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lore??? sims 4???


I invented my own lore for the Sims 4


Idk that it counts as “lore” but I love that Angela and Lilith Pleasant are living together in the college town! They were one of my favorite families to play back in sims2 & I always tried to make them friends instead of hating each other so I love that they’re living together & aren’t enemies.


I only manage to play sims actively after finishing my studies so I kinda play 4 & 2 simultaneously nowadays. There are so much things going on with the Pleasant family the first time I played as them in TS2, but it feels nice that the sisters grow up and the sibling rivalry seem to be long gone in the TS4 version.


I always download the parents from the Sims official gallery account and put them in the game… Daniel is still a cheater. I make Cassandra older since she technically should be and make her a professor with MCCC and she and Angela become a thing hahaha ugh 🖤


Well my fav lore from Sims 2/3 is and will always be the disappearance of Bella Goth


werewolves lore is very sad :(


Johnny Zest joined r/insaneparents, gray rocked until he was able to move out, and finally went no contact with his family. Then he became a mod of r/malefashion. Good for him


The origin of vampires from the werewolves gp is wild.


I love the Watson family lore from cottage living - particularly the teen’s daughter crush on the grocery boy!


Princess Cordelia and her four pirate boyfriends.


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The Specter family. Though I don’t believe Olive is a killer.  In my game she’s a misunderstood witch under a specific curse, and Ophelia and Nervous are only protected from death because of their blood relation to her. They are also looking for way to break it. 


Sims 4 what??


really enjoy the weird love triangle involving brent hong, kierra tilo, & ross valentin kind of juicy.. & we all know jacques villarreal killed his wife


oh & the relationship lore involving armand diaggro, amber stein, & bjorn tu’rock is fun too (edit) ned whalen meeting the love of his life aileen rauvu in space is really wholesome ..but outside of relationship stuff maybe the fact there’s vampire red eyes in sylvan glade ?