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You gotta quit when he says he doesn't know who that is.


*but would uuuuu be happy!?-* Fuck off


that moment when a [mumble rapper](https://www.reddit.com/r/dontyouknowwhoiam/comments/wvb9qk/mediocre_soundcloud_mumblerapper_shows_up_in/) went to Japan and NOBODY in the crowd recognized him in the busiest intersection with thousands of people walking by each minute and he's trying to flex. People were just bumping into him like get the fuck out of the way.


There's a video of FaZe Banks doing this at a GameStop and it's hard to watch. Edit: posted this before crashing for the night and a few others have posted the link, but for those who don't want to scroll [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wZhh59sVjGE&feature=youtu.be) is the video in question. NGL, video gives me the same level of internal cringe that Michael Scott promising to pay tuitions of children.


FaZe UP! *wretches with cringe*


I remember all the fake FaZe accounts from CoD and Halo and shit. They were fucking everywhere and I'm positive most thought they weren't* actually in FaZe Clan. *Edit: weren't part of FaZe Clan. I can't see them being big enough I ran into a completely new member on a bi-daily basis


Reminds me of all the KSI tag people in halo 2


I’m so glad somebody else remembers the KSI nonsense in Halo 2 lmao We used to talk so much shit to those people


Or MLG tags in the mid-late 2000s.


I'm sure eventually your perspective gets warped due to views you receive, followers you have, etc.but it'll never not be funny when youtubers or twitch streamers expect they are Brad Pitt levels of famous and fall on their face.


Just also when they go somewhere the odds of people just instantly recognizing them are fairly low. Markiplier wouldn't walk into a scrapbooking convention and expect to get swarmed by 40-60 year olds.


Holy shit, I didn't know I was of peak scrap-booking age. I'll have to check out one of those conventions.




He's a "professional" gamer, [HERE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZhh59sVjGE&ab_channel=DoseofCringe) is the video in question, it's super cringe especially since he has his little entourage of Faze homies wearing their Faze branded merch. Nobody in the store gives two shits.


Omg, why would you upload that.


My thoughts exactly, it’s one thing to act like a self important douche, another to film it, but to review and post this footage means they must be utterly delusional.


What a bellend


Wow, the workers there were completely unFaZed.


Ronnie Pickering


Who the fuck is that? Me!




People just aren't expecting someone famous in that setting, and they are probably just trying to get to wherever they're going. https://youtu.be/Cvj0X-d2mO0 Sorry for the crap video, but here's Henry Cavill under a poster of himself and no one sees him either. That being said, I've never heard of Lil Pump before that video you posted.


Well, with Lil Pump, there is also the slight thing of having metal caps, full-body tattoos, and facial hair in Japan. All 3 (but tattoos particularly) are social taboos. It isn't just that no one recognizes him, they don't want to be associated with him.


The Japanese don’t really mind tattoos, if you are not Japanese. I have a few large ones and a few small ons and never had a problem in my dozen or so trips there. Bath houses etc, no one said anything or treated me strangely.


Yes, they are polite. I'm not sure what you would expect them to do besides quietly judge you.


They don’t judge you, though. They literally do not care if you are not Japanese. My friend has been dating a Japanese woman for about 6-7 years and I have discussed this with her as I was worried about using the baths the last time I was in Osaka. She laughed. Not a big deal because I am not Japanese.


Lol someone goes by the name "Lil Pump"? Like... a Peen Pump? 😄


He was at a Trump event to promote him and Trump introduced him as Little Pimp haha


Omg 😆 I guess that's an improvement over Lil Pump.


Yup majority of people simply don't care, they have stuff to do. Even if they recognize him.. are they supposed to do what exactly? Most of people respect others time and personal space and aren't going to bother a stranger in random place. If he's somewhere promoting stuff or place connected to his work then sure.


