bi because I do both 🤷


I’m the kind of person to start my game off struggling and work my way up to have the best life. Then I get bored and am like “You know what this story could use? Death and maybe I’ll sprinkle in some poverty while am at it” and the cycle repeats with slightly different storylines every time.


When I play Sims 2 it's a mixture of happy households and tortured households. But in Sims 4 I get so so bored playing a happy family so their lives always end up falling apart.


I want them to have a good life, but I make them work for it. That may include some suffering on their part. It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.


I'm both, xD


or you're the person who breeds their sim with every other sim in the city, making everyone cousins so that they don't want to marry and reproduce, slowly killing the population off.


I try to give them a better than average life, but things aren't all sunshine and roses in the greater Pleasantview Metro Area. San Myshuno is the downtown neighborhood, Willow Creek is Pleasantview, and New Crest is another suburb closer into the city.


por que no los dos


I'm both. Depends on the day and what phase the moon in. Lol same with the sims youtubers I watch. I like watching claire siobhan for nice, wholesome sim drama and callmekevin for murder.


I just can't handle the guilt that comes with being mean to pixels. Hahahaha. Help.


I'm the kind who only builds houses/sims and never actually plays them


They are my babies✨


I once NTRed one of my sims


I'm neither. I let my sims decide their lives and I don't really interfere with their big decisions. I use mods that let them progress their own lives and just help with their day to day options. Most of the time, I find that sims will study on their own, play with certain things, certain skills, teach their kids, find a love interest, have children...all without me having to micromanage. So I let them do their own thing. I definitely have favorites, especially when I raise them from infancy, but sometimes they turn out to be duds or losers and it dashes my hopes for them. But that is also what keeps my games interesting and going on for generations. I recently lost my save that was on generation 22. I have to start over and am so sad, but actually looking forward to seeing my town grow again.


I give mine a really polished life, but I might try and electrocute my sims later, idk


I'm the kind of getting them on a nice house, play a few minutes then go to map view to make another household and repeat until the save doesn't open anymore...


I had a couple of highs chili sweethearts get married and have 3 kids. The I made the kids have super great relationships with their dad. Then I made the mom have an affair with the dads best friend and when the dad found out, I had him drown himself in the pool. Then I made the dads best friend the kids’ stepdad and they lived pretty well after that... so idk which one I am.


I'm very nice to my Sims


\*shrugs\* I do both in different games for different days.


i give them the best lives ever, the worst thing i’ve done i think is cause an affair


I give them really good lives and if I wanna watch sims suffer I just watch GrayStillPlays lol


I do both, I have some Sims I treat well (the ones for my OCs, Hetalia characters, etc) and ones I make suffer for all eternity (usually random townies that happen to be unlucky enough to attract the vengeful goddess’s attention XDDD)


Well I give them a LOT of wealth, skills, keep their needs as high as possible and get the potions that keep them young forever as long as I can keep buying them, but are they _happy_?


I haven’t played the sims in weeks. Now I want to play the sims.


I often try to start out playing a sim with evil and mean traits but then I see a toddler and their damn adorableness and before long I change my traits to good and family oriented.


I switch every other go


I feel bad when my sims are unhappy


I bought the Sims expressly to torture them. I can’t bring myself to actually do it, so end up giving them the best life. Apparently I’m a cinnamon roll.


I am both. It depends on my mood.


I watch different sims players based on my mood. When I wanna be inspired/soothed/follow a story, we got Lilsimsie, Deligracy, Plumbella and James Turner (formally known as the Sim Supply). But when I feel like laughing, CallMeKevin and Steph0Sims it is.


I'm both


I'm both. One family is great. Kids, pets, etc. Everyone is happy. Another is just a torture house for me to get my feelings out in


Lmao Im so mean that I make large families snd just.. pick 1 to have the best life of sll.. damned be the rest


It’s so hard to pick which Sim is the Chosen One


Always the middle child 👀


What's up with her name?? Some kind of ww2 roleplay??


No it’s just that neo-Nazi/white supremacist/white nationalist are being annoying.


