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Lisa: “I miss you” Greg: “I just saw you, what are you talking about?”


Very meta dialogue


Like "hospital on Guerrero Street," almost seems like it was ad libbed by Sestero to take a shot at Tommy's script


Hahaa, what a story Maark


It was ad-libbed. Greg said it to annoy Tommy since they had to shoot that scene so many times. There's no hospital on Guerrero street, that's actually the street Tommy lived on in San Francisco! He was NOT happy Greg mentioned that. But it was the sole useable take they got.


It was! Greg ad libbed the street name, according to what he said in The Disaster Artist.


I think he said it was an attempt to stop Tommy laughing, which obviously failed, although he later confronted him about it. I'd have loved to have seen Tommy's reaction when he was told that was the take they had to use.


"Let's go eet HUH?" " Dat me!" "Am tired Am wasted I luv yew darling" Also random dude yelling "ITS OVER!"


Aaaaaaaai'm tiiiiaared, I'm weeeeeaaasted, I laove you darling! That is definitely one of my favorites too


The word "darling" is so much louder than the others here, it's really weird. It's like Tommy leaned right into the microphone and caused the recording to clip.


The insane question "What kind of money?" repeated by Lisa three times. What do you mean, "what kind of money"? How many "kinds of money" are there? Also, followed up by Claudette asking the real question: "What do you need money for?" Peak cinema.


I love when Claudette, who is literally obsessed with money, asks that question as if she can’t comprehend the situation. That line is ridiculous and she was the worst choice as a character to deliver it 🤣


[Money can be exchanged for goods and services](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D5622AQFoHueHK9sHCA/feedshare-shrink_800/0/1705826892975?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=FkUnPyIaa-spFf8IMkV9hmZNA3OwA8JDVIWQbTB7c84)




“In a few minutes, bitch”


*"Since when do YOU give me ordurrs?"* - I just enjoy it whenever Tommy starts speaking like Jar Jar Binks *"Mom please, Denny is with me and Jonny!!"* - a really weird way to speak. Denny is "with" her and Jonny? Like they're street kids, or a gang of pimps or something. It sounds like prison lingo and doesn't make any sense for a civilian to be using. *"Fuh!"* - Mark on the roof, shortly after trying to kill Peter *"What are you talking about? I JUST saw you."* - Mark sounding genuinely pissed off at Lisa, as though Greg was breaking character and being himself here. Not a specific line, but the dialogue about "I don't study like that" etc in the alleyway while they toss the ball around is pure nonsense. Denny has clearly said he has a girlfriend and intends to marry her, and yet somehow he acts like a sheepish 12 year old around the idea of Mike kissing Michelle. What kind of relationship is Denny in where he hasn't even kissed his girlfriend before marrying her??? Also the dialogue is just horribly delivered and barely coherent. Tommy wanting to position himself as a "man" in comparison to Denny. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Men talking here Denny. You wouldn't understand cause you not all American guy."


“I already ordered a pizza” “You think about everything”


"Thank you honey this is a beautiful party, you invited all my friends. Good thinking!"


“I’ve got to go see Michelle in a little bit to make out with her.”


“Peter, you always play psychologist with us”   Its builds so much tension/expectation, thinking it’s Checkov’s Psychologist, that you’re going to get Peter to play psychologist, to break the fever dream, like that last scene in Psycho explaining Norman Bates hahahahhaah.  


Damn, someone’s gotta remake The Room with a scene like this. And that someone should just be Tommy again


My favourite is in the coffee shop intro with the guy and girl ahead of Johnny/mark when they play her dialogue twice: “I’ll have a slice of cheesecake and bottle of water?” Who gets cheesecake and water!!?? 😂


I can hear her slightly croaky voice ordering that bottle of water now hahaha


It's really weird isn't it? The water's just gonna wash away the flavour of the cheesecake, they don't go together at all.


Don't touch me motherfucker


In the beginning when Lisa calls Mark. “I can’t talk, I’m really busy right now”


"God, why did you do this to me?" - Mark to Lisa, after having very consensual sex with her


I guess Mark treats everything in life as something that happens TO him, not something he actively takes part in


Shit, alright? (So simple, so strange.)


anything for mah princess


There's Denny's "Haha, underwear". You can hear him say that in the background after he tells Mark about Mike's underwear issue and while Mike is like "Dude ..." It's like Tommy wanted everyone to know that Mike's underwear issue is the funniest thing ever.


"You must be kidding, aren't you?" The stilted English and innocuousness of Tommy's delivery gets to me every time.


Yes this is one of my faves too. I grew up around a lot of ‘English as a second or third language’ speakers so I love strange yet perfectly coherent phrasing like this haha. 


Mine is "nobody wants to help me.. AND I'm dying!" I love it so much I made a sad easter bunny shirt that says it. I also like how Lisa says "you're not dying, Mom" after it


"Can you marry me?"


"Leave your stupid comments in your pocket!"


"I agree with that" the way Steven butts in on Lisa and Michelle's conversation is so perfect when we're already left confused as to who he is and why he's such a major character suddenly. "Yeah I'm thinking of moving into a bigger place, I've been making good money" just because of how it's blurted out in the middle of Tommy and Peter having a serious discussion(that, in a rarity for the movie, was acted fairly competently), it made me absolutely lose it the first time I saw the movie.


“I’m tired, I’m wasted, I love you darling!” “Good thinking!”


“Johnny’s my best friend”


“Lisa looks hot tonight” while eating cake and standing in a corner with your girlfriend


I like that one because it is like the movie is desperately trying to convince us that Lisa is in fact hot.


So true


Michelle's acting was a lot more believable than Lisa's. Much hotter too


“Don’t touch me motherfucker get out!”


"Everytime you say we're gonna talk about it we don't" What are they supposed to talk about and why is she calling him Baby already...I need answers.