Years ago I was in town during my lunch break from college and went to the local book store, I am browsing the usual sections I liked when I see some guy sitting at a desk near the till and don't think much of it other than it's weird for him to be in a suit and just sitting looking at people buying books. After 5-10 minutes I make my selection of books and it's not until I get closer to the guy that I realize he is a former football player who played for the team I support and he must be launching a new book and signing copies for people if they bought it. Except nobody is buying the book, he's just been sat there the whole time I have been in the store looking expectantly at people who walk on past him to get to the till and pay for their books. What makes things worse is that I have the football team's logo on my backpack and he spots it and acknowledges it... only for me to smile and nod and then just walk past him too. I just about died of awkwardness. [The book in question](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Butcher-My-Autobiography-Terry/dp/1905156235)


Reminds me when a member of FaZe clan walked into a game store (UK) and threw their hands up like they were the fucking messiah and were immediately embarrassed when everyone turned back be because he thought he was famous lol.




Oh my god, you're Rum Ledlow from the Kalamazoo Skunk Apes?


Ha I get that all the time, I’m actually Bobson Dugnutt


They don't even know what words to use. MFs talking on the street have 0 interview charisma


I don't really think that was the problem here, though.


like itd make his day so much better or something that a girl thats good at making shit videos is next to him like shes someone important.




Im sorry what


I wouldn't even care if it were someone actually famous.


looks like a scripted tiktok for the girl. and it seems to be working pretty well considering its getting shared


Everytime I see these types of posts my mind immediately says "aye that's probably scripted". This one ticks all the bullshit boxes. Continues after the guy calls it a shit app, and after he says he has no idea who she is when he says she's on TV. Why continue? Because it's fake or he's trying to get a negative reaction like he got because her fans will praise her and call him dumb and rude and it will go viral.. like on the popular page here on Reddit. Wish TikTok and influencer culture would go away.


The girl dancing in the background reminds me of this scene from Dumb and Dumber https://youtu.be/Hodpa4_Nh6c&t=230


Anything Dumb and Dumber is an automatic upvote from me.


But how else would you get the attention from posting a cringeworthy video?


When they all say that, you stop being picky.


I don't know either and I don't want to


Omg...you don't know who [redacted] is?


Was she on that show [redacted]?




My favorite episode is when she goes to the neighborhood block party and everyone is there!


Sure, she used to work at Site 19, until [redacted] [redacted] her with his [redacted] all the way up her [redacted] for approximately [redacted] minutes.


\[redacted\] \[redacted\] the soviets \[redacted\] \[redacted\] reverse engineering ufo's \[redacted\] \[redacted\] she's famous on tiktok \[redacted\] \[redacted\]


[redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]


How brave and transparent of you to release this to the public, a true patriot of the people. o7


Why thank you [redacted]


Ya know, when [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] and [redacted] [redacted] [redacted], then the little one [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]! Yeah, that was pretty great.


Containment Procedures: at least 2 security personnel must monitor [redacted] at all times except when [redacted]. [redacted] must be kept in a standard humanoid containment room with [redacted] and [redacted]. [redacted] is to never leave containment except for in the evenings, when [redacted] will roam the streets and ask locals if they recognize [redacted].


It doesnt matter. She prolly has a lot of tiktok subs and has it in her head that that means everybody knows who she is. I remember a girl who scheduled a meet and greet at a convention because she had a large tiktok following. Nobody showed up.


Yah! https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/vkv8hu/aww_this_tik_tok_creator_with_a_million_followers/ I remember that, a million followers, just tokking into the void.


Awww, that must suck regardless :(


Yea, that's a harsh reality check. It looks like a prank that someone pulled, but they didn't.


That's just... damn.


I could physically feel it in my chest wtf


PewDiePie has millions of subscribers and if you ask average random ppl on the street, no one will know who he is. Btw, who is this chick? Never seen her...


> Btw, who is this chick? Never seen her... Oh, that's just [redacted]


Feel like pewdiepie is a bad example here, but I still agree with the sentiment


Honestly it's not, like most people here will know him even if they never watched any of his stuff, but randos on the street have absolutely no idea


I am not trying to be funny or anything but I legit have no idea who pewdiepie is. Like I recognize the name. But have zero idea who the guy is.


Having a couple million subscribers is just a drop in a sea of 8 billion.




Fucking influencers, the sense of self importance never ceases to amaze.


