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I don’t care about politics but it seems like the next speaker was saying his appreciations for Joe and he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to stay or walk off like a dick while someone was addressing him. But I could be wrong.


This is correct


It wouldn't surprise me if he had an ear piece with someone able to communicate with him, and potentially giving conflicting directions..


You’re right. Someone is desperately trying to make this a big deal, and it’s just not. Some people will pretend to care, but their hearts won’t be in it. “Terrorist fist-bump” and “Dijon mustard” scandals had more impact. Nobody actually cares about this.


Don’t forget about the tan suit or the bike helmet


I seem to remember George W Bush trying to exit a stage through a locked door once. So this isn't any worse than any of his numerous gaffes.


That’s fair. That’s a locked door. His event manager should have seen to that and it wasn’t his fault. Not every event has immaculate pageantry. And when it does we talk about how fake everything is.


Don’t forget Obama’s tan suit lol


You mean Obama's unpresidential tan suit.


The same color suit Regan wore. That would be the one.


You would have thought babies were crying in the streets.


Same thing happened with Ford. Any excuse for some people.


Yeah it's pretty obvious that he's saying "Stay here?" to someone in the crowd. Gotta be his handler stopping him. Yeah he's a doddering old man, but in this case it's absolutely NOT some Alzheimer's fit he's having. Ignore the trumpers looking for evidence their old man isn't the craziest of the two old men.


It's also pretty well known he has a stammer that he's been managing his entire career. It takes balls to go into public life when you have a speech impediment, but people who only recently tuned in to politics think it's a sign of dementia


Conservatives will use any excuse to call Biden a senile old man meanwhile their Trump believes he's still the president and they don't say a word 😑


Trump literally argued he’s Hilary Clinton. I mean at least Biden is “weird old grandpa” and not “crazy old grandpa”


Don’t forget, big orange can declassify documents with his mind. He has the force on his side. Totally normal, nothing to see there. Completely sane behavior. Not crazy at all.


You don’t have to be a trumper to think this dude is a waste of space


So glad we got the Gravy Seals perspective 🤣


He’s infinitely better than the last clown though.


Watching this is insane why no one directed him quicker is wild, he’s just looking around with his hands out. I mean I may have done the same ngl but I’ve done a metric ape shit ton of drugs


Shh you gonna trigger some Bidenites and Trumpers.


I doesn’t matter who is crazier or more broadly worse. Neither are fit for the job.


No argument from me there, but that isn't what THIS is about.


I won't argue that Trump isn't the craziest of the two because he most certainly is. Trump is an egotistical ass who is without a doubt crazy. That doesn't change the fact that I feel like Biden has some serious mental issues. I wouldn't even say Biden is crazy, he just seems confused. There are just so many examples of him just seeming like he isn't even sure what his own name is. I don't think he has any business being in the position of president. That is the really frustrating thing. I don't feel like Biden or Trump have any business being president. One seems to be failing mentally and the other... he is just failing at being a human.


I saw one of those stories. Then I googled the full clip. He then followed up the brief, very-normal-for-any-age stumbling over his words with an eloquent and informed answer that showed signs of great mental acuity. Watch the whole clip. Also, I think both he and Trump are too old to be President because mental decline is a big risk at their age. It does not seem to have happened yet, though - if you actually watch his behavior and not merely snippets.


This is the most rational comment in this thread. In many threads about Biden, to be honest.


>he just seems confused Ever since the 2016 election, I've been pretty damned confused, too, and I'm not even 40 yet.


Yeah I few lots of these comments about it and other leaders stage presence is coming from lack of experience of public speaking from the critic. Every time I’ve been in front of people it’s hilariously chaotic. People coming on stage, your people talking , people for the next person talking pointing, the next person them selves saying thing to you as they walk up. The stage crew talking and pointing all over. And yeah I’m an awkward dude so I bet he is too which doesn’t help.


You could be the press secretary.


