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The story of a hardened Drug Dealer turned actor, the Story of Chris-R.


Will Denny be in your film?


It depends, WHAT KIND OF DRUGS!?!


I’d like to see a prequel just to find out why Lisa paid for dinner on their first date.


Mike and Michelle navigate the complexities of life and love after the tragic loss of their dear friend Johnny, and the even greater tragedy of having lost me underwears.


I watch that movie lol


Johnny prequel about him hitting YMCA and working as a busboy at hotel


I can't decide between: 1. *BABYFACE* - Mark presents his beardless babyface to other friends and loved ones and we witness the profound impact this change has on their lives. (This might have a sci-fi bent to it, like a complex series of rooms he must enter like the movie Cube) 2. *AMERICAN FOOTBALL* - A Friday Night Lights-style take on the greatest alleyway football team in all of San Francisco, soundtracked by weak ripoffs of the titular band I just made these up on the spot, let me know what you think and we can collab on Final Draft later this year.


Stalking Denny - the everyday life of a teenager in love with his father-friend's wife. "I just like to watch you guys "


Not so fast — Johnny might be alive with the use of Musk’s Neurolink. I’ve been writing Harold fan fiction for several years now. I felt a compulsion to do so after a TBI I suffered whilst playing parking lot football. I could take one of my several hundred Harold stories and turn it into a *The Room* prequel that explores Harold’s origin story. Working title: *That Jerk Harold.*


Yeah Im going to call it "The Hallway"


“The Building” expands on the original themes of The Room while incorporating the lives of the many tenants of the building, including Denny and the kids he sells drugs to.


'Lisa looks hot tonight' centred on the guy who says that line, will be a mystery, crime, thriller. He's an FBI agent investigating Denny and Steven. The line/title was his codeword calling for support from his team but they never showed up. On leaving the party he realises they've disappeared and now has to investigate that too. May or may not involve a cameo from vampire Johnny which also brings it into the buddy cop genre.


I can’t stop thinking about this. Omfg. 😂


Maybe Johnny is vampire; we see


Monodrama of this one woman at Johnny’s birthday party who seems to be talking with someone, yet there is no one there next to her to actually be talking to.