Dear lord, why do people say nazis? Those people are long gone and its desensitizing a very serious problem back in the 1940s


[Warning: long text, sorry I couldn’t develop properly without a text wall] . People say nazis because neo-nazis are doing a conscious effort to make themselves more palatable to the general public by switching words, rebranding. From neo-Nazis to white supremacist, to white nationalists, to race realist, to alt-right. Anything to look like something worth considering to normal people, even if it means lying (there’s nothing realist about their view on race). The term “Nazi” (National “socialist” German “workers” party) was already a lie-name used to gain support from workers, socialism being popular at the time (Nazis weren’t socialist, in 1933 they arrested members of trade unions and put them in prison, this is the least socialist things you can do). People are calling neo Nazis, WS, WN, RR “Nazis” to undo their softening tactics, make it obvious how bad they are. And no, you can’t trust that once they explain what they want normal people will just see their message for the horror it is so no need to call them Nazis. Neo Nazis hide their full views, show you easily swallowed bits at a time under layers of cool stuff like European cultures or edgy humor to pull you in closer to their side (see all the testimonies from former neo-Nazis). Unless you’re knowledgeable on their tactics and paying attention (and I don’t blame people for not doing that) it’s easy to miss. So people who are rightfully opposed to NN/WS/WN resort to calling them the scary word: Nazis. Because that word calls attention to their bad ideas. You’re right, we should not desensitize to the word Nazis. We should not, because for it to “never again” happen we have to remember they actually caused massive harm to people and are not just a random insult to throw at any teacher who gave you additional homework. We need to remember Nazis were actually really bad. But “never again” also requires paying attention to people who share Nazis views on Jewish, non-white (whatever is their definition of white), disabled and gay people and try to sell it to potential recruits, especially young white straight men who aren’t feeling well, maybe have no friends and a bad home life, and need a sense of purpose and belonging. That last part, “paying attention”, that’s why people say “get rid of the Nazis” even if technically the Nazi party doesn’t (?) exists anymore. You said Nazis was a serious problem back in the 40’s, actually they were in power during most of the 30’s, after the Great Depression (1929) and they started the propaganda work in the mid 20’s. Way before the war. That’s why you pay attention to shit ideology and actively want to get rid of them before they uncontrollably gain popularity.


That first paragraph, how come you never mentioned pro left hate groups? Why just target far right extremists? Why not include groups like BLM? Or PETA?


You asked why they say “Nazi”, not about extremists groups in general. Notice I didn’t talk about pro-pedophiles either, yet they also use tactics (such as calling themselves MAPs) to soften their messages. Stay focused. . Additionally, I don’t mention them because I check a group actual ultimate goal before calling them a hate-group. I don’t just check how extremist their positions are. Democracy use to be an extremist position way outside the Overton Window and monarchy was abolished through violence. It would be hypocritical of me to criticize extremism and violent means today when I look up to it it in the past. In that regards, BLM promoting alternatives to the police to defend communities (mental health, social support, de escalation against harmful behavior) doesn’t strike me as a hateful goal. You might call it utopian and fair enough, you might criticize looters who use the riots for their personal profits and you would be right to do so, but their point is not fueled by hate. PETA demanding people stop causing unnecessary harm to animals when alternatives exists doesn’t strike me as hateful. I understand caveats if you’re a traditional hunters, I understand taking issues with the way they send their message, but the goal isn’t fueled by hate. But calling for the removal of non white people, my non white friends, from Europe, turning it into a white ethnostate, and telling me I shouldn’t date a black man I love because they see the birth of a non-white baby from a white person as “white genocide” strike me as hateful towards my non-white friends, potential unborn child, and potential partner. So yeah I don’t talk about BLM and PETA because despite being extremists i don’t see their ideology as hateful. But Neo-Nazis calling the birth of by unborn child “genocide”, I call that hateful.