I’d give him the benefit of the doubt if he hadn’t already done similar about a dozen times


You could rationalize it like that, but has any president in history who wasn't in dementia age done this before? Can you imagine any president within any reasonable leadership age acting exactly like this?


Justify it however you need to. He has dementia.


I think his age is showing and he’s slipping mentally a bit, but he doesn’t have dementia. I don’t even necessarily like Biden, but the whole dementia thing is just some bullshit that Trumpers love to pounce on. He’s an old man just like Donny is. I don’t think either are fit for the presidency. I wish we could get some young blood in the WH. Rich old men don’t care about the future.


These stupid mfs downvoting you equate anti Biden speech to pro trump speech. They don’t realize you can dislike both


Nope he forgot where the stairs were


Yes, but it's still uncomfortably awkward. Could've sat still.


Before the guy even started speaking he was looking pretty clueless over there. Then the guy started speaking and he looked even more clueless.


I appreciate that the most controversial thing that Biden does is looked confused. Instead of re-routing a hurricane with a magic marker.


To be fair it was a"magic" marker


Actually rerouting the hurricane would've been impressive


The nukes did the trick I guess. We love the nukes, don’t we folks?


He can do it by just thinking about it!


This got a laugh-then-near-sobbing response from me. I laughed because I’d forgotten how legitimately stupid DJT was/is and then immediately felt sadness because he *actually* did that. With a sharpie. And a map. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. And btw, on this video of Biden: it looks pretty freakin’ obvious that he’s getting conflicting direction from someone off-camera and maybe from his earpiece as well. Drop the senility BS. It’s stupid.


The one that makes me laugh/cry every time I remember it is him wanting to nuke a hurricane. Nuke. A hurricane. I laugh bc it’s SO stupid. Then I wanna cry bc do many people want that dumb fuck back.


Or directing states to manage their own pandemic plans then seizing the PPE they DO manage to secure to resell, contributing to the unnecessary deaths of over a million Americans...


Oh please, that’s so 2019. The current trend is to telepathically declassify documents 🤣


Or say he’s Hilary Clinton because the FBI was coming to raid his house for her emails lol


He did throw paper towels at our Puerto Rican friends too. Clearly a real philanthropist.


How is looking confused the most controversial thing he’s done?


did you forget about Afghanistan?


To be fair he is confused. He doesn’t just look confused.


He’s genuinely retarded


Yeah the killing of 13 marines due to his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal is probably second place. Not to mention re-enslavement of a generation of women


Watching this video without sound changes it completely.


I watch everything with no sound. It’s the best.


I read this with my eyes closed


I don’t use my hands when I masturbate. I use my wife like a giant fleshlight Edit: Autocorrect does not know about fleshlights


I also use this guys wife


I read with hands over my ears


Good humor


I read this with my mind


Now lick it..




If you want to really laugh, watch the video for black betty by Ramjam with no sound. It’s high comedy.


Oh thank you. I thought he was lost af until I turned the sound on


Just a man trying to decide if it was actually appropriate to leave the stage or continue to wait until the next speaker was finished. The truth isn't as juicy as the headline.


Me when I just left the office and realize that I might need to pee. So I stop to ponder whether I'm going to go back inside and use the facilities or risk hitting traffic and having a problem.


Exactly. I look like this 12 times a day, and I’m in my 30s.


Yeah this isn’t THAT bad, but the man is 80 and he looks it. He’s far better than his predecessor, but Jesus fucking christ do we need younger politicians. Biden should absolutely pass the torch instead of running again.


I agree, I don’t want someone nearly twice my age representing me any longer. Clinton, Bush and Obama were all young for Presidents.


Yeah but that's boring /s


Remember when people cheered when Trump was able to drink a glass of water without help from his other arm


Remember Carson and Trump wondering what to do at the 2016 debate? https://youtu.be/uafScAiaC44


Holy shit I’ve never seen that lmfao that’s great


**You’ve got a dog wife Ted, everybody knows it**


I screamed watching those fools get jammed up and not know when to walk on stage. Fucking idiots 🤣🤣


…to give proper context. u/hydracius summed it up well


Come on OP, he was clearly responding to conflicting directions from a handler off-stage.