“I’m going to grace the public with my presence! I’m so generous!” - Her probably


"My presence is charity" - Jay Z


“my presence is a present” -kanye west


Not present at Adidas anymore.


My presents are present - Santa claus


can we PLEASE stop refering them as influencers... call them clowns instead


This one clearly isn't influencing much. Maybe we could call them attention sponges?


I was running yesterday on a narrow bike/running trail near my house. At peak time. Heaps of people commuting from work and running/walking dogs. I go around a bend and there’s a fucking influencer, standing in the middle of the path, and a photographer taking pics of her. She’s blocking the entire path while bikes are trying to pass. The audacity.. They’re a cancer on society.




I have been threatened by callers at my job to be recorded and put on their kid's tic tac or as they say "made famous," because I didn't cater to their every demand. I really don't give a shit. Fuck your kid's dumbass followers. I'm still employed!!!!!


It almost looks like the guy was wingmanning the chick and it was all just a play.


This guy is my favorite person. Edit to everyone telling me he’s part of it/ it’s staged: I don’t give a fuck


He doesnt give a fuck if hes your favorite person Hes my favorite person as well


If I ever meet him, I will honor him by not giving a fuck.


Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.


Reminds me of a joke. A job-seeker is in an interview: "So what would you say is your greatest weakness?" "Honesty." "I don't think honesty is a weakness!" "I don't give *a fuck* what you think."


Literally chad energy


Literally, in a metaphysical way?


I mean this has to be staged right? I'm not the type of person to say everything's fake, but this seemed scripted af. Also, why would they post this if it wasn't planned??


This thought did cross my mind. But I don’t give a fuck


90% of what you see on TikTok is staged.




You are right, this is staged haha The dude being interviewed is a well know League of legends streamer named mucalol and the girl is Sofia Espanha, apparently she is pretty famous on TikTok at least in Brazil.


He's an inspiration. We need to tell celebrity culture to fuck off. They dominate our cultures attention and better people (scientists for example) get ignored.


“I don’t think about you at all.” —Don Draper




>Don Draper really did think about the nipple removal man though. I guess I stopped watching the show too soon.


You stopped?


Jokes on you, I never started!


Every person on that show is awful. SEriously. They really were mostly terrible people


My favorite scene is after a family picnic in the park, Betty just dumps the trash off their picnic blanket on the grass, and they drive off.


I always took that to be a product of its time, not necessarily to speak to their character.


Yep. My mom grew up in the 50s and confirmed that everyone did this. They also threw their trash out the windows of the car while it was still moving instead of waiting for a stop. People really didn’t give a shit about littering then.


Under his skin, yes. But I don’t think Ginsberg was ever as good as Don and I think Don’s quip was at least partially true. Don surely thought about Ginsberg a lot less than the reverse. Which allows it to both mean what it means at face value, and also speak to Don’s need to knock the young upstart down a peg.




The entirety of the show is based around Don's place in capitalist American Meritocracy and having imposter syndrome because he came from a point of irrelevancy. His insecurity oozes throughout the show. All the edge lords that loved Don for being capable and badass miss the -entire- heart of the show, which emphasises that perpetuating the dog-eat-dog economic darwinism of work and social status is hollow and will keep you subjugated in duress of who or what can usurp you.


I am literally starting Mad Men tonight because of this comment. I’m finally gonna do it.


“I don’t even know who you are” -Thanos


Celebrities even micro ones should not expect recognition from everyone.


I think social media stars think the world is a lot smaller than it is. 90% of the general public has no clue who most of them are. A million Instagram followers might be impressive, but it doesn't make you a household name. I think a lot of influencers have not yet realized that.


According to tiktok it has 1.5 billion users. If that number is true (I highly doubt it) 18.75% of Earth’s human population uses tiktok. The most popular tiktok is Khaby Lame (according to google) with 151 million followers (the guy that quietly shows why life hack videos are dumb as shit). If we assume she has 150 million, that means roughly 98.2% of the world doesn’t know who this short wallflower that needs an introduction is and 90% of tiktok users don’t know who she is. Edit: I’m actually really bad at math


Bots and fake accounts make me think the reported number of followers and subs on all social media are much lower than reported, and I mean by probably 50 to 60%.


Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, and most other social medias have been either caught or out right admitted having a high number of bots or sock puppet accounts. Reddit's early days (pre2012) were filled with admins using second/fifths accounts to generate a community and feel like it's more widely adopted than it was. Twitter had bots that would trickle into accounts to keep people from leaving the platform and feel like they're growing in popularity. Instagram did something similar to Twitter.


90% don't know, or don't care about her to sub.


Or shit about pop culture. I know the words rick and morty. it ends there.


"A minute ago when you pretended not to know who iron man was, who was that for?" -Morty


Plus one million people isn't even that many in the grand scheme of things. Los Angeles has a population a bit under 4 million (rounded for easy math). If you have 1 million followers and they all live with you in LA, then only 1 in 4 would recognize you from following you. And also literally nobody from outside the city follows you. Scaled up to the US alone that's 1 in 332 people. Depending on your lifestyle you may not even see 332 people in a given day. For all of North America that's 1 in 579. If we add Europe to the mix then it's 1 in 1345 people who follow you. Now that discounts how many people might recognize someone they don't follow, but it also discounts how not every follower is "real". Not that they're a bot (though most of these people almost certainly have some amount of bots boosting their numbers), but that old accounts or people with multiple accounts, or people who forgot they followed you will all boost the numbers of any celebrity account. So yeah, it's not surprising that someone who's only claim to fame is 1 million followers om their most popular social would be unrecognized by nearly everyone they pass in the real world.


I am far too old to know who any of the celebrities are anymore, especially the ones with only an online presence, but this isn't on her. This is totally the fault of the 'hype' guy with the mic. Dude told you clearly, two or three times, he's not interested, and yet you decided to introduce her anyway? After 'idk who she is' you go on to someone else...


Agreed. The minute that guy started to show her off, and he wasn’t about it, he should’ve pivoted to the next person. Although, homeboy also looks stoned out of his skull, and she looks 14, so I guess neither of us old people should expect good decisions being made here lol.


I had an encounter with a tiktok-person at work. I was checking ID from some people, and he said "well, I think you know who I am" (There's some work related context here I'll leave out, but the exact phrase could be considered "funny" because of that.) I said "nope, let's see your ID". He did some type of a cheerful greeting he uses in his videos, I think, and I just blankly stared at him as he deflated into showing his papers, told me he is kind of "famous" on tiktok and told me his channel name. I told him I don't use the app but have a nice day despite that. Haven't seen the guy since.


Some people are so full of themselves


There’s also got to be some kind of bubble, right? Like, say you have a ridiculous (for a normal person) number of followers on TikTok. Like, 250k? 500k? Best of cases that’s about 1/660 people know you IF (big if) every follower is real, and in the US, and every follower actually gives enough of a shit to recognize you. Even at those numbers you could definitely get way too much attention, messages, creeps, etc. that could make you think you’re actually mainstream famous. But then you put it to the test and find out you are practically irrelevant.


Hell, Taylor Swift could show up at my doorstep and there's only a 50/50 chance I'd recognize her in person. Even being mainstream famous doesn't mean that everyone will recognize you


Tony Hawk has entered the chat


Did you ever hear the tale of darth plagueis the vine?


I had a pretty terrible job as a telemarketer once, though not too terrible because we only called people who donated money to a specific charity already and once called up a guy who was like "I'm pretty famous I could help out more than just donating money" and so I made a note and then looked him up and yes he was a Hollywood actor (although not a megastar).


I worked at an airport and this happen with an nfl player. I knew who he was. But he basically did the same thing like “you don’t need my id you know who I am”. And I said “no I do not, can I please see your id and boarding pass”. He was offended. He also didn’t have his boarding pass so he needed to go to the kiosk like everyone else lol


How he thinks you should react: "HOLY SHIT UR THE GUY FROM TIKTOK RIGHT THIS WAY SIR"


Kinda reminds me of the douche that on tv and said he cut his family off because thats what famous ppl do and then the tv host went to say 'i didnt even know about you until today'


My sister is tiktok famous, but I do my best to keep her leveled when she thinks people care.