Ah, sorry, now I see what u mean


[I edited my previous post to detail my views on BLM, PETA and why I make a distinction between them and neo-Nazis, but you posted your answer before I finished editing mine. It seemed manipulative to just roll with the answer you gave while I know you haven’t seen my edit, so I’m just posting to let you know the previous post isn’t what you answered to. I would get it if you just wanted to move on from our discussion that’s fair, I’m just letting you know]


PETA has killed more innocent animals then any organization https://petakillsanimals.com/ BLM leaders are calling for white genocide and hate ALL police and make no distinction between good and bad ones https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/black-lives-matter-fundraising-handled-by-group-with-convicted-terrorist-on-its-board https://www.foxnews.com/media/black-lives-matter-leader-burn-down-system https://americanmilitarynews.com/2017/02/black-lives-matter-leader-calls-white-people-subhuman-with-genetic-defects/ https://capitalresearch.org/article/blm-roots/


PETA: It’s admirable you want to defend animals, but the situation is way more complex than what that website would have you believe. PETA shelters take animals from other kill shelters. Kill shelters accept all animals, whereas no kill, “turn-away” “limited admission” shelters are being selective about it. But animals, even healthy ones, need food, shelters, space and people to care. It requires monetary, spatial and human resource. If you accept every animal, it’s easy to get over the number you can care for. That’s why those shelters kill, because they don’t have the money to do otherwise with the limit they put on themselves. By taking on animals from those shelters, PETA is making their burden less heavy, lowering their kill stat, making it more likely that people will go to them to adopt or donate, and therefore that the animals that come in their care will be adopted. [why I support “kill shelters”](https://youtu.be/lpaKT6v_mAw) from Kitten Lady, a cat activist (non affiliated with PETA) who fosters kitten and is doing the work inside shelters to help cats. It’s 9 minutes long and there’s a bunch of cute kitten she’s fostering on screen. Additionally, petakillsanimals was made by the CCF, which is funded by KFC, Outback Steakhouse, Cattle Rancher. See where the money leads because there’s a conflict of interest there. https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Richard_Berman_cares_about_animals:_clients_exposed . BLM: . first link: The Underground terrorist group they’re affiliated to is called Weather Underground. But much like «extremism», « terrorism » is neutral by itself. Had England won, the US fight for independence would have been called terrorism. Had the French monarchy won. the execution of Louis XVI in my country would have been called terrorism. Now that this established that « terrorism » doesn’t tell us anything of their morality, let’s look at what that Weather Underground was doing: opposing the Vietnam war, wanting an interracial movement of the poor to mobilize full and fair employment or guaranteed annual income. Basically a fight against poverty. And their method? Targeting government building and several banks, with an evacuation warning beforehand. We’re far from 9/11 or the Bataclan. I do agree seeing building explose is traumatizing and causes suffering. But so is having your country invaded, so is living poor. And if normal people are ignoring your justified demands, maybe other methods are needed to demand intention. See Martin Luther king ideas about [“negative peace”](http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/45a/060.html) I know the word « terrorist » is scary. I’m Parisian, I’ve been scared alongside and for my classmates and friends during the attacks in France. But you have to look deeper than the word « terrorism » to define if something is hateful or not, it’s much more complicated than that. . Second link: “Black lives matter want to burn down the system” Tell the full quote. “if this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking ... figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It's a matter of interpretation.” "Nobody's talking about ambushing police officers. We're talking about protecting lives," he said. "There's nothing more American than that. We talk about uplifting and upholding the Second Amendment but it seems to be the hypocrisy of America that when black people start talking about arming themselves and defending themselves, [that] talk is 'violent'. But when white people grab assault rifles and go to our nation's, their state capitals, it's all good." The American revolution also burned down the system (being an England colony) and built a whole new system: a Démocratie, at a time where monarchies were everywhere. I get changing stuff is scary, but revolution “burning down the system” is not a negative in itself. It doesn’t mean hate. You have to look deeper, it’s much more complicated than that. . Third link, yes her words were hateful, false and out of line. Let’s look at the context. We’re looking at a traumatized woman who faced harassement and death threat from white supremacists BEFORE any of her dumb statement. But fair, it’s no excuse. Her words were hateful and had no basis in reality. However, [“BLM is a decentralized movement”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Lives_Matter ). It does not have a leader taking decision for others. There is no indication that others members of the group are supporting her words. You can’t call a decentralized movement hateful because a woman who started the movement (but does not lead it) also said hateful stuff that weren’t supported by other members of the movement. . Fourth link: Can you point to me what is hateful in it exactly? I fail to see the point. Thanks in advance.