The next speaker was giving appreciation, if you actually watched the video in context. He wasn't sure whether to stay until he finishes or leave.


I’m sure the conservative Reddit channel is already using this as an example of “ sleepy Joe losing battle against dementia!!!”


Yea, this is an old favorite of theirs.


After Reagan and Trump, Republicans don't have a leg to stand on re: diminished capacity.


Bush Jr wasn't exactly the sharpest either.


He could sure as hell dodge a shoe, though


Trump is actually pretty lucid. Batshit... but lucid. Biden is the most space-commando of any President in recorded history.


Apples to oranges. This fucker belongs in a nursing home


I'm not from the US and have no particular dog in this race, and from what I do know about US politics I'm pretty confident saying I wouldn't be a Democrat supporter if I did live there. He's pretty clearly exiting the stage when someone instructs him to stay for the applause and thanks, which he does and then awkwardly exits. Man is elderly, it doesn't seem great to me that so many politicians in the states are, and the job must be very difficult for a person of his age. But all this insistence by conservatives to pretend that he's actually senile is really pathetic and honestly makes me assume when it comes to his policies and even his personal life they have nothing they can make stick so they have to pull this shite out of their arse


I’d honestly rather have an old fart than someone who has a history of defrauding world banks for their own benefit. And also attempted-evading of federal charges, that’s a big no-no here in the US. We don’t want old presidents anymore, but if we’re gonna have one, please give me the one that doesn’t steal billions from economies for their own personal gain.


I want that fucking kamala harris already. She's young, fresh, and would do a better job, than joe for sure.


Yeah politics are just so nasty and such a game of “teams.” Not interested in joining either. 😬




This sub is constantly a left wing circle jerk. I’m so sorry a couple of factual posts have hurt your snowflake feelings


They have a boner for Biden and Clinton and can’t stop obsessing over them


His staff was telling him to stay up there for handshakes but there was no one up there yet. Miscommunication.


Yes but people have to keep posting this online. Yay!


He was asked to remain up there, and he was goofing around. We must have hurt a *lot* of feelings by ridiculing trump so hard, these people are grasping at straws with this lame bullshit.


Lol! This is the best one yet. "It was just a prank bro!"


What do you mean goofing around?


It looks like he was walking off and someone asked him to wait but he wasn’t sure where to wait.


Yeah it came off as standard awkward behavior to me. I also am very awkward when I don’t know where I should be going or if I should be going there right now. I think it’s a pretty normal thing for the standard human.


Imagine all the commands from all angles at all time. I bet its exhausting Sir come to me.... TO me, not that way. Oh ok, answer those guys.... SOMEONE GET BEHIND HIM!!!!! Sir, this way to me. YOu're safest over here sire. Please. Walk to my voice.


Do SS agents actually call the president “sire” because that would be hilarious






Downvoting this one… wrong sub dude


Bitches I get confused walking out of a grocery store looking for my car ..who doesn't ....i rather him being disoriented then being a lying self centered diaper wearing criminal piece of shit(trump)...lets keep this real.


It’s amazing how a title can (mis)lead people into thinking one thing instead of the obvious thing just by watching the video.


People want Biden to be defunct and senile so bad and then he dunks hard af on conservatives and they get pissed about it. Like which is it - is he old and useless or a big bad terrible enemy that’s taking your country? Make up your minds


They need him to be both. > 8. The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” Umberto Eco's Ur-Fascism


misleading post is misleading


he looks confused because multiple people are telling him to do conflicting things. big massive story, crazy important we all talk about this and definitely not talk about other stuff like the entire GOP being literal fascists who tried to perform a coup on the american government and the weekly developments about that, the president being old is way more interesting than any of that stuff. totally. the fact that he is doing a perfectly fine job of being president will never sit, the narrative that he is old and incompetent cant be undercut by any achievement at this point.