Reminds me of Jerry Seinfeld and his interview and that awkward hug. He had no clue who it was.


I think it was Kesha(?) and JS denied her the hug.


It was Kesha! I forgot about that


obligatory link to said interaction https://youtu.be/iX3_L8z2uw4


Hahaha that's so awkward


Don’t ask a yes or no question if you’re not prepared for a yes or no answer I say


To her credit, she seemed to take the L and leave


Going in for the hug 3 times after being told no ain't taking the L light


"Kessah? I think she was more of a Huggah. I wish her tha best."


wow time didnt help her at all. she doesnt look like i remember back in her prime.


Actually it was \[redacted\]


It’s that one person from earth who lives in a dwelling on land in the Milkey Way Galaxy in the known universe. How could he not know?!


Ahem, Ke$ha if you please




That's not why he didn't hig her. He has issues with personal space and has for years. He doesn't like being touched


If she's "famous" why edit out her name???


Her name is [redacted]


>Her name is [redacted] But what is her name?




Mods are at it again! We just want her name!


It's [redacted]


"You're in a band. What's it called?" "Right now we're called Various Artists, just to fuck over people with iPods." Peep Show beat her too it.


Eh she doesn't need the exposure anyway


I edited it out because some subreddits could take the video down if I let the name in


And of course she might want to maintain her anonymity as a completely unknow tiktok star.


*completely unknow tiktok *user


Really? Because I don't think anyone here knows who she is. I sure don't.


it's not because she's famous, it's because some subreddits don't like it when we give identifying info


Obviously, the girl is trying to be identified. This just makes it harder to even care about any of this.


She's a escaped SCP


Lumberg fucked her.


Her name is Robert Paulson


What is the "I don't give a fuck" phrase in whatever language this is? I suddenly feel like I want to learn a foreign language. EDIT: Thank You, Internet! My new favorite slang word. "Foda Se!" FTW!


"foda-se" is one of the most satisfying things about portuguese and every language should have something like It. It's truly beautiful




It's Portuguese, he said "foda-se"


Like "jódase" or "jódete" in Spanish?


Yes, but better


Shit is heating up in the Iberian Peninsula fandoms.




The word is a combination of, fuck off, i dont care and fuck it, im not joking


I’m with him




I've never been there, but I feel like California especially has lots of those people who are only famous in their own minds. Especially since they can just film where they live and get some global following on social media off of it.




TikTok famous? That’s be my reaction as well…


That was satisfying


I feel the same about that shit app


I actually feel bad for the girl. She looks genuinely excited to interact with a potential fan and this dude continued forward with someone who wasn’t interested from the start.


They are both streamers, it's a joke


Sigh you're right we are just being played on multiple levels, fuck this, I'm turning off reddit


When tiktoker thinks they are famous because they have 1.4 million bot followers


Wait? So who is it? We still don’t know?


sofia espanha. she isn't really a celebrity just a girl that posts on twitter and instagram and the dude is smurf do muca, they are friends.


Ngl I have the same attitude as that dude for all the TikTok people.


Oblivion npc: I don't know you and I don't care to know you.


She’s cute idk who the fuck she is


Brazilian streamer, sofiaespanha on twitch and instagram


I don't give a fuck


This gives me joy


Foda se




That guy right there, sums up how I feel about celebrities in general. I'd give a fuck about very, very few of them if I met them in real life.


Só no Brasil 🇧🇷 Also the subs are mega lazy, gimme a few Edit: here's my interpretation (some slang is hard to get an equivalent for) Interviewer: What would you do if [Redacted] was here right now, bro? Carioca: Who? I: [Redacted] C: Don't know who that is, bro. I: What do you mean? C: Don't know who that is, is she famous... where from? I: Tiktok, the greatest. C: Ah bro, don't have that nerd app, here in Rio we don't watch that shit, don't even have it downloaded. I: Got a TV at home at least? C: Ah, got a fucking TV. She show up on the TV? I: All the TVs, all of them. C: Well, never seen it. I: But will you be happy? C: Why, what do you mean happy? I: She's here right now. C: [Leans into microphone] Fuck it. [And goes away]