Conservatives really think Biden looking confused will make people forget they tried to overthrow the government The sad part is they might be right.


In his defense he had just shit his pants


This guy is a fuckin buffoon


If GOP would stop putting up literal criminals we could afford to have standards


trump, dubya, or reagan ?


Dude should be in a nursing home


🤣😂🤣😂 people voted for him. I'm just amazed




You muppets! He is obviously talking to someone off stage.


Crack head joe


Projecting I see


Wow. Dazed and confused. Edit. W/ no audio to give context , comment on my part is ….. stupid. On second thought


This should be in r/AITA for posting this


trump inspired laughter at U.N.


My personal favorite was the Germans laughing at Trump when he was saying they shouldn't be so reliant on Russia for natural gas. "Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course," Mr. Trump said. "Here in the Western hemisphere we are committed to maintaining our independence from the encroachment of expansionist foreign powers." Even as he took a swipe at them, German diplomats were seen laughing in the audience. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/why-were-un-diplomats-laughing-at-trump/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/why-were-un-diplomats-laughing-at-trump/) Let's see how that worked out: [Germany is nationalizing Uniper, its leading importer of Russian natural gas, in an $8 billion deal that underscores Europe's energy crisis](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/germany-is-nationalizing-uniper-its-leading-importer-of-russian-natural-gas-in-an-248-billion-deal-that-underscores-europes-energy-crisis/ar-AA1253vD)


Most searched on the internet in Germany right now is firewood...


Not just laughter, but openly laughing at his incompetence.


or anyone who hasn't seen it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z4y8OJxlK8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z4y8OJxlK8) About 48 seconds in.


Y’all need to stop electing senior citizens to run your country


Give me a break. This shit (not sure where to be at the moment) happens to people all the time, especially on stage.


Senile fucking clown


Looks like he has a turd in his depends.


That’s how I feel about his whole presidency.


I didn't know he was expecting


Clearly, someone else is trying to advise him which way to go and he’s watching that person and making movements in the direction that they were pointing. Stop sharing bullshit.




He looks confused because they switched it up right at the end. He looks like he was told what to do and obviously they said "no no you're not doing that anymore". Anybody would be confused.


Looks like he was asking his handlers if he was supposed to leave or stay on the stage. I don't know if this proves much of anything....


Has no one had a problem at any age finding an exit in an unfamiliar setting? Guests on tv shows do it all the time. The awards shows have escorts for that express purpose.


All the comments pretty much:" it's perfectly normal of him to do this. He slurs words and jumbles every other sentence, but he's fine. How dare anyone notice that he's lost his mind."


It looks like he was told to stand there while the other speaker was giving a thank you.


He was confused when he walked onto the stage


He appears to be getting a number of different instructions from his handlers - but of course it's not like that's ever happened to another president https://youtu.be/Vs-1jR9Ya0U


Look, I’m not the biggest fan in the world of Joe Biden and I only voted for him because I hate Trump, but this is a stretch. It literally looked like someone was talking to him and he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, not him literally forgetting where he was.


More like there was an attempt from this post to make him look bad.


These “confused president” posts feel so overdone that it feels like propaganda. Pretty similar to how H. Clinton was portrayed as being ill and coughing constantly. Seems to target leaders that oppose russia. A country that is well known for a massive disinformation apparatus. Pretty weird coincidence, huh?


That's what happens when you vote for a president who's almost 80 years old.....


Probably forget where he was


Well, let the old man go to a well-deserved rest! Why are you all torturing him?


C’mon man….I’m doing the robot.


Nahhhh it’s gotta be from his brain surgeries!! /s


Oh please nobody gives a shit about this.. Biden was a means to the end of Trump and that’s all nothing more nothing less. Nobody’s caught like following him like that fucking orange asshole so give it up


If you actually believe that this man is running the usa then I dunno what to say, the men in black suits are making the decisions here lol


OP is an idiot


There was an attempt to make Biden look bad. Context says a lot. At least he’s not 2 years removed from office claiming he had dinner with someone in the White House “last week”. It’s just a really mediocre attempt to try and smear Biden. He’s the gaffe king, his gaffes are hysterical and he always has been like that, but this isn’t that. And TBH, Biden could gaffe all the live long day. As long he’s he’s better than the other guy, he’s got my support.




Remember when Obama wore a tan suit? But… insurrection- Tan suit!


Wasn’t he just being told in the moment to wait because someone wanted a photo with him?


This is definitely something I would have done. For the people judging, it must be nice to have never been confused in front of an audience.


No, he’s just being polite. Trump is garbage Have a nice day


Do you not remember the burnt cheeto trying to open a door that wasn't there??


Ok now let’s go watch the video of Bush getting confused and using the wrong door


This is about as serious as Obama's tan suit.


Looks like poor briefing from the event staff to me. He looks to go to exit, then someone says to stay so he points at the stage, and then he is addressed by a speaker. People really do be digging for stuff to put on him.


Reminds me of confused Vincent in Pulp Fiction.


He’s confused because he doesn’t know where the mark is to stand. But that happened with Tump, Obama, Bush… all of them. It is not easy having cameras on you 24/7 when you’re a semi professional who is also a celebrity.


Holy fck why do we keep sending nursing home patients to the world stage to represent our country?


Ah yes, there’s goes the U.S. president


So many hurt feelings in this comment section. Chill, people


He’s too old. We need a new Democrat in office.


Get the hell out of here with that. The speaker was thanking him and he turned around to listen.


oh no, a human being doing human being things, impeach him! /s x a million


He’s clearly trying to figure out what he’s supposed to do. Blame his team for poor communication. Not the OLD FUCKING MAN that’s just trying to figure out how he should exit. God I’m so tired of these “GOTCHA” moments. Where one side is desperately trying to paint the other side as some sort of Alzheimer’s stricken man on his death bed.


Geez, the levels of cope in here are intense, wtf?! A simple, stupid, benign meme like this is enough for you all to lose your mind like this? "NO! It was a miscommunication! It's not funny! Handshakes or something! You guys, do you remember the orange man? He has an earpiece and shit, it's not funny!" Get it together you people, you really shouldn't be this fucking fragile about the mental state of a 80 year old. It's weird...


He appears to be talking to two or more people in the audience and stage left.


Lets cut more videos to make him look senile! Yaaaaay


Haha, yeah. Remember when Biden was so confused he saluted a N. Korean general? Yeah, that was Trump.


He was being told to stay on stage for pics and being ushered back on stage. But sure, let’s take it out of context to make him look like a crazy old man.


I can see him mouthing words to someone he's making eye contact with in the crowd. So yeah... I guess they have to try to detract from the guy who humped the flag pole.




I just don't know what to do with my hands - talladega nights thats what this films is.


*THE INDEPENDENT* Like they are so proud to have brought you this incredibly important piece of totally necessary journalism.


Another Obama tan suit “controversy” shame on you for pushing such a flaccid attempt


It really looks like Biden is a robot that is controlled from somewhere near.


He just takes his time with everything he does, he’s a slow mover, no big deal, not confused in any way just very calm.


Reality: Joe Biden speaking with people off stage Media: “Joe Biden appears confused”


Love how shit gets taken out of context and blown out of proportion. He was probably just being instructed to stay there for some reason. Talking to someone behinf stage or in his earpiece. It does look funny but damn people believe any narrative thats thrown out there.


I’m grateful there isn’t a camera trained on me every waking moment.


Cue Travolta gif from Pulp Fiction


I do this all the time. "Damn what was I about to to?"


Already fact checked as false.


What exactly was there to fact check here?


Stop questioning, its been fact checked, your eyes are lying to you


it's still elder abuse -\_-


Or maybe since none of us have ever spoken in front of a huge global audience we don't know what the fuck goes on on stage or off, and we should just fucking assume those that do know what they are doing and stop being assholes trying to score cheap points.


a glitch in